..a : ;vu.i. u. vi- r.LVLH AND BE I )t;ii:'i? to: TCU3S3 G2 I AD VAN OH, HmHMgIMWMmi immi iQw m-'1 imi iW' -i. "soutin:!::: 'rrra;:;, v. J Crcry frttiiri; y Iornin'g. . Trauiv Two Dollars pr anmrn in advance; or '.Three I? ' "-.'f not p:i .huthin three ' month 1. i -lri dato of tho 1st No. receive I. y ' " ''" , Any K.b-vrhVr nny d'senntinua within tlie lira :J moi. hs rf;bc fnMicationu Xa subscription to be disrontirved til! all arreara " le paid unless at the 4' 'crotiou cV the I'dUor. ' v All letter communications, wc, tocome -.. post put J.- .. ,' , . ; Advertisements; inserted i the t'sual terms, ' , : ; ' .,, , ; V lr , ' Toyrnn iV)st.i!.isti:. ' Pl-e tncoi.V. !er j"ii'-' tv?cv-T?1iv in tloritrd nj rr jttf t! Act t ;oiu I jt iTu SOU ril RHN, C ITi Z K ',v'vu tuftN loty cotif envi i f ir - . F!lu, Ht let k-u ttj r?i imtpiu'utef if,' Is of Jrr ,ttnt y-ni miy ko Mb , tr ltfl pmw tvMrcMeJ W r5r! t V ? S Cribrr oi not, l )ok in th inirgin t,f 'he psptr f iltftrtttie-f mv t m .Jfi by mV,l ' my r ik. ia rsm-nt Uauk NuU or Virginia, North or 8 oath Cro!in.',-" Any Ptinitrr tt f ic'of f. Cot Cp Yer p?cr, h ll r -e?i? tirt cp. ie f the Ciiix-rn ow yer 1 V ' ' ' ' (. THE EDITOit. iw BXTTldbim nKGUIATORS. Jt appears that ViUi,im Tryou tho King's Governor of North Car olicainado ari effort inposa in ':ppx;T'tax xi.t ilc u uplc in the CJ'cor - This tax was purlieu hrj Ltinhnsame on ihc people of Xhe ; upper . part of the state in the COQQtios of Uranrc, ltawan, and mVH I or 200 miles froth any place that af forded them the .j facilities of corn m.trrc.; After burning' one third part of their tobacco every year ac 'cording io latr, it j. with the ut AnoVl difTiculty thry could aDrd a scanty snbsMincc- to their fiaiilies. iTheir principal trade was carried t on to furs, skins, and vctmon hams, w!iicJTere carried on pack horse .to the counties bordering on the sea horeJ and thi Vv.ircelv ena'obd them to purchase sufaeient fpiaiuity - cf tail to npply thtir necessities At this time Herinon llusbands i- presented Guilford , ctmnty the almost r.U the djr 'pecontrol of their atbitary i ; tud despotic Governor. H usbands . however was one of those indepciio ilant qtiakers who w.s eilucated iu the honest school of .William Pcnn, nd trfitiCed Vpull uiThi bar, and i l0W;bcforc-4!ic miotoiii 5 of desp1) t tisni. : In,conseqiience of which he shared the contempt uf the Govern Toritut-Uiifravvr cf power cmM inever drive him inim the fai .hful f pcrfornance of his duty to hi on- stitutnW For when thesibjcct.f Maxation was introduced he ai )e 'promptly; Und with repeated orgn- merits and fpeeches; rcited tiie Vjiprcion.-! tJ'Ui iifwc tr ptneni hi! argttraeots,' and however per suasive his anneal'. Echo alone was -iieani to rcsponu, tis tne imprest ivc tone offhi e'oqut nce rcvet f berated from the'Mlent walls. Ilea .?on, and Justice were voted down; t t . . V . . t Jand a tax of one $hhlin and tight jpene? was laid unoii ef try white poii ef try poll in the State j When the Mif-riiT, Hogati, n hl deputy ' Lnnncame U fr&f 2 v County Iheyr attemptedcnUC V a 7 tax of tKd shilling ahd tight pence I on tach . whitPpll, u rgi ng Uut. ' . -.1.. l.inmiai. it uini lllV- Guilfordr because; thpy v ere 150fH : aor's pkasare that it s!. !vl heUvUhout a crinc? lone, Htishnr.ds pppin;! tl.is with J all loV pov.tr a: 1 ' ' t', : t! :t; the downier !.; v j . , it 1 power to alter the er.actracists et' the geu- cral Assembly.. , ' - . This speech together with the! sfe'rrt de'.erminati n of some of the! 1 ''!:: !e never to submit to ihy spe of oppression, prrluctfd a great ..isiurbifH e in the country. It wa :ytvn at 1miju to he left to a law yer iri; I?ilUboroi :;!,, Orange roftij ty, by tlit r.ame of Edinund Vanning- ,Thi4 Ijwyerpronounccd the tax lift -in be yU hut ."3 unable t'i p rod if: tli aft ( f 'assembly to jnsufy it. Tiie pi , ' wrc uucb (."nirlled with thb decision-and were etu rally imprcssetl with the belief tint Edmund Fanntr:? and the sh le shtriiT had fui cied a conspiracy ; against the rights ar.d libti ties cf j.iiu.sbandx himtlf.- flusbarids on the people. And watm!,.". shentTj ! : turning hoiic, net thariiijpa aUenpted to cblkct lliii tax by sel- bout half way aud advised them to lin lU psdpirty t.f the; 4 pe iple, ! return bocij, a r.d reserve jthtir valor im-y c-tintreu round mm nau ins deputy, , lit cl t'ifia up nr)J rave l hem thirty nine laslies on their na ked, hacks- The Shcrilf rnd his dr: ; :ty attempted to excite the sym- paliiies, but n ..u gave ear to their story but same. Lawyers in expecta. lion of fees,' an a few Europeans lattly settled in t!;is country, which give risc to the prejudice which prevails against Lawyers to thh day in the uj ;cr counties of North , r ollnai. : - "" t-v. ' . V 7 "The ( o y crn t r war a pp rised '" o f these 'rehelltoas proceetling - in Guilford but; thought it b:ul policy to rat ? aft army to subdm! them, lie th" tight it:" probable that the ex ciu.l i.cjo'jof the people would soon 'subside and they would fall atdeep to their best interests; But little did lin ilrpin lfi.it tbrii trpti - - - ...... w . . w of despotism was preying ana fat J tenjng upon their liberties i ' ; In September 1770 when the Guvernbr called another session of the Assembly to met at .Newbcrn Ilcrmou Husband."! made his ap pearance ?g!iin as tho faithfuf un daunted repifscntative of Guilford county. Before he started huwev- cr tNtwbrn hscuIL tcd him;tlf,;ko a' company br jightjmj one shilling and eight pence apiece i Col Edmund Fanning second .in iront a:i nis contitucif. lie men repairer to the seatTf Govornment; and when the House metthe Gov- 'HI . II J rnor presidi ! Above the iiitH'oanas to explain subircts in Guilford, in refusing to -wherenpor llns - ddresscd the Gdv - tlik.ll AHAl 3 bands arusc and a ernor in, the following language,- "Villiam Try on, Governor of the state of N. Carolina, each one of my constituents considers that he owes your excellency one pound of butter, and payina it to the sheriff, irx as suuremc ninrrr. linn mr .r ri an.s 'iiiiriv or inrrv t .,- mvrftmniflMitM-iiini niiiinjs,iKXJ.L,L"Ji.,iiiajttJJio wraw iuaii fneakcr. demindec of! miles, comnhndinir all those lieiru-USomethathad.no runF. aUcmntcd to rab "'. )"",MJ soiujcr.to o , r . , "I ir. -. J' J : "I r iv . , - i .. in atcrrt and angry toneilators to aiiiear at: his standard of y thoo that had; gum?, and lomc. gave v7 ' , . a - . i ' i i -r t j - i - - . i . - - . . ' i i , : . t t vi lbrond..t,ir f lif L-Tnm2 1 1 nVltv - nif.tb itctnf1i Av nf W tilCir CUHS to ttlOSC tha VCrC -Wlllltl!? J K - rn, jvy y ...,ui ailN HO , ar.dcthcroucfraconccrnctWagrcat part must nCeds rticl; to their fin- .Governol without cn.nnon with any t;m. hi order to prtveni his un-j e vpectatjon of suocess,' and they re necessary waste, they have paid it: '.ved tdgetasmany of their Iriends frrely and sent it by their common i to :u:eoripajy them on that day as t r, Svho considers it no discredit, to J)(,.ibhj in order to'eHcrt a com bttngit safely, to you, 'provided beprumisf llunneis were sent in getsa receipt tohovv them wlun ho j every nirectinn, even into Houth returns, that it has been safely dc'j CarolinMnd Virgw livcrcd." IIo then walked up to ! day cofne the Governor was much tlie speaker s table, and threw down jsutpri jed to see so many raen at a a bag of silver,1, saying, 'here arc j distance arAiio one willing to come the taxes tefuscd to your sh'critT.' , upjLiJuhi" slindard. Report . said Tho- Oov'eruor' eyed , hint v. iiwtherc were fifteen Jhousand -; men look of contempt, andfd tho present in faW of the Regulators, acargeht atitTtt,ce him forth- but very few Wd any guns with wilh-,G"c h,m 'n thc Pub,i(5 them, for repot had gone out that dlT during the session of the as- i 4tif You annearAvilh a trun the Gov-: ;cmbly,aid ;noto one member at - tempted to speak in his behalf IliUbaotU itphcd, lam a free man, 1'rfli elected member of this bauic, I a wui you .oruer .mc to prison :jtTr.II,'- N a.SATUriD.VY, AUGUST V said, yon have .i?; the t . . crcfl;!: 1 , novernnr to aiter ifs the rub- 1 lie taxes anfUhal! .-n tn i'.i!!m ;t further orders.. . Tha news of IIn:andtrcaL:;t soon.' reached ttuilford; where it produced j.;rc.it' cxciteaicnt. He was very pnpunr : '.ion hii con- Rtituents, r:ul they resolved at hazards to avenge his wroag' - In persuanceof vh: :h sevi.nl cenpa nies were raised in Guilford , and the adjoining co'ir.ties,' making in all about five hundred nteu: This litllo f tad without money and with out provisions, commenced ajraarch towarda Newbern, determined to relersc their friend Herman Hus bands. But tho Oovernorjia 'the r.ieaiitir.;c, hearing tf what was tro- i;). on thought it", best to release i m' n.cre iianui-. tmies m woulu upon the'eonntrv. 5 t;.i tueir return mqtrcii scu thr ;ugh Ilillsborp vy, 'Orange Country, where the 1 KingV couit u iiicji in reviuu. f iu-cniictu' fled a thyweHrrc, -utorsl they might proceed to regulate I the King's court. "The Judi'o was therefore ordered off the bench and all law rersimatdiatelytipejledf fijora co rrt. They thert $et tip a court of theiowu ikad proceeded to the I trial of catnes as they tltought upoii tne pure prmeinies.oi , equity ana justice, y; J)ui:'mob imi iifiamary tnanner of proceeding was rondem ried, by all the more ialaihgebi.a'. morig theT ?The Itegulatcra hrofce Lp thd co:i r t in Hi I hb arousth in D Member 1770, and on the first ofM: y 1771 Governor -Tryon: appeared in the neighborhood where they Jiv id with an army of Uo thousand six bund-' red men. & A pait of thesoj troops were from England, but tho greater part were enlist tdfbr the Wpidi tion. lie liad twelve brass cannons, six cf whtch were nine pounders, and sit of mx pounders,Aand "were well provided with small arras.' AI command The Goveuor issued his procla nation im ' ' ana icm it. in every cirec-. 1 I4f a nil I m I j I frv A MI x rt I litlT W 111 11. 1 II 1 A. hwi'lveot tie principal rihgteadciyl jon their Viing upltheir gnns.andl taking an atrt to oe true aau L.oy al subjecH. toKing George the .Third,' atal obey his .Laws, to'bc a friend to he Kind's friends and an i enemy tntliis enemies. . l lie iteg- . . A . , MM ' ulators dd: not know what to do; i ernor will not treat with you." Ho the most of the cuns were hid in hollow trees or left !hehiud, yet there vcre some stouthearted fcl I m i ll - . ft- lll il LJ iniTU . Lilt. U1IUI1I V lUlf 1 MJUU IIItL L11UII i- r t " J " ' ' v wp V . . V" ' " lWriSVAowte destruction. ? Swfr wnfus on'-as lo xi that kept their guns with them 37. "ir life c::. ua ulJ In t!io i .;3:Vtrnj. the IV- to- - . well ! mt ti- IVir lit-' t (' ,' ! i : ilivi Governor's lines Li tirder to ef fect a compromUii to.-saj l!ic lives of Uie twclvo' nnci al men, ltobt, Th .-.Tivsoii &, IMt M-tecr wcr3 in tlwCLAf-n.or's llacs ou tliO sam bo sioiws. ?!r. f'aldwcll was ad.niCIed to return t ilie Regulators to inform them that nwthitf' could be donoby wav oft c- npromise. Tlo Governor would do ntihinir short of his pr6clamatioti, f Mr. Cald .vcll advised all tbos (not concern ed) to ed ho:r.-3,addirij;his suns are in complete line of battles order against you.:, inc. other -two ..commissioners were tietaioed as prisoners. . Just;it this tiruc tao liovernor sent out two. of his placers' w ith a white 'flax to read his roclaimuion anew, and tf'-ethe t eorde in to take the oat!i,or else he We uldfire : hi 5 cannon anion': them and kill them all. '.Ti e Regulators were so angry fnr bis refe r : to treat witlt them thaltbcv- two oilicers an l travo tl.Mi thitty uiuc lashes aiuecu ou tltejf i.tU'4 backs, aud sent word buck by theui to the governor to fire away-This was bu'J conduct iiV'thoReguIars; irdisgas ted main of their friends v hfV iinmedl ntely left ther.i. ' ow, said 'Joshua' ' Teauc, one of their CAjtahis! we must fights and as all inyhcompanythavclei their guns, we will take trees' ilea r those that have guny, and as- soon as any' oif them9 .may fail vse ivill rush dhd As sess the guns of the slain." , Capt. Monti gomery rqiiied "that advice suits, me Vcll or I bvc-'bnc, hundred, men that have, got guns and have promised not to run, and I likcioavo any friends near meia'this ease. l&'"jpr?4yi?$ While this conversation was goin on. tne two ofttoers of the GoVernr re- turncu toMiiairhlowtvnU'Iac llis rase nvas not to bo described. Rd- b?rt Thompson jtold him as ho came in tieacibly he had a riht to' rctura and started to leave. As these words were j spoken 1 the Governor raised - a soldidrs jjuii uuu sjhji ikuuviitAiiyuipsvii uciiu. Ordered his lines to fire, whTch4was fin strt t ly oboyed " - - V t- f W - V 1 Thus ; commenced thc battle- ?6fi tho Regulators which lasted. upwards of haf I- an hour in -which .nearly three -.hundred of the Regulators were slain; and ajwut tweet v-fivc of tlie Governor's men. dj ThisVa's an undxpecd affair, tlicrc .was-" not one. man in ten that, took any part ih this ba ttle on the side of Uie rcg ulatorK the first fife from-the? Governor was supposed to .have killed jvcr ono hundred men that bad no cuns. Those that attempted to stand were soon cut j 1G down by the'canrion-Ui. 'V'4 M,,,t? w Itegulatort yet There was one ' company called! ynr Mbt.' - If y -lo not think wit "mountain ' bovs" commanded byCap-1 roon.ttus MifijV it is becanso yoa tain Jlontgomcry; wb9 wore broad "i'TO.7 PrPr iafornia- Wcro nearlv all killed. ,-Thev wvrclrom I . I 1 IU lilt: took place cannot bo dcscribed.;. tRc- tihtors were hot prepared for" battle.- They had no higher ofiiccr than a caii- tain,-, Montgomery Vvas. considered the principal, captain and be fell about tho second fire from the cannonk' They all soon fled and .left, the field except Jamos Pugh from Orange countyatuCtliree o ther men who had .taken a stand ndar tne anmn.--i nev-veroie!ettHnl-v--t largo trco'and a ledge of Irocks. Al though half UC: cannon, were ; directed, against them they could not lo : driven froin, their position, until they had killed fifteen , or sixteen 'men wno managed the cannon. f Pugh fired every gun and tho other, three mcn loaded for himj at' length '.they; were surroanded.' j Pugh was taken prisoner, the others made their ckajHJ. When i he, was brought to tho Goveruor his ' undaunted;' courage and heroic fortitude eNcited all that were present. The Governor asked Pugh fhy ho dared to fight 'against the Kins. Ho replied "I dont ight against the Kin'? but a set of dishonest otScers Rohcrt Thompson the first man diat fell in the battle, was the grand father of T ' . .' .1 ' ' J-t. -.. icwton cannon, mo prcsciii iiovcrnor oi tho State of Tennessee, of Gen. Rob ert Cannon, 1 of 1 SbclbvVi lie, ? of Jacob Wricht, Ksn. of ' Rutherford countv, of John lhompson, ot lJavidson county, and Mr. Andrew Hyncs, of IVashvillu. Or Ai'Tf.n3 Wv:ftn!fi under tL nppcir.tsnci.t" of thg HrXrf. Tiui Gorernor called him a rebel, cnir, -ordered a rope arouud bis 'neck', t and1 said, "you stall be L::::; in Ono hour. i 5 lie was ordered to stand upon an empty - , barreland the rone Vras secured to tito' limb of a tree, i At tiiis timo a calnv seemed to coine Over his mind, and tho governor expected ho would turn pcoi- : tact pi sue fur pardon. Bat "in this' he -was mistaken ,Tho Governor ask-' od; biin if ho ;vas not sorry fr what he liad .;donc;-, Pngh replied, I am" not; : The Governor asked him why, ho didL got coma up to his standard and claim -the benefit of bis' proclamation and , bring his ' men along With him, for ho. understood ha was ono of their captains, ' Pugli replied vour. Proclamation wa " too severe; it first' took away our guns '. were our own property, it planted a dagi ger in the inin 1 by enforcing ia solemn oath that none verO Willing to take, It -also shewed to mercy to twelve hoct ., ., men, wl-o were culltyf no cr'-jie-wori thy .of death. o Tiiis remark i fVPZ Keerr.cd t.V'surj rise ths Cv: ;r. tha asked him if he had do fear tf f1 ".th, t this was'the ast hotir of his Ii.rj. Pcra iti '."fT! . saw i nave jong since oeen preparea 19 meet my God in another world, arid ali I want at ; ' 's ti;nc is to let theso pcol know' the cause for, which tkey have murdered ' their countrymca if.'yoo will give mc balfjan hour, 1 will teU then and you tho right cause, hia was? r -greed tdi and, Pugh began. i.'-Staninear myfriendsand hear wha)I'.havft"W say, and you- that consider mo yourfift elny will live to find out that 1 was yotff friend. p r.V'-'--' O'rr ;My hi wd, will bt ;Jike i jgwLate& sovTed in gootr ruswl. it will prodsev1 a tliotianii fold to rise up against tijejo (TislioMst ijfut ers. YOd first ; nbtice 1 hi Got ernor; li f oinmitted to prls6n mir rmnrooitt r, Ilcnuon Ilasbauds fJr doinifgHt d'ted,iiir: carryiijtIio -bubble taxes tn tlie treftstirv inatend bt the sfiprilT. f1if Regulators attc'tap tci to i e!-asc lura.'.lhey ha shed ho blood, ami for that attempt yo bavi brougfi t, a rmy, hr re and i oortlered ns, J What lll yourKiiiy layto jroo," hen he beam of ;thl ; slaughter y ha e madft witriotit cause on bis ino c e tit: uiycctv ? IIi4;coancil will de- , clarc ynn unfit to govern this country and a better will be" appointed in yote -room. 'Instead - f taking sides iu fa- . vornf the people nainst a set of db honest oflu'ers yott brought their army here and murdered us. T Does this look like lit R. Governor should do that loves bU people. You should take part jo their fvo!-; now ray friends, go and "V,l i,I,', ,u '" er ms in- y ,-mm 5n,iy ' iitstea of tie - . . - - . v .... Gvr fl ,cti 1 lei e . r urttiuig advised ; this ?v'r.or ! desp' h liin fr lie mijtbt ence tte Hi iuy ri bis .Uvnr- Ho wiis again fiViv(J. his life, if he would Miri- tte-5ta)i'iatd; be rtfnsed. Ha was akrd jjf h was nt sorry fur wbat be hud done. Push- replied. "loo' Itato- Hsked tlt'pst1otJefore.t.di you want me to t ll h liV bi rause I am gobtg to ai.p Of h t?i t''VT i't'tlie coorno oi o man'.f life b i should tell the trsth wl.eii he i4 ; idjnut 1 1li''.-;l am not son y. tK w hat , I Jnvo ; done. , for the deiith f thesf mm s ( point ing to ; tho battle. fitdd)ill lrt);your-fharfl;e and pot mine. Ano I wvv brg.oryoti b t)irliiigo iSis corrwiit tax aather- lets anif apMirtt Jii' honest. And your kinsman bwe Col. Fanning, in not fit fr be ofilce be bold. ( Fan- nin reilied, tb t os turn ver the (mt rel and tip .'the. hardened rebels' sjwech. M.j::,:"' ;-.-"...-. - .,! ':- . ' ., The GoVrnHt.:ave conint , Pugh Called to tlie men arnind to bear wit ness that hi 1hi jipcd for half afi hour, and if this Tyrant proved Gtlto to a dying man, .what v ill he do to you wlirit an opprtnnity oiTcrs. As these wordi Avole p ikcii tile barrej Was overtnrnrd. ' , .TliiiHiIied JiimeiPiiglu the first man that washmtgbv (ijw'rnor 'fyron. jfe was an i " gi iii.ni giin's ;n i t h, and baikv mcnilcd many of the Regulator's gunsv 4 V r ii. ' w . i: ; J - : i r ' (7V -