i . : . ' , 1 ' r 71 't?T 1 4 4 hi X rmraRf'A- !vr.. . . . T- ........ -d5 Saturday 2aa. 21, iS. ' - G7 We acknowledge ,bn' t0 lk 1,0n irJleneher, fbir the receipt f tb Treannry Hepert. Favors erth.a kma irooi anewa . cbufMM ers vary aeeeptahte.1. j i '', ft?" VrfMwUjr tit intt Jr trmttt was c'ectW! Jttdfe f t'..e Superior Court, tttt ludre Donnen resigned. The first bsllot w WonJty-fof BiUj CGeorfe WrffM C Stanley 54 On Tuesday, another " fciltof took pUes (Stanley whndrawn.l-for B-i vr. Heath'a nave wm witbaTnwnr anamas i Edward Half added W be nomination, when ! : twabsUinftooSplseei the lset of which re- tuitva foiiowt-Bwiy r, nu an ci- Vsrinf 18. ' j v , , ' i. k 3ith CONGRESS 2nd Sushqit. O the wiboritjr f tbe CofffreMion GJb, ' V t eon!et4 ew, tK tnott imper Unt ittM of Rroceedinjtt of CoKTe. ' DtwhitkMM tin hf intfodue4 l"o th ' W cosmittM ( Uqu'rt into tbe eipediene jr of I , !miX ! cop?" t"-0,.4.1.". ' , tint nJ wtt;ttinf in h pUee, a Ja tbe Trenci itint Billon, Uo tUt tbe eom ajittee bl'Mw tbe expediency of inttka. " c a foU eoi of tbe vtlue of en iuKar, to a eoiMdai tbe wJnt ef tbe United Btatee. l!r, nr4 kia presented to tbe flone of Rep. Vaentatltes, ettndjy petition for asking fjljip Cbunet roond tbe &lh of Kara5ra. ;g Vr. CbiVU mored tbat tbe tue of tbe nH of ' U Hovae of Repreaentatiree, be granted ii ?,ltCo1onUation ioeietjr.en tbe eveninf of t)e SStb eft. te bold rt Brefinrt and on tbe H'jfftton, eallej for tbe fM and eat but tbe HttQM refuaad te rote in tnit ti tba aiotion tummr prenJIed, Bl te O. I i Mt- frj ajMnwd, tbat a eontwee inepire in. I(B tbe expedieWj of lamedately aboVabinf U duty en corn, and all Ibrrlfit brthtntaffi, jllryiania'mored. an amendaint, m'Utm. bmI th Vie m fofi(rn roet, ah and Iron. M. WiiriMM sf H. C ntovtd alee t tneerf w ftr.Wben, en Mr. DivV aMtie (be further cftnildertttoft of the auk Ject m poatponed te 'MndT.H tlN-'.;:-;-LW r.:;".V-; 1 Mr klereer antred a reeotutioe to amend tbe 'iVrWite Act of U leeaion, a aate fire "the 'far of etcb ttt oTaolutety i tbe ttnte, 'ithwt ant obrtmtioa te rttora it te the Oea . ejtt Oneernmeat. ' ' ' i Mr., Danhp rerkH( mnn; etbet tWn Cut tti mail neecaesrily be a abort woumii I 4nd H ftjt'it to ie'a bniaea ioti-t orrry, A. u. L ? of till ..!r, . rti.r --. i i i j , noritjr tUpperi ... . i i .f i' i r ::. c. r t 3 t I w it 1 t j r : t i t, ! a t4 t . ' '. t r :.: 7 . tLe e;, :l ti ft t .f t- -I v.- j t tf:..!jt'.o3, t t -.! Etiit-a, CI. ti i t . : r : . . r - I'r r:-' - r .- r r r. , caeaU'.)' ' f t -1 c .- ; t ll)itt r,--, -ber, t ' r .t : 4' : 1'"' r .si-; i i ti Mtet i . - atnsefat tal ftntlllMl itjkaf tkait If etkatA aa ... ,river, Msmr ofer.ntxin, nun, anaitiea, r. r. i i .tUeet wereeatered tnto at .Jsa i f - tMf1, wt, - IWd, 1 .SJ. 1,60 . luuo. e. tU t - ahicb T -e V 135 f iot m Wc j, ,m J x ,t i.. f rt(.t t j a c r r. Lrt'i " ' f r - .:: ... --e t j 1 e r . t biit t i ; i.ry into a . ' .1 to teat in J t" lie. I eon, ' (r t ' .'Ut -t t . 7f t',e 1 .11 t ' t X r i t:,3 ! t i i i c ; a t if t!,s j-rsr I: 1 1 ijfv !jy tit X t ; "i as.it t t'on 4 j "', thit i t t r.'.!,!Pof importance l.a yet, been ft- na.l acted npont Lut iT.e f-r,. . inent subject if discussion r the LanJ ' rtiuci'wn of into the tonCuci ofpul.1t cjlcer, (fi , investigation: ; v TIip IV h ig 'm'cnbf ri of Congress com jilaln vfty r.urlj f Iho backanlness! of the adinihtritratiot) members tn coin intra an examination r of tbe Conduct of public uRctn One piijitical part te fnui!j,roini!ainln5t that the other par tjf U shrinking fronj the acrutinj of in vMtiffntloii. We do tint nnclerstand it no. , It U trof . thrre h ("dt opposition To Mr. .)ViiraTltS"ititwn pro position ;f that gentleman, U will br rrCuUrtrd. waa founded on thecfmcln dinjt parajr.raph of the President's Me. sajjrt in avlttch be takca t flitering ievr of the tondoct of public o.lirrrn in Rfneraf . Wow that ibrae e ncomiama in the mwnnpje are well fonnded, we ft rj much doubt; bot, tn aay tit least, it vaajlnfourteotts; and, b trio s!raitiit traHon partr, it is considrred dnwii. ri'bt aflrontery, to alTcrt to ' prrdirate the proponed ititrjr on IbM part f the MrMwajrWfalff-nnpe4lM,rMiriL tuunent j;runas in jokiitj hq i rrn pntion. If and tbe propiition lonld come forward In a lr;itimafa shape for the prodeat arthn ;f ConjjrfAe, wsfor oar own part, have atiCicfe nt ronfidencn In the taajority of tbe member, tor be lieve they Of art tith nromptneaa nd inte jfrlty :J Worannotfiirbear beo ei- preaalee; a wish, tliat this pryponition, In whatever thape (trefef red, had crai natet frota non, ot1er torcv than the tituperatite TWenc e of Mr. Wise, i 1a a member of Conrtu from' the sas ofNeto York. - - Try, Mondiv Jao. ft ISSt r Ti lower part of oar rity baa be rum . oioiVi n Pomneil. Laat rteninr. 1 w .-J- . Ill Jr . .n,(n,morjf ' wUhin the ocxUeft years, and fhst etfentivt ealanutjf ai.Troy ii Yltrk, ( he at first refuiedj ut yitided, on Extract of a kttet i rom arimd bewz told the fate of his accomDli- about ae ven oVUrk. the hill at tbe low-. bco t' tr part of the city lid down, cireritij; : Betaax, on liiiuaen, harm r.i with mea, wo - . . i. - , : . i: men. and children in them ftrrrd p rry thing half aiot. itb thmisRids irom tiier rm, discing out thevdead. Tlteyhave found risht dead bodies, and 19 homes. ; It U imMiaibIe toaay how nistiy lives are 11. 1 have just (Tome from theiot fd a ttr them di out two little fhil 'n h. I) i in trundle; bedraleeij - t!.-t tif death, without a bruisi up H.era; probatly mo!brrcd. Where foct ilt tttreet was. the firth i fe t lt;. .t sikty feet t.lb. There v.rre ; ! : v.ry Imusi s ncr the spot, but what v. 1 1 , r i e but ted, It is ralrnlated that z ' 1 1 ai! aifn.4. each orrujoVd by two t r t ' i e L n i ! ics, are. d est ro) e d.3There . , i a l,m.s? njort the hill which has cot t rnvet-fd.'4": '.; ' -' , v .; fcittiiigf lomv bnnie. aad heard . I '.!:" j; lioise, like"!isUnt tLunder, and v . I to the door, and saw a Iij?bl iu t' i il . n'.i. and a r I C'oin nvel i' c! v, c ! o grvvt f, !l Kke hall.' C . t ll.e L: "I, .jmuic.vod riiinjj, and I u lit to I! i r.:v.z :' ' iy. n tt ii k ki'.i wan c i l l I a l. ,i.,!rcd rod, ; 1 was on f.rr. I. I m c liorriM. r. I . iH I T e. t k I,.. I In I.. - ..,,1 s.i. -.ji, i r'.-r rsire f t! ! ,11 i i I nr . i. It h evident t!it . ; tv.: 1 re is volcanic, or t!. ! t!. - ; i , f. ! .:i the i!inrtntiisrat fut Ii ,t f.:h'diip it ' ; : !. ,ljr i y v T1.'f It i : t. I !; "1 t; I ' i e, ia t y. "if vlftJ v- c . a t'J- 0::r r:!r.t I" ,t J tlcity -c!:ct ship tclr.-li;?;, Captain Jeneyster, w hich tailed from Liv er pool the .:ptliNjvc m be f -;' ; fi j her the editors of the NcwYorlc Daily Kxnres. tro placed "in pos session of copious files of Liverpool papers to the 20th. London ofthe 18th, which contain eleven uiys later news from the continent. . , ; The news is of an tisul interest. Charles X. ex-kinr of France, died at Goriz on the 12th Now,': aed 16. ' The uenhew of the Duke oft Angonleme was proclaimed King ot France by the' family. :,f , '- . ,-- a : uotton ma.rket flat-f prices of all kinda, except choice American' a I lower.' Sales ofthe week H160. of which 4220 were Bowcds. at 7i Hi--420 ;New& Orleans, at 7i :a.UJd 2180 Alabama 7 1 I2d. , ,' y-. . The money-market in, London wits still agitated from day to day. Stocks had however recovered a lit tle, and money was, at the latest datc9t a lUtle mortt casyiThere had been some mercantile failures Pro4ace was generally on the de cline, except grain and bread stuffs, which' had advanced rapidly., 1 TVre-had-licena 'greatrun on the Dublin Hanks, but the ttfod their ground well. ' Foster & Co. Bnk at Carlisle bad failed. v -v v . Voung Prince Lnis; Bonaparte is to be transported to America. Queen Hortense, the mother of youna; Xouw Bonaparte, has gone to Switzerland to settle ber affuira; after , which St is said she will join her son in America. .Th Inurnl Commerce . Siya, that. Prince Louis Napoleon has beeu required to rivo bis word of honor that be will oot leave the United States r ii luv HU, wi uta mcwuiuui ces depended upon bis campliaBCe. The affairs of Spain are in tbe same disordered state. "'IX. a MoUikh 43 . 47 4! a ST.Naib cut, 7 8 1 a I?i3u)rr brown. 8 a 12 ?4 MLomp, ' j 16 liiiiiUf, f - IS a 20 ' ICottoo, DAI , 11 nan ro- ( CoUfM Un g 32 -I . the com, 85TpHcco lef, 54 90 Cotton Hjrj. - I? 35 B.le Ute, 10 Wbet, . ; MO Vhikejv SO a 53 W.m)I. 3 a3J - - - at ti?iitM) - In Chatham County, not long since, Mr. Jt.ho Fwrgusou, to Miin Uliza betb LuUcrlow :; ; Atno in the same romity, Mr. OSiv rr M4 Midi to Mini MfyJl'?Tii. . iil'llHUU:.,L-'-"tn! . - OiUIUAUY. . ; t .! .! Communicated; t. DD is Chathara County, oo the l6UiJost. Mr. Hiram Vestal, : ' Tho grief f our buHoco O.tcall It not gloom In nut tho blark Cload of dipair; ' Cy aorrow rrvoaled;as the $iart by Far ntf a bright vision appears. And hope, like tho rainbow, a being of It brigtti lite tie rainbow In tear A loved one Is departed lte who v -.t hound to many hearts, by ties of r :s:inutMiy and oHIcra of ftiendslilp, r.i nmre among' the 1i ting k,11e la : tal s; Irtt tf Illmfti Yenial(iif C A i C j:tty I,'. C. rtr Sandy Grave t f ..l,) ,.f irroinlisk iUl , Itollierc ::as :A l'-.aU.lirknew tJm. ' "-, t'.a Christ:ati Chnrt 'i has r d I .! vi I wenii r A !t !r-: !' -reared ff i dear r '. III?' .(!.(' iMrett 1 i, ; ot M'.-j f.ahcr. " ! jf iiu I tint br n r y'i ii'Oi "d ... 1 1.: I IS t t i IL ' re ty - :nrn caholi:i. vf J c I' .. . ; i rnff,t ofthe Si.l!bu'y Ac.ii!iny, l iK -rCL4ro13;r. To Id l. i?pratFayilteviUcoh GrAuTA'Aj, 1UU of Vtlimar; . C O M B INATION SYSTEM. - 75,otinber JLitU'iy-12 drawa ballota. C HTAlv AlZK Ofia , -1. Prize, of 13,000 Dollars i c 1 Prize of : 6,000 do. .V 1 Prize of 3,000 do. - 1 Prize ' of 2,400 do1 " il Prized of 100 i l' Prize of j 1,100 do. dV 20 Prizes of 1,000 dd. f -y xv ' ao ivoi'-r amy -uo. SO do of I 360 : dt: " 20 Tdo f of SOOdor SOdo )f gOOdoi S6 l: do of ' UOO do. ' - : Besides many of $80, 860, 850 Amounting in alt to 53,3JK) dollar. i;iioie TicltfM,Jfaivi?f 82 1 :50f QnartrsaijaSII' A eertifieate for pe'k(feof JS wbole Tick. eU will cost wily 74 JeUr, Italve and Qur ten in'.tbe nam proportieiv fTp be bad a tbe rtatent tanett or BMiter 8TSYEXS0M FOIXTS orrtCB, -'v IGOAK $ CO. rnAKEpleSsnre -in-Htonooneiog-to ,! tbrir e utnoiners and the public gen erally, tbnuliey atilrHititue the t Tailoring Business . ; t " ' " in Nw Snhm, at their former aand, next door io Jfse liinshaw'a Slure; and have made arrangements: fir a permanent Coiiiiuueoce tf their estab lishment. They catioot forbar to ex press their iincare cratitudi for the lib eral "bare of patrowage they hae re- reived niuce they commenced business at thkplare. v, i Tbey furthef take the liberty to ap prise the public, that all the I teat and best ttsUio'tia are regularly recrivrd by them quarterly, And as the surrouo dtng i oubtry baa already, to a consid erable extent, become acquainted with their skill, diligeure and promptness iu their duty, they deem it superfluous to recommend themselves, further iht.i to assure their frllu ci' iZens tlut the ut mwt exertions in their powesr ill be used to give entire satisfaction to all 'who please to favor tlii-ra with either li soual applications, or ortlcra from a distance.-" r 7--rr3: - N. B. Our terms shall he reasona ble, and country producejU&eii at fair t icrs. frt Those who are indebted to8 our late firm (which expired on the 25th of December laat l will uleaav call and m -.tv - ... . - . . acute. - - - - - JOEL INGOLE&CO. January 18tn. 1837. - :? p GOODS; flT'lE UNDERStCNEO hanf recently pur JL ched tbe IliHiiei and entire tock of GUOU3 of J. IL Worth in Nw Salem, would inform their frtnd and the sabJie, tbat they ntejid te carrjr en be UtKCANTltB BUSI NESS at tbe atand fnnerlv occupied by him, The" flutter thcmlve. fnm tht aateaaive atesk which waa already on kand, tofethar with a tetuiderable aujition ot - , . Fall 8C Winter Goods juat reeefved. alt of which bave been carefully eelecU d In N Yort and fbi!a Jelphia e X. nrcsalv for thia market. that they canaot foil to receiTe a liberal support Croro tbe publ'tc . They promise to five strict peMonal attention te their buiines: and to use every exeHion to away tttpa Interest -of-their-ftiendt and-tba public renerajly. to Call tipoo the nu . r 1 , , corns a ctAss. ' Ja S-Zrm, Jwuarg Ifth, ISZT. - If. B. ' In eoonexion with the above named business, will be erried oa the i -s. . Tennis? Ilarnc $$ , Making buaiaesa ia all ita various branches. ' fTTP.3LANT to a R"wlutiofl of the , Stock L holder of thia Hai.k, at their last 'aonuJ tivMieral ruret'iii;?, all pernn having cU'ut on i.U 1 v. "i for D vi,nJa of Capital or Frufi- Vii-v ".'.' .k or t, tes laxued by the principle l. i "i i i' a r . . '..ci. are earnestly desired piet! t t iom Lr payment to the Treasurer of the Lai., n or oeiore me aionu.y im Koveniher nrst. OUicrwisi-, Uiey will oe oar- red, a the Stochhnldcra .U thva ouka aJia uviJcn4 ol lat enocta wi ie swia. ; , ,;.. PATTBUS02,Vreaident. Cdcirh. Dec, 23,1333. , . ' 1 aV-$m. Tn ie inserted in fj'ftbn i;esp-p printed- AvTltnn the Cute of North Caruliua loriArt mT h 1! t.'.'.tia be scut to tho Treasurer pi:ospv'CTUs For p u lllsh ing a la rgv paper t Crcenxhoroiight V. C. to be called! . " f car rTIIR FubJinheri beitijr cjeiirom of, neeinjr , A pper etblibed Viihin the limit of It. Carolin,- wbich will rie in ripecUbt!ity tmt in lizr, with-any other in the country, propon ooi proper 'amafenleiila can Tbi ' aaadf. and their ptronii)fe ia lomewhnt ioereaaed, ' enlarge their pper to the'aise v( theJJarffe cit " "- m tieM ItaW iftkUft Tl.inl.l nr n ... ,-.. I f ' w v. w f ptrialtWti . -:; " 1' ? - , . ... A principle fl-atur In. the japer a enJaffjed will be to riee it more of a reieiout ihtrada. . and make it what every publication ofihe kiili -intended for tho brfreftt of mankind ought t J be, commeosvr.te with ll their intellect,.! and moral Wantsj' and proatutive of ibeir hik-hj i and bet jntereatd-y ' v;r?? Tun proponed improvement a'eeme to .h . called for bv the want at well aa by the voic ui id. puouc, na in ;aci i mtnueitiy nnrcam ry, if Mrewioh topooriHiMwith other parpi pfour country In tue march of improvement. We do not by any mean wiah to .rroate td ounelvea any superiority in the of Intel. Iectu-1 tUinent oir puritr of motive, biitr - merely to stake aa bumble, attempt to meet thwwanti aodwiahet. nd promote the welfanji of or common country, by extending ao far aa we can, tbe mcana of taenUl and aora!i. pi'ovament. ' j ... t - . t In propofinir to devote a portion of tlna pas fvt t matter of a relipcue Catj-to ireit more of a relirioui characterit nnt tut Ua inferred tbat it intended to be a aestriaat -abeet. or that in our aelection ir this liae, 4 " n he prejudiced ia our preference o attmi L article wpictiare fvrbi to one parkul.i . aect or denomination. We abalt endeavor kl bo rui(ld alone by our . vie a of the -ts-sl wonn or article and or 1 he weli-beinj ao4 moVal iiravfment of out eeexlere. ; 4 - , A certain portion fill alao be devoted tft' iaht reading, auch aa tales, and article of 11 ai-Kellaneoua eaat, aeleeted with a acru puled eirard to their neneficiKi and iaatraetive tea ency on the annul. : , ; ; j r - . j The TMrtf. will ha nnnrtinjf mrtA tii tjf . r r -rr r " under eepante- and iteinct heada, ant o nable the puntwher ia it .ample dimeniona te preaent ita reader with audi a quantity at matter weekly, aa cannot (kit td rive atsrj and entire Miuuictioa . , .,,' n)ieina; that a paper furhiabinr aueb a larre quantity of matter, a tbia aauet aecetMrify . contain on all aubjecti embraced within ita aa -a. . ... .a apntre, woaiu ceruuniy meet wan me wiace of a (rreat majority ofthe people of this, aad negbborin; Stat, tbe puolishers are buoyed 7 up with-euch reSection ia tbe hope ofthe ut titnate aucceu of the undertaking, and induce! to offer this prospectus to tbe public,- relytoof upon their renerou upporTfor tbe prosecu tion ofthe work, ' t The publication of the Teletcope, a ca larreit, will appear a aooa aa a auffic ent nuraf ' bcr of aubacribera caU be obtained to warro the conaequent increaaed expenie; and af; ranreroenta witr be mane to nave tor warded tfr ua iu time for ita commencement, all neceaaarp additional material, wbeaever appearancta irtj uicate 'a aufficient audition of name. . CONDITIONS. " The oaner. aa enlarged, printed on a hrt Extra Imperial Sheet, of purest white, wnjif entire new materula, will be furnished to aiftp fie aubacribera at the low rate of f2,50 - or tal cluba of five individual at f 12,00 per annum-. the money martdbly to be paid in advavfft ' and auch who may u tcrih befurt ti appeanj a nee, te transmit u puitae ftu or 1 pay tbe hand of tome one ol our authvrifd gnt the amount due, imaeduitrly on the reception . . of the fiiaraumber.3ubcriptiomo the pa per for aix moatna, $1,10; . for a shorter period than which, none will be taken ---t v attTELI a ETANS. t Ja ai83. , - ' fT?" Edit or with whom we exchanre . ata respectively requested to five the above a fctl iuaertiona, and the favor aball be rciproc-t H. B. All namea procured by ourarenrt or others, throurbout tbe country, are reauesV . ted tube forwarded by the first of March, when will be nuKiekaowa the success of tnjl project. ' " f :. , - -ItEir SULEAf. A7. C. I if month 1 8th I8ST. THIS DAT TI1F COPABTHRUSRIP 07. dissolved by mutual irreemenf. . And tbe sub acriber ia now la full possession of the Store -. tofether with the Books, Papers, kc. theun to beloneier. as hi own propertyi and ia ant rwcvl.insj ircan supptic : z -r.i 1 . t . NEW GOODS. ft- naexned to continue the bustne aa extea lively a it has been done at aay time hereto fore; to wbico beanll-rive bia ewi peiiglr and particular attention. He retuma bia sin cere lhanka to aia cuatomer- tor meir lormrr , L s ... a . a 1 J " 1 ' Iiberauiyt ana nopea, vj rencwea umjeaew, -and application, to be able to five entire aatu faction for tue tutare in an nia aeannfa. IU wishes not W urre hta preteivoni by ftVtterinir recomraendatioo of bia own bu respectfully invites bia fr'tenda and the publi(v to call and ace for tbemtelve. " . , I ; . - A JESSE U1.NSUAW. N. 0 An persotii indebted to tbe Store, bl luDjf siandiuf, (aay one year or more,) ar pf ticutarly requested ta make speedy settlements for tbe nature of tbe caae require iu Notice. Tn fJKDEnSICSEp havinf qualified t Administratora of , Samuel Smithernun. dee'd, at the last Term of Randolph County Court, do hereby five notice to the creditor of aaid deceased, to present their cjuima, prop erly authenticated, Witblaibr time p.reeribedl by law, vtherwiae thi nattoa will be plaad f) . bar of their recovery ' . 4 " NOAfRUmrETtWAlJXa'r"" A -.1': ; ; . .

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