Y i J .0 Li. J o f1- WlUfhO WE LIVE FOB, BUT TO IMPROVE OURSELVES AND ItE USEFUL TO ONE JXOTUERI TERMS-r-Si IN ADVANCE. ASUBOtlOUGH. N. fc. SATURDAY, A UGUST 10, : i837?f V J jOf B3 AFTCn a MONTDif. ' ,vSJS - - v-;-;; ANSWER. . KvefyTfc5aturday Morning. . i. As to the first branch of the en- rut? i xia'-' r1"'1' we ,now 0slinctjpn whether "J ca- "My lords, I confess on the evening specified, 1 did meet this gentleman on Point Neuf, and the transactions he has related it very exactly, pained be tween us; but 'In the affairvi iim'vfrjr far fi om ., .being guilty of any ill inten tion. It isiny misfortune hot to be a bin to read; I picked up he paper just before I inetthrgfntlrmanrl"1hiight - , j i ' v" 'vf V Pituu months from the dato ot inc. i AO. . , "J .Vf pcrhai If wight be of cihsequehre.-. Tftceivcd. ' ' 'I menu v- Seeiiie the pntleman. aiid iudiri nr Xny subscriber may discontinue within! 2. Whether copper eentt are a lawful from his appearance that he might be i the first 3 months of the publication. ,,m,- nn, t ,n tn -.j.;. 0A.,ntj "nrr ble to read; observing : likewise ithe 'Jib subscription to be dconUnucd till all ir AphaU.A ..convenience of his hvg a,,tborn arrearages be pam unless ai mc ais- TIT" 7. " w ' rTT, in bis hand, I requested mat he: would retion.of the Editor.? L f " 1 .Country; -f borne say they area law- U. niethe fa?P f0 read the Mner he AH letters, cotnmmucaUons,&c. to come jfu! tender to any amount; others, to the coroplicdand after rending it to him- A(fvcrtLsemcnts, bscrtcd on thd usual Dut fin(f Rre rir.gs, watch ,4 1 money -into my hands; terms. : 1 . I - . . .. w-' (-... I was m aatnuhed that I bad not now Jul tender ai aU. 1 hoy were certain- ep to -nnujrP i-.j; .I,- rnnte,.t ti. lynot ma'd? so byany Act of .Congress pnper.V 10 fUow him for an explana previous to -1820, as appears from an thm of his actions alterwardf ,oirre TO TOE P0ST3I ASTERS. a PlMe taeo!kltr 'arifUei kimW so- thonrdndrea ioKtM.rnufrtbe . h!.- nisL u i,irh Section, I imagined the; pper muM -SOUTHEUN .ctTJXflN.-vHet,.,a uf-c. examinatjqn ot lugcrsonslJigcst,wtiicri . -wu . J!- v.lue .i!rf that h ton compnMt.o fcr or smiee. 8bW down the Acts of Congress to i 1 ?. 'W? ,,!- " Mper, who dw not uke it mit, be tolt t period, , ,And we feel confident that order to get rid of ineand ft tttp to wodMwi ,m Mi;;, T tlwy have not since been legalised as a iiraseir,what wasUr raoie cotisioYr ' -. . . I... i tU i 11. . ..... tf th ptrnn Jrwwd trrjMea ro-1 icnatT in uicpymem ol oeois. - t So'mc foriber or ot.!twk ii tl m.rgin of th pper larlhr word Wtuowlf.' grmittoKts mv b ma iy mu 1 ea. may possiuiy nave arisen irom an ble in wortlr. Tbiis, irany'oiie hitb been wronged,! think it is myself, and "! t!;at justice will be done ne. ' L tliis bold and artful defence, mid oVtSu fW not haviagtaiade srpasscd in 1800, y rrmf wmana on Hie gentman .. be got oflT, Tor he was acquitted, tleugh MIC W U'JIC IUUI fc HS kUHStlUUS Ul, M'S Ay rivfl rf Hi wWencW $3 U N. 0f an Act of Congress, C. or C ?e V pfr, U recivt three co-1 pici of tbr Cin oe yer, TUB EDIT01U5 which reads as follow , "It shall bo the duty of thetreayurtr being the guilty person, of the United States, from time to time, ta014IC4 (fTO Uf IKMITHI ASnBOilOUGUN.C, 3L f ft tl 4 P f ) S 1 1 til t U t as often as he shall receive copper cents A LETTER FROM MR. ADAMS. hanb'of the United Slater in onth of the 28th J nly contained a corres , - " r . . I . -I m ... ' the State where such bank is estabii-h-1 ponaenoe between Ateasrs Wil- edj and where there w no bank estab- mam Foster and JohnQ. Adams, Adaui views the rev arc ifloobscurclv stated. Ibrustoundcr. cc ! h rums not less than ten doUars " u"" v. .n"nfAn " ' T ' J 1 value; and the same shall I nondatthfl follows: .. -v,vvv' '.','' ... 'H'.v . ' - . iris BUti miwum; vi uk v uiiuvi maivsi wuibt uij ii toot. uiiucr sucn reguiauons as snau dc pre. WiUiam Jfoster Jitqi Motion: scnoca uy wo aeparuncm oi uw ireasu ryU ftwttiTAax. Annual 19. ,Ished' Q to collector of the prin- Mr. .Foster requests Mr. Jg..,. jcipal town in such Mate Im theprupor. t0 ravor the public with his n.w.tiA.rf i!, Pnitf nnJA-L tA r s uovernment ia relation w tne Aliw uuvduvu twu miv v maivf vuv i4 wajviaa vt mv iui i , "i ; siieiuffs-dcputies. expend all their energies upon de vices to aejeat the measures of the majority;; The question of right and wrong, so far as ray experience uvea, is ui ne w eiiner party only for the purpose of making profes AVere ubw in the midst of a na tional bankruptcy occasioned by the insolvency of multitudes of in dividuals., We are now told that all the banks in the United States have Huspended inecie piyrnenls and what is the suspension ofpe tic jay menis nut setUQg tuo laws 01 property at defiance?, :Jf the Pr ident and. Directors of a bank; have issued a million of bills, nromisicz q pay five dollars to the holder of each and every one of them, the suspension of specie payments is, by one act, the ; breach of one, million of promises.v Whatisthis but Iraod upon every holqer of their bills?-r And what difference is; "there 7be tween the president and directors of such a bank, and the skilful art- it who engraves a bank bill, a fac simile of the bill signed by the pres ident and directors and save them the trouble of sigaingit, by dolus it for them! The onlv difierence that I can see in the two operations is f mat ihc arusi gives eviueiice qi superior skill and superior modesty. It requires more talent to sign ano ther mauY name, than one's own; and the counterfeiter does' at least his work in the dark, while the suspenders of specie payments bra zeh it in the face of day,' and laugh at the victims and dupes, who have put laun in uieir promises. You ask what is to be the remedy for this state of things?-.. There arei two remedies, both of which may be ibanksi or, land jobbers upon loins ' irom iieposite uanas. - ? ? :f . ' 1 hink of this -at. I thought of the dry-dotk, gun-boat, restrictive anti-na vynsyste ni of 3fr;jefierson. " It coit the nation a terrible war to hlikHmeA fifib AtjjutthenatMiiv- was eire- tually cured of its hydro phobia; The war wasa drastic purged but it effectually worked its core. I fear; that our, present bankruptcy ' will need a still more violent course 6f alterhalives; biit thel cure will come when the People are prepared 16 receive it. 1 They are certainly riot so now-i-they will most proba bly hot be so during the remnant of my term of life; I hope ' you will valescene.- ;iV;.'.?-rj ' '&'' '' " Forgive the freedom with which have answered your letter.1 and lielieve'iat to be, with, great res pect," your friend and servant. v " : Dear Sir: -Yoor friendly letter practical. . One is," that the Con of the 2ist ult has perhaps, remain- gress of the .TJnited States should cdf already too long o nans we red; exercise its powers to regulate the but wjien I feceircd itI had ex- currency; but they must do this Iwful for a irptitu Kl);tl Road, . ,!,. , te bitHi v - " 1,.,. . ' VVVL ""t" ,, ' u . ' S - ls it lawful for a deputy-ShcraTto hang a man, when tho Judge has said the WtKJShtrUr shall do it? Oris it TUT ILLITERATE robber. ; Arew Salem Tempera nee Society.' ' The annual mectin? of this Societv took place on (tho CuV of the present month, m this place. After the meeting was eaiioa 10 oraer oy tne rresident-- ihe becretary rose, and stated T briefly . die subjects which w-ere to ,be consid ered &c 1 And ' addedthat as there were some erroneous opinions enter tained .by many of the people, with re gard to our motive, course &cV That saiisiaciorvcxpianauon snouiq oe given. lie moved thai . ' ,; ? ;f h ; ' Rev, H York, give the iiecessary, ex- j . planation, which he did in his usual style ofderivipfyaddressmgm tne lemDerance cause, r t -v directed tho High-Shcriif to do ; tho aqt! fcrMge ia Paris, iitha ianthern in bis 10 answer to inquiries from and pirecto.rs.;;-i hev-Legislaters In all these cases, I tliink it the duty of had, was accoMd by a atrange tiian, some of v raft, constituents 4 of. 'the of New Fork and Virginia have the Sheriff to perform. Youwill please manner rather polite and seeming- twelfth Congressional district, which already shown what the Presidents rivcaa opinion ia your next paper." f w,,unt ,0 requested liimao have since been published, and and directors of Banks will advise.' rmu vin i ninvii, wo ") mb B nicn i nresume are asexnucit aiiaiki tne nronosai oi me irp.sia-nt "vwv -iX,uuiKiowui r Afterwards the Seeretary made a feyr remarks, Ws'eb lc crated,' tho princi- pal evils, that ansa from the use of Ar dent Spirits iihdjs feo, h& happV cflbct the Tejeraree romation has had on the cttjiniuniryvn general &.C SiC h th-jn r?cl a .Tnttft j.c jhe meeting which be haul previously received febm an esteemed friend ia Granville county- urging tiio iikeityf employing an a gent'to.tfavel iifaKoy as counties, (to be narood ioreajrj for the purpose of -establishing" Tooijpefance Societies and he, the agent, to t be allowed a rea sonable salary for his services. .., , This resolution was passed without a dissenting voice.'' ANSWER. . . .. . ' .. nun momrni mcK.euun.inu ai'i not i : n tu... -a-li i i ii.i. ri i....' icn mccc o c r v ai mis naca whi i Any act to ue aonc oy vir uo u u.u cos hu 3 d Whick will fiTi nth 7 InTbe abo auly considered and thfirrt Sat- -ft SherilFs ofllec, which is purely minii ttenct. t!,e gentleman in' liolding up this time, and which will paw .for South Carolina, to-.begin wi h an uruayl; fsep.c,rberisnnx,mtedforthat ' s 1 lerii,may bo done by g deputy. bis lanthorn, in order to read th? pa- what they are worth in the cornmu- amendment to-the ; ConsUtution pun4o, af acbek p k f v -I v, L. If the omceVfShcntr should require an per, bad likewise an opportnnity of nt,:; panting powers to Coegress, which Temcefing;then proceeded to take a ft" he T tV ' rtlv iudicial uf''Jin'? the pcraon and features of , I still belitve it the duty of every have already been grantedjo them, into consideration the object of calling " Ii? il-fl?01? e ; if ' ,ne F'son who had accosti-d biin, goodrcitizen to conlributefaccord- ind whichthey hive twice exerci- a Temperance convention of the State. T j tne fehcriff must pcrfurm it .wmeii in wU.h Ledi( ,omi attention. r ing to his ability, toward the fbrra- sed to the great benefit of the na- After a -r idiwiissidnaTy remarks fr6m"" a ... ' i m ... iii'v- aKiiii iiiiiii is ofthc former kind (jualynunisterial) 'arid therefore. may to dcne by a C t uty, -liceMartui's Sacrilf " 1G1. ' f As to attending a Jury in laying effa ;Hoad, or a widow's dower, wo aro in clined to t!..k t! it C . j act partakes of a Judicial nature i i r y.ui decree: and if which 1 havt traiiHlatrd mm literally h the I" io ia of (he two uttcuares wou ..... w m - . j . . Speak not t vori wjifn this yoiiVe read, Or In an instant you II be deactj Gsre up your money, watch and nnja :? Or other vtlutLte tuinga, ' . ; Deprnl then quicnly as you m ill, Only remember alienee atlll. ! ' s J"S v I'uuiiv.. vuiti-1 iiuii, ia en lusuik vf uui uir it. . ' ' V j . ' Id " 7,ore.lM; c Vr " ersi ur- wTho- place ind.ibr-lW coiww the-qurcfftiftheirorMrhutforUioHun reguiaung ci my own conaucr, a r AslitUe do I relish his other pro- to on 25th October next, ; sal of a general iconvenuen of JzrZ-JiZ7Pr-ZZZ l,..lr.n ll.nb I'MclllHntl.nH I II.... I D " .. ... . . . .. i a ktii ii.ii. I ..aui.ii i nil . i . . . . - r i - . r always w square, my conuncv oy enAm Congress' UCD. i a i.o urn is, to .aiHro.i tKejradvice:a-nvenaon meeting house, I Wilson intedjto 1 .1 ' . .. . . . -Ill""" - r'. I,i .( .1 . j A rnixj thni in msL Wtitlon of directed; he accordingly delivered his :n, . -j war, my opinions wm gandcr toUfaTmeBtflt P0, i"1 jCTr;' uw oiiuiui imum. uuMiu ui .ii. time renewed b s survey of the ef any ether niiL.ia being. t- Eut according to our acts of Assembly, 'won U whom he gave thrm; and Tl. :n the rrcccst condition cf and all other - papers friendlyitt(i out cause, v -'' :r r- ? " -. t - 3 WESLEY D. WILSON, Sec ' NewSatem; August 8l83T: dcUtsloi au remeaies lor exisung ; , it resolvea lhat proceedings of , evus, me ias a v woum rcso 10 th . meetimr be Dublished m iho"South. riinnn r l i . . . . . s i ..... j . ... I I I K. . AaK..M.n..MtK.M . . w . . urn i . ' . . partition may to-madoWcommtsi-wn- tiao.mmte.iJitJ!cniliny, that he f ir Ct.r.trvt I havo very dectded . ; isail.t.. ' f Lt n ,fr;t rt - a ..a.. .ii w i iti i ii r ail iiiiiiiiii'Jiiiiui. the past; '.:ucnng, , . x e. .u- ...m ,., i fancied lie coaia at any lime swear 1 1 ;:..: Vsul-l-j ." '. him. 7 There is no 4oubt that the court may a rupon t 'llie man was soon .rnrcneiiuca wr , ., ' - . ; iu.Ta .au u ;A.a f cnirt: riot, and on Us wav to justice, Was cenair.iy u ucnng iron, i.. P" 'T The other remedy which I be- f envtim - t.tr tifr-i.il tviiAn. rpnmm I tu iriiitil bv thft rrhtlrOi.i to whotf I . t:Jii-t'j.ti tiTiwi tn.. l.v I ie had I'resenied the, inner, who ac- tllUtrh-Sheriffn r, and then I J Wn,?J ,l,m tJh n; strate, and of o- ; - ' i siiihitMi Bfi nrrnuiiK oi lite oe!ora nmii-i larra tr.atoritv cf the nconlei cf the a sftonge upon the account or debt- Tlnirnl HtatM And is nr views br and creditors-wipe' ont all old the expedient action for the fu-1 scores and begin again. vA.Thif is a few; nights since, about the middle of ture, ini'rnt, in One Jlfug of Toddy reurah. -Ist bound to do tho act in person, and ,loneu (ccurrences agulost him; he d u h ht ncMo cannot act by deputy. whs for want of proof, respecting the ; degree, de- tKe hard money sysseni, and so far the night, somewhere between the grog Si A- i. La-1 . -.i -a- .ki a-:.i slioo and Poverty valle, or Poverty vai- ioa w which a at wu iuuSv, ,.a .uU . - . - - mv v.r(W LAWFUL TEKDEIL ' ' " i s .... 1 . -' Quettion by a Subscriber.) Mr; Editor: tast it 15 systea(Of.ihf .present Administra- nc'dvi pint bolua pocket compali ji re which tioa it is to detach T the Uovern- ion for a great many ycarsW-the atop ( a l a va rrn a nnni i Vt . I t i - . f : I.... ...,..l -vuiv M Lv..a uiv ,it to; prison , on aeuot .,f the E,n- impoasitis thai the mejire wn cn uen-.-it is uciwca ,uc ovcro- ,on for a great many )earsW4he stop- 7" ' I -t . , ... IT .U. 1 ,ta.. t.A n1 J Viittr I ripnt f-m ill hankmtf. anil flPal III Jamit mnn J U nnu Af nktoli . nvit. U 'a l-riiuatinn. - , i 8iw - 1 UCCIil kilo UUII iuvviin,l"vu.n. - " -QJ- - 1 anw vua, "vow va wiumi ia nt . email a ,1 .. i , . . I ,. i. IJ ui- ' :..i.TXTrrtmi?n When be w'na brought" to the bar to remedies for 40ur coppiamants r.aiumg oui uio prciious - utuu. calMlfu jftJ-SJS n . V ' j Ll-.ii . . iV.L it-, lrKf- V. It .1 ; . 1 f cf n fP ANCE. with the word DESTRUCTION Uv lUlIU II iUli w t , .va va i auwuv I . ' . . . a . I take hi trial, be. appeared quite un- should be acceptable to wish to know your concernrd, and plead int gujl ty, with power of the cou ntry J a...ll--ir..ai C.a.'a I AI. A : Ilfl AflT . ill Mr( IM 9 It ! t I . f the I am, and to go through with this ' opinion as, respects collecting fcf, the' grwtesta have I wish him well out .where the doty is of long or short stan, who was the only evidence K could be . nin0ylt Js the bij- will want other eo- A'.nn an. I (.. a1l..:.. n n.l I .....! ..oi.ll tat IIHUI 1 1 til til A ff.t. I . 7 I'. . . i . at H,MnMwvvHv-uuirw iv-vm inuuawa " y r v " I feinpca " nr th miinritV to TirODOSP the liCtS UtUrCS 01 i received no other iimi oi monev in rav- vv nen uecame w uirmjuis uVi mcL'v; and also what number. of coppor he thus addressed the bench: , , . . raucli the pricUc lis operation, on ne hotlom; on the body of the same nf it hut hi may bo seen in large italics,iOT, 01 IV, UUV UC .ii trtia. -';na .Vina i . i nnivu maiuvs aii.iiiic a vim .v s operators than Ul0 contcnt-; hav0 wal mysUcal w i orK ana significations, via . w : ; advisers than j Jst 11: reckoning--U. unpaioV-M. : ICUVv, I " j . T : T I . v ' . , ,.' I a a ' J - I t i J much the rnctice of (aiuoritiesb presidcnU or' directors, of broken monylcss. it