r J 0 aesi IT ccut::: f ... - Tw o Dollars per annum irinavanccj or 1 t Three Dollars it not paia wiuwi uirco months from ll;3 date of the 1st No. receive!" : - Any sulscnber rnay discontinue wuiiin t!.3 f-:t 3 months ol tnc publication. Eo eulscrirtion to be discontinued till all r; crrcarsjes be paid unless at mctus- fcretiea cf the Editor.- -t' ' '" - AH lclUrs,ccsyariicatiohs,fcc. td come rcct till ;- ,;v : .;-: A.crt:.:cinen!s, inserted on the usual ji'crr'rtlWO art nt tvt ' lu.viiSCI r TBI uw siccirra mab. ; AsiinonnuGn, n, off :ADv:::msixc..J ; " Ii thosfl cz.z:3 where Executors, Ad- tr..-:cri c:. i ouaraians, are Requi red by law to ' 1 vert: a et public places &c it has be, .1 . LJi that advertising In a Ncqjaper printed in the County Is suCdcnt Blount vs. the Administra tors cfFcr:crsntM-2J llayw. ICO., 1 CTATCTC OF LIMITATION : I (Quution by a Subscriber.) , Suppose A is indebted to mo on o- pen tccount; andrruns : wty. After conxminng aoscm uu my account runs out of date (as lie lUfposcs,) ho returns to this County, i KowHJs cridqatthat a. was his own act (his fault indeed,) BQtimne, that deprived me of the Kwcr to sua Ui. Shaa be, under UiCfj' cir comstanccsi be permitted to take ddranV i. r L' r . i ' - i wc vi mm own. wtouj?, ; ana pjeaa ine ' Hard as it may ajpear, tlie plalatllTi CrilroL is barred by tha statutesrVThe tuto began to run from the time 'tlu cause of action , accrued, m hich ,va j fbinthodatcoftheacmn ii no general rule, uhich ve lievt kas no acccptioni That when tjio stajt- Bte once begins to run, nothing (lati stp lis ?pcration,or impede its prom jc ecpthowevcf it be 4 niw fc4knoIfeo- r.cr.t, or some voluntary act ya lhcrart T tKedcbHr,xaTclatcacloro vTve it s ar.cw dclt" - 8 r".- Tlio savin in the statute in favor of pbmtijs, ito;onlJo.,Uio 'following species cf disabiiity to swi 1st jiifancy, 2nd Coverture 3d impijwnnii-'nt, 4th non-compes-mcnti,- Xth Jfkbji beyond ca.. And these : disabiUics' itust cj hi i..e ume uio cnusc or acuoa accrues. For,ns aWvo stated, 1 tlie s'ltute once arts. it ccntipues to fun, m jwithstand any after detect orf impediment what, ever. 1 Haywl&:20, 4tf-!2 Iliyw. 5, 0-Conf. llqi. 04, 470 X C. Term ; Ifathiiit'l.T te i:i'ano"tft.?r fltat i r la;!..i La i:y cnntlr f'tate of tho itUIOU.lt IS II 1 Ci 'ivnW.t f t,pifi.-r A itUOU, U in net er.'ivoj.t i'ourf a; an4 thi tt:r;:e ru::s and is a ,har.". 3 Murphcv COMMUHICATIO:,'. - ' til m? iupj Uiall Mr, JiciifhCr to pvc fM '('f sitk u'; For lhopnrouf. fiwl. t. I . ... .1 with Iiiih, a wiili to inakd it khown, through tliefcuhiiSuispf your paper, that we, a Ptout,hfui.irul of the voters of our ".itH iii oi luosil Aihn r tiftt enlivli- part or tlio Jjstry t, y0t cntcrtinn a hope 'at, some (Wvf 'r whm wc,an bo re '"nciled td v.rfov'will step forwani'iri , 'ua time. 7 n iruo (if wc are correct l'y mloriKl) Aha t Mr. Ii. is now as jniorowagjiinst tlio destructive mea- rcs nj Uio (general Covcrnmeiit, which -trr-A fnc p f ? r i "Villi 'v (l7 y?F contributed with 7 Bjgat tolririg upon' Uie people, !as . . f - - . . ',.-' , . :':".- . ! i a 0 I 0 kj U, can le." Cut are t!io p II "litcned district, who ;cf i!.1j -Lavefjr gotten the principles ca h'ch he v. as first elected, and tho cour. j ho pursued ; jn ingress, untu no touni l o people oi ; tlie dont adhered cated identical measures which he is now so clamorous against, if ho had believed fco would have been sustained by the'pco-' pie in so doin, and we venture to say,! if he be a candid man, he will be bound to answer in the affirmative. It is well known that Mr. IX. is altogether indebt ed to. the Jackson party for Us first elec tion, ' and but for party ho would not have been elected, lim egotistical boast sent lortli ia pamphlet form, purporting the contrary notwithstandi::;;. How has be requited his politisalricndsT who for his Jacksonism, and that alone, went the "whole hogw for him. Did he not sd soon as he found they were like to be tlie weaker party desert and leave them to shift for themselves?.-; . : ' :, J i Mistaken iu tlie views of the majority he cypoused Nullification; but jading (limsclf but of tlie popular 'current, he soon rowed back and sought to be car ried in the current of the Whigs, where, no doubt, he will endeavor, to bo found, is hethcr welcome or not, as long as (and no longer than) they arc able and wil ling to send . him to Congress. . It ap pear! to us to be the height of Mr. K,'s mbition (Talcrand like) to . belong U tho strongest ' party, v hethcr right or wrong. I This conclusion is irrcsh tiblc i our minds Vbca wo compare cither lis irrcconcileablo votes in Congress, or his incomistant Circulars, which, when coKoctcd all togctlicr and compared side by side,- form a most ludicerous "docu ment, .wluch wewouli particularly, in vite the voters of tho ; district to exam inc, both Mr. 1LV totes and circulars. Surely if Jlr. IV U right now, he was wrong in the out set Though wo do not understand that he has ever made any-cnccsions on contrary- he would liave us believe he has resrulnrlv movdd on in the "even tenor of his way," ...:.t .t! i . j i . . . j- turning cither to the right or tho lea; that thoso of - Ids old Iitical associates who differ wiihhim in opinion now,have deserted . their ftrmcr 4 princ'mjes, and that the Whi-j rartv have fWkcd to his standard.- AumlrablO consistency: fur meprooi otwiucn.we wouij again in vitc yon to his votvsand circular kltcrs. We- understand IrrUi i very much do procating the cktraor dtiary pressure, and promising great exerilviftfin tus part W relievo mo ukftilcjcxrlaimmratr his ld friends and party 'whom hv - .u. i -: r. . ' r seneti, aiicr Hssisung wim ins m might to set in full operation tho rui L project of which he now so loudlv C(, plains. We farther understand tJiat i ' even insists upon the ncccwity of a I Mates liank, and is prepared to vote for u van r ii uc pwssioia no will VOlO ior tin institution which he has so repeated; ly and solemnly declared to be unoon stitutiosal? : WWhc knows" ho must take n solemn Joath, before, taking his seat in Congi-css to support the Consti tution.' Now admitting Mr. pVeop sciencc is suflicicntly elastic t him to votq for the Dank in ui r lion to the solemn onth imnok hint, accordiiijg to his yicwlof iIhU-'i., stitutiortr which lie on a former accosi expressed much thankfulness that be,' well as Gen. Jackson, had tho fagac to so ( clear! v comprehend, , and so f taitdy to kno'r that tlio United St i Bank wns imcotistitutional, thoueh crs might not bo so coniDCtent to u! stand tliat unerring guide for all LI lativo proceedings ; which wo, cal r.iur.h itoiibL iudirinr from his contii j r.jvarications provided ho beiicvci it . . w , i -i i - - ii na . ui essentially contribute In SU5taidng hi j j opuhrity. Yet wo cannot suppV-e it will 1 "t a pleasant nill.or that, he, 11 swallo . it i'hout somc misgiviucfti Therefore we cannot expect expect of him troardinary t . rtins in thoprodur of a subject v,1 li ntut necossarilj ducc hinijto o ? of two painful alte tives--a furtLr failure of. tlio ci fro V a- fi- IV deuce of - his constiti. era dof rislit violation of his 6.1 fc Woca id- lv,llicyc hat an contiemin of districl of gyod standing, find who he ;on tlie district were chan:iinr, to be so ea- bo otlicrwiscl When it ia Wa.,. ;e,P sily pulled as to have any cor.f.icnce in! those who- sti adhere te the Win U! 0U? Tl. Mr. lL's firmness or sincerity! Ask the on which they Fjrst vote! r. n .I!Poi'U0,, nwst zealous friend that Mr. IL has in it is natural thevhouhh JLT: XlV0l(iint li district (or; out of, it) whctlicr he despise lus political iummo '...i.:"t "FT'PI'cty of a Convention of believe he would have, to this day they believe was dutirelv Z?U Merdiants of the Western part of tu tiis mi uimciLucs, aim auvy-i i-iicuawiyj iv cicaTC tn .thn' r-....v tnun i njuut. ior ine t js jxd bs C. A ukda j, JULY l:F4 devotion to coriwt rJn; pies, to Jcat in ingress, would be cordially Vrectcd and iu a coniesiwith Mr. IT. IW : scorn, so th' f(Jf almost tnv n1tt r Jr j t II1PV II . , Id prc-'j R7 Swhen&eyvo: ted Ior hun,- it has fctiiW- tfl0 never had an opportunity voting for , v.,t mi iii nrwnnw u;rt since uicy navej,(cn w jj,c u. tc. ere given w Mt, sequence of tlio violent confLctrftwccn the other two'-candidates. Tftrcfhre received in his hist clectionriJjr iye do belie vo, that result was - produced more from the violence -with which the-thi.r iwo canaiaaies assailed each otftenW the popularity of Mr.7Itf and that Ii- incr oi ino , rcnllemcn iindisturhfiriw,. Uie other, had onnefced "Mr. R. tlhtC would havejrcccivcd more voteJthm uMutuuv. tjc jcanaioiy oeiicve aiarg inajuniy oi uio people oi tms',ill?rjc;l would willmgl v dispense with the I rvi. ces oi.air. ii. und with great pld ure R.:is lacking in disposition to t.lcasl br as uciore observed, we nave aburi reason, to behove, hef would do thing which tic might itiagmc woul cure liia rejection.'! list the great is Uiat his imagination! m his blind to tdeasc, might ' ajrabi as it did W he embraced riullificaion, lead nirri i to tray on some unportar. -uuwuiawiiH he might not so dext 'Otis v. nnrt tar so-httle injurjr to hi: S trace his steps, py a of the facts, uV thati Jasc, ..J stances of which ard oo well known f the maioritvto rcquir urther comrodff (his repeated dcnial to the corfurv potwithstandmg.) j II A rough and brief il timcnts of EII&- r CITItO. ' Tho resolution of tlic Banks of -jtaie .io laKe. no oiii: in acpusuo ymcntofdobt due to themexcopt r own, is Micratin'smueb to the pre- dice of the AVcstcrn pait of tho State, WI1C lro it is known that aboutJiine tenths of the Currency- is South Carolina..mon- e 'y., Tliis i resolution is-hot Yuuxd:by he interest of tho 'institutions 'while 1 it is extremely detrimental ?to tliosoi of Vommiiiatv The Banks of South rftlina arc admitted on all hands to be Vnt;; and since- none pay specie, . it )cl be casv for our Banks to make arrangements with the Banks of S, C i vvniilH ena bio them to receive them. if yJanks regarded anV othcY Jnter- ,(ut their owiu Ave , would not iJain of "their suspension of i specie Anient, if wo 4ould percicvojin their ji!aticyiiJrijdilM9it T distress which this . measure has :oduccd. Bat the resolution not torre- (iyc the SouUi Carolina notes, operates s a cricvious and Intolerabli ta lipon . Ii it a schomo to control ourlradc! "ininff flinf n'A rannnt mv rnr tntn nr buy our goods ht aycttevillo who' S. Carolina money without being severely ihavcd.,is it supposed that we will car ry our trade; not where wo can get Ihe best price, but w here wo can get, money which will nass ktoar? :t.im It is true a large number of merchants at Favcttcville havo - advertised that tlicv w:ill take the South Carolina notes at par lor goods, but tnai puuncaiion is 1 deceptive, -v Tlioy will not take it at par in payment of debts duo to them, n ml will they let you havo goods as low lit as thev wi lor in. u oius. in i r.. ' .1 t.i: than a week after that publication up- pcarcd, a prominent merchant ot J? ay etteviHe, vhoso name appears to the ad vertisement, askod 50 els. per bushel N. money forcofirso BaU-r65 cts. S. .l ! -'.I ..' ...I It.. J-l. ' C Tho publication is wholly delusive. vur, ui consequence otnheirnimifi 1"."'"'", 'M4uon w me t5ankS cancv inmint'Af wkiw..'S1"41: pcIed.-We vcanriret Iauh to r w. M-jiuv,i a. riiiiriiii ami ! suoHiuuiesomoiner, wtiom, tiieyl uld confidentially eipect to . find on I ne certain side of thefenc Not that Ik cicn oi j usnn lj-j oxe another ? , m 137: " UiV wuw Carolina rotes-at par, lfcey take, care to wake un the loss on the croods. wy by Jip price on their ng that an intelligent reople and will not submit to this im- any reasonable means of a. can be devised, I would sut. the the .ut- non 'this isrrc- wr , v" vj uj uueraw on oeuer lo-ras man we can get them at Fayettc fle, whilst we are shaved at tlie "pre- ni rates. ! v. It is painful to leave ;Ofir ''Men fmim nd give the profits of tur trade to an ther State; but if the Banks and Mer hants of Fayetteville choose to make it four interest to go elsewhere,' they can- ...p,,, ,Jt UB ,v wu nci lti ocai- ence tq thbiirst lawof trade.-t ; ,MEIlCATOR. - - '.- y-'.' .'" 1 Prosrm of lVealtA.1t,i thl tendeucvof every Institutibu to tc constantly accumuIaUng power, up on be basis of privileges ence ob- wined. Whoever has acquired a certain portion of .wealth,' enjoys a 'jtter opportunity of increasing to wfalth, than one who is indl nt enjoy g of gaining e ven a com Ifnc' He thatalready posses ses a million can more easily acquire another million than one who is des titute of pronertv can arnmn thousand! x lie who isj V already wealthy, can more easily: double Lis Pronertv than a non man Man become equal to him. : .ThVacqui. aitipn of wealth Droceeds accordintr arithmetical , nrniccmn Th uurtoer one has proceeded the Ion ?" w? . "P'a we one', strides . : - . enetnat he who mmmonr.. uai that he who.commencesJ1' ,u a-ertain poriiWortveaUri ,clreumtaDcea f being equal, InJOys a great advantage over him .no commences poor. This prim- t - - w . ' ' pie was understood by Thoma9 ucrson when he nrovided for the olition of the row-of;primogeni- e -ana inerebycaused an equal tributionfth amon!? the s oi a w canny inuivi 4 --4'. J - . 'ODiiwrion. a square mi le con- Lis 3,09T,bCO Square yards, and the rate of four pcfsnlarscand prto a square yard, 12,390,400 sian oeings.. jaorue swarm- indpopulatioa of the United States coif d be crowded without, inconve- niebce into a square mile, rtd could be ralked around in an- pour. n hosier Xees, 1 . 1 1 iki manner the whftK Ube Grecians represtnted ia Aer.u leeks Mi, t the w 11 tiuss uiucr uu a iicui via nviu-i" ' L' ' 1- tl - I the ... ol 0e Spe.ker,. .Them- hbiUna of the whole earthrjlfoat 9W0!qp,Voald 1 not fill Ircle often miles in diameter,, they might .1 1 mi 1 I viitltiviu uu iiuuvii (vuuu iy hour vby, Mr. Oshaldistone, and might hear a bell placed in the cen- gilt tre. ; r VfSS :-V " 1 ' ' company the other evening with his falsehoods, -You pcrcelyo Tom," said he, at length, "that my tongue never lies --Hhddrcfo ceiyesr :?.' t "TlVe wIiiXito c"l, t'fl ! trouble bot it fa?VXius hav trouble vilhwut rt? if I Vl E Or S3 afte it" a . MONtfK-il'r f Important, irw.i-We pulll-li J following for Uie benefit of the ladies, to 1 .... whom it may be ; serviceable jn Uicso V - f ' hard times. ; We do not "vouch for tho f ; truth of it, but will havo experiment ' - ' made, and report thereon hereafter' It 3 K'-'Vv Comes from an English periodical: J - ? V: Tt fVash &7ArLay the piece y K:. sik upon a clean board;' soap a piece of " nanncl well, wnaout making it very wet, 1 and with this rub tlie silk carefully and i : evenly fono . way r after having f thus ' . cleansed one side of me silk; take a . wet "J- . sponge and watih off ihe soap;' proceed- in the jsamo manner b clean the other, and then wipe the water off each wiuYk '. dry Cloth, after which hang tlie silk-in i I ' - ", tlie air to dry, donotwringat, but Jiang; " it as singly as "possible- upon a linen . horse, and let i( dry gradually. . Whcn ' very nearly dry' iron it with a cofjlbavj, f Ia this manner we last suinnat washed ' , '. i slate colored dress, wliich was 'so'dhv?' -' ' . ty with tho constant" wear of a winter, that wo did not liko fo'uselcycn'for ? T hlnbgs, without cideavoruig. to removed some of, the spots, and we(4wero quitQl hopeless of its beii!g .fitTf6r.anyrthing i except Imingscvcn when-'Washed,-' but j , its brightness was coimpletelv restored. and its texture softer than when new. " 1 ' ijFrnm Ac London Standard. 'j-' ' Thc time has now arrived' for us Is, remind the public of a proposition, re-1 pcated 100 times in this' journal-niaine-' I, thd proposition that there is not a- bove ground b" the world, one Hal, one quarter, erneiehth pf jtht gold and tilver necessary to carry on do? , inestit and external trade, 'upon its present scale, through the eartt r ; tlio j proposition we havo always accorppa- . niea ly the corollary, that no one nation 1 f ; can ever attempt to make gold and silver ? the exclusive instrument of its. domestic .t ' commerce; without deranging the trado ; universally, and derapging the happiness . , of all manldnti':i-V';";;--.s-' ' ,GrandfatIicf.rsaiX:aliadt :yebarfT rbeople get their fashi-T fl,AM "om iJostonweii, .lWloston folks get (them from? Why ..from EnglancL-Ah! and where da tlie., English get them , from? Froji France was the ready reply. Well, and where do the French get them from? . The old captain being somewhat piqued at tlio close inquisitiveness of the young v urchin, and his knowledge of the soursc from whence fashion springs being pret- -. ty . much exhausted instantly ' replied, i- -lWhy right straight from the devil thercT nowtop your noise. ;V::-- 1 ... 1 HIS "riohio, stands on a fixed and !f Hliract, directly da idmz hne benver,, A j,, nibderai me. uiviamg uw uutwej. waters which run into theUhio, and uips,. , un tnt( s is so situated that the rain which I I".,!!,. on ikn nnrth cit nf fh FAirtf nncir' intrt Cuvahorra. and is discharfred. into" the the SC.lAwrencesnile thai. which falls on the south side passes into , 7. tlie Mahonmng, and Is finally poured in-. . -, " v,u" y . 7 . ; . ia"ny:aay: f0; rS' v-- for - two opposite hemispheres or tho ' -ji, . , nr.. lOUnaesi caves, siniuw , wv J c,M,.nd j il-rcds: .n4 .,i.. -. .w;....-- &U U -' Trn..ra,r niversai cant a . ftfk.,. J.fSSIK; iertOi l.iic wonu- 11 uc vuuiu up it. - Wow fi Wm rfrouW V. 2 " "T V n I chef,? ith tlie k uot below the bnm, abddiV;lioldin:r. on firmly with that partU:?wowards, the air contained -SRj&rt ho auScienttohnoy: M a taaunior six hours or more. . - y - T ... . ' - J-,' . 1,'- M ; 7n Intolerable Nuisancek-A man; in croaking boots who' moves about ht. p.. ' a slow, stately and-solemn manner V' whether in a dwelling-house,ia haU of r I justice, a lecture rootn, or a cjjuxclv j 4x 1 5' l-f r7 T.V - - ...;-'. i' " .;

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