..r A, V Jp , ..- o - f ( ' I I V ; - v Items 22 1:1 adta:':csO !--COUTIIKUN-Crn.-ii. mllTVO l LIVZ 10.1, BUT TO ntPLQVZ 06.. .JLMS AND &E USZFCL TO OXElSfOTIlERt 1 i : 1 1 ' . i '. . ' ii 'i 'i i r vottiiEl-KmicE:: z$ AinonouGii, n. q; aATuaDAuuNE it, i83r.v Of 83 after 3 montii?. Two Dollars per annum, in advance; or - Three Dollars,if not paid within three . 1 jnonths from the date of Uw 1st No. Any Subscriber may discontinue within! the first 3 monuwoi uw yuuiiwuun. Ko Subscription to be discontinued till all v. arrearages bo paid unless at tho dis- trction of the Editor. ; . !T ; ' j ; All letters, communications, Ave, to coma 4' posf paid. - y : ...... " - ' Adverucinents," inserted on the usual y terms., rrv. -W" f7 " T:r' MIOBiftCB tr T l W tIttfIT ASUBOUOUGH, 0 ' ' J , I. ' " " " - ' n ' ' f J ud; APPEAL-STAY OF EXECUTION. -Mr. Ehn .1 .Suppose Awakes air meld asrainst rn? wjfore a. Justice, ,and 1, beies uarrovided with, fcocurfty, rray irn HjTW to Slav ,Exccutiow-in the mean' time, I become fully convinced ibv taking counsel or otlierw.se) ; that I liavo a cood defence, and g to the Ma- gistratc to lane an, ppfatt ?lvaa ' tM prayer, as entered on the back of the wayaiiC am I entitled to' an appeal under those circumstances! If not, nave 1 any remedy! and if any what!?; JXSfVBfc I Strictly speaking, you ire not entitled to an appeal, as ytatter f right, after signifying that you only mtend to Stay Execution. And so on K'the other hand. If you,-when Jud gment is entered, pray the indulgence ofn days to appeal, yoii are not strictly em titled to the Stav of- Excculkiiu We think wry xleajryr that the words of the Act (1812) rationally construed, require the party to male his election as soon 4 judgment is entered; so that ths Jppo lite party may , certainly know what courso he will pcrsue. Yet IfwHivith rAndinj? we have ctprcswi t'us to be die strict Jaw of tlio! country1, wc see no objection to Ukj exercise of a sound d;s crctkmin the Magistrate, And where the applicant for an appeal or Stay of Execution,4 has. not been actuated by motives of obstinacy br pre vcrication, he ought to be permitted to choose his course to persue, any time within he 10 days, cxjiccially if trie ends of justice t r.r i question to be decided is, I hearing all the alT.iavits produced on both 'sides, the 6urt will : sustain t!u tecordaritn other words, "'.whether ii will retain the suit on the docket and let it stand for trial on; its merits. If the dc- ! J . .... .. ; . . . . cision be in favor, of the &:nljcanL tac meriU of thor whole ca'so arc open fur tn vcstigalion, as though it had never been trieJ nff.r:::--':CAy 'i But you nee'd never apply for a Re il -i : itnlftfla v. t mm Ba.rfu mmtm - n mm the merits, of the case . in your favor; and have not becq qoifty of any ncgli- From the fVmMnglon MUJ Whig. ftjrWe have been requested to in sert ; the I following Result of j a i case brought before .V Mazistrafcl We as; sent on'hc ground of Justice, alone. The law must cither be manifestly ' im- periecu or trie decision erroneous ; and the taw iii point may be considered a mattcr.of no of Jhwrjf interest to tlie public t tlicre can be. no ' impropriety therefore, we tluhk; in pubhshinj? the From the Qenesce Farmer, v ; are satisfied with its operation. .'' Cy and! Omega tlio bcinnins. andJ we verily RECEIPT & PATENT VENDING, by.aloiw comes the-pateptee,or the believe, Jhb end of the whole system.- jnsiro class b( uiriiir; rigni 4ior - me oisinci or ingress cnaricrea a oanK ongrcss - Repub- up.niynor ine luiisirajc wno presided rarticularly aj the renort' contains no rate should icrEonaIity. If the jUieist dectri luuielf to liai e been misrepresen ted by the reporter, our columns will be freely otxxcd to his defence. T'iV- "'' Reported for the IFAigll i : IMPORTANT DECISIONJila- fit rate's VOurtrWe 'give the whole of tlie tacts, as wc thiol the community arc not aware of the precise naturooftbc laws relatiyo to the offence; of enticing a slave from his or hc paster's setvice. and " harboring them , and concealing them aftgr they have run away. 'The opinion ofthc magistrate who presided, though brief, we think. will shed new light Uion the subject, and will doubtless suggest to our legislature the necessity of so amending'our law's as to mako Uicnl reach cases parcllcl with the- present. We confess - that-vre-were of opinion mat our laws were tuny adequate to the present emergency; but the'decision of onesoiamuiar wiui tne statutes ol oiir country as the presiding Justice, must settle the point; " V This, was the trial of a stato warrant wtlercin certain slaves and a free 'jyo niAji vi r.t inur ino iesj rcsDccxaoie a cr- n than tlie midlife of the town) were charged with enticing away from her master j service, and harboring while a way, a girl siivc, named Vegiv, She u-Jl u:..j : ' .i... l ' v . wuu oaoni measures wi-s .... , -. v. . . , " . t - T J . . , rrr-1 pto.Uvin?mor,opi able, ; and uihnatcly more mischievous One of Uieso wayr of obtairiing"moneyV ana wnicn among mo i ankees is called ffctting a living by hook or by crook, is by procuring-, a. patent for something new, or wliicli may; be deemed so-a chum, a gimblct, or ajgristmill perhaps and then travelling nfall directions to vend rights, privilege of nsCi &c An other secures an antiquated receipt o tensibly producing the must valuable and astonishing results, and forthwith com mences a magnificent system of plunder upon mo pocKcis oi- me gullible manv. Ihe truth is, we must feel a pleasure in bcin; clicatcd not in the remembrance of itor we should not suffer these wan dering vagabonds to touch our cash so often.' f A", smootli-spokerf ros v-pilled man enters four." house, and tinfi.Minr his ample pocket-bcok, lays before you a plan or some machine or implement cal culated to facilitate labor, and add ma terially to tlie profits of tlifefarmer or incs clonic a churn that will make butter 'ouf of skimmed nulk a1 plough or har- row tojfo wiuVmt a team a pump to draw.watcr from a dry well, with a mul titude of other things, represented by a for the town or county jn which he re- shall the Vbig6r, the Tory principle ul- thcr tlie maker, the vender, or the user cficct . their expressed will, or lia'l of, the rake, and as the lauer person is President, with 'Amos Kendall Sc.Tho'mt generally the most respoosjbjo jof the as IL Renton, set up their cabinet cdit -Uurce, he finds JioTnust., again ',-pay.for against the constitutional authority" o the rake, or which is worse, experience the legislature! The" decision of thi mo vexation ana expense oi a proiracn question win seme ma aseenaancy ol kx mwsuu, uie grenesi evu inaicani v nig oriory in wis sometime bcfal the farmer. VVe j are convinced jlic.!" r . ,n ' ' " that ttic discoverer pf a useful luycntion snomuDpanipiyproiecieainmoenjoy. -r-- f prrnvrn ' 'J ment of the j fruits -of fi s iron us and - THh 1 AlILLS rURNEIX . . , study? and as perhaps the law of pat- " At tlie Donegal Assizes tlie follnwih ents connot be so amended "as to'meet I humorous cros-exammation of a ;wit- every supposable case,- hard as its I ness occasioned ; much merriment in opcrati(K3-dri tlie farmer1 may rmcq times ; be, ,; lie must chcerlully sub- . you mil iience wcsay io me agncuuur- r ' ' - : j t ist, biiv no" patent horse rakes, excellent J a school master. v. ; as they unquestionably -are, unless you . Did you turn ofl your., schollars, or first ascertain that yo can owe them 'Jm.J?M, without being cumpell(nl at some future ' 1 do not wish- to answer" irrelevant day to pay double their valua. For or- questions. : Laughfer. f . dinary farmers, tho single horse rake Are you a great favorite with your, will answer, evcry purpose; it Is more pupils! "v ' 3 ; ' "' simpla in its. construction, less liable- to . 'Ay truth, Jim ;1 ! a much greater than "a" are likely to be advancctl by it. great parties which now divide' this I You may go down, sir country 1 I he V lugs look to Congress. J Faith, I believe you1 The 1 Executive defies Conjrressrassu-lof mei but it is mv n As to tlie other branch of the enquiry HWhat is the rinoly ', if any , after the rignt or appcvl is kstr-ttiere w but one eligible course, and that is; an aplica tin for a writ cnile.l a Itccoriltiru Wc mean, lu.re t!ie right to a'new trial Ie- Xroa .Tvistire, is nl kist Whether you entitled to a now trial' 6r not-yu way ace o;i ret jn.:!cc to Lie Man of C'lsiness," vol. 2, png 30" 79.. . u u 'V j vv,w4 , , f yu iihk first draw yourself (or pnicuro , to be Ldrawnby -.counsel) a Petition to some Judgo of the : Sujwrior or 8uirctnc Court, setting forth n true hi !ory of the holocase, accompanied with an affi jlavit of the truth of the ficbi stated, luw affidavit yyii mtt sNt trto before " ierK.ot me Utun, or su;. j Jutice of tlie "Piac'et imliywjiowtjveryou j: ia rcrsou to lheJplgotlen Joi! i ' J ear to tlio amdavilVbelore htL l ,no Jidgo slHniliMe of Opinfon that tlie case set forth is ouithat ; calls .for the cxcK'raoiriiis;ww tmn, ho orders the Clerk of the Superior fXirt, to issiw a writ of . Reeordari, commanding tJio Magistrate to return into tho Superior Court aeoinplcte Rijo." oro of the . casc And, here,' the llrt had been found in the house of Charles, one of the accused under lock, and car ried ho.ue, and thret; days afterwards a tram run away."- 1 he. t)crsons" chaK'ed with tlie 'offence were otouirlit up to bo !A.J !! .... - oum.icu, u uuiov, to nrvqm a recur renco sucn oiieiicc m luturc,, i narios hid already received his. raward from tlie hands of- his . master. A no! rnw was entered against Irim and t wo pth r and tliey uinmoned asitisesThe It wa? proved on trial tliat Jeffbroughf this girl. to vChqxIrs, 'and prevailed on liiiu ta, conceal her ; that ho told hini wlier her trunk was concealed, (wliicn f K at Dwky's.) and fhut JelTvisitc'd her in Iter .'place 'rf . concealment; another witrw Proved ihdit Jc.X sent him to Bocky'x for hvr Hfunk. It .was-proved lie but her s!kvh.''U was also broved fio w.l tiniafe with her, an 1 with her tllfl.nL JitV-Ltflllx)rttpAJ')wM'OM'n. tVir en lito prosecutor was about to prove that no attemotcd to procure tier a pas sage to New-York, but it was overruled upon tlio ground that stie was tlion the property ot another. Iho truth of the evidence was not questioned; yet mid a i wuc.ana au nat u nappy aeuverance. , It was 'decided by the Justice thattlic accused tvere. not guilty of the charges. As well as we could, uloan from his re- marts it was so decided upon the literal construction of ?thofAct of Assembly made to prevent the enticma way and HiWing runaway slaves. Tho offence eo: alone in the act of enticing a way or harboring; and however plainly coiivi t I tf aiding and abcttin-;, yet if not t.u !.t in delicto ho, could not be punished dejure ! i oti i-r fl.r'inrrrvl unit mfiiilm liuvt vou aro witll the- Public variety of black scrawls on paper, are Av:ti" fi.nr ftf ntmif mvntion. nr Where "were ybu, sir;, 'this nicht tenderedTor .'your..mspectibnl!;hotild fajnfilctiiirr.clalins. . This bight, said the witnoss-there is m -M , - -- ra .... ' . iicaiseover uiai your way ncs not among such" articles and ijtis a thousand chan ces7 to one" if our man docs not make r(m believe some one of them is exact y adapted tour farmland circumstances be turns over a leaf aud presents yoi with receipts to'preserve'apples the year rouiid, (perhaps by, P'Pg'fing tliem with some or the oxide of lead. for boUing pdtatoes - without allowing jheir sKuis io crack': or snouw vou oo atll-o- ;cd in body or in mind, for a trifle he will invest you with the power of crea ting a salve that will eurehe rhumatism or the gout in a twinkling waters that will give instantaneous siiihtto the blind -7md tinctures Jhat will make your con science or your-character white as i sheepV fiver. Icrc. you can say ""Jack' To bo serious,. or farmers and our citizens generally, arc too much the prey of such designing, speculaling men. a ne uiiiuy or muiiuiy oi implements, machines, or medicines, should be made manifest.! at the expense of tlie inven tor, and riot at the expend of tlio public. If an implement, or machine, on prop er trial, proves really valuable, there can ens io uiiucuuy in ooiainin'; iuc wnucn testimonials nf the fact, from men wcl known ' to the public men wlio could not be ousily deceived, hd wild would not lend . tli iir names - to dfceieption, or f)ertify'to facts uhich they had not seen fallvustained." "Tens, if not hundreds of tiioi:sarils f oSIlars aro in this way Hnjiiial'v takenjrom the hard-working aiid industrious jfor patents, and things hi themselves utterly worthless, and of which fact theenders themselves must have been .'prcfectly1 satisfied. On this pomi we ay piainiy io -pur-larmiijg. triends, beware how, what: and ot whom you purchase patents or receipts; 'ascer tain ii tne principle oi mo mvenuon oi fcrcdbo practicable in execution, and ii so, whether it is one adapted to your wants. Remember, that because loud, it Is not abstduttly.hct sary you should possess it ; and if you do not actually need it, oy procuring- a learned maxv this niirlit is not come From the Roston 'Atlai. " . 1 vet I sunoose vou: mean that mVhr. WHIG AND TORY- THE SPECIE (here the witness looked attheiufe CIRCTLAR. I and winked his eves as ft in. triuinDh.) The ries,7 said Mr. Jcfferson,'Mare v I presume the "schoolmaster was a for strehjheuiri!? the General and Exci broad" that ni.rht doinir nntfiincr t cutive Government ; tlie Whigs cherish Define MnotKinffwsaid the witness, the represcntetiye' branch and.thc rights Mr. Doherty did not comply. Weli resuryeu uy uiu ouuua as umwari saw UlC learnca scnooimaster, 1 will against consolidation, which must ultim- define it it is a footless' stocking with awiy guui aiu inoiwrcuy. , i uaiuouiu i oui a leg. iivoars oi laugnier, in wnich better define the relations of. Ukj two lus1ordshiDioined.V t, 81 re tired enoudi rofnsinn tr pn. raing legislative, So wersrvctoing the acts lighten the Publicrand if -you havenny of Congress ; and refusing to pass bills more questions to ask I will answer mai nave receivea inc sancuon oi nine- them. tenths of tho popular branch, and of an auuoKi unanimous penaio Ana in uuyi TL-nrLi-. -.tt.-zt 1 -r - abuse of power, the T'orics bfour day. 1" ;r w"7, wwmjwici. sustain the Executive I ' . . r-A lady who was In the habit ot Whatever may be the cUoctot the spe- wuh5 musi, qi ucr urae in ui -cio circular, or of its repcaj, there can society of her neighbors, happened be no question of one thing that Mr. one day to be taken suddenly ill. van liiiren snouia not assume ino res- and sent her husband in great baste ponsibilityoftm !o i physician. The husband ran people as expressed with such decisive . emohasis through their eonstitutional or. a.fc.w .rodg bu.l 809n stained, ex gans. nic absouon of legislative clatmmg,--"My dear, where shall powers by the ExecuUvcD is truly said I 4Q yoU when I get back?" by Mr. Jcnerson in the passages we have -.-J t "' . ..il; .-I - . quoted above,1 must ultimately generate monarchy. The whole courso of Exe cutive legislation on the currcucy lias been an obvious and umustifiahle assump tion, of poyrcrs plainly delegated to an other branch ol the Government. It is Cure for n desorder in the Mouth called scandal. Take of "good nature" an ounce ofan herb called steady employment" oho ounce. . Mix these with a little "charity" and two or three ouier oriu eii o ui uoverumiu is of "priidence. vSimmcr them to- TTT vv thtf 4S V vessel HbVjd " rnc ali,t, with a their llegcd disiUon to for a short and u wiff P1 l"u y; v uiai " w ready for daily the main distinctions between our Pres- J 1 esc. kept our commercial and pecuniary af fairs in a state of copfusion and embar- 1 . " .o " . .l.T 1 I..L.1L.. VOttarC'SUhttring ap U t jtnilUCd tOSS ttiuiwmnuwiv- uut gramr-rcsuirrTro-Tiits We have one other remark to make on the subject of patents, and that is' such is the operation of tlio system, tliaj where an implement or machine is decidedly beneficial, thcrcis in ordinary circum stances no safety for the farmer in their purchase or use. Take for instance tho revolving or patent horse-rake, one of the most valuable implements for fa cilitating labor that science or. art ' has put into (tho hands of the agrteulturist. JHi'rtt arit iithnr ntvrnitvns !s 1m lhn f:if't that the President has no control over Vagueness of Coor. A native tlie currency. ' And yet Mr. Jackson has of the land of potaioes and bog, taken the currency into his especial asked a neighbor if he had ever keeping, and hastold the people, that he seen a' red black berry? "To be would give them a better currency, and t h. p. . Mllck. uiai iiu uuiu Kin ij mum uiruuri u i . suit in expelling rags troin the country, o1 ana . substituting gold and silver. ; To axarcdahea they are- ' Character is Lko wcaKh. : It take many ycaasto tcqvi re it, hut tlie actions of an hour may. losc it. ' .."'-. ; '.. --'" fr tics. makins and mm them has been prop erly secured. Perhaps tlio supply man ufactured is greater than tlio demand in tho privileged district, and then they aro distributed in the neighboring towns for sale. Farmers unacquainted with the technicalities bfthd patent law, pur- ' chase, pay the full value of the rake, and He-to(iwmothtngDfTnenwho expects to cotivincc a determined nmiv man. -And ht nntfiintr nf tt rassmcnt for the last four fJ world, who despairs of the final a ccneral explosion throushout the coun- lml)Rrt,ahly rthe Pubhc- try. t Tlw importing merchants are bci- cared the manufacturers arc stopping their work the laboring classes aro thrown out of employment, and the peo- pie ara noooea wun u spurious curren cy of country bills which levy daily DISCONTENTMENT. Ilo.vy universaritis. We new yet kne.v tlw unn who would say 'Iam Roatcnied.'" fi where you Lull IIUO IIIO llailUS OI ustitvuiiuiiai. vr. ... 1 -LI i They aromadoirtvariousdistricts,cou tax toan immense amounton the work- will, atn ng lie rich and poor, the tics, or towns, in which tlie right of ing'and industrious ciasscs. man ol coinepcntehce or the matt: And the whole responsibility of this who earns his bread by the diily rests upon. Andrew Jackson, whose pol icy martin -van puree k p-eja io ioi low. It is a responsibility which those gentlemen have assumed, not a respon sibility that tlie" l:iwiiuiMsed, or that circumstances forced iijkm thoin. The hero of New Orleans is the Alpha and sweat ot ,111s urow. yoi ntr tr.f sound of murmuring -and th? vno of ""complaint The other, d iv stol by iwoo'.ier, whowas r-i i- hs a merrv tnne with hi s Uid cask ' ah, uiuc Ua - .-T-'-'-i-.v. mru in .1 i J 'i .... i ;" f !

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