. MCIVER MEMORIAL EXER CISES. Will be Held in ;rcensboro in State Normal College Xoveinber 2tli Details of Program Will be Announced Later, We are in receipt of the follow ing invitation: The Board of Trustees, Faculty and the Students of the Nort'.i Carolina State Normal and Industrial College Greensboro, North Carolina. Invite you to lie present at the exercises in memory of its founder and president, Dr. Charles litucun Mclver, to be held at the College, Nov. 20, 11)00 at 11 A. M. All of the details of the program incident to this memorial meeting have not yet beeu arranged, and public will wait" with decided interest in the manner the State will employ so to honor one of North Carolina's greatest education Hi sons and benefactors. UNDER GIVIL SERVICE. President t'luxsiHr leputy Collector of Internal He venue Regulation of Commission, Washington, Nov. 9. The Presi dent has made an order again classi fying deputy collectors of internal revenue under the regulation of the cifil service commission. There are about 1100 of these deputies. They were classified by President Cleveland, but were taken out by Preside utMcKiuley in 1899. The action of President Roosevelt brings all employes of the internal rev nne service under civil service and practically classifies all employees of the Treasury iVp.-H'tment. Judge lioytl on Judge. Washington Post. At the Ebbitt is Judge James K. Boyd, of Greensboro, N. C, former ly assistant attorney general and now United Stages district judge for the western district of Noith Carolina. -'I do not wish to be iuterview'd," said he last evening, "for I believe that a judge of a court should not always be appear ing in print. I haven't anything to say about politics, for a judire should keep "tit oi' polities, because if he does not he cannot very well help being iniluenced to some slight extent. Judges are human, just as other people are, and so they should keep themselves entirely above controversy. The bench in the United States stands higher than any other in the world, and is cleaner than any other. The English judges may make an ex ception, but there are not so many of them, because England has not our dual Federal and State judicial systems. Everywhere, I think the Supreme Court of the United States is considered the highest tribuual of law on earth And our bur stands high also, though I sometimes think we have not the profound lawyers we had a couple of generations ago; the profession has become more specialized. This is certainly so in the North, but m the South aonie very tiue all around lawyers are still to be found. There the old-fashioned lawyer still abides, and is a credit to the community. But, as I said, I have nothing to i-ay that would be of any intertst. I am here just to get my spectacles adjusted." Cotton Estimate. Washington, Nov. 8. The amount of cotton of the crop of 1906, ginned up to November 1st, according to a bulletin issued by the census bureau today, was C, 892,597 bales, counting round bales as half bales, as against 6,457,595 last year. The number of activt ginners is given as 27,481, against 27,802 last year. LOf this North Carolina ginned 311,515 bales. The number of gin meries operating is 2,650. The mauy friends of Capt. C. F. Siler will be glad to learn that he has decided to return to this county He has been teaching at An trier during the fall, but, finding that the Water, climate and people of old Montgomery were dearer to him than any other, he has resigned his fiosition ml accepted the school at ola mine. The Montgomrian. The cooner's jury at Atlantic City has agreed to place the blame foT the wreck at that place on Sun day, October 28th, upon the a:ed bridge tender, Daniel Stewart. He will be arrested for criinnal negligence and causing the death of 53 persons. Beginning Wednesday of this week the western North Carolina Conference of the M. E. Church South convened at Mt Airy. pWTo Care Cold in One Day. rrk LAXAnTTVE"' BBOMO Q uiniDC Tablets. Druggists refund money if it fail to enre. K W GBOVE'S signature is on ch box. J5o. CURRENCY INFLATION Scheme to Increase National Bank Notes 50 Per Cent. HIGHEE PEICES SUEE TO RESULT Per Capita Cln-nlatlon llaa More Than Doubled Since 1S78 and In creuaed 50 Per Cent Since lOOO Ben-are of Republican Congressmen With National Dank Connections. The American bankers' committee have formulated a plan for credit, or clearance, currency to be Issued by na tional banks, In addition to the bank currency uow issued with United States bond as security. The amount pro posed to be issued Is not to exceed CO per cent of the bond secured circula tion outstanding, which amounted to $400,000,000 in 1905, but which has been largely increased since that date. The security for this proposed issue of credit currency is rather Indefinite, th report of the committee stating: "Before any bank can issue credit, or clearance, currency It must deposit with the treasury department o'r de positories to be designated by the com mission approved securities of the bank passed upon by the comptroller of eurrenev's department to an amount t 10 per cent in excess of circulation to I be Issued." j The approved securities of the banks I probably mean the uotes, secured and ! unsecured, that have been discounted ; by the banks, but that would seem to i be a very poor security for currency i and unite troublesome to handle on nc- count of Its constantly bolus paid or i removed. As the comptroller of the ! currency's ollice has not shown nuy ' excessive ability in spying out defalca ! tious and other banking irregularities i in advance of the failure of banks, it lean hardly be trusted under the pres- cut nianaj oinent to exercise further j discretionary powers for the protection ! of the public. j The pe-iple will indorse no law pro ; viding fr bank currency that is not : redeemable by the government, with j no possibility of loss for the people or ; to pay for loss by taxation. I But there Is another question that vastly affects all the people in this ; scheme for currency inflation, ami that ' is its effect upon the price of conimodi ! ties. The present Inllatlon thiongu the i increased output of gold and the lu- crease of the national bank currency i from 00 to loo per cent of the face I value of the bonds deposited and the I great number of new national banks authorized under the law which re ! dueed the necessary capital to $25,000 j has Inflated the circulating medium from $15.KJ per capita in 1STS to over ?32 now, or over PH) per cent and over ' 50 per cent since P.tini. To this infla tion may be charged part of the great Increase in prices, which is also largely due to the monopolies created by tariff protection of the trusts and combines. The Inflation of the currency and the prices of commodities would seem to hare gone far enough for the comfort and advantage of the people and to pass laws expressly for the benefit of the banking class and the Wall street speculators is special legislation and undemocratic. As the Republican party is notorious ly favorable to the banking nnd cor poration interests. It Is advisable for voters to pledge candidates for eon. Kress and state legislatures who will elect United States senators, that they will oppose farther Inflation of the cur rency for the benefit of the banks. The only demand for this asset cur rency Is from the banks and from the Wall street speculators, who are con stantly crying for more money to carry the burden of the Inflated valuation of stocks, which are largely based on no real values. Beware of Republican candidates for congress, but espccially those who have national bank nnd trust connections. They are the Greeks bearing gifts and expect return compensation. IT IS TO LAUGH I gon-ln-lavv Lonarivortli Has a Warm Fight In Prospect. When Son-in-law I.ongworth was re nominated for congress, with the as sistance of Boss fox, in ncceptiug the nomination, ns reported In the Wash ington Tost, he said: "I shall follow first, last and nil the time the leadership of rresident Roose velt, not because he Is my (at this point he was interrupted by shouts and laughter) friend nnd counselor (more laughter), but because of his great qualities of leadership." But banging on to father-in-law's coat tails may not save you, Nick, for Boss Cor has lost his power to count the fraudulent votes, nnd the old Demo cratic machine that was an adjunct of the Cox machine has been thrown out of gear nnd has been superseded by a new organization of the honest Demo cratic voters of Cincinnati nnd Hamil ton county, and then there Is the labor vote, which is nfter the Longworth and Roosevelt families for deeds of commission and omission. Lodflre of Massachusetts. Senator Lodge denounces the Demo crats of Massachusetts as "fomenters of class hatred, outlaws and nomads of politics." No doubt he Is disturbed. His record on trusts, corporations, ship subsidy, the robber tariff, imperialism and labor legislation has made him odious to the people, and be Is only taking advantage of his last chance to excoriate them. By the way, bis pri vate secretary was recently convicted of robbing the Republican campaign fund. The senator is to be comnjj aerated. ! 0ur Bi3 c,ubbin9 offer. L. 1 , 1- .III. bv special arrangement with the ! Southern Agriculturist, the popu I lar semi-mouthly farm paper f Nashville Tenn, we are able to give ! our leaders the advantage of a club jl iu offer which we believe is the ; most liberal ever made by any news ! paper iu the South. ! In the jist place, we will send j the Southern Agriculturist a whole ; year free to unv new or old subscrib er who pays us for a years subscup tion to our own paper. This preat semi-monthly farm pa per goes twice every mouth into 50. 000 southern homes, and the regu lar price is 50 cents per year. It is ec'ited by southern men and women to suit southern conditions, and is just what our fanners need. It answers free of charge any question a subscriber may ask, and its advice is given in u plain practical way which any farmer can understand. All departments of farm life a.e covered, including delightful home and children's pages. Sample cop ies free at our oiliee. he he is oun me, all-southeun BARGAIK. (The Courier) $1.00 southern Agriculturist- .50 Nashville Weekly American .50 Inland Poultry journal .50 Southern Fruit Grower .50 Total regular price 3.00 We will send you all five of the i ipeis a whole year for only $1.50. These papers are all southern publications and eacn is a leader in its particular field. Order this club and you will tret a big year's reading at nominal cost. Address. Thk Co i" in Kit, Asheboio, N. C. iiirvej of rmlt'i-groiitiil Water Dur ing I'M).-,. In the annual volume entitled Liiderground-a!er Papers, 1906, Mr. Myron L. Fuller, who had charge of its publication, reports that during 190.) detailed survey 'if underground-water problems were conducted in Connecticut by Messrs. II. F. Gregory and E. E Kills; in Iowa, bv Messrs. W. II Norton and Howard E. Simpson; in i k -ins:ts, by Messrs. M. L. Fuller, A. F. Ciider, unit L. W. Stephenson; mil in Not ill CiU'oIina by ilessts, L. W. Stephens' n and B. L. John- In Connecticut and Arkansas the ivork was completed and reports ire in preparation. In Iowa and North Carolina the surveys were incomplete. Further work was done there during the past summer, Bulletin of the U. S. Geological survey. Itill Nye's Cow. Bill Nye is credited with bavins advertised his cow for sale as fol lows: Owing to ill health, I will sell at my residence, in township 19, range 1, according to the govern ment survey, one plush, raspberry cow, 8 years old. She is a eood milker and not afraid of the cars, or anything else. She has tin Jaunt ed courage and invea milk frequent ly. To a man who does not fear death in any form she would be a great boon. She is very much at tached in her home, at present, by means of a log chain, but she will be sold to any one who will use her right. She is one-fourth short norn and three-fourths hyena. I will also throw in a double-barrel shotgun which goes with her. In May she generally goes away for a week or two and returns with a tall rtd calf with wobbly legs. Her name is Rose." CARBUNCLE CURED. Three years ago my system was in such a condition that I had a suc cession of boils in all sixteen. They were mostly between my shoulders and on the neck, though I had one bad one near my right eye. As fast as one would get well an other would come, and ihey troubled me and caused me to suffer all the summer. Finally they developed into a large carbuncle on my right shoulder as large around as the top of a teacup. My whole arm was affected and caused me great suffer ing. I had to carry my arm on a pillow. It was September when the Carbuncle came and for six weeks it had to be dressed three times a day. Knowing the trouble came from blood I bought a box of lirs. Joe Person's Remedy and took a half dozen bottles before I stopped and it cured me. By the time I took the six bottles, my Carbnncle was well and I have never had a touch of the trouble since. Mrs. E. Z. Taylor. (Now of High Point N. C.) Hookerton, N. C, August, 16, 1904. NOTICE. The tax books for 1906 are in the hands of the collector , sad must be collected at once. Whes not otherwise engaged in said collection, the undersigned can be found at the office of the Aaheboro Courier. W. A. Bckch. Tax collector for th e Town of Aaheboro. t a 1 Tiini in HI si mm sir mi Inir- In most proper Oil I (Equipped with Smokeless Device) It will heat a room in no time and will ketp it warm and coiy. Oper ated as easily as a lamp and perfectly safe. Wick cannot be turned too high or too low. Gives no smoke or smell because fitted with unique smokeless device. -an te carried bdoui, which cannot be done with an ordinary stove. The Perfection Oil Heater is superior to all other oil heaters and is an ornament to any home. Made in two finishes nickel and japan. Brass oil fount beau tifully embossed. Holds tour quarts of oil and burns nine hours. Every heater warranted. If not at your dealer's write nearest agency for descriptive circular. THE Ja-wrv F FBTYnrTl ' the safest and best JlOyW Ltilllp all.r0ud household V lamp. Made of brass throughout and nickel-plated. Equipped with latest improved burner. Every lamp warranted. An ornament to any room whether library, dining-room, parlor or bed. room. Write to nearest agency if not at your dealer's. STANDARD OIL COMPANY MS ISIIIIJ ' BfssiiMririir-'rrriW For Emergencies at Home For the Stock on the Farm Sloans Limnveivt Is a whole medicine chest Price 25c 50c 6 I OO Send For Free Booklet on Horses. Cattle. Hogs 6' Poultry. Address Dr Earl S. Sloan. Boston, Mass," I a Si a a 1 R 0 Si Itching, Scabby Skin, If Ton linvn rich onJ pains in bjuej, ui.ck snu Jim ia. Itching, Bcabby K'.tln, Blood toe Is hot. Swollon Glands, Itlsinga and Humps on the Skin, Mucua Patches In Mouth, Bore Throat, Plm plea, Coppor.Oolorod H pots, all run down, UlceraonanTDarfcof The (bora pictures show whit botanic B! jod Balm will do, making the blood pure anil rich. body, lialror Eyebrows telling out, take Botanic Blood Balm, Guaranteed to euro the worst and most deep seated cases. Heals all cores, stops Ml aches and pftl ns, reduces all awelllnpa, makes blood pure and rich, changing the body Into a healthy condition. Old Rheumatism, Catarrh, Eczema, Scrofula we caused by I'olson la the Blood. B.B.B topa Hawkins and Hpltiin, Itching; and ftiratculnc: cure Kh auumLiiui. CulacrU: For sale by Standard Drug Company and Asheboro Drug Company, Asheboro, N. C. We Sell the Earth! If you are interested in the proposition, in or near Ajheboro, we think we can please yon as to lot, prices and terms. Office in Bank B'ld'jr. Armfield (El Laughlin, Real Esttvte Dealers. y 4.000,000 Tennessee Wholesale Nurseries. No agents traveled, but sell direct to planters at wholesale prices. Absolutely free from dis ease and true to name. Write for catalogue and prices before placing your order elsewhere. We guarantee our stock to be true to name. Largest Peach Nursery In the World. iWdress f J. C. HALE. f houses there is a room without 1 heating facilities to say nothing 1 of chilly hallways, even tnougn tne heat of your stoves or furnace should be inadequate to warm the whole house there need not be one cold spot if you have a PERFECTION Heater Bono Pains, Swellings Blister, 1 y g; ylcg pu'roi huftlthy Wud to aatwted j...ru, CAEMCEi Buppnrat'rxjpwelllnrjs. Entlnp Soron. Tu Qors.Uijly Ulcers. Jt.B.B. hohis tin iorea or worst cancer perfectly. If you hnvoa Persistent Plraplo, ftwellltiirs, ritl.irtra; alns, tr'-e Blood Balm and thoy wIU ii!b appear bcoro they iluvolop into Ooecuii Botanlo mood Balm (Tt. B.K.) is pleas ant and safe to tn!eo. Thro'ifh!- tested for &J yearn. C"mpo?M ot Pure Yictnulo Ingredients. HWenrthetis Yv'etik t tom. achs, cures Dyspepsia. l'rir p lurpe Init io. Take as directed, .f tic cured when rlirht quantity la taken, money refunded. Huiuple Sent Krae by writing Bloci Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. De sorllKi yovr trouhle, ncd ntwclal free inedt. ml advice to suit jour sum, aUao aut io aoulod loi;-;. Peach Trees June Buds! a Specialty. Winchester, Tenn. A THE BEST SHOE $Vk W AMERICA TAKE NO SSJaSTITUTE MAKERS CRARDOCti -TESmY CO. A full line of these Shoes can be found at . J. MILLER'S, Sole Agent, ASHEBORO N. C. Surprise Party. S Bryant, President J. U. Cole. Casbier T5he Betiik of Randlemo.n, Randleman, N. C. Capital $12,000. Surplus, $5,000. Accounts received nn favorable terms. Interest paid on savings de posits. Directors: W K llartsell, A N I'mlla, S G New liu, W T Bryant, 0 L Lindsay, N X Xewlin, S Bryant, II O Barker mid J 11 Cole. ') K COX. fruuMvut. W J ARMFIELD, V-Pret W J ARMFIELD, Jr., Cashier.' The Bank of Randolph, Capital and Surplus, $30,000.00 Total Assets, over $150,000.00 With amiile assets, exicriein e and protection, tve solicit the buninwof the ImnkliiK public and (eel wile In suyiiiK c are rcun-d utui williug to exteml to our utonicr, every dicilltv and ao .uimmxliitioii eoilMeui with Kite buiilting. DIRECTORS. HurIi PnrLs. Sr., W J Arnilichl.W p Wood, P H MorrK C C Mi-Alistei, K M AnuliHcl, o K Cox, W K Keililinif, H.-I1) MoiHtt. Thin. .1 Kedilinv, A W KCuih'I, A M Kankiu, Thus H ReddiUK, lir F 8 Asburv. C J Cox. You Furnish the Bride We Furnish the Home. Just receivd !mce line Parlor and Bed Room Suits, ouches, Upholstered Parlor Su s, Pic tures, Hall Racks, etc. We have an assortment permitting us to furnish the home in keep ing with any purse. We are also prepared to serve the public as Funeral Directors in a careful and courteous man ner. Kearns & Fox. Look Out for Cold Winds You must wear a hat or at least you will when you come to see out new line for fall and winter wear. The shapes are varied in style and color to suit all. Greatest care taken to give you a becoming fit, Mrs. E. T. Blair. Asheboro, N. C. My Work Pleases! When you wish an easy ithave Aa good as barber ever gave, Just cull on me at my Baloon, At morning, eve or noon, cut and dress the hair with grace, To suit the contour of the face. My room is neat and towels clean, Scissors sharp and razors keen, And everything I think vou'll find, To suit the face and pfease the mind, And all my art and skill can do, If you just call I'll do for you. TOM CARTER. Asheboro Hotel Main Street (Near Court House.) Thoroughly renovated and Refurnished rable supplied with the beat the markrt (fords. Rates Reasonable, B. F. NEWBY, Prop. H0LLI3TCR-3 Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Buy Hsdtotae for Busy Fsxpta. Brings Qoldaa Hoalth anu Rnewed Vigor. A apeifle for Constipation. Indirection, IJw lnd Kidney Troubles, Pimples. Ecicnw, Impurs Blood, Bad BrMth. Plug-gisti Ilovrelm Hulaeb ind Backache. It's Rocky Mountain Tea in tb 'et form, 8ft eents a box. 0-iinloe made by 'Joujsteb Daoo Conrixf, Uadison, Wla. 20LDEN NUGGETS 08 SALLOW r0PLS 1