' i J t y 1'EBMSl.n2 IN ADVANCC SOU' CiV : Uvcr- fc' ".tr.rclay I lornin in Two Dolhr pfr ar-rra in edrsr.c; or Three Dolianuf r. p i i wi'.hin t! .-re 'months from this c-Uof tl.3 1st fto. Anv subscriber may (l;?rcr.tiijo within . jlic first 3 mr."i i -'J p;..-" No subscription to be discontinued till all .iwim La i ta! J i;:;!-J t tl.o tlus- crcii. a tf tho Editor. ' " ! AD loiters, co.:;;urJcalios3,fi:c to ccrr. i post paid. - . . ' Advertisements, inserted on the terms.; to Tnn postmasters. flaae to consider jnnrstttra ert!V. 'i tho-! and reqteted to act m apent t lr "SOU TURKS CITIZKN.' RcUiii a aatt.fl. lory competition for Jour ervicet. fc W' J th paper come to your eCco aJdretJ to a y perauo, loe not Uie it cut, be o food m to let me knew the reaao i Immediate, jj. In order ttt jroa wy ale-ayaknow frbcth. er the perron allretttl ' regarded ae a Sab teribcr or not, look U the mrjia bf ihc paper for the word 'gretutluui'tH " . BcmitUncee my be ise jr Bud t mj twk, itt current Bnk Note of yirfiut, J.'orth or 8oith CarotiM. - , . Any Potmfir ho myencloe fj In N. C or Uipe Pear pper('thttl receive three co p'tet of the Ctiuct oae ) er. r27:"" 'THE tDITCTl araal Drpartutcti t leneeasce or Tee i eicotei no : ASHBOHOUOir, N. 0. la:o)3 ovcn-L vrrcD. ' ( Question ly n Su cri ,:r.) "Sq po:3 A and tracts of land, cr.d r deed calls (or A's corrTsf" ! l.-5, B .claims to a line that over-hps AV; but ocithcr A nor B can idcr.tiy by eny lo cal marks, or liiinp tciltu its d cor. ten U their rcrrcctivc Lr.J', would prior porrcssio.n l" A f f a hr sori' t' j , . . . said lanJt" ' - A...J A. 1 If A hasench).;; 1 cr atcd any parttf t!;o d:?pu!oJ hr. l 'taacc, one cud of tl.a i! 7t-t ' .""V." -f k t for i. wl.&b of- tl.8 j h.Ui) it mures cs rcsc::::i Im!3. And if thi3 pos'.ua h - L . 1 'Udcf.cobt of 'tiitc Uo cr.a J l it. 1 What 14 and uhat is not, color cf L.L may lo seen oh reference to tl.3 41 2Ian of Easiness vol 1, pago SCI. 1 r 'TjtfQuetlhn by a Suhcriber.J ; .uIs a Trust Deed vaht without tho receipt of a Dollar, from tlio Trustee t" Wc w not prepared at present to say that tho want of a consideration of some , ion, moving from : lhj :TTrustoo to ' the Trustor, would of itself, rcudcr the deed absolutely void. For the point has nev er been presented, and so decided by owr.Courts., Judging however from a tehgy, we are well aware tjiat it is much tho safer wayjo insert in jho deed an acknowledgment f tho receipt of a dollar, or some nominal consideration coRsisiinj o( money, iu fact, wo In-line to tho opinion, that without such consideration, tho Trustee has only., a twkctt power, that tho Trustor may re. vokc at pleasure. ( Question by a "Suhtcrihr.) t "A madeovcr his land under Deed in Trust; tho land was sold by the Trus- 11 oeeame the pwchnscr. A mtikos a fhend of C for the purpose of satisfy, tj years vvjU,o,t noh-j!: n (r;.. ! b hi, f, fctirn . ho had given to each of tfkehadlho tliut,J I..-, d or any ;rurt ;s 5 80QJ fl o v , . 1 . .t n out any c .cr cL:::.cration tnan V cn t!io hrsd, -ca I ready, m.. j t.Vs HiIj i , C Krt tha j person v.!;o;i C t' 1 i . , " i: t Lj i made; C is Uicl U J i.'.i . , t .1 all UIC1 J. . . j .. 4 IJf I, ,3 Uv v 14 l,kt. i I ; ir.J .J officer, tLii Und aHiOj; C.j i-:, t'.-. hs haa no title; the heirs aro v."!.'. j j to ; arc less tho E S.1 said redeem t!.j land, lut L.o ch:.;, not willirj to rsijs lha levy c money is paid t ) them. Can Ihof -nTEclICTsint; land, and by L.-t sr.L dopnv e t. j of tho rrm.:"3 tfrcdcn-.rtjon, .1 it his al.vars Lem r.i 1 v C, t "t ! t! wa to secure a home f ,r t!, j widow; for there was co time set wlzz i.i had should beicdcc.r.cd? ' Tho v.ilo'.v has ever since lircd cn tf,3 lan 1, f. '.ouh those who cultivated tho land, pnid the rent to V. Vj Li3 uzl3 r. i tJwj; but ccr.tomplatci t II Tt: ; i.. t C I : ' r-!3 of r t!.3 j .7" -2 cf r.-:tir hir.sclf cf di.T-lty hcrcf:." It is ir.pcr to answer t!.:3 r"rts tion vi:!i!iy decree cf ccru:yt ' out kBOwing further, how tho cace stands befvvcen B And C. If B fns entered in to any lcal obligation to male tltlo to C, or st?ch prson as I j may narr.s, and has recieved his purchr.3 money lack naifj, it follows cf co:rs5, t! ' t 1.3 ntust finks ti:'.3 record "r-'y. " Put if, cn the other Hnd. C h r-.Iy i i t!.3 i' -.tion of a ,yoh:r.iry frier. 1, a!:ho"-!t 1.3 rmy havo r?ccivrdt!.3 r:r.sar 1 p-rv' if i:c has r'-'."'" HcoTel or draw t) hi.n r -!f t'-? t t! 3 has no lo -l cr Eulta 1 N : ' , tl.lt Cn to Si:1 ; ct to Kxo c ia cny sliipo uhaiaver. "Ar; 1 h thia state cf f-s B ought to lctaiu thctiilv.; an lit Jd lo, proper and rhht for him toLt tha heirs of A ro- p . . .. , deem Uw land; though t!ey cannot com-otAi'J.::r.J;r-; IVs pel him, cither at Law or Djuity.' DISTRIDUTION OF AN ESTATE. , f' Queslhn ly a Subscriber. '.'mj;' a a d:cs, leaving ro Y ill, and tors he had only ivcn arFcathcr-bc4 ar 1 furniturj ticach. Now the Ques tion i?, -Can I. j sou3 coma . in fur an equal i.;.: .j d; iur.tcrs, witaout rertenr:'; a ceived T " l:3 cl' -the lands re- JIcrtL-n-; cadi l' :r.a! 'y they , can clai;n, r!V;:tIvs '--; t;f the -per without Irirjirg his Jmd into II-tch pot (as tho law terms it;) but as to a division of real Etatc, it is other wise. See Jones & others vs. Jones & others, rvjjortcd in 2 T.Iurphey 150 al so th-i case of Wilc-ja vs. Hightowcr, in 3 Hawks 70. . ",V - .Qttrttfrn ly another) "If A Of -vcv Vy" d.-ed' f r :iI"orVill 01 sa.o a lot ct i.. -n B, and iter heirs, C . C, who afl.rwar.li .4 to f.;a rhtcr cotiturj with i ar. 1 haves - a child by B, and 0: 3 ly a former wife ; are the widow and said children equally entitled to the said negroes in a distri bution of tho cstato cf tl.a said Jo ceased?". ; , , ; , ANSWEtL W ' v ' At common law, the distribution must have oven made to tho widow and tho two children Equally. Because tlio whole property pissed to the wife, and being personal chatties, v6stcd absolute ly in the husband, (the remainder being void.) consequently; the whole must bo distributed according to tho Actof 17GU. ' But If tho transfer lo tho wife bonnes within tfie provision of our Act of 1823, (which it is impossible to say, withput feeing it,) it then follows, that the whole j vesta in tho child of tka.iacia&cd by B.I Hero folbvrs the Act c"ui;Jt 1. "That every limlUi"::;), bv deed or writing, of a slave or Llavcs, hereafter r.ada, wlich K.r.itat!w.i if contained ia a L;t v.;:i cf t"::iamc:.tv..Jdb3goodend tctcil C3 z: executory devisa cr la- cucit, lo, end b hereby declared to he a ood and cu:ual limitation ia remainder cf such slave or slaves 2. "That any limitation mada or re served to the grantor; vendor or donor, in any such deed or writing of a tlave or slaves, shall be good an(T e.Tcctual in law : 'Provided, such limitation, had it been made to another personwould be good and c.Tjctual, according to tho first section ot LM3 Act. 3. "That all su ahall be proved and registered, as other written conveyances of slaver aro or may bo by law required to be witness ed, proved and registered." . ' TO A QUERIST. Concerning the ,legal provision" for Widows, (&c we shall take pleasure in reviewing . tao several enactments on t!.at subject; and will publish the result as soonaspossiblcr perhaps next week. " v v MATIUMONY. Habit and long life together, are more necessary to happiness, and even to love, than is generally ima gintd. No one is happy with the object of his attachment until he has passed ciany days.-and above all,! many days of Ktsfartune. The married pair must know each other to the. bottom cf their souls; the mysterious veil which covered the two spouses in the primitive church, must be raised in its inmost fold, how c foscly soever it1 cay be kept drawn to the rest cf , the, world. What! on account cf a tit of caprice, cr & burst of passion, atari to be cxp used to the fear of losing iny nile and my children, and to re nounce the hope of my declining days with them? Let co ono ia igirie that fear will make c.z be come a better husband Nor; we do not love a property which we are in danger 01 losing, We must cut give to Hymen the nings of.LoY, nor make a sacred reality a fleeting phaatoou ' One thine alone is sufficient to destroy your happin::3 in such, transient unions; you will constantly -coq pare the one to the other, the wife you have last t3 thtone. youhave gamed; an, not deceive youn self, the balance will always incline tilhs past, far to God has con klructcd the human heart, ' This di.tricthn cf a sentiment 'Which should be invisible, will empoison all our joys. When you caress your new infant, yoa will think 01 the saitis cf the one you have' lost; when you press your wife. to. your bosom, ycur heart will tell you she 4, . W Oj tj not tne l.rst. livery tnir ta man tc::di to unity; he is no b::cr happy he is divided, and like God v. ha v.i'lz Jbia ix hii-icsc, his ssul reeks incessantly to con cetttrata rto one point, the . past the prccr.ti cr.d tha future. Ti.s v.i.'j cf a Christian h net a sir.:; z r.tcrtal; she U a mystrrioos ; j,tue Ltiag; the flesh of the flesh, tl.3 11 j 1 of the bh.od of her has- taad. Man, ia uniting himself to her, uses nothing but regain par of the tubstancewhich he has lost lib scut; 3 well es his body, is in complete without his wife; he has strength, sha has beauty; -ha c.: bats ths enemy and labors" ia the field; but he understands uothin ofdomcttis life: his companion is waijing to prepare his repast and sweeten l.is txistence. He has his crosses and the partner of his couch is there to soften them; his days may bo sad and troubled, hut in the chaste arms of, his 'wife 'ho find conifort and . repose Without -r n Wcaan carr::! I ba radCi "TOssdctac!.iJ from t!,e stage by thoSuperin and solitary. Woman sprcaC-t a round Liu the flowers of cxi as the creepers of the forests which larUMi.s trunk! of sturdy caks .:th their perfumed gai lands. Ki .lly, the christian pair live and united; together they rear the r...!i.".'ii": .:''"''. . , ... i-us 01 uic union mine tiusttney Is side by aide; and they are re- uaitcd deyond the limits tl the nb. 'Chateaubriand. ; A Veteran Printer. -The Edi tor cf the. Weekly Messenger late ly paid a visit to Hartford, where he records tho followiriginlercsting incident: '--"'''4 -- -j f'bmce ray arrival in thiscitv. I have had a very interesting inter view, with the very. venerable Geo. Goodwin, who is now. SI btlieve. the . oldest practical printer in A- menca being 111 his eighty- third year, but as hale, hearty and active apparently, as most men are at fif ty-five or sixty,, I found hica m the ,iace place and at the same em- ploymeut that I did when I called oa hira tweuy years ago, viz. setr tiag type for the Connecticut Cour ant. When I expressed some little surprise thereat, he observed that he had been ettiei types for this same paper more than 70 years. and he, could not feel contented to abandon his ' favorite employment at this Urac of life." . .Jl JIuax.Tht story of Ilr, Scudder operation on the eye bfa youn lady of Charleston H. C., proves to have been unfounded. The extraordinary performance of restoring her to sight, was said to have been done at Balls ton Spa. but no one know any thing; about it." The editor of the Ballston Spa says We have made inquiry into the matter, and find that the article waa written by Mr. Scuddcr him self, and1 that he procured its pub lication in the Gazette.""-Evening Post " " ' " " , i . Wilmington, rfvrui 25. - SEVERE STORM. , - Sinccthe publication of tho last Ad vertiser, our community and tho neigh boring country have 4 severely sufiered from a storm, whieh we fear has . been felt "throughout" the 7 country."" For a week or two past the skies have been b-r yerclouded, with occasional intervals of sunshine; but on Friday tho I8th , inst tlio lowering of the clouds, and tho pre valence of an easterly wind, plainly forei told that we were to bo visited . by an August storm. On the , alternoon of Friday it began to rain moderately hard, but as ; night began to unlbld her cur tains, tho wind shifted to the N.E. and the rain poured faster. Before midnight greo as to threaten1 the ruin which too speedily" followed, n The return of dav revealed to our eyes trees uprooted, streets washed into gulhcs, roads ob structed" byTthonallinof:"trcerScT0s5 them, and bridges destroyed.' ; No houses havo been blown down within the lim its of Wilmington, although -some will rcjuire slight repairs, and most of the yards to bo re-cncloscd. The tin sheet ing upon ths Banking House used by the Branch of the Bank of the State, has Lcca somewhat ripped o(F the S.E. cor ner; also a part ot that upon the roof of Law cc Savage's mill. A part of tho wall has fallen from the western side of ths new jail although no "material inju ry was dono to that building. The quan tity of water which has fallen has been greater than we havo ever, knew and the consequent injury very great VVo arc told that there is not a bridge stand ing .between Wilmington and Waynes borough,' after crossing that uverStnidi's Creek. On Saturday, the Halifax stac, driving into Lewis' Crcek, three miles South of Washington, had nearly been swept away by tho swollen watcrs As it ' was, tho horses in 1 the lead were drowned before tlcy could bo extrica tcdv Tho wheel horses were promptly I' VCLrriSI KU3IBER S3 i Or S3 .AITESI UOSTOtl tendent of the Hail Road Company and one of tho Engineers; who were among the passengers, the driver, being unable J to'swim, was forced to remain upon his i scat. About 100 feet of. the embank- ' ment of tho Wilmington and. Raleigh; ' Rail Road has bccncarried -avay, a- bout six miles-frorft" Wilmington. CAll the water mills in the ncurhborhoodAt ccpt that at Orton, have been, swept way, or had tncirdams droken. Amonjr tlio numbcrre Messrs. ; Bradley's, Quince's, the mill at Oakley, that at Greenfield,-Dr. Everett's and Eden's milL Of tho injury dono to the rice and ' corn crops, it is impossible to speak ac-l cbrately. The corn is all prostrated, and a part Of the rice crop under water. A rice planter, upon Whose judgment wo; TlAv. tnlt tin ihnr liruin hl' nlantittsn inn the North East, he thoughf his average -" loss' would not amount to one-fourth. Another froni below, who plants upon the riven and unon Town Tiwlr::''tti.A. mates his own loss and that of some of his neighbors as complete. . One gentle- man has lost a quarter of a mile of bank ing. Town Creek was on the 21st up in iKa ffsvirinnr ft f thai knslmv nnAn tUn lower road. . The public works upon tho river, and tho fortification at Oak Is-' Iand,have sustained less inguryrrwe hear, than the Engineer in charge had apprehended. . . The brig Mary and Eliza, of Glou cester, Mass. anchored in the bay at Smith ville, was driven on an oyster rock, where she remained dry at the last ac count .She has. sustained no material injury. Jt ears are entcnamed mat a piece 01 painted and carved wood, picked op up on the sound at Wrightsville, may prove to be part of some wrecked ship or steamboat, and the fury and duration of the gale afforded too great cause for founding such apprehensions. The gale was certainly the most violent we have ever witnessed, and tho quantity of wa ter which fell from midday on Friday, until midnight on Saturday,; was greater than has ever been known. It is pain ful In itiinlr nf tKrt nun 1 nA Inaa rvf lifn .Ml V MMMW - v. M.w . VU WUU VW - w 'U.W which must assuredly follow. We have received no mail here since Friday,' although three are due from Fayetteville, and one from Newbern. They are doubtless stopped by the wa ter courses--but when they do come, they will bring accumulated intelligence of loss and wreck. The papers fronj every quarter for weeks to come will be filled with accounts of the iravages of Saturday. I'urtler particulars of the Storm. A gentleman from Portersneck Sound has informed us, that six masts, some of which have evidently been cut away, a painted water cask, a great coatr a lea ther and a hair trunk, havo been washed up upon the beach near his house.' The banks in many places have been swept away; and two new inlets were said to havo broken in oppositedr neatMcIlao's w a . vnuiiui ,r 4 aau pax vt Oak Island has been Washed away, and the trip making out from that Island much changed. ; Wo think it highly probable that the Bar has been changed, and think it- necessary- that an investigation bo made. 7 ?,' TT' ' - -rr Tliere were - eight or- nine horses Caught upon the marsh at Federal Point that attempted to. swim across to Bald Head, a distance of three miles, but the 4 sea-was running so-aign, mannoy-wra all drowned, except one filly, of three years old. ihoncc-plantation of Gov. Dudley,- opposite the Sduth end of tho town, has lost about half a mile ofjiver banking. We know of no other rica banking which has been leveled, except Mr.Gibb's, alluded to in another arti cle.1' ; ' : f - - . We are just informed by the Chief Engineer of tho Raih Road; that tho work has suffered not more than one twentieth of tlio injury he had apprehen ded, and that the 100 feet of banking wo have spoken of as destroyed is about Prince George's Creek, and not' six miles from town as thero staled. Some fears are entertained for, tho safety of tlio Regulus: a barrel or keg having been washed upon tho beach at Wrightsville, marked KEGULVS upon one end, and STORES unon the other. i vidvertiscr. Tht fate Gale. We conversed yes terday ith a gentleman fram Edenton, N. C. who stated that many of tho beaa-

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