E CO IB I I T5he COURIER Advertising Columns Bring Results. T5he COURIER Leads in'Both News and Circulation. Issued Weekly. PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. $1.00 Per Year. VOL. XXXI. ASHEBORO, N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1906. No 26. -l R VETERAN REUNION. Will Be Held in Ashebore in August. DATE WILL BE ANNOUNCED LATER. Danghters and Sons of Confederate Veteran Urged to Attend Camp of United Daughter aud United Son to B Organized. Arrangements are being made for a great Confederate Veteran Re union to be held at Asheboro some time during the month of August. The day has not yet been named. It will be at a time best suited to the convenience of the entire county, ami it. is honed that every veteran in the county will be present on that dav. ' ' ' ' ' hisHnfjuished sneakers vail be se cured and the ladies will preside at a big dinner to be -served me veter ans present. ' ' The sons and daughters of the conf ederete veterans are also urged to attend aud do honor to those who followed the Stars and Bars, It is the purpose upon this occasion "to organize a chapter of the United Daughteis of Confederate Veterans and a camp of United Sons of Con federate Veterans. The tittered, battle scarred ranks are growing rapidly thinner and it ia tn the sons and daughters that they commit the vindication of the cause tor wnicn tnej lougm. v these organizations is giveu the de fense of our fathers names the per petuation of their memory, the guardianship of their history, of glorious deeds and daring bravery. Upon them devolves the loving ser vice of remembering the dead, and administering to the living who wjro 1er to them. Tf. everybody watch for the date and arrange to attend, helping to make it a memoraoie uay m wie history of Old Randolph and a ioy- ous occasion for the battle scarred veterans. ' COLUMBIA PRIMARY. Democratic Delegate Elected and In. tructed Other Interesting Note v from Ramseur. finlnmhia Township Primary was held Saturday evening the delegates were instructed lor rage ior gress, McNeil for commissioner, V, C Hammer for solicitor. The dele .ore W. H. Watkins, W. T O. F. Burgess. . B. Leo nard, J. W. Cox, R. W. York, J. W Km;th Eil. McMasters. Geo. H Parks, 1. F. Craven, C. B. Smith, Clem Coble, J. w. JJurgeBs, v. r Vnrif mil W. 0. Craven. Rev. S. 1. Turrentine presiding olrWnf the Gieensboro district held quarterly conference here Saturday night. iiro xancuuue niwwucu two able seimons tQ large audiences Sunday morning aft a evening. , Misses Nannie Free, Maude -ciiann and Pauline Smith were received into the church and were baptized at class meeting Saturday lifriirnruin. Masjnic Ledge No. 444 of this place held their installation oi oi finere m the hall room Saturday night after which they gave a ban quet. Quite a number of maaous were present and several applica i;ni t..r membership were received. r N. P. Marsh save a lawn party ao the residence of Mrs. Nat Thomas Saturday evening. A num ber of young people were present. Tnf.,aViruUrita were served aud all present voted it a most enjoyable occasion. ... m-0 w. FT. Kinar is visitine her ton Walter King in Richmond, Va. Mr. and Mrs. J.' C. Reece and of Cedar Falls, were oleasant visitor's Sunday among their relatives and many friends here. Kind Hearted Little Girl. Miss Ada Kivett, the little six .uhl dancrhter of Mr. and Mrs. J W. Kivett, who has become very much attached to Miss Pearl Phillips who has been confined ' to her room quite sick for some time does not Li- n,uk it b. custom to visit Miss Pearl several times each day but she always tries to do or say some thing to encourage and cheer her. She asked her mother for the first Qr.f;fni dahlia that had opened in their yard, last Sunday morning to carry to Miss Pearl which was granted and no one can imagine vLm uu koartfl ilid flutter with love and joy in giving and receiving jnst that oue oeautuui uuei . the good Lord continue to bless NELSON-ASBURY. Mill Emma Blanche A .bury Become Bride of Mr. Paisley Nelson, at A (bury. A t. th home of Dr. F. E. Asburv at Asbury Wednesday evening at b -60 o clock, a pretty nome weuuiug m no solemnized when his charming daughter, Miss Emma Blanche-, was given in marriage to Mr. raisiey nel son, of Mebane. At the appointed hour Miss Myrtle Asbury began playing Mendeissonn s popular weu linr marpVi. Then entered the bridesmaids wearing white mull and lace, inrst came Miss .ava Asonry, sister of the bride, and Miss Jane Coggin, of Biscoe. Next came Miss Cora Hughes, or Kandieman, anu Miss Lula Steed, of Steeds. Last came the bride and groom and stand ing beneath a beautifully decorated hell were made man and wife In a simple but. impressive ceremony by Itev. V. JN . uaviness. The bride was beautifully gowned in white crepe de chine over taffeta aiid carried cape jessamines and maidenhair fern. The groom wore conventional black. The parlors were tastefully deco rnteil with magnolias, southern star jessamine aud potted and cut Howes OI all KIUUS, lilts uuiur buiiciuc unug green and white. The large display of nspfnl und handsome present at test iu some degree tne popularity oi the liride ami eroom. The haimv young couple left on the 10 o'clock train for a trin tnrongn western North Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. Nel son will be at home after July 1 at Mebane. COCHRANE-KEARNS. Pretty Marriage at Parmer Last Thar day At Home at Raleigh. At hicrh noon. Thursday, the 21st instaut', at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam'l B. liearns, or i?armer tnia county, Mr. G. Thomas Cochrane was unit- mi in marriacre to Miss Kate F. K earn 8, Dr. S. U. lurre.ntine, or. ft i' pen shoro. officiating. The mar riage was solemnized in the presence of a number of the friends of the bride and groom. During the marrmire annronriate music was rendered by Miss Maoei reacocK, oi Txinerton. The bride was taste fully gowned in white embroidered bastiste over tarteta. one is au ftnnomnlinhed vounc hidv. a gradu ate of the State Normal College The groom is a successiui young hnsineag man. connected with the Purcell-Ladd Company, of Rich mond. Va. He is a native of Mont gomery county and was . formerly associated in drug business at New Tnd n.-witb -Or. J . w reacocK now practicing physician in Thomas, ville.' Ha was afterwards associated with W. H. King m the drug bust neos at Raleiirh. After a visit to the crroom's brother. D. W. Coch pane. it UieeiiSDOiO. auu,me riooiu s people in Montgomery county, the newlv married couole went 0 Rle ah. Monday where tnev win make their home. Farmers Institutes. The Commissioner of agriculture has announced that farmers in stitutes will be held at Asheboro Saturday. Jnlv 14tb: at Trov, July 13th; at Carthage July 16th," and at Albemarle J uiy dra. Th denaxtment of Agiicultura will send speikers .who are well posted on tne suojects aBsigueu The sneakers for the Asheboro In- si i hi re will be Franklin Sherman Jr. State Entomologist, who will Insect Pests. T. B. Parker, of Orange oounty who will discuss legumes and cirn growing, and P. T. Meacham, superintendent of fV Trpilell Teat Farm, who will discuss wheat growing. MONTGOMERY CONVENTION. Comnty Ticket Nominated Solicitor Endorsed for Re-election. The Montgomery county Demo cratic convention was held Monday at Troy and the following canaiaaie. were nominated: ior ine oeuaic, o. R. Rlair: for the house. R. A. Bru ton, Clerk, Chas. A. Armstrong; Rhpriff R. T. Rush: Register, O. B. Deaton; Surveyor, M.A. Bennett; Onmnnr .T. T5. Hnrlev. A resolu- fion wan also nassed unanimously endorsing Solicitor W. C. Hammer for re-election and Representative I'age. The leason (lots of Jus are not ashamed of our acts, is because our TOWNSHIP CONVENTION. Democrats of Asheboro Township Met at the Court House Saturday After noon. The Democratic convention of Asheboro Township met at the court house Saturday afternoon at 5 o clock. Mr. J. A. Snence. who was called to the chaii and afterward made permanent Chairman, stated that the object of the meeting was to nominate a candidate for solicitor of the tenth Judicial district; congress man for the seventh congressional district; corporation comniicsioner, and to elect delegates to me couni.v convention which will be held Saturday June 3th. This conven tion will elect delegates to fetute con ventions. lv fioclaiii'ition the convention en dorsed Solicitor W. C. Hammer and Congressman N. R. Page for re-elec tion. By acclamation it was decided that the Democrats commend the course of Senator Simmons and also endorse him for le-electiou. The names of J. A. Lone, of Ala mance, and Franklin McXiell, the pent incumbent, were presented to f he convention for corporation com missioners and the ballot for en dorsement resulted in giving McNeill ten votes and Long eight votes. The townahin committee, consist- iug of Arthur Ross, W. J. Miller, J. S. Ridge, S. E. Lowdermilk and J. M. Way, was re-elected. The delegates to the CDuntv con vention are Messrs. W. J. Armfield. R. R. Ross, J. M. Way, M. W. Par ish, W. J. Miller, w. v. nammonn, J. T. Brittain, E. Moffltt, J. R. Marlev, A. C. McAlister, 11. M. Ko bins, "I'rof. Staley, J. A. Spence, H. n. Martin. Claude Havworth. W. J; Scarboro, A. C. Cox, S. E. Lowdermilk, W. R. Smith, Wm. Rnrrnw. Taaao. Brown. Arch Pres- nell, Eli Pritchard.Wm. Burns, W. L. Thurber, J. M. Betts, W. Xj. Eniidt. .Tno. T. Moffitt W. D. Sroon. M. H. Moffitt, J. 0. Oraves, Col. W. P. Wood, D. Auman. U. L. &app, Arthur Rosa. E. L. Preanell. H. T. Caviness, T. H. Redding, J. R. Wall, J. 0. Redding, S. W. Cox, P. A. Mendenhall. (J. H. Rush. S. S. Por ter, B. F. McDowell, E. H. Younts. GRAY'S CHAPEL. Sandy Creek Gold Company Installing Machinery Convict Force at wort, Wheat, was damaged in rhe shock considerably by the continued rains. The Saudv Creek Uold uo. nas had quite a time in moving the heavy machinery, rock crushers. engine and boiler etc. from Linebery to the mine Soutn r-ast or nere. Ten hnrsps were used in hauling the crushers, while fourteen were re quired to pull the one hundred horse power boiler, using rope anu tickle on the worst bills. Mr. aud Mrs W. M. Cates are spending a few days at their old home here. Rer. O. P. Routh filled his regu: lar nnnointment here last Sundav. Mr. W. JH. noutn nas gone iu Moores springs to spend a iew weeks. The county convict force are now in camp here. They moved here last week from Melancntnon. Sunt. Kennedy and wife have rented rooms and nre keeping house it. the W. M. Jioutn residence. Methodist Conference. On Jnlv twjntv-fourth will con- yene in their church in Asheboro. the District Conference for the Greensboro District of the M. E. nhnmh Ponth. There will be twenty-five to thirty preachers present and about eignty lay dele gates. The Conference will convene Tues day and hold three days, adjourning Thnrad&v afternoon. Then on Friday, Saturday, and Rnnriuv there will be held four meet ings simultaneously, at the following churches in Kandoipn county: onep West RandolDh cireuit: Pisgah church, Asheboro circuit; Zion church, Coleridge circuit; Old Randolph church, Pleasant Gar den circuit, mere Will oe f-uiee riava of the meetings at each of the four, rhnrches. with about five nreahers at each church. Dinner will be served on the grounds at eaeh nhurch daily. Something on the order of camp'meetings and large crowds of people will be present. Miaa Rred Jordan, of Franklin, was in Asheboro Monday enroute to Star to visit her brother, itev. j Jordan. DEATH OF MRS. M. HAMMOND. End (unit Thursday Morning Mother of Clerk of the Court Funeral at Sprlnglleld. Mrs. Nannv J. Hammond, wife of Mr. M. Hammond, and mother of Clerk of the Court W. C. Ham mond, die 1 Thursday morning at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Hammond was born and reared in Randolph couuty aud was 73 years of age. Until a few months ago she rnd Mr. Hammond lived at Archdale, but on account of ill health they have made their home with their daughter, Mrs. B. C. Smith, at Cliuton. About two months ago they dime to Asheboro to visit their only sou, at whose home she died. She is survived by her husband and three childreu, Mrs. W. II. Futrell, of Haveiford, Pa., Mrs. Y. C, .Smith, of Clinton, and W. C. H:m imoikI. of Asheboro. All were at 'hebf-dside when the eud dime. The funeral wis at Springfield, G lilford county Friday morning at M o'clock, followed by the inter ment in the family grave yard at that place. The services were con dueled by Rev. D. C. Cox, of Arch dale, assisted by Rev. X. R. l!ich ardson, of Asheboro; Rev. Rnfns King, of High Point; Rev. El Reece, of High Point aud Rev' Nerius Barker, of Archdale. Many tender tributes were offered in memory of the deceased who was a member of the Orthodox Friends Church and a lovely christian p.hftracter. She had many friends in this and adjoining counties with whom the courier joins in ueep sympathy or the bereaved rela tives. TWO BALL GAMES. Will be Played in Asheboro July 4th. Grand Stand on Grounds. Two games of Base Ball are ached did to be played in Asheboro Wed nesday, July 4th. In the morning at 10 o'clock the locals will cross hats with Biscoe and in the after noon they will contest with the Troy team. Both teams show goo 1 strength and a fast game is expected. The Asheboro team win nue up as follows for the Biscoe game: Stedman, catcher; Rush, Pitcher; Thornburg, 1st Base; Presnell, 2nd Base; Fox, 3rd Base; Armstrong, S. S; Sexton, R. F; Parker, L. F; Worth. C. F: For the game with Troy, Sexton will pitch with Armstrong as catcher. Rush will play short stop and Stedman rightfield. The games will be called on tne ilemand now being out in shape on the Armfield & Laughlin lot on Church St. near sunset Avenue, anil nnon which will be erected a crran il stand. Aa admission of 10 e . i eent.a will ne CUargeU. T,ater a telecraui from the Troy manager received Monday says he wi he nnable to bring nis leaui here. Death of a Child. The infant of Mr. and Mrs Charles Dorsetr, of Greensboro, died Saturday night at Ramseur anil was buried Monday. Mr. and lr Dm aett went to Ramseur Sat nr.law afternoon to visit the lattei's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harris Mar- ley. After arriving me cnuu ue came suddenly ill and died a few hours later. New Hardware Firm at Albemarle Mr. S. O. Good, a traveling hard, ware salesman, of Winston-Salem wall 1-nnwn in this section, will move to Albemarle next month where h- will engage in business He has Becured the etock for the organization of a company with tinnon ranital for the establish ment of a large hardware store at Alhemarle. Mr. Goode will be manager of the business. Increase In Wages. Fall River, Mass., Thursday, 21. The manufacturers' association to Aav annnnnoed it had decided to restore at the demand of operatives, the old rate of wages, which means an advance ot 14 per cent, over tne present schedule. R. T. Poo', of Troy, was here on business last week. WELCOMED BY CARTHAGE. The Randolph antl Cumberland Kail way Company Which Comes as De veloper. Carthage, N. C, June 22. In the office of the register of deeds here today was recorded a deed trans ferring all interest of the heirs of the late W. C. Petty in theCarthi ge Railroad, including what is known as the Hallison branch to the Ran dolph aud Cumberland Railway Company. This new company has just recently been incorporated by the State of North Carolina, notice of which was published iu these columns several days ago. The officers are: Edward W. Shedd, formerly of Providence, R, I. presi dent; M. H. Cladwell, of Aberc'e n, vice president; B. M. Fellows, of New York, treasurer; T. J. EdwarJs, of Providence, secretary. It is the nurnos2 of the new owners of this JUirpuSi OI cue iiciv unireio ui mio- valuable piece of property to develop j ' ,i I the section which thi3 road traver ;ed. and Carthage welcomes these promoters of industry with an open heart. Mr. W. C. Petty will per sonlv superintend its management for the present. . $1,000,000 DEED OF TRUST. Iven by the Randolph and Cumber land Railway. A ileed of trust of the Randolph and Cumberland Railway of North Carolina has been filed with the reg ister or deeds or tiuii'oru county in favor of the Empire Trust Com pany, of New York, for the loan of $1,000,000. This railway company has bunt ana leased railway lines in this state, Carthage being the principal point and it needs money foi important improvements and the extension of lines, rirst goiu mortgage oonus have been issued, bearing 5 per cent interest aud due in thirty years. The deed of trust embraces hens up on the lines, owned and leased, in this state, and is given to seiure the bonds. FAKE ENTERTAINMENT REAU. BU- John F. Strong Receives 8100 Cash Bond From Greensboro Man and Disappeared Gave f&ntertatn ment at Asheboro. John F. Strong, who gave a atereonticon entertainment at the Academy March 19th, claiming to be a general agent oi tne ooui-eru Cross jintertainment uureau, oi Atlanta. Ga.. with an office in Greensboro, has been arrested upon the rharre of false pretense. The warrant is based on the evidence of C. L. Jones' who claims that Strong emnlovei him to act as agent for tne Bureau and required bond of 100. Jones claims mat as soon as Strong Recuied the cash bond he dis appearei and the defendant is in lail awaiting next term oi uun- ford court. Strong pave hia rjreforciance at Thomasville, Ramseur, Worthville, and other noints in Montgomery, Chatham and Moore counties. The Courier printed a lot of advertising matters for him which still remains on its books. Investigation 6hows that no such entertainment bureau exists at At lanta, and evidence shows that many citizens ot ureensboro, nave oeen swindled bv the fake general agent It develops that u. in. omitn, formerlv of Randoloh county, was also duped out of $150 by Strong, who claimed to be a member of the firm of Wilson & Strong architects aad was to erect a hou. e for Mr. Smith for $450. The work pro ceeded and after spending SpO and doing !fxu worm oi wora ou-ung ersuaueu Mr. Smith to advance $250. Then he skipped. Congressional and Judicial Conven tions. The congressional convention for the 7tb, district will meet at Lex ington next Monday afternoon, July 2nd, at 3 o'clock, followed by the 10th Judicial conven tion at 3:30 o'clock. Mr. G. M. Stanbatk. of Mt. Gilead, captured a homing pigeon W. Thursday. On the right leg of the bird was a brass band with the letters, "P. M.;" on the left leg u-ns an aluminum band with letters and figurers as follows: "B. Y. 7827." Dr. Hunter is opening au office up stairs iu the Bauk of R mdo'ph building. RANDOLPH MINES. Interest in Development on the Increase. THREE VARIETIES OF GOLD. Procexs Available for Profitable Treat ment of All CapltallHts Visiting the Prospects and Eiperts Make Favorable Reports The Bawycr Mine. Interest of foreign capital in Randolph and adjoining counties as a mining section is incieasing each week. There are now in this territory many parties of capitalists with mining ?xpeHs investigating the prospects which promise to sur prise the most confident. Reports of experts show that the gold which is Haw berig suc- ",, 1 1 t i i i. cessfully mined in Randolph county is of three varieties, the filacer and is of three varieties, the placer and soft schistoes; or tne same class or ore that is being treated by a new washing method and producing 300 tons a day at the Catawba mines, in this state. Secondly,. free gold veins, such as are crushed and washed in i cf;,,D ami tii.'wllv J are to be found gold bearing iron pyrites veins, sncn as are success fully worked by the Chlorination process, now in vogue at the iiale Mine, S. C. The value of the cold according to the above varieties from $1,69 per ton in tne piacer, wnue tne veins run from $C and $8 to $80 per ton. The SawverGold Mitiin?. Milling. and Reduction company, was recent ly organize! throusjn tne enorts or F. A. Si yjr an! E W. Lyon, of Greensboro with a capital stock of S200.000 to work a Dronertv in Back Creek township, this county, which betore the uivii war produced more than $200,000 in gold. PAMPLIN-COLE. Former Depot Agent at Asheboro Weds a Concord Bride A Brilliant Mar riage. Thursday of last week a blilliant marriage was celebrated at Concord when Miss El ma Cole, daughter of Mrs. Lucy P. Cole, btcamj the bride of Mr. Chas. A. Pamplin, of Thomasville. The ceremony was said at the Central Methodist church at 9 o'clock, attended by a large gather ing of friends. The decoration of the church and the church and the attendants com bined into one of the most beautiful marriages ever witnessed in that city. The bride is one of Concord s most cultured and charming daugh ters. Mr. Pamnlin is the popular agent for the Southern at Thomasville, and formerly held a similar posi tion at Asheboro. He has many friends here who kno-v him a genial gentleman of high worth and character. Immediately after the wedding Mr. and Mrs. Pamplin left for Washington on a bridal tour which will embrace Virginia Beach, Nor folk and other points of interest. Many and beautiful were the pres ents coming from friends in the city a id from inauy places in the State. Mr. J. A. Spence, of Asheboro, at tended the marriage. DEATH OF MRS. FOUST. Was Consecrated Christian Funeral Tuesday Afternoon at Holiness Church. Mrs. Alma Foust, wife of Mr. W. L. Foust, died Monday afternoon, afrer a lingering il'nj8 from con- Bumption. Mrs Foust had been in declining health for several months but for weeks she had borne pati ently intense suffering as her life hung upon a thread the anxious friends who watched by ner siue ex pecting death at any moment. The dei eased was a consecrated member of the Holiness church and an active christian worker. Mrs. Foust was a daughter of Dr. A. M. Bulla, of Back Creek township and was 28 years of age. She leaves a husband and two children besides a host of friends by whom she will be sadly missed. The funeral services were held at the Holiness church Tuesday after noon at 3 o'clock, aud were conduct ed by the pastor Rev. Chas. John son. Mrs. C. C. McAlister has gone to 1 Raleigh to attended the marriage of Miss Mary La?y. neighbors don t know about tnem little Ada.

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