NEW YORK FASHIONS. Jumper Dresses; Light Material levell ing Gowns; Dotted Net Dresses; lluir Dressing;; II a I r Ornaments; Flower Wreaths On Berthas. The "jumper" waist is a god-send to the woman of moderate means, and now that a plaited skirt devoid of trimming (but of similar material) has been added, beauty and utility have joined hands. All the del icacy and freshness of the lingerie waist exists in the dainty lace yoke and sleeves, the latter being con structed oh individual taste, or the resources of the wearer. Very light shades of silk, broadcloth and even panne velvet are made up into even ing dresses of this style for home or theatre wear, but there the line is drawn the "jumper dress" must not appear at a ball or full dress SIMPLICITY IN MAKING. Another pretty dress was of white voile, the skirt trimmed with rows of white satin ribbon, and the waist full hut. lmv npf'W. with fichu effect of voile ruffles edged by narrow satin I ribbon, the fichu crossing at the j front and the ends tucked under a J wide, white satin belt. This style ! serves as a model for any light i weight material. Double box plait I ings of blue and white stribed rib l bou three are used with excelleut j effect on a dotted net skirt with draped waist of striped silk, and lace tichu crossed at the front. CHRISTMAS TIMES IN THE BIG CITY. The rush for Christmas presents begins immediately after Thanks giving, and people who would under other circumstances scorn to carry Our Big Clubbing Offer. by special arrangement with the Southern Agriculturist, the popu lar semimonthly farm paper ef Nashville Tenn, we are able to give our readers the advantage of a club bins: offer which we believe is the most liberal ever made by any news paper in the South. Iii the drst place, we will send the Southern Agriculturist a whole year free to any new or old subscrib er who pays us for a years subsciip tion to our own paper. This great semi-monthly farm pu per goes twice every month into 50, 000 southern homes, aud the regu lar price is 50 cents per year. It is edited by southern men and women to suit southern conditions, and is just what our farmers need. It auswers free of charge any quest iou a subscriber may ask, and its advice is given in a plain practical way which any farmer can understand. All departments of farm life a:e ; covered, including delightful home land children's pages. Sample cop- ies free at our oflice. j II EKE IS OL'R 11 1 G A l.L.-SOl'THEUN' j BARGAIN. (The Courier) $1.00 i Southefi Agriculturist .50 ! Nashville Weekly American .50 j Inland Poultry Journal .50 ; Southern Fruit Grower .50 ! Total regular price 3.00 We will send you all five of the papers a whole year for only $1.50. These papers are all soutluri: publications and each is a leader in its particular field. Order this club and vou vvill get a big year's reading at nominal cost. Address The Courier, Asheboro, N. C. The above design is by the McCall Co. of New York, Fashion Publishers and Manufacturers of McCall Patterns. reception. As indicated in a pre vious letter, contrasting embroidery is the leading trimming. EVENING PRESSES. These include a long list of lace robes, spangled robes, hand-painted chiftou, combinations of crepe-d.-chine and chiffon, fancy silk3 or nets covered with embionJeiy, and over elaborat'on is tarried to such an extent, that a dives of simple material, simply mail?, is positively refreshing. Among a collection of evening gowns shown by a promi nent house, were two of white dotted net over a silky lining. The skirt of one was plain to about flounce depth, then there were three scant puffs of net, each finished by a plain net ruffle. Narrow blue ribbon was run in each puff and a few wired bows of the same ribbon were fasten ed to the skirt quite a diftance apart. The waist was low neck, with plaiu net gathered at the front, and bre telles graced the shoulders, formed of one scant puff edgeJ by a hingle net ruffle. Blue liubon (narrow) was laced across the frmit, Jand the sleeves were in keeping with skirt and waist. a package, are fain to clasp their tieiisiires closely and tight for room in the already over crowded street cars, lie ic whispered that every bndy in New Yok cannot afford a cab. Amid "the thousand aud one" alluring trifles that arrest attention, ; peufuniery is always a safe choice. HAIR DRESSING. The Pompadour roll is still in the I lead, but women of taste mitigate I its severity by slanting puffs over the forehead, soft loops the figure eight in the back, and long or short curls. Hair ornaments were never i more beautiful, sparkling with j Uliinestone dew drops, liberally : sprinkled on large roses or tiaras of Ismail flowers. Velvet bands twisted j into graceful shapes are also dotted with sparks, aud aigrettes, ostrich I and marabout clusters are also tip J ped with brilliants. Flowers are used, in profusion on lace berthas for evening wear a large cluster, ; perchance of roses, orchids, clema tis or wisteria on one shonlder, and j drooping to the waist the now slen I dei wreath i- carried up to the other I sh'nilder. Vekoxa Clarke. 1 The Stuck 'Foot! I'raiul Warniig Our Farmers Against a C ommon Swindle The Haleigh Progressive Farmer piints a notable article exposing ti.e stock food fraud, which it pronounces the most stupendous swindle now being practiced upon Attericun farmers. Millions aud millions of dollars are spent every year several thousand dollars a year perhaps in this very county for gaudily adver tised "stock foods", "condition pow ders," etc., for farm animals, hile the investigations and tests mad? by the Experiment Stations ;have dem onstrated that these prepara(ons are nothing more than common ileal bran, etc., with a little cheap pul phur, salt, Epsom salts, pejper, saltpeter, etc., added to change the taste, aud the mixture (hardly uore valuable than ordinary ship 6 tail) put up in flaming packages, adver tised in big illustrated ads in fa'm papers, and sold to gullible farm;rs at rates ranging from $250 to $2,500 a ton. These stock foods, which can be found in almost any country sttrt, have recently been tested in se-en different Experiment Stations, md jour farmers, who are paying sich enormous prices for the mixtures, ! should be interested in the resilts ! as reported bv The Progresave I Farmer. j In Minnesota steers without stick , food gave better results than those using trie stock foods. In Kamas I two lots of sheep were fed, and tlose withoutstock roods made 117 pouids greater gain. In Massachusetts a slight gain in butter was made mt at an iu creased cost of 48 cent a pound! Of nineteen experiment in New Jersey, sixteen showed no gabs, and in tne three cases were gans weie made from stock foods, their cost was 8) great as to make tteir use unprofitable. In Iowa $1.41 a steer was lost by using these hip priced mixtures. And so it goes. The Progresaie Farmer gives instance after instaice but we mention these exampes merely to warn our farmer readrs against -wasting further the mmy h"rd earned dollars that go tut each year for these much-ad vertied frauds for frauds they are, althou;h so conspicuously advertised in iiaiy farm papers; and The Progressive Farmer reports that it loses $1.QX) t. year in advertisings patronage by exposing them to its farmer readers. Here is one little leak which tar farmers nlay stop and keep soue good money at home. Let sink foods alone. Open the bowel unl grt th col 1 nut of ; your system. Kennedy' Laxative Cough i Syrup opens the limi-ln unJ at the same ' time allays tlie itillutumiuii i the niiicnu membranes. Contain Honey smiI T;.r Drives out the cold and Mo ihe cungli Alwolutely free fmm any opiate. Cui forms to the National I'nre oml and Ihnjj Law. 1'leaant to take. Sold I y Standard Drujr Company nud Ashel.oro Ding Com pany. A womaa's idea of being nice to 1 another woman is to kiss her and' ay; "Oh! h jw lovely th-it new hat j is!" when she knows she h.-is had it: in her Osstfsiou at lYnst twelve j months. ! A man with a sprained ankle will use a eruirh, re-t the ankle ami let it get well. A man or woman with an overworked .tomach can't use a crutch, lmt the stomach must have re-t just t! e same. It can lie rent il tun with out starvation. Kodol will do it. Kodul preforms the digestive work ol tiie :in d stomach and corrects the diges tive apparatus. Kodol fully conforms to :lie iriiiioii of the National I'ure food :ut I I'it;' l.av,. I.Vctamiiended and sold ' aa.i:ird I'ni Co. and Ashclioro Drug 4 .111 Kill v. E. C. DeWitU- Co., of Chicago, at whse laltoratory Kodol is prepared, assure us tat this remarkable digestant und correctre for the stnmach conform fully to all po visions of the National l'ure Food and Dug Law. The Kodol laltoratory is a very latre one, biu if all the sufferer from indigeson and stomach troubles could know the virtes of Kodol it would be impossible for he manufactures to keep tip with the dcinjd. Kodol is sold here by Standard Drug to. and Asheboro Drug Company. i Love may make the world o round but it isn't always able 'o rnk- the girls father come round. A couple may be able to live on luve in a cottage until they read ud veni etiionu of bargains. Then the tumble U'L'HiS. ' A Guaranteed Cure for Piles. : I'lJiintf,, I!h'ilii;c(, Protrtufip Pile. Druusri-ts are itt lliorieil (41 money if P.VZOOLVTMLa'T fails toco ,1 Olto 1 4 days. 60c. To Heat Cold Rooms Quickly Everv house has Its cold room. Abnormal weather conditions, inadequate stove or furnace heat often result in some particular part ot the house being cold and cheerless. You can make home warm and cheertul with the PERFECTION Oil Heater (Equipped with Smokeless Device) Carry It about from room to room. Turn wick high or low there's no danger. Smokeles device prevents smoke and smell. Easy to operate as a lamp. All parts easily cleaned. Brass oil fount beautifully em bossed. Holds 4 quarts of oil and burns 9 hours. Gives Intense neat. 1 wo finishes nickel and japan. Handsome, useful, reliable. Every heater warranted. If not at your dealer's write our nearest agency lor descriptive circular. The jRS&i) Lamp E-SS you can buy. Equipped with - latest Improved Turner. Gives bdffht, steady light at lowest cost. Made of brass throughout and nickel plated. Suitable for any room whether library, dlnintr-room, parlor or bedroom. Sala and satisfactorv. Every lamp warranted, Write to . nearest agency it not at your dealer s. Standard Oil Company LMnveixi For Cough, Cold, Croup, ooreihroat,oiittiNeck Rheumatism find Neuralaia At all Dealers V Prlce 25c 50c, 6 HOO Sent- Free "Sloan's Book on Horses Cattle, Hog js 6 Poultry Address D 615 Albany bi; Do bSmrT-,- 1 vJ,l,. 45S. 4"f "ir- mm H ;i i t :i ! y r f? 4 r h 'tshing, ScaLliy Skin, Bobg Pa(s39 Sweilin '118 all PnbB, Scalrs, Eraptlona, W'ntry The sbove pictures show whnt Botanic Blood Bolt-, will do.maklrt the blood pure and rich. If yon hare nehos an 1 pair. 8 l:i boues, i)..jk ana jiinu, 1 1 ; h 1 n p, tjontbv Sl;ln. Ill nl (oels iioB.ewollonCiland3, ltl8lrjt;3 and Humps on the SUln, Mucus PatchfS In Mouth, Sore Throat, Plm plos. Coppor-Colored Hpota, nil run down, U Icors on an Dart of body. Hair or yebrows tailing out, take Botanic Blood Bclm, Guaranteed to cure the worrt and moat deep seated caies. Heals all cores, stops nil aches and pnlns, reduces ail swellings, makes blood pure e.nd rich, changing the body Into a healthy condition. Old Rheumatism, Catarrh, Eciems, Scrofula i" j panned by Poison In the Blood. B.B.B tiops Hawking and Hpltilnx, Itchlugand twatchlna : curta Ivhuuiuutlsui. Catarrh; Ellst.erfi. uivlna duto. hL!ilthlcMi:i"r. alieotcd partj. Bnppnrat1p? Swnl!lnr;t. Fnttnr Soro, Tn triors, it r;:y Ul-.-rs. J.;.15.a.Ui.: or wirt cancc .rrt-c: '.v. If yea hove- n prHlstent l'i nrJ, iswi lllnr-i, btltiirl.i Pnlns, talre Iilood J'.altn and they will dis oppoar before they duvelop Into Car.ciir. Botanlo Jllood P.tlm ft. R. p.) Is pleas ant rnd to lijormu'li! tnsU'l for CJ years. C-mtpowJ of Pore Bctnniu Intrredients. fc rrenthtas '.V'cak LLoui aohs, cures Ilyspepiln. Price per lari;e battle. Tako as dlreete1. ifiil cured when rlRlit quxntlty is taken, money refunded. Sample Hent Free by writing Blood BnlmCo., Atlanta, On. De. soribo yottk tr"U?!e. and artecliil fma m.i-.. cal aiivica to ub your caaa, alao sent in aealeu iutlx . For sale by Standard Drug Company and Asheboro Drug Company, Asheboro, N. C. We Sell the Earth! If you are interested in the proposition, in or near Ajheboro. we think we can please you as to lot, prices and terms. Office in Bank B'ld'g. Armfield (& Laughlin. Real Estate DeeJers. f 4.000.000 Peach Trees j. Tennessee Wholesale Nurseries. . June Buds' a Specialty. No agents traveled, but sell direct to planters at wholesale prices. Absolutely free from dis ease and true to name. Write for catalogue and prices before placing your order elsewhere. We guarantee our stock to be true ip name. Largest Peach Nursery in the World. Address J. C. HALE, Winchester, Tenn. i THE BEST SHOE TJl W AMCWCA TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE MAKERS CRADDOCK TERRY CO. LYNCHBURG-VA. A full line of these Shoes can be fpund at W. J. MILLER'S, Sole Agent, ASHEBORO N. C. Supprlsc Party. S Bryant, President J. B.Cole, Cashier T5he Baaik of R.andlema.n, Randleman, N. C. Capital $ 1 2.000. Surplus, $5,000. Accounts received on favoraW terms. Interest paid on savings de posits. Directors: W K Hartsell. A N Bulla, S O Newliu, W T Bryant, 0 L Lindsay, N N Newlin, S Bryant, H O Barker and J II Cole. O B COX, President. W J ARMFIELi), V-Pret W J ARMFIELD, Jr.. Cashier. The Bank of Randolph, .slh.e'boxo, HT. C. Capital and Surplus, Total Assets, over $36,000.00 $150,000.00 With ample assets, experience and protection we solicit the businesB ol the banking public and feel safe in Baying we are prejared aud willing to extend to our customer!, every facility aud ao jommodutiou couslsteul with safe banking. DIRECTOUSi Hugh Parks. Sr., W J Armfleld.W P Wood, P H Morris, C C McAlister, E M Armfield, O R Cox, W F Redding, Ben) Moffltt, Thos J Redding, A W K Capel, A M Kankiu, Thos U Redding, l)c f B Anbury, c J Cox. You Furnish the Bride We Furnish the Home. Just receivd nice line Parlor and Bed Room Suits, ouches, Upholstered Parlor Su s, Pic tures, Hall Racks, etc. We have an assortment permitting us to furnish the home in keep ing with any purse. We are also prepared to serve the public as Funeral Directors in a careful and courteous man ner. Kearns & Fox. Look Out for Cold Winds You must wear a hat or at least you will when you come to see out new line for fall and winter wear. The shapes are varied in style and color to suit all. Greatest care taken to give you a becoming fit. Mrs. E. T. Blair, Asheboro. N. G. My Work Pleases! When you wish an cany shave An good as barlier ever gave, Just call on me at my saloon, At morning, eve or noon, cut and dress the hair with grace, To suit the contour of the fare. My room is neat aud towels clean, .Scissors sharp and razors keen, ' And everything I think you'll find. To Biiit the face and please the mind, And all my art and skill can do, If you just call I'll do for you. TOM ARTER.. Asheboro Motel Main Street (Near Court House.) Thorougldy renovated and Refurnished Table supplied with the best the market fiords. Rates Reasonable, B. F. NEWBY, Prop. HOI-LISTEB'S Rocky Ta iefs A Busy IMHn f r JEniy Propls. i Brings GolJen li.'a.ih ani Kcncwij Vigor. A frwlfle f'r C..nst:t.!i m. !:, Itj-e-t'.OD. M ..i .l KiJ-tey 1'it-nl--.,. K, ciua, Im;ur Mrm. Bit.f Breath. Sluu'iri -ti Ww-:. Heartache ami Bnvkacl.e. It 11 cky Mcmit lin Tea .11 tsb ' furri. )!" rv 11 1.. r 1.' 1 ma le by ! M 'l(.n c ..ii v, ji Ll -..WU. iiLCE-'i WUtGEIS t0H PEOPLE A'