O' ("""""TIN .T7T "1 H-' I -I m . W-I ill 1MB I - jjy BE.YJAJILV SVAIM. irii.iT no m urn ron, buvto imviiove ourselves Juro be cssfM. to one another ; AStlHOtlOUGU, N. C. SATURDAY, JULY 8, I83T. 50 SOUTIlMtN ClTIBKN. Ever Saturday Morning. Two Dollars per ""A! Three Uoiiars,ii mn TV " tk fmthft date of the 1st lo. Any subscriber mriy discontinue within jL w a month of tlio nubhcation. No subscription to be dbcbntinacJUJUll arrearages be nnia unless ai me ius rretion of "the Editor." zC-l AD letters, communications, dpi. to come post paid v--;:y" d:';;3 . Advertisements, inserted on the usual terms. ltSOBlSCB Off Til UV.IUVtlTl MAI. ASHBOJtOUGH, CI. C.. MFANCYlu;:4x 'f (Qitettioh by t? Subscriber.) If an infant sue without his guardian or next friend, and on the trial no objec tion be made to his competency, if judg inent should be taken against him lor the cost: Or if an infant be sued with out joining the name of his guardian, and on the trial be uuw to plead iniancy, ana udgmcni.Dc. rcnacrca agamsi.ium ior lebt and cost can ho afterwards, in either case, avoid the payment of the judgmentr y , - j . . IVthtlicc sujj)ositions stand precise W on the same ground. And in cither case, the Infant or minor may appeal to Court, and there plead Infancy, although be made ho such defence before the Justice.- For the trial Jo Court is de now, as 'die law terms it, (neio out But if the Infant has failed mi out.) to take, his appeal within proper time, (10 days,) and can show no suffi cient caiwcfor a uriLfJ?fforcir, to carry up tlie caw to Uie Superior Court, he is completely without . remedy The judgment is binding, antl Icu tiftn nwy issue agam..t his property, or even a CaTSa. fr his b.nly. - be enforced. Reasonable time shonld be given the partipsnotfur 'dodging," but for the possibility of unexpected o c currencc's. V"" ' .' POSTPONEMENT- TILL BKTTEU r V " . TIMES. " A case was lately returned before a Magistrate of. Craven County, , which we publish jor . the benefit of those, who have the misfortune to be warranted in these hardilme f "1 . 'ao-aiflrinado.oit hiscaso by proving that the defendant owed him the. debt. The, defendant alleged and proved, that although tho debt had been contracted; "yet the plaintiff had prom isca to wan -mi iac umcs ; go ovilu' ill! BCVIliUU IU W HUW liaaw w "Ju"" ivcrct" What was to, bo done! 1'lain- tiff pressed for. a judgment; but defend ant's proot was too cogent to oe rcsisiea. The inventive genius and legal sagaci ty of his jporjihipi could, not be baffled by new occurrences in the administra tion of jusiceHSO bo 'writes, forthwith the following entry oh the back of tl warrant ."The parties appeared, and this trial ' postponed till better limes ?. and then gravely adjourcd Couit ,We understand tlib case has since been brouglit up bet ore f levcral ; rr t gis- tratcs for adjudication; but they, not having discovered any amendment in the pecuuiary state of the times,- uni ormiy aeiormineuiai me uinc oi -josi- poncincurjs not yet out . .: . Now tlw cjucstion s- is which we. are riquested to answer,- When will the time bf postponement be - out, so tha the plaintiffmay require a Judgment?. Answer. As soon aj Gen. Jackson's Experiment if over,': having restored Country, and filled every man's pock et, to hit heartVcontcnt, with gold and tilcerx and juljvertrading an4"?picu; tafidTi&aall liavBccascnlln the transac- tlorisof men. Thenvs shouTd think the time of postponement fully exiredr V hen Judgment is obtained in tlus hea saw it was her son who came p te Te of her bed, and said, "Mother 1 am coins a loner tour ney, and am. come to bid you good- by;4, oi which she exclaimed, 0 dear son thou art dee d!,; But ho- hing unujual happened to any of the parties: the lingular dream must have originated in some 6trong tuciiuu iui ju tdaiuu uiuii nau ucen made on both the individuals about the same time; and to have traced the source of it would have been a matter of gieat interest; ,? fl On a nmilar principle, we are to account for sonie of the stories of (Q'tettion a by Subscriber.) A warrant wa rctttmed bnfonraJoj. tice a!iot-tho- inuM of llw-da v -the rlaintifl' bvins Wcwnt, r-vpd Vr ntn obtained judgment in Uw abepec of the dcfcixlant. Atpaiwct the same evening, tho defendant apiKjar!, and moves for a new iriai on uwgrouna nayc was nui cited to attend at nny part irular hour Js lie entitled to a ivw truur He Is clearly entitled to a new tria unless there q IucK apparent circnm stances attending the delay of'thfid fondant, as show a disposition to hinder and purplex the i plaintilH huIkt than an honbit iutont to ' litigation' as soon as poi" ' '.is the Justice is the proper ' r the nature of a mentioned, and which do hot admit? the frpolxtton of cominrrr. Every llunff cu. pecunury imcfcit to tha tJovemnu-ut nd I'.ic ' Notion wilt bf ini:olTd-m-thinlisctts'Tra 6t the next CunreM) n4 tt it hecue th Vrwi dnt would not hire 1ki !1 important sa jects let) to Kieeutive discretion t moment beyond the time when futt Cotigrett coull be iuminoncil, that the September aesion vas ' convoked. The msehinery of' got eminent e - of explanation on any principles, which we are able to traceMauy,, of theses histories, there W every k ), reason: to believe, derive their mar-! f - velous characttr. from V embellish- f 1 ! ?kwr! r mot contimm ' a , ... . kltoworlci tut when o di3aruerel4 lit move ment and exaggeration; aild 1U Some f meat may be driven to a wrong direction. The instances which have been related !', ttePrw of the people aio. com-, L : A. 'TmaI 2...:: P!!t.'t, :11 W rigMa. No Democrat Umer Magistrate would continue, in the con. . dition of tbtng at preaent existing, to Mibatw tute KMCuttve expedient! for ctrarty defmtd law springing Rom the public will,- : t to me in tlie most confident manner. I I have found this to be the case af- ter a. little1 investigation. Others, j uowever, do - not aumu or this e planatioo, and we are compelled to receive them as facta which: we can in no .'degree account for. : Of this kind I shall only add tho following second sight:--A gentleman uttmg example; and I shall do sot without by the fire Ou a' stormy nighu and-aovT attemnt 1 atexnlanatioa 's and anxious about some -of his domestics', without anvf other comment : than il ... ii" : -. '"' who are at sea in a boat, drops a- sleep for a few seconds, dreams ve- ry naturally oi orownmg men and starts op with an exclamation that I ins ooai is iosi. n ine ooat returns in safety, the vision ' is no more thojight of. If it U lost, as is very likely to happen, the story passes for second sight; and it is, in fact, one of the anecdotes that are given as me most aumenuc instances of it. .. - ' , ' .V" - l it is unnecessary to multiply ex amples of the 'fulfilment tof dreams, ou the principles which, have now i ' t . j i ucen menuoucu; ,-oui i am inaurea to add the following, as it is cer tainly of a 'very interestintr kind, and as I am enabled toive it as rnurciy auiucuuu in an its paruc ulars; . A most respectable clergy man in a country parish of Scot land, made a collection at his church that its accuracy mayi be relied on in all its particulars r For the Coaaauaieftit Gtosi, during flit firat - two aetaiooa of tn 23th congrets , .. l UO For the Arfnatx to the Congreaaionat Globe, during the Aim two seaaiona or the25Hi Congreaa :. f , $2 00 Anr nerton tenVlinr m the money for five copies of eithef of the abore publications, wtlf be entitled to copy. . ' Paymentt may be transmitted by maiL po$l- tgtpnid, at oar riak- The nottt of any incor- norated Bank in the United States which Xh TWO ladies, i I not snapend apecie pay menu before the tat of sisters, had been fgr several days in "SffJ! Northern ana liiadle state, tney wl paa: aen4 litem, ' - ,? ..."'-.;-..?? . Te ensure all the nnmhera, the money be attendance upon their brother, who was Ui of a common sore turoat, e VCre and protracted, but not COH-V I mu here by the first Monday in Septcmper sidercd as attended i wit! danger, i f- At the Sanie lime, One Of tliem had those papers that copy this Prospectus, if our rtnrrnWftd e'ursifrli tttxm frm.U fl attention shall be directed to it by mark with i". t . . i. iaped. Our exchange list ia ae large that we ri lend, 10 COnsequeoCe Of her Own !l would not observe it, probably, unless this be C " 1 7 was one : to which particular value was aiucneu on aecouru oi fome family association?,. and some anxi ety was expressed that it might not meet with any injury. I The sisters r wir 'Klpnrfr tno-pthp in a mnrrt-t O O . T - .v- . cooimunicating with that 'of their UL-H.. .L L -1 .1 . ' . e At 'J. 1 uruiuiTy wncu me cmcr ot mem a-1 woke in a state of great agitation, j 1rt Xi)ttttdiontoiube paid to my trie. unnst the money acaempany u, or unless some responsible peraon. known to us te be so shall agree te pay it before the session expires. WiamireTa Citt, June 24, 1837. RGMAINIG In the Post Offlce at Asliboro', which if not applied fur within three nvuiths will be aetit to the and having roused the other told. Ccucral Post Oflicc as dead letters. her that she; had bad a frightful case, we wish k: know it as soob-as I pressed that they had stuck; In the possiDie, inai wo may puwisii tnee- turner wuen xne lauie was cmpieici. vent, nsa signal for other creditors to Ho waa so lmpressediby the vis- proceed in their collections: and olsoiOI that at-ah early hour, in the lor the Dauks to resume specie .ay- mornings he went, to . the ehiirch, louiiu.iiic ihuic win tu uc iiau seen mcnts. FromAbercormhle'$ Enquiries con Joining; tht latcUrctud Pow- ;J r-v yjmt:&t; 8uchcoincidcjire 'derive their wonderful character from standing alone aud t part from those t-nti mer-v ous instances in which such 4I reams take place without; any fulfilment An instance of a very ningular kind is mentioned by Mr, Joseph Tay lor, and is given by, him as an un doubted (act. A young "man, who was at an Academy a hundred miles from home, dreamed that he went to his father's Jiousejn the night; tricrherrmtnloor but'foahdlt land, made a collection at his church dream. dfcamed, she said,, for an object of public benevolence, "tlut Mary V watch stoppedr and! 111 which uc icu uccpiy, .uwresiea. tuatiwhen l told yoti orthe ctrcum- wasreceivedin ladles carried through the church feirgreatly short b. his expectation; .and during the eve nine of the :day he frequently, al luded to this with expressions of mucu uisappoiutmenu in tne fol lowing night he dreamed that three one-pound notes had been left in one oi the ladles, having been : so com A Jacob Aoman Orran Alston D stance.-vnu rertlied. mnrh nrnret I Daniel uulla T, W t l ' w. j I V. t)n that ha liannnrt fn a . IWSncy t ... . " - . . , . I iniin mill I II fw iiicir urouicr wuo was iu.r- opii-iAlex.-Byrns ci ucr nj5iwuuu, iuc younger sisierj p rrr U Joseph Lane 2 -. . M James B. Moss . David Mofilt 2 John O. Morse ,,:y--- IS -r Joshua Newby ..; , p : Thomas Parks Samuel Perm inter immediately got up, and found the I Washington ChavisJohn Patterson l.i. 1 fl ..., . t h..i x rn T urouicr sieeoinz ouieiiv. ana tncr iuuriiiuiiuicr . - 3 walchwhiciw had -been carefully Tbotpas... put by innhe drawer going cor,! S rcctly.? vl he following might i the Hcupj Craven Sur .-. ii very same dream occurred; follow- i wSw n.-'- ed by similar agitaticn. which vvas ft ,; g4 again composed in the same . man. I VVm. Gardner ner, the ; brother being found in Miss kuz. urccn euptrsedus . ..,' tria, together with tjie necessary forms to bo uscd,- Man of B;isincs!,nl Vol. SC8-378i ' N. B.-This cao' otilit to admonish officers of the propriety of endorsing on the back bf the warrant, as s(on os it .w served, tlioiwi? and place of .trial If it be o1jecteil, that thisVics vptob "Inucfi room, wo answeiytiiat tlio war-1 "Oil, dear son, thou, art dead!" rams' in dailv me are on too small a Ue instantly awoke and thought no riipofpa'ner. Thcv ourht never tUci ore;of his dream, until ft few days ' " ... . . locked; got in by a back-door, and find ing noholy out of bed, vent d I ircctly to the bedroom of his parents. Ite then, said to his mothers whom he found awake, 'Mother, I am gointr a long journey, and am come to hid yoti good- by J. -r On th is sh e answered under r much agitation, f upy. than u qnnrtor-!hwt if own mon inzed wrjilns' pnpt. 1 And tlio I j'pwd cndorseiijcnf may be short, after he received a letter from his father inquiring very anxiously af ter hh health, nV consequence of a frhrhtftu uream his mother had on w Uicso words for instance: .xocuUhI -Ui?s.me nitrht in which the dream Ctl - In a toiwuu nt m thai Q It is not '.hero to bo understood that now mentioned jccuried to him. Shtdrcair.cd that site heard some one attempt to open the front door ,ict precision as to' hours and niinutcs.l then Ro "to the" liacV-door, and a can iVizularlv bu observed. r o'twht to! lust came Into her bedroom; - She onglit to, last came into ucr ucuroora. in hU dreamand drew from one of the corners of it three; one-peund notes. : a nis: lnteresuns case is . . - w i per iraps ca pable of ex planation u pon simgle principles. ' It appears, that iih the tcvening" preceding the5 day or the collection, the rlt rgyman had he'en amusing himself by calculating what Kum his. congregation would prouauiv;contru)uie, ana iiiai in ao ing so, he had calculated on a cer am number of lamilies, who would not give him less than a pound each. Let us then suppose that a particu- ar ladle, which he knew to have been presented to three of these amines, had been empted in his presence, and found to contain no pound notes. His first feeling would be that of disappointment; but, in afterwards thinking of the subject, ami connecting it with his former calculation, the possibility of the la dle not hainir been fully empted might dart across his- mind.- The impression, which perhaps he did not himself recollect might then be im bodied into the dream, which. by natural coincidence, was fulfil led. r.-tT) ' The four classes which have now becu mentioned appear to include the principal varieties of dreams; and it is often a matter of great in terest ta trace the manner in which the particular associations arise. Cases or dreams are indeed on rec ord, which are not referable to any of the principles which have bceu I William Recce Abram Rilc9 . ! s Enoch Spinks James Stout 1 T ' a flttict eleenand the wntrh'irninff.l Ttiomaa Gtbsun Edaard lrucaU.od t.:' . L "T"o- o i . ...... n .n ur.n jt. ri u. . rii.: : . i - as r- . 1 nnMS)io,iiiu:..t ww c a , f mb lur v, ir www ww- im m - ....... - WI. ...W i uiuiiiiun" , ... .. - 'XT . .ft..ii..f.;.:L uji : Edwanl Uoiikin.i . V ...... . I MiMfMi ll:immiinl.4 Jrptraiah I.VfSttl cu one or meisiers was sming M ,f(, 2 & Vuncau-.d:, ner orotner, xwhile the .other was Moses Hammer W itinga-'noteiQheadjotnintfrititip-UohieyT: Dwhit-i Witrun.. room. When the note was readK j I KIczm- jyinvi tw for being sealed, she .was proceed Andrew lvey S. U Vinnttgliaai ifltr tn tMEf nukfrir tliia nnrniisn flip I : ' watch 1 udMl to. whirl, h hrt( l,,n,B ucnrJ "S - : 7 . , rwt by her in her writinjg ideskj she was astonished . to : find it stop ped. At the same time she heard a scream of intense distress from heifc sister .in the .other: room, their brother, : who had still been coniid " ered as going on favorably, hatso been seized with a sudden fit of 6uf r focation, and had just breathed his 3 1. i; E. S. Larrencc 5 . . ' ; B ELLIOTT P. M. July 1st !8S7 1N Tuesday the Stir f August Xfj V '-next, in the iiwnof riaxseed, Flour,. Fcsthcrv lron. 1,00 a -. 40 00 Si a 1SW6vl, Bale Rope, IV a 12 J.OU 6.00 Wheat, uone Wbiakejr, 5055 15 a 18 PkOSPECTUS FOR THE CONGilESIONAL GLOBE ' AND APPENDIX. Sensible of the deep luterest which meat be felt throughout the Union in the proceeding of a new Congress, convoked by the new aU ministration, to meet the extraordinary cmer- fencies which have arisen since the close of tieiirral Jitu.i l term oi service, the under signed have already made preperation to fur niah their animal reporjn th fonn of a Con eatasiesii Lass. As these successive pub. lications compriao a full and faithful record of II that is done in Cong rees sketohes of the attendant discussions, with an Arrsnaix con taining the ftniabed speeches prepared by the members tlienweUes they ate auited not only to gratify the curiosity of the hour, to inform the diataitt ennstituency of the p rt pertermed hy their immediate rcpreaentulives, and ot'tli rau!t tf the labors of all but, ue dou t not, tbey will be found permaneully useful aa tlw most authentic, complete, and convenient pr, hsmentary record ot our tunesv , his under taking hsringjwith these views, been liberal- I nliidl sell to the highest bidder, a rer tain .,";.: . ,t situated in 8 it id town; the sime thtt us been berloforc occuitied by JEKEMI- All T. VESTAL. to be sold as llw propertyof UIILVM VESTAL ite craned, The promises would afford a comforUble and advnntaoiu siIua. lion for a mechanic of any discripthtn with a small family. The purchaser will be required te e;ive bond with ap proved security for the purchase money, due one half In twelve motttlis, and the other half in six months. S. EDWARDS, Ouurdian. July 8, 1 837. JOB PRINTING v?ssvlc, (it mrs orwisr 1 i A V'35fc-;'' f J 7