In, f ." Zri-n-t'.rvigf VI , j. "' "' 5 I' -;J r! r" fJ f ' Issued Weekly. ' iff j i. fj!jjjgj li ttH 0 feRft BjKpIPLES NOT MEN. .'. $1.00 Per Year VtpGTOlE ,4, 1906. No 40. ! .,.; .,; , , j , ' : - : THE BIG BARBECUE. And Basket Picnic To : Be Held In 1 ' ' Asheboro. :;' NATIONAL EDITORIAL' 'ASSOCIATION. h DEMOCRACBTlDf !f uIJ;:: ' Most Important Legislation tialliMtMi1i) . .i- M :..-:.! lUnde''Detao:craticB d'iV;.-') i'n': (j.-.; .; .; , in.) ii..,",,i I V--1V '.'.'' Thoughtful citizens, who aaajjae thRWiintiVtidu f tWatate. gqvi erppieut ofrNortn Carolina without 1 prejadtceV Mmmediately refcwe, tfaei C'ddvw;? of Democratio ; .rule over the attempts made by Republic j can officials. Every act looking to' the contentment of the masses has " appeared during Democratic admin istration of the State's affairs. Its "'"educationaluidrili commercial, social interests 'Wri1 been protected by be'.teruieut of public jTschooTs? temperance and railroati legwJfr tion.! And the inaividuaf citizen-' ship has been recognized to caring for the poor, the demeiTted, ftae f!hn federate soldiers, and 2 by the hiih standard of iusticej in th(V . courts.' . . . . ,The farmers hare at their diaposfi al a department, to asfst them in improving 1 arm conditions vhich can be seen from the following facts taken from the Democratio Hand 0k:: O TVi npnrtrkment of Arnciilture was estab'iahed by the Ikmoci'ti party in 1877. Its uaueBanu pow. ers have from time to titmsbeea en; larked since then, but th develop I.nitnt(ha;(jwi b?opgS Demo cratic legislation and administration. - Dnrrag the past seven gears, that is, ince the State Agricu aural De, partment again came foJer the control of the Dsmocratc party, ; there has been unparallalef advance ' menttand bow this department is more nearly fulfilling evew PfVWW of its A.Tigiial creation thd&-eyef before in the history of - tjenty-nine years.. Not content; : wii widely developing the original pn, ithas fpunan pursued new d utul lines ot 'work, and the perils the RtaW MDeiiallT the farnime inter- Bte. Are ireamnff OODttarft beaeflts. Th present Commlsi under the direction and the Board of Agricultun : now con posed , entirely 'estaolisnld'i b iveterifar loner has, control of , whidlf-lB f farmers, ' division, which is in charge of vl accom - .fOliihed TOtetiaartan wnoseuuty it fa ionroniote erreater interest o. -anii mal husbandry and, to give advice and aid in oasos of . sickness w ieii dem'ic,,and to Seek m!evey possible way give'inforihation to the far mers concerning tne reeaiugv-wMH ing and propef Care' 'of farm stock ' of alj kindfl( ' Feeding experiments have.; been Conducted on the Test " Farms of the Depa'rtmeut, with cafc- ' tie brought from across th6 -ttoiIb- tains to determine the poOTbifitrHdi,-kedl-aud-J&a .feeding pioQl;ably " the products 0 erewB oil farm. 'Jlke jult8, have been published iu th if WnI5(il 1&i&&&awaWU oi line jjrpni micuu t tfti.wnriti- ihinurSBacDmplished by r 1 1 . Tl -i Attirvnrr nt Ktr this braucu of the Department is t Mthe4elouiA.ion of the cattle tick, I- ' wnich 'causes the dreaded Texas fever among cattle, from more than ! twenty counties hei-'etofoie troubled .:!. byitaiVpe8tiv 'I'h Dcparmeut has . ; ! titirblv developed imethoda and dem- f - onstrated ther possibility of the f- :. - .Btraofion of tbe tick, and nas eraai- I , l.a aria nf l fa r tiiin any other lnrestedl tiou gathered in tnese investigations, f ee terrirofy ftYWHtfoitt as. far .east as Salisbury wnicn nas removed the handicap im the ship 83 llr&k mSbfot cattle fiom most of jthekrritory west of tktt pont, to " points ouYsideoT the State ami rta . the crraltle marketsgbf the couu 1 3$.Oifojbepartment Mi i full , share in inducing ConSress, t:ta h a tiufBesiioBtd xecogSpe th'ejm-: i. iA fA'ri portaaW'bf.'lbfl'-.desWuftiou df 'the ''edVoK-11 ittmaldnauaf propnatliin 'States i in this .wWk te erts WfOe,,JlM; to outsiders. ht "EbnF. M.3eimmbhti oJj the Cohi 1 Thus it will be seen that this mittee On Agricfllturt jf the SjpateJ, -being esppr.ially figectiyV ittcrfisj in? this about.. , . 'jtWviswQF01? bas been eetebliohod huJo a eompetent spe- - tdrmea'ty' thousands atCMcauarj ( .&ai;oI4ioiidetere?V(ud personal visits to 'VI i -odiffurent part of the State on mis .u vh( sionrfof investigation and instruc-.-tioo-otaenarmfulrop and fruit qoil ,YGWFM ad taigs and the best reme dies known for their prevention and destruction. Tne J entomologi-it pSQ'JUii S3 ittf62Md'tfnit: ; tue sale'..of I t.fl vrfrtifkitrtW&to stool to-our. OH'." I JKLZlZf .tada-:l;?sftit' without, .th. j isliT1 rvState, 1 r mh -SaUte of. liityftted, Btock, with view of n'retferithrfi' the 'distribution of jharmfuir. 'insect pesta in ofti ,' '6f: c hards' ,V HCale" Ogives' . nju oh- i me td the' eradteation of destructive dis eases' to oreWdA and,', truck crops .wnere iney opue ge. iwwwu.,, ' The dirisibn' ofhotttcnlttire crea ted two years ago, is under' coh'frol of a very able specialist,- who is , do ing much aid our truckers and fruit-growers in ' developing better meiuuus 01 xeriiu.iug, cumiTouug a"n'd"fliar1cetingtrHckand rchard crop&- together wtb Jhe pti.odaction 6fbftervarieTtieV of jcrbps now grown, .as wejl as new cfopj, 'wni'rrf OP)ijfli)tipnj arefav?riiile4 i "A division of botany and; biology has also beep addd by thp Demo crate, ancii doing;a greatfwork in thJiileatij&cajou)'' of plft"ts and the giving of information regardiB them, and ,tb biplpgicalt ajialysls'of both" hiifietKl and' the 'ordinary drinking-water, , from wells and springs. w V it i'itii cheisical JaboratOryfcontiuutid its useful work of analyzing the fhjutiifti'cy of jrsifads of fertilizers sold in tne State, thu jbemg rally the leading division of all un der the control of the Deiartmeaff Id the Creation of the fDipartment thia ,ditiA)rvp.oveied placticallv all the wbilc'dohe by it, but is lines of effart nae also been greauweniargeu. Ctdyadiadtof the Ilgilature of 1901. all cottonseed me apld in the Ste'srtqired fte sffected ana analyzed,' 'itf' br&lt 'to prfvent the pnwtice CitmnO. in ispt lgis- lature enacted W law nwngffligbt.wtrflS8ti(M.,,.U.iie" cabin oh fed-tolls f or attle nlade in this trwte. or orouim row 11 irom utuer states, to be also inspected alvzed. m brder fc6 previnlfUltl .oahicb.ivasoftmilig very dan eerous and destructive to animal li& ' OuWageoM frauds have been detected and the dangers from this dpiNce-bavfy DeeV greatl minimized;' th'dugrr constant watjhfulhess necessary. Under Deirpcratlc legiV lation much eood has been acconi1 1 Plished and the dangjrs to health greatly mimmrzexr-oy me .carmi ahalyiis hy.the Department of sani; ples. or nijman iooas ana annus offered fori saleMdulteratfonii' of fches.roducl8 are being rapidly -stomped -xesultful work enured, upon by thej Uipartmeut Under "democratic auspices is the eeUoJIsEiuent of Test Farms in va rious sections" of the State. Farnu are iio in-peration in Edgecombe, counties. Uu tnese rarms are con- j dufitef fcs of fertilizejI'oX varifid varieties of the different crops grown, method i of cultivation aud handling thecaMftfe'fniw ducti"!! of' new ; erojw which , seem promiaiBg; .'!-. vnr. c..' -Inl oo-'oieration. with ' the ..Bureau of Soils' of the National Department of Agricultureiiaidibeeii nrenared of seventeen .counties in larged Turju-.,WnJ. f r The mass of invaluable Informa- the farmers of the State from time wtSetch fiilhefMJ to not le3S than 30,000 persons throughout ,the length and ibreadth of the State, the number having grown frm'0O eight : years ago to aboot' '32.00 prHt. -W.-q to aboot" '32,000 prea :'iThSf4te1fItfsVani''' coutiiiutis its growth' afrtf i dfcrfees fn-'-.Vl u Co ri-; stantiy.'lt isltn& -stares 1 grmv ob iect lHSWtt,:no-oulyt6ite'owa peo De- lines of thought, of effort, and of j uringini; wui iuo- u,' ou ouh; jiaMrVutiffjfc injopipg the createrlove for the farm, and in dignifying that niSlest'j bfj employ ments, the tilling of the soil. r Xfa;5iiMngc:ef the citizen of &liiW,!ftfcWFriday night for'the purpose ofpmnoting theeatftWWt4 ment of a city hospital for that town Mayor "'Boyden read a " letter rra.n W E." 'TSuider .. fii " Athlch he donated to the city a site for the proposed invitation which is" now liiuren. ' Jf egro. .BfgXLiii'Md 3rake " 'A i" Rod n 'Tiacic il nU'Mf 'I egro ti'oinn Killed nl -Itenfcr ,pf Serlon Wn. Met Oommltttd. ' 1 fi'f.-j.t XilMIall WltkiUBmlif. ' '' 1 ' ' , A serious wreck' caiiiedl the , deatf of a' iffegro' otaah'-andloss to the railway, pompany of over $50,000 on the.Asheboro division of the Sdnth en Saturday night. 3 The- train due here at 9:35 did not leave, High,, Poiniaatii .. nearly, mid night; The wreck occurred in the southern part ofHh'eScity near the Eagle Furnitriref 06"and- Standard Mirror Co faefcipas. 4 'The-list otlie oteaa and wounded follows: I ALICE BROWN, colored, dead. Hun White, colored, bruised aVathq Bheaklerand head. . ' EugineeV1 Kin Wilsbn, bruised about, the body and suffering from sevferV- ihock'i ! tjc Fireman Keed Norris, of Randle 'WgpJajbtt body afad stove-np rrotn jump from enginej .;.., Ivy Hall, brakeumn, yas also iu,- ' The enguie left the trftclt striking hg rnegro, wGian. Wfl fa watking along the track, killingjher instant ly. .... ! The engine butted (first1 int- a heavy loaded lumber caj- and' pked (f s nose half way throuih Solid tiefi of planks, breaking fig ' face' and completely dismantling i the etfgin especially on the right side, which struck moat of the lumbeif m its md the engineer's side was j completely smashed and he would undoubtedly hay btn killed; 4ad the remained at.W post; tW nrtmarf might hare escaped ? An empty cattle car and two tofter lumber cars were smaahed into kindling wood, the cattle ear gping down the embankment, Some rpnr nundrea reet ot tracKagewaa tornr 'np': 'tinl? ;-' i ' ; , Jealpitsyj' 'candeif by the Attentions of the negro flremafai of the; ' wrecked train to his wife is gi veil as the Inotive which prompted Wm. Mclver tQ place a. brake rod on the track, hoping .that the. fireman ! would lose his1 life 'in' the 'smash up. ,, .(fjlveivonjf eased to tne officers his guilt and lii fiendish glee begged that he might have his liberty long enough to take the life of his. wife. He is a desperate negro about 25 years old and. is said to have com mitted murdei in GreeuBbofq some timeago. 1 ; ILd-uuA.UuidilautLiy charged with wrecking the train add attempt fnWirria rtnim!f.t.fT fn STORE ROBBED. ' Two Yuuntr lin Krom Kmiilltnian I'I.-.ckI In Jail. , Chief of Police I'arsousi of Kau dleman, was iu Asheboro Saturday, bringing two persons to be placed in Hap raiati83 next term or court, TheV wete" Sam Allredi and Bob Brown, charged with breaking into the store of Lineberry ACo., at fcmdUuapjv)iWtf(t. TIi'h 'first efitry vviis nfade tfednesday night apilthe officer, tinding some clue H'i i tap into whictf they walked Friday night wbenfthe store was'A), tlie- sucond time. A younger brother 'of i.Ilred was also arrested, "Wednesday night . the boys i. Bociued a nuiuber of pocket knives, tobaeeo, caifued goods .and fruits s"orio . : 'c Vnen 4 arreefed thai made a com- plete v'confeesion olvtheir' " guilt to the oicer.H . ! thebrothef oiThe groom, ,ilr.. Kieo. H. Boling in Naomi, N. C4 a beautiful wedding was solemnized Tpen jmiss the bride of Mr'Jdhif Baling,, -The rooms were filled with numerous friends and relatives who ; had "as- Mubled to witness the events -.TJie a J Russell.-J. P., of RandlfcfiW"? Wh'. the oonimitulatiens of rh&ddUrrit ly jiud, ;: , assembled guests, i and abomlant supper a&liSTfefim '.was"-, seried: w'hir-h wa enjoyed 'very. umch : -b.y all' present. ' ' Xfay '.not a ; wave.-tf trouble rde accross" "their 'pathway. A.l!.. it it i; r, r ,;j iijt ' . OCTOBER 25th ,1$. TtiE DATE. Hnh. Vt , Overman Will be Among 'J'th tit Of DlrtlaRalsned Speaker Lara; Crowdt Expected Many Prom Adjoining Coantlei. Tin "ltd: ;"W. J. Scarboro County Chairman df the Democratic Executive Com mittee, has announced that arrange ments have been : completed for holding the Big Barbecue and Bas ket Picnic, and Thursday, October 25th has been named as the date. . ' ; Circulars ' advertising the event aire lieing distributed throughout this and adjoining counties, and in dications point to this being , the event of the year in Old Randolph. Everybody is invited and already the largest gathering ever witnessed in Asheboro. seems assured.. ;' Besides the barbecue and picnic featnres, a number of distinguished speakers haye signified their inten tion pf attending, among them being Bon. Lee S. Overman, of Salisbury. Mr. Overman is an orator of recog nized, ability and will interest all -who hear him. The As'hebord' Nightingale Band will furnish music for the event. . . ODD FEIXOWS ANNIVERSARY. Special SerVrce to Be Hold In (lie !( odlaf Protectant Cfcttreh Sondnr -" ' N(ghtBoblt InrKed. -ir Sunday night, October 14th, is. the First Anniversary of, the . Asheboro Lodge of Odd Fellows An arrange ment had Wn made to hold -'ail anniversary service pn that date but on account of the series of meet ings that will be in ' progress at the Methodist Episcopal, church the date, has been changed bo a week earlier. ... . , .: . .;.;.) ' ' On Sonaay ieveniiig, October. 7th, a special service will, be held in the Methodist Protestant cKuicb..: Rev. W.L E. Swafri will' pre'ach the anni versary sermon which will i be .fol lowed by a" short address on Odd Fellowship by Rev. N. R. Richard son:; ' ". ' : : !'';'' ': The local lodge will extelid "an invitation to the members of Deep River Lodge, No... 189, of Randle manand Franklinville Lodge, No. 291'. A'' good' crowd is expected from those placeB. The Odd Fellows will meet in. their ledge room at 7 o'clock,, attending iu a body in full regalia. . ' . The public, will begven a cordial welcome.. . . i . The City Hall of Toronto, built at a coat Vront the tower on clear day w Itli a ' K'allecan iwwn. ' Death of Mrs. TrdgdoH,' , ' Mrs.' Tysor Trogiob,. 'wTio'' lives near Franklinrille,' died ..Thursday aged 5 J years.. Death was sudden, rer suiting from ah attack of heart dis ease; - Mr; aToir- leaves. a , nus- t??"! a!id tiv' children, audT. host sue inoruuerai . wuuucum rn- j . - , , m .m' wgl' weewl' "v-.. ri?Hptj re inrorroa ar- .m. .t;aw: .ur ; ' inlvluiville Airs. TroJou.wa a rioter ui Mr-, Ne'tort Cox, of Ash -boiu... ; ; . . KffCJi 'i i) t r .jr-iv King Edward's Country Editors Visit Principal Canadian Cities Toron ........ to, Beautiful City Wenderful Niagara Falls. As I said i in my last article, our 1 train of eight pnllman cars and one baggage coach was , made .. up , m Detroit for the trip through. Cana da. We left about ten o'clock over the Canadian Pacific railway; cross ed the Detroit river on a ferry and entered Canada at Windscr, from there we went to Toronto arriving in time for an early breakfiist. Most of the party were np earlier than usual looking for. strange sights in our neighbor on the north. Harvesting had just begun and in some parts of Canada the whoat and oats were green and this was then the last of June. The coun try seemed rich from an agricultur al stand point and the forests were full of fine timber. So much . mere land is in cultivation along the railroads than in our part of the country, and from the car windows one could gaze for miles and milns. TOHOXTO A CITY ; WITH MANY NAMES "THE QUEEN CITY" "XOC CITY ""CITY OF . . , CHTRCHE3." Toronto like ,imahy of the, cities we visited was rich in names. It'is beautifully located' on; the. north shfre of Lake Ontario, I and derived its name "The Queen City'' from its admirable' 'location.:''.' It is a city where' tourists delight to go, hence it is called the "Tourist's city 'and as it ' has more than two hundred houses of worship iV'il called ;the" '.'. Toronto; h ' "' a1 population "j)t about 280.000. : It is m6re. like nr own cities' than any city i we.visited. m Canada.. The: streets re 'wide aad well pavd and ' resemble those of the .larger and better r laid -out cities of - the United States " Inl 1747 Toronto was tm an Todiah Settlement. ' The French , eotajblish ed a trading ' post .there ..Jthsame' year and icon afterwards. it passed into the hands or th ,Jintun-;.ni for several years was at a ttandetill. The seat or government was 1 mored from Niagara in ' 1793' ahd'was given the name. of 'Vprk,;,whi9n name it was known: tmtil jijCw'hen it was incorporated and jgiven ' Jhe present name loronto, ENTKKTAINMENT IN TOROtC CITY Onr.. headquarters was at the King Edward Hotel, which,, a Magnificent, hotel, built after the old English style and furnished ao cordingly. The cost of . building aiid'v furnishing was over three million- dollars.. I he prt'ntmgs i, ?s?. Hi; Jit nf Sl,0il(t,()O0, covering one qnq.rr. atrong glnaa the apray of the itlagara ' peCiallv-beavitifuH - several betr'K" JMW, associations or ef the-'RoyaUy.- Scial entertdiu-f1"0'1 legend, a great many meilt hud -rrtri. hluntipd for thp -ciliters.'- Reception t tl& Vfi$. bappfn to 'neciallfoK-BCewftn of 8th Vttty if1 T''f8 souvenTis;' given-:the 1: iieayc:whiett wi'f befwasan ' enameled ? mapte leaf vpijW the word Toronto written ac- i1.l(hl.I llHta.l 1 ill : I r it .IF lS LTTr"T t'.iver'with' fit:wav idejf W?h rM bark wa kind of - soov('fi';rs': an.itlvctfrnt4i-.-l; ' oa i im-., i witi niiple leaves, aBiTping,4MiJi: r..',..-. ..r- ,.j are in the shape of l.naple Jeaves. The,, city ball is the pride of Toronto.'.; , It is built of brown rtune . and finished inside with m r jle on the first fioor., The tower is- very high and on this tower is a block whose dial is 14 feet in diamster. ' A large bell in the tower announces the hour, it weighs fi ve. tons. From this totfer one gets i splendid, view .of the' city, sur rounding country and Lake Ontario. We were told that on clear days the spray of Niagara could be seen. At One street crossing in Toronto is a peculiar 1 situation, on one corner lives the Governor of Outario, on another a college, on another a church aud ou the fourth a hotel or saloon. It is said that this is the point in the city where there can be found legislation, education, salvation and damnation. His Wor ship, the mayor, The Commercial Club ' and the citizens entertained the portion of the party who remain ed in Toronto. Choice was given of the day in Toionto or trip to Niagara Falls. More than half the party chose the latter and left at eleven o'clock for the., fckrXfEST SCENIC WONDER NIAGA-"t-'SA. FALLS. ' The trip from Tronto across Lake Ontario, - was - yert pleasant. We landed at Lewiston", on the Ameri can; aide where special, trolley care re. Raiting ;..t4 give nsa comply .ientary,trip,up tbe"'.- Niagara Gorge,,4e - Falls. This trip oaeaot sbftt over" estimated. It is said that although Niagara is a com mon word to almost evr ry one, no artist? has everncces8f ully painted, Of -ntf teM ?vharveyer v described the rahfienr'bf th Falls and the rap . dji5$ 'ejpjqrge' T5eIo ' This I am waU,pr,eRaeeJ,to believe. Hfi'XJftiiiiany , tfee. gorge iB the most wonderful part of the Niagara. It w -th great hasm through which thtj-'" Niagara 1 Rrvtr flows after its prunge;6f' l'60 ' -feet at the falls. .The g$ge proper eibends from the Cataract to the cliff, .t Lewiston a 'u,Uknce pislx miles, " yet within its UmiU-.there occur more startling and awe inspitwg features than iu any similar Tier channel.- The chasm whichlias been- dug by the action of -thi river itself, wearing its chan nel backward, is Tn some places, of a depth" of 'over '300 feet and of a width 'vaiying from 250 to 1500 feet,... In tlie. narrowest and steep est part are tlie Whirlpool Rapids, extending frpu the railway bridges, to the Whirlpool a distance of a mile. Here the channel narrows to its narrowest width about 250 feet and there iina faU of 08 feet iu the bed of the stream. The waters Foaiji'knd' iusYi" 'onward reminding one of , great sea horses. r The ..Whirlpool.- (sometning that everv tourist -looks for) is a great curve iu the course- of the stream. Tne waters describe a' majestic cir cle from right; to left,' anil finally viuerge ..through, an outlet almost ut right ..augl.'S,' to. their former course.. Great logs ' turn eud over end, aa they are carrier! iu the cir cle aud sometimes remain there for days before they pass ou down. Above the Whirlpool is the "spout-ing-roek" which 'is- no rock at all, but is a hole into which the water plunges necessarily making the wat- .. j er spout up as a fountain or geyser. , p.Tue Devils' Hole" is a mighty oavei'ii. in the .side , of tb? gorge i about half way down between the , level of the river,' and leve'. of the ibankv-It reached by a winding stairway in tne cliff. The Indians thrnWt this was the abode of the evil'rtyaudbefieT'ed that a terri ble, death .was the'.fate of any who entered. ,lne wail of rock on eith- recall, was stated peri. ropitiate the "uip . h ,P -riU13' aa . as aQ oner- lS WWlb eitJ. Deaul1' ful Sirl M, APUjS"4 m a bark " i,,to.wl? singers chanted the pi ns , etc ai Lain aii;j.i) . d m .r. v.... .. .3 M oxodn99D 4-':;,

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