i.,v ' ' v 4 1 . J ' i 1 I t ok; i ,1m i "" "in i i i . 4 t a' it .v V :U i t J - - J - '"3 7r if l V ! ... V iduTUtu.., t u. ' ' . Every Saturday Jl., Two Dollart per annum in advance; or Three Lwuars,ii puwiuuuu , Anv subscriber may discontinue within ""the Urst 9 monuis oi iuu )uuucauuu. No subscription to be discontinued till all arrearages oe psuauaicss ui uiuus 'rrtionof the Editor. -AJ All letters, communications, & to come Ativcrtiscmcnts, inserted on, the usual tern vs. TO THE POST5USTCRS. PIcm to conaider joamlrc icTertl thority-4 & ttqietteJ U act is gat fof tht -sour hers cmti..Bw ton coinMwtiot y our acmeea. 4houM Bypeno,' who does not Uk IV ' rood aa to let aa kno the reaaoA im'medutr Jr. U order that jrou nj always know 1....' -li-- li -.'-J.A - a..k icriber of not, loo V in the urrio of the paper for Ue word ' 'gntuitwtltf . Remittaaeea enay bo inde by mail at j rik, U earre'nt Baok Notes of Tirpola, NortU . - '" ' , t',, .- ? , ...... :.- or Sout caroima. -? , Any Postaaatar who may fnclose 4 ia N. C. or Cape Fear paper, aha II receive tbra eo- fien of the Citisea one year. t '1 "4 THE EDITOR. H co 9 D'roattnirui isaoBAVCt Of TISI.4W vicctm " STAY OF EXECUTIOri.' ( Questions ly a Subscriber, J On tho trial of the warrant, 'defend ant nravs lO davslo Stay Execution and gives secumy wiinui mc umot oui not until alter the plaintiff has had Exe cution levied : Is tne liea that is created by the levy, revived at . the end of the Slav! ana' who pars the cost of the levy! . . , . ; . ANSWErL . , r ; In this case, the Hen created by he le-' vy is lost as soon as Execution is stayed. The post must be paid by the defendant. f t - .t " -4 ; i1 'WlV aaaaaWaaBP"""" " 4 J EXECUTIONI 1? ' QuMion by a Subscriber.) t When a land-holder rents land to a tenant, can tho crop bo levied on by an nmce.r- nn anui. win a sunaicz in wa field growing, when the Jand-holdcr .p.b jjcctstft.;;rTrVrfr:tT:5r.' protected l" a fair, hqnest and bona 'fide contract existing between landlord : sad tenant, in the nature of ft mortgage t or trust. 1 Sec no. 6 of tnis papcr.Klatcd Fci 4th 1837, where the subject Is more fully considered. Also "Man of "Basir sat t ariAa " ,-.',.- . ocss, vol i pago oa. . - - c. (Question by a Subscriber.) One constable levies an" Execution, ' and leaves the property with the debtor;--another constable levies .on the same propcrtv afterwards, and takes it into possession. v nicn levy noiasi fawer. The first levy., holds the rig! it of property, whether it be removed or not But lhe second officer, may sell, without committing any -trespass. The first officer ought to iittcnd the sale, sad claim the proceeds. ,"If refcseuVhc is driven to his action of Trover to re cover tle value, r " f Question' ly a. Xu bscribrr,) A Constable levies on property by virtue of a certain Etcttinnh. t)wn in , . ' --...f jm..w jus hands; afterwards another copslable wvics on tne same property , to secure the frp!us;-revious to the sale;'6thcr r.TAi,w. J t.. .1.. . i . -xceuuens are placed in the hands Tninjy 1 odeeri whrf mdkds the sah tiow ttaa proceed f tS fJ3 ts I falper.-The tcosd biacer U c;t cn-JUcdrto aay4hw3 uiilcsitha propsrty brings more than ' suScient- to pay off 't tirt-.!-:' -A i ..5-.. . t,ATCUHIiS U nana j ot mm Wrtli' 'Thii may VpdcW who f . c?r.t v w. w . k "Jl; room to aetata tSsZ tic3 on which, it is fouj- the reader to a lengthy opinion of Mr fTT r n "v ' of M -Man of Busme paSo SO0 for iuuv.u w atuawd uuui isumuu ,ww thoen of Executions. I . 4li (question by a Subscriber.) ' SiiDoose B Is ODDointed constahlcr the Gourt; and awarothu rppr V V TT"V? ' - AWf wv, SSlfaft12SfS? c ace; is ras .appoistroeat Jegtti are his acts valid to execute and eU prop, ertyi in conflict with Executions levied by a regularly s appointed oficert Or ean a Justice out of Cburt, appoint a uoxmaoM m any case, excepi in case 01 deataot removal j ( $ 1 srlrhiia tkt hirl imn. 'Answer the cast above stated. I pretend cons 10 any icgai purpose wnaiever. ur jM.r. 1 : "-1 a.v r-i:... m must be made by :rh County Court. The Constable, B, who was rcjrularly appointed may be compelled to act, or the Cnrt for. tf very rcf at. -s-v r f (Quuien by a Subscriber jum m uvuuuku wmcur, uuiy swum. I Ty uBpaaxuprppcnyt - - - . a TT . ne is not sworn:- I acre is no nccesa- ty for swearing Deputy: But you must observe this-to repeat the depo. tation at every new suge of me process, For instance, you have a man deputed to serve a Warrant lie cannot, under the same deputation, levy the Execution; but must bo deputed ted to act under the Ex- ecution also. . It the Execution be sim ply directed to a private individual; by name, it is a suGcicnt deputation. 4 And a deputa'aon to levy, implies also author. ity to sc!L v TO QUERISTS. feevcraf oilier Questions liavc been re- cir ,j ana r.a te -iy eucsdea to ' A A a r .it wcekl THE YANKEE LAWYER AND - THE QUAKER.,. ' ; I cucsj you've never Been in the States, There you'll see the tlown to llliode-island:" so he went to Daniel t to hire him to go tlown j1 sT.f Aa1 Ills ' JA Iftataa nASS KS t Btt 1! i ' I i says Lawyer AVehster, what h yourfeer Why,", says Dmicl et me see; I have trot to kg? down tfouth toWashington to plead the great "iniifancecas6 of the Hertford Comrianv: and Tve cot to be at Cincinnati to attend tbe onvem t iritis anil 1 do notsee tiow 1 can " r . .v. . . fed to flbode Islaed without great of hossaud fatigut; it .would cost you Uieappomtmcct of a Const a tie by a Jus- bin notr be and I art pretty thick, tice, out of Court, is absolutely void to and as he is on the fpot, I'd get bio all intents and purposes." Even in case to plead cheap for yoti.H to he ' eot great Daniel Webster: he's a great cnoros w Uiai lasiramca vu. ta premise, that neither the works Din I .tell you"; Kins William 'No. " lton! t0 fef JS?ivr cf Wrradsy and Sturgeon or Eng. hia as. an orrtor?. he'd talk bin out u ffa c? cf unmLilcd warb. c a electrical science, nor those cf sightin hilf an hour. If be was tngj cf rapture, the bvoluntary thrills cf. Oersted cf , Copenhagen, nor in your li ci ucansons. 1 rccs cf untaught enters, the ovcraowbg ci Molle or oweaent nor of Hire ana on be'4 r ake scan cf your great that spring of gladness which gave my- Henry of America, oci of Ampere folks hole pretty ireakedt" he:ise tholosy f hef fabled founuinti, and from ofFwnceTcfttV convey any notion patriovand btatescan,ft moh par- whl,;h Mf Af!! cf the extraordinary development Liar cute lawyer. -The Quaker chaii too cute for him. once to the harmony cf. hc. The vcice l'0'er Circovertd by osr naUve A though.1 'This -Quaker,; a . pyctty which never mourned, is beard h la c ric-n mechanic, Davenport. His knbwin old shaver;? had a cause richdis-aion hs rbwirt prft.'treions narne.prohshly in lew years will CUT UillJ I tell vci wha t; hr-r ! br fca ccald it Iiir.sryt:!tfcf til Cvl L3 l3 Trl i til; be azis told t 'rJ'f M,kVT Y in-- t. i. " UiWrThlCtt .1 f Tn b'ter our f rCfii tCBSlrT Jf t! werc nort met pccpla In V t 1 g0 i3P yon at loir ts l can tHoTQf 1 Isiv 1C00 doilan.,!': THh : Otis Wi V " - -VM "V '.UWM dollars, will yoa! pkid- ihe ether caittrt 1 tnall nave to trive T0U7 AttgaqaJwM.'f - .aitftt., . . f ' i,. , ' . om best Uf ray bucible ftb lltiei.'. . So down they west to Ubode IsUad t and Daniel tried the cue and cr ried it Hot the QaakeK Well the Quakef . he coci f round to all the I iitcosi tne 10UU tlollars for a fee: $30 mm .nil finft frnnt :.m;:T'Ti r.V.T "i" l iC0. rao"l he 6aV8 P? If1. wfs..,.n faWg all trh I aliAftlil liaam t a I rff- thcef rr lhou miu 1 . .tand to mine." : Daniel 1 laoehed but ready to split bis sides, at this- fWell,? said he, "I guess I might as well standstill for yon to put the bridle on this time, for jou have ,a,r,J pmneu me in a corner oi ine rcncc aJ bow," so he went good "reu ly 10 worn ana pieaaea them all. ' THE SEASONS.', v Linrtr then vet a wbile. , ' - : Aa tht last learn on tht bought . . tt bart lorcd the gtooa r aaiiT taU b r! v MBfc U,4M- Had we the tender ftnd pathetic ei- I a r . ' 1 ft . . prcssion oi vrymr w--ouiot-or mu - CoUiT indeed, must he look upon nature and her char'-es. who does not find a luxury cf sentiment in tne contem?:a - twa of all fcer seasons. All are but wo dcs rejru, andks !.-c? and ever varyfcjcconao c!.:.rlwt3 arJ estutc" b iat: mdiilsa: .. ) :vV:;-:: Kca -'JfaI'v. thou-h r!y thi reverse of tiicso is tho styie of Autumns,un- written rnusic." Thohnpoof the glad ?PrinS wdtho devotion of thof ardent 77 T. " ! "V." r v' " A Ci" .1 lacaacn a Sif! .j tone a hu titurus oa I... r.t .i. k..w affections, are straineiM The mind js no Jwgc'r mighty organ, Mil : fnlnr 1 .tariMfl vMt tn tHnITh :M In thA msnwtvw Innm lh wal o , . fettint? rne out tike a borte tl hire.'? bope-wi tha memory Use is life, ') ' M'didst thoD CtOt Undertake tn fild nivrwoAn ttii! iyr'aiViu ar terrpcrcd to tha calmucss cl matured gtzntl out upon the aunals of h'tstoi e; echoes are unbroken by t.a ir- ry 83 Duc more prooiinent than r responses cf untutored pasj.on, Artrwri-ht. nt.hnn. ..thii J l:o Lcath cfiha'tuual Irrcxs. - J a a Ki4 -r vM i .... llsadsa iato harmosy iuch :r--thi u instrument tha hpart. . i im crare comes cioomuv onoa ta . ti . - . ' '" P'4 cf 7 They hava'not yet hearts. I To tW-rimto hal hrthtr drancd w the human dii tn)0lsx:nc::r, u nonw pi a man is welmo theme. T Irorely to ..II. I.Ai ' M bas a charm to him. . No marvel, then, wlwgwH maancooiy inr.usncej Alfei! Cgw her sighing freezes, ah4 settks aa u2waafud piWi her rd tni vU oW forests! ,( chilihood.: hini wiA Ksrarstimn fondM Dnr thn brilliant beauty of Spring! .first flowers, but ta WUe idols will wither. Let .raaturer youth ricld its full devotions to thofruit ful and fervent popes of Summer, vet Uhn .hirh steals upon the unsubdued, thought-soft ened spirit of one whose hopes have been like tne summer clouds, will cungto such ficetintt-hues ajrawP There is no au- tnmn ft MJ-i6iLbmall thci Imaffc are deep aid inaErenife tcr of tW thousA U withers the outer f0"0 040 ww iupplant the swecUy iuiru..ru . t KVnn u irum wsCoTtltTVT - -- "- y- -T- Vermont: where he baa resided as countr, until within a few months past, in July 1834, Rafter a year's experiments io electro-majrnetlsra. procurea wr xne nrsi tune ever known, ft RoTAif Motiow With utt power, tne oaenmery of which tt now being exhibited srratuitona , - , . - - - T - , fw-f - tonbhoent ofeTferyindiridual who w I aw whw fw aaosj'w vAfsnM ta- IMS seen It tn operation. I , Of the Origin Of this WOndcnul discoveryi which threatens to make as entire a reyolutlon in the mecban- ical world as that of Fulton io steam navigation, which it cay possibly 1 . i. , - f eatirelT xtrsrnede. the nnh'.Ie. ar them 18 -WW ftna deUUed wisne tbantbey hare hitherto ap- ipeirta. ... v In the first place it is necessary At'VstslhAvd. Lhi am! if ft In 31 atf litffl , v vw- w-ae w w w ajistaai w mm ventors. , . , ; , .Nor, let cs add, can even the in terestinj aad well-written descrip- tions in Sllhman'l JourDaI,txnd elscwhere in our neWspapcrs, pos-, sioiy maxe intemgioie tea nature w . Air. LlVCODcri s uiscovcrv. ah i ..r. j? v t CI lehce requires ta e . - thcjhU tj.itb fcsre' iprssj tip la ; -t:;3 Irjfct epea by thr pdcf, cis cr vzc cmsess hUp ta the. te cf thirty, Mr. ,0 cttrJily f:!!3trtd bis profession cT' Uackkcuih. la the sucner cf itZ39 ha bsppe&sd Ut tjo, as was his ess. , tstSf fren Crandcr to 'a forge at 1 Crcrrn Poiift ten Lake Chsaplaln, where he was in the habit of pur-1 chrinj Ijia irsa. file there saw si Kvclnsscylider.witii cSnetited i pdstv fsr.tbe Frpes? cf tspara- Ur; tho psrticleiof iron froa tho t pttlrerised crtf f 'How isthis mac;- estittd 9 caid Mf. D. ti the ow-! l. rtn ti a.a. " I ncr. T"y riuiessos: ut nrya none shoo Btp:et, which ycu tee tbereV tru iherttly, f t trajcaeefa ve . ry f Rill 4escrtpusn,:treigWc3 a- h;zi three csspds, and ,bad beepvi perensnd cf rjrc;::5sr llesry hia; self at AlsnjrQa avirxbibtUon7 cf its cowers, in csnsexisa with tho . f-tivanic mxcry, uzr-rs,! Air. u, wis to c truck mth thltohia, en-. iirely cove) treats that he iaraedi' ately decided ths price cf the, apparatus, tzi ptsrcbsssd the sane , pjiaj 9iaa aoisraca wuq inn use-'., ful purposes to which he iaoedt ately cocjuctored it Dijht be.ap plied, and too tauca enrcsed wttaf thU dotaioaot thought to re-aetnber, the load of- iron he bad cerae rin pursuit -ot It b proper' to say, that . previous ) to thu Mr. D. bad, become ftcquainted with the'eature of the peroanent nagnet, in bis ex cursions with that and the compass anionic the iron leBona cf' bis . na tive Utate. . On Us return, be ex- to a fnead bis conrictioni that the magnet could be oade ' to procure, a rotary motion. , t nit riend engaged with bira in a series of experiments, which proved abor-. live, and Mr. D. was shortly after abandoned "at k visionary. The saoe results precisely then soon followed, with two other persons. He was thus feiaxy and fortunate ly thrown upon his own resources, and himself was the sole discover er of this great invention, and the ' architect of bis own reputation. . While prosecuting hit research es be read nothing, but went on ward boldly, under the ttroog ia pulses of his own native genius, till be struck out the light which, as we beleive, will eternize bis name and that of hi country. ' -In allusion o his want of all pre-' Uainary educaUonand book knowl edge, we art coo vmced with him. that bad bis thoughts been entang led and entraamelled with the ideas cf other aen, his mind never would have been emancipated into the re gionsof boundless discovery, where a bat cow resihed. v The discovery took place in July 1S34. Herstntio-iliddle-- bury college, Vermont, and exhib ited bis production, where it Bet general approbation. Thence be case to Troy and exhibited it to Professor Easton, to Princeton and shewed it to Professor Henry, who had himself, without Mr.' Daven port's knowledgeprocured ft ahorC tia before a vibratory motion up and down with bis horse-shoe Bias- net : Mr. Devenport now mad o isae marked improvements in tho construction of. his machioe priA cipally in changing the poles of the aagnats, He then came to exhibit it af Saratoga during the suamtt oflCCO. There be met with Mf. Ila&sba ' Coke; t native ' of Ker Havencounty, Connecticut, who ta king', deep interest in the Insgul tude cf the discovery, immediately . Ll. I J f. l v i oecame as-ociaicu. wim iir, uarea pirfetU0