6 c X i ! " ,y. ; V v - ' .. ' i .... r t tpiizsZi IIS 'AOYAXCrJ ,. ".V, t ttt wTiTI 7. !.' itll Krcrv; .Saturday k " , wha t dj ivn uhi ron, r.UTToiurnovu gl'xsemts axd cv cszfuL'ts) oseaxovufai t,; i - VOLUME I -NUMBER 22 Or B3" AFTER 8 MONTIIS he thy may however chasl! sai alovcntau-d, ehi.Cai:e llichv 'o tTy,lwr:i,' . .And .it .would be -a iv '.::r, tfcaUn;; -ihe v M'4 i7 iMi, iri :i i;::tr r4.Vr.der the I ) -'.., I ,1 ' I t ' Two Dollars per annum hi..buuk. r i piuiuiMuin ox. .ptij, v jvufuviyjai Three Dollars,!!, not paidwitun three; i?otibV 2nd i,ccti.jii..rlv,4cl i in !month8Jrmtho datoofthc 1st jtWulv r A-; received, rf n-J ?'V T. rs, :!" -V ; mav discontinue wPh;r u-.'htii runw uvcr(u..ii r.ai ana cniumniuiinsf every yuicr vajun-H4,y" jjyjvuaitii:;iu uk umauiidma, in swim; prts yw e limi a ncu pnxluctive soil, .veil calculated for the encourage ment ?f -Agricultural pursuit?, dud to re pay the fanner, with a rich and axjubun dant jiarvesU while mothers vvc'discuv- as on; i1iKf:rihcr lho first y tnontn;? o! io puniirautwi. VVsMtacriiM to te discv.ntinued tI all crctiou the Editor. ' ' f ; III letters comhiiaucatioaL:c. to come .post paid-: t.K;.;"v tdvcruse.r.cnts, inserted f on tho usual .... 1.11 1 i i. ". "',!,. , : iktc or vti Ut ixcottra . DEBT Or THE WIFE. CONTRAC i TED BEFOut M AIUIIAUK. ' - T VH S::I "leml you a question ?f Ja w ; ' the answer, lo irhlcb. if you x(kl4i deem, useful, I should like tosct ju ,the . .-1. ' - - leD': not pintr ueo rift rny prtsw .sh by d f" c n (KJijVf-r; io- ente-;ij! any .sjaye or tfksHjiT freq negro oc.-irson.'of colour a spirit of usurrcctioncon- ii.vTftrvfifll!ni ciip'i .rip rtnri hall beseemed guilty of ; felotijr; and un conyictidn thereof in any court - havinc ' cosnizahec . thereof shall be stiilenced to receive thirty- nine lashes u pon . his" or, fcerlja re back and he ir.iprjscr.ul for a tyear; and fur the second HjfTciice shall suf fer death ithout benefit of clergyV Th9 foregoing;an8',veraemhraco jail the practical rnjitt6r thaxoccurs-tp us at ', firpm a review of thoJaw con pared viti 4hci InquiryvThe County Court of, .tliUtato arc authorised to , . . , . . prcscIhc jucli rulf "as.ibcy bay dJvm necessary for tlie ohscrmiee tot thccVi cral patrols, in order td preserve deco- rpuanipng Jlic-Mave xpulation. intermarTif!iirCwTio,rbeIbri? two years expire, (from the date of the account) dies. , ,Wbo: dots B look to for ; bis' tnonfv? In-other nords, 1 tW estate' of "C liaWer - 5. A SUBSCRtahR. JJntietr.' If must look to the widow of and no other rson. 'Tho i Kec- tivr or Ad:niititrator of C f amit be Otitic fctiU6nui2& : -Th.s, under so'nc c,r.cu;tan.,is ni 'ht be' considorcU n hard 'iac; tut date wliich may chance. " to ojirnise his wishes, or to step hi Iiid w ay hy offering his sc'rvice in t!je ' tame Lne to which he-ay titctr to which shameful resortrno man 'of suitable Qualifications to fill anv ou:ce oi trutj unacr ou rcpuoucan lonrn B,J u,,u mouniiuijoiw 6fDiyerhrocnt,;'can' ccinswteiitly submit, I render itentirv. unfit for tufdvatji rttlcwi' resolutiori-4o attend to my own sweet and wholcsomy water; and pe6u htishicfs; and let others attend to theirs; la adapted , to Uhj retired .life of the an4 to -act entirely ort .tile.' 4tfenive Grazier; and themore adventurous pur side, should I ha'ppen to be assailpd.1, suits of the Sjortsipan. , And while the I j, am biso awar uiai my. itmuea ac-t , " ? "yc)1" "'""o. "''"" :h as possible, to remove uony.HHHig.uie pruuueuons ii a warm ,-; riiavO thought it proper climate: thus we find in tho various jto i citizens generally, through Auctions of dificreut sectifms of country, Qtieirion-'; fA, single womao,L L; v.-n, 'j' htracts an account ithi B, i HF115 U? T.liE . mercLiint; ana. snunir urraru OCLIC01L 4Mti.: EDtToa?v v. . 7- " . . - A owes u by note or .articles 'of agreement, Some time afterwards it is discovered that there is aline drawn across the ilg; niture or jjame,' unknown to A or U.l 'Afterwards H requests tiav Lmrnt from A, an4 A Insists that he m paiu it at a former period and a, proof of the same, hU name uinicraicu ova line crawn a possible. toat difficult v, to address the the medium of a Circular Letief.Tin or- ? or anickw, sucti as the lumber dcr that they may"bc the better prctiar. produced frorri the-forests cf Maine, the ed to'riodgo nVhtly, ,with regtrd to iny broad-stufls and : fruits of the Middle mianiicaiions 10 iaKO imon mvwii tun i u iyvuuu, iiivvi wi'u.auu rcspohslbiliiies of the' Office w hich J Qlher luxuries becuUaKtb M Soutii, now humbly ask at your hands.- v luch W mutual exchange-all contribu- present itself 'Us a barrier across my community; but stop; the current of in- way, Is, tho manifest diposithmof some, Icrclutnjc, and the dagrecablQ-conse 'tliraifrti' I M'nmi tfll in what' mtnnt kiik Iqiicncc ' Attendinz such a measure, must an nnwdrrantcd prejudice may ha vepre- he obvious .to every impartial f man. -railft! ti airt.ii itlid'ri.yhf' At nriviliv.J Acnin, we sec that water, that sahi. of n r!:I rf m.HvLl.ink 'n ritfPn- fln.t tary contrrbutorr to aniinftl existence AWttMim'tft nrtrnntii.-ili.Kiirif vilrM.:! when Trniitf cd to circulate in its prop- fir channels, jf.wrifincd' and luffcrcd to lortunutc,ias to lwnk.ru. on- hc other rcmamin a stananl situatwH Kuffl nf A rf;rtnm lini mii Liiv a iiamJ loine nufrefiyd, .ar.d rondel or ground callo.U.'anM ,Co: ; roundiiatmosihereunwhuIejw ywW,W WswCasbecsta- aiwlly obnouousto htonan Icalth. ;; .. ir l WW; Y,nl.w:.fl.'wr i. iJVii, - Once mocc, if we csarnine the human wrrtMr; htadvancinif anv thin-that ommar system, wc - discoVi mi-ht' tend torcHidk o the -fooiAc a.fnK.st counlloss- variety of parts, yet so; ,s6on bc- s the Sur tovvarus myseu, wiui ninmjuer more oi "r . Tr " wy IcIlowcitlzcVis, wjio;iorlh talent ust then be. It onc andintcirity.arcccrtainly entitled to our mat in-eVcry. depar high rcspects.-awl ta our patronage in f0' nam.n"!' an partmcnt of the UnP portect concord in cross itj but tnacs nojiroof of pay men!. Shall this plea avoid it. in J J UUUCj MUKUOWII as much as it ...r-..-i .L.i. ' ' I.. V jlftctioti. arcindisncnsabiv neccssarv. nol to ino c:,arHl as naothS.'more ia&ed fore promotion of its harmony i;, ;fi,f f.KJti.AHrtn.riv.i but also for its actual existence.- . fKisitfonio VcpIy.I fedilmyduty to try fyiJW,e Ww"n?Pf.0 .r . j. .1. ! ' ; - ' rhfinf:thftir.annr:irtiirfiorthGMGP.hari!n. smnrfwii -inn uiinru mis rnnnnimiu'(i - v j tll;.K"ia mnt,,ni!iv ji.W '.w.i.-,. tiw locisiaiioii oi me ouwesinan, inc. ope- course of oolicv as is dictated in theCir- ?U'n Surgeon, the pottage of the It will probably be admitted by tho op- ' positidif with regard to Mechaniesi Far mers, or whatever their vocation may tlial oa enti vi:tm tvllliiifr lirn- cver-tlKiir-serviecs aro needful to en : courage them by mutuaror reciprocal interchange, 1 to migrate' and 6cttlo a- mong us, to become citizens, lurnisli us w ith their production, and wef in turn ' lumisn uiew 'vim suca arucics as wo , can spare. ,l , , io uns l woum repiy, uiai asirco n- fTrtiitc Krt Alt ,r!af4i?i ru fit ti fMldmV us witlf apropensity .to pursue that vo cation or calling, w hich we think is cid culaled to promote our best interest, hV cumexion w illi our pleasure and happi- nass; anl aithougii wo may nave, ueen Printers, Book-binders, Uatter Con stables; arid aldiough wc'mayliare bcei born In" Guilford, r Chatham Orange, Moore, Montgomery or Davidson; yet, . in my humbla opinioiithcso cannot witii ' propriety be urged as justifiable reasons wny we snouiu not oecomo .Keepers ui pulilic Inns, and even Clcrisof the OounS : v and Superior Court, ShcriihV tatq'rf Attornevs, picrk & Masters in Equity, County Trustees, and Lounty Registers. Now, as before stated, "and I think sat isfactorily proved, that measures ealcu- v lated in any way, to disparage or cnecx the iMjalthful current of migration, would,' . lik5staant atcir.Tnbt only prove brew . judicial to one, or to. a few individuals but the ' injurious effects consequent on such ; check . would extend through. t 1 J ? H:J J ' ' J wnoic DCigtiuornoous ana as a maiiur of course, through Counties; States, and even througlicut the whob' Union. - Is' ; docs therefore apear to me self-evident that a policy based on such prmc:pH?,' mupi e ventually prove., injarivus ' t tins community, and ought to be. disc6unte nanced by every good citizen." rJ ' , . It may, perhaps, be Au tlies. aciiittad , Vv the adiocates of A'a 'Clui'fis, that they do not wish tp entirely prohib it natives of ouW Counties, who wish to. come la amdng" them and becomevciti. ' zons, from enjoying the rights of citizen-. ' ship; but that Uicy wish .a parti:f. atl ja ! . . . t . . - - 1 tn lint i t.ii. Km M i ii .r . . r I . I... 11.. n l, w trittnete a i the writer of.thatjiddrcss tie justico lo flour, aopfcsnd pou ,Fonnsyk . U omur pro- say, hat I; wish to entertain: a belief, tS tSTfre it; t 1 ' I. rr .'-1 ''l''1 btf : ,IhB under the neces- that the tfentioe weawn was not cast 4 S :-r?uisiana, tiipagti the are ll , v 'fl 1 ? r r - ? -v:tvw.f.niaki;.ir t.Mof' who did it? J nr lnign, to rtfW' T P - bd,dtLt Wi- u,d w h V at h l,i.t.t injWmTtercst, or tlic jntefest of any of d'cnt- tions of our even uHe had r;u;r,duVcrv ,;v; 1 . J;.1' V;.S!?1 VjSjA- otierparUeularf. IndiviWfrom ioi mon country, are aU combmed to prc- ctatcbvf iWwVi pit ied-ii tjF, r.t.;t?.r ttuo.y? I he Mitor ;mortvcg bQt , thcn th mole our md.yidnal andational com- r.vJ.!"'..1 r, V.-rJ". rriVtf. w ill nlca at.swep this ui thrhMi it..ii.' .i.I.i. - jfL. fort aitd happiness: and that as a test of r.M..Kiii it o i i t;fc i! t :j5. :.-ivr to pre mc Jbx aw, in n laion toV Negro 3Icrtifigt i want to know; if l't luV rs ha y r power "v lq pre vc n fTa" jw iiitq mail from Im1 ding a eonsulta teati with nfgroesVn a niivate st pau.'lmeiit. an It" Ctasi Meeting? : - 1 want you tri writt meJ a letter on the sUhjcflorrpuhlsh, it' in tbf sU?i&:What'ikia4'oY'i.Iettin4rt nUwfulr ,and hov?ii many white ptrions must be tifsent Uo1 muke tnttij lawfvltwK put the ill out of tfce. power of the rairolf '. ANSWER. Allmcctings cf-Slaves aw utd( v TiJ,vKclficr for the hurpVre of Drink in.J Daneinc, or Ktlicloufi excrohe; oiil tl.e ment in i - i .1.1 in . :.r ...l l. cr the v are the rroductious of Maine, of rf i ttrrr. ,,TIo quh proband (bur- - rrnin fw ' n,w Grgia, of orthGarc.hna, xf IJudford tenoi proo!) um on th- ;'uitiirintius ali,aurh nbssessinff falcnt aiid intemtv. 0' ltaiwoi w vounin uui w nemcr moy " 1 ; ' " T' - . o s r 1 o I . 17' .- cascfr.Tlio.crasure of .the name of the and Ijcaring their couitable part in the P?s .Wu ... -.. . . I -ji- ...... I - I . Iov in order Further lo.nrovc (oo great a degree : bf IJM motives, utarymaienceof reciprocal interchange, lU-:lSrf j.,u r.un Lt:..J and tlie inmrious consequences. -0f -a policy,'. it is only . necessary ir attention to a few imil f. . fc " I . . . . J. 1 .1 denr c: : and ; tins, evidence musfcome of hs community at largo.".: - rom him who seeks the bencbt of it a : r.-".."MW- - .v u... . w, ; vv- . -..,..,. . f..;:.,,.,. nrt 'V ;L r . i si's tea nv.tnc same, teacners and upon the . , . 3 ,, mr-V." " Aa to the form of actionr-it is VeAl i,nfe Wincir4eiC; co vcriicd bv the same d?JuA V i n.aVeal pbscryed -it, oiw warrant returnable btsfore . a sin?lo hW. In .m.r,! M?l;rt(i k.. tK- nolghbornood win .be uurtiiencd with r nrnmn.J K r,i,. Mechanics, ww lo another is almost des- 10 Mechanic must considerable cx- his manufactures to - ' . r - ' . . . . ' ;..,....' T nMtM..n.. .tw.ltitutc? cwiset ucntly tl Jtilurc, or.Wt lor breach of cov- r 7 . . m unavoidably incur a cnanl, or tho He. . For the proiwr dw- , -t . ... i:L... ...i u nense m convcjuiff Unctions between; the cpuz.ance Of. a distinction should nut be entirely forgot- H' m order, to disjwse of them, i Magistrate and tl a Court of 4lu- 4 'l t! M(rtcnvav to fill civil w ar-1 vur ciuital. o orm of v-owrnment 7 7 aS -? 7- ' r ? f 'h ! vi L knows nu,-h distinction; tut the only tmite of chamca .must bor un, rmli &c ivQi!MaiioiButticssYol. U.A-ur.x: -n-f der fcimilar dilhculucs.-in ordcrrto dis- iow I must iwncstly xnteR, that to- mo it appears truly rcmarhabldl tiiat' ... appears truly mpartiatatid judicious men should in' their zeal forget that our Legislature has wisely enacted that our public officers shall be elected by the 0v and con sequently froni considerations of merit, and not from seffish motives. , It may be furtlier said, that the luiun- ous" position I have been alluding to, was not taken wjth any selfish views, in or der to Influence the minds of the people.' in favor of nauvc citutcns' To w hich I would reply, that if tha subject was not intended to have an un dua bearing, and to influence the miiuia oi inc people m wvor ci nauve cmzen?, w hy toucn it' at all," and why use it f-r electiimeeiinff purposes? f do" reVtlv' think tliatl would be considered proij' gal, if on undcrtaling a piece cf work. I shouy provide tools that i k new wowa r -be 'useless ' to myself, and at the same. time; highlv culpable if I knew tiiey .- would be injurious to my neigabcr, cr were procured at his expense. It may probably be said by loir.c, that ' fts the oftensi ve weapon beforo alluded try.' was not cat at me, nor by ar.y of my-: competitors, and that as I have-frankly acknow ledged my belief that it was not with any premeditated design to partic ularly injure me, that it was not my tu-. Lsiness to interfere. In reply I would merely ask, wnctiicr. ii a wewpon oect 1 ,01 07; , vol. tf, 150 Jwt'l iiCsH)cr4to dovi-t rv Uu-mr uuJ eyen to wlii-i thepu (15 l.ishev) truvu!Kl oy be on of tfieir ow ner" tTtuiics wouta dittenfiniwwri. If ratrol tho lonS present" at sucli Kstingii ds not protect the Ja vesr though Ifw Vairyi camiot interfere witli such' wjiiti j.rwn "3. As (or a?h!tp rnaVa tojdin: meeting of Chives tm.cr rvXcv& tM Patrolcrs lia voj-iio; power to j lutvrp V I HE VOTERS OF.U.IN- ritN'nV.Xo rixui. :fTi.xs ' "!i.rt.r. y 41,. .i n. The cnr.Cdenci I ..l . , . .' .... . I nof oi his Riirnlns nri1ik'f. wliirh i ti!. I n. .mt ... ..n I ....... . M n . . . .. .vft. . I r w - - - - I ' . - . . .. -" - - . . ' - O I tree!rv uf tiui eimiwtrl rwl f h iniuhiito UMI nVUIUtlDKII.VItl. - ;;r ; . '. -t " . f - , . ; v , . r . . ' - ; lanu 10 uuiaui inc necessary, arucics oi ilankmd arc not all. actuated by the conx-c:uencc,.and in tlKrcfvht such pil sanw natural propensities; , ono has apo- icy ultimately terminates in a considcr- cujiar lnchnatwn ari,ngncultural pur- ajpk suiis-.anoiiicr i(?ra mercantile course lc loss Jo , both Mechanic and Far mer.11 wjaClMcl.cns!ia:d:ypofition Uvrcpoi-'cin a third w most: hi his natural lutitudo VIlrcltontotislastostion Iwould yoar,;ijcasc ami ound judgemept, when m the pcrforinaneef somti me- further remark; that I Ituve not so soon in cstif.jSjlo ni more by thtir ral msi rJianical 0ratidn--whne oiio ftiela him- forgotten the apparently jjleasing scnsa- rit, d?;ui that" iisjitfjicial jgla're ?'htcli, fdfjurtioliirly.defiglited in laboring to tiou recently produced, by tlie prospect ! V o 1 1 . p. dish on bas:wtaii. shiiS bn- Iveome a disfmguished polkfclanTr-ano- oi obtaining uno new ? uiechauical cs .10 . decgivc'-'Uttu' niojc! fc'ivbolK;R jrig Hhelr. enjoyaiccrct 4easure'in udving 'tuWot::'icc inyflC.a4 a cflnlidate, for hhj nature ofe animal "yHtenC jtliiis h.uj we-nnci inaramonsrmanHina mere is an vol r fir r :ccsi i u-vaui ni . vuiii k. ieclvtfc ? .i.u.o ixuce i-l f.uperwr v. Oust linofJt.fwMllcss variety of :procnsities5 rbirW J?."" ' ?''''' 5'm.-.v T '"v.5". ictallcrnsttnio ne ciMnininiityt and : Avai? of tho'mnT dhTiuli," which 'H Mjif'v; Mc:jtoomber.has its particular ibu H Pr:riK rsrI he-. iuavjuti!etdd a I oJijVH thoy. arq-all neoossary, in or- Arnirt iiiun i un1 i inn .1 nvtnnuniio 1 gr'C-'bA:oR':lt!H4yj' N'aritpn wsj .j.Vuiicsof soil inditle'rcnt ' i!ih:-'cHu!iifHH'gi . uJl'Mkvitairjfi w llicrc ar'c'dif- ., ' .- . - - . ... . . ' . tablishmcnts in ' this-County, such ai Printing Office, ' Ik iok BiiiuTy, Cfittoa Factory, Iron -Found ey, &c, while it seems never 46 have -occurred--to the md 6f those advpeates" for nafivih, that several of the proprietors .were na tives of other 0ouii!ios: but when nlj- interest, Iiappcns to be li1ught into com- at au enemy, or. into . the air ir nvrr sport regardless of consequence-?, a;xi I sfiotihl w U danger from t ho "'ao ifr have 1 not an undoubted riirh: t v, , It off? I think tlu's -w ill not be Aw A Tliis is thcground onwhich I hru. i'v.-i.i. . contending: if I nave succeeded m :- moving the prejudice oi any, I hAp.- sn V will lend me their influence : if rt . ( . hope what I have said will not prejulio any individual; confidently . oelievii'ig -. that you w ill duly weigh theinnucr,jt!L,, cidc imjVaftiallt and giijc my rcuravks tlie attention they inay merit. Fellow Cilisent, in tendering )ou my services, 1 make no pretention? tt any claim on your suffrages, cither (rem J. any sunerioj qualifications on my part, or ior Hnyiqrmer services rcnucreu; lhh should you Ut disjt.)scl to confide nunc that trust which l,now,firthe first time ncit, n?id which our Lcwlalurc has . . 1 CA petition; why then wo at onco rcmeiiJ ive:cl you "with t!o riissal of, I feel' pcf that ouropjxyient lias; 'not a legit I- j cunfulont tliat you will ncxQ? fuidcca . mate birthright in Ua'udoyj Canity. siou Kl regn't your cowrie. . i x ,' J . ., .,... . i - . - - . i : . , , -,-.. -f ;- - .. " - 7 .- .,. . ..,...'.,,.'.(.. r ; 7- 1 IIIIII . ?