GOT I - , one wuviviun . Leads in' Both News and Circulation. j ! Etf COURIER Advertising Columns Bring Results. j mmm R ER. Issued Weekly. ' PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. $1.00 Per Year. VOL. XXXI. ASHEBORO, N. C, THURSDAY, JULY2619C6! : No 30, )' RANDOLPH SUNDAY SCHOOL WORKERS Met at Franklinville Last Week, SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL SUN DAY SCHOOL CONVENTION VlklLirn Entertained In Delightful Manner Large Attendance Olticem Fllet-trd nml Reulutlon Paed Xl Mlln o lie Held lit Atlicboro. Tne Seventeenth iiiiniial conveu tion of the Randolph county SuaUav Nfhooi Association mei in me m. u Church at Franklinville on Thnre clav itnd Friday. July 19th and 20th The attendance was the greatest in the history of the Association: The neoide of Frauklinville, as is their custom, opened their doors wide, and the delegates and visitors were entertained in a manner mot . de lightful to all present. Anions the visitors we noted Mr N. B: Brouahtow, of Raleigh, whose address on Thursday night was one of the best we ever heard: Prof. F, 8. Blair, of Guilford College; Rev. L. F. Johnson, of Greensboro; and our former county-man, Mr. . Cbas Ross, of Lillington. These gentle men all made stirring addresses in the interest of Sunday School work OFFICERS ELECTED The following officers were elected for the coming year: President, J. M. War. Vice President, J. Koui Smith; Secretary, .Miss Dora Pied ding; Superintendent of .Home D'etiartment Work. Mies Martha Redding; Superintendent of Primary Class Work, Ansa rearl .Leonard Superintendent of Organized Class Work, W. 1. MyncK. CENTRAL COMMITTEE "Dr.C. C. Hubbard, W. H. Pick aid, E. Moffitt, W. J. Teagne, Jesse M. fecarboro. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE C. C. Frazier, Miss Muriel Lowe, J. W. Pugh, E. C. Duncan, M. E Johnson,-J. C. Reece W. H. Pick' aid, Lewtllyn Farlow, J. M. Varner, M. Is Morgan, Miss Ida .Lowe, is. A Year&iu, Daniel Smith, E.' W Brown, L. E. Bradv, T. B. Tysor, P. F. Bean, C. H. Lucas, T. L. Mil ler. This committee is composed of one member from each towu8hip. XEXT MEETIXO AT ASHE1JOKO The next meeting will be held at Asheboro, the time for hoUiug it to be fixed by the Executive Conimit ..... tec . . .. - '. RESOLUTIONS. The ff 'lowing resolutions and reconiuifdauous were reported by the committee on resolutions: "We recommend, that the County Secre ' tury be instructed to employ a clerk witn any tunas mat may oe in ner hands belonging to the 'Association, and have the na.nee of all non-attendants copied, and sent to the proper superintendents with an urgent re. quest' that each superintendent see or bue tome person, or committee to bee them, and try to get them into the Sunday schools. V. We recommend the same sys tem of faking a Sunday school cen sus for the following year: used last year. o. We recommend the re-election of the Department Secretaries. v 4. We recommend the election at this Convention of an executive coni - mittee of pineteeu members, one I from each township, whose bnsiness shall Le to have oversight of the woik while the convention .is not in stssiou. of 5. We recommend the payin ! to the Stat work. 0. The Randolph Sunday School A;Oc::;tiou feels under great obiigu .tii.nii to 1'i'cs. J. M. Way and Secre tary Miss Ioiu Redding tor their ' atKt, faithful and trlicieiit ser v vice in the Sunday school wjrk. . We led that it is largely through their tii'orts that the AosocuMon is what itii.'' Our sincerest thanks but mildly expies 'ur aprA lution. 7. We alio note the tact that the Department SecietarieS have done very eit'eotive work. 8. For the kindness 'and hospi tality which the people of Franklin ville have shown us the convention returns its hearty thanks. We have felt a kindly spirit throughout the session. 9. The convention wishes to ei- press its hearty appreciation of Mr feel that it (the song service) has greatly aided in the success of the convention. 10.. We recommend 'hat the As sociation pity the President and Secre'nt'v tMch a .-ala -y of vi.o.OO a year." Section ten was opposed !y the President who argued mat it should provide for tee paymeut of $50.00 to the Secretary and not hi eg co the President. Upon motion ot B. A. Yeargin, it us amended by making the Secretary's salary $50.00 and the president's salary $25.00. The report signed by the com mittee, W. C. Jones, Mrs. W. H. Moring, Miss Loula Andrews, Miss Pearl Chamness and C. C. Hubbard w.s unanimously adopted as amend ed. NEXT YEAR'S WOIiK. To see all persons who do not at tend Sunday School, and urge them to attend. To pav $130.00 to the State work To have a perfect Sunday school census of the county takm, and .the non-attendants visited. To improve our methods, and get more of the Christian spirit into the work. STRUCK BY LIGHTNING. Ho ii He of T. A. Luther Iluilly Damaged Xo One Hurt. The home of Thomas A. Luther, of Spencerville, Moore county, was struck by lightning, Sunday, July 8th. The entire building was more or less damaged and in many places the posts in the frame were burst open, -kveiy win low glass in tne house was broken. JNo one was in jured however. Mr. Luther is a brother of Deputy Sheiiff J. M. Luther, of Union towi hip. Mr. I.u her has been engaged in the saw muling: business but is now farming near Spencerville. YOUNG MAN IN TROUBLE. U.K. Mini In In The City Prlaou at High Point. The young man is a life insurance agent, and was recently at China Grove in Rowan ' county, where he got a check cashed for twelve dol lars. It turned out that he had no funds at the National Bank at Higu Point on which the check was drawn. tauhmrlptlolia Pnltl. P. Nelson, Miss Susan veutress, D. S. Sumner, James Martindale, C. M. Fulier, W. G. Davis, J. T. Strider. J. B. Pugh, W. F. New- some, a. l. swam, is. t. Snyder, Miss Sisje Hoovex, . II. B..Presnell, James Talbert, A. W. Gray, Dr. C. Gray, J. Ed. Cok, J. A. Hop kins, J. L. Johnson, Samuel Buni- 3, J. A. Staley, Dr. F. E. As- bury, J. F. Craven, J. T. Siler, N. English, 11. h. low, A. D. Far- low, A. R. Ellis, Rev. J. L. Wilsou, B. F. Gray, G. II. Kennedy, James Lindsav, C. L. Johnson, J. W. Jolly, Miss Cora Fentress, CJ. F. Gatlin, Monroe Cox, Prof. W. S. Surratt. Promoteil to Train .Mauler. Mr. Oscar Teague, after spending several days here visiting his father, W.J. league, left Ihnrsday last for his home at Jacksonville, Fla. While heie Mr. Teague received uo- tice of promotion from the position of Chief Dispatcher for the Seaboard Air Line to Master i f I rains. His division is between Columbia, South Carolina, to Jacksonville, Fla. Illume! Site Dead Iiussel Sage, the veteran :inau- jcier, of New Yurk, died suddenly j SuutUiV afternoon from ht-art dist-ase. The entl cam" at Law reiice L. I. A funeral Service was brM yi-stt-rdaT. foliowKi 1 iv ti.i. ii.ternieht a: 'ri, Xew York", t.uhiv. Mrs. titt; and her brother. Col. Slocuiu, are named e.xei''.it..; of Mr. Stiire's i!i. IOi. to Mute t olltnc The Couuv ca;.viinten-.len will conduct an examination for appli cants for scholarship in the State Normal College, 'oegin"ing at 0 o'clock next .Monday at the Ashe boro Graded School building. Horse Show At (irreuaboro. Greensboro is to have i horse show at the fair grounds on Au gust 15th., and it is to be a nota ble occasion. It is the first venture of the kind ever undertaken in the state. i ' WEST RAMSEUR. Per.onaU From In anil Around Tl.t-t Community Short New Items, y We are sorry to report that Mr. G. W. Cole and family have left us and moved back to their home near Coie ridge. Uncle Henry Allen, who .h been fjnite sick and confined to his room, we are glad to see has so im proved as to be able to walk around. Dave Allen, of Troy, was in town a few hours Friday. He came after his little son, Arthur, who has been visiting his sister, Mrs. Fan nie Allred. It rained first Dig Pay an I it looks like it's going to rain forty days according to tli old time pre diction. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Blair and children atteudtd the Holiness Hireling Sunday at Mount Olivet and got a general soaking in the ru'.n Sunday afternoon. J. W. Kivett, proprietor of the Raniseur Canning Woiks has de cided not to nioe his olant to the Whitehead Spring, but will con tinue. to do business at thij same old stand (J. O. Forrester 8 Spring). I'e will double the capacity this season and is now ready to work for the public. The new ware house added to Phillips Bro3. general store is quite an improvement as well as a con venience. See them while in Rani seur and get their prices no trouble to show goods. Mr. George Macon and family moved to Greensboro last week. We regret very much to report for they were such good neighbors. J. R. Phillips and family have moved in the Tom Scott residence on maple street. Give us Hayworth for sheriff arid Tom Foushee for anything from State Senator down to County Com. missioner and you will see a rousing vote polled at old Raniseur. Mrs. A. V . Dixon and children, of Raleigh, who have been visiting their parents and family Mr. and Mrs. J. U. JJixou have leturned home. - V: Mrs. Milliard West and children. of Franklinville, who have been visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. John Baldwin, have .returned home. A. D. Phillips. GOLD MINES BOOMING. OwniiH of SliMyei-.11li to Improve Facilities Ulg Prospecta. F. A. Silver, of Greensboro, re- cently sold to a company of Pennsyl vania business men his zold mine in Randolph oun'y, known as ' the "Sawyer." The mine has been re christened the "New Sawyer Gold Mininsr, Milling and Reduction Company." A pnrtv composed of the most interestfd persons visited the mine last week and are jubilant over the prosj-ects and have made nrranse ments for erecting a 1.00-ton mill ing plant and active operations will be commenced at once. The party which spent several davs looking over thn t'ompanv's new possession, was made up of G. M. Wertz and W. Warder, extensive steel m.inu factnrers, J. W. Leach, William Davis, S. H. Cautield, J. II . Fisher and J. A. Demerest. Another party headed by Kdiv ird W. Tvod, as expert engineer vi.-ited several prospects iu Randolph .rar ing the past week. Tiie visiters were II. D. Gamble,: A. C. Gamble, F.i D. Ward, ami T. li. Palmer. Kajli member exp.-'--ed himself as- delighted hl; r gold I'ropeity already in sint. Ti;i a visit :inil ir.s result? :!! mean much to this sec fio:i he' wv (;' uo!d iiroduction. EDUCATIONAL RALLY. At! .'lit :;t cational Ua.Il Trinity Friday, i'.i h. A'l ,r. tractive prgrhtn '. is been prepared, comprising mu.-io and addresses by prominent splic ers and dinner on the grou;Ki. Amonithe speakers are lion. K. N. Page, of Biscoe, and Dr. G. H. Detwiler, of Greensboro. A large crowd is expected and au enjoyable and profitable day is as sured. J Miss Helen Bray, aged-twenty-iive years, and a daughter of H. J. ISray, died in Greensboro Sunday night. DISTRICT CONFERENCE. Large Meeting of The Methodist In Progress. INTERESTING SERMONS AND BUSINESS SESSIONS. Presiding Elder, P.J. Can-away, who In HI Yearai.uf nge. Preached .Monday --Fundi) Kalaed for Untitling for Church Paper. The Greensboro District Confer ence of the M. K. Church, South, convened in the .Methodist church in Asheboro on Tuesday morning the Hth at 9:30 o'clock with Dr. Tur rentine presiding. The Conference was opened with ilii.l minUtvntiiin riff hi- 1 .Old's Smi- per Rev. P. J. Carruway, and D 11. Detwiierassisteii in. l urren - t: tie in the service. Rev. C A. Wood of lUmseiir, was elected Secretary of the conference. I hen toilowetl an excellent annual address bv Dr. Turrentine, His address a broad view of church's affairs, and gave very interestingly a summary of the -nvL- nf Him fhnrrh. At eleven o'nlonk Rev. M. T. Plvler. a form- er pastor, preached a sermon of very high order. Mr. Plyler is the pres ent Presiding Elder of the Asheville District. Rev. is. h . iincher preach ed a forceful sermon Monday night to a lame congregation. The after noon service was from 3 till 5:30 o'clock. Rev. II. M. Blair, Lditor of the Chiistiau Advocate, address ed the conference at this session, and raised $200.00 towards the erection of a permanent building for the conference paper. Rev. I . J Carraway now SI years old, preach ed at night a regular old time gos pel sermon. He is a remarkably active man for his years, and has been as great a blessing to the state as any minister now living. The people everywhere 4 love Brother Carraway. V eduesday morning was devoted largely to reports iroui pastors on the question of the litera ture read by their people both books and periodicals. It was an interest ing session. Dr. T. H. Low, of Spartanburg District ax-ut of the American Bible Society, was then introduced to the conference and made an in teresting talk on the work that socie ty is doing. This society is one of the mot worthy of any in our country, and is doing very much to bring the knowledge of God and His Son Jesus Christ "to the "benighted world.' At eleven o'clock yesterday morning Rev. A. S. Roper preached. Yesterday afternoon the session was devoted largely to healing re ports from the several local preach- l the district, passing their character and renewing their licenses. The attendance by the ministers ind laymen of the three counties of Run'dolph, Guilford and Rocking ham is not so large as has been, how ever, it is far above the average. HENRY BLOUNT TO LECTURE. I'nder Ailbplcen of the Laillcii Aid So lely of the .M. K. Church lleuellt of PurMiimue Fund. Heiirv Blount, "t'he Crowned Prince of Entertainers", of Wilson, will deliver one of his famous lec tntes at the Academy Friday night, nailer the auspiees of the Ladies A:-l Society of the Methodist Kj-is-copul Churcii. Ihe proceeds wiii be p'a.'ed to "the ere lit of tile ; sonage fuit'l. Mr. i!o.;;it :s of 'JieSjiuh'j uio.-t biiiiia it or.itor.'i. a.i.i wiii ii. less 'oe idvca t ii . Ai.i;ni;:o'i 15 1:1 1 l im. Wcattirrlr Xt 1 u :i lei Woat'i Mr. j have lor.,-: j era' :it:d a n; liau loym i" :.-c people, by the which, has, can. i:i'iit in lioth V.'eatl.Srlv is to. n 1V 1 .-ta;e. Dave man to waste his nergies mnuing as a:, independent ia a canity where the De:n 'r,uic pary has such ait admirable lecord n- there is in Hand il;ih. Mr. Weatherly is a sdi .ol teacher and trill devote his entire time to teaching. Miss Roberta Stover, nf rieasant Garden, is visiting at Rev. N. 'R. Richardson's this week. SUNDAY SCHOOL MEETING. Richland Circuit Convention Will .Meet at Flag Spring Saturday, The Richland Circuit Sunday I School Convention will meet at Flag Springs Saturday, July 28th : The following program has been ar ranged. lil.'ir.v ER It M'EI. M-.S'tlAY Hi ml. !i'!a'i m of tlie Sumhiy Silwr.l rrli -Miimle Sniiiii. :l..,hx HI. Tile i Pony. AiWro Wil'.T 1! ins-Mitt: le Free. '.II K-i ' IIU'EI. t Si'AY m Hi .i.l.. XoS-eNin Heawn Carrie Hamlin. Sun.l.iyS. Teitelieri- I'lhi Williams (i.jil is t'a!!inc in" A.iletta Trf i.",io:i. fXI-iS -I Ni -is Wivi- I Twin j Sra.lia Tim i Tlie IiVatlu'rn I We Shall Mt.e I Ivlitli I'.tr T!ii'!:i - Mi- i Xo XL-lit in II -iive-i W. I). A 11.' i .vtVv? ; i ia.v Till I (' W. F.. will ;i l V Sri.... Woith- visitor. (liv, Work. Dr. ville. C. C. 1 will i-e J n'.iisii rtl.;.-!!, of i welc.ime has been Spt-ci: pivparet and a cordial invitation is extended 10 u B. A. Yeakhix, Pres. ANCIENT COURT RECORD. Clerk fo Court V. C. Iliiiiiniond Ki limned Entry of AdmlHHlou of Andrew Jackaon to the Bar. W. C. Hammond, Clerk of Ran dolph Superior Court, has found the following entry on one of Ran dolph s old court records which will doubtless prove interesting: State of Xurth Carolina, 1 Randolph County. f At a conntv C'liirt in i.leas ami quarter sessions !K'g'iii ami hvlil l'.ir'tlie county el llamlolpli at the courthouse in Ilamliilpli on the sec iiil Momlav in I'ecetulier Anno Dmii ITS' in the ll'th year of the imlepenilence ot tne Mate. Amlrew Jaekson r.siuire uroiluceil a license fruni the Honoralile the Judges of the superior court of law anil eiality authorizing him to practice as au attofnev in the several cmii.ty emir s. Tcjfc the oatii prescribe-1 and proceeded to prac tice in said courts." Spruce McCoy, . Andrew Jaekso i c. unity ai")rney of session the countv d Salislmry, with whom i-eail law, was the lirst l;-i;:l..!p!:. At its first u! appointed jurors to i'-':'ts ilie.i held in the attend the uperi-. In tne rest ! the were only county courts. Mr. t'ndi rivnoil for Treasurer. EniTOit CouhiER. I desire to call attention to the name of W. A. Underwood as a can didate for Conntv Treasurer. He is nullified to lill the office iii every particular. His name will add strength to the ticket and if he is nominated Randlemaii Township will give one of the largest Demo cratic majorities in the history of the County. xi. 0. Bahkek. Bandleiran, July 24th, lUOH. Iad Dot; Excitement. At Raniseur early Monday morn g Mr. Chas. lliiliard, eiuoute to his work, met a strrnge dosr which howed signs of hydrophobia. The excitement brought Deputy Sheriff Brewer to the scene with a shot gun, and the animal was killed before any damage was done. V.'. X. Elder is in Asheboro this ok attending the Methodist Dis trict Conference. Mr. Elder has just returned from New York where he saw Mr. W. Gould ikaw. :hj owner if Fairvi-w il'-.'.'K. Mr. Eider ha been tl.e I manager of Fairvu-w ParK foi j more than ..i:c v-:irs. '.-ve:ai wceic ag." Y r Eastm ;upt. r..-u:ii'i;y. several i ri miners the ira Asln day, who were sentenced to tii Judj;e Ferfru8ou at the recei.t tetni l'eti'i- C'olile. f.'.nnerl y of this co who died at his tat her's at llai.ulei .co-in. buried here last Friday. W'eeley J.mes, of Greensire, visited hi parents, Jlr. and Mrs. Li. 11, J.'ues, last tunday. Wils m Hack, tr'io ha beca critically ill, ia able to be up again. FATAL COLLISION On the Seaboard Air Hamlet Line Near PASSENGER TRAIN COLLIDED WITH EXTRA FREIGHT Twenty-nine are Dead and Many In Jured in Mont Castes Death Wan in htiiutancouti Canned hy elect of Operator to deliver order. Sunday evening a terrible wreck occurred one mile from Hamlet on the Seaboard Air Line railroad which caused instant death to twenty-two passengers i nd tra' and serious injury to many others. Many of the dead, all but live of whom were negroes, were mangled beyond ideiitili cation. The injured were taken to Char l.nte and- placed in the hospitals. The scene of the wreck was in a deep cut ou a stiff grade. The blame iias been placed on the opera tor at Rockingham, who it is said failed to deiivei outers to the passen ger conductor to meet tue extra, which was a heavily leaded fruit train. 1-orty-six were injured among whom was Judge W. B. Council. Forty-one mangled negroes were taken to the Good Samaritan Hospi tal at Charlotte. Two negroes died in route from Charlotte. The names of those who were killed in the wreck so far as can be ascertained are as follows: FRANK B. LEWIS, engineer, Hamlet. H. S. BYKD, baggagemaster, Phoenix. REV. THOMAS JONES, colored. THOMAS HILL, colored, fire man. WATT BOGGAN, colored, por ter. GILBERT MTADEN, colored. SANDY CABLES AND WIFE, colored . GERT HARRINGTON'S BABY, colored . ESTHFRDUPREE, colored. MARY LAND. MARY BELL and CHILI), col ored. HANNIBAL M'NAIR and CHILD, colored. GEORGE M'LAURIN, colored. JUNE RUSSELL, colored. BRINKER RUSSELL, colored. Twc unknown men. The injured are: Capt. J. D. Bowen, Wilmington; J. F. Lear, Rockingham; J. O. Bun dv, engineer, Hamlet; George Cross, Raieigh; G. S. Brighton, Rocking ham, and Judge" W. B. Council, Hickory, all white; colored George Morgan, Cicero Thomas and wife, Osfar Leak, Oscar Thomas, Berth Arnngton, Rich Douglass, May Douglass, Ivor Oxen, Frank Scott, Jim Odoni, Fanny Leak, Bettv Mc- fadeii, Octavia Jackson, Jauu-s Stewart, Henry Stomart, Carrie Mc Nair, Percy Clark, Ed Radcliff, Jim Radclirf, Rich Morgan, Joseph Stew art, ;c r reman, an unknown man, au unknown woman, and an unknown child JIM ChOW ' Alt TELEsjfOI'EP. It is a good thing, people said to day, that the Jim Crow car is car- d next to tile cng'ue. It so much lessens the number of wh:te people killed. Iml....-d it did lessen It. How so many i.egrues escaped is the strange thin.', lne mail and bag- age were curried in the same car on Engine-:- L train nd it com the Jim Crow car. tlle negroes to the ouch," said a v thi:; I v.-.iu- .':u i'AH of ill coiclie.-. 'ateij j.inl ! Jack lM:,ii.g:;a'ii, one of the ''Iprisuur-' toa:'ueu mi the Meckk-n- burg jail La, confessed to Alex.u: Ut j dcr Maisey and W. N. Mitchel stal ing tuat lie and a white man by the name of Jim Taylor killed Isaac Lyrely, wife and two children, and that no one else assisted them. The matter as to Jim Taylor has been thoroughly investigated, and there are not the slightest grounds f jr belief that he was connected in any way with the murder.

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