MONTGOMERY NEWS. P.-. Patterson in Hun Ava -Mrs Var nvr I'.ntf i taiii-. From the Moiitgoninun. The next tt-rnt of Mciitiiiifi v court will convene at Timv Spiiin ier 17th, tut trial of "both criminal and tiyil canes. Br. Patterson, of Fuw-tu-ille. who, with his family, is ncnixiii a cottage tit .Jackson Spring!', whs thrown from h luitrgv tiesr the Springs Monday iifti-momi and pain fully bruised up. The f;ill tender ed him unconscious, but his injuries are not thought to be serious. Miss Berta Harris, who has been in New York taking music, has re turned and will take up her position . as teacher of music in Mt. Gilead High school. Mrs. A. M. Vai ner entertained quite a number of the young people of town Tuesday evening, with a party complimentary to her house party guests. The handsome ivsi. dence was artistically decora-ted. and lighted by mauy Japanese lan terns. The eutertainiug feature consisted a "book contest." in which the winner was Dr. Flowers of Mt. Gilead. After the contest had closed the guests wen invited to the spacious dining mom, where delicious refreshments were served. ! Mr. ,W. I). Allen, Chairman of! the Democratic JExecutive Commit j tee, is going to wage a vigorous ' campaign and will make a gain of j several hundred Democratic votes, i He is one of the best pnhtici -ins in ! the countv. Mrs. Anuali;'.:t rarnell, who lived ; in the Caruiel Section, died last Fri- j day and was hurried at ar Satar- ; day. She was ii years ol and was ; a no'de Christiaii woman. Kctiiruiaton Xeerft !. Gov. Glenn has pa:dontd TL"S. . L. Davis, Moore county, serving ten years for burglary and years for larceny and Ed June?, Vamv couuty, serving five wars for crimi nal assault, on the ground that ikw evidence leaves doubt of jftiilt and judge and suIieiMr ivcmmei..iid ' the pardon. ! Anion? the pardons refused the! most notable is the white girl Sudie. Haunon, twelve years old, leeentlyl committed to the penitent! ivy to j serve five years for manslaughter, j In dismissing the application the i Governor states that to pardon her j would mean to send her back to a' life of sin and shume so he had di-1 recteu tne prison auinonties to give her light work and try to reform her and, later, if she "improves he will try to Cud her u good home and grant a conditional pardon. Farm Product l-oiv I't ii t uf Necessi ties High. Wheat is ten cents a bushel lower in price than it was at this time last year, although it is still pro tected by the tariff rate of twenty five cents a bushel. The price of almost every thiog the farmer has to buy is, however, at the top notch, and iu fact the price of all trust products protected by the tariff, is higher this year than hat year. The fuestion is, why do some farmers support the Republican tariff-trust policy that is constantly robbing them. The Montgomnau. There is nothing so pleasant as that blight, cheerful, at-peace with-the-world feeling when you sit down to your breakfast. There is nothing so conducive to good work aud good results. The healthy man with a wealthy mind aud body is a better fellow, i better workman, a better citizen than the man or woman who is handicapped by some disability, however slight. A slight disorder of the stomach will derange your body, your thoughts and your dis position. Get away from the mor bidness and the bines. Keep your stomach in tune and both your brain and body will respond. Lit tle indiscretions of overeating can be easily corrected and you will be surprised to . see how much better man you are. Try a little Kodol For Dyspepsia- after your meals. Sold by Standard Dtug Co. and Asheboio Drug Co. Asheboro, N. C. Tbp Union Republican Co., of WiMton,' ia' purcnased'a Duplex, angle-bar press. It. will print five or six thousand eight '' page papers ah hoar. The press ig expected to arrive about the first of November. . Prof, Tyler, of Amherst college, i said "Teceatlj:. "A man can lire comfortably without brainsr no man has ever existed witnont a digestive system. The dyspeptic baa neither faith, hope or chanty." Day br day people realize "the importance of caring for their digestion; realize the need of the use of a little cor rective after overeating. A cor. rectare like Eodol For Dyspepsia. It digests what you eat . Sold by Standard Drag Co. and Aiheboro Drug Co. Asheboro, N. C. , STANLY ITEMS. fr'liv l)ctro)eil HniKe and Furnlslilngs OtlttT News. i"r ui The Kntorpri-e Tuesday morning the house and furiiishings of Mr. and Mrs. Mar tin Dennis, of Albemarle, was des troyed by lire. Mr. Dennis and his wife were off in the field at work when the lire was discovered. They leached the house just as it fell in. Thev have only been married a short time and all their posessions, except their working clothes, was destroyed. Kiflis Almond is preparing to build a Urge ware house just below the postoflice at Norwood. Three other new brick store buildings will be erected there during the next few mouths. The saw mill and building ut Mis enl aimer Sprirgs washed away last Widuesday morning. The mill was a total wreck. Bear creek was the fullest it was ever known. The damage done to bottom corn was heavy. Mrs. Johu A. Boggan showed us recently a rattlesnake's hide which measured seven feet and live inches in length and twelve inches across in the center. This sunkr bad 13 rattles and was captured by Mrs. Boggati's son, James, in Florida the 4th of July. It was a diamond rattler. The Norwood High School will begin August 2Mb, with Misses Bessie Dunlapand Glenn Gaddy as teachers, CHATHAM NEWS. I.. Itrmlie Dra1 Itcimirkablc Huckleberry Hush. Ki-niii The C'luthum U.r.mJ. Muior V. L. Brodie died last week at tue resilience ot Ins s:n, tu the city tif Baltimore in the STth year of his age. He resided in this county for several years after the war and is well reniejibcred bv our older citizens. During the latter J part of the wa- he had charge of : the proposed Confederate Uivonet factory winch was under construe tuii at Con-gas on De. p Uiver ii this county. A t w I'edtiu! office holders met at K ileigh last week and selected Berry Godwin, of Johnston county, as the victim to be sacrificed af their candidate for Congress against Hon. E. W. I'ou in this district. W. B. Wilson, of New Hope town ship has brought to The Kecord office a branch of a garden huckle I berrv bush on which were 20 lare I clusteia of huckleberries as large as ! grapes, lucre were ten branches on the bush from which this branch wastiikt-u, it being the smallest of them all. Desperate Hcmedy Fol ate Case. A Despc-i- Two weeks ngo the Charlotte Observer in the course of a remark able editorial declared: "Lynch ing will not end in North Carolina until the killing of lynchers begin. Then it will end." This was called "a fearful sent ence," and so it was; but so might we call the declaration of the head of our at my that deserters must be shot. Just as surely as inexorable necessity demands that military law, for self-preservation, deal death to deserters, just so surely does it de mand, in this day when the found ations of our civilization are threat ened by mob rule, that our civil law shall protect itself by even the most extreme measures. Courageous aud fitting it was therefore that Goveruor Glenn of North Carolina should issue his address to (he peo ple last week, with clear-cut orders to our military anthorites. In this address "the wrong of lynch law and the evil results to' follow upon its application are recited. To pre vent it in any given case, the sheriff is directed to summon the nearest military company and an armed posse; to use all peaceful means to disperse the mob and if it remains obaurate, to order his force to fire into it. Captains of companies are ordered to hold themselves and men subject to the orders cf the sheriffs, and if the mobs cannot be dispersed otherwise, to obey the sheriffs, when they give the ordr to shoot." Governor Glenn has done well. And we have too much faith in the people of North Carolina to believe that he wilTlose aiy popularity, for what be has dared in the name of law and order.-Progressive Farm er. Hoke Smith' Birthplace. The Atlanta Georgian. of jester day gave a long sketch of Hon Hoke Smith, who was nominated Tuesday at the State primaries in Georgia for governor. The article refers to the fact, well known to North Carolina people, that Mr. Smith is a native of this State, hav ing seen born in Newton in 1855.. Mr. Smith will celebrate his 61st birthday on Sunday, Sept. 2. Both of Mr. Smith's parents were North Carolina people. Good Rei Ipes. Tickled Watemrlo Hisb Remov thicli paring from watermelon r nil and cut out all of the pink portion; thnn cut in pieces of uniform size, cook iu boiling water to cwr until soft and drain. There should be seven pounds of rind. Pot in a preserving-kettle, add three cupful of vim-gui, three and one half pound of bio ui u a , o o onnre of stick cinuaiuon broken in piece, and half an ounce of whofo cloves, llring slowly lo the boilii g point, let simmer two aud one half hours, pack into jars, a 'd the syrup to fill the jam t overflowing, aud adjust the covei-s. Omun Pi' ki.ks -Wiiie tluee uiuoln of small unripe encmuliei-s, ami cut in slice Iteinove the skins Jr. mi one pint of small onions, and cut in tliin slice. To the en ciuul)ers and oiiimis a id one cupful of sail, mix thoroughly, cover, and let stand for six hours. lrain and add mn iiiart of vinegar and one pint of olive oil. Pack in a crock or stone jar: ToM.U " Catciii i' Peel one ieci; of ripe tomatoes, and cut in pieces. Put them in n preserving-kettle, bring to the boiling point, and let simmer until soft; then force through a sieve. Add three cupful of sugar, one fourth of a cupful of salt, one tablespoonfid of black iepper, one teaspoonfid of ginger, one teaspiKHiful of cloves, one eighth of a leuspoonful of eayeni.e and one quart of vitipuar. Bring to the boiling point and let simmer until of the right Consistency, the titue required lieuig about two and one half to three hours. Turu into bottles, Oiling the Imttles to overflowing, cork and seal. It must always lie remembered iu tilling glass jars or bottles with a hot mixture to place them on a cloth rung out of hot water. Fannie Jlerritt Fanner ir. Woman's Home t'omt'Union for Scptendn-r. Win. Spain, a 2wr!h Carolina negro, was lynched by a mob near St. George, S. C. last week. He entered a h-uisr with iMetit to as suit a young lady who was there alone. Dear Gu: I Lave soivtd the mother in law pro'dem, just give her regularly I lol lister's Rocky Mountain Tea. It will make her healthy, happv lamb. ' :io o nt's and docile as a Ten if Tablet;!. ;.sheWn l''ntg Co Castings Castings Castings Grate Par- and plain cast ings of all descriptions Delivered a.t Asheboro for 2 1-2 tents per pound. Send us your orders. Biscoe Foundry & Machine Co-, Biscoe. N. C. flow in prescriptions filled by the Standard Drug Store at Asheboro or W A. Under wood, Asheboro, . C. Bring or send them to us. We are the prescription drug-gists of Randolph. W. A. UNDERWOOD, Randleman N. C Trinity High School. (Old Trinity C.,!ge.) I-oeatiou Jive mile Multicast of High Point. Climate und water nnxurpa-iHml Faculty of even tenoberc. Will afford tbcri'iigh pre paration for Sophomore clan of leading Col, leges in the State. The coming year to fce most lubcesafiil in buttory ( ioatitation. Strong Snancift1 backing. Itatee very reason -able. Write for catalogue and other infor mation to J T. Henry, Principal. Rev. B. L Eargett. Financial agent EXECUTOR'S- NOTICE. - - Having qualified m Executor of the last wul and testament of the late A. J. Patterson, deceased, this is to notify all persona holding claims against saia estate to present same to me on or before the 18th day of July 1907 or this notice will be plead in. bar of their recovery. ' AU persons indebted to said es tate are hereby notified to come forward and make immediate payment. This Jaly-18th 1906. . , " ' ' R. D. Pmmuo, Executor of A. J. Pit tersox deceased. D. Sua, Attorney. CATAIFM, FOUL BREATH If You Continually K'hawk and Spit and There is a Constant Dripping From the Nose Into the Throat, If You Have Foul, Sickening Breath, That is Catarrh. CURED THROUGH THE BLOOD BY B. B. B. Is yourhreath foitlT Is ynnr voice hnstcrf It your nose swppt'iir Do you anoru at nlcliif Do you sneewu (treat di'ulT lhi vim hnvo Iro CU."jt. piilns Id the loroheiulf Do you huv t id i. is cross tho i-yi'sf Aid you loslns your irtc of smell? Is there a dropping iu ill ' fc"! Are you losing your sense ot t:is:v.' Aiv rtn: crruliinilv ireitlii!rdiaf? Do you kcor )ux.luu xcundif l. you h.-iv ringing ia t". I i nraJ l)o you sutT.-r v.lth noujon of tin Ftouiiirl-.r Ii ihore a ronj-.aat b id ttv'Q 1n IN ru urhf Do yru Ii- vu n h:ic:;l:nf oouchr i I o T'-mi ouuh at nl;::-.;r Do you coiu j v? If r, yon l-.v catarrh. ( t f-irrh is ji-if '!i!y' in iirous In tvH vr, 1 ti;i tt caiiv ulciTMlr :i ,Ueiln ami Ctvcuy .' tx.Me,'tr.sif fhtiiSinjau i re.i!" ninit p-.jr. b'.IU ai iMtleii fi'..1 -i.-r 'v. oiti"i c:ius-l I"- o! opp-'tue, In.ll jm:nn. dyj-wp-ln, rs.w throst H-idrea-;hf rosi-i.-rililetiliily.Hlooy nnd lnai.!t.;. H iiveMs niintlnn ac once, j f'crf it by ir iitr.lo Bluoil Julm (B.B.B V It la n. yui'.-i, rmlicM. P'-rmant-nt cure because U rids tne system of the poison forms thut causo cntarrh. Blood Balm purities the bloort, does nnay wlih ev ery bj iuptoui.KU Ins Pirenglh to the entire For sale by Standard Drug Company and Asheboro Drug Company, Asheboro, N. C. Big Four The Best Line to Indianapolis. Peoria, Chicago, And all Points in Indiana and Hichigan Information cheerfully fur nished on application. H. J. RHEIN. G P T Agt. Cincinnati, 0. At A Fine Pole Angus Bull is located at Asheboro and is ready to serve the public during the season. Persons interested will call on or ad dress John T. Brittain. Asheboro. N. C. The North Carolina College Of Agri culture And Mechanic Arts. I'nit-I k-al etluintinn in Agriculture, En gineering, Industriiil C'tieiniatry, ami the Textile Art. Address, PRESIDENT WINSTON, WfT IiAUCUiH, N. C, e Sell the Earth! oooooooooooooooooo If you are interested in the proposition, in or near Asheboro, we think we can please you as to lot, prices and terms. Office in Bank B'ld'g. Armfield (BL Lavighlin. Real Estate DeoJers, i 4,000.000 Tennessee Wholesale Nurseries. No agents traveled, but sell direct to planters at wholesale prices. Ab861utely; free from dis-" ease and true to name. . Write for.' catalogue and prices before placing your order elsewhere. , We guarantee our stock to be true tp name. ; Largest Peach Nursery in the World. Address J. C. HALE, The North Carolina' State Normal and Industrial College COURSES -' - ' , i... t-v. . .. - , ' ' : ' . .;t Literary . f . Commercial. : - .U. ClaMical Domestic Science Scientific Mtnnal Training . . Pedagogical Music - Three Counev lading to degree. SpeeUl xir for gradtutee of other eolleoM. Well-Snipped Training Sehoql for TearJwn. Bnrd. Unodry, tuition and fee for ue of text book, et., f 170 reex. For free-tuition itudenti, 125. Fifteenth annual seesioa begin September JO, 1906. : To aecmiw board in the dormitoriea, all free tuitirm applica tioBa thoold be made before Jul 13. . .jQornapoodeaee innted from thoee desiring compe ytxA teacher aad teoogrpber For catalog and other information, address . , , CHARLES D. McIVER. President Greensboro N. C. mtiens mpmbrane, nnd B.B.I1. sends a rich, tmnllnjiliooUof w;:rm.riou,pureblooddlret:6 to tli ii iiaralvzod nervus, mucus membrane bonva mid J.iiuti, giving warrntu and strut gth Jiwt -nt-t It is nc"!rt, ad in tbts wnv inn' ir a peifpct, ia.-'licis oun ut ttarru lu uil its forms. If von nr jjraluuMy ;:r:wlng dfsf or nro lit flvfiFif or hr id of hmrius!, try WothUli liioo'l H'i!-n i I-t. B. Ii ). :o't forms of denf or pur' I .1 ('.cafneM lira s.vjwi v i-u-t.irr;i. .: it i'l curing catarrh jy P :!vM.-Ti . ot Mfa end women buys ha: tuc'r : :" .eor.irktel? rrjtor J. r.niHni.' 11! ..! l'vlm ( .) Kptens an riil .if-;-i i-Ko. Itmo tisf-.; f... ; l yr. -9)ni.ift o'' i?t. V.jiuiiIo I:.' i:r.'ili -.. r-inr'"ii-n IVi;kliimari. riirt 1 .! Ia. J"rlroU p-r lHrtji- bnt-t!-. T.ikeiK illwii'il. If nut oiod wh. ii riuhi- qtimitifr si taken, niiiii-y!riimled. Sikmp'tif Si-iit. f'ri-e ly wrltiuir Blood Bnlru Co., Atimto, Oi. lerib( your trouble, and spif'iltil l'rie mediml hutIi-c- ".o suit your case, hIho sent iu scaled letter. Fish Again in Michigan" G. H. k D. The Michigan Line Best of Service to TOLEDO DETROIT And to all the Famous Sum mer Resorts of I and CANADA lhroii0h Cars from Cincinnati to Charlevoix On and after June 25 BOOK OF SUMMER TOURS FREE FOR THE ASKING. W. B. Calloway, t ieneral Passenger Agent, CINCINNATI, U Y. R. NEA.L, PHOTOGRAPHER AND JEWELER Randleman, N. C. Peach Trees June Buds a Specialty. WlnchestavTenn. S Bryant. PrcsWrnt X 0. Cole, Cashier u?ff Datik of Randleman, Randleman, N. C. Capital $12,000. Surplus, $2,000. Accounts received u favorabl terms. Interest paid on savings de posits. Directors: V K Hartsell, A N Bulla, S G Newlin, W T Bryant, 0 L Lindsay, N N Newlin, S Bryant. H O Barker and J H Cole. UN I VERS I T Y of north Carolina, 1789-1906. Head of the State's Educaticna System, eatmmm DEPARTMENTS. Collegiate Engineering Graduate ' Law medicine Pharmacy, Library contains 43,000 volumes. New water works, electric lights, central heating i'izsn. ew dormi tories, gymnas ium, Y. M. C. A. building. 622 Students 74 In Faculty The Fall term begins Sept. 10, 1905. Address Francis P. Venable, President, CHAPEL HILL, N. C. O B COX, President. W 1 ARMFIELO, V-Prea W J ARMFIELD, Jr., Cashier. The Bank of Randolph, '-&.s.lie"fooro, 2nT. O. Capital and Surplus, Total Assets, over $36,000.00 $150,000.00 With amiile assets, experience und protection. cnuu. u.c IM lilt DUUKIllK pUUUC &W1 H extend u our eustDmer, every facility aud ac- DIRECTORSi Hunh Pinks, rr.. V J ArmtieM.W P Wmid. P H K Oajwl, A M Kaukiu, Thos H Reddii;i(, lr' F E You Furnish the Bride We Furnish the Hi)me. Just rreceivd Tnice linp Pnrlnr and Bed Room Suits, ouches, Upholstered Parlor Su s, Pic tures, Hall Racks, etc. We have an assortment permitting us to furnish the home in keep ing twkii any puioc. We are also nrennrprl rn servn the public as Funeral Directors in a careful and courteous man ner. Kearns & Fox. Does Your Hat Match Your Face? If not, wear one that does. Go to Mrs Blair's Millinery where you will find the new est and most desirable shapes for spring. More goods expected daily. Mrs. E. T. Blair. Asheboro. N. C. W. W. JONES T3he Grocer can furnish you the best in sea sonable edibles. If it is for din ner, supper or breakfast consult him. He always has fine flour. fresh butter, as well as .variety of delicacies- ! - Asheboro Hotel Main Street f (Niar Court House.)" Thoroughly renovated sod ; Fty-oitd. . rabU ofpUad trilh' ti e bait tU mmipt - B. r.' MZWDY, Prop. ..-. itotiimii'i " -Cscky llsuntaln Tea Nenets ' A BaiJ HSlU ,fer Buy Fee!. Brlac OaUca BJh atui ttanrtd lgm.. atMelta fwOooMrlpattoa. lailcMtkm. U and KIM TtwiMm, Piraplaa. Eoau. Impra Blood, Bati BfMtik, 8tucih Bowt, HcadaelM aad Backarba. It' Eook j Mouatala T la 1st form, W Mat a box. OriuM mad b HoLLferaa Dbd CuarAjnt, Marti a. Wia. S9UEN MUfiCSTS 6S 1AUC9 PC?5J

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