JjY BEtf JAMIl 'SVALtf WlZSTEO ITIS LIVE FOR, BUTTOVtPBOVTS OUaSELVUS AXD BB VSZFUL TOONE JIZOTnEB VOLUME I -Mttl BEK 1 1 A8IIB0ROUGHr N;C. SATURDAY, APRIL 1, 1837. Or S3 aptdb. 3 MoNrnt; irt. )00 00 250 ptij N.C rise tf trrm e Tn t butt J. xmi 0 MM CMlty Prw! itU tat KM.. inf di lTE, , N. C. IKl-ftd- trftit ninr ti ttbumu d ! tbt :,eicU vtnntt tbtt mtf object ber w Jre pro- llVMbtn IQ taper to ptgea t 0PtT. rol.J (eo 1 3 monh d w w lit ye.n J tirmtio f icmhcn iitdered lit no. w 1ST. fewUme quVift4 J Bmitber lb Ple," ."laow" EOUTHKRN CITIZliKvi EveV iw iHam cff nnnum in fli- or Ttfce dolflw, T not paW f?i'(fcm tftm mon(if JVoni ffc date of the of the publication 'o tnbsertpt Ion Ub e diicontin r d tili al arrearages be paid JUl Icifcri, rrknnleationk fc to r ome iost paid AovBRTifiEMr.NTit JnserUdoh of by leading State politician who ha? C friends to favor, and political - '- ....... .. partisans to gratify! , lt will cer- lain v not be returner to those w no paid it, and who have most need of ii, vuu arc nonesuy enuiicu ion. There Tsbut one Vafe riiK and that is, to confine the General Govern ment rigidly within the sphere of 113 appropriate amies. - i nas no power to raise a revenue, of impose taxes. exceDt for the ournosca e nu- mcra.cu id we ynnsiuuiign, nu jii ts income it found to exceed these wantt, it should be forthwith redo red, and the burdens of the people o iar iizntenea ; ? In reviewing the conflicts which have taken place' between different interests in the United States, and the policy pursued since the adop uon oi our present lorn oi govern caent; we fiad nothtn? that has pro such deep seated evil as the I : FARE W KLL AOOllESS ; l i..: ,a-v -v.'? or"- tc"r'r. 1 tut. rr,on k the o. TATg. (rencfu.) r:4TbertsuU of this decision has been felt in the rPl'i e'xti . ish nent of the; public debt nd the tirte accumulation of a surplus in J?3S 1 1 the treasury, notwithstanding 5 the p eaoi.li imu was reuueeaz ana is now verv . : - w-- . ..w far ; below the amouni . originally contemplated by its advotfftet. But relv anon iLI the design id collect aa ettraviant revenue, and to bur den ywi with taxes beyond the e .vi. hivh .avii vi uui ,vauuvt wuiuiiic tr .iiic uui rua ui uaic uccu iu scAsuii ui war, wim citizen and threatened to pervade political : influence; and whatever an enemy at your doors! ' N na all classes of societj , ahd to withv mavejhejdisposidona of -some-ofTtio timw uicir bucihiuii irum wic soiier idcdi, ineir power oi miseniei must i states couia nave come out victon J i. .f L....t ..,1.1.1.) . a 2 - ' i- ''t ' m 1 " . ' pursuus ui iiuucbi muusiry . ii i necessarily oe conunea to a narrow not by encouraging tin spirit that : space, and felt only in their imme wc shall best preserve public vir- diate n'eichborhoods. ' ' ' T v f .- n - - ji 1 .1. ; - . ! tue and promote the true interestsj.M But Iwhen the charter for the nrniip rnnnfrv . . Hut ll. vnur rtif . Rmb nfih InHA tamm H. iviu v vuuuiiucj a vAviuaitciv pa aamcu i rum voogrcM, u pcrietc iroin its secret coutiave wouiu nave v perils i uw is, i ' win lUMcrimsi ins Hcuemes oi lae paper sysiein, uicutica me cimice oi your mgiitsa eager desire to amas wealth with , and gave to its advocates (he posi- offleers, and compelled you to make 4 I !! St Will mil It I nit tVl num. t tii Mi kana.tiHiiM.tail tr nKtsln. kmm rta a n ku t J..ltA i U . own wishes. The forms of yous government might, for tinvev have remained; but its living spirit would ha ve 'd e na r ted f m m i ''gTT - ous from such a cCntesr ; ; y-t if von had not conquered, the 'oytTument would have passed from the hands of the many to the hands 6f the fe wt ! and this organized ' money' power, i m . out labor; it will multiply the num lion th y have struirtrled to obtain. from the commencement or tne r ea ber of i dependants on bank accom ibodations aod baqk favors: the tempiauon to ooiain money at any sacrifice : will ofcome stronger and strbhieir,Und inevitably lead 'to corruption, wbicli will find its way into your public councils, and destroy, at no distant day, "the pu- . -r . i rityoi your uoveromeni. i none oi the evils which arise. wm this sys tem of . naner. bresa with necnliar Cdurse of If gUUlion In relation to I hardship upon the clasa of society the currency. Z The constitution of least able to bear it. ? A'pordou of the United Slates unquestionably (this currency frcquntly becomes de intended to secure to the people a preciajtod or worthless, and all of it circutaung meaium oi gou inu wi-1 whj wuhiwivuw, .u iiuwia ver; Hut the eatablishment .m a wnjner$30T. national bank by Congresstwith and much experience to distinguish the privilege of issuing paper mo- the condlerfeit from the genuine ney receivaoic in ue payment oi noic. i new irauus rc uiu the pnblk dues, andlhe unfortnn erally perpetrated in the amaller ate course of legislation in the Se- notes, which are used in the daily . CI iLiA.I.!..!1 iaa af; ft " itt ' a1 f 1 1 la i II Afiu yerai otaicsiipon ncMiac cuujcci, Mmawu """"W'') drove froQ general circulation the and the losses occasioned by tbeni Constitutional currency, and substi are commonly thrown upon the la tuted one of paper in its place. . boring classes of society, whose t It walnU easy for men eagaged pursuita jutlt 'out of in the nrdinirr nursuita of business. th" P" to themselves T4 coaomical wants of the Government, is not yet abandoned. .The ?an Cus interests which have comb! ned tfjttner to impose a heavy tari(T,& (a ptodt.ee an ovr rflowing treasn fy, are tooatrong. tni ', have too ouch at stake to surrender the con teit - The ccrptratidos and weal thy individuals who are engaged in large nanuracturin cstablTsmenU, desire a high tariff to increase their gains," DeNignintf olittrians will suport it, to conciliate thet favor, and to obtain the means cfbrofuse expenaiinre. ior,tnepurpr' otp chasing isCsence in cth-J Urtt whoselauemion hadjorbeeirpa froni these impositions, and whose ticnlarly drawn to the subject, to aily wages are necessary for their eraL Govern m ut down to the pre sent hour. Thv im mense, ca pitil, and Deciiiiar- privilest bestowed upon it, enabled it t exercise des potic -sway, over the other banks in every part tf the country " From its superior trtD',tn9 it could sen ously injure, if not destroy, the business uf any one of;themwhich might incur its resentment; and it openly claimed lor itself the power of regulating the currency through out the United" btates. In other words, it aasened (and it und ubt edly possessed) the po wer to m -ke money plenty or acare, at.its pca sure, at anv time and in any quar- - W Ma m m i terofUhe Union, by controlling the issues of other banks, and per-. mittins'an expression or compell- ine a ceneral contraction, of the circulating medium, according to its own will. The other hanking institutions were sensible of iU irsngthi and they soon generally became its obedient instruments. readv at all times 'O execute its j - - . . mandates; and with the banks ne r..A .11 : ui r . suosistance. Al is me out? oi every MiaMflav atvrl ne, vi w J n.n mnA Government so to regulate its cur- we ought not on that account, to be t 10 Protcct. th'f e. .,,. r.,.;. wk h;.i, claasss far as practicable from the ia .r im positions of avarice end fraud.--- - . - . I t im ' a. Al-rtuSiial 1 XT tU AltVtt evenghtenedeerare-aome4theUn,te The ' distress and suffering in. flicted on the pebpleby :.the bank, are some oi trie lruits or that sys tem of policy which is continnally striving to enlarge the authority! of ne reurrai uovernment Devon a he limil fixed by the Constitution. The powers enumerated in tbxt in strument do not confer on OfMigree the right to estaMish au b a corpo ratiort asa Hank of the United Stated and the evilHonsequencea which ollowed mar Warn us of the dan ger of departing fnm the true rule of coustr c ion, and of permitting temporary circumstances or tno hone of better Drotimtins; the nub lie welfare, to influence in any d- gree, our decisions upjn the extene of the authority of the General Go vcrnment. Let us abide by tho Constitution as Una written, orJa mend it in the Constitutional mode, If is is found to be defective. , w ,u. .n.i ernment is emphatically the wov plausible aUtements of the design- e",mcnt of ft P1 L- n.. ...:..n;.k.; this rcsncctable portion of our citi- ved the mUchiets and dangers of a fL P fad,f ngmshed MM...V n.i : 'wi.1 :k from the labonne classes of all oth- Tii lii d;mfne whether iheiird. k nUo, by their mJependent .1 TV. iviliirA liinv fannrUrl lillCitiXtuv-t, .... r. and sinee'tha people I ' decided on public confidence, and having of narr. a neir .nana ry. . . . . ' . r i . 1.. C .. . .v . in nf i th Knnrrfnf our wealth. wat the federal UoV ;:ri t can- itsell no intrinsic vame, it is name ; "V net be permitted to Mm in- to great-and sudden fluctuations; andhev"? come in Internal ir rovV Sg;erlthmby rendering property; inse- ered M0"; .v , .l. n:i. ..-jit: ernmeni uuiiru mu ih win oc m (: w f :i ana cure, anu me wa.rc9viiur uNsvca-i. , .. . . iM th ekiz ' nf ti. iwrj dr. tad, .. W:.W: 3 " he rion. which :te th. piper m. SP-T" ?-. . , A -r - - . . -.. irl. 1111 1HM1I1UUOI A-ft fw T 5f?-fi??EMS ;? that their interesU om.tl effec vUQ ClrCUlaVvluK Bvumm uniiwiui iu . - . , . 'M-. J cess-irilv went- tint numerous clasa ' ! i ::..- or persons in our commercial vuic, Who denend altogether on Dana cre dits for their: solvency , and meana of business; and who are, there fore obliced, for their own safety to propitiate the favor ofthe money no weHnr d istin truished iealand deuohon in its service. The result of the ill ad vised legislatien which established this great monopoly was. to concentrate the whole mo neyed power of the Union', with its bound ess means oi corruption, ami its numerous dependants, under the direction and command of one ac deceitful r,rcr derived froiiV fceted by'ief U'l anneal'-' CUtN.;-Ac' fillaciotis Iu uivicca ;ami t ttie WQtO connoence is i.ign, ucy ot- , , -- ; if, enccdragc nhe temptei by the prospect of gain, or tlewsalone of An paper ' . ? i vl i. . ' . . lriitvnrv.resumcientto call tor im i l?r.rra.t .1 ,r Otiff'J mauige excccd;r? wilL.V . opprep Ner? if. , s, the States principles ef ecc k In characterixe V.ry 5overoBent,tnds ld i lavish expend! "es th:ir . rcsr,trces, I y .-re l:r.7, f -.Athens, cd-witHCvt nivliichr iblo to pay, j ..J the tt . will hero rr.2 irrc Uu '5 nortahigh tarin'; ; n jbtain 4 surplus for disiri, j Do not allow vourselvrs l citizens, in be misled on tl ' The Federal Governmt bV the influence of those who pro- currency,are sulficien to can tor im oy Mwiauuvuv y reform: but there is anoth- at lv lu w eaicnu wicir wsuw wii- ' , . . . -u L CIIa .u. f au. er consideration which fhoud still tion and the!reaiojiabledema:id of more wronvjij ,VW" An fMrt, tnl Recent events have nroveil that davi until the public confidence is the papers moneys system of this 11 lr, At 11 . ' a! ' "TlL -aw Um. iabt tin afVint i.aw .kftbM man za roiriinn irnnnirv iiajaw tic uovvs. -v fir ipriviii ia.ua avriia 0iaa it a aavawM 1 j , -rTht severrlessonsTifxneTience will, I doubt no', be eufTicient to prevent Congress from again char- wring sucn a monpoy, even it tho jtj 1 -oiiMiia'iun uiu not prcseaiaii in superable objection to it. But you must remember, my fellow citizens that eternal vigilance, by. the people Is the price of liberty; and that you musTpay the price if youVish to secure the blessing. It behooves you, thereioret to be' watchful ia your State as well as in the Fed eral Government. The power which the moneyed interest can exercise. when concentrated uader a single knowjedged head; thus organizing 0ffurrt.,,Cy , was sufficiently demon- 1,1 P,ruV,,r lu.1""1 a istrated in the .struggle made bv the tl a.rnrinor t i it nnitv and concert : n.L -e .l. rr:. j ifi. n. rl. of action throughout the-Umted t inthe General Government, tho oia.w, anu ciin6 u..o jme clw of mtneguers and poll- ward, dpon any occasioni its entire ticians will now resort to theXtatcf and undivided strength to support tnd endeavLr l0 obtain there tho or defeat any ocasuref -the Aiovr Utne oreanizaUcnt which thev fai-. ernment. t in the hands of this; Tor- !ed t0 perpeiualc jn thetJnionj and midabte power, thua perfectly or- whh apecioua and deceitful plans gamzca, was aiso piccu hbiwhw of public advantages, aod State h dominion oyer the amount of tthe Urests and Sute thev circulating medium, giving it the cndeilvort0 establish in the differ power to regulate inevaiuB 01 pro- wt SUtw0M ;ll0nt:) t.d institution pertyand the fruit! 1 of laborln eve- h ov rftwn capr:iK Rlld IruU exclnstverivileg,, U,iet on an? city or section of the coun- to enable it to control the ope. trv. a mizht best com DOrlwitbJti I ttdQaatthe-fltherJiiinkiP n.HMr ' - ' ' I inatllltini will Ka nWD IIILClCll ur iwitvi. auvu cu iusuiuviuh ! uvj i I takes place, and they immediately to undermine your free institutions .:.u.i:. t,.v hitf rn. Und 'that, those who desire -to en- ....l.Unl onrtiU the r issuesj cross all oower in the hands of the and produce an unexpected and I few, and to govern by corruption or rUiaOUS COnira'llOii u mtwtvu; iuivvji -"--!, ' r j , ting medium, which" ia felt by the prepared to. employ it. ;, Your banks ...liJ ani.ntiw Th li.mlcA. hv now furnish vour1 only circulating wm b L'uu uuuui . . " 1 , . ... 1 . . oUcctaswrblusfor such pu These means, save themselvciw and medium, and mouey is plenty or ithout violating the piinc- the mlsrhievous consequences of scarce, according to The I the cons' itution; and assr , their intprudence of cupidity are of' notes; issued by ;them. hue . ...v. r.v. aW aM a. 1 1 . 1 itifn v 4 1 n" iini jwers wmcu nayc nwi oecuvintca upoa v umuiv. - .11 ia moreover a sysien. tne evil stop ne re ...1 it ..r.li .m1 U: . t- .1.. W."nd these It ''V. Ull'l II Iiv IJIS I III, IV II. 1 IOWS in Hlv " " , . " j I T "l . . liscrcet CXtentlonS OI, crcuiw .nam- uuq 01 mrni ill v encender 'i spirit of specula- over the rest; and although, in The t y"I " . a ,r., 1 i itL '..,1 1 i-..-. f tkiiiM'Mrv: these t"'h . .. -tf I..... I ,1 nnomtft lniurions- uracter OI the P?0piC ' uauw mj aiiu y "r" , JvT J iirit of spccntatioli in tae public pecuniary conccrnsjand jh moral TV .11 irUA nf atnek: ton nf .nriftiv: vet, from their nura- IUI5, anil ' 1 ;-jr . . , lAlch WlthWtlie last feat fr eftostton, they i I lead To corfuntionl and 1 In ruin; The' surplus re- .1 ue urawn troni 1 lie pocic- I m-ai ,' J f : . pcowe, irom tn larracr, Jcililhlafwing'Blas y$ but who will receive jstributed' amonts The 11 ji tot do uuposea WVire notleutoconiecturehowt.r.frnant with the imA pviU the moneyed vower, thus orani- pfodaced by the T bank of the SlaWMK.TP!;rt! United State, although its, hands, would be likely to use it.- ' 5. " ThUistress and alarm whicn per- 7 "'"" , . , vaded and agiuttd the whole coun lined; and in the State in winch try, when the Bank of the United it is chartered, the money pow Statea waged war upon The people cr will, be able to embody its in order to Compel them to subtnit wK0le , itrenh, and to move to iudemandsf cannot 1 yet be for- .mw,u, with nnHivi.11 fore eotten. The nithle and unspar- p" ; I P". 1 V.LT"k:.k any ohjrt it ine icmper wuu wuicu wnwic viw f . , v ' 1 and conLunities vera oppressed, may wish attain Nonhive individuals impoverished and ruin- already had auunaant evuu nre efl, ana a aceoB ui cnnnui 01 .. (. power i nyun perity-suddenly 'changed into on-- (1p0t fa ajfriculturul.niei ban ofgldom arfd-despondency, ought boring cUe ofsa- ry of the people the United V ""- ' A lf.,,r.h waaits uowor in np?ements m trade memorv cai if....u i- 'I- Arhr'in onffattements. in inwe i time of pcicewhat would it notlulation render them Ucj.e t 11 a fir- V Htr 1 Tk "''