GOUI "I I one vuvivicn S6 COURIER X5he COURIER Leads in Both Mews and J Circulation. j Advertising Columns I Bring Results. I THE Issued Weekly. PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. $1.00 Per Year. VOL. XXX!. ASHEBORO, N. C, THURSDAY, Aug. 2, 19C6 N0 ? LIFE IMPRISONMENT. Commutation of the Sentence of Bob Small. WOULD HAVE PAID DEATH PENALTY TOMORROW. Death Sentence of former Randolph Conntr Man Changed to Life In Pen ttjsatlary Tt.ru Parkin Rendered Valuable Service to PrUoner. Gov. Hey ward, of South Carolina, has commuted the death sentence of Bob Small, for killing a negro at Darlington, S. C, to life imprison ment. Jno. T. Brittain, of Ashe boro, who has been co-operating with Geo. W. Brown, an attorney of Darlington, to secure the commuta tion, was notified of this action Fri day morning. Small was condemned to hang tomorrow, August 3rd, but for four months the counsel tor the prisoner has been righting to save the boy i life. Letters from prominent citi zeus in both North and South Car olina have been presented to the Governor urging him to interfere 1 the execution and until ' Tuesday of last week all effort seemed to be in yain. On that day Messrs. Brittain and Brown lead a delegation of citizens of Darlington before Gov Hey ward in a final effort to secure the commutation or sentence, in DarliDgton delegation .was lead by Mayor McCulloch. The Courier is requested to ex tend to the citizens of Kandolph county, sincere thanks of the prison er and his counsel for their efforts in his behalf, and especially to Mrs. J. Parkin, of Trinity, who formerl lived at Hoover Hill, and knew Small from his boyhood. Mrs. Par kin took much interest in the case and rendered valuable assistance to the counsel for the prisoner. HA dispatch from Columbia says ''Small is a pleasant man of tender years. He killed a negr under circumstances of great pro- vocation, and the -people) who- peti tioned for clemency in his behalf believe that if he had not been stranger he would hardly have been convicted. His case has aroused widespread interest and continual and determined efforts have been made to have his life spared. Gov ernor Heyward's action comes after petitions for commutation had been turned down by the board of par dons, but nearly everybody familiar with the case will applaud its wis dom. Reduced Rates for County Democratic Convention. The regular scheduled Southern Railway train to leave Asheboro at 4:30 in the afternoon will qe held by order of W. S. Andrews, superinten dent, at Asheboro until 5:30 on the afternoon of August the 18th, the day of the democratic convention Mr. Andrews has written a letter to Secretary Moffitt stating definitely that the train will beheld until 5:30 on thai day. Reduced rates will also be given over the Southern. The Ab erdeen & Asheboro Railroad has re fused to hold their train or give reduced rates to tne convention. Carpet Bagger Daad. The notorious John T. Deweese died a few days ago at Washington City. He will be remembered by our older citizens as the carpet-bag Congressman from this district, who resigned in 1870 in order to escape expulsion for having sold a cadet ehip at West Point. Probably some of our old Bear Creek friends will remember the discussion between him and this writer at the old "lo cust tree" election ground in Octo ber, 1868. Randleman Primary. The Primary will be held at half past five o'clock on the afternoon of August llth, in order that tne em ployees in the mills and shops may vote as well as the farmers. The merchants will be requested to close their stores for one hour beginning at 5:30. Those who wish to make purchase should go the day before to the stores and avoid . the rush The meeting will be held in Nao mi Hail. H. E. Craven, of Concord, spent Sunday in Asheboro. Mr. Lee A. Briles, of St. Cather ine, Fla, is Tisiting relatives and friends in Asheboro. EXAMINING MINES. Prof. Steel, of Arkaniaa, In (Randolph Under Direction of State Geologist. Prof. A. A. Steel, and wife,. of FayelUvlle, Ark. a-e spending the week in Asheboro. Prof. Steel is here under the direction of the I State department of geology investiga ting the mining property conditions in this and adjoining counties. He is visiting the prospects and mines in operation in this section, securing fair specimens of the ores, making photographs and drawings of the works, shafts, etc. His reports will be compiled in a bulletin to be issued by the Statu on North ?aro lina mines in the Fa"l "' He says that the reports sofar are' favorable, ana that the washing process, recently adopted and which is successfully treating the ore of the Catawba mine, will prove a fac tor in the development of properties in Randolph county. Several oper ators have already adopted this method. JEXCURSION TO TROY. Bnd Hoys and Ball Pin) eu-t Kim in t-ursloii to Troy Tomorrow. Tomorrow uioruiug at 10:15 excursion will leave Asheboro depot for Troy under the auspices of the Ashttboro Base Ball learn and the Nightingale Band. Returning the excursion will leave lroy at mid' night reaching Asheboro about 1:30 There will be a ball game in the afternoon between Asheboro and Troy teams and at night a minstrel by the members of the Band will be the attraction. A large crowd is predicted and a good time is promis ee1 to all. t he tare tor the round trip is $1.10, or one-half of one first-class fare. Christian Sunday school Convent The Western Noith Carolina Sun dsy School Convennon of the Chris tian Church met at Pleasant Ridge church, in uoltruige township, Dn day of last week, continuing in see sion throusrli Sunday. The sessions' were largely attended and interest ing, barnrdav afternoon Rev. J. U Wright, of Asheboro, preached an able sermon. Others who hi) dressed the convention were Prof. Lawrrnc, of Elon College; Revo. E. L. Stack, M. JS. Hurley, of Greensboro. Lawn Fete at Sophia. There will be an ice cieam supper at Sophia .Saturday night for the purpose of raising money to finish paving ior tne organ wmcn nas been recently placed in the Old Union church. J. M. C. Millikan, formerly of lioiasboro, nas charge of the couth em depot at Sophia. Miss tiwmn wall is visiting rela tives and friends at High Point. Aged Couple Married. To-day at the home of the bride in Coleridge township Mr. B. A Spence, ajred 77 years, and Mr.s Eliz Cavene, aped 51 years will be married. The license was issued Monday. Both the bride and groom are highly respected and have many friends in the county. Mr. and Mrs. Caveness will live at Cole's Store. On July 22nd. 1906, at Eleazar church in New Hope Township Mr. Harris Luther was hanpily married to Miss Lou Luther both of Strieby. James W. Lutber, J. P. officiated. Lindo Reynolds, of Queen, and Mies Blanch Cranford, of Uwharrie, wpre united in marriage by Kev. Moore, at the home of the bride H8t Sunday morning. They hae the best wishes of a host of friends. Small Wreck. Yesterday morning the loca1 freight from High Po of, dm ii Asheboro at 9:65. was delayed until late in the afternoon on account of four freight cars just ahead of the coaches leaving the track and turn- ng over. The road was blocked for several hours but no one was hurt. The wreck occured eight miles from High Point. Card of Thanki. We wish to return our sincere and heartfelt thanks to the entire community not only for their tuoughtfulness, but the kind deeds and acts shown ns during the sickness of our daughter Mattie. May God bless them every one. MB. and Mrs. is. i. Bulla. MISS BOROUGHS ENTERTAINS. Miss Etta Anman and Annie Scott Oitili of Honor. Miss Jessie Boroughs entertained a large number of friends at the hospitable home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Boroughs last Thurs day evening. The feature of the evening was a drawing contest in which each guest was given a piece of paper upon which to draw a picture of some animal, with their left hand. Chas. M. Fox won the first prize, and Jesse Scarboro was awarded the booby. The attendants were Misses Roberta Stover, Laura Wilson, May Laugh lin, Bessie Coffin, Ethel Ridge, Ag nes Moring, Edith Moring, Irma Whitfield, Lizzie Whitfield, Esther Auman, Corriuna Anman, Callie Auman, May Byrd, Annie Blair, Clara Moffitt, Lizzie Spencer, Clara Spincer, Ella Hendricks, Florence Hendricks, Louise Slack, Etta Aumpn, Annie Scott, Mamie Richardson, Merrie Richardson, Blanche Kearus; Messrs. Jas. Mon ger, O. B. Woosley, Wister Stock ard. Andrew Lewis, Chas. Fox, Mo T. Richardson, Foster Richardson, Clarence Rush, Duke Robins, Sulon Steduian, Oscar Coffin, Eu-j gene Moffitt, H. M. Robins, Astor Tregdon, Carl Auman, Jesse Scar boro, Leo Barker, Geo. Ross, Cevia Laughlin, H. B. Martin, Frank Byrd, Lee Davis, John Civil, Boyd Auman, . B. natch. ' REUNION AND BIRTHDAY- Rev. W. E. Swain Enjoys Family Oath, erlng at Plymoth, Washington County. ' While v.'siting relatives and friends in eastern North Carolina Rer. W. E. Swain participated in a family reunion at Plymouth, Wash ington county, August 2 6th which date marked his birthday Besides his five brothers and sisters who bad not been together for thirty-tbree years, there was a large gathering of friend? in attendance and tha-tfav as highly enjoyed. A sumptuous dinner was served. - Besides Mr. Swain the members of the family are Rev. C. H. Swain, of Roper; Mrs. Francis Wynn, of Btb;W. S. Swain, W. R. Swain and Mrs. Atnaida E. Batemtn, of Plymouth. Moonlight Drive. A large number of Asheboro's young people enjoyed a moonlight drive to Randleman Monday even. ing. lhe drive was given by the young men complimentary to the visiting ladieB in the city, lhe members of the party were Messrs, C. Fox, Jesse Scarboro, Lee Davis, Geo. Ross, Leo Barker, L. F. Ross, L. M. Cranford, Eugene Moffitt, Clarence Rush, S. B. fe teaman, t C. Ricbarbson, Frank Byrd, L, Ferree, McTyere Richardson, G. Snyder. Misses .Lizzie spencer, Clara Spencer, Mary Freeman, Esther Auman, Etbel Ridge, Bessie Coffia, Lizzie Whitfield, Beulah Fox, Jessie Boroughs, Blanche Kearns, H lorence Hendricks, Ruth Freeman, Etta Auman, Mullie Rush, Irma Whitfield. Jennie Ingold, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Coffin, chaperones. Randleman vs Proximity. A pretty game of base ball was played at Greensboro Friday be tween Randleman and Proximity teams. Tbe game wan full of in terest until the eighth inning when tbe Bcore was 1 10 0 in favor of Proximity. Here the Randolph player " o t their head" and in the next inning allowed the game to clote with a tcore of 9 to 0 against them. Batterries: Proximity, Caviness and Nelson; KandJemau, Cooper and Russell; Umpire L. B. Staley, of White Oak. Kanoy New. Mi Cornelius Julian and familv of Frauk iurille visited his aunt and Mrs. Xancy Uwen last Baturuav and, ounuav. Miss EvelyB Moffitt attending the Institute at Asheboro. W. H. Wrenn and family attended tbe birthday dinner of Mrs. Jane Vuncannon Dear Warehouse last Thursday returning home Saturday. Clvde and Ollie Spoon, of near Ashelioro, visited relatives in this section last week. Dr. Turrentine and Prof. Horny, of lrinitv, epeut last Sunday night at Air. W. T. Moifitt s. Miss Etna Ridge, who has been visiting her cousin Mrs. W. A. Cot fin, returned to her home in Greens boro Tuesday. TRINITY. Educational -Rally to be Held Next Week The people of Trinity and 6m rounding country are looking for ward. to the Educational Rally at this place on the 10th of. August, A large crowd is expected and it promises to be an interesting oc casion. Julian S. Carr, of Durham, was here last week visiting his mother, and sister, Mrs. Heitman. The Parker House is alive with summer boarders. Mrs. Mercer and. family, of Red Springs, and Miss York, of Greens boro, arrived last week. ; Frank Stanback, of Raleigh, was here this and last week visiting h's many friends. Miss Efiie White was called to Raleigh a few days ago to the bed side of her brother Dave White, who is in a hospital for appendicitis. He is doing well since the operation. Mrs. J. T. Henry is spending sometime with Miss Janie Russell, of Star. Mr. J. D. Brauie spent last week with his brothers in Wilkesboro. He reports a delightful visit to thnt progressive town. The young people who have or ganized a club called, he Loafers Club and are delighted to see the sunihine that they may enjoy their outdoor sports. Mrs. Mercer and children, of Aberdeen, and Miss York, of Greens boro, are staying at the Parker house for a few weeks. Mrs. Compton and children, of Lomsana, are visiting Mr. J. W, Ballance's family. Rev. J. B. Craven and wife, of Aiheville, E. B. Craven and family, of Lexington and Prof. Bruce Craven and wife, of Morgan ton, are viatmg Mrs. Nannie Craven. iliss Annie Pegram, of Durham, is ipending the summer with her aunt, Miss Kate Craven. Miss Eva Heitman is spending a1 part of her vacation at Lexington, Alngs Mountain and Shelby, with menus and relatives. A good many of our preachers at tended District Conference last week and our pastor, Rev. B. F. Hargett, has been doing some very efficient work for lrimty nigh School. ii. K. Carr has gone to Hot Springs to spend a few weeks. Prof. J. I. Henry is traveling in Davie county this week in the inter est of Trinity High School. Mrs. Henry is visiting at Star. Mr?. Parker, tf Bladen county, is visiting her sister, Mrs. R. E. Pep per. Mrs. Clan and Mrs. Whitehead, and daughter, or xazoo, Miss., are spending the summer with Mrs Hundlev. Mrs. Weeks has sold her house to a company, who will operate it as a boarding house for Trinity High School pupils. Dr. Dred Peacock has bought the English place upon which he will erect a handsome residence. Gaither Elder has decided to move into the cottage next to the parson age. Prof. Bivens, who was at one time superintendent of the Asheboro araded School, has accepted a posi tion as teacher in Trinity High School. Aconite Afotae. Quite a uuinher of people in this vicinity attended the Sunday School convention at Flag Springs Saturday. Hiss Jewel Alien is visiting mends and relatives near Queen, Montgoineiy county. Miss vellie vuncannon, ot Asbeboro, spent Saurday with her parents Mr. aud Mrs. Lindley Vuncannon. Mr. n. A. Allen made a business trip to High Point Tuesday. JJrs. Alfred KienardBon, of Dewey, spent Tuesday with Mra. R. J. Spencer, Utah Item. Mrs. Vina Cross stient Saturday nioht and Sunday with Mrs. L. A. Frye. Mr. and Mra. D. U. King visited Bufus King Saturday and Sunday. Miss Loretta Kewsom i visiting home folks this week. M. L. Frye spent Saturday night with ilanlev vt uliams. Mr. and Mrs. K. V. Boggs visited at D. C. Staley's Sunday. lhe young people enjoyed an icecream supper at Mr. Ur. Vt illiaras Saturday. Too Apparent to Deny. It has often been said bv the enemies of Republicanism in North Carolina that the party was simulv an organization for office-seeking and office-holding purposes. To this charge it is unnecessary to make denial. Greensboro Industrial News MOORE COUNTY NOTES. Randolph and Cumberland Railway to Operate Sunday Trains. The dedication of Mt. Carinel Church, on the Elise circuit Sunday by itev. j. a., i-nzeile, of the Sanford circuit, began a series of dedications including five of the six composing the circuit. Rev. J. W Hoyle is pastor. The executive committee of the Moore county Agricultural society met last week and recommended that the Society purchase the late home of A. F. Page, near Aberdeen as the perman ent location of the Moore County rair irrounas, ana a large brick building in Aberdeen for a perma nent place for exhibits. The Randolph and Cumberland Railway announces that after July 29th Sunday trains will be operated between Carthage and Cameron on regular schedule, it futherHU noutices that after August 1st' the passenger r.tes between Carthage and Cameron will be reduced from 50c to 35c first-class and other stations ni proportion. DEATH OF MRS. LOCKHART. .Mnllur of Dr. D. K. Lockliart Died la OruiijLce Comity Last Week. Dr. D. K. Lockhart and bi other, W S. Lockhait, of Durham, who was here attending the M. E. Con ference last week left Tuesday morning of last week for Hillsboro in response to a telegram announcing the death of their mother, Mrs. L. Y. Lockhait, at her home near Hillsboro Wednesday night. The deceased was 60 years of age. Mrs. Lockhart had been in b id health for several weeks, but was thought to be improving when she suffered an attack at the heart which caused death. She was a devout Christian and a member of Pleasant Green M. E. church in Orange county from which the funeral was conducted Friday by her pastor, Rev. Fiiher, of the Durham circuit. Besides the husband she is sur vived by six children: Dr. D. K. Lockhart, of Asheboro: Mrs. Ster ling-Browning, of Orange count; E. L. Lockhart, of Bufoid, Ga.j'fl S. Lockhait, of Durham; Marvin Lockhart, of Hillsboro; and James Lockhart, the youngest who lives at the home place. WILL MEET AT LIBERTY. Next Annnal District Conference De legates to tne Western K. C. Conference. The Greensboro District Con ference of the M. E. Church, South, in session at Asheboro last week adjourned Thursday afternoon The conference voted to hold the next annual meeting at Liberty, making the third successive year it has been Randolph s pleasure to entertain this body of Christian workers. ine following delegates were elected to attend the annual meet ing of the Western North Carolina Conference at Mt. Airy, in Novem' ber: P. H. Morris, P. H. William son, Dr. W. G. Bradshaw and C, H. Ireland. REPAIRING SCHOOLS. County Board of Education bas Re- celved a Deed to New Hope Aca demy. The Randolph County Board of Education is busy during the va cation reparing and improving the school buildings in the county. Among the most notable is the is the' work at New Hope Academy. This properity was originally deed ed to a board of trustees, who were to organize a corporation for the purpose of running a school, which was done. A few weeks ago the citizens purchased all of the stock and transferred the property to the Board of Jiducation at no cost to the county. lhe building is now being re modeled and painted at a cost of about $250 a portion of which is at the expense of patrons of the school. When completed the property will be worth between $S00 and $1000. Why Not school Opening. , The fall term ?of the Why Not Academy and Business Institute will open on Tuesday, August 14th, instead of the 6th, as announced on commencement day. We hope to have a full attendance on the first day of the session. G. r. Garner, Principal. This July 31, 1906. TEACHERS INSTITUTE Sessions Being Held In Academy Building. PROF. CHAS.M. STALEY, CON DUCTOR. Opened With Good Attendance Addi tional Teachers Enrolled Each Day Work Along Line of Careful Study and Review. The Institute for the public school teachrs of Randolph County be gan Monday, ar.d will 'continue for tour weeks. There' are a goodly number of teachers in attendance, and they are all hard at work, seek ing to get as much information and benefit as possible duriuz the term. The Institute is being conducted by Prof.;Chas. M. Staley, who is mak ing the sessions of the Institute in teresting as well as instructive. lhe general plan of the work is aloug the line of a careful study aui. review of the subjects taught in tne puoiic senools. lhe teachers are studying plans and outlines of the work which they will have to do in the school-room, and alonsr with this study of the school texts they are studying the educational principles which underly the work of teaching and governing. 1 he toliowing teachers 1 a 1 been enrolled up to yesterday morning: .Misses. L,enora Bray, OieHill: Fleta Hay worth, Ramseur; Roella Yow, Coleridge; Ora Henley, Ida Henley, Nannie Stowe, May Ridee. Asheboro; Mabel Stewait, Berta Ellison, Fraoklinville; Maude Red ding, Millboro; Ella Lambeth, Hills Store; Faunie Kimrey, Liberty: Jen nie Davis, Randleman; Alicj Bur gess, Ramseur; Grace Winningham, Central Falls; Lolah Brown, Myrtle Cox, Ramseur; Pearl Leonard, Worthville; Patt Lowe, Mechanic: Corinna Auman, Asheboro; Pear; Auman, Swannah Lowdermilkl Seagrove; Evelyn Moffitt, Kanoy, Martha Uenley, Uthel Brown, Lai la And ews, Asheboro; Sallie Slack, Frankhn'ille; Claude Yow, Cole ridge; C. F. Williams, Liberty; Orin iork, Kamstur; G. t . Garner, Sea grove; W. G. Surratr, Riley's Store; W. R. Smith, Lura Smith, Massab Lambeth, Blanche Spoon, Asheboro, Martha Redding, Asheboro; Coney Spencer, Seagrove; Callie Auman, Edna Hill, Treva Rush, Asheboro; Mrs. S. W. Lanier, Trinity. Messrs. A. S. Callicott, Aconite; D. M. Weatherly.G. O. Weatherly, S. W. Lanier, Trinity; Cephas Bowman, Cedar Falls; C. L. Brewer, Ram seur. CRANFORD-DAVIS. Interesting Marriage at Hlg Pstkt This Evening. ' A marriage of interest in Asheboro will occur in High Point thii eve ning, When Miss Tersie Arneta Davis, of High Point, becomes the bride of Mr. Charles LehoniJeous Cranford, of Asheboro. The marri age will take place at the home of the bride s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dougan Davis, at six-thirty o'clock. Miss Davis is an attractive young lady and has many friends in this city. Mr. Cranford is highly es teemed by a host of friends and holds a responsible position with the Crown Milling Co., of Asheboro. Mr. and Mrs. Cranford will arrive this even- and will be at home to friends at the new residence just completed by Mr. Cranford on North Fayetteville street. Farrtngton Must Serve Sentence. The Supreme Court has sustained the judgment of thf lower court in the case of Thomas B. Farrington, of Guilford county. iwo ot his sons and a man named Ozment, who was in his employ, were convicted in Guilford county for burning the barn of Isaao Stan ley. Farrington was at home at the time but he had been reported by Mr. Stanley for retailing and it is believed that he instigated the crime. He was acquitted of lhe charge of burning the barn however, but sentenced to two years on the public roads for retailing. He ap pealed from the judgment with the result as above. R. E. Betts, who has been at work at the Wood and Iron Works has accepted a position in Biscoe and will move his family there this week.

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