ay.. Iiy v ';.Ynr.:is S2 in advancc, . S0UTIH3UK CITIZENi; V.-isiy6atnrday-M6rning?.' ,Two poH.irspcr annum, in advance; or - 'Tlircc Dollar if hot paid within three ' ! 4 m'Uithr from the, date of tho 1st .No. ,i . . ' , -. ' ' ' , - .. v , Anv subscriber may discontinue vs itliiii ih first 3 months of tliq publication. ; K( subscript jonto be discontinued till all V "arrearages do pamumess ai mo uis ' rfp.tioii of tho Editor.' ,.v ' All letters' commuiucations,&c, to come ;postlaidi' i; ". ' ,. : AJvcrtwoments, inserted on tlx?, usual . , . '- 1 i. " a ' . - TIIE THltEi: EXrEUIMJlNTS OP i.i vim;. kind which it has bftn out good .fortune to ead." IThe three ex perimeoU'or liiing described,:tre, tvp to tho meatM) and iilng beyond the mfan c copy the follow ing rxtmct, riven in the literary jioticei uf the Krtickcrbocker, ai a specimen ufthe author. : These re jaarks f lose the firt division of the firotiime Mjviug itUhin the raeatis,M and serve as a just commentary up orthe folly of adopting SabTta and cusioras w lime auapieu 10 our in dependence of Character as Atheri cansi 1 ; ' ' ! -''We fear there are" few who in cerely rrpcat, .ivo lm& neither , 'Hhis waa the Htuatton to which Ynvk ,had attained. B lest with 'health, a prdmisine family, rtsncc icu u a Piijf iciao,- anu tnensoeu as a fwnd with the ifd of h14 youth the partner and liihtcner of it.1 .' - - mi trevH aecmeu u n mere was litt!ermpreto desired We-lalk o the blessings ff an amiable disposi .ion;. what is U but the serenity o a btndKtt'peacrw1thittfetf-:of;i mind that h contented with its own bt and whir h covets not an nher's The y ' somcti rocs ni d e a 'mi rninl call at the houses of-the rich and faihionable but Jatie looked at the iplendid , apartmcntr with vacant admiration. It ntvrr far mnm.n't entered her jiead lhat she should like such'. heflf. bhe re'iirned homeiolakecrjSeafSy. the aide of the cradle, to caresi one child, and proviao ioruie wants of anotlier. Ifcitir ft; feelinsr that nobuJv un rich is hcrlf. ; f f. C ; K!Jk wou ld :be jptcasanl to d well longer On this period of l)r Fulton's me. it wax , uie or honest iode CJence; ; Tlieir p.leaso'rea were i plcasQres-;the puresi amF the most sathlactoryunat this world tiTurds, cannot but admit that they might have been elevated and jnercssed uy uecper ana mort for UppUng Waters, sfru - feliy Saiasune rusiung win i .. ij foam, ing tvavc "Prospertf'.u cs' Frank ajSht he considered,; he L 1 ' at tuiocd no success beyond what ev; try industrious capable youu i : An ""y ttain, l3t fnpn Iin firtt sa tins but h ilff. scfutuitMiivtv L; , v "uiers no nut wnai seems Jedessary uid fitting to h station 11 "fe biit what he,1 who knows ms.own affairs; can decide is in re lalitv fitting '; ciiaii ;t:i C.' mucb prize our Indepeiidunuegive ttP whafj: in a pylitlcal viewlbnc i; JffhivIUtl? work,",ay the UJ. jtori pf the KhickerbiH kcr, ; Without txecpuoni tfcb b st of the fint- V'H t ''tau-nccrrTnnrj tom;u annecnuinnTr.ooRs at. iawrenee county, i came across daid b9untiful jii,jru ing them kind and that ' fie had longj fqrgotten were the track of a panther, from the ap- f: ho c?tU; ,dispositiO!!s, and generous fixed . upon him once hiorcvblces ptarauee of which ! judged lie had Utttt emotions;. buttha- ba k, wiihlts 1onlnchtubst' it4oalfi3orai!cd!. passed recently. I immediately re- alnf iwtliing sAils; and. gay streamers, in his ears like villago bells, but it turned home, procured my dog and l.i I 1 Vn riritiMiilft mj a , , ,.- ........ , . ... : . , l. l"l 1 1 ul moves po gaiuiuiy over tlio was onlv lor au insunt ; i he rain n la. and started in mitTDO ivn urn for, :V ASUnOROUGIf, is dross, compared toindependance cf character and habit? ; Shall we, who can master spirits from every portion cf our land, to attest to the lard -earned victory of freedom and independence, give up the glorious ubjugatcd by foreign luxuries and ljabits?V et H is even soj they are fast Invadinc our, land;,thcy have already taken pdsscssion of our ea ports, and are hasten n toward ,tlie interior,- (Well may itish travel, ler? scoff,. wjett. they rome among us, and see our own native Ameri cans'; adopting the most . frivolous parw oi civuizei jiie-rlts learners and gewgaws, our Jiabiis and cti oms,' made up of.awkward imita- ions of English , and French; our weak attemptst aristocracy oilr iaie nours oi ,visiung, lor wnicn no nossiule reasan. can , be;: assigned but that they do so in Europe! u.ei us raincr, wun irue inaepen dence, adopt the good of every na uon7iueir arts anu iniprovemeoif , their noble and liberal institutions,- their ljterat.urf , and the grace and real refinement of their: maimers ; but let strive t retain oar simpli- city, our sense oi wiiai is consjsiciii with our own glorious calling, and above all, the honesty and wisdom rf living wunin our income, wnateyer it may oe. . i nts is ourirue siauu rd. . Let those who can afford it. consult their own taste in living- they prefer etecauce of furniture, wli3 has a "right b gairisay it? Hut if i us noi an Aim ai me same inxti ry. Perhaps it is this const i iusness of unsuccesifut imitation that has given a color to the charge, made against us Dy.tne ungiisii, or undue irntabiljtj Truljr fhere is noth in mry i likely to produce it. 4. Let us pursue our path, with a firm and steadfast purpose, as did -our fathers ui the ; lleviilutinnand wf shall littlo regard those who, after receiving our hospitality, return to ajlistabCcr nd " pelt us with t rub .TIIIJIHIUXX AKU'S DEATH.' One bitter ntsht .he sank down on a door tep io , IHcadilly, faint and jl!.heJpjttmataMLecaTof vice and profligacy,.. had wont him to the bone.:. Hi cheeks were hol- lufred and-livid ; his .eyes were sunken and their Mht was . dim. His - legs, trembled beneath1 his weight and a cold shiverran' thru every limb. ' "I ;Afld "now the long . forgotten sccnea ct mispent llife crowded thick k fast upon him'. ; He thought of thattme when be had a home, a ha p py ; ch ce rfu I hp m e; "and t libe who peopled it, and flocUcd about him then, until the' forms of bis el der children seemed to rise from the grave and stamV about him;' so clear so distincl they wercj that he beat hcaviljr diiwn upon him, and cold iiud hunger were gnawing at hi hcart againf ; v ' ' He raised Ids head and looked up the long dismal street.r, He recul U'ctcd that outcasts like hi mself con demned tj wander' day and night 1:1 tU.oso d read fu 1st reels, hail soirte times ; sue1 distracted with their pwii u ie!incss.' He remembered ti have heard many years before that a;hbr.icless wretch had .been founi in'snlitary Corner sharpen n$ a rusy kftile to plunge into, his dwn heart preferring dpatti i to that enJlcs weary waadevirii la and botto improve oukh&r&pahi be N. SATUIUJA MAT20j 1837. ro. .'In an itistant his fcsolve Was taken; his limbs recelved new life; io . ran quietly from . the spot and paused : not for: breath, until; he reached the river side. ' C-f it- He crept sof.ly, down'the steep stonestairs that lead from tliecom racneement lf the Waterloo bridge to t lie water'a vlevel ; he grouched into 'ajcorner And beld jhisbreath as the patrol passed. . -Never did a prisoner a heart throb with a; hope pf life and liberty, so eagerlylBS did iL - a. - r i ; i i . i ' iiiai oi iic. reicuei man -wun uie prospect of death. The watch na? sed close by; him. but he remained unoberved-jand afie.r waiting till the sound of footsteps had died a- way in the distance, he cautiously lescenued, . and, tood beneath : the gloomy! arch that forms the landing piacb from the river. ' v; 1 he tula was in ana-the water flowed at his feet The rain had ceased'ind ai) was, for the moment stitl "and Miet-'sb juiet ;that; the slightest sound!- on.,1, tho Vopposite bank. even Hhe ripplinz of the wa- teraainst the barges lhat , were moored -there, was distinctly audi ble to his ear. The; stream stole lintjruidly ami slueeUhly; on. t d from tli e wattr,l xad sefciuLU inbclc his hesitation; while. hl low mu rm u rs from behind ; u irged. him onwards. : He retreated a , UW pa ces, took a short run,; ? desjicratc leap and. plunged into the river. . 4r Not fi ve- seconds - hatV; passed when he rose td the water "surf ice; hut what a change had taken, place in mat snort ume in an nts uiugnis and Teeliugw Life, in any; furm, poyeily,misery;ata thing but death! J He fought and struggled with th e w'a ter t hat closed over bis ieadf and - screamed in agonies pr terror.- Thectirse- of hiS Own son" rang in his ears. " The shore Imt" on? foot of ? dry'grquud, hp, could almost touch the "step. Onehand breadth nearer and he ; va saved li'itKhe tideJbore hi m onward iiuder the Jark arches of the bridge, andjie sitik to the hoi tom";.rX;. ' Again he rose, and struggled for life; for one instant,1 one brief ih stant the buildings o v the river's banks,, the lights on the bridge through H which the- currf nts i ha4 borne him, were rseen ; distinctly; OhCe-niora hosunk-and again1 he ruse; tbright JflanieStshot up from the eartli to hemven, and reeled be fore hisjeyes. while the water thun- drcd in his cars, and stuuned him with; its furious roar. - 4 ' 4 from th St. Lawrence H- publican. l , ,- .- ' . General Putnam rivaled. On the tStlf day of march, inst. while travel irig through the woods on the b. Haven tract, .town. of jiitcairn, pursuit ing followed hi in in a zigzag direc tion about six miles, ! unexpected Iv came to a led.ee, into a Hssurof which he had entird-'Hielieving was about to have a little sport, and, not preferring child's pi "ii , lurop. ped a sec ond J ball into fniy. rifle, preiiaratorv to the conflict. Scarce ly had I effected this last act when, casting ft searching glance upuiV the panther,-and immediately; bringing my' rifle to my face, let drive, and sent iu "'ftWdoi. Those '.vno have ptUrte and Tartaric forms rose to WZ&'f :nft',bftd him ; to a ppruat:l; da H al'h i!isV)' i Per- useful toque jtmniEk r heard; the occasional low "-sullen growls of a cat,: when fighting, can form some idea of the growls of the pantnerat'this' time,always. bear ing jn mind that pjussl will i weigh only eight or ten pounds, whereas me palmer wtigns aoout two Hun dred. ) 1 W-y & At the place where the panther en tered the ascent was hearl v 'equal to that of the roof of a house for twelve orfoufteen;,feeti then et icnuing uownwara unuer, iue uuor of the ! entrance; nearly to ') the place where I stood at .which place mere was another opening, but cov ered with ; snow, two or three feet deep. ' . I re loaded my rifle and in me mean ume,. me uog anu.jne panther, apparently, jn close com- munion, the lowest anperturc. Judging fromi the shrieks of the dog.- that -the conteist yvas an equalj ne 1 thre.w asiuo my ruie, uug away me snow and immediately pulled him out;,,. AThe;' panther -thenf ascended ; to the top of the lower cavern. After makiog the a p pttin re sufTicifh tly lar I ctawltd in six or seven feet taking my dog and rifle with nje," when, upon looking op, at the dis tance of aeVen'ior eight feet, ' I. be held . the' anie glassy; eyes, darling their fierce usireupoh'tiie. Like the ., 1 1 1 . ' , - .iivvvvwvu bringingl'-my, rifle to bear u pon his head again Met drive,",Vsent my dog forward, & immediately back ed out. reloaded mv rifle, and t)re- par?d for another onset, should oc casion demand. fThi I repeated three timet : in succession, " each time senaing my dog forward as a feeler,Tbc fourth' time I sent in ray dog,' they soon came down to .'the raoutli :. if the cavern, thet: dog backing out, the panther iiaving him by the nose and his claws grappled into his shoulders, the dog of course having the:under jaWTof tlre;pahther in: his mVuth.le object of the, dog be ing evidently to get out of the eav. em, bringing the panther with hirarj As soon as the panther s head came in iightI fired ft'baljjiito his fore head and liefeerminated my sport. t , : - - ' : . " " . Unon examining the head of the panther, I found that j e very ball, six in number had taken effect, One, eye destroyed, the roots of his tongue cut off teeth knocked out, &c all bf -which "couhl-not-have been effected 1 by the- latter shot. Notwithstanding all this he feught like a tiger, 'illustrating the, truth of tl ax loin that th e riflinif pas sion of life is strong even io death! V I have dressed the skin and hand somely stuffed It,": so thai any one can see it by calling at my residence in Edwards- length ten feet. : ELIJAH HAINES.; I'WwjwJhrchi A GOOD STORY. : H It --A eouple of New Yk blades met fa VerTnohtcr at a tavern. Thev had heard much of Yankee ingenuity and cunning ; 1 they ( soon determine J to seo if they. could ml "come round" this son of the' Given . Mountain. Tlunkin" he would be careful of hu coppers thev proposed t hinV iit the course of the ev e- I.':. - .ehat; - t!iat. each of them i sliould 11 r , o- . iuej iwo snoum uthuiic, or ou reius:! of cither go ba d Kuld nay all the damagcr the other, two mii!it sustain, anil the scot at the bar, The Vornxn- ter w as a littlo wary at first, but at length consented. One, of the Yorkers coin- 11)ust do tI)C s;imi. vitli Iiis eoat or PJy lf..r" die other two coats, and tho eot.-r Wiih.u;t hhitutimr, v.X went f!w r- -VOLUME I -NUMBER 21 Or 83 AFTER 3 MQNTIIPj menton to tho fimr'The. othr 'L. Yorker iiexi made trial. "He olf boots ' and hat ai consigned tliem to the do- vourin elements. His companion im- ' mitated him, and; to their astonisluiient, . -tho Yankee was not backward Next came the Vcriioonter's turn to load. " "landlord," said he, "is there adoctor - nearrv "Yes, sir," ; "Send 'for huh.' The gentlemen of York" .sbcgdh";fo' staro. ioolh lhave knt in mo head, and thau M .... " ' " gentlemen wilt probably wAht the saino done "with theirs," at the samc tinie ho began toirriake ready for the operatlor. ' The Doctor vand ; tje "othcr two vcro confounded. "Conio -Do;toi7Td1n't WAit," and' getting; oiwh .his inOUth, ho 5 discQvprgd to tha comnaivv that -ho had "Ul VHC viu T"Ut if.-ffnilir,, IW!1 AVOU1U hardly keep in his headi It .was prcs- ' ahtlywrt.' The Yorkers Wilcly declined following' Wit, paid Ui 5.Yernronter'for his coat, hat and boots, and Aycn offo bed grinding their molars. Vi '""''- J'.:':r'...-'' 1 l' ' . -! , -v. :.Vy .'.-,..-;' i ! Zl'f ' ' A Fortune wade by axident-l oncof knew a m'anwho died immensely rich, who traced all his' good fortune V a.rusty nail, which, he preserved ith' a sort of pious veneration,--7Tho h'nks be tween WJiat he, was, and what hq had been, he concentrated thus : , , ; -; t -1 "lie had been a small carpenter, and being employed upon . a imall job at. a gentleman's house, u-lieii Ticf . had ; com pleted' it,: heToccived'his mfjoev', and went about his business, But he hadnot proceeded far on his; way honje, era ho reobllected that he bad forgottcd to draw a large crooked nail which protrudod very, awkward(yfas lie returned W re move it. Just as' ric was approacling the door he heard a loud screant-r-Ieking up, he saw the ihfantnd Only " child of the gentleman falling from one of tlie attic wiudows. whero the miro. Vy maid had been playing with it, when, by a sudden spring, it escaped from her grasp:: Vhh: equal prcseace of mind and dexterity;hc received the child m his armsr broke the shock of its decent, and saved it from bciuff. dashed to pie ces. The grateful fyther requited the invaluable service for hp doated on die babe, because if was the sole menioriaj pOh.Ql.dead. motherwho' bore it , by !a munificent sum of money, which ena bled him to embark laTereJv iii his hns-i. ness, ahd thus lay the kuiidatioii nf the great wealth which he aferwards aecu rnuiatecu liut tie alva maintaiued that it was the rusty naif in reality Uiat niade -his ! fortune."" -The leading, property of Dr., Frank lin's mind, great as it Was thc faculty w-hich made, hiin remarkable, Tand set iiini apart fro-n other nierf--thc genera tor, in truth, of all his nnvcr, wus ool sense; cnly plain giwd, sense, nothing' nioto, ;-wa Tiot -aTnanofcniiu ; littlo or no fervor; nothing- like ioetry. or clxjucnce i Pnd yet. . by - the - soje; imtiringi continual ojx;ration of diis, hum ble, unpretending quality of tiio human niiud, he como U do ihorc in the world' of science, more In the council, more in' the revolution of empires, uneducated,? or self-educated as ho was, tlian- fivo hundred others might have done, eachi with more genius, fen o", clxjuenco and brilliancy. Black wootC s Magazine .. -" !"--; Certainty of-the Lum.-'rh'rr fi. mous, lecturer on heads eulogized tho proverbial accuracy of tlic law, with tho ' exception that when a "woman happen-' ed to bo slain, the verdict was always ' broughf in vutnslauxhter." "A moro ; remaj-kablo instance was t,rc;cently ex hibited at the assizes in tho county of Durham, where one Gibbon was charg ed with cutting and maiming onejoplin, w ho apjeared in his proper jorsn and produced the shovel wititwhich tiie al leed injury had licen iitlhctcd, The ' jury ivtvithsandingtlib "all-alive and -r roaf appiarance of-tho prosecutor a tX, : tcr a consultation of filteen minutes returned into court with a verdict of manslaughter! The juil'j;e pronounc ed the verdict tantamount to an acquit tal, and forthwith dismissal the jtiry ii- mid general laughjter ofilieassiNinbly a mirtlijn which even tho travitv of' thy justice was compelled tokparticipato. ' J SJtltinchoh results 4f Ganibling - A' S"."A' 'daV ;:h'"' a yoyng la'vv'cr, 1 lie .doctor: soon . came ui. Doctor, ' said r the ' Verrn6ntcf"gct your instru-- -mehts, I Want youto pult out tverii . -H ' II 1 1 i ,. v 1- : i 1-

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