J COURIER Leads irCBoth News and ' Circulation. J COUR H J5he COURIER Advertising Columns Bring Results. i I i ER. Iasued Weekly. PRINCIPLES, NOT MEN. $1.00 Per Year. VOL XXXI. ASHEBORO, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22 1906. . No 47 RANDOLPH-CUMBER LAND. OFFICIAL VOTE OF RANDOLPH COUNTY, 1906. METHODIST CONFER. ENCE. Corp. I Com. Solicitor ! Congress., Senate KceIk- i Repretentatlvw Clerk ter. 1 Surveyor Coroner i Shertir Treaa Commissioners Promoters Pushing Surveys And Right-of- Way Canvass. Next Meeting Will Be Held at Salisbury. SURVEY OF ONE ROUTE COM PLETED ANOTHER IN PRO GRESS. Conditions F.nrouraging to Promoters--Company Has strung Hacking One Property Owner Donates a Depot Site an J KM) Acres of Land as Inducement to Cross His Property. H. G. Whitaker, of Pilot Mt, who owns a large tract of land on Deep River was in Asheboro last Saturday. Mr. Whitaker is highly elated over the prospect for the extension of the Randolph-Cumberland rail road from Cameron to High Point or Greensboro and then North. He eays the company is backed by men who menu business and he is posi tive that before many months the road will be under construction. An engineering corps has been sur veying for several weeks and has completed a prospective route on this side ot the river ana u is now engaged on another route m the other side. M. IL Caldwell! has. been can vassing the right C way,' and while, as always, there at'emaay who 'demand exorbitant prices, still he ffnds much encouragement. The (proposed reute traw&ses the Dlautation of Mr. WniUKer,t .na nov and when asked wbttt 'he in tended doing for the road, 'he replied "I have already daoe." "J 'have donate! a 4epotaite and am doing all l caa to eeoure a right of way by talking to tfooeet.-eee who lire Talong the wwposed route." Further than that Mr. Whitaker has douateu tract "oCJland contain ing flOO acres to the company ifor the .consideration that if at any time anj jpart of the tract ns .deeded to a negw, lit -shall revert fcaok ito him, hie heirs or assign. "I desire to mate it a,white man's town' said he. No 'better slocation for a town can be fond,ibe declared. Jtds 40 miles from High iPoiut; -40 jnUes trom Greeiwbora; 60 miles frm Fayetteville, 60 imiles from Raleigh. 17 miles f rowi Asheboro, miles fnem Elise, J iwilos from Siler City and .12 iniles ifiironi Cam eron, from which powat the road, will be extended. . Tfcis rocd will mean imuoh for' the section uf Randolph it traverses; 'and those who are assisting the pro-1 moterc will find in most cases that the increase iii the value of their property, whan the road is au opera tion, wi'lI mor.9 than repay .tibam for their effort to secure it. This is what Mr. Whitaher believes and is the reasou he gives for bis action. VALUABLE PATENT. JKandwIpli Uy Plawa a Non-KeflllaWe lloltfc mi the Market. Milton E. Hammer, sou of J. Calvin Hammer., has recently pat ented u.d placed on the market a noiv-reJBllable bottle, for which he and his partner, Thos. H. Alackin, have been offered a' good sum. In the neck of the bottle is a series of valves so arranged, that they only permit luidto How out audonce empty notniug cau be put in with out breakins the neck off the bot tle. The patent was granted in Januury of this yuar anU only piae ad ou the market in September. Mr. Hammer lives in Maryland. Cotton Picking Machine. Mr. J. B. Underwood, of Fay etteville, has invented and has patented a cotton picker which he believes will prove a success. He brought one of his machines to Sanford this week to have the Moffitt Iron' Works Company com pleteit. Mr. Under wood has made a contract witn tnem to mauuiau ture the machine. Sanford Ex preBS. The Weather. During the past four weeks this section has had a variety of weather representing every season of the year. The chinas was reached Wednesday afternoon when it began to snow. It fell steadily until mid night when it began min. Dei pite the fact that the ground was we the snow reached a depth of twd inches or more. - T Trinity , ... 'Providence West New Mutttt ., Eiist New M.wkvt . . Liberty .., Columbia East Fmnklinville.. West Franktmvl lie. Kandleman Bnckreeit.. . Thenino?e OOTKWi Certar (irc ishetxiro irant OWrriiliM New Wccpe t'lilon Kichland Broiver Pleaiit (ime TRINITY miES. K)V. 11,1-. Harnett Sustains liytrv by a t-'aUt PerwnulH. Since the lectioE everything its and around Trinity has b-en very quiet. Ur. Waixl and Revs. Harfieflt, Wilson and Henry are attending t'he Memoaasc Vonrerence at Mt. Awy. AH will be glad to have Mr. Hforr gett return as .paftor. Mrs. &t Carr, mother of Mrs. Heitman. is quite sick. Mrs. Kkhy is here oc a visit to trwttver. W. ST, Elder us mwed his 'fam ily Iwre. He went in its Superinten dent of mr Sunday Bdiiool tfce 3rd Sanday.. On a recent visit to 'New York, Mr, W. Brofeaw ppasented Mi. Elder wiuk a handsome vatch andbaia,as testim mial of 'taith- fttlaess while attending to his biwi oess art Fairview iLodge. W. A. Rrame, of Wilkesboro, and P. J. Brame, f Wrnston, vere vis- itcnstneir brother -last week. Mrs. (L A. Ris-ell, of Coleridge, is spending txnuie time in Trinity. The Itig'h School here -eems to be doiitg tine woiknd tK moving on well. The Kennedy Table Co 'is under new niKtiagettiewt and has 'increased its capital scock. Wion new ma chinery they hope 4o be .able to fill their many orders. Wili Leach has bought the stock of goods from Mr. Benson Parker and opened up a beef market in connection with his store.. . News has reached heie 'thut Rev. B. F. Hargett sustained injuries as the result of a fall ait Mt. Ary Wed nesday. If reports are eorreot, he was descending the fitqps in front of the residence of Mr. C B. Jack son, when he had a slight stroke of apoplexy. The steps were .covered with snow and as a consequence he slipped and fell. He was bruised considerably about the head and face, but it is thought tkat he will reoover from his injuries in a few days. i)r.. D.. K. Lockhart, of Asheboi o, was a visitor in the place Friday evening.. Miss Itose, WnitP, trained nurse, has reeeutly beetilcalltd to the bed side of a typhoid fever patieut at opencer. Ernest Bell, a student in the High SchooL is spending a few days at his home in ureensboro. The bird law for Randolph ex pired Thursday. Despite the fact that there wis snow on tne ground, a great number of birds paid the the penalty for living. Mrs. Guthrie, of Durham, is vis iting her sister, Mrs. J. F. Heitm tu. She " as called to the bedside of her aged mother, Mrs. Eliza Carr, who is seriously ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Htitman. Mrs. Carr is 92 years old and has made her home here for the past year. She i3 the mother of Gen. Julian S. Carr. Miss Emma Johnson, is assisting Miss Whitehead in the public school. It is taught in the High School. Miss Norma Reddick spent a day or two at home last week. She is a student in Greensboro Female Col lege. The Misses Ellis, of Durham, are visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wood. Mrs. G. F. Kir by, und little Wil-! Hard, of King' Mountain, are visit- j ing Mrs. Heitman. Mrs. J. B. Craven, or Asnevuie, is spending the week at Mis. Nannie j Cravens. S J8 ii o 1 3 C S3 w e. es c; fS 3 o 3 ff l.H : 142 I 1W I 38 158 un ! 1SK l:W ! 118 147 17 I 1W I W I 1D1 l!B l:l 161 , 1S8 1R1 188 145 140,1(11 1H8 l.'.l 14H 141) 110 141 1 Ul IK TS ' Kl 53 ,104! M 11 Kl ' HO 1M M 1111 lil 68 128' 68 VM tti K0 S5 , 1 58 VM I 15 li 58 58 M 4 lil 14 11.8 I 04 11 8S lKI'i 57 60 )ll'l U0 1 117 5 114 ' S 110 fi8 110 IM 115! 08 110 01' 50 I 04 110 11H 11.1 41 18 18 , M H I 81 18-; 41 ) j 14' 13 1 8 , 111 81. 18. 81 14 81: 13 18 10 1 81 18 88 10 81 18 18 15 WS 94 1SS 98 139 tl8 180 91 187 180 98 ; ill 9M ! HI 1811 M) 188 W 18 i IW 188 M I 187 8 18H 188 1811 HI Ml 91 M7 178 W 178 887' 178 1 883 1T4 980 884 I 178 1 VM M : ITO 888 178 887 174 880 174 21 108 884 174 880 880 8'H 1.8 118 108 K5 H6il28 98 ,j la's 90 I 123 W 184 12A 95 i 10' 18fl : W 180 94 124 90 185 90 180 95 ; 181 C7 185 180 120 Ml 9i 95 511 ( I 58 98 I IW 93 S8 I 57 !W 98 I 01 I M8 59 92 51 , 90 58 I 98 53 95 I 58 93 57 57 01 91 93 . 93 230 24 t!19 244 ' 9U 810 880 2 . I 830 tf ; 848 I 17 1 840 843 848 280 235 85 858 i 887 210 8lifi ; 882 851 817 835 231 841 213 2.V. 87 1S5' 81H154:i 1, HO 1M ' 80 87 '158 1M W ; 150 90 ' 151 87 1.V) f7 155 87 1l 88 1 51 87 85 87 150 152,154 188 101 ' .130 ! 154 ill lMi 187 IW ' 186 : '188 I 160 ! 157 I IW 100 129 1M 180 1M 188 : 150 18 154 189 lt 187 187 188 1.111 1.5 i 11 116 131 115 i 181 i 115 131 11S Ml 115 1 10 I 130 i l') 117 1187 110 130 115 131 115 131 115 131 118 188 115 110 115 131 130 I 130 08 11 05! 118 'OS 180 ! fl 119 59 : 01 120 1 181 !8 114 ' 04 118 04 119 08 119 04 118 1 00 110 08 08 02 119 180 117 8511 lf-V 200 I WO -58 188 ' U57 IM 8ft 850 : 114 i 111 258 113 858 118 858 114 801 113 258 110 i 252 117 800 8511 859 113 111 ' 113 58 VU 59'l.. 59 10H W 1(19 5 J i 50 1(W K 54 107 5U 111 49 109 50 107 53 107 48 11.. 50 50 50 109 1IW 100 139 M0 187 1 S 140 98 1: '98 Vt! 188 Kit 130 98 1:)8 98 139 98 130 99 184 99 I 138 98 1:17 138 1 10 98 97 ll'.l 130 .7 189 TS i 130 75 : T :79 t'V 189' 7 79 130 59 18U 79 188 79 188 79 189 79 I 180 78 180 188 183 89 79 79 97 74 90 ! T , 90 74 . MK 74 !M 90 74 ' "71 97 73 !l 74 95 74 97 74 97 74 07 74 91 ! 97 98 85 74 ; 74 98! 77 , 97,' 74! 98 70 Itt 77 I 90 97 78 1 77 j! 98 70 98 70 98 70 97 77 98, 70 97 77 90 t ' (W . 77 77; 77 ,44 'c IK)! 48! C, 43 07 I 48 1 '07 11 48 1 43 (fl ! 1 43 00 45 05 44 03 44 04 45 04 45 05 45 44 44 1 lil 05 05 4l '39 45 , V.I i 45 80 4S S'l 45 ; 4 3 '. 89 'I 45 80 W 38 40 38 45 89 43 : 88 I 45 89 44 , 44. 48 80 39: 38 SUNDAY SCHOOL WORKERS MEET. Moore Couaty Association Organiz efl Saturday, ELECTED OFEICERS TOR THE Y1AR. I'rUj. -Saturday and Sariday Notable Days lor ftunday Kehl Workers. A4 lres( EU, JVr. C. C. HaMtard, of Worth villa. Mot at Hethlekea. A wel-1 attended Convention f the Stutday School workers of Moore county was held at Bethle hem Baptist Church, near Carthage, November 16th to tka 18th inclu sive, fflncmg which the Interdenomi national Sunday School Convention of Moots county was permanently orga&ked. Rev. jt. J. DoweH, the pastor of Bethlehem church, addressed the convention, and ex&nded a cordial welcoate. Among other 'notable addresses delivered was that of Dr. C. C. HubbtMid, of Worthville, this coun ty, wko, with Prof. J. M. Way, atteutkvi the meetings. Mr. Hubbard spoke on the "Aims and Achievements ot the Inter denominational Sunday School Association," and was prononced a master effoit. He spoke of the good aeeompliBhed by Associations; the beuefits the Sunday Schools had reoeivnl and showed that all de nominations had received benefits which could not be derived from any other source. Officers of the Association elect ed are as follows: President, J. Alton Mclver, Carthage; Vice-President, Mr. B. M. Williams, Hemp; Secretary, Mr. J. VV. beawell, (Jarthage, 11. i? D. No 1. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Messrs. R. L. Burns, Carthage; C. U. Mauer, Carthage; Dr. Gilbert McL.eod, (Jarthage; B. Cole, San. ford; W. M. Rogers, Cameron; Prof. M. A. McLeod, Bioadway; Dr. J. Leslie, Vass; H. A. Pace, Aberdeen; M. C. McDonald, West End; L. S. Maness, Hemp; J. W. Maness, Carter's Mills; Green Purvis, High Falls; A. F. Davis, GlendonjU. C. Underwood, Gilbert. ENLARGING BUSINESS. O. It. ,l'ox Purchased lute rest oti:. II. kearns in l-'urnitiire store 0. R. Fox has liecoine sole pro prietor of the furniture business of Kearus and Fox, and announces that he will increase the stock, giving Asheboro one of the best exclusive furniture stores in this section. Mr. Fox purchased the interest of Mr. E. B. Keirns hist Saturday. Besides the building used by the old Grm Mr. Fox will occupy the one adjoining, recently vacated by Ridge and Fox. His fr'eids over thtj count y as well as those in Asheboro who watch the progress of our town, will be glad to learn of this advance. Married November 10th, at; rr r-4flif...l t...:., l i : nut, uw"uu mull" mm miJ3 ai mr lunu . uaiuciiv uumeieiice ui 11 i71..i. 1. t.ul.u. .1 u ..J.i.... u: ..i luiuiue jJiane, ui. urc nuint- ul uie me tiiuicn ine uiemuersuip voieu -t-i, , .... .... :n 1 u 1 -i l bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. F.'an increase of $125.0.) a year onlT fwlt Blake & s M - K s 2 M C3 O el .- O "3 6 a BEAUTIFUL WEDDING Popular Young People Wed At Star, Montgomery County. BRILES-WALLACE NUPTIALS. Le A. Briles Weds Miss Uertie Wal laceMethodist Kplscopal Church a scee of Tropical Mean ty Ashe boro Attendants. At the Methodist Episcopal church at Star. Wednesday of last week was celebrated one of the prettiest weddings that has occmred in Mont gomery for a long time. The bride was one of Montgomery's most ac complished young ladies, Miss Ber tie Wallace, daughter of Mr and Mrs. W. C. Wallace. The groom, Mr. Lee A. Briles, of St. Catherine, Fla. and is a son of Mr. Mrs. J. L. Briles, of Tabernacle township, this county. The church was a scene of beauty, elaborately decorated with evergreens cut flowers and palmettos from Florida. The ceremony was wit nessed by a large number of friends and relatives, including many from a distance. At six o'clock the happy young couple said the vow and were pro nounced man and wife by the Rev. D. N. Caveness, of Aberdeen. Miss Euua Wallace, maid of honor; Ernest Briles, groom's man; Miss Rosa Spencer and Jonah Leach, attendants composed the bridal paity. After the ceremony the party was driven to the hotel where Mr. and Mrs. Briles received their many friends before leaving for their fu ture home at St. Catherine. A special train provided by the groom took the young couple to Ab erdeen, leaving that night for their southern home. Another special brought the Ashe boro attendants back Wednesday nightj arriving here about 9 o'clock. Among the party were Arthur Ross, W. J. Armlield, Misses Rosa and Clara Spencer, .Thoa H. Redding, C. T. Lollin. Mr. Briles went to Florida about five years ago and engaged in the lumber and turpentine business. His career has been most successful. The high esteem with which their friends regard Mr. and Mrs. Briles was evinced by the numerous anil handsome presents received by them. Popular in a large degree there are many congratulations to Mr. Briles and best wishes to his young bride in this happy event of their lives. OFF FOR CONFERENCE. Methodist Protestant Church Closes Year's WorkPastor's Salary Increased. The annual Conference of the l lul.lijf Pi-.itpil-.iiil- ('hnrol, r,f North Carolina is in session at Rockv Mount this week Rev. W. E. Swain, the local pastor, and R. R. Ross, delegate. are attending from the church at Asheboro. fbey will report most, n- couragingly for the work of the past year. Beside many improve ments on the building, the Church has met every obligation. Forty two members have been added to the church roll during the year. . n, 1 .,..i.. .r , j pitstor s p. a a $ 4 i i i H S S FAIRVEW ITEMS. Death of Mrs. Illlair Personals Hrlef'Ncws Items. Mrs. Sallie Jane Blair, who has been critically ill since she received a stroke of paralysis several, weeks ago, died Sunday evening. Mrs Blair was nearly 75 years of age and an excellent Christian character. She will be sadly missed by her host of friends. Mr. Brokaw's Jelegant ponies ar rived last Friday. He and his guests larrived Monday and they will spend a week or more shooting quau, pneasants, etc. Glenn, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Winslow, is ill with pueu-non- la. Mr. Jess Elder is all smiles it's a nn- little girl. Mrs. Jeanie Millikan and children of High Point, spent last Sunday and Monday, visiting relatives at tnis place. Mr. Rush, who lives near the white house, is visiting his sister, Mr3. js. v. iUer, this week. Aktie. preprTnguild. Ilaptist Congregation Has Purchased Lot Will Begin Work In The Spring, - The Aimfield & Laughlin Realty Co., has sold to the Baptist Congre gation or Asheboro, a lot on Church street upon which they propose to erect a hou e of worship. Work will probably begin in the early spring. The lot, which is on the east side of Church street in front of the Ward residence, fronts 100 feet on Church street and extends back to the railroad 300 feet. nev. Henry sheets, the newly eiecteu pastor, neia his urst service in the Presbyterian church Sunday morning. He also preached at uignt. IJoth services were well at tended and those who have heard him are most favorably impressed Davis-Pliiliips Yesterday, at the home of thi bride's parents in Tabernacle town, ship, Miss Luna Phillips and Mr Walter Di.vis were married m the presence of a large lumber of rela tives and friends. The bride is a daughter of L. C. Phillips, and is is one of Kandolph s must talented young Indies. Mr. Davis is a sun Stanton D.ivis, and is a young man of sterling qualities. Miss Jennie Davis, of Asheboro, a sis'.er of the groom attended the ceremony. Doll and Toilet Set Uiveii Away. The Five and Ten Cent Store announces in this issue that it will g'ven away a handsome doll and a toilet set December 25th. Eieh 50 cent purchase entitles the br.y.r to a chance at the doll and each $1.00 purchase to a chance at the toilet set. The name of each per son entitled to a chance will be Vin m.t0 H l'ox and on the abjve date the names of the lucky ones ! will be drawn. The Worth-Sherwood Shutth 1 , , ,' V' 1 ' ? enclosed mlverti8cment in the Cou- Block Co., writes, '-Please rier, it e received gouu results las: year from the ad in the Courier. Hope to get a lot of timber through it tins vear." M,Ii , ,. , ," . xr UlCilllttjr, JieiaOUlSt, M Kep. u i( 4. . 1 u hart; Protest mt, Mis. Swain, jiuPeccmb rat 4 o'clock pin. J APPOINTMENTS FOR GREENS BORO DISTRICT. Conference Delighted with Mt. Airy- Favors Keforiuatory lor Yoiithtul Cri in I n a is Hoard of Finance Keports. The Weastern North Carolina Confeience of the M. E. Church, South, which was in session at Mt. Airy last week adjourned Monday afternoon. The last act of the con ference was the reading of the ap pointments for the coming year by Bishop Wilson. The appointments for the Greens boro district are as follows: S. B. Turrentine, P. E. Greensboro and West Market street G. H. Detwiler, P. L. Groome. Centeunary A. T. Bell. Spring Garden W. A. Lambeth. Walnut Street J. W. Moore, W. L. Grissom. White Oak, East Greensboro A, S. Raper. West Greensboro J. A. Bowles., Reidsville Station L. W. Craw-, ford. Wentworth S. Taylor Ruffin, B... F. Fincher. Pleasant Garden E. G. Kilgore.. Liberty and. Bethany, P. J. Car.--raway. Coleridge J. J. Eads. Ramseur and Franklinville C. A. Wood. Asheboro Station N. R. Richard son. Asheboro Circuit R. L. Melton. Uwharrie J. W. Ingle. Randleman and Naomi C. M. Campbell. Randolph B. F. Hargett. High Point, Washington street T. F. Marr. South Main street L. A. Falb and G. H. Crowell. Editor North Carolina Christian Advocate H. M. Blair. Secretary and Treasurer Greens boro College W. M. Curtis. The report of the joint board of fioance showed that the Conference has been assessed as follows for the coming year for these causes: For bishops $3,000, for Conference claimants $8,219, for foreign mis sions $10,300, for domestic missions $11,000, for church extension $5, 300, for education $8,000, for exten sion of education $2,500. It is the annual custom for the memorial service to be heldou Sun day afternoon, but this year it was held on Monday afternoon. During the past year four members of the Conference have died, those being T. II. Pegram, J. P. Thomas, R. T. Stevenson and B. F. Carpenter. The sentiment in the Conference favoring the establishment of a re formatory for youthful criminals was strong, and resolution were passed endorsing the movement. Resolutions were also passed ask ing the Noith Carolina Conference to accept annual appropriation to the support of its oiphanage at Ral eigh. The next meeting of the Confer ence will be held at Salisbury. OFFICERS OF THE W. C. T. U. Next Meeting U ill He Held Wednesday, December Itltli. The Woman's Christian Temper ance Union held and interesting at the Academy last Thursday ilteriiotui. The officers of the Union recently elected are. President Mis. T. C. Worth. Treasurer Miss Ella Hendrix. Recording fcecret.wv Mrs. W. D. Stedman. Corresponding Secretary Miss Annie Tomlinson. Sunt. Scientilie Temperance, Public School Instruction Mrs. E E. Kephart. cupt. lempiraiKe Sundav school Work Mis. W. I). Stedman. Sunt. Temperance Social Depart- in nt Miss May McAlister. biipt. Mother s Department Mis. W. E. Swain. Sunt. Press Department Mrs Wm. C. lliinmer. A Vice President has been ap pointed fro n e.(C;i church in the town. Chri.-t:an church, Mrs. Jno. Moffitt; Presbyterian, Mrs. A. C.