A f Irsm the Arkrj:. .s Giigcttc. ' Extract of a letter to the Editors, dated i"-Chnclttw dgencyt FtK 13,1837. Liformatioa,l:as jifct been .receive:! - -s thia placyby express; fror.i Ciinp , Mason, in the prairies, connrir.g ths statements made in Colonel Folsom's Icttcrr tcsiiCctinjTtlar howl's intentions if ti e Gamanches and other wild tribes . towards tbc; whites and friendly Indians. B ,ADia commotion arnon the various " lamtins ruiiex of the fifcpdlv, tribes; they are collecting together with theitf tcntwhof sending, as stated, their wives and children to.thcir homes. , The Del- awares and Shawancos have experien - . ccd the displeasure of the Oaraanches " alreadv: some " barclv escaped with 1 their lives, loosing their horses land Oth er property. - There are many white women and children "prisoner among .the Camanches and Klowajs, who can not be ransomed hardly at any price.--7$ If it will benefit them any by jnving their nams to the Public, you are at liberty to . ; " do so, as they might, by chance, falfun- dcr the notice of some of theirfriends, Who may use some measures, withe assistance of the Government, in procu ring their deliverance. : They are as fol lows: Airs. JUanin, who reports that her youngest children were killed because . they Were unabled to walk with lheL par- ty whpTnadc them captives; she is Eng lish, but has resided in the United States many years ; Richards, Parker, " and Frost , There arc others whose names haver not been ascertained, as they are 'Cot 'allowed to'have much-intercourse i. with the .whites These prairies will, ere long, be the thea- tre of continual strife between the vari ous bands who are drawn thither for the purpose of hunting and plunder. All the Indians of the different tribes, who 'still adhere to the ancient custom of subsis- . ting by hunting, skim off to the prairies; ' they are the hunting grounds, their fields of adventure, and we, hare a right to ex- pect a Ltde fitting thereVand should not prevent iC if it would only confine itself 10 tnatpuntr)-; but it is a dangerous spark, aMTnay light into a flaiuc the J Washington. March. 20, 1$37. There were three, arrivals from Eu Tope at New York on the 27th inst but they brought no important political news, except that, a fcnirth ; attempt had been made to assassinate the Kins of France. - Bjr W arrival from Cadiz, bringing dates "o theZ5th of February; It is stated that Smyrna " had , been ' destroyed by an Earthquake, and that four tliousahd per rons had perished I The Emjlish papers ontam accounts 0! .two melancholy ShrpwTecks--the Glasgow a ship of 433 tons which sailedfrom Liverpool for New York on! the 8th of February, full goods, and with uy passengers on board. ; 0id North State. I have never contcm On the 25th, when under full sail, ahtfjplatcd such ingratitude, nor shall I make rruck a shoal of rocks, ealled the Bar-cnvemcnts elsewhere that would com- jb, it iiuK vi uk ui iuf ar.' .-mp acu cargu au . -STOEcrs pcnsneu j - x lie vuicr rcwci wai the jane and Margaret, bound to New York from the same port, a new shin. - It is supposed she struck upon the Ark bw. More tJian two hundred persons were on board, and it is supposed they !ell hove perished I ',, f ' Jf Haifa million bushels ofFpretm Wlieat . are said Jo have'Jn iniorte4 at New York within a few days. It is passing strange that in tins Agricultural Country, our fartuers do not furnish us with a suf ficiency of bread P7- -:f" ." -The Committee appointed by the Le cislature of Pcnnsvivahla to'invcsti'rate the mode in which the new Charter.of the Bank of the 17, States had been ob tained, hare acquitted the Bank, the Le gislarure, and aD others implicated, of a ny charee o( briU-rt-, corruption, or any "Improper means in procuring thef3iax t?r j and, on a t'csblirtion beuig oSercd by one of the dissentients, authorizing n the Judiciary Commitlee to bring In a bill to repeal the Charter, it was ncga - tived G I votes to 3 1. So that an end is I put to all doubt n th question; 'The persecuted Count Confalonicri has.jtu been received in this Country with'a hearty welcome. . HxCpunt was antongthe foremost in rank and influ ence in Austria, to diffuse improvements uA frec and liberal principles. J Je first . Introduced rlcam, in all its forms, in Ita T.ly, and devoted lus Income in extending ' 1 duration to ti e poor ai)d ignorant These traiti of benevolence and libcral- i?y,whibt thev raised the Count in the Xeideemffliiauiitrvnien, marked him r v ; cHor the xmgeanccof the Austrian ' ." tJoctricnt He was thrown into nris ..:rw.ilaSvcd his eirope with life, to , . ' """the' .unceftsippitaHon ' f his wj.tu 1 HNir wards underwent ; - " an ii fiprl'MrreWl nNqcn ears, and at ilitr.-yleL.-J C it Is cay lor., livta 'enjoy; itrr "' The Congress cf Uuatcmfla adoptca 3 i;rual badze of mourning on bearing of Mr. Livingston's death; they also or dered his Likeness to be placed in their Hall pf Assembly, with the following in scription Edward Livingston gave to Louisiana laws which have been . ad opted by Guatemala.T-Thrpugh him le gislation tnade brothers of two people, and united their Lbcrtie&rt'oiTM- pondence of the Register , Correspondence of the Intelligent . i Tt,.,;;ft SSnulDa-tCtook' twenty-eight, passengers iTepame hassubsidcd, Businesses 9 d of he;atav.treak,'and going on more smoothly again. , A va- ggJS the footof IsWjIooro aTZTZLZ J paper, trusting American credit. ! Once more it was ascertained that the charlatanry of the Treasury Circular was to be kept lip, , AH these things produced a tremen dous panic, and mere, can be no doubt that there was a great cause' for thatpan- ic , Any other class than that of Amer ican merchants : would have crushed to pieces hy .iC-Nicholas -fiddle; byhis calmness, prudence, and the cdnhdence his character inspires, saved us." The New York Banks, by his example alone, dared to come to the rescue., - There is a curious state of things now in this dry.liM Jhe oju V cstcrn States, owe to- us. Bills upon them daily come' "back protested" The Treasury Circular frightens the banls'of Khe mtenor, so that they dare notdis- count; ana yet, notwiLnsianaing ine ercat debt in N. York, their States want their proportion pf the surplus in specie! This is the farcical system which the Government papers are advocating. -r Mjor Jr aViT We have solicited a copy of the following patriotic letter from this distinguished Enginecr to the President of our Kail Road Company. We hope hewiu pardon the hbcrty we take in pubhshing it:-;. S New York, Fely 5th, 1837. : My Dear Mr. Winslowr ! tl received your welcome letter of the 27th ult two days since, and most sincerely do I conatulate you on the Mceessiur resuir of rthc Internal ln provemeut -question. I will not allow myself to doubt the want of, individual subscription ' to ensure the early com mencement and vigorous prosecution of ' our Work ; nor shall any effort of mina wanting to promote it You do me hi ;,1Kt;re ;n nr-laiminf that I am not bffto be seduced from the service of the pd me to it; vn the contrary, should! i r(ulr& reptitaUon bv my connection with other States, I trust itmay enliancc my ability to be usciul to my own. - I shall visit you ere long, and at any rate when Mr. - Cushman shall advise me that he is ready for mevl MnWliis tlcs. my partner, also you may expect. say in about a. month. .You may W sure it is very gratifying to lum and me thaCourrAssibtamsT shwld jjive r such general .satisfaction, as you ftuaothcts lead me. to suppose.' . ' ' " ; i f . ruy.tteville Observer.. A NEW STATE A Tennessee paper argues that there is a natural and unalterable deversity of miercsis pciwecn i.ie iasiern ana esi- ern sections of that State,' and that the former being the weaker, division, it must nccesparily labor under a Meat manypolitica) disadvantages." Ittt fore proposes, that I$est Teunessce, and parts of Virginia, Georgia and Alabama borderincr thereon, shaliconstitute a new State. , lhi. , hc fame inequalities al leged to exist between diflcrent sections of th cUnion, and which are sometimes cited to show the probability if not the necessity of its dissolution,' are urged as reasons for the division of smaller tcr ritories, and would eontinuc to be so ur ged were the Union sundered into in- jmuessimai lragmcuts. : in an our geographical" disputes, the Northern u said to be too strong for the Southern portion of the confederacy in a State, one f section outvotes the other in a town A ward is too strong for B ward and even in a country village, where the balance of power is settled, by the loca tion of a grog shop these tectUnat jeal ousies arc always latent, ready on oc casion, tar bf.izo . forth in fierce "conten tion. Our Tennessee friend had 'better let well enough 'alone," If he should OUtlC, 11 WMUIU IF A UU VJW Dtiuru oixjcr i j i r .1 ,-2 snrt their chance of getting ashore at Smg insuoHtici would bo fuund tb cwt.gefct the roaAif; Ljr Any acci- ...... x as- those .cf which B nowcorri & Lynchburg Virginian. t V frio York HarthM." ' 'Stec-mbodt Disast"3is steam boat Korfulk loft New Vindior for t: " city yesterday af.ernoon,at half past four o'clock. When-just above Sing Sin, thewas sttuckbv a crle rf ice, w! ch stove in her bow. :The captain Peered forthe,shore,and 'fiuding '.tl;at tl;5 water gained very fast, he ran her aground, where' she was lvinff at davlicht this morriing, vd three feet of water iii her at high tidev. ' A sihall sloop, loaded with Stone, called the Ellen Justiv Captain street, before ten o'clock this morning. Gaston 'and Raleigh Rail Road,-- The first annual meeting of this Com pany was held in Raleigh on" the Cth ult. The report of the i'resideut. 'says the Register, shows the affairs of One country to be in a prosperous condition, with nearly 700 hands employed, and ine work'rauidlv Procressinir. ' It is expec ted mat Fifty rnilcs of the Road will be in operation "by the time of the next an- nual meeting. Fayettewt Observer, Waki Superior ." Court' Out Court set week; ande"on tinned in session until Satorday night - Judge Bailey prestdedf and, with great acceptability, both to the pro fession and to the people lib pa tience, industry, promptness .and dignified' urbanity; are worthy, of iciitation, and prove that the Legis lature actedjudiciously in elevating hid to tke Iiencb. ' . 3 Very few caosei - on the civil docket were disposed of, the whole i weak being occupied inihe trial flf, State prosecutions. Among them was one of a capital nature, which excited intense interest, and filled the Court House with anxious spec; UtoVsV The high standing of the parties concerned the peculiir hel noasess of the alleged charge, the eminent1 Counsel -employed, - the large oujberpf respectable witnes ses iii attendance many of them ladies all conspired to give to the ca?e an absorbing character. We allude to the Indictment againsit Dr RichattL Harnutn, for the mur der of his wife XbiHia llarnum, by poison.' The case wis taken up on Wednesday, and the examination of witnesses ' commenced about 1 o'clock, about Iwo hours having been censuned in making a" jury. The court 'Continued in session un til 7 o'clock, when it adjourned vVrlonext .day, thejury having bero committed to the charge of an Officer for the night. The examin ation of witnesses was resumed next morning, IndlabouriwoT o'clock, those summoned for the State were got through with. A large r.um ber were a! in attendance for the defendant,1 but before they were called,; the counsel for the State rose and addressed, the court! and abandoned the. Profecution, remar king that the evidence was sufficient to show that the deceased had oot diedbyLnndthatf be unjust to the defendant, to press the matter1 further an opinion in which all will doubtless concur who heard the testimonyparticularly of the eminent Medical gentlemen who were examined and of A Pro fessor Michcll. The Jury, ofcourse forth with returned avcrdict of not guiltyV ' r M ' ;" :-r;,V- 't Counsel for the S late, Attorney General Daniel and Dadger, For the Defendant, Iredell, Devereaox er. Safety of Rail '?anf. The last annual report of the Worcester fiail-ruad w says'.tTbat since the first Opening of v tlie road, 3 "years go, neary S0O,uot, passengers have been transported on it but during the whole period, juo passeh- ";r r There were several more on board the , and dis- " ' ' v "j ,L -1 " It m trial Cvr.tc? cirl'i is S3 alsciultly zzh? t!.a ccr.trcl ff nan r.3 tt-in; -r. J the fcantrcai acc'rJrsts ihzi cccur frcn itara 'rsthsr the reru'.tt f t !i gence t!:ia ths tnltllity -t3r.ir.r5 it.'; II f :cc the jasti? cf penal en ertt' 5 fbst crp;r:t cw in ftcaa carnaes of any l.irvl, I y v.i.i.'j losses to iadividuals have in curred. ' . ? ' ; ' Dxsgratfful " scene$ m ' I'arry county (Ca.--A letter in ths Mil ledgeviWe Standard, received by Geo Schley, and dated Echota March 2, gives a (disgraceful pic ture M)f affairs in Murry county," in that State. " On the 27th of Febru ary at daylight, fiy armed men, headed by the sheriff of the county forcibly, entered the houses of spring Place, under color of State iuthor ityi ".made 'prisoners) of the citizens, and then, having seized 51 mus kets, pistols, &c ' deposited there, belonging to the State, burnt the aae in the public squire.' The rufTuns. after treating the 'citizens with great;brutality, ctarched off ten of them, tinder the escort or the Sheriff, to the county jail of Gass county at Capcrille. : There by a writ of habeas corpus, they were discharged. 8ereral other citizens havewfwhi p ped shot afahd a tusetT in viribtia ways7llt is re ported that women and children naVe been whipped by the, tane gang. - These latter are said to be renegadoes antl outlaws. Liverpool Cotton Market r March 10. Our Market still presents an unfavorable aspect; the depression noticed in our last atill roatinnei. td prices arc cin lower for all kinds. save Sea Island and fine E- gyptian, , which .beinc scarce are maintained we loruear giving a M ' ft . positive opinion as to the. extent of decline, as in the present unscttcd state of things, it would bo only calculated to mislead, and there fore we beg to refer to our quota Exporters bave taken 1150 bales of American. There have been 4, 009 bags of. all kinds sold to day. Four vessels, from New Orleins; one from f Darien, one from Dahia, one trom Charleston, and one from Savannah, have arrived, but not yet reported The import this week is 9,827 bags, and the sales reach 18,620. OlobeJ t Special Cnzf.- We are inform ed that at the recent February term of Orange County Court, (a major ity of tjje justices , being present,) they rasolved to elect ar tpecial court fnr ' the ensuing year, and se lected James Mebane, Catlett Camp- bell and Joun larulhers, Ksqrs. as the members. Ve hope majori ty if if he iusti es of .this County will attend at the. next Court, tb determine on the expediency of a dopting the same measure. , ,w, ;;.. -Mitten Spec Henry Barlow, the, cbscending Cashier frora Albany, baa been tra ced to Texas; where he died cn the 30th of June last, at Marianne, near Columbia; of the fever cf the country after an illness of about four week. 11 ii identity wrs ts certained by disinterring the IcJy, and by various articles which r. trs known to bel: 3 to D. such t 1:3 lencil case, silver Er.rifThax, tic IeT hid purr hs.se J a fir: r 1 f : Hrassos, and in rcn: 1 y a native cf the cocr.try I U cn ced an ex tend vs t ' ::.U..a, and sent 810.000 to C :i forthe fur chate of slaves. lis i? suppose J to have taken with 1.1. t to -lexas on ly C 12,000, cr :i5,g0a.r; , . ij:h..: ; : . Reitcr. VreaZiujTiin ftew rorfc.-The Express of t Monday jays: . Since Saturday lay we have lud large adJi tiocs from abroad to our stock of; u l: tUfe v U .i: this ever t;.: cf ether descrin. . we hi' 5 now "-t crproachingte (f -.Lt-Lcls. im ti;r.! c." f v.-! t .i'.o:i great itc:!c tf ferula histnvCtu. lt:-r: :u.7i um'A LV''Tis a pity lut cc:ild ihare with them.; ASIIBOUOUGU, N. C. . FAYETTEVILLE AND WESTERN was nearly completed -at "he date of tia last Fayetteri!!e.'(w.Itfiras 'sta. ted; in that paper, that the survey of the upper route, through , llandoljw Dav son, &c, would be commenced imine. ntelyAitporUhat;.aomc know not how, been put mto circulation, that the hands, engaged a the sun-ey, have at times been inattentive, and canv less of u' eir duty.' There isnoevidcnct to us,tlut tha . rei.it is true, and bopoand believe, that it is untrue, ad have tuiifbrmly treated it as a calus ny, got up vj , uiose xo to indulge an unfriendly disposition tot ards the work; and throw , obstacles is tho way of public patronage, j ; 4 " . ' -C' , IIUWIECANE AT JA5IEST0WX. ' We are informed by a gentJdmaa recUy Ironi Jamestown Guilford coun ty, that a inost frightful and alarmfcj whirlwind visited that place on the night of 'iheTttVinst,- (Friday niit of hi weckat 0 xcbek.) : Beveral dwfellgi ; were greatly injured; and many out bouses quite destroyed. ;, 0 lives lost," but two or three persons some injurci We could not hear wIiq the 'stiffercri werj5 (cither in person or property) u our informent wai a stranger ; at i tb placei but wo shall probably hear tho particulars in a lew days. ; ; t zz SPECIAL COUltrSl We have heretofore noticed, the act of the last Legislature, autljorizing ths several counties of this State, to appoint tpecial magistrates to hold tho county Court. We hopo our county will pd it into practical operation forthwith- Our May .Court is -near at hind commence the first day of ncit.nraclh. This will be a favorable opportunity Jot taking the necessary steps, ts a majori ty of the , justices will be required cs Tuesday of Court, for the transaction of county bushes' . We have ret ths act itself now U fore us, I I: if v. 2 rccoHcct its proTsioo correctly," L ,j J. Jatc of anycoonty ( majority 1 present) mayetect vsj r.u.T.l;r t " cir body, from 3to ineltf r.vc, t -i i i the county court lor a yei& Ar.J tZ j them, out of the county fundi a 1 nat:o compensation 01 iroro u t3 i day. 'We .woukl . prcf:r tuniLcr of three, rather than 1 B barely fcccause it will e lcssexpcns?ft but it Mill augment the Individual rcspo sjbnity oieacli membcrjef the cotft and urge, hini to greater promptness the ; m'sch his official duties. ,1 proper measures' should be taken for fr Kng vacancies that may, unexpectedly happen on the Bench, from Bckncf other caused ' " , - 4 lit is very desirable, thatv the maS iraics ana the ,pcopio ottno cy- should discuss the subject jittlebefop hMpifr ly cl.ccxtd f i! ?; holders are desi.' rcuscf c!:,:ij, littlie t Tilleri hold o, end the i.hrcssica is (Utt iw Dcaoiito act unacr5ianau77-