3 V r I) 'I TWENTY-FIFTH CONGRESS CF TUB UNITED STATUS -LIST OF THE MEMBERS OF , BOTH HOUSES. , . , ; THE SENATE. Maine." ' Soul h Carolina 1 "John Rustles John C. Calhoun Jleucl WailamaYa Picsion ATew lfampshirf-eorgia. Henry Hubbard Alfred Culhbcrt . . .FranUin Pierce , r" Massachusetts John P. King ' Alabama. ' John Davis . Clement C Clay -Daniel Webster-- William RrKing r 'Rhode Island Mississippi- 9 Nehemiah KLKnightlohn Clack Ashcr Robbms . Robcrtvl. Walker " Connecticut U J ' Louisiana. JohaM.Nilcs . Alexander Mouton Perry Smith Robert Cfticholas , Vermont Tenntt-tee. Samuel Prentiss Felix Grundy , Benjamin Swift - Hugh L. White ', Aew York. , , Kentucky. 1 ' Nah. P. Tallmadga Henry Clay , .Silas Wright: . s John "J. Crittenden .LNetc. Jersey..!.' ? Arkansas. -1 Y ; Samuel U Southard William S. Fulton 1 Garret D. Wall Ambrose 1L Sevier , . Pennsylvania, : - A ; '-.Missouri. James Buchanan Thomas H. Benton Samuel McKean Lewis F. Linn JfrtawarM?7 rtlinois. Richard IL Bayard JoTin3L Robinson ; Thomas Clayton Richard M. Young XrMarylandyX " Indiana: 't Soseph KentyCffim Smith T John & Spcncc4 j John Tipton L - v .William a Rives V W'illiam Allen . . V John J. Rone Thomas Morris VcriK Carolina.' Michigan.' BedR brd Brown , Lucius Lyon Iwtert Strange 'X JohnlNorvcll ' ilOUSEOF REPRESENTATIVES t t Maine. ieor?c Evans l nomas Davee . Timothy J. Carter Joseph Gr Noyes - F. UL J. Smith , Hugh J. Anderson , Arw llatnp&kirc Samuel Cushman Joseph Weeks ' , James Farrington Jarod AV. Williams Charles J. Atherton , ' -'Maesachusellt.- s s lucnara r leicner worge iinggs -Stephen U Phillips Wnva CalSoua , Caleb Cushing 'Nathaniel R. Borden IS: Wm. Tarmenter, . John Q. Adams Lei Lincoln ' " ' ""John Reed ' 9 George Grcnnell W'm.J. Hastings v '. :vsJiodeJTanaf.r J. UTuTinghart R. B. Cranston - , "I Connecticut.' Isaac Touccy ? t, , Thos. T. Whittlesey Samuel Ingham " LauncclorPiielps Elisha Haley - ' " Orih Holt v y 'r .. Vermont. HilanJ HaU Isaac Fletcher Wm. Slada Horace Everett llcman Allen J ! 'A'ew York. JThomas B. Jackson Henry A. Foster A. Vanderycer Abranam P. Gract C C Cambrelcng Isaac IL Bronson ElyJIoore John H. Prentiss Xa ward Qurtis "A masa J.: Parker -Ggden Hortrnan - John C. Clark 5overncor Kemllc A. D; W Bruyn J Obedsah Titus Hiram Gray . Natlianiel Jones ?, William Taylor John C BroVllicaJ Bonnet Bick'ne'L t, .Zadock Pratt . ; Wm. II. Noblo - fljobcrt APCtcllan, Samuel BirdaaH j" 'ilcnry Vail IIark lLley Ax!ft vauup John 4Jliwrvws.4; John 1. Ir Graff --Timothy Chiidy- "5 David It'iwU Wia Patlarson John P;l ner Luther G."Pcck James B. Spencer Richard P. Marvin Julia Edwards. .Millard Filinnre rf haxaJ Ixx'ii'? Charles P. Mitchell 'itc Jt r fry. !n R. Avrkrig! James F. Randolph I -Nis P. H.TMaxcIl narks C. .Stratton -Wir..'ilatr,i'd" -glfion h s 'JrYvrlivr 1'innij.lvunvL Lemuel PaLncr X)an. SheiTcr Juhn Servant- CbarW M'Clure (k rrc; V Toland AVm-.W. Pottor 1 Charles Nay lor David Pctriken , . Edward Davies Uob't. II. Hammond Ii vid Potts, jr. Samuel W. Alorris lidward Darlington Cliarles Ogle - Jacghn'; jr. JhnKlingensmith J. a 1 1 ! ya M rrls A nd rc w Buc ha na a ' liuid D. Wawr T. M.T. MeKcrinan iid -ard Klhlky Richard Riddle i'. A. Muldi-nk-rg Wm. Realty LiiihtT Jlcily Thomas Hour; uJeury Iian Anwld l'lu.ner Delaimre. John l.MilJtin " ' . Maryltftid. J"l:n Pern's Inac M Kim James A. lVnff U'm. C. JohiiNori ' J.T. H. WonLirtiftrmlVam-i!. Thoinas Benj. C. 1 1 ward i anil Jenifer 'Virginia. 1 4 , Ifonry A VVir -ohu If. Paton , ' iV UK-is .t.l'!.ry Jatcs M. Mat on Charles F. !':rcer Andrew lloim JohnTaliafeno ;, Archibald Sue. t i R;T.M. Hunter John V. Jones James Garland vv Robert JfVai m Francis E. Rives GcorgeAV. Hopkins Walter Coles ; Joseph Johnson Gco.C Drumcoolo Wm. S. Morgan J.imr W. ISotiUlm " . , i , - North Carolina... , JcssTATBmifu"Aug7 1 V Shepherd Edward I. Stanley Ab. Renchcr , .1 Charles Shcpard Henry W. Connor James McKay f James Graham ' M. T. Hawkins C Lewis Williams ; ' Edmund DeberrxSaniuclT5awyer Wm. Montgomery .-. :u x , '.' VquA Carolina : "l . II. S. Lesare r :.-v John K, Gri.Tm" Waddv Thompson R. parnweU Smith Francis W, PickcnsJohn Campbell W. K. Clowney John F.Richardson F, II. Elmore . J t -I '". , Georgia, j.'. Thomas Glascock J abcz Jackson . J. F. Clcareland a Georsro T. Owens Scatoa Grantland Geo. W. B. Towcus Charles E. Haynes W. C Dawson V Hopkins Holscv . -'!-.'. "'.." Jtiistmppi.4 J. F. IL Claiborne S. JlGlwIson- , , ; . " Kentucky. John Murry . , ; Wm. J. Graves , Edward Rumscy" John White" . ' J;R. Underwood i Richard' I la wes Shermd Williams Jlf A; Menifee - i Jai Harlan 4 i John Chambers John Calhoon .. W; W. Southgqito j John Pope ' ' -' : ; .rnnterr" . Wm R Carter . James K. PolkV A. McClellan I ' Ebcn. J: Shields Jos. L. Williams Richard Cheatham II. L Turner John W; Crockett- Wm, B. Campbell- Chris. H. Williams Joon ucii ! lUnc vacancy A. P. Manry ; - ' , t , ' - Ohio, y Alex. Dunsan J. Alaxandcr, ir.l Taylor Webster! Alex. Harper . V Patrjclt G. Goodc I. P. Udbcttcr ; . i 1 1 homas Crw in W m. 11. Ilunter XUUUI43 J ll-l'IlUl JWIIIi. i . iliUll . Calvary. Morris I Elisha Whittlesey ' Wm. Kay Bond , Andrew Loomis J. Ridgway Mathias Shipler " John Chancy) Danicl ICilgorc . Samson Eason . V , t i - ' ',- ' ' 'Jauitianfc ' , N Henry Johnson ' " Rice Garlaud ' Eleazer Mf. Ripely - . Indiana. ' . ' - RatluT Boon s, Jas. Rariilen . t John E w ins v Wm.1 lerrbtl ' , l tahanrii tAlbcrt S. W Kite Geo. IL Dunn 1 V " . ' - '. Hniinob. A. W. Snyder V Wmvl May Zadoc Casey . ; f - ' t y ,Vab'amay , Dixon I L Lewis Joab Lavtlor - . Francis S. Lyon "" Joshua L Martin Ueuucn thapman " , . . ? MmoutuJ ' , - Albert G. Harrison JohnjnUcr irkansars ' Archibald Yell Michigan. Isaac E. Crary! . . . ConTesl. V recen t sojourn of j a few clays at WashiH'ton has con vinced us tbatnothing will be done, at the present iessioii of Congress, to relievu the coontfy from its dis trcssed iituation.It is prohable that an extension of credit will be gran ted id iIerchants;Oritheoodsp en by them to the flovemment fur duties, and this will afford some re lief ti the Commercial Cilies. but nothing will be'ilone towards re storing the currency to ilr former soond condition nothing, to re vive the bnsiness and hones of the eMinlryhich alike prostrated. A Resolution hav ing passed both Homes almost with unanimity to" conCn6 the iclion of Congress to thesnecific propositions embraced in the President's Mts sage,' a adjournment may he Kcted from the 1st to the IOi!i cf ;toher. In the mcantlmp, tha pa tience of the House will be WcariwJ with unprofilahlfi discussion, to far as maturing any ben eficia I meas ures are concerned, but w hich may do good, by enlightening the coun try as to the cause of the -prrent distress, 4 hich ; some ore ftill on willing to attribute toititrue sourcp, the mischievous course cf the Oof ern men V ' ' X. -yyy:, 'X ; t We do not bcleive that any fi tend of thc AdminLslration hopes to car ry through Contrrrns the S'ub-Trea- jury $Uirme. The doign 4 ii; by sa i. iC6 he Wl. ? to Lrin-T r nositic . for a KstHal L .uk, wh irh tfin; done, tin enden- vor would he tr.ade to crcatei an n- - - j . .... . i ua befarc ilie people between Uie wo-proposl-ions, and to throw the on uon the VVhirv Hut as Mr. Wie - told the Chairman of the Committer ; of Ways ivnd lleans, Mr, CirobVclcn?, the other lay theWhigs 4 fully; understand the game the Administration is playing, ana will Dot JhJl inM.the trap, ifl? Whig have no proposition tobring forwf l. They will tak e the best for tlT3 wuntry which is presented without reference to whence it pro ceed. but havine had no nan I in rcdacing it to its present extremity they will leaye the wiginatii o jMans lor reuei vio inost! wuc in discretion has aClicted the 'Nation ne st s i cr. ;.J6(vh .QjStftgcti. Saturday, fttvt. t Monday " pextrw-ilt -commence r the Fall term of our Superior Court Bis Honor 'Jtuhjc Samidcrf onjhe Circuit 25th CONGRESS, (1st Scssioa) ' This bolv convened on the 4th insL ; . i; , ' .., - !,: ,. ( .. A diary of the proceedings for a few of tl firsf weeks, would be; tedious anil uninteresting to the general reader. We shall here present a Summary of tl most important matters that have fans pired to the latest Washington dates 1 5th inst J . "I J -I... ''.C Mr. Polk of Tennessee elected Speak er of the House of Rcprescntative?r- StaVbf the pb!P-Fo!k, 110,rf Bell, 103, scattering 5. -inomas Alien, wJor.wwc lhas also introduced a bill into the House A 11 Y ! " . f -L ' ! m w elected Printer to "fof Rcpretativet, to authorise the U btate of the poll, on the ( m zrti lart balot AlK-n 1 13. Blair & Rives (EIitors. oi inc uiooc; iui, uaa-j , ocaion,- itors of J1Ioenr); T!1!lGiobo e"1 rS,wS inc w,,iwni tfd0th,r$. Jt also eaves it and the conwmtlies. The latter Jcrm is used- to signify such of the Ad ministration party as cannot go tho full lenth ' of Van Burinixnu . It seems thaUhantinVisJodonom Hce attached I to that of the National In- tcllicnccr and perhaps cxccuted,:in part at leatt, by that cstabliihmcnt Numerous ctitIons . and memorials havo bceh introduced, praying fur tlw establishment of a National ILi nit.-' And mK" fnagainsi me rccog. ion. llemonstranrcs "against the mcas urc are more numerous than petitions for it On the Texas . subject, nothing is likely to IxTdoii thc 'present Ses sion, as its dcIiberaUons are understood to Iw'confincd solely to 41kj di.Ticultica end distresscrof tfieCduntryia a pecu niary point of view.- , J v ; Mr. Wright, from the Commit' on Finance,' reported to the Senate ihrcc bills, w i:ih have been read once, and or dcrcd t a second reading, f . 1. A Dili to authorise the isviinx of Treasury S'olci. Provides, that the President shall cause to bo issued Treasury ?iotes of hot Jess than I ) 1 00 each, to siich amount a may bo neces sary , hot to exceed in all J-rnillions of doiars-fTliat tho, faith of the filled States js hdA fjr Oid'recrnptufn if these notes at thc end of one year from their date, and tliat. they lyar ?ueh in terest irrlhe mean time as shell, bo ex pressed in the face of them; tfe rate of interest to be fixed by'thc Secretory, with the advice and consent of tho Pi e-tidcht;-ftnd that flic said fatoofl inter- et uliall not in any case exceed per cent rcr annum; and not r:cri:c 1 ' .. ' r - ' on anv note longer tnan ono year irom its date- These notes are to bo paid out om time to time to, such persons - as iave claims against the yited States, and will receive them at par. The Se cretary the Treasury is also author ised,, with the consent of the President, to harrow money on tho credit of theso notes, provided he can get them off at par-. They are i to lid' transferable ly endorsement and at all times, and pla ces receivable ibr jdebts 6f every ydesr oiptlon, duo io t!icXTnited StatcsT TTIic 8Usn 0 inousana aouars is oppro- oriatDd to defray tho expense of jrint- ing, engraving, ana ouierwiso prqann (tie notes for circulatioiu Counterfeiting tho notes is madecont subject to im nrUonmcut, not" under thrte nor more than ten years, a4 fuc not exceeding ;5,000. Anl lastly tho Secretary' the Treasury isV publish monrfily statO' mi nts of the amount of hole issued or I Si. ; iiltanlboriilng: aj further postponement cf the payment on du ty bonds. -Provides . that the time of payment be extendi J on each bond so as to male sit months from the time it becomes due; And that a like indulgence (6 months) be given on all duty bonds taken for a year after tho 1st of Octo ber 1837. Provides alw (or making and keeping tho bonds w ell secured. v t trXbtllYor'adjustin'theremain ing claimsypon the deposite Jiankt. ProvKln that the Secretary of the Trea sury shall withdraw the depoMtes from the several depmile Banks,1 as gradual ly as thcf demand of the' Treasury will admit; and if. any ofajd banks reiuso to pay when caUcA onT suit shall be edmtnenerd forthwith for the a'fposite, and interest at C per cent per annum, unless tlic Canst give good security to pay the amount in three installment; Wm one tliird in two months; another third in five montli; and the remainder in eight months from the passage of this act . The Committee of. IV vys Mean fUj02 rtamtf notes;-vtry iimilar - j., to that above dosenbed ;n(1.. :n thc Senate : This houev qr fJls the Itankasto I "cecded, with tlc , 0 ... the ambuntnotto itim of Tirch discreiionary with the President wheth erthonqtcs be inad-3 payable ;.tA order, or to bearer. . and til the lattcf case. makes them- transIeraMo by tie U very, -x rf and b2 demanded, it shail t r- v-jntATst from the timo of demand, at t!o rati of jive per cent, per annum. . ' Roth acts provide for tl.c cn.plo r.pkV; ch'rls mcnt of an, additional nn;r.ber of. ;t ,c Trensurv dnmrtnu'!,!. f M"it room; forOuiccjhuntcrs, -should ; the: blilS pass.)... '-;. , ;f f- w Mr. Webster has addressed tho 6rn- ate at great length ia op:wsi:on to the bill to postpone th payment of tho .Oc tolcr instalment of tho dewrites to tho States. ' r ; ' r ' - " Mr. Burhanofi Infrndurril the f.dlow n; smendmr'nt to the bill: YfimuVil thst thfihrre Erst lnta!nifits?illre- msin indepoito with the 8tJtt" until ot' rise ordi-ifd by Congn-is'' uhlcli pasird3J t 12, sn l the bill engrossed fir third. ratling 27 ,l J?..';'.-.:"''; ;. Mr. Adams 1'itrodiircd, in the 'House f Rrprrsertiativcv'ft Rcsfdutioti ti're euiie lltf Clcikiif the Home to f-iiilnli copies all iU Rets" tiut'.luvo icri panned hioce the 1 ui i. f 11 ? t, !y the S'Ute IrfgislituiTs, iui:, ;i ; ( the ltt9. pensioiM) payniu.t ly tic iiiiik's,vor touciiiig tle suhject la any way.,"v - i Mr. Ad.ams introdurtd a rtwiiu'ilon (ailing on the President fr all the cor irHjMiiidrnce that 'L taken pUre I ", tweru the O'uvcHii.iJ'id .f TVa an 1 the. Kxecutve of tho L"ld(rd Xuien, reLtii'c to thc'aiiiicxitiiia uf 1xa in aitnji." ted ' i i ATTEMITAT IiltlBHilY. ' -r'Weh?velriediii vnuTumi'resi'otw indignation at the lata attempt maifc U Uio ouuruiai wi "o i reusury 10 uyy up tho mcmberof Congress. into. a jilenf acquiescence with tho, late and present measures ofthef admfnistrfi6h' xi'latlve to tho financial interests of theCouiitrv , Tho Treasury of. tlw .United Stales tnrougn mo ignorance, mismanagement and rfirflgalily t f a bad IfiisttfafionT" ha failed. p And now, to tlissuadii Con: grcss from investigating ..and CTposin the cause, the members arc otTorcd spe cie in payment of- their attemtance; whilo Uw more humble 'and obum creditors of Ujo Treasury arc eidierde nied payment at all, or forced . to tsle Trehsury drafts, to be protested and sold for. whatever a; hungry set of brpl kera ami shaving swindlers are'dlpospj to give. , Wh1 Uus distincti9n ,,. My ia y a wealth v gentleman, because ha happens to bo a member or Congress, m better money than you would a poor but lonest and unfortunate day-labored For tlio same reason that one of t! New York" Daaki counted n! to Jofio Randolph his claim in specie, after it hai suspended payment i to others, rauS thansutTor him,totpose.its abusel We undcrstaiid tins subterfuge of tbs AdministratHOT irr likely to succeed to. some extent; how far, the further pro. gross of the" Kcssion must develope. llii Congress assembled with ho other pro pect lhaa for the mcmberi to lake Urcir pay in the protested drafts of a bank rvpt Treasury, on broken 3Iri Woodbury and his whole porn wouiu nave -smeu j uss v . j We hero take tho liberty of iotrods- cing a copy of ' tlw Letter from the Se cretary of dieTrcasury to the Clerk f llio House of Representatives: u !' .Treasury Department, l V'i'l'-Aognst Sin, The Bear "approach of tnc scssiw of Congress makes it prpcr '-for me h apprize yon, in order thili the informs lion mav he usedforthebcnf6t andic- icpmmodation of Uie mcroben of the House of RcrrcscntatiTet, that thtsu partmcnt . will to. prepared to furai fumU for their payment in notes of She city banks tit specie, or fo give dnS upon several of the Collectors of tle cm- te s ums ana receivers i urc mum un or the former deposite banks, in suitable sum, as may be most convenient to iiay of ihetn. ; -x .t , , ; f I am, sir, very respectfully, ; -n ; , j. ymJf iHwlient serranti - ; l::;. um wooDBURV, ' r 5 X Secretary of the Trcai ;rj jnSFranktin.la. -i- Clerk of tho I louso of Reps, of the U.S. Nearly as soon as the House yr;of- gamscd, Mr. Diddle o( PcnnsylvanM w troduccd tlic following Rcsolution,ww is hkly to pass: ;'., lt '?nWThat the Secretary iftV Treasury report to. this House, uhctfiJ a letter puq-ortmg to be addrcsscaff hi. n to tlio t U rk of tho Houe, oucritf linvmcnt In Mfcie to members of i0. gross, is auflwnfirr if so, to what other claimants on the treasury t a simuarw fer has tecfi rnide. ami whatorincttM discrimination, if any, hatf been adopts in tlie owHiium of payment to thc pu creditors.'',, Iji suptKrt f the resIutionrMAJ dlo'trlrkcdi- v. Tliat the letter of the" Sccrctarj' t' - Treasury to'thVCIerkofthUUoUX- ( i i. ia subject alluded to inthis rej-w had struck him a$ . objccUonaofc 5i.d he had,' tficretbrc, tak-w tho oppj- t.:mty, -ofcalling tho. attention Ihus0 to it at t!il earliest momcqt.' $ t!tu Mler conta 1 irr that letter waJ trt if the &! rotary, and rested in his discretion ta giycii h'.i .wiuiueia ai picasuiv, thej luii.se, and wiihlit-M front portion pf the incaibers ot thallous; it may be withdrawn entirely .from mem lwr of l!nnTri' ft ml tt'ivcn to SOlflC rn...; ..... - .j thcr officers of thu f Jovcriiinent, r lie creditors, ft . may bo witWra1 frohi us, and ci'vrn to notru) othei' p' son whom it tniglit yy proper to rcwar It m:iy ho given Id judges of coury lliorehy iiicrcaMP their salary by P mora lint. , rlt tni t have bcAn p1 t!:o M ';s of !iC t .urt hi tlic I WW yr a Jt f A. -TV :,v , i jy- , v--yv v y . : ...V- 5 .. .... 1

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