TV 4i : mm . o 1 i-Twis? JWiT:" wmTto wziirn ran, but to improve ourselves and be usefuCto osbjnower t e. '1 V iV id If ! of im l ib. n tt- in lh nf tf om re md !0if run Mt4 ickt as."" o'pk .LP. rnlW, cUm irrd at rit id ber i Um the? rite fiUb CART- Tor. tl IKCSS. iltOKK is sr. ? . !rty n! tnmt. II 9 te trt-Ah-a IS 45. luenwi Jleaa. Terms 32 IN advaj ASHIIOnOUGU, K. C. BATUU1)AX M VY 6,837. Or S3 AFTER 3 M0NTII8. TO THE FREEMEN OF RANDOLPH -'j:: 4 COUNTY. : j: titioricr; but what he lacks in experience is common ly made up. in vigilonco -and industry, arid in the end you will not laid any ruinous consequences attending .. ... -I -.. .... ; - jit, therefore upon the whole 1 thinjt on mature delib eration vou will be of opinion that it is best to change nsiDiUty ?f 'office, and the little experience I once in a wlnle, and see if it is not possible for new SffiLwitldencc and Weired env ofheera to do tha bus 1 : . t.i : ta - ih'.c anil nmeiirneaerTW Ir1--..,.., tknt I'nftomnt to become a candidate for r If vou sKould now bo disposed to confide so much tteCountv Court Clerk's office: ?A '1 -f. in me a to give m? the County Court Clerk's : office, . il- 1 .1-1 !4 nr 20 vca w bv the same ofiicei1 I con- Uvtiich I shall feci under very great and lasting obu aider he has been amply compensated and more too,jgations to the people; and Uinccrly hope and trust for all the public services which ho has ever rendered if I am elected! that I shall discharge the duty con- in the county, therefore I can see no reason wny,i naea to me to uie iuucsi expeciauan m my vkuu mnA pvfn nfthft office as well as anv .other ! I exnect warm opposition from some rout I can- : -i . r f , I not see anv mst causa for it: 'J thmlt it.wul proceed I hal)ccn, taiscd in tho county and have . one from personal motives and not from any just grounds common interest and claim with the rest of my fel- of complaint, I feel harW in the i contemplation that i tut hitri rAntriVnitrH mv "hrrttwjrtinn to mv intent lonii are oaA.:?r'X ; H i K I u- TtvnM nndlrtirthens. and have never re-1 I hniie the reoi)le will come out more generally to ceived the first dollar for any public services (if scr- the next election than usual, und show the strengui l!a (Kaw mAv kn n!1 whirh I have rendered tolnf nur pnnntv.t All I want of mv fellow citizens W Ac county; whilo all the profitable ofliccs have been to comcout like men and vote mdipcndantly for o!n- civen for the las; lO or 15 years to strangers, or near- ccrs 10 ha tao oraces, uiai wu uc 10 uu uw uci F Thprefre 1 feel confident as 1 have never election. Wo have, I thinki become a little indiflfer f rfore asked for a favor of this kind you .will not ent about our election I hope trws people will rouse . :.v:iMmttim tit i?ti limn.-, v ' . . urn and come torward like men ana cive mineir voxes ana snow. u:a woria nj,.v jvMHauiu nvm Irom million granted to the Duke of Orleans, a- pre ' 'Effect of Parental sternness. j-ttMfi sumptive heir to thetlirone, and iheivaTe ffther, (says New ton,7 Teffme much ta juriunc iic is supposed 10 Daveg4ven me ,u" mo snwj J in: unuci; Queen of the Belgians, and he has none of he hj? yc, hp kef t me at a great distance obligations with which the crvil list of Charles I ftmpersuided that he Io?ed rac. butho X-wa btmlene!The lattenjavTiearl VTtir seeraed nntTvillintf thatI should know" millions jn pensions.'wbich Louii Philippe .'has i ,t' 1 was with himin a atate of fear ami, thought proper to iuppresi i a! together; he had I bondaec. llis sternness, together with. uesiaes4t large military Household, a chapen"c ".v". v m; aciiuoimawr. oroKe uunu I hope it will hot be understood ..that. I tlunk It wrong to 'give strangers ofiiccs who uiU come in a- Randolph Can give. i-. y. m. n1 tvftm ritizerw. b no means : I think 1 We are looked unon With a degree of contempt disencumbered and Consequently fufly ade- progfesr; nearly ibrgqtalHhat my quate to the. maintenance of his familyith.)ut SMd:tt :'er.ttStme;ThiiiUte- any provision from the stated ' '$ '-Hi ment admonishes fathers U lay iside z A-:i .-1 !., ;v;t jiV--'' r sternness, and not keen thfir nn in Jlfiectine incident at SL Gidalitxk well (r and bondage,: in order, to known that the trade of: :,eggingT is carried ccure, their obedience.: . Obedience eXf un wun most ieanui au venture, it many por wr. v'" "f.8. ,"ci.ul9 tioTis' of the old world. f On the'rugged shores M'ni'pLW'T&te M.noi'Tirtue in it, of Scotland iii the Shetland Isles, amid the !tj slavishr-prsobedience frooi necesr sucii as is reuuereu to uruie lorce. all come from otlicr uountics, wwie an our native as nis own cooa sen ' citizens are entirely overlooked as regards public of- gardless of an;' party focliQg, or personal fiwi! with verv few etceDtions! is it possiblo that that could bo tlic casei I have no .hesita N eetlle rocks of the Is e of W e-hr. and v at wj Carried Reade mi rreiand, iwhre 'the in- " m" IV:0I?n promise ceSSaRj;wearingf iWjrM mighty hMW U ' : -conplsions of nature throifgb Ruccssive ages, f i ,2 5; .- have r cut -'off immense1 fragments bf rocksW the fy'Jtn'Infinf& of art sea-birds hadtindisturVedly; built Jlieicjn'ests.. in fan t5clioql.or.e aywhile speaking to untilUhe pegging huKssnnducedUhe id- the little 'ehildrenjon the Jtfe of Moses, Yenturefsjn their nerelous feats of ontTThfV said, nQMosgsjw ent un jisually swing themselves off -by" a ropej 'and raohntam, to -t the top of. Pisgah J and 'descend arcraggv 1 preciniceof hundreds of when. there theVLord showed him- the feet," sometimes bounding" from :craff to crag Hand'eXanaaq, which" he Lhad promised wiii as mucn apparent easeas.tne sea-iowis luvoraiiam anu uis seeu. v auu wnue the.ii3elves.' At StjTildar the westernmost Moses was Jooking at the land he died.T speckfof an islandJjOh are made of hide or the hair of cow's tail; some Moses go to heavcaijvhen he died -'1 times two or three: hundred feet - in length-- mtist , think, said the teaclier, i'ffbr , I andltuct nre i looked "undn' of so much value, don't remember its' being said in the BU as toliecome the marriage portion of a SuKil-iWc that;: Moses went to heaven: but I .f i -m.'. e. i . i ' i - r.r.-Jt A'.A. e- i. i.Ij n..i i. -t tbey ought to be treated as citpiensj but wcare not oilier counties, wny w ii so i i can see no cause or bound toVgive all our good things to strangers, iyt it only, our indiferance and want of pne rL "only to divide with them. " '1 saoliM bo much gratified jfiho. ensuing .ekction It is ft notorious fact,- that our Sheriff, our County could be conducted in a fi jcndly and peaciblc mari hniirt Clerk, our States Attorney, our Clerk & Mas- ncr.'without any electioneering; and lot every man tcr. our County Trustee, and county iwgister, nave come wrwara to met pous ana give la an voie, jhm anqinciuiauon leays-mui, re- motives: if'say- we have no native of Randolph who is worthy of a j ini tliat 1 believe tho people will make a fau-,impar- public ofiiccT I tlunk we. nave materials out , oil ual and judicious cnoico. : 4r v , which irood count v '-officer intent be made, . . ' . " Fellow Citixens,tlie right & power bfbestowingtlid . . " . i I i i rm 1 - i - 1 . . . . . It is said by old ollicers wlien new ones are taiic- county court clerks ouice oeiongsioypn asii ouguuyj e4 that it is bad policy to bo pitting out old-ofli-1 and I am well aware that you will exercise thatpow, cers and making ncv ones, that new ones dono,t un-cr as you think proper, and; no aoupt derstand the busin-iss, that they cannot do the busi- j right and act right; if. not influenced Ms that it requires a long practictii experience to I sonal feeung, which 1 cannot pclicyc bo a good c!crV, &c as mu :h as to say t'icrc is S3me much extent against nie so as to influc lacrei nualifieatioa nc-njwary to ttanuDuc pusiness. tncreioro irom vou. isnaii expect noining dui i,.... ,e at t ie summit ot a nreciuice. thitOiero will be greit public Jncoavciicnce and in. I dealing. ? I know that a strong prejudice Has existed their usual 'iocciipatioa. Having coleeted I If I. donU "romember the .passage'; an- wry atrcndinfu2fi ch m jes. ' " When mia onco get 1 against some of my connexions tad intimate'friends, ' -.V &,U Vtid n ''tl.inl r-itw swered the leacher. sn vmi mno fell mm , into office Uiey are apt to sw ing to it; until the poo-1 but late observtion has caused plo become so disgusted at them thai they are thrown I that bis partially subsided, and when if they had been Mtisficd:wit . ; not shared in ora, or two below him, 'and the father follow-Uer, and James, and John, up into high share of Dubhc natronace. thov micht have bcenl any public business winch I suppose caused it to cx- ins last," 1 hev had made considerable Drug- mountain, ana wnen tney were there i r ..... ' a 1 ? I Il r t i j;mV ... . .-..---i.! f ... . .. --? - w 1 1. -15 J Ll"f 1M-. aI." - : '. ress, wnen ine euier son jooking upwaru. per- ", ihuc Hseine auni .ana. nj ceived "the'stflnds of "thelrone ETindine against I raiment was white as' snow, and there 1 1 f1 a sharp edge of . rock, and gradually giving appeared unto him Moses and Eliasfroni U lna! - TIs Lm..i:.i.lii mk....! t . I. v.:M I ti r rn anil villi Irnnw c!i ftiat fna' uihi y.,j'if ........ . .... . , I ii . . ract. 4V W1II it hold together till we can gain couiu not come irom neaven, unless he the summit?? asked the father. "It will , not had gone to heavea.''. Thus are our lit- tliepeopleas hold another mintite.". was the renlv. 'our tie children nowled to think-to cora- Sutcshas ner UHjhkitowttW loosing if rapidly l'' VVill parcscriptuie with scripturerr-to feel thaneight years; but still it is said that it is bad policy the luwor of being elected. r,;:f:-fc; it hold oBe?" said the father. 4,It is as much and what is of greater importance, too- A.- - ft . rt I JTM '". . ll .. . .... ... ll. ... o t " r .'-' '. , . m ... . . . W -r - ' Ifidmi they wcreTalf three ascending by the rbpeUhere it is tp be found." - "Why, sir,'? even it itnas nom... , ., - . , j' i... -K-:j .k- i:.i i, ..c.iii. V t. t . v n a. 1 n ' . r n . .Arts t i . r. iirti iium . ..... m.ii. .i.r. iiiiir-: 11 1 . - - c v K . ml r m - iwciui ana wormy ciuzcns aner. uiey reuro 10 pn-iisi; increiore i nope you wm impuie nowu iu.mui vateJile..-4T-f-s--. ,..-,-J-,-i.-it--.--'-J but my own, which I admit ar? Sufficiently burden' I Why is it so necessary to keen county officers in some for me to bear. l hono the poor ! ? wi wlongf our members ta the General Assembly sel-1 themselves no alarm about my ability cr. in dom serve more than three or four years till Jhey tion to do the business ola clerk,! i.ave t ,;ver are set atido and new ones elected, and our Cover- dcrtook anv thins but What I have in some way, nor and nthar State ftffirnri do not hold their offices romnlishotf I believe, and I riled ire mvself to do manv vears i and even tlie President of the United business as much to the satisfaction of to put put Old and putmnew officers. : v , U here ore, isnai rest inc. case with you, and ex- : gsib,Tdo.. lUd the s0nr'even bey the truth. - KT r "5T ;r:::::J that isbut douhtfuUlJtThere is then acbi The County Court ClcrkY office has been the chahce, .... . ;. - :'.L1 ":')... ....;. tzi--i ..;. I - t !-- . . ..: - . n5 eKss'x sjrr ittohi-adtedionwlionowholdsUbyblieritanco hiavenot heard him say so, nor any person for him, knile,. and cut away belowlwas the cool and the Southern Literaty Jourrral, thattherQ front his lather..: r.3 ftl'.- : -.:.;.vr:.-Cr;; n0rhavel heard bf his declining- .Therefore I ex- intrepid order orthe parent. Exert your- are now in Charleston, S. C. foiiY tlToa-L But you ,say ho has been a good Clerk, I adniit pcct'ai ainattcr bf course he wili contend for re-clec self rpu may yet eVape.4 and live to comfort and thfefhttndred;antwentyupm'afi Fwihtyightb.yjn tionr": - .'. , .tW - vour mother!'' There was no time for discus, ried ladles between the ages of fifteen has he been any thjn more than a good clcrH. has , iam whh sentiments .of tho highest esteem your tionorfiirtherliejdiation'tTha son jookeiluh arid fifty, nine, hundred and seventv.on: way,. ana me rope nau neany severeu. ine nunur-u auu veniy-eigai irom twenty . . u i . 1 i L ii.:.t n .... i. 1 .. .1 ,.!.. j he pot been well a eood Clerk, was bourxl hu th to bo a1 good elcrkt Ntas it nothi th merely besuwe he has done bis duty ! certainly the Uccted tlw printer iwlej will not be gulled by such monstroiu and ab-Iteration or improvement uru inconsisiancy. I v .m -J ".''..' .Ii I'.W it. -V"'-.'!''l r!v both morally and legally la be a good clcrfc 1 -r. A rvnowing uie grcai propensuy uiai some Knue was urawnine rope was uiviutu anu 10 luousauuunc nunureu ana tid must the people give him the Wice ior life, and havo to cnuciso on a man 1 puoiic speaking or wri- i,l3 father ana brother wtre laanchetl iutj e- twenty irom thirty to torty, and six hun- 15 privilege of appointing his successor, oiler him, ting when ho attempts to be a httle smart, I have di- crnitv! " : K ;1 rr v : ' 1 ' tired and fifty-seven from fortv tofiftv r Vprmtuyslter.wiUiout anval-h-;;; . "., lit lw p;iefl.givingtht thotHJople? and why did Uie Legislature pass the and why did ;q ifr!s accept of it f t was tho in iniwin oi ue peop: nn i not ooiy; lho inwntion, but llic wishLthepco4o, tint tho law shoidd nolouly bo passed, but tfmt .it J!f'iIlbe nut intfi cxccution'.i Tlio peopju had iiomU a that 'it was jtjst and rcv ."onaUe that a clerk nlviu! I lc cntirLtltd hij offire for life; auJJt!he fliol1 1 rv it t his soiW after hint, atnl so hand it 4ow n frora ;ai , r to n, fnvn gencra- V9n l gencrathm uke tt.u,orovvi.i ol mnnarchs md sings, dcsrpritl from father W s n so loni as tho ovftrhmcnt jdiall stand, v n , Ihcsc,sofar as I-jam capable.. bfi ' 'iaro stub born facts, which. I think no honest i i ; ; Jcnt re pullicin Will deny, but Ibave not tfio' Vuiutv to ex Ject them '.to pleaso all, but be that asjt piay, tliey are mif candid and .Vmest'" sentiments;- the result of Ail Jlnstnrr.iX testv old p-ntlmn y . lAmvenwit rowwew. a oroiner euuor was constantly pestered by his neighbors who is somewhat celebrated for the magnitude with innniries after hia health. ua 01 ine 1 . i . . . . 1 - . . . . -'--' -. 1 r . -i .. 1 . ' - - 1 . m-riehtst man on 1 Earth: Th6 ParisjotnargaPJ". Jcp'y,to an flntagonis losing all patience with th mnt gid,u atMioiTiOfTesnmnxlenroftlielbaW thes intruders, 'Tell your mas- 0 lawV wyjLl.LejisPMIippe'. is .without c f cpUon, attempts nyitf tout una Ms Aandsjull. ,n ter,,J said he to the servant, .with my he richest man in the World.. He receives jkh? nnally, in Teady-money, a sum of twelve mill ions lonj yoliberption, pnd cpmmunicated .to you in my plains illiterato 'motlicr tangue, and I caimot 4!:' finy jinan of learning and 'commorl jpfelligcnco will aUompVtp charge jno.witli hiring a friend to write. ' me. as is sometimr'S tlx rsiti It to.dis: wtruo a new officer is notquite so well qualifie lischargetlio duties of tho oflicoas pn old .prac -'-V'TL J- P Boston Post. romplimcnts, that I am pretty well this Lmorningpand shall continue so for" 21 ol irancs. 'iic-mi.vcs a revenue or per: r.;--,. i,miv knnwRAm.thinwliuh oW urning 10 wsw'v, haps twenty millions more from the lands, for-, knows. The wisest rpau therefore, may 1 w " " est,;ah4 ilhtr Jironerty xf the crj)wn. ' He lcarn somethlnVfrom theiost ignorant. N SAerMttn't'ucnT-Oneof his i in inioYtnentof tlie'"private fortuncTof 'the . Ti.'i li -rnm nan. I old city friends used to dr plan thnt snr.h mm jliiu 1 lquii niti uiau v ifvuirii. l lji i 11 iibi i rf - - .- .a.w . " '-'--.J' "J!.! ? '-.'... . . , is because thev never cau hear was lne effect of, Sheridan's frank, coisli- iirleans lamilY.v which sliould have been nm-U.;-.!v nnVtiino. teu to the national i Amain, as wis the custom tn I,. iJd nV liin- wuii lonncr the throne t? . ' . T. ... ..- - . .- , 1 , j " O! tr monarch, tneir Recession to js tter to lyiow a few things, thaa to , " " -y"v I nave a mere notion a f v. about many things. ain by art ftct consented to by Lafayette; La- fite, and the victorious insurrecti6nisty who little knew what they4 were about, tm the eve ' lfhal is hercsay ? ansuvred.--Tii com of Ins taking the oath to observe' the charter mitteeof the Allschwye, UasleCbampaTne, w - - . . w ii. . Li . . .&. ' . ' . . . m . r" -. -..---.---,---.--. - . .. . . m . A T" ! . I as iving 01 me r rcncii.1-- ue amouni qi nis aiwnanu, utraauueu aieiy oi ine council private fortune cannot bo! less than ten mill io'ns public instruction,' the dismissal of a school cf francs per annum He posserscs besides, mastery' on account itf 'his-hctesay."-' Imagine an immc'nee sum of money,' estimated by ?omc in what it;c6iisisted.-The poor fellow as7 al manner, -.and. insinuating eloquence that he was ralwavs: afraid to sro to'ask. him fara debt of long standing,' lest he should borrow twice as much. ises, the roc'ies placed a placard oVer at between onb? hundred; and" fifty and two sorted that, the tdevjl did'uot stir up the souls the door-"Tiiis stoheTo UT,,,r"',,: huiidkd jiiillions of francs1,-lie pockets the of the departed with a pitchfork ! I ..' , , " v Facetious Thieves-- gang of bur glars stripped a watchmaker's shop, at lialtiraore. ott Saurday night, of goods valued &3000, being nearly the whole of its bontents. On leaving the ' urem ... , w . ar 1r -'. t f t 1x.

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