EE COUR T5he COUIUER Advertising Columns Bring Restflts. 9 . J l-'II4k IKJaxso an1 5 vircioiiui- I Issued Weekly. PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. $1.00 Pr Year. VOL. XXXI. ASHEBORO, N. C, THURSDAY, AUGUST 30. 1906. No 35. MMSMM MMBMHi T5he COUR.IER VETERANS' REUNION. Everybody In The County Invited to Attend. SATURDAY BIG DAY IN ASHE-BORO. Requisites for Memberships In Cunfeder l ate Veteran Association, Son of ton federate Veterans and Daugh ter of Confederacy. The Confederate Reunion for . Randolph County, will be held at Aheboro Saturday of this week. There will be a large attendance and everybody is promised a big time. A program is being arranged for the - entertainment of those attending, and music will be furnished by the Asheboro Band. Confederate vet erans elegible to membe ship in the United Confederate Veterans Asso ciation will assemble at the court house for temporary organization 'at 10 o'clock. At 11 o'clock they will maich to the picnic grounds at the Academy where the xe. rises of tha day will be held. Short speakingl and camp Btories will be expected from a number of the old soldiers, so let all who can speak be retdy to respond when called on . Each familw is expected to bring a basket for the picnic qinner. Those eligible to memoership in the "Sons of the Confederacy" will meet in tie NtJ-h-.east roam of the acanemv. and those eligible to mem bership in the "Daughters of the Confederacy will meet in the Worth west room at the same hour. Every application for membership in the Confederate Veterans As sociation will be required to furnish satisf actor v proof of honorable ser vice in th army or nary of the Confederacy and honorable dis charge or release therefrom . The one and grandsons and. nephews of all who are eligible to membership of the United Confederate Veterans may become members of the "Sons of Confederate Veterans." All women over 18 years of age are entitled to membership in the Daughters of the Confederacy, pro ' vided they are widows, wives, mothers, sisters, nieces and lineal decendants of such men as served honorably in the Confederate army. Navv. or Civil Service, or of those persons wh) loyally gave material aid to the cause. ASHEBORO GRADED SCHOOL. Fall Term Begins Monday Mornlug Tlit Teacher. The Asheboro Graded School will begin the fall term Monday morn ing, September 3d. at 9 o'clock. The following is the faculty: First Grade Miss Maggie Erwin. Second aud Third Grades Miss Laura Stimson. Fourth and Fifth Grades Miss Annie Tomlinson. Sixth and Seventh Grades Miss Merrie Richardson. Eighth and Ninth Grades Supt. Chas. M. Staley. Prof. Staley requests The Couner to call attention of the patrons to the importance of entering their children at the beginning of the term and to urge them to send them as early as possible. There were 375 children of school age in Asheboro last year and Prof. Staley, who is now engaged in tak ing the census for this year says it will be much larger. ApnropriaMly NoM - Street Scene in lndianaiolis. ASHEBORO DRUG STORE SOLD. Business Will be Continued Under Management of J. I. Simpson. A deal was consumated Monday which transferred the stock of the Ashebaro Drue Co., to a new joint stock company promoted by J. D.., Simpson, wno will assume charge ol the business as manage, in a lew days. Mr. Simpson is ar. excellent business man and is very popular in Asheboro and vicinity. His many friends wish for him and his associates a large measure of success. Mr. Under wood, the re tiring manager, is net prepared to say what he will do, but it is prob able that be will accept a position that will remove him to another city. He is very popular in Ashe boro and his friends will regret his departure, but wish him success in whatever he undertakes. WILL TOUR AMERICA. Brother of Prof. Warburton Coming With Famous Band. Prof. Doc. Warburton, director of the Asheboro, Eandleruau and Frankliuville Bands has received a letter from his home in England announcing the departure of tbe "Besses.o-th'-Barn" Band for a tour of America. This aggregation of musicians won the first place in a World's Con-.est at London, three years ago. A hundred and thirty one bauds entered tbe contest aud among them was Sosa's famous aggregation. Prof. Richard Warburton, broth er of Prof. Doc. Wai burton, of Asheboro, is director of the "Besses o'-th'-Barn" Band. They will be gin their tour at To'onto, Canada and enter the States via. the lakes, at Chicago, Cincinnati and then down the Eastern coast. They ex pect to enter the contest at , tbe World's Fair i;at. , Jamestown next year. - " DIED SUDDENLY, . , Mr. K. H. Allred .Formerly ofRandle man. Died While BeingTakell From. The Train. The funeral of Mrs. E. H. Allred was conducted at Giles Chapel Thuradav. Mrs. Allred died Wed nesday at Bear Creek, Chatham coun ty while being taken from a train after a trip to Morganton. Dr. J. L. Nail had accompanied her to Morganton o enter tbe State Hos pital but on account or tne crowueu condition she could not be accom modated. She was returning home. Mrs. Allred formerly lived at Kan dleman and is a Bister of Mr. Jno. Van Weary, of thit place. Business Change. n P Winninorhfim BOH of K. L. Winninehaui, who lives a few miles south west of Asheboro, has pur chased an interest in the grocery business of W. D. Spoon, and will in the future devote bis tune to tbe store. Mr. Winningham is an en ergetic young man, and has many triends in Asheboro who wish for the new firm success. For two J ears Mr. Winningham clerked for Ir. Spoon. Hujt on a Runaway. A team of mules belonging to Tbos. Tucker, was frightened last Saturday and ran away throwing his little son Drapper off and one wheel ran over his foot, inflicting painful injuries. Though the little fellow suffers very much he is slow ly improving. . .' Characterized bv .Benjamin Harrison TU anCity" ' NATIONAL EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION. Meets in Indianapolis, "The Heart "Hoozier State" Sails the Points in Canada Courier The meeting of the National Edi torial Association at Indianapolis, Ind. this year was the celebration of the "21st birthday or coming-of-age." of the Association. Twenty one years ago this association was or ganized in Cincinnati with Mr. B. B. Herbert, of Chicago as President. Only eighteen states were represented at the first meeting. This year al most every state in the Union was ted. More than 500 neople from North, East, South and West went to Indianapolis to take part in the convention. The consequence was one of the best meetings in the history of the Association. The Convention lasted for three days, during which'time the social features played a prominent part. The most, interesting subjects to our N orth Carolina delegation was the election of Mr. H. B. Varner first vice president of the National Edi torial Association an i the choosing of a place or uieetiug for next year. Juuieowu V irgima was hnaiiy de cided upon.. Delegates from the central and western part of the United States vere especially pleased with this, hs there are many of tuem whose f tthers or grandfathers "went, weet to'Vro up with the country". 1 ;4fe?-;5jSv'-fc "tfV7t"".f-' Soldiers' and Siiilom' Monument ii ludianapo is, Erected to the .Memory ol maiaiias "Silent Now they want to come east and vis it tbe homes of their ancestors. CORDIAL WELCOME AND ROYAL ENTERTAINS! EN t. Gov. Ha llev'and Mayor Book wal - ter welcomed the Editors and as sured them that tbe state of Indi ana and city of Indiauapolis were theirs. Courtesies were extended by The Elk'e, Commercial Club, and several organizations. The Indiana Editors entertained us at "Das Dentche Hans' where a characteristic Dutch lunch wi was served. The Propy roenm Association royally entertain ed us one evening in their magnifi cent building which cost about a quarter of a million. This Associa tion was organized about 18. years 8go, for he purpose of 'promoting literarv activity in Indiauapolis. It is' composed of and controlled exclu - siely hy wxien.-vlt is headquar- ters for a. Hdrenl ciuos ei, in n: nnnnohs. . Ic has halls and -narlori that are - uied for entertammenrs,' lanln-'dlai i (ton iu refering to the niM'ringes, recoptiois etc lt,wafi,xrf ,ef IudwiupUis culled it "no of Civilization" Tours Indiana, Great Lakes Sees Interesting Representative Sight-Seeing. the said on good authority that the womnn of this organization were managing the building in such a way that it would soon become a money making establishment. VICE PRESIDENT FAIRBANKS ENTER TAINS. Vice President and Mrs. Fair banks gave tbe editors and families a delightful reception at their home on Meridian street. Delicious re freshments were served under a tent in the yard. At this reception sev eral of Indiana's literary lights as-! sisted in receiving. Among them were James Whitcomb Riley who was once the Indiana poet but who is now the world's poet, for his poems are known wherever the English language is spoken, George Ade who has won for himself fame as a hu morist, Meredith . Nicholson, the talented young author of "The House of a Thousand Candles", and by tbe way he bus the distinction of having given the rest leisou of auy on why he is ademicrat, and Miss Elizabeth Miller who wrote "The Yoke" a strong Biblical novel. Jut rwe I w-u.t to add that in a conversation irb avounglaly from Indiiifii a from Alabama Victors." lemarked that be didn't know Indi ana was so rich iu authors and au thoresses, she said "why these few whom you h.tve heard are a very small per ceut of what w could l bring forth. We out number any state inlhe'Uniou," in fact Indiana bunches them up as farmeis do rad ishes, and this is only one bunch." Booth Tarkintrton perhaps has been better iutmdaced to the public recently than almost any of the na tions authors. , His "Gentleman from Indiana" was enough within it self to give' him fame his latest book. "The' Conquest of Caauaa" is now one of the most popular new books. Mr. Tarkington was away from home (Indianapolis) travelling abroad. Several asked at the vice president's reception "Where is Bjoth Tarking ton" all were eager for a peep at a man with such a mind. ' 1 ixdian roi i ' caEATEST island .. ( Y j . ; .'We'.are mt surprised that Ben- mean city" it is any thing else. It is situated in tbe center of Indiana and within 35 miles of the center of population of the United States and surrounded by one of the best agricultural sections in the middle I west. It is appropriately called "lhe Heart ot Uivilazation . ine city was laid out for the capital city, like our national capital, it was tbe second city in the United States that was intended for the capital at the beginning. The streets cross at right angles north east, south and west, with four broad avenues radiating from Monu ment place, which is in the center of the city. The streets are num bered from Meridian street east and west. This great interior citv is one of the greatest railroad centers in the country having as it does 18 'rail roads, which average more than two hundred trains intotne city daily. besides this there are fourteen ih terurban electric lines which ex tend from 25 te 75 miles in every direction. This naturally brings trade from miles around. It is said that from a radius of fifty miles more than 25,000 dealers and Manufacturers go to Indianapolis for their supplies. These inter urban lines have all been built siuce 1900. As a manufacturing city it has made wonderful progress tine 1900 Bix leading industries show an increase pf 55.5 per cent. 1 here are considerably over WW establishments in which 50,000 peo ple are employed and $15,000,000 paid out annually, MAHNIFICEXT STATE HOUSE PUB LIC H i:iM)INOS. A few years ago the anti belunl State huii.-e wua demolished and upon its site now stands one of the most beautiful state houses iu the Union erected at a cost of two million dollars. It U no wonder that all Indiuuians point to it with pride. Among the important public buildings are tbe Commercial Club owned by an organ izatiuu composed of 1300 of the leading business and professional men of the city, who stand for its betterment in every particular. The $-,000,000 postorhee and federal building; the traction ter minal building whtoh is considered the uioct complete one iu the coun try. Every interur'jan car or every line starts Irom una inters this station, which is within on siitiiiiv ot the business center of the eity. The Propylaeum built by the women of Indianapolis, the Union Station and many others. SOLDI EKS AND KAII.OltS MOKfMKXT. In the heart of the city in the center of monument circle, from which broad and well kept street? i radiate, stands a beautiful monu men t, said t be the lurgest -atul most iinpoHinir one ever erected ly uny govern tn 'ut to its soldier deid. It is a niugiufu'etit shaft 1115 ft. iu height and 34.'! ft. in diameter, which is placed there iu memory of Indi ana's soldiers. Three lights of stone s'eps on two of the fides, lead to the central rlevutiou where a square structure somewhat after the Egyptiau temple i-tyle of architec tu re supports th- Mjnar. towering shaft, near the top of which there is an ornamental gallery and still higher a fine bronze statue of Liber ty is posed. The shaft is pierced with windows. The elevator which ( ,oiitimiPl on fifth pajjf.) f " . I I t-. . f: a -w 1 - .- 1 rrojijlacum or Wonums C lu'i House lncorpiruteil .lime fi, IS.1, t,r tbe Tiirpose rrouiutMig Literary Activity ill Indianapolis. CoitrUeil Exi;luivly by Womn. TEACHERS INSTITUTE Probably Most Helpful Ever Held. In The County. FOUR WEEKS TERM CLOSED FRIDAY. Teacher Passed Resolution Kudorning the Plan aud C onduct of the I list 1 tute Kiglity Teachers Enrolled. The Teachers' Institute for Ran dolph County which has been con ducted for the past four weeks at the Academy by Prof. Chas. M. Sta ley cloeed Friday. Theie were about eighty teachers enrolled sixty ladie3 and twenty nlen. The institute was conducted along a line very different from previous years, which only cousisted of a se ries of lectures, lhe session lust closed was devoted eutirely ,to the study of the work to be done by the teachers during the coaling year, bring out the principle cf pedagogy in each dapartment. The term was probably the most helpful ever held. At the close of Wednesday e ses sion the teachers held a meeting at which the following resolutions were adopted: Resolutions of Public School Teachers, ItMMi. We, the teachers of Randolph county, hanng attended the teach ers Institute lour weens, ana wisn ing to express to the County Super intendent of Schools and County Board of Education our apprecia tion of the work done by Prof. Chas. M. Staley, the Instructor in charge, do hereby unanimously adopt the following resolutions: 1. That the work of the Institute has been of more practical benefit than of any institute we have ever attended. ' 2. That we tender Prof.' Staley our sincere thanks for his untiring efforts to aid the public school teach ers in their preparation for the in struction of the children of the county- 3. That we who have been in con tinuous attendance in accordance with the provisions of the School Law, feel that because of this attend ance we should he given the prefer ence over those teachers who have not attended the entire institute. We lespectfully ask that the com mitteemen of tluMe schools which juy the best stdaries select their teachers from the u umber who hs'e attended the full session of the In stitute. Be n.i. La xi eh, Xanme Stowe, Pea hi. k Leonard, Lexoka Bray, F V NX IE KlMKEY. Committee. Thursday and Friday thirty-five stixid exiiniiiia'.ioiis for teachers' cer tificate's in the county. In the ab sent:.' of County Superintendent of Public SuhooU. J. M. Way, who was confined to his home by sickness, Prof. Staley conducted the examina tions. Continued rains iu New York caused tbe leaves a premature death, and they fell several days ago, bub the warm weather during tbe past week has caused them to bud again.

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