0 antonhauk fjcUiUcs, aicomiuWti cr;: izjilvMc: r the State monopoly wH be abso-j is !UTdtheirobedienceu With such abank and a paper cur. rency, the money power vould, in a few years, govern, the State and control its measures; and if a suffi cient number of States can be indu ced to create such establishments, the ime will soon come when it will JffsjMake the field ajnthelJ; "iiitedTStates, and succeedfn per feeling and perpetuating its organ ization by a charter from Con- It is one of the serious evil? of r present slcra of banking, that 1 UtnaWes one, class pi saciety-andandtocheck thespirit ef monopoy ; that by no means numerous one.ujph havcsprung Dy lis cooirei over iuc currency 10 act injuriously upon the interests of all the others, and to exercise more than its jost proportion of influence I n ;lcaaffairyegrict ; . tural,4heljncebj4 boiirjng classesi fore ; little -or no share in'thejdirectioiTof the great . wonejed corporations; and from . their habits and the nature of their 4 . pursuits, they are incapable of for- tning extensive combinations 'to act together with united force." Such etneert of action may sometimes be produced in a single city, or in a " small district or county, by means of personal communications with each other; but they have no rr- ular or active-correspondence with those who are cagaged in similar pursuits in distant places;ihey have but little patronage to give to the press, and exercise but a small share of influence overt!; they have no crowd of dependants about them, who hope to grow ,, rich without labor, by their counfe nance and fa Tor, and who are, therefore always ready to execute their wishes. The planter, the farmer, the mechanic, and the laborer, all know that tljeir - success depends upon their own m- "dutryffoiccenomyirnltharthey must not expect to become sudden ly rich by the fruits of their toiL Yet these classes of society from the treat body of the people, of the U ijited States; they are the boae and sinew of the couutry; men who love UbfrtyandjcrenothinJbuLe qoal rights and equal laws, and who moreover hoidihe great niais of our national wealth, r although it is distributed in moderate amounts anion the millions of ftee men who possess it. But with overw helming numbers and wealthTitttheirnMde; thev are inconstant danger nf Iocs ing their fair influence in the Gov emnr.ent, and with difficulty main tain their just rights tgaii.it the in ceasauFeffur tsx daily - made to en- f croacb uirtKi them. 7 The mischief fpriogs from the powtr which the mor.e)td interest derives from a roner currency which thev are able to control: from the multitude of corporations, with exclusive privi lejtt s. whichjthey have succeeded in cbtair.ing in the different Elates and which are employed altogeth er for their benefit; and unless you 1 a necome mote wairnnu in your Utes, aud check this spirit of mo nopoly and-thirst for exclusive pri . tilths,, you wjll in the end, find that the mu.t ioiportant powers of f ' " ' i ""t.:''- - "I ''''' - uotr'initni- nave uccn. givra. or bfrttfed nwav,and ti.e rbntrol over ymir dfsrel interf sf has passed in to he ha nds ot these V orporatiorts, The paper uouey"s)stemVand it natural associate,, monopoly aid cxcIumvc privileges, have already strmt their noti deep in the mijI; and it rvqnire afl-pur fffors to ( Upck its luiiuer gro.wm rno; to era k.rte tfi evil. - The' rten mho pr? fit by the abuses, and desire to per i)t t .ie them, will continue to bti e th halU of JcLil.uiun , in lh( (ienenil Government ttfJl al iri the btaifcs. ani will seek ly v- ry n nifif-'e" iu'nmlrdii4 de'eeive the rwihli n rvrfnt. It Koyoiir-( srhs tliitjnii mtsvt f wk for safety jui t ) '.; n 1 'of irirdin and per '"y'pJTuTr y iur li it th k-rightfully placed. the sjvcjt) the coautryi"in4 to ultimately n iponsiuie. m w . wishes of the people arc earned in- 10 lailDiui caciiiwnii, aim vucu wheji'ouce made known, must soon: cr or later be obeyed. And while tne people remain, as l irust mcj ever will, uncorrnpte'd and incor ruptible.' and continue watchful and jealous of their rights, theGogern nent is safe, the, cause of freedom will continue to triumph over all its enemies. ? v ': , ":" But it will Tequire; sieady and persevering exertions on your part 1 .1 i (and 'mhcfifa9 of the paper tystem to na yourselves oi ine,iniijuuic up with it, and of which it is the main supporr. no many unci cms are united to resist all reform on this subject, that you must not hope the conflictwilf heashnrtonei nor success easy.1 My humble eflbrts have not! been spared, during my administration of the Government, to restore the constitutional currcn cy of,! gold and silver; and some thine, I trust, has been done tow- arasiner accoropiisnmni.oi n. moit.desirabe object. But enough ta . , a ' yet remains to require all yoUr en ergy and perseverance. Thepow-, er however is in your hands, and the remedy must and will be apph ed, if you determine upon it While I' am thus endeavoring to press upon your attention the prm ciples which I deem nf vital impor tance in ine uuniesuc concerns o f .i . . the country, I ought not to pass d ver, without notice, the importan considerations which should govern vour Dloicv towards foreisn now ers. It is unquestionably, our true interest to cultivate the most mend ly understanding with every na tionand to avoid by every honor able means, the calamities of war; audehalhbcstttaiirthisbjecr by frankness and sincerity in our foreign intercourse, by the prompt and faithful execution of treaties, our conduct to aR , But no nation, however desirous of peace, can hope to escape' occasional col iiionsjirith ether powers; and 'the- soundest d'Ktaies 6f "poli 5 require thatwe should place ourselvt s in a ctndi tion to assert our. rights, if a report to force should ever become neces sary. Our local situation, our Inng line of "sea-ceastr" indented - bjrnu roerous bays,wih deep rivers open ing into the interior, as well as our extended and still increasing com mtrt e. point to the navy as our na tural means of defence. . , It will, in , with an overflowing revenue that we can year after year, add td its : strength,, without, increasing the burdens of the people. It is your trua policy. ..For your, navv will pot only protret your riclf and flor isbing commerce in distant seas, but will enable you to reach and annoy thrx enemy, and will give to defence its greatest efficiency, by meeting danger at a'distance from,, home. It 1 Impossible, :by any line of for tirlration to gu'ffnryitet frora 1 attackagainst a hostile force advi ncing from ,the oceanand j se lectios its object:, hut they are in dispenwble, to project cities from I'ombardmept. dock yards and. na. yal, arstuals from destruction; to giyrjsheltcf Jo, merchant vessels in t ime of war, and. tp. single ships or weaker squadrons when pressed by superior force. . Fortifications of this tJescript ion cannot be too stoo completed and ar aJed, , andrplared in a condition of the most perfect prcparaliou. The abundant means we now . possess cannot be applied in any manner more useful to the country;, and when this is Jone, & our navaj force suiucieauy strcngin cned, and our militia armed.; we wantonly inult pus, or needlessly jirovoke hostilities. We thill more l . - j i. j- . j 1.. t l j Kratitu'ie lor vour constant a ... t y n 1 1 wavonne kindness. I bid you a I est ana mosi ruciiuai inu now ii . , f li tiiri in tMtnu nf narr and J and InectlOnate farewell t ; tne time, 111 a season 01 peace, ana . v,nnir , inpenvf rtaial -ricscrve pcac is well enderstood that we ara pre- " ' T C d' fo I 3''"""''"'"'" y""'1 ' " . In presenting to yoti,-Dy f?low citizens, these parting counsels 1 save brought before you tne leau nVnrJnrinlesuDon.wbichl endeav ored to admiuistcr the Government n the high ofiice Avith which you twice honored me. Knowing that the patlvf freedom is continually beset by enemies, who often assume the disiruise of menus, i naveoc- voted the: last hours of my, public ife to warn yu of the dangers. I he progress oi mcunKcu omuca, under our, free and happy institu tions, has surprised the most san guine hopes of the founders of the republic.. Our crowih'-' has been rapid beyond, all former example, in numbtrs. in wealth, in knowl- edtJ aud all the useful arts which contribute to the comforts and con venience of man; and from the earl iest ages of history to the present day, there never have been tnir- teen millions of people nssocia eu together in oneolUical body who enjoyed so much freedom ana hap pinest as thepcopleof thesejUriiUd States, You have no longer any causer tti fear danger from abroad; yoor strength and power arenell known turoinrhout the ctviuzeu world, as well as the high end gal Lint Lfeinn! .of-Tour sons.. Jt is from witbiu among vourselves, fram cupidiiy, from corruption from o'isa p pointed "amhition-and in- nrainaie tuirsi lor pver ihi iu tions will be formed and liberty en daneeredIt is ajaiiist such dr signs, Whatever Misguide the actors may assume, tht ye u navt especi ally to guard yourselves. Vou have the highest of human trusts com miftcdto your tare. V.fqwdrnce has showered on this faored bud blessings without number, and Iws chostn you as the ruardtaiis of iree dom te prrse rve it for t lie benefit of the human rare. May 1 e who holds in his hands the destenies of nation make you worthy of the favors he has bestowed, antj enable i? Wlth, PHre ,hea Pu hasds, and sleeile5r violence, to guard and defchd to the end of time The grt-atTiiaretie hai comniitfed' to your, keeping, -,.,.'i...... r My own race is nearly run; ad vanced age aod failing health warn me that bffure long I must pass be vond the reach of human events. andeascito fee) fht-vicissiiudeiofi human alTairs.' I thank God that my life his been spent in land of mwn gf.a ft mnn-in uumme libertv. and that he has given me atclretTm stance! mav do fof his heart to love mv country with the) affection of a son. And filled with nd un- last Efjjitl Dfi) ar t titrnt. raiaaairca at Tea iw iccant . : ASIIBOROUCH, n."c; , SaturAa'a AutU la lSai. QUESTION' BY A blBSCttBEK. 1 ."Is it law lor a; Deputy Hheriff t6 do Constables b:isipess f"h ' ;. dhswer in clrarly Ja fl. We do notrrodlect any act nf Aembly in tlai.t Slate, la ira maHj'ettf fW-Mds, utlrUiflgt)edaty Bherilfl to'cseeutf and return warrant Nr, are e a, ware of any Wliex mW protMonas to sheriffs tlirmselfra; but the Sheriff Is, in several sets, espreVhiy recenl ned an an ifTirr for,, jlhis purHwr; and tlicre are veiy few acts t be done by a Sheriff, but what fan alao bo Icgall; dune by his Oepoiy -j. V'i.UrhXf A quest ion here pi esentritself whiri i" of lilgh Irtportaarr in be settM Hn! lhat ly irtlrVr theahei'iir Is liaMe for the Hfj-ligence of a Deputy" jri 5 uVin C'sul)h business. ' 'r 41 If we are not mliitaken some of the the sliniCT is, not luble... e, uimk 1. a I'm.'-'. .u "" ' -' " LoweVei more mature4 rtCcctijn wiJllipplicai'yu fjr Sutego' ;V have notfcii akKi'tll.ti kii vin- ion en thiM point, we have ihi I ?es par ticular to examine autlmi-itirsj but c think that whatever t!.a Deputy does y virtue of his ' Cice, in a citil point f view,' he docs as a Sherilf, ad on- equeutty the sheriff Is rcsjwiisihla f r his acts and omlssinns. ;; - - QUESTION BY-A SUBSCRIBER, Some time past mere were tnree Entries on one tract of Land one bv P Canothtr , by M S, and ' - w. .. . m ' it . ' j i .1 hird by u w; an conienuing lor the, same. Tne unit lay ,on tne East side of a tract belonging '; to said P C. .MS obtained the land bv bavins the oldest fcntry. r Some fifteen or twenty days before : the running out of the said tract of land, I entered a piece lyn.g on the West side of said P C's land, adjoining W C and others. . But when P U found lie was ooTlo gt the land he had entered, he take! tllO Surveyor, and comes over about "mile and a half (across his own tract, if we un - 1 t iiertanu ine R .h.' round my ntry, ana claims it, on te gn'Unu u J' O a"Jt,,,, ,u the above named land. Now " I wish to koow, whetwr my tntry ilt hold said land or not, as it was made sometime previous to his ma Xing any ciaimr . -t-t ill . -- - - - a, - J ." U. 11. : ; Jtruvxr. Certainly voqrEntry m HI We itee nolhiNg iii the caw a itatrd above, that, ran bypMisibility, r...aM1Mif rl-!aitTl lata fftaa ttt f 1 ' vte ansrr the (lumiion, fwmxwne tlultl.rreUlti.fcuitKlii.gui, thet;ib.J,,,;Bt af rf J?!; Xh Pwt'. Fuf 'l Highly imjinirr w prrjuim iuc lie mind by ..a Nesppr diacwsaiotti l eoTatulat wlien there Is suit bmwght, nr likrly i'kd .h L,tof o wewaaaper. oodkeaeyii tit l bmujht. A hint to the working classtt. I f a man at Si jcai$ qi age began los onil put it toy interest every year, lie would have at 31 year ii8650f atf44 8 1 i8C0,t 5 tj 680? nt 6 1, 86,1 50, at7 1 I t. 500!" WKen "WeIoot at lesesumiand wlicn we think how much temptation and evil illicit bo avoided in the vcryl sit'i ut BHViu uiciu, aim nu family ly. these unii and We ennhot. help v.vo!jderin ths there ar no raore aavcrs of i a week.lle who- savta thi siim miy tibt nly pay hi wa? I mt lie may help the afHicteL and suhicribe' to the ' ranotii liene volen t socie AtL, 'U-'ho r he may show tnercV to tho' sands in this world, and ! may help ahem on their v; to a better; ' . I . JltijardJoK tSaraeUr ofltf dec Sergent ttr, of Ih Scots 0i f js, Pa wscrgtauU4ifJiatroiiiu-kiu!. : Sttfb, might Katr brftt ekianed arrvi in actia,' barton ucfiVa day.' as' battle nf Watrrlob, to tcirstrd tn allowfd ti tha.Ve with the regtui? Iii on tif the. cJigeV lie fi-lf".strf ly'rMndfd, ',ai d aa If ft'or the f Corpora) $1 oft, of the same r? g'.rc (who lit a treiVasMeria that S lieu field waa-searVhfd for ihe wnwnd'rd i lain, ilwb-tty of St rgrsVt Weir i found aibU name ' written 'rtri ' i fortheHil lfli hit own hnt d. Cir: r; V his own ,.' blotrtl ,TU s his qra r.'. thai , his . body., tnlht bej fvnd ?!d known, and tint it might inibe' j ; gine.d he had diHRppeand Mitli the :w uey ofjhd tmnp. f v f - . i : Guldt to Knott ted $ ; . Mother new. Staf. iilfo tnre of Florida at Tallahassee.' If ore adjatuHmeMs psrd a Lw diref ing jne necetaarvairps 1 goxcinment. AS U BOROUGH, N C. -r- - t -g- V " TV Editor of tbil paper m recentlv rfv md hn retidee to thU plce (AhborWlg where boliopeoto be ettcfre'peelforik promttntM and rejaUwy. e0r ud toa.1 manioitiout will therefii-e, in , future, be it dreacd to him at tliia puce. . : RAN0QLP1I SUPEHlOa COURT. ' Tbt Superior Court of thia County hib iq acVen tliia week Uia Honor Judjf Diti' preaidii.t;. 'Ao ordinary portloo cf buwaa,! WwUioken part of whWJ . """"rrf Ppesrtl diaekarrothtdiitieaof tb - mi It ?er hiJ 0 -tt ia taw d k, a of eery caao fully an4 Lrt itfor ti Juna - r ? k . - ; A, thVVt:e.r bM WoubK,. MKwUin. tr former .l. .--".!-... : B,per Wiil be regularly aenl to lata utWt place, by priTte cotf ) anee, u aoHi at tis ; fribm mVL. tkert pfcaae U ij. W0o for their tepra.- lie Si al to reeeWo iew iafrber, iaaUoMil adtriakic pobtkaiioa. t-r- Extract of(0 letter btdy t rreirtj fr paper it f reatly iodabtaJ for tb. Humy 1. tifie ioiprtWona ilrt ia eariy vKk may lioth deaarre a4 receive a food drfnta' ptrote TWe oowm yow (Mvwukt4af , tn panar. I belicVt to bt ft judiaoutont, t ibat if tt U carr't.l out iritk twrfy ni4 pWl docHn it Jetaila, caaout bit to beatfiftte eoTBwfliftity at trfitei cootrqvtwity I witk y rrcat oiicceio l vodraodcrtakinr. J M C44ora gcncriuly, I beteto iemny,tm' toe eounael oSertJ tke f j eoottip,aloniio whs ridlewle b doeo tot deter m froa offeriof yow tarka kfUMy of d9l y wr ocetjiatk tlUkehf rri-teUtd iy . W political toalratmica, KditoraealibU ooe ak oftbe uaewlyf and tkatrfa pern wik lftTnlk. U W read at lent two Pi r,ii f ' Ktl : i bop Van w.n pri hop yo Vij rrint? facta ai they aro-aot! i r " -7 ; I 4 tabi la aairgtbUrrari' U wdentooda'adroctiatar. 1 ,liiU?. I dinktlteisorlbf'j sn lStorwa-at caoWlf Mth. ladadrocatetketatr . a .Vttl. f.ctwil! 1 1 to. tat wkeoefer BC, 4top"- Ut. Ota, T I -itHaMP.ri a hia frJeVdi wb I tU if 'icladeJyotr sto WV-'j -t 4eWta f w w futy pen! ,.t 4rcti at , iri hart lr"u1it rv ia-rrf-5 'h"e" 1c ta Vacwo j a krS.Bf oritf of ! htto dto to t 1 would aay. earn t .jruhural wra. ! .UtUeptertyrS' prrfaea'aad Cietchatd. tWo-flirri Vtet4t-r, V:.f ,oat-( Siaterrti!!: ViWrffSt nt pi-c. 4.,-.-..ii'-: : 1 . .".'.-. ..laaaM of Ike -rein 1 . were recm loOKtdtill 100 TbrTyatTallVppearia ;j -. 7 J ( , The whale fishery ef Great I. airt his fallen elf to a great exte within the ast few yeri; 1 1n m the number licr 'fi ont hundred ia! fort iin . 1S32,; this nupbir bM tilliai dwindled tofifty-njde. V. 111 . : .1 y "' 7