th. for i of be- isj sir. nil 1 cot lUlt SSlD edl tsy fop i can be ascertained. J K h. Lis i io it.- crJ r, cr rnarrjnon cf ur.rihtc"'.:.:::c:;-J 7; IIo paused. t!ba Treasi-y jreei circular to fca i:r:: " :t jur chascrs m:ht to' driven to D pcr:cr.-l friends who had epecukici hrgtly, to make their purchases, b.z'xil cfbuyinj IT3 is I t-3 govcrnmeat.;" JIUs .was also nnounccatsa -r; . . i -.iJtisk'cf Pennsylvania: to c! n fini rnr ir.a , . t--. - -- - - . . Hon. ew--":-,; 5 t , -lotion cf Us . ... w jirtfirmm ri , - - announced u a crs Y - Jfl J fi-ht nor the ; r- - JM-rfSra with' ClCCUORS , V .V . . j . nnr will WB ir . ficww J v :r-""" - j nevnue-becau he thinks, the depc irfnit home; but wo claim , the rigu ana.; . - , ... - , . r rzT.: ... - am ?f vmiaf enftkd to .the use of the mo- - - ' - a - r"v iji i-imxiiiiTiii if in in 11113 iitia uitf t. - rfrccubl. Ufa,.. m ora rendcred w TOStakilig. .rf j been id. nlifieJ telonglog to the ,j . . u,. vi n wt wm nn r . wbboisbv anil v m w ijk r I - r He f'ckcl up d:cl; r!::: crc: trees t' :' ..i J ta t".8 urrsr partcf Ci" ,-il!3'.7s, pih'cd yellow tbcut, er,-t f.:t lie dso riclsd up a hair trunli-with trass htttrs er.rr, ca itt tsd adcal hnxf toet! r? -riih EtTenl clher nticlca w!::' t:ad Dsud frca the reck TI.j hox and ccae cf the nthrr thi-- i had hsen KhihnH Messrs. i'ood, iKiin? & Co. of Liverpool, ca bsafd of the Jant 4 The portions of the wreck whtcli have been , picked up. have alsol . '3 is the Post C : e tt Atri" r.ct taken out l;hin three ta di letter i , . 8iml. John UcLeol Jdshut Hart s V-- N llilttent Kwb P Ttcs of years, actively and imparuaay . - v ... , ? 110901 , , t LL;': Jstratwn. And besides, there advocated his country's good, ucspea-, . . . -aavocawuiu- b i . many officers of the govcrnnv LoMisTOams. We have not unaer- w.: .i.' 'VJ government, who c his patronace. that ho cannot consist- itood whether there hkcly wtny . - cpposinon inmc ouu, -; Wr i(lca of w su4(lchI cutting off fer as woaro acquainted, we funk it .... -.. ..... . -f : w. -.5 Impracticabla for ihe peopb to better ; icmsefvea by a C3w choice ; Never t,. f Vas mere a mnu,.. -, ff7 The followinjr hst embraces aH the United States, one ana an naa niga- our subscribers who have paid for the er and more pressing ind jeemcnts; to Citizen one "year. " Any person con ;rXnr M;r vthnrel andean, acious of having paid (or a year, and CtH-l- .. - , j w w . . j 1 Cons discrimination ta tno choice of ia- 4 . - . . . . ; . f f ntatives, thaa ircssional election- Come, good : pev ,bo corrected as soon as possible. V, fortonate 200 wuls who i tmbarkei tic, you will have you may as wr 4 unriirtiinatf vfiisplf nnd it it to ! are ao ; r rm - - learea inai oi ine wnoie passengers and crew which left Liverpool on board or her only a tew days pre vious aot ooe has been left to te cord the history of their aufferings This melancholy conclusion derives ad d ition .l strength from the fact, that had any one escaped front'the wreck. intelliKen e, would have been made to eouie of the various agents fur Lloyd V station .along the Irish coast; U'lt that establish meat here has Trcetved no liitl'm V tiori of the kind, and wcomptllcd reluctantly to believe, that tht tin V. . A CTf n AUton Ji...ei J. AUtoa J-jeph Allen ; ,-. B . Cibome Baldwin Ntncjr BulU ' c I Jamei Cole . ' - D Chartct Duncaa James Davii ry' t Thoa. B. rentrias Tboa. taibaoft , " ,. ' H . '" llarlin llle K;i Si -' Ji John Infold C7 D.niel Knof ' iL'1-'..-; Jereniiah Littler McLerra Lewallinf; Jjaepb Lee ,ii ' . M . Benjamin Milieaii April lal l'837. , Haley ITor-a KLlican J- Jnaeph rroctar t Jamea rretnall. j. Thoroita Pearco v V prealef Ray ''Moaea Rich.. .'.,; " Aaa Sumner L . Tbomaa Swift Samuel Stewart . ; John Stout , Olliff Saondem Cbriat'an 8poa -i'';,Joaeph Stefd-:4" " Oeorrt Thompaot ' ' Benjamin Williaoia 8. C. Winxinrhaia 9 Jacob W illiama , Ki -Ai- Y----;r ,,-f,' -Pre'deric TW"J. John Tork . B. ELLIOTT, P. M.rv Line of Packet t KR01I NEW VOKK TO FAYCTTET1LLE. to st things right? & wish to proceed without squabble or on ooaru oi me jane anu .niargarfi ao ll at nrei, as aiiasi A 1CA , v , WlM. i Tn.tKkl. .i.Ju .k..-u e a) a) Vre' w f acr mong other things, to the dlssihon of B Brookshcr, J Cooper, H iloffitt, Jcc;guQcientjy melancholy-the loss of te of the currency of thecc ry. Wm F.CofcD K Rush, WV with great jcapabilities jor When. we cornmenced this article, u s p s rAto 1 hj-u satlme. and r a reeular trader be- fl. P S ROfen. Jones . Hicks. was only intended to make brief James Mangum, Joshua Swaim, sa, tween this port and few York. touncemcnt, and hand it ofrto our conv.J(ahua Lee, l bancs nock, iveison nar$ -'H X of the Interior an.i the public rmeraUyi tbat the above Line ia now in auccessfitl ope. . ' I : jr - ruon, ana oners aireci ana ezncaniiw mena of tn.nmrt ition. , The veaaela of thta Line. 5 in numbrr. are all of the first data nd Goods ahfpped by them can be insured at the lowest rates of premium. The ateamar Wuminrton. in connection, is boat of One construction fr the Cpe Fear, aid with her To Boats veil eslculated to K ire despatch. Ail persona shippinfr Goods by the above Lin will please hand a list to the Agents at new " HALLETT fc BBOWK, ,Afr-nst, New fork, WM. DOUG ALU WilIminrton, ' WALKINGS VUELDEN. . - Ajffnta, Fyette'Ce. , ' : . SiViTaCAMto,S3r -T r tTso f enef.t of the Salisbury Acidemy, aa I: qf fTfRfrcnOa, GcLtu.T, 0t of -l COMCinATIO', SY8TEM. " C3 taiJibfr Lottery 10 dawBhailot ; : sin:NsoN; poots, ; ? ''-r'' ' " aBaSaa ' ' " '' V ji '. Vr; SPLENDID ScaEME'i Wv; 4 I Prizes of 10,000 ; UoHara I Pnxe or- 4,ooo do. y!Priie of ; 3,000 I do. I i Prixt of ri3,320 do. 1; Prize v or A 1,8 p , do, , ; : 5 Prizes of f 1,000 1! do. V 10 do -. of i 400 : do. 'I 00 v; do: : of - 100 . dbvi 56 vdof-il'lOda. 56 do of : 30 do. i' 12 ;do vv, of y4 . 10 do.' : -2,240 prizes of r ; do. 5,400 prizes of' " O.r?-l ' NY hole Tickets 1 84 Hakes : : :. Quarters r , : 01, ::v X Packaee of 22 Wliolo Tickets ? ia thi glittery will casi;-;-- :: ;;;naIfvYdo...::25. 00 'QuartcrdoTrrrTlggQ Orders from a distance Dromptlv aucnaea w oy Uton Bat lil. Ae 'po in hi. -&!!TIL?Iff;!flf !: The Sttu. Sw f Mill Wil (oa.rMdhlwSaolhni. ju-. Dict J Hadlcr. W D AVilsdn! nilngloD. belongiDrto.Robort H. i - i . , r.. i7 Uecannoevcn now ww uw iuui v ;Wuluni Viciry, : Josmi iiwama.a., wm wnouj .ui-inv without exnressinj cur utter detestation 8waim, ir-Levin Ross, Jonathan i worth, e by fire on the 26' h alt, I Eim of the policy, or more properly speak- MT, IWirRobert 8 MoffiitV ated loss fit4 000-half off which . .'. . rwJnnoV Umn Tlmni.t Rlnrlnv lion. J ' . ,the phonal nw and Siribaiun of aainsle individual, who has Canton. Enoch Bvros. Wm W Brow. : .1. . . bcea wantonly tainpcring wiih our cir. cr, Micajah Cox, Iliilip Ilorney James ' nc l0T r Ouisconsin tularin mrdlum Lt ths tjasteisht McCain, Wm Bird, II B Elliott Chas. so rapidly filling up with popul " fi rTj:: Hutcluson, Cornelius Do wd, David Sla- tioa, that it is expected foapply ,:.;V . i' J mucl AUrr Some through their, hatred to Ceaer- Calvin J Curtis, Eli Branson, John A ,. .,.v - - ; U Jackson, pretend to inders attack on the United States Bank, the r" i"" iYm br !2 ? hmoval the Treasury tribute the surplus Revenue, &eas the Manh, Wm Hackney, Wiley Rt)berts, cotton, (mv) ftgulir bof. deep laid jto to tert the liberties of the countm others, TJVT , . aT r ctei, P7 s if . cottnn b.. is a ?s . V w-. rv rT T . natd, 4- PI. 35a 0,00 Ble Hope, 10 a IS ho credulously supposed that, with rev Jts.M A Drake, James Page. , riour, fgj ai!wheat, 'i,so ' fpect his public acts "Whatever is, is " N. A few subscribers mentioned reathera, j a solwhukey, 53 a 57 fight," considered that a mighty work lbo f. aTOid for wr are ,ron , f 1 .2?;L, .orreformgoinj on COERAW MAIIKET, April-?.; timatdy to perfect aH the attributes of amount of ubscriptionJaccordin2l -,. Beef- - b al 8- -VVt ths government. For our own part, to the terms of advance payments - - we must ttj permitted todicr from both T ; T fteseopiaions. Gca. Jackson is incapa' IsEW TYPE! , l!a of projecting any this t is' deep. 4 tfjTWe have just received a Imn ' is- , I. STEVENSON A fOWTS, Manapra, 4'. v'.V-'' , .-v:';:-- aUleijh, N.4. To Printer and PublUhert. - ; THE nibscribf rs hatie just roraplf te4 v. vn uiu iuivii Tm fl lljUf fared bonk and job '.vV-''U'V-:. v' PUtXTING TlLEIaS: , "rTT'.-il'HMr Joseph Sviinden Jesse DittcVpoie, ' mw of the Dcpofctcj, the Issuing of Ianenfie, Harfy Bro E S Larrence, oo, vf. 10 I2.s9v 1 uury order, the Aversion todis-Dr.B L BeaH James Elliott, AH ' i ? . u ZPt 00 aS. cut, , Tf a 8 brown, 8 s 12 16;. : iaso 6 a 8;Sa't. 60 a 90 SO iS2 Sack, 3,'i0-'v- a SliTuhicco teat. 2 a 3 If.K. SUBSCRIBERS inform the Merchants of the interior, that they are atill rnraffed in the Forwarding- way, and trust tbat with the iacililir a and experience they now possess in the transaction of thia business, to merit the patronir heretofore conferred.--They have targe Ware Houses at tb tiwr and in town. fr the reception of forwarding; Goods, apart from other building's, and comparatively aafe from fire. ' ' K ' r .-' " .- ' ' WILLKINOS A BELDEN. Fayetteville. Refer to ' . - ' - f "- .' . - h MesarL. ELLIOTT A HdKKETA THOT A DRAKE, I , ALFRM) BKO W EB, f ; JKSSK llINSUAkV. J . laid poEcy on any subject cf civil gov some supply of new 'type; wjuch, we eramcnLi lie always acta lronaths im cannot forbear to remark;, so much in 'nMofjha moment, pulllcly and pti troves the arfeaxance of the Qtfeen," TAtclyi" at homo and abroad, widiout a- that we hope soon , to add many new if view to the conscauenuil operation subscribers to our fist, which at present 'cf his measures, or the rystsmatic rru; is said by thoee.who have examined it, cifles on which.they nuy be founded, whatever it, may yet hck, in point of. 'w u uiu uaruJ air.wUxa OI nlS urouws euiuracca mciiu ui ciiorao toul,and 1j appear mighfy b his chief tcr, not surpassed by any in the coun nuauon. Aiuiourra ncna ioo noness in uy . .: . ;t ;..' "From the lalrtWashington papers, we j fear there has, lately happened another lition, hispurpcrc? era lesscen iurable on the score cf ccrrupt intent, than ibr their rashnc n cttcr want ef sound discretion. Wc for the present by. stating t ' y what , Vre supposoto have been the : " - mo lives m some of the leading n . res cf .LlateaAruwstratioa'' ' ' ! Ccncral Jackson Attacked uSe United , fates' Bank, pecause' Ha stockholders mosiiy opposco io r.zs ciecuon; and its officers were out of the reach of jus 5"rotauonla bTlce.,, i,Iie?rernovcd; thodqpbsitcs for two reasons 1st to1 show the devoted, ad- rrers of : his potter, the eiterit ot his executive mirhtVand Sndlv? to inirratiate lcLfj. fcA local Banki ir 4iitcr rJ"f uie c.ountryt at the expense of an institution UV rW wrJch he was JEWflr.M P'fMcanxunfricndly, i!l finish distressing Shipwreck on the coast of Bacon, from wagons Butter, 1 4Bceswax," , Zi., '.'Coffee, :$X:': iCorn, per bushel, '2 TTPE FOUNDRY. 25 a 3 ) U a' "Olic a, W . ? I1AU V If' oj. llU'ij (mill hi llin, pi IlliriH U Flower and prhamentsSt The contents of which are forewitY partially frin ryt;: v-; ' Diamond, eral, no. I and S agatafv 0o. I ; and 3; agate on , noBareil 7 bdy; nonpareil nos.1, 2, Sand ( 1 mintotiette oos. 1 add 2; minion , nn$. 1, 2, 3 and 4; minion on brevier bodyj hrvier an m in inn hiMtv Kmvm n. !w w www , VI 1 fill WW , ' : 1, 2, 3 and ,! 4; brevier on bittrgt-oi body rbreler-oB loot; primer body 4 - DOJirgmia on orev irr soayi botirgmt9r nos. i,s, s ana s; ooargeots on lone primer; long primer nos 1, 8, 3 and 4; lng primer; on small pica b Iy; small pica, nos. 1 and 3; pica on amall ptri b)4yt pica noav 1, 3 and 3j picsi' on entlish body; englnh pok. and Tt great primer paragon; double eng- -tb!i double paragon cannon; five lines ' pica to twenty; eight. lines pics gothic condensed, to twenty; five, seten lino and t ten lines pica ornamental ; sis srven, nine, twelve and fifteen lines pi ca shaded eight;: ten, twelve and sisj tren linra antiqne, shaded ;,, Alto, a hrg and beautiful coJ jectionoX'j? 20 a li 0 10 the U. Staler to whom tbew have lone 90 a 95 I hern knwn a established letter fuutw Flour, pcrbarrel, 8 50 a .10,00 den. thsU they Levi now formed a ro m m .a Am I . I ! . J.t - I. imnnrniriip in nail vuaineiu ana nope nee A, s in isc-uuicl la riTt NRiiKiaciion ro an t f'Aii. . . K ftn - R rt " ,.n"'r wm wiia.wnrorarrs i1.v,,!J.".fWW4UJIr "'r ""v Thr rntroductionofinachinerf in ulace Aara per ID . I-! a IO f,rtheunhealthwnriieeMiif ratii.rtrn .Cotton, pr lOOlbs. 1200 fl U 00 by hand h desideratum by the Amer- JLeatber. sole - .25 a 29 P" and taronrio loqmlers was by it Molaes. ner tral. : 50 a 621 American Iriireiiolty, and heavy einen- . ... . . j.,... ,i j . i. i, - uats per bushel I . . 4t) a 50 w""r tM,nc n,"w on w pn Ireland. , The British Barque M Jane and IIarparct,, left .t Liverpool on the 5th February, boimd for New- York, with over two hundred passengers, including The fowir.,t is an extract cf a let- l;r frora Liverpool: ") Tf : U ; Jay, the csptaln cf the V. " ;!J, a ir.ill schooner froa Charleston n, trrived here, : and states th.t cn tU Kth snstant, i bout twenty cilcss fron Wicklovv, in Ireland, I ? p '-::cd the wreck of a vessel aboy t tC3 tons burden, the oainmast broken on the deck, main yard lying across the deck, and the vessel nerseir completely shattered. aneic was no one-on tr;.ru. ll eOOlbOO Sr -?. r. . - . . trgt.e the machine to cast nan per ousnei,, ; r. letters has fully tested and rtafclished yaiiowp-r io iu o h i' Mperiorityt ovcrk that cant by the 7bbacco,BanQfacturedtO a 15; old process. The Letter foundry bel rTv.;,:" ""' '"'" " " , ainess will hereniier be carried on by n 1 i . - ATj.: i - f 1 tlo parties above namedvunder the firm UeUSiOUSiyUUCUAtJt White, Hamf CoThepecJm. REV. I. T.-M'M VSTEBSwiU preA hlaKe I re ihibiiaji eomiilete aeries fhini dia SaWni on Sunday the loth of thia iost I mond to aixtceen line pica. ; The book puu tirwn WTIIIJJ in :.UV UlUSI iouu erti light and ahade.. I s n i f m dwnpzruna vtiQO,-t 1 tlirf sale of SoiHh and Bust priotine FpTE New Salem Tirpf ranee Society will nffts, 'which they,' fnmiah to their ,t ml, nIt . r M0UM -ustomen at the manuractarera prices, the Grst 8undav in. M nv next A reneralat.ri. . ..t.i. i a. . w UKv...,u,. , , J ., - . . . iarequestedi WESLEY D. WILSON, SeeJ"nu 7 ""icie uaeq in me prinung April ia,Htt ;;;v.. vlbaaineas. kepi for aale and furniahed at . . . . I short notice. , Old ' type taken in ex Ot lU Mortis Carolina StaterliOt- tcry, 2d class for 1837, at Ash .borQUb,Apiii.,.lst, From peral ta seven lines pica, many of which are nut to be found In an other, specimen; a "new assortment of ornamental d aslcs, ; a variety of cardj -bbardv near " ' , ;' r . BraaS rule leada of various thickness; astronomical, matnematical and phys ical signes; metal brsces aad dasbes from three to thirty ems long; great primer ana aoaoie pica acripta on in clined body diamond and ,oanareil music or various Ainas; antiques; lirtt andravy-face-two-lin-lei terr full chance for new at nine cents per pound T fXJ r apajier , ' proprietors," wbo wiil give the above advertienent three insertions, will be entitled l Ave d l wwo.ia!. lara ,iu auch-articlf as they nnywelec Tt',. "i jJ ,v rT" i.-Hv,a,a.a....--u - . l 'I I from ur Apeciment, WHITE. iuv u cmTi-Tn etiTMT irtiirrh m cswa iirra nnim it ni n lir,. i snti I'.i.Hiuiki.M 'u 'in.aH Jit. i .r iso. nr n innn faced Rmtn and Italic aonpareil, min ion, brevier, lon primer and amall plrat rninicn, brevier, long primer and other" blacks nonpareil, minion . and brevier urcel, Hebrew and Saxon. ' ; A large variety if Ornaments, cariy culated particularly for the Spanish K, S uth American ; markets: Bnanisb. French ; and Portuguese accents fur nished to order, torether with every ethne article road e wia the Print ing business, all of which can be furn ished at abort notice, of as good a qual ity and oa as reasonable Urins as any other establishment - Corner of Naaaauaad Aan at. Mew Tors. , A. W. B. Propricjton of NewsnaDerA- printed within any part of the United Statcn or the Cauadan, who wilt copy iuw auis aiuscruacwrua inrrB uinrs i and rorward, a copy cotttaioing tbo same, will bentiteil to their pay in anytyiecaM alour foundry provided v they lake tr--'C 'f-M o -w. billiatjf.. ' y ' ' 1 f .... I .a

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