'I IV: , i it re ! ! I t ,n If .hi ' POETRY. , . -( tawing Hutu . Hast thou one heart that loves thee,, In this dark world of care. Whoso gentle smile approve? thee, , Yield not to dark despair. . r One rce whoso fragrant blossom, '' IV. vii W for thee alone, Oai fond confiding bosom. ' Vre love it all thy owq:. : One nentlc8tar to guido thee, -. .And fcless" t!ee on thy .way, - , k, . That en w hen storms Betide, thee, Still lends its gentle ray: ... One chrstal fouiuain springing Within life's dearest waste, ,rVr Whoso waters still are bringing ? f -Refrtihmett to my-tastes One itmoful v oice to cheer thee, , ; tcM-MrrtiW has distress;';'; ;-:;. 6iie breast when thou art wear)', Whereupon thy head to rest: - 'Till that sweet rose is faded, :.w And cold thai, heart so warn; 'Till d'tud.i hy eiar have shaded, Heed not the passing storm- Tffl the kiirf voice that West thee, All mute in death dost lie, - And tho fount that oft refresh'd thee, To thee is ever dry: Thou hast one tie to bind thee, To this dark world of traro, Then let not sorrow blind thoo Yield not to dark despair. -ONt, OF THE HENPECKED. . -, her hair is as dark as the midnight wave,- . ;. And tier eye khkc ktodlinjrfire, - And her -voice is as sweet as the spirit's voice. That chords with the seraph's lire. But her nails are as iharp as a toasting frnk, -,j i..;.- And her arms are as strong a bear's; She pulled my hiar, and she gouged my .eve, , . And she kicked mo down the stairs. I've got an eye that's made of glass And I ;-e got me a vita that new; Thcwit f-ftf'd in corkscrew curls, And th- ; j a clouded blue. She may s!iiKc her knuckles full in my the lamp to my beard, TTraTfrrrtntTO A nd hold the broomstick over my head But I'm not a bit afcar'd. ' F ' I've bound her over to keep the pcac", A:ki l ycboubi uic-a crabtreeane; : Tie justice wilt come, and the constable too, - :,Jy If ihe meddle wiU mo again. 'head was a -ck in the linct. cap, And nn eye mtnth in the patch; it Vijo.v i '.iUy torch of love, Wf i,! ic i v tt t brimstone match. a y I M S JUSTICE. rpHK Author f the "Men of Bunin en" in now prr purine a new end complete Treatise of the i ommn ettt ute haws of North Candinn, rfNting to the oflioial duties ft ml v-jnuisiljilitie uf Jniti' en of 'he P'-iire, SluriflTs, Cor . , ' ' . !l .ct-s Kntry ta il .......-. 1.-2. ftJ-m. tu''m. iiuar A ' ri- i, Vy4rriM , i- Mud pfd' tirtl in Mi Le ) k now et' to. . T.i- tiil- iil b rnmririnrd in one T7fFiiff MixpdT.ttTRnnjfpHiaptaboiit 400 m i iv. jnci. 'Hip w rk will be writ nnoted nu Imhi'iii, hihI rrxdv fur ubn-i vim's durtne tin montli of Marrh next: to b iro nll drliterrd at ny CurtluM within the Mate at 83-50 t r iKtir o !j?J0 f'r lOcMpi An .iibicttl- f v-hn mjr bi pleancd to imy mow in ai!vnnce, nhall hne a rreff. in lull f ir i 50. Adtlreni H, Saini At. e Lw, Atiborough, N. C F''f "' !' sgi'. Ortobi i, 13 7. S All &liUr . p'obtiah tl,? tiu py of.th woek j Si.it are requested to t i . t.. tud take a .co l jvin i'. f: r - VMOUXd & riRGIXLI MmanoA for 1838, Jw rtctlvt-tl, andforMle, -whole iuUc arid retail, nt this f)flT?e 4 : ...KOKTtl CAFOLTtTA For the benefit of the 8lisbury Ac lerry To be drawn at Mocks viflc X, C On Thursday,- lOst of October, 1S37 75 number Lottery 14 drawn bllots t ' '- ; v "Manajjers Splendid Scueme; O' i Prize of 1 0,000 1 Hollars; 1 do. of 4,000 do. v i Prize ,of : 8,000 do. 7n 1 do 1 . do. i . do. 8 Prizei 10 do. 10do. of of t of of of 2,500 do. ..it 2.000 do.: 1,500 rt'MtfPr 1,000 do. - : 500 do- - OO'rdo'E.-T" Besides many of 500, 21 100, 00, 80, v co, eo, occ. ccs. oce, ; . ; - Amoundng in all to $347,290. 7i AYIiolo Tickets ' 85- "Qnartcrr . ', 8 J,25T A Package of 25 Whole ' .rr Tickets in this Lottery will cost 865 50 9' Half do. 32 73 Qtiarter do. 1637 ,T be hat) in Ihe greatest rarlf ty of numbers, either by the Package or m gle Ticket, or STEVENSON & POl2to, - . , . Raleigh, N. C, TMST 0F LETTER9 " I EM1KIKQ in th Fort OlRco at AshbWi Iti which if aot applied for within, three oath. n be soot tout General rosv , ui Gc u dead letter, vv ..'.- V V .' ' : ' f it? Hugh Lkaoh, Junes LaughUa, N Samuel Newbv, . Lewis Needhsm, Joseph Newby. Banael brova, -Jehu BjTt Brmctj, . EJrtrd Brewer. fttj CheTjin Tbomt Croes, Ttrry Croker, D Clote Dr. I me Divmm- - . Emclr A.' Elliott F Wm. Fii-low, Wm. Prer, O LeoneH GrtTee. II Andre Hoover. I" Stmael Ferminter, Dvid Ferry, Jme PtKc. n Michael Math. V . Feter Vunctnuon, , John Yuucmboo. 8i1y vYinninihsai, ' : Jce Wtlker, " 8. C. WienirfhiB ; G. B. Wining fcu"? Joiuthtn Winklow. J Y JohnTork. B. ELLIOTT, r. M. Km Jihnwn, Tboinu'B. Jonet. K Oct. let, 1837, THE Robacriber hnrinjr, rfrenllj ilis ,wi.i f t.u kti r r nf r. n 1 1 n s irte-Tm " SB W as w mw -mm in.hboroajr,b to J.Worth, is now pny ingnlTAia debta,and all those indebted to him ot long or short atandinrarf earneatl rrnnested to come forward; and make IMMEDIATE settlement, or he will be under the painful ttece ui ty of patting their accounts or bond in (be hands of an officer for; collection. JThe limea are hard and none of as like to tny cost ' . ' (QN. D. ne or nome other per son will be f Hind at the Store of J. Wwth..mdy.4a-ake--.sHlm J. M. COFFIN. Athboro' Oct. , 1 837. OJ ?- ' , ' ' ' .AUK 0 BIaXfiAft, on V EVERY MAN'S LAW ROOK, In two volumes (919 pages) in good law binding, at Two dollars andjtfty cm. per vol. for. sale at this ojp.ee Orders from a distance will oe pro mnllu attended to, The postage on these Rooks if sent by mail any where within the' State of N. Cor where out of the St ate, WaS ' aa a. not over one nunarea mues, un ets. vervol All persons indebted to me, far and near, for the Man of jiustness,'' wilt make speedy payment. I can not possibly wait longtr-fif I can help if. J . xi. SIVAIM. T November, IS36. ;i:';' blanks; tiet&A ot Comj ante, TkeiU fttrntAft ami AffiaayUs, MW- Uiar 3viAgmtiitft and "ftx icuiions ', AVftTTonts Vl Txecuion 0YVtn i 71 jy the Shcel Onive or liettm formiJe a T this 0 ffjcj: Salc'qf BT virtue of ilecre e'of the Court ofqni ty for, 1tanblph County. mde t ; Full Ternr I83r, I hiIl xpo to tU, io the hijth est bll!er, on the prem'uei on F;lit.the 3rd fay of, November nrjtt, the vtlutble ; milCttAkTMtTJ m ttati . ...... ., ---7 J ' - a t ilolph County, and ' on which the me is nituate, beldBfing1 to the dtviM et of Stephen Cox. ileeM. V , , , ; A credit of 13 ir.onthi will .be riven, the purcher rivtnr bond w"th rood Security, end the title will be reimed fill the purchne monev if oid. ; The le will commence i It tt'cloek A. M.k J. 0 i it, v r.. Oc,3. t83r. '':';:V:;";;- .40 n5:liAND;SAlE.: fit irirtne oirTSecree of the Court of Eq if- IJ.iy fat Randolph County, maue t f ell Term 1837. t shall csnrae to eK to the hirh eit bidder, on the nremUet on vTedneaday the lt day of November nest, the foHowinr treti ofLanJ. belonrier to the heira at law of Jamea Juhneon, dee'd. To wit; V ? l The valuable plantation on Deep River on which the mdw reade. The plantation" on which Jamet Johnson retidce. ,:-t'K: ,1 The DcrtccfQtcn tract, mttjoining Jla ron Tvon and others- ' Andoa) Thuredar the 2nd day oflfovemVef I shall sell the following irmcte hv on the preiisei,i wit .One tract on Tibb's Run, adjoin- injt Hugh MoflttBtq: and others, " One tract south of Harris's old place, .". . -.v. .. . ' The m1 f the several trteta will he tnkde in the order in whkh they are mentioned sv bSVe. - - -.;, - i v A credit of 12 months will he gtven, the Pr chaser giving bond with good security, end ttje titlw will bo reserved hB the purchase mooey le paid. The sale will eotnmesce each day tt II clock Ar m. J. WOUTH, C M. E. Oct. 4, 1837. . 40-4. PKOSPECTUS , ,to the jmao YOLUME or v . THE PHILADELPHIA VISITER. CntaioiogquarterlyFashbnPUtei Masic. Illustrated Articles. &c. The cheapest periodical in the Sorld YtrVt .' ' , w; ';, . ' I The Third rohnr.STike Tisiter will be roV i'ncff JiTihe Brst istwedsy is pteter, sna win oe delivered reguisrty ererr oiner aturdsy, throughout the year. - , -',,B,'i,, .. .... - In cotrirttseirg a new volume, the publish er woubt take, ocession to observe, tbst net only will the same tiertions be continued, men mTe tecs, re a ie nia svoscnpiiow list an snetampled Increase, but bis claims upon the publie favoe will be eohaaeed by every means which nceseinr endeavour, enlarged facilities and liberal t ipenditure csft command. " i Toe snnjomed 1st trier pntn or the worii Its .OatstiAk Psriss Will be so varied as to form a combination of the woeful with tho en tertainiag and sgreesble. These will embrace tne departments of estrea scistcvastaTi, taiaa, and 'rsarat which way deserve the name -W'- s - .' ': His tho puSlishcrS deslrn to stake the Visiter sgreesble to Ihe old and Ibo young to the sedate and, the fy to mingle the vaU oable -with 1he mutr-n tr Pursue Ike tenor of his way with the ' entertainment of good feelings tosrards all parties". r TE1UIS. The Tisiter is published every other Satur. aay, on fine white paper, each number wilt coutsin 34 large super-royal octavo pages, en. veloped in a line, printed cover,' fwrnnr nt the end of the ye sr volume of nearlr 600 pages. at the eery low price of ft 13 cts. pee annum in spvsnce.. 2 00 will be charged st the end or me yean, .., v, : v .. r. i, ?r t'..v f. - ,-: I'ost Masters, end others who will procure lout auhicriberaand-enciose :Fivn Dollart ta the proprietor ahsll receive the 5th, copy gratisTT All order address a to the publisher, 49 cnesnut Street, pott paid, will receive imme diate attention. - , , : ..J : .1 . r.ditors by copying - this, proirpectus and sending a paper of the same to th o.nce, snail receive the Tisiter for one year, j cheap job ;piunting; WE would Infirm the public that wr ore note imidrttrrnarcd to exe cute all manner of Job IVintingln the office of Ihe "Southern LUirrn," stich as hand dllla, clrrulara (though clrru- lar time in nrarl over,) caida, horn billi, blanks, kc. H. on the ahorlciit notice, and most reasonable terms. It can and tci'V be done, neater, cheaper and qweker than at any other office iu our knowing. TllE PRINTEU. Two uTAteiVct8 vianUA tit lAs olWce, ot from iatb 1( "jfcats ol age. oVyVJ nno on t tt all, " t .4 Agency THE SUBSCRIBERS inform the Merehantr of the interior, that they are ill .engaged in the Forwarding way, n truat tnat whb the faciliiiei and eipf rience they pow pM-a iaijieJfnaictloii trthtlbuine, to mem mc patronage heretofore ionferrrU. ThejT7iav Uge Ware llouaea at the river and in town, fur hc reception of forwarding Gooda, apart fron other buildings, and eomparativly it from fire. - " - , . WILLKISCS & BKLDCN, Fayettev;ne. Ilefef to';':??- :: Uttn. ELLIOTT & IIORNCVA i, 4. r : , TKrtY DB AKB, . .I v ALKHfaD B HQ W ER. ( r-t- JESS'B HtN'MtlA W. J PjiyettevlIIe April 5, r. : ' : Lthe pniLADtxpiiiA,. S a t u r d a y: c o u n i e ii Til C yatt patronage which has been awarded it.. 'miriav la In hat iilne of ita in. provali It has the largest subscfiption list in "i"''' ""uc "r "' "'g report, hi -eowMryIt i4h4arfet inaUfJiwpeit;; T5.,.n7!., 'L'Pme conveniis, ramitf Newspaper ever issued in the Unted undoubel!y advance tlie, impo.tani caiu States,, containing articles i ltermture, 8ei. of rt mf ""f- ence und the Arts Internal Improvement, A g. ':1J1 enenion tt-eet in 'itt,boro' r.culture, in short every varrety of topics s.u- J , VBf,7 lU 25U "f 0cber( next, 10 Hr introduced into r pobti journal. Giving eJc v . , . fuflsccounts of sales, mariets and lewrof tfit- aOhuLeaclLjiieal Sociriy in the State, le latest dates. " - ' ' e,,,t w delegate in said Co, mm. I naual vsriety, i volumes of day within the : Without interfering with The th Courier has presented ten mnat isannlar Ltaratyr ol the 6 last yewr. This W intw the ktwds stf its patrons the tag end popular r esch year to sit current litest i timee the peic jsenptiow it su dilion to in . ters which S' .Vy of other mat tinsjatio V, present net Ki pedition that t anno pated in other s numSrrs we shall draw (ron. onTtS writers as D'larscli, Ti Capt. Mrryiit, Mis LanJon, Charles Dictns, Cornelias Webb. ; Theodore Hook, Thomas Campbell, Hitford, Iitch Ritchie, ' -J. H. Bucksto,r Brry Cornwall, Dweglase Jcrrod, i'roiton Crvher, Mr, t. C Halt, y Mrs, fioee. llajnes Bayly, Countess of Bleisi flgtoa. The celebrated Box.' And, in short, from the whole range of the corrcnt uteratareot turope, witn wmcn our arrangement! ul supply tie at eeeoriye mo- ment ae they can be received in tho country. , Besides we have the pleasure s nvmbeHng among our contributor ensny of tho moat Uis- tiaguubed writers of our country, from whose pent OKici.f al tales, rofcsta, Boxes, tinuo to sdd interest to its columns. .JntI'vro - . a . irlZrjrr- "llZr"? nerous patrons to be presented with Entraved Illustrations Of these ed'ilcee, we ire engaged in bringing out a complete series, which wiri form a ejec tion that mar well be termed r tub 1.1053 or rniLADELPIIU. Where it is etpedlent, we accompany the en. rravmgs with such 'desrnprioM of site aaa facts of bistsry, as may be of let e rest. - - Tne Courier is pnbhshed st the low price or TWO .DOI.tA.K9've' this emsB aim'sH. scribers get vsluaMe and entertaining matter each wee enough to. FILL A COMMON book, or two HUNottku and nriy rACRS, and eqnat tw-Fir IT-TWO OL UMRoe yeari aad which is estimated to te rcad,wreklyiky at least two hundred (hou and I peojite, scattered in all psrte nt ttwcoonrr . from Maine to Florida, and from the sea' try, boru to the laAea. This approved FAVltLT NEW8PAFF.R is (tricrty neutral in religious sad political mat. i teis and the uncompromis.ng opponent of quackery of every kind. vlT iTt ' - Tt". i Xr-'.fli - --"- -" -' ' wrt- ; .-, r: VteT'-J' QT'II A V17 Tl : A IV A V O 1 it I 1 VAU l F fA RECF.NTLT FROM THE SUnSCRIBCR ...... " f 'A ., ,!t t.- . ...... I - . .g ;, ' Yow IUri ot CtUt, J A Milk Cost, bell Ftrindle, msred with a Swollowfork in right ear, crop and under bit in lent mother Mi'k cow, reditish colior. pliL-JrLfli Crofjjn,! under bUJnrjrht The either two are young.Tor Jyeart otJTT I JUL iB reddish color, Split in tfi csr, Crop in right. Tkmi0 rWnt UtfttttCSl These Csttle are probblyrngifgtowsrd he -MOUTa UttWljJs YIUU "vulu hesdof fleep River In Guilford County. Any" " " , . -information concerning them will be tharJkful. fclm lC8T)tilC,nt ly received. , LJESSRG. JUNSHAWj, New Salem Randolph County, N. Ct September 29th, 18J7. 39if ' " Southern Telescope will please iniert three times, and Ibrward eecotini to thia ofTice." .'"' rTIIE SiibHrrihfr resnrctfullr Informs Jiii friends anrt the public f that het h amidy fitted nn for carryiutt Oti iliei ' above bulncj in all such Iranehca as are expected in a country, xhop. His location is three) miles North' East of New Salem, where he may always bo fonnd, ready to execute with". proper despatch, and In a Workman like man ner audi jobs as' may be called for." Thankful for' past fatrors,; he hopes to deserve a contiuuance of putle rn-, I JESSE WILSON. October; 1837. 41. 6tV. IS a n a way. me few . days f jro, A MOLATTn : WOMAN about 1 or.20 yi.ror.J, pnre' hnlt '''ruther drowsey ' lnoki g ; courttf iince., i ii prohabla lie lurkire in the wutt.-wes'trn pari ef JUi do'jjh u,in y wn the waters of Uhirrie,"is.i.!:e h'u, re tinnain th neighborhood of .ihe Lasseii n will give a . . ; Liberal. fi(Mrd4Z to any prron thai will confine hfr in R,, k Jul, and let me know ao Hut I get her J. W..A. tt AMI iv ' September 11, 1837. F S. Addrena me at -hatham Co. N. C. . St, Lawrence p. q, W. A III . xi:',. KOUIII CAROLINA ' ' 'temperatto coxventiox FTIHEifew.8..lcm TempVrsrre So-iftv be 'i4ng-,rqMeatedto tse into tors dmil "'H'T'fV ' caning a letnr.tranceCon. eMiiued to one 'delegate; in said Coi sfattea. fc"d " ' fluf'd tUat erery local Society in the Ue iM m. it at aM i lyady poetic b'e, and eltrl their ilrUwi0 that i!,m. .',rT,rt Jue ,!'e uhjf.c n;y he f n pu!) t!e If.'.'"14 ' 'w. ssvtu mic Ttcwv i i nip I rr tufly re iprestDl J r p ranee WKSLKY 1). WILSON. Ahs-inI 7, 18J7. , ScC. 0F.ditm thrfVghnu' the Ste, .re reques ted igie (he aoove a few inton'm,.. I'AY IP , The subscriber has in hand, fur the purpone of collecting money, and ma king settlements the Hooks and Pa pers of Samuel Clark, those alwofthr firm of Swaim Dorset, and like wise those ofJcste- JV jlker, surviving partner oflHcks and Walker ; all of which hare already been slunJini mnih too tone. No person inttreskd ft 7- J - . . . A l in init nvuee, can cxpecr any iwstr indulgence. ,, jvWw4r im r ' v CREDITORS TAKE O I K t. 1 WdT Joc'riUera rim ttig ta ken Iff- !; iriaTeetarofntary tie Kttate a( .Nalbamrl Y..t k dre'd. al li e las( term tjiurCwtt-Gtrt-r-d hwbjr nott 0 '..all.. rtM)iis hating tlaim agint Raid estate to bring them fur w aid du ly authenticating within the time prt cribed by law ; otherwise this notice willbe plead in bar of ircovery. : Thnae indebted to said Estate will alao ideaae to make pajmeni. iARavlN C. VOUK, ) v. v" JOUNMARLEY,i L RaHotprpouTiiy N. C. - , September 2nd 1837. 35 NOTICE, THAT on Monday the 6th dit rf Kovetnbcr ecxU being . Ce7. Cour, I shall espnae to sale at tie Courthouse in ASHBOROIT.II for read monev a Netro Man ty tbr name ol -. -. . - - - illOBERZ: who has beeil confined in the Jailol bounty 12 Months 17th of July Dut does ot know where Ktana a a Huaa lives. He " thaf he waaaold by Hope II. Masehter jclinton, Jwes County, to this sadtvM from whom he ran sway before the ,ni F.vanai therefore be aaya It di nt where he lives. - v ' " - "'. - GEO. IIOOVM, Sf" -August rth, J 817. 2 job printing: . THIS OFFICR . liead This. Subscriber wnuM inform his fop -'-. f . . 4 JL an- ndthe public generHlly. that.be tics the 8IIOK HUS1XKSS as V. l ' formi r stand, in New Salem, he ht r" oared to acrpmmodtte those bo m) ' him in that line. ,' , .. ,t He would s!ho brg leave to re nr " cere thanka to his frierd f.e the bbers of patTOHc htretolore beatowe.l on iH And would be a little mere thankful i ' ate yet in arrears, Tar ami near, , 1 , make payment.-Money I need, nd montj mu.th.ver. v ; w. n. MU'OV August 1,1837.. V . HEUD OKASS SKKD- .. . . i. .i. A want' a- tew w"cr HERD C.RASSjg' J. WORTH- H s immediately. Oct. 2nd, 193: -m tJLj 'ft

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