CO COURIER 1 Advertising Columns ! Bring Results. T3he COURIER I I Leads In'.Both News and Circulation. Issued Weekly. PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. $1.00 Per Year. No R VOL. XXXI. ASHEBORO, N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 2 h .1906. mm I 11 , II 11 13-W I I g M nit ,1 COUNTY CONVENTION Large Gathering of Domociats in Asheboro Saturday , NOMINATED TICKET FOR COUN TY OFFICES. In Mot Cnsr Only Olt lliilliit in, M'cc-Miry tin' X . in 1 11 ; t i n Primary I'lii ecntf I Dt'lilxTBtiinis ul' (lit Convention, t'oncressiiinii K. X. Iiff Mmte ril icl Vil li rn. The Democratic Convention for' 'Randolph county met iu the court house t Asheboro Saturday, Aitc. 8th. The deliberations of the cuii veunoa was clearly forecasted by the refurus from the primaries held the Saturday proceeding, smd which were siublishei lu the last is1 tie of The Courier. The convention was well -attended, and an unusual inter est was nianiftsted in who should be clwsen to till! the cuius ty rtMicfS dur ing the next two years Col. W. C Woed presided over the convention an.;' made a most agreeable presiding ttff'.rei". Messrs. J.. O. Redding, Chas.. M. Staley and II. A. Tonilinsoti kwi made necre ilaries of the convention. There was a filing of hanuoiay throughout the .convcnttou being entirely controtn'd by delegates in structed at the (primary. Very few nominating speeches were maue acd when Sheiiff T.. J. Finch's name was presented to the convention for' re-nouivaatiou, 'he withdrew it. Tbw was followed fciy the nomination f S. L. Hayworth for sheriff n the first ballot. The ticket as ne-mi'iitit-ed by the convention follows: Clet'k of tfev. Court W. C. Ham mond: Register of Lksels .J. !P. Boroorjhs; Sheriff S L. Hayworth; Treasurer B. F. Newby; Surveyor II. A. Albright; Coroner l)t. II. L. Fez; Cotiamissiouers A. Bul la, II G. Loiter aud S.. W. Cos House of tepreseutativoe W. 1'. Wood anl W. T. Fousbee. These elected on the "Sirst. Fallot were Mr. Havworth for sheriff', re ceiving 58.!l; B. . treasurer, receiving woou ana .v. i . rotisnee, roc douse of Representatives; H. A. Albright, for surveyor; A. N. IVjJIk, ;fr com-' inissioners. Mr Lastiiter was dec-Ured nomi nated for ti immissioner' the-Sefcond bal 1ft and Mr. Cm, the tiird m 'ui ber of the board on the third bailot. Tlu-re wern tliree ca.ndidates he fore the convention fir .coroner Drs. C. II. Lewis and G. S. Tete iti'ongly opposing Dr. Fo: who as uouiinated on the third. F'uture isuues of the Cousier wiCI ju-eseiit ehert biographical .cketchoj of the gtiitk'tjieti cooj.poeiag th ticket. The Cot: '.:'.: tiou adopted 'tk-e r"ol-, lowing lesulutioijo: ) Th" De;.'.!i."i-i!s nt Ra-lolph county in cM.'ivention asseiuuled en dorse the course of Hons. S. (German a:ul F M. Simmoua our Senators m uoiiimss aau in struct our repr-sentati ves in th geneiu! assetubiy, to vote tor there election of lion. F. M. Simituns for a second term in the Uuited States Senati'. We further heartily endorse tLe course of' II R. N, Page, our rejiresi'iitative ii Congress, and pledge our i-armt and hn ul support to secure his ie-electi'n. We Lt luve in the purification and elevation oi politii.'al ooudHions and congratulate the democracy on the peace a:id good order which pre vails. We believe iu the free and full exprtSsiou of the will of lie people at the ballot hux: and oppose the purchase of votes or o:heruise 'or .niptly intliieuiing any class of .vot-rs. We hereby phdge ourselvts and the nominees of tin convention to do all in our pow er to see that there is a free, fair and full ex pression of the majority of the peo ple in all elections. . , L. C. Andrews F;. Motiitt ' Committee. W.S.Lineberry J , Soon after the temporary organ ization was effected and before the convention entered into regular business. Don R. N. Page,' entered i the assembly room' and was give.'i a ovation. Air. Page who represents thiti district in congress,' responded in happy way .ibnet speech. He asked that harmony prevail, and that defeated candidates work for 7 tw'&tyy K tl!uiiro ticket, y'tnbit p&.lhn the prMiici pies of ... ;...ueaierticy,arc greater than any mail' RANDLEMAN. I Hit-rest llijf 'Xr-wt. Items- l-'rnin Kiin illeman. Miss Turn Hughes returned Sat urday from a visit to friends m Durham and Dunn. Frof. Bivins was here last week in the interest of Trinity High School. Mr. June Fox is spending the wwk in Franklinville. Mrs. M. E. Led well, of Wilming ton, is visiting her daughters Mrs. L. D. Meudenhall and Mis. K. L. Wood. Guy Hayes, who has teen located at Alebane, is spending his yacation here with his parents. After Sept. 1st., Guy will accept a position with the W. A. Ring Drug Go. of High Point. Dr. J. W, Long and daughter, Miss Frances, of Greensboro, were visitors here lust weeks. Mrs. G. A. Allison and daughters, of Tbomasville, visited at the h-.iuie of Rev CM. Campbell last week. J. E. Caudle has been appointed carrier on Randletnun Rural Route No.. 3. Rev. J. M. Pugh, Messrs. W. A. Elmore, U. ti. Collius and E- U. Jarrell attended the Piediiiont ran. t;t Association held in High Point last week. Fiank Bowdeu, of New York, is visiting his father, F. J. Bowdeii. Miss Ellen Parker left last week for a visit to relatives in WiEston Saleiu. Miss Sallie Bostiek returned last week to Gieensboro where he is atteudiug Peel's Business College. Mrs. Mary C. Dicks left Mondty ;for Montreal and Asbville. Mrs. W. A. Underwood and Mas ter William have returned frosu a week's visit to Asheboro. Albert E Flscott, sales engin-ier for the D. A. Tompkins Co., of Charlotte, was here test week -on business. Frank Moore of AfeCall S. CL is the guest of Mr. and Mre- T. ). Bowdon. Frank Waltou, of Charlotte, vas ji ml li'tnrfii riiaitnr lufi- u-Ab Miss Louise Connolly, of Vir- visiting her sister, Mra. C j i ,.mMi,ii I.H.Cole and Master Herbert, leave this week for a vieit to relati ves in Chapel Hill. Prof. J. L. Harris arrived Thurs day and is making preimratiwns for the op.-nin? of sehoo! Septernbe" lVth. James A. Howell left Satnrdii)' foe Liberty w here he will enter Liberty High School. 1'. P. Hayes leaves this week for New York where he will pure base his stock of fall goods. C Al. Campbell, Jr. of JacioOH Springs spent Sunday Iwre xith his father Kev. C. M. Campbell. Edgar Wall, of Hil: Point, is very sb;k with typhoid fevjr. He has iiiiuy friends iu Ri'.iiJii-ni.t;:, v.ho will regret to learn that M-: eonditiou is ciiticul. The Ri!id!eman Telephoiu- (.'ntu ptny and he Asheboro Tel;phoni CiNiijiany iir.' building .i "e.ippei cirt.uit" between the two towr. Kr. and Mrs. 8. Bryant am! children went to Atlantic City last Thursday an J will be t!:eiv fo- severa! (lays. Prof. J. L. Harris hat! return -d to Riiidleimin. after liis vacation He telk us school will not open til: September 17. Mrs. Harris and Goldie will not arrive su RanJle ruan until some time iu November. W. R. Neal has purchased the house and lot of W. H. Winning ham. He will at once make an addition to his new premises a modern photo gallery, which will enable him to nianipulaw light and shade so as to produce the best el- fects in the p!nirpntjii: art. Hirlliil.i) Pinner. Mr. William Bunting and wife sjave a nice dinner to their friends on thalKtb, winch was their birth day, both having the sun? day, the same month and '.car, which is not usual. We enjoyed the nice things to wit and meeting our Jriends. And wish for Ir. and Mrs. Bunt ing many happy birthday dinners together. A Friend. Aincl Miirilcrrr i-rc!, .!. Last Friday Deputy Sheritl C. R. Palmer and Hinrv Smith arrest ed John Garrett, a negro, who has been working for Mr. Wilson lute uear ClUiuix.-'wtho is charaed with t hf 'iuurdor.-uit) Toirt' -i-Burton, also colored, nearftiirk Crtck', in Ala inance county July 2nd. FAIRVIEW ITEMS. Little .ii I Injured ly ii;iv Aiiiiivei i n,-( nhtit- al if-. The pnitracted meeting at Fair view will beu'in the 1st Sunday in September. Little Clara Blair, while trying co bridle a horse one day week, was kicked on the hip and received a severe wontid but is thought to be improving. II. M. Cranford speut 'last Satur day ami Sunday visiting friends iu Danville, Va. .Miss Pearl Crabtree, of Point. i Speli-Vllig tile Week Miss Porta Mvredith. Miss Elethc. Elder gave a party on tlu evening of th-.- Htjrh :tli I.I W II Wli from T:30 tu 11 o clock, in honor of Miss JeweH Pickel, who is spending some time with her, al.-o in token of Miss E:telh- Cranfords thirteenth birthday and Clarence Meredith's sixte iitit. Refreshments were f.-rv-ed on the liiun by Mioses (-iai tiler Elder and Do Lac.-e The otner, invitwi guests were Misses Lee Ufa Millikni.. Mary and Bertha Mere dith, Retta Bl-iir, mid Artie i.'ran-ford- Messrs. Jjinvi Little, Jack Pvbus, 1!. V. Miihkan, II'. M. Crn fo;l. Allen H!a r and Mr. Billey. Tne-eveiiii-.g '. highly eej-'y-d by C ! . Mr. Fitrd Blair .-talels kX the head with the l.itffest watermelons, of the season- Weighing from 50 to '( J'OIIIhIs. Mr. Z. A. Wall, of JeSrsou City. Teuneesee, was in to see his sister, Mii. Myei", 'ast week. Mr. and Mrs. Peace;, of High Point, ent Sunday visiting at the home of her parents, Mr., and Mrs. W. E. Albi rtson. Air. and Mis. Whit, of Guilford College, are visiting k: the comma-i nity. THE SOUTHBSKUND. 'ntKi-nrti irx PrejiH ri lis .HiWilse ViirktlutJul their llirt lir uk i;M'niirair;-if. proceedings for Condemiiatioii the South boa nd Ks-'lwav itt-of- way will be st:irteu next wevk and it is expected that T. ork wiil oegin immediately. Several biihh-tv. on the -concrete work ka.e beeu through tht county in the la- t few days view ing :;he bridge sites at Abbott's Creek anc nfthe Yadkin civer, bids having bees advertied for tin construction lit' yi.e iUiiSOUi'V these sf.'.-tilil.-. a!' tin pI'i'i-i'V-;! l.liil'oaCS !n.ik- iag t'j connectiijg 'hi coul i'hJs and the Kurt h west v,itl. the sea coint, the Southbound i whii.l. will haw- i per cent, grade. T aew re ud aiiiOng h in the country. L e;ei'ia!!y favoiv;, tlie ji.iiclioii of t il-iie.-i,.' i: the Sv-,;! and it certainly wi'.i otareinel: from 3 the os'y one "-tenths mi' ulie .is will place the ' I'.lieSt Utill best dngtoi; will U-iii-ing lota'.ed at o great trunk bound is '.-e built :-:.-st a;. i-.ilt. tin ; lltli; SOLI) MINE PL'DPERT Y . r tin VII ( !) It.lll-t- )'i I I .niii' in Noil'- h;i i .1 .Saturday a deal Vis which iransft rred a t iu north .f he'ioro to a i lailt.hersi e.-i.!talists '- they .set ut'eu a property is a rudi gvdd -in. Air. Aliiior says there i al read V the pro - a shaft forty feet d.'ei on neitv wiiii h the company has iii-.'t; ,'iietlv developing for souie tiiik and they liave i'e.'eutly f truck aj vein alioiit four fe t wide wlm li assays MS to th,- to,. j It is learned that the company i will paco c-' ' worth of macJiin ery the P'"'i lel'tV at ill) oar) developinel date and tiv- of the mine. Tile mii.e is loc t.'i . 1 A hut pertyon No: .), Kavetteville st , vet. W!.... mill Mi'i-fi;-- ' i. ai.ou-. iiir. Read Wood M.-iing's bigadver tisenienton the Mh page of the Cou rier. This lji' now running a big Mid SitnniiWr Clearance Sale. Prices are cut do1 !'! , in uearly every department of this big sforc. They are now making a specnij run on clothing but for several days bar gains will be found in' every line. Marrk5.r;at the residence of T. J. Uteele, A.!gef;l'it.U, 1 (mo; Mr. Ed Lamb ami Miss Ktie Burgtss, both of Randlcmaii. "T. J. Steele oiTL-i-illed. CAPT. SMITH INJURED. Narrowly I'.sciilied Serious ln.jiir ul ll.iiiillrniiHi Vfitenl:i) Miiriilnjr. (.'apt. W. V. Smith, section fore man uii the Southern, narrowly es-cap-d serious injury while superin tending work on the track at Ran dleiiriii Wednesday morning. While walking by the work train which whs in motion, Capt. Snntli stepped on a wet cross tie. His fon' slipped and he fell on the trin k between the cars. Fortunate ly for Air. Smith a ballast drag had btt !j arranged iu front of the rear car which caught him and he was dragged several feet, su.-t tiiiing only painful bruises. Lad it not been fo" the drag he would in all pvubabi ity have beeu cruied under the wheels of the ear Capt. Smith was brought in ti i st'etcher by the local from ILJi Point and carried to his home where he wit attended by I'r. J. V. Hunter. The physician re ports that though Capt. Smith is badly bruised his injuries are not of-a serious nature. f'icUtt-Xicllel-oll. I'Mendo have received the fi l.nv u :ivit,.ii.iou: Mr. vnrnl .Mrs. Mrnry I!. N U i: : iMet? llie iniii riage of llieir ij'it;!;ier Manila Viriinin I" Dr. Julia Alfred 1'nkfti J' r-sil.'iy iiiuriiiiiK, AiiktiKt 'lie twpniy nrs; niiietee-i liumliv I :s:!il -ix at M.t-tliiriy e i-luck at tlieir b'w liiirliiitnn, Ne.-li I 'aiuliiui. At Home, nftfr September lirst Biirliiiictcii X'ortJi Ciirnlinu. Dr. Pickett is a native u this county, lie formerly lived m Ce dar drove township. ClmrffHI With FalM- PrrtniM-. Chess Baldwin, colored, was arrest 1 Sunday on a warrant charging him with securing goods under false nivtense. -Baldwin secured a watch from a woman under pretense of having it repaired. Going to the fin nitur-e store of Reams & Fox he gave the watch as security f r fur niture to the amount of iL'i. B;tld wiu was given ;i prelimiKary hearing and bound over to tss.irt Iu de. faul'. of bond he was placed in jail. Loral Uriels. Mrs. C. C MeAhst V'-ii'ior. for Toi wav. Mis Ar, i raves, of Alichlield, S. I.i-Ris, on Sunset Mrs aveiait Wi liter I'r anil, of BiscfK-, to sjielid a few h Presnell ailir here TlieSihi lar-- v ith Mr. Ur ! ut New Hope Academy j wi'i; open Septetiib.-r tth instead of ; the .'.':'' ;h of August as previously ;;-'.!i!io:..l-.'e.i. A. E. Burii conductor U ? As!h-l:oro an.! High Point -iiUied iijiou his vacation yesterday, 'lie wt: relieved l.y Capt. T. j. liosetooiid, of Spencer. -lu'lior,.. j ,,,iHj f..lfli.rul uf M,, c.h.tS p:..,,.cjs unstimulated j p,ryai(t, who died in Oakland, (.al., act of Lnd hist week was conducted at Char coiiipauv ol Jott, M-ndav. Mr.-.. Hrymt wat- a A ho b iie.e j,;;t.;:lt(,. ,,f Ool. Hiui.iltoil C. Join, .-.ipon w hi. h jf ('harlot fe. I . I ' lu' AelK-.horo (u'.uie.l llonls Wilt 1 - '!"'11 Monday S-pt." S, ''.");. i " '"'k on tfe new minding nas pro. i gl'SSSed slowly becillise of the delays in getting material, ami it oe couiee necessary to bei.'i school in the o!d buildiug. Mr. Harris Rush tells us that he lo.-i. a fine Jersey milch imv last week an ! that he now thinks that the cow died frofu hydrophobia. I,,..,' I.m .I.-ivj l,..for.. Ill-; ,lo i.n 1 it ie probable that tie lnM :a,u 1)11 lQe cow' l'he Ladies Aid Society f the M. I'.. Church offers for sale double arm clniafleliers which were recently rephu-ed by electiic lights in t!:e church iu Asheboro. Particulars . an be had by addressing Mrs. W. 11. .Mori tig or Mrs. Annie Robins, of .Whehiiro. The "school coniuiittee of district No. .S, of Ne Hope township Ran- nlop!i county, are ready for appli. 'i.-ii- from persons desiring to j teach the. schooU.j4IWL's Grove. Good salary '.will be pwd.-.' . Tho committee is comjpdsed of . Wjlson HiirchaTrmfthr'A'. R. Hill and S. Y. Hopkins, at Pinson. HIGH POINT LETTER. r-tverett Hotel l.-iIAlleii Jay Here xcw ,u,i,,,J'3;,)--,v,,,m,u The members of the Catholic De- nominution are phnniiifr to build a lew church here. Their bishop thinks well of the prospect, after visiting in the city a day or two. The Acme Cafe has the most ar tistic electric -1 isli sign that has bee!l put lip here at any livsiti 'es house. The best Chair Company v;l! .-tart its larire new factory in :i few davs. . Rev. W. M. Bagby, of Morgant u, speut last Weduesday her.- visiting. R. h. Laylor is ottering sum lots on the market this Week. E. E. Push and W. E. Johns have leased the Everett Hotel fu another term of years. They will now con trol all of the building and will re furnish it from top to bottom, ad ding al! of the modern up to date conveniences. Mrs. Cora Lowe :ud daughter, Aliss Caihe, of Troy, visited rela tives here last week, on their way b ane from Guilford College. The Baptist Pietlm nit Associa te, n was held here hist week. The liitroductoiy sermon was preached last Thursday night by Rev. W. li. Br'u'ishaw, a "Randolph boy." Charley 'Vel born ami family have to Al core's Springs for a two weeks' vacation. Rev. Allen Jay, of Richmond Indiana, preached a very instructive and aide sermon last Wednesday uittiitutthe Friends church. We aie always gh.d to see and hear him p e e!". j)r. M. V. Burrus, of Nebraska, who having spent a few days here visiting his brother, Dr. J. T. Bur rus, returi.ed home on Monday. Johu AlcLeid has returned from the western part of the State. Jesse Harrison, manager ot the City Transfer Company, hauled a load of goods from the silk mill hist week to tlie depot valued at 0,30.1. J. J. Faniss is the promotor of the new Realty Company organized heie last week. They start out with a$; 1,1 inn capital. Rt.ii.or has it that the Oth bank will ! organized here in a few days. Ui. W. L. Potent, president of Wake Km est College, delivered an addr.-ss here Friday night. A eii ircn party was held by the laiii. - last Thursday night at the home of Mayor M. J. Wrciin, much to the delight of all who Were at his hospitable ho.i.e. Rev. Thomas Carrick has return, ei! f : ota Forrestville, where he con ducted a revival. William Wilson, i colored), aged H year?, -vas killed by onu of the Southern's fast' ttains yesterday, while he was standing on a trestle. Fire-chief, A. B. Ilorney, on be ing a.-jktil about the buildings er -et-ed since the 1 -ith of Septemder 1(h.j. said that there had been ;i ; - new houses built. Air. Horney has to give the permits to parties before they can huihl. Miss Giorgia Re.-ce preached a very able sermon at Friends i hurch last Sunday. The Bar I. land sold last Satur day e.m.-istiiig :M nT - vas bought ! v Kiv.i MatVord aiet i'li Barbee f.u .fj.-'o. Clarence A. Willi, fe: iliel of Ed gar, but now of this city, is very ii at the Junior Order Hosi.ita'. Mrs. William Mavis was bariei at Springtieid Stindav. T.1!.- f il er al was conducted by R.- '.'' li Roach and Rufus King. The work on the liew .-'.ifM!i e goitiit o;i now :it a rapid rate. Supt. J. ti. l-an, of the w.Ue: works, ha., I;.-.' .na! will lie -i;. ceedei: by W." !. A ieV.tub r, 1 Chariot!., win. .Mil assiiiiie hi.- u : duties Si '. :ii;i.-i i.-t. ( laud Mn-s.-v v ! S.iiun'.. 1D.1 Sund i'ol Chail lliebt W'ilii Ab. i.h'i . C! Frank Wall til.., I with siokness. Came l;;,!., f c.e; paised through h-.-r. S.itur. IV. hei way to Ihu.dolph county to vis t relatives. This city was well r. pre-cn'.' ii lit Aluir's Chapel la.-t Sunday. R. C. Branson is very sic!, at his home on South Main Street. One liuud'vd carpenters wi Ill b. put to work 'this wm-k on. the. two mills of the Fred Br mu-r Lumheri rv.,., .., uX ii, .-;- i VU.iinj 1.11101.1111 f . M Hi ll COllI pleted t' is will Iv one of the largest lumber plants in the Sjuth. RALEIGH LETTER. Northern People See North Carolina la New Light, ! HONOR OF STATE REDEEMED. Ii iuiii( A. t Ion i.l '.io ei inn- nml i imrt Ollirci- lit S:ililinr l!ili-. tii llie "itiiiition-- De-ci ieil Cnilll. At the hatids of the newspapers of tin- north which essay to represent the 'stipeiior civilization claimed by an e'k-ineut of that section of count rj North Carolina is getting an over dose of praise for the alleged 'TeVO- 'r ! littion" which is aMe-L'ed bv them to have recently taken place iu thin state on the subject -'f lynching. The New York Sun, the New York Kveni'.ig Post and other lead ing papers of the mirth and west profess to have witnessed the break ing of a great light of reformation in North Carolina through the con iction of one lyncher who has oc cupied himself in the favorite 'past tune of nigger killing,' the sentenc ing to the penitentiary actually of a white man for lynching a "nigger." The Sim thinks North Carolina will not, have long to wait to secure a grout influx of immigrants, thut the state will soon be sought out and over-run with immigrants, if the "policy" enunciated by the conviction of George Hall at Salisbury is pur sued and the world at large made to understand that the crime of lynch iug has been stamped put, fch?.. Governor Glenn, Judge Long, So licitor Hammer and the state press are given deserved credit for the pronounced stand and activity against lynching and the efforts made and yet to be made to punish members of the mob. Alauy of these same newspapers have for a long period of years been only too ready and willing to criticise and condemn the people of North Caro lina and the south on various pre texts in the past, and truly it is en couraging to witness their willing ness to do us justice in the matter now under discussion, and to give us even mure credit than we yet really deserve. When "public sentiment" against lynchiiii becomes as strong in North Carolina that it can and will vindi cate the law through the einvictior. of some of the alleged "prominent men" who participate in t ;e... Ivuc.h- ll'J, ber, like SOIlie of tiios" who a: e alleged to have taken a part in tiie niu'.v recent lynching, then in deed can it be justly claim .-d that the "revolution has actual ly taken place; then indeed can it be truth fully claimed that it will be dau sferuus for any one to oarticipate in the crime ui lynching in 1 ma again. Foi that reason and Norh Caro- others it tii.- courts otluT lilelll 'sgraced the OH counties-, i!i succeed, siit rid's and I hoped that the etl'ifs of to convict anil puMSu hers of tin- mobs t hat d State in l.'owaii and .-'in w nil The 1 are to I e made, W irdets issued to the and eo'f.manding o'llci-r. ini'Ui.its l.i.-t week ! Gleiir. o.ight to luiv,- a feet in Compelling li-sp I.iw ami ii..- , t- ...i s of Aliiitarv v (ioyeruo: h.'iilthy ef--iv for the '!..- 1'i.irt of. the !:.f;.V. ::' that .-.a, II remiss in. of his duties h. has been lie effort to Kid pelSOIl- ! 'lunation of ' i vie f a- justly '; pre.-ent eoeri:r i a wav iu the disciiure in t!ii piiiiu.s.s oi th;; if.ttetive at any time i illipli ss both bis i-nic.ii i! disapproval and c s-i-caile. "lynch law". 1.1 r. v .M. i riplin i- I'lUii. S. Mi'ia't. A. S. York, is. I!. A. Underwood, co. Emma Chamncss Lambert, P. II. Henley. W. .1. h. Chri II. I'.. O.Wh :w. i; Alii 'iu jcacnon, .Mrs. r '.'uiu'iuinon, York, A. I.. 'I'M, Mr--. Etta Cross, H. Free. Sank a in pbell. k, T. F. Green iiiinibL', f;b I. G. Gray, i Eiiison",. H. f. B. M-iitin, l.uihe K. W. Brown. J. M. ! Vnncaf'ion. T. J. (ii 1 A ! 1 red. W. K. ; iv. . -n ii. w. ii. Lindsav, B. C. iW.ttya'd.'ViiMc-Y-.r Wtii.-ifliawr tn-e, p. ( ' PjtiVh. W. P. I'uv. Wffc: i f., w. KtU d. W. C. Yorl.. Tysur, 'JidiC Aiimin. Alfie 1 Me'litt. ' L. (! i fAi-nsh. R. F. .N'ch'vs-. !...- Hoover, Lich.inU ui. Nor mail Davis. ' J. 0. Carbon, of Ch.ipVl Hill,.has be 'ii ehcte I pi ihcipaf. vtf Karnters Iustiri.i'. . Tnis -eh..! will opeu September 4th. pr set of men. V

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