1 f n it. e h if cf ia it a. a- ta of ul nd he if, lit Jj. tin ich 'Tl- wu sof :rn ) of wai ion. Jot- my ick thai teli iact' 3er- a if tnai, that does aem tin CttfT t0! htU it.- i the this dier, v i& tl the paf iscco ory.fc lorcoi United V' u t Great ;vcr EpaLi h.. '.1 u- nrftaia. Anaw- dicate'a wish to part; with this portion of her dominions, it will no doubt prove a bona of contention. " nithhnn1 Trizl.Jury ret, a- i.nWfK ! "tl a ccaclUslCT lor .k. ..,nt. ;cj te urn cqu.J rvt .n-M tit a verdict, . 1 he tun ..inff oil "wait closed it fiveVclick -Monday la-t. wheni after the delivery of ths Judge's -charge, the case was submitted to the Jury, whVi cuntiiiaed . toother onti . 9 v v.- - - j . . hour b;7 came in n cou rt, ind : cjared ineir man uiy w or;-T One or their f?!" nc,.i.uu. vvrTy ,-:- : X was swucieni eviaence iu ili': WritAtirl At the. 4W. rvT,' - . lkA' 1 ina to csree: bat sooo relurneai with the S3int report. They were -then" discharged.; v-V; V'---' V''- It is said that dtiiu: the nignt the Jury were equally divided In i port, they stood seven far acquital tad five for convictioa. Ua reti IS tins and htfare their sect it wu rtnarked by one against the defeoct r and yet the Jury, alter a deliberatioa of fiaeen - -o o . . Wrs did not ttrree "upsn a veH diet '.. Wt have not room to ipresd the whole of this report before, e ven U all of it would interest, our readers, Among the points of evidence sav raiocd, there seems to be the fob losing, against Rathbun. Thirty- two letters wrre introduced against lbthb in, nine of which, as publish td io the buCJo Democrat, esub lish slmost the ceruinty uhat wu cognizant of the forgeries. It was oroTed that on the 5th of An- rust, while rtturninV from Nistra- Sf.K 1! mMof ihhiSf rm Falls, in company with some of nis uuaaio irienos the pnsoser con- ened his coffmzatice of th fare "r-lt. ltc 'ir. u ' "m,r.fcCW: " apalhauon. that the fonrene had -i--xijr-fki.--.-i- -iii:nL"-i oten carneu on ior sucn a lengm of lime, and to such an extent, be fore he knew of their existence; that, , after the fart came to bis knowlfdtre. it was n'terlv irannssi. II I I? , I, . ' it , Die. inr mm in immnnrHV' m i in the forfffd naner. "It wai therefore " . : .... suffered to cent nue in market, with the hone that before his character ihotdd be; discoveredrit would be II silently ra led in and destroyed. a j. ... , -i , A nnarentlv distracted with his mul w j - -- tifarious engagements, and frenzied before such a resalt could be con sumated," he was funning to every part of the Union, and Canada, for loans. -IS e w ' Jersey, Pennsyj va nii Cenhecticut, Jhode Ialand, Ohio, Virginia arid New York bad all teen scoured for facilities to en able him to carry on his businesi, pay up his debts, and relieve his -cnnMcienco from-the weight of guilt which his connivance at, if not his rarticipntion in, v these forgeric?, threw ujon t. j lauk were pur .chased iu Paterson and (iranvillr, and "established in ('anada, to so- rure uus tnd. iteaw speculations were entered into, for the same pnrpr .se . h win no doubt the ho pe f realizing immense profits l!jat would enable :' him -to ; take up his forged naner. that the Niarnra FnlL property Was purchased and sold, j There, was another; important f Act developed It was proV:ei that Lyman Rathbun iIowlett-a lad only 17, and nephew, of tfte brothers Rithliiinco'iLd. andofen J 'd i mcevpCt fcr( Imitalibn ofH. Jtathbfi,V -hand Writing; and '.also jf signitnres ;of , gentlemeii'vlib .xflfi ittlthe habit-ofndoTMffg-for tQe pwon. ;The object p't this to" the t--'icinny ,13 very: evident,, and it d eHcctupon the minds cf the ju ry. -Yean lljwlett was continu ally under the tjye cf L- ,'Itathbun. lie kept him in his private cucc entrusted to him the mc:t icipsrtant business, and made hia an innate cf his own. family ; TELEGRAPHS The fo'.'owinj extract from a lettftpf the WMhlncVon CoripoHdei.l tf the Ctittmore Patriot, will be read wun in-1 terestry those wbo place .confidence iii the anticipations. 7 , , ;: have j had great pleasure, in ccctihsr with Mr, Robt. E Hud son, c f the Merchants News Uooraj t vi - j tr- jfi ' "o v 1 . ,T: lrrtin iincaifl. urr.n era nnw in ibis i cUy . naki arran.ecieQts for the estaMishment f of a line1 of Tele- graphs from New rorkito New Orleans. Alr.;GosoN and his as- tnaoy years application to tbe suD v 01 i eiegrapns, ;ucncaHS into ne . . . lL . . shade every thing cf the same kind that has yet been attempted, their admirable plan tbey can com municate every Kinaci laiormation. word by word, and punctuate; the same, without' using . nore signals than Words and with as much ra- ti&iyasapersoncan write, crevca Ipeak! fhey Uve received the irrrninMi inn it in i .ihxnmniiih J" :"f "V; " "V? SiS.V nvcnto 5D(1 . i T 1 1 V w p w v me that he will be able to commit ni- ctte a despatch, of one hundrt d ords, frcm .New: York;toNew n-l... : i.m ilikA i , . f - inosc whq are moroogn.y acquaint. ea witn tne system cononn his promis -Jtew.'; eleVntary;;doef every other system appear in com- narison of that which can aceomDlish -k.' i nVL - f.ilrf.i-Jlof herV" !" ' ' CCS . I u.v" w - .... CT' T Unce wibilated. Thousands 0 ongep divae us. We . a.. .j l- lKi ;wS .1... Htmtn.. -.i j -r tions of our fellow-Mngs or other . A P. .u.. ... . live in an are for wipe intellectual progress nothing is (oo ripe !" J - . . D. I - rlHIIMlfiAlt Jrmf Til a 1 - vtoiuhwh v; . m pnoiers 01 ewenej,are 10 noiu 1 " r .fr . .1. n 1 onvcnuon aii ixraon, on oc Wednesday in May next, forlthe purpose of deviling such alterations reguiaung;ne price 01 sumenp: If ftn lV(.r;.;m.nf. ;K rinf n. tion, advertisements, job printing, Jk:. as the present advanced rates of prices in general and justice to themselves emand.- yei rat mvtiibv rrtatr. TER1IBLE STORM. Mr.Editcr: ' On the evening of tho 7th tructivo timado, at Jamestown, Guilford Co. N. (1 The day had been showery I mi's I i. .ft"; Out clcirea on , warm m mo auernoon, when irdark and hcavv thWdoOluud i appeaa in inc norm-w ost, moving in a Souf-Eastwardly cour;; and was met oy a gust ox wmu iru n u . which came witn extreme voiocny io- vfiV.lv fo:irp. huildin7t and 'imrootinirl ""?. . ' : . l i : I anwsiuvcnng to pieces inc large icrcsi But aljout tho time the cloud Titii tmnn nr nnn iifnr iru, viiiirn . . it. v&n Dcyona comparison, m a mwiium tio hditseroofs appeared to Jbof flying e ery direction through the .atmos. : a rushing pircugn oujer. nouses, . Vi:v! windows and unhinging doors. T. m r story of cno brick building vas tiir'nvn to pcices, and tlieyoofs a irCUlClmlJU3 Ul ll"l laun t to-bc-surc.? onlv - ..vp u evening m unswy Thcsc rtatcments aro compUed from inst. thenjwas a very foghtful and des- mado to Jfari wiU when th?" flashes of lightning enabled hotter chance of marryingf jJ.aA:0.!un olw to ac s ' -;H v Jiscvcrsobcautiud, boing scon too often . AlthouL'h thero wcro many . hair- brodth escapes, no 'person was killed imSusIy hWfr'tTne re- markablc: hcu tlie storm had subsi- dod, there was found a child near the middle of the street, lyin; undor' a cra dle turned topsy turvy, with a hoir.o Sit i orally destroyed, over and around it. Hia tallowing UiiuviJu-,!s aro the chief sutfercrs, so far as mvMormalion ex tendsJeremiah Picli'tt, Samuel I Ed wards, Win. Wiley Richard Haworths, Betsey Mendenhafl, and Isaac Potter, in the country; and DrJCoffin, Thos. Has scy, Jonathan Church, Richard Menden hall, John W, Burke, and Simeon Mun- Jn fa villa 11 April, 1837. f f The above wai intended for publication hit week, but was not received ia time.EB.CiT 1 Froin the Savannah Georgian of April 5. FROM FLORIDA. ' s?melr F Trade, Capt our correspondent at Jacksonville, t o,-nvi f.r-firri fhn fn nnr nr.,.n. ; It confirois tlio- intelligenco we have heretofore publishod. - - : cohswweace from thoarmv. Two com i wr roq ouwanco nvcr." ; - OJJlce oflht Courier. JachonvUU, March 30 10 P. M. From ii Correspondent. ' . : 1 1 - Dear $!rs Ns has just arrived, that Capt. Ileal, with 150 men. surroun- dedea Saturday last, apd took prisoners, twenty Indians, at Suwaneo Old Town; Three ,of them haveinco made their es.! :notejl chief ; .-j 1151 at Mr. Pindarvii wa. within three miles of NcansvUle, fired PnV wdians. .There were six Indians i aaa uiu uua l v iliiu. uii. j iiniiii w ii close upon i thcm'STliey endeayorcdito cut toa his retreat, and seemed more! de- fT?0 apd.his horse than to am mm. 4nen iney saw ' mat ne I was about to succeed in inakinz his t!5eyltw 8hotJat him. The gammnv innt fr wt fo. Ibclo to CoUtawles,: These Indi- ans are stragglers, at is supposed, and 1 their, acts no indication of tho intention the Indiarw rennrnflv. . 1 Tlie ExpressrOm T filack creek hnlav bring in addiUon to the above, that on Armstrong, on tho 27th instiient by his father to obtain raUonsand to ai Mlcanopytogo and see F!iilip,who hi himwvi Kimir from this, that Philip had not come in, as 1 ...j - ti rZ 7 - W morvo- ;. about aixmiles from camp. rBEXSURY RECEIPTS & EXPENDI TURES. im 'ni tun. , ; Treasury Depart mchtf , Jlpril 1, 1837. - Notice is hereby given, in conformity to a resoluUon of tho Senate, passed March 5, 1837, that the rcceipu tor the iZTiJ i 11 oan u I rorcustoms, wcro 81,113,930 84 For landi 150,30170 - a - . $26401 54 Those for the month of February last, were , . y , . - For customs .. $1,897,702 49 For lands . . " 980,510 61 $2,818,979 70 not probably vary much from tho cor roctsumH, as ascertained after tiio end 1 ot nc dinner. -Tho receipts (or March, after fully re ported here, will be published on tho 1st May; and those for the rcsiduoof tho , rfCoiunWi h a similar maDaer .. . , ; t. . -',. " I it may do useiui una lntercsiins io mnnw . w ... - ,.tnfw ,uri .k?" "j J...t .u... ,L:fi I 'o Hiuiiui, OIIU cuiMUViuviuiy iinr ui i ... v . Januarv weae $1,768,412 61, and in February $l,228r t LEVI WOODBURY, Secretary of the Trtasury V Ladi7rfdvice. woman nevef '"vi vy o l runninj: to public places yoawul nave a makes her cheap in the eyes ot men. Showho most to sec; and her chanco of being happily m'arrioJ is" uiuch greater. ;:7 Jlcin. OT. Wed", ncsdny of Barry Superior Court, a large uumber of the. citizens -of the CoUn'y, assembled in the Court House in Ilockfurd, to consider the expediency of patronising the Fay- etteville anU Western ItaiMioad Xm, P. Dobson, Esq., on motion I or IN. 150) tlf n, was called to the cx..' i.r c i ...... ! vinir auu v. oomen appoiniea Secretary. The Chairman in a pertinent manner explained the ob ject of the meeting The Presi- aent or he Kail Jioad Uorapany be ing present, addressed the meeting at Considerable length and with ; much ability, explanatory of. what had been and, what was expected to be done in relation to the route! its pMcticabiity, and the prospect of raising funds by subscription'. He was , followed hf iioyden, Ksq., and at the request of several gentlemen, the meeting was" also addressed by the HohVK-. Saun ders and I). F. CadweOsquIre: ; At tht close of the business, Hon. M. Franklin offered the following resolution : -.-.'Qv:.j v.-V ' Xegolvei as the opinion of this meeting, that it is expedient to pat ronize to the extent -of our ability the Fayeiteville and Western Kail Koad, and this meeting accordingly recommend to the citizens cf Surry and . their fister counties to sub scribe unconditionally to that cor- poration. fracAmm. - ; T tOVTItRaT CtTI9.' ' : At a mcetinffof tlio Pleasant Hill Tem perance Society, held at Hickory-Grove, Chatham County, X C on tho 10th March, 1837, the following Preamble & Resolutions were unanimously adopted: -r Whereas,-it has pleasod Almighty Gad to remove jfrdm works, to rewards our esteemed member and worthy Pres ident of this Society, HIRAM VES TAL . Therefore Resolved, that this Meeting do sincerely regret die irrepar abrcToss of so worthy a man,' a . good citizen and vntampromisinr friend of pemMrance:- But newrthebsj, wo are u I rnntnlM tvitn tnn hlir llmt "rati1 r'7'7 -v :r ""-t ! htm w for .hM cwrkisting gaui" :;lt was: iuiuiur (vcsuivuu uiaiuie loregomg rre amble and Resolutions be forwarded to the Editor of the Southern Citizen for publication in his piper, with" a revest that other papers in the State, friendly to the Temperance Reform, give it an insertion in their respective papers. Al so a cojtyvof tho above to; tho family of ineacceasca. . . ' - JKKEMIAH PICKETT Ree'rf Sec . ' B. WOODY, CorrciponJin; Sec. , North Carolina Money. We deem it but justicc( ,to. our North Carolina friends to inform them that notes of their State Bank only, aro Bankable here. Cape Fear Bank paper cannot generally ba got off at less than i a discount cflwo per cent. Merchants and others from our sister State, trading v Vtrvhnm will save themselves inconvenience and probably loss, by exchanging their Cape Fear notes for thoso of tho "Stato Rink, - , ... i. or for Virginia Paper.. The North Car olina papers will render ascrvicb to tho citizens of theufMate by grnng as much' currency as possible to this cautionary nouce, reienourg vonslellationS, , Arithmetic ai, question. A vaTiant fen'ral, with hit tepbi atron, , R"fCJ the foe, and dkl the'ftght prolonff. Till by tuperior force coffffeU'd to yield, . When be withdrew hi army from tbe field -The battle o'erj be I wwhed to aeoerl . Hew many men were Jcft, aa well aa aluin, , For tbia intent bis columna were arranff'd, In ranks of twtlve men each, wheo 7 reroaio'd He next drrw up each line of seventeen. When 8 rcnaVd, 'disjnln'd and aeptate seen. By nineteen! next, his lines were ranged alone;; When 9 were left and this eoncln des my song Now, if five thouund men were led to wr,' Ilowjpany sUmf bow many left, were there? H'. ROLLA. ; DC7 A solution is requested. - Steam boat disaster. New Orleans Bulletin of the 1st inst. in forms lis that the steam boat lone, from Manchaster to that City, took fire about 50 miles above New Or leans, jand w totally consumed in less than a quarter of an hour from the 11 rat diwo very -a Ji c ad LI ei k, Mr. W. 1) Weed, was burnt to death" in attempt ins to save the three men, colored, "arc missing suppcd to have iecat-'irU'xr drowned. Meianchoio Suicide.? A singular lease of suicide took place in New York, on baturaay last, I he indi , vidual who destroyed himself bc- inS you"5 German, ' named -ic hart, a clerk in one of the most re spectable mercantile houses of that city.-, The fatal act was committed at histodirigsrMaldeirtaner with a. pair of razors his throat being cut Iron ear to ear. - f 'Vt. 1 v. ;'- ''''"-.;''''' 5. ' ' v"" '.V' ' : . 'rJ-rl "' : O7O.-Tho, Losislaturo of tln'j State adjourned on the 20th uUv after four months session: Tho bill for tho Creation of thirty jive ne w Hanks was mdchnitely postponed. Tlic surplus rev enue is to oe distributed among tJic coun ties in the ratio of their population. Tho county commissioners aro authorized to loan Jt ' out in sums not less than $100 nor moro than 1,000, the interest to go to the ; school fund.' An improvement ' bill has passed, which provides that tho State shall subscribe as much to any ca-: naL railroad, or turnpike, as tho com panies, have subscribed. ' , ' . - .r , . .' . ' ' ' . ' : - f ' ' ' . - ; ' - ..) j. Important Decision The Supremo Court, of Massachusetts have t decided that a bond bindingthe signor not to carw ry on any given kind of business--asfor7- another, is illegal and void, being against good policy and the public interest Something graphic. -Tht fol lowing letter was written some time since, by a boy in Indiana, to his father at New Orleans: , "Dear daddy, corn is dnl, bro ther John is dead likewise. i Excuse haste in a bad pain, , Yours omnipotent. , . JOHN APCLURE." Hail Road Stock. -Wc 7wish that they, who doubt of the profitableness of th BtnnL- in thA Pa-r.ttflv;itA Ar. Wprfom P; lirA vuU iU n ia nm- 0f thoFayetteviUe Observer, and sco - i . . ',t . wnai amount 01 goous nas arrivea incro for (he mteriorrTeAmii. . , CHER AW MARKET, April Id Beef Xrk0 : 6a 8 Bacon, from wagons l a 12 Butter, y , r - 25 a 3D Beeswax, . 20 a 22 CoITee, ,12 a 16 . Corn, per bushel, 90 a V5 Flour, per barrel, 8 50 a 10,00 1 fathers frohrwagons 40 a5 - Hides, green 5 " dry 10 Iron, per KOlbs.t-5,00 a 6,50 Lard per lb 12 a 13 Cotton, pr iOOlbs. 1200 a IA GO Leather, sole 25 n 28 Molasse8, pergal.: 50 a 6i Oats per bushel 40 o 50 Pork, per lOOlbs. 8,00 a 9,00 Sugar per lb. : I2 a 1.4. Salt per bushel S7J a 100 Tallow per IbtO 12 . .Tobacco, manufactured 1 0 a 15 l VAVETTEVILLE MABKET-Arait. 16. Brand, peach, 80 a 90) Molasses, 00 43 Ditto, apple, 70 a 75 Nails cut, a 8 Bacon, ' 10 a ia Sugar brown, Bali Beeawax, 25 Lump, 16 Coffee, l?JaH Loaf, 18 a 20 Cotton, (new) 8 a 11 Salt, 60 a 90 Cotton Yarn, 30 a 3- sacx, a.uo Corn, $1 vlOijTobacco leaf, 2 a : 3 Candles, F. F. 17 a 80 Cotton Hafg. 16 a 15 riaxf rd. lliaAQQ PMgjtopejo . Flour, f3 ai,Vheat, 10 Feathers, Iron, 45 a 5) Whiskey, Wool. 52 a 55 31 e 25 a 30 ASHBOROUQH MARKET. ' Flour 88.00 ' Bacon 10,12 Corn r 75,100 Oats 40 Chickens, Turkeys, Eggs, But ter &cr Scarce iu good demand. Notice TnAT on Saturday the 13th May next, at tho Court llouae in Afthboroiigh, we ahill sell, at public auction, a likely . Nepro Woman , mmert Nelty--lhe' property of Samti'i" el F.liiot deed.' Tcrma made known on the day ot sale. ROBEftT MURDOCH, April 19th 183. 17- -V: A Hi . i.

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