A . I ' I O Us ca t!.: viilcJ !? i.. !i Is t .... J, it c cf L:r ... ,f... Kcriz; .:.adircc::cr.:,sae yc-t leta & vrcrT I; case, ar.d dascritcd th cccur--"- cf defies who were r.ct b hii fiaily.' Cut psr ccivisslfts vBisUkef he extricated Ler from the dilemma, end brought her Into bis own bouse, through the basement di entering the kitch en, she said 1n a loud whispsr, s if to the servants, "Hist! the gen tleman ha. cone home 1 say the tMxtlenaa has come!" lie states that she described the persons cf U ctisLrcd Ui L3t:i u: -.1 U3 ; i c j k . 1 cssr.;f t. s.-. t:.:3n t,v;a tr.cst, Lurfen and all. "D n cthtn a department for ZuzJ ... t. ..! . I 1 .11.... " ... , Tourtftcr: sc-.cu u.3 itn-..fi t , 1 " ' . tr. i: .:!( y.I.ieh . : ft. . r- - f t 1: :. j 1 r. . L"c an, i.... - -- Lutrs. 7 iu.-ca ..y;.- r-uch fjr wearise " Pcrttr, t!.-I.t-tucky ciant .,m To inc:;. tv.c,;J Ly Al...:, Cl. co , Akn, aye ;L.r to 3 to be the an rfow Hvin to annex Tex.s to their ttrritcry, jjLrrs y! - risers r,:t knswn, w JTjS shoes-has cora.tuced tou'T areduly-spprcchted, but, -power, TK, in: :t y.b tarScL Europe" to shc lieifriu U and .weisUytscerUiniy iwjicixu ui r; fcthad"it not beet, rses with him. Wock of., 1Ca are, they are light whto opposeu an auun ci , uuur v ";ck: fe, w0uw iave tree which Krew in Kentuckv in the scale of reason to treaty b- made the entrap ir.to the town, br nv , rf; MW f . J s iff . where he assumed the ucrernraeni v cr' X - l.t Vii "v"i 1 I 1 - - ' ' 1 V1V UUlltlClltC. wnn ... titf... -1 rpFMrt for that intfZ r Krrtrp Iit which the Uni- asristtd by Kafcel Garcia, u,t 'SHtw h.irft mmhl In disiin had comr.anbed the troori with ruisa:t4eastives since loe nuu- ' , Vt . ... . . . -I tint Att lV!n . nr H'rst In I hshnent: or tueir rtgat to ciaim v T i r i.MU ti,.m.Pifi'.U firnitinnt. comDW t!:;tr nurnost. ther.ezaci 1 fl KAwf.v tht the Santiago Abreu. ltidtreci the IiH. Si7Jl m Lincoln. We arVgratt- fird to learn, from the ljlncmn rranscripti that thcindustrtous aut entrrprisitis fair of this Urge and tt thv countv. sre coinr aneau - - I ' ... "A man was found in the gutter Prune Mrcet, ncarSixth. on Sat. imlay evenins, who like Goliah f Gith, was $Uteed will, a $ling.n JPkUa. let i rr:f . . r.-. m the worK 01 raismsrsnu manuiaoi bis domestics with great accuracy, nc itcs Dy wnicn lexas naa ocen -turinS lk. The editor, notices A- steani Silk Factory U betnr bntinadesomemUUkeswithresard mnedio;a rFrrni evertl hundred skeins uVsewing creeled aNorthamptou. "M to the pattern of the dress of one cf mllhave ltTSei silk, cf superior quality; W 5 stories hiShnd tOOfeetloog.l them, because. as she said, the her lo presem, as.n ndependen white silk handkerchief, very beau lUM 5 nnimappesred dark, and she could Ppwer, ttlfM : Ul- inland dcu'Je the weiSbtcf the . DONTUAiIrEL not di& see minute objects. -, rtlttht,UB ul ht impcrtcd from India, a, spe- ' - Sfh d,spos,Uo ,i ' S? One of the cathVmort common, TEXAS AND THB UNITED fully met m . ccrrconding spir.t, " g5r.a cf the hdies of the county. ndthe nwsi perfectly ishthingtS STATES. by this GovernnenU If the sn- wcWt aMg.wtsa tre Irta- . d ht Jt the world U to quarrel. noWter with Gen Metnucan Hunu onnister plcnipo- 8wer which the undersigned has riscMurrasmo,, former Oovcrr.cr i;.. p Vthe woman or cniW; or , V tertiary from the repubfie of Texas, jbecn directed to give to the propo- and CoaoisMrr, Apuntts, adjutant P 5s; ,tFonX namcs what PIcation o, Veo Mwshad a correspondence with Mr. 1 ... - n....t u.. .t.M of the late deceased Governcr. Jose tle.r' c have 1 01 guion tue names n ;nere w no kind of ncW. BP .... . . .A..a nstamente, and the sergeant Anto for it, and no species or degree of PftrwtK. Rflprelanr ofStatC WOPO.r. . . . .In. Vitioii'iliorof rUnar,y of the foratr- We S" fil t W gained by iU Amfyet rang . 1 ik TTn;,Vvt sit. the sentiments of that Government oef qet enn.tgn t .u.i ff-. MVU tuuL J iw: oron ton. "The following is tlic reply of the Sec retary on the subject of such annexa tion. The question of the annexation of a foreijrn independent State to the United Butts has never before . tentions, 1 as f mduce:.D attempt to extena -- , deserve: much credit'r and, U W AKtoVs commercalrela jonsel.ewhere.op- J." Lt hira. cordially commend them ? church quarrels. U thesuteouar. on terms pmuaictal to tne uoiicu - - rv i.. u-, ...-mnAUw9mm-jB ana riDca,, corporauont, Butes, this Government will be r eniraace nere, were ascai to '"M "V IiV T..?!,;, iwo,n,cn f01 chlWre. dg Jnsoled by the rectitude of its in- UWt s fr the purpose cf ccacit- u!raen fco"re n.ll.lIed l? "i?1"" cats, birds and beasts quarrel about ill and rrrtaintv that aMUBS lurUier 0UlT2-tS. , li.8 n?,,v" .v.j 0 j manner wi uim uuu vu u manner 01 I .SAfSISS been presented to this Government. ! though the hazard of transient los- uoverr.or, wan several ethers, im Since the swlopUon ol their consU-ses may be incurred by a rigid sd- acdatel y lea here, nd we have some trcarance that we n- wy uanoxious 10 i;.3 revc:aiioa- en huk iwrnu iniowa junher into a min-4tonethM as isti. and raany cf t!;ca had saDred into the stresa, when, if the wreath I anr chap that ever looked into dar ltsht violence cf . cct culra- svriss ca the surface of the water, 1 this side of the Hudson. I hare oetet im lim aititiiinn h.vr - hcrence to inst nrineinlrs. no last K-. to tt Jfimiifi ritriil. in? Dfosneritv can bo stcured when rw"iwr presence, ane couir - ly claimed by the United States, 1 ihey are : disregarded. ; , ir7 W ia 1 sad and rutcotis ;mdi- rrosM In acquiring them, this Government was not actuated by a mere , thirst for sway over a broader pace. Paramount interests of many mem bers of the . Confederacy, and - the permanent well-being of all. imper atively urged upon this Govern meat the necessity of an extension of Us jarisdiction over Louisiona and Florida. As peace, however, was our cherished policy, never to should be periled by adhering to it, we patiently endured fra time se rious inconveniences and privations, and sought a transfer of those re gions by negotiations and not by conquest. " The issue of those ntgntiations was a conditional cession of these countries to the United States. Thecircunwtance, however, of their being colonial possessions of France and Spain, and thertfore depend ent on the netropolitan Govern ment, renders those transactions ma occasions. Now that a mat deal of mischief mm W MX IM mt Mr ' ' t ,.4 A . . v I ' . .h.11 be i niKr ?HTw?IK?afi he cniiii- i taid to cxitt ieos the Husiiin ,ki. nu L .kj. 2 occntsupersth jocemin,. lwt produce at lout ttonn ; r" 7Uons - s . 7. - I their kernel of wheat to the bushel of i c r n if. 1- ina EUiementa ni tr.is ifttcp- sri ua mc irr?uT pittigu wicnau.ouiu ny iwor Tvr ujscmtowi m- rwn imc o. iwif ucvnvttcun. I J ""T" Tw "I ...... . . . " t . . I J I-"... I J REVOLUTION OP SANTA FE, confirmed by a gentlecsa who basp laisanaay, uiey try wnatis eai- iuuw, w Mn..r .I,. fjnv.Mn. .111;- ..tl ,1,.. K. TS:. hrS.I ,MtV A v.-rrth rf flaw. cnw Mraiure win spw. ins principal oiiicers, -ana I sUllatibn of the Rebel Chief Governor of the otatr. ' I personal The early arrival of the Fall S0" character. ' ... . ... , '-, Company of Traders from Santa Fe, bnnss advices of a romnlete The Untied ElctttaiiJ Perineal. revolution in that Htate We have! It seems from the fallowing Pro- been favorel, by a gentleman of this clamation, issued by President Van Buren, that our friendly intercourse with Portugal is about to be inter rupted.. thev will, in the same year, ex-1 heard of it, nor heard the name of him rV.antre their caiden for annntisl who erer bid bear of it, sod confen it ...i.. k.i i u. T I the most inconceivable of all Uunn .rV'Z t X l; Some things look very wefl mthcory, to wait su!l leflser for ths happy bfiKr. Jm in nrrtii change. tad it is DossiUe for a man to rcsioa himself into the belief that a particular Mr. Everett ir.fnt.caed . curious ySSSSSl .necdote of Ht Pierre. At XXlCXT WuMA,,byan.ctofCon-ms time when atheism was rank in XZCl1 of tlje United Sutts of the twenty- Prance, the amiable tit. Pierre still H jf for the tncory, molasses catrba finh of Msy, one tbuand eight adhered to the t . ncierit rftiiit cf files, Lhcy wont come near vinegsr hundred and thirty-two, entitled the existence of Goo; and in a dis If people will not listen to reason, the; An act to exempt tne vessels or course before the Krcnch . curity whatever for propertyr and Portugal from the payment of duties he took occasion modestly the licvoiotiooiHs. it was said, had 2 oLtounage, ! jt wis enacted as fbl- eate this jm-at dK;lrine from the ows: "N duties upon tonnage contemnt into which it had fallen. shall be hereafter levied Qrcolim4H1ilirounra it. .t . i . . . . . . . ... city, who was formerly concerned in that trade, with an extract from a letter received from his corns, porwlent. giving some of the partic ulars Of the revolution. At the dtr. of these advices, the Ameri cans in that province had not been molested, although there was no se terially different from that which would be presented by the ques tion or the annexation ot 1 exis. The tatter is a State with an inde pendrnt Govtmment, acknowled ged as sudi by the' United States, and claiming a territory, beyond, though bfrdtring w the reaionice- ded by France, in the Treaty of IheaOth of April, 1803. Whether ths Constitution of the United State coeiesaplated the" annexa tion Df such a State, and ifoo, in what manntr that object is to be cf let ted, are questions, in the opinion fDte-rrewdent. it-would be inex pedient, under existing circumstan ces, to agitate. . :-flolotg as Texas remains at war, while Hie Unittd States are at peace .... . . . with Jier -adversary, the proposi tion of the Texan minister plenipo tentiary uecttwarily involves the ques'iou of the war with that ad irersary The United States are bound to Mexico by a treaty of am ity and commerce, which will Jbe crufHjlotrt ly oUt rved on their part, to long aa it Can be reasonably ho ped that Mexico will prrft rm her duties and respect our rights under It. J he United Slates mijrbt just ly be suspected f a disregard of uie incnuiy purjMs or tne com- Met, if the nvertiife of General Hunt were to be even resrrvtd ftir marked one of the Americans tor sacrifice. This individual, it wa observed, would be known when 1if head was seen ujxra i pole! We annex the contents of the let ter, which is dated - - - Santa Fe, Aug. 12, 1837. - 'Thursday last, , the Governor Don 1 Alvino Peres Political and MiliUry Chief of the Territory of New Mexico, accompanied by Ab reu, and a small party of soldiers. marched to the Cavada 20 miles from Santa re, where a large num ber of malcontents had assembled. composed of the inhabitants from Hio Arriba to Taso, amon whom were Jhe jndians living in that f neighUrhoodf-who ere partly civ ilized, and subjects of General Gov ernment. Upon the meeting of the two sr mits which took place ccar St II defonso, the Governor' commanded his soldiers to fire st which order all his men went over to the enemy, except twent V-three of whom on was killed on lL: spot, and three or four wounded The Governor immediately lied with all who could follow: him io Santa Fe, where they remained un til night, under favor of which they started upon good horses in order to get as far as possible from their en emies, who knew how to take more adroit measures to intercept them; for, so soon as they disappeared from the field of battle, they despatched the Indians to cut off their retreat Academy vcr7 ao f" pwicnuy w tovindf. 'M W-JSL&l?? I iiivua tl 1 vu luttwu vr au svw e c inc VCSiCls CI . " &om oi fence to the Academicians,. '.and. in I'ortngal; alwav$,1 bat credible as it may scco. after ...i ii i :.i tt. i . wi'cucTtr .. a icMucm ui iuq uni- imeetl the . . . r . . . nir Had closed he received lroro icu quiu tiCHHsuni inaime several or tnem enauengetlo ttnjtu out that KJonvinccd against his will, " lie's of the same opinion suilL There is no principle ever discovered in human nature npoa which yon caa reach hut will ri el arm it. fjen caai T 1 O I rw ." T . --0- .- O - I Vvil turn "hi m i " vessels -of Uz United BUtes arelromW What testimonv ... this to U nA t DMn rmnnuUiotL- subjecied, ia the ports of the king- the depravity of the leading men in So you may just as well let go both aom ci 4'crii.ii, to pay meat or any France! The atrocities of the Rev- ends snd drop him in good numor, ilutics or tonnage, he shall, by proc UluUon can be easily accounted for. lamsuun, uciiarc vne uci, ana tne i pni new, fnith in the virtue of woman: the foundation of political happiness, is The rcamn b6oj'oualIkbom;. ligion is because Uwy really haws) little of it, and the mora they ooanej, the mora abundantly do they prove A man has a right to stsnd fastbsa religious faith: a right to Insist epos a right to present it respectful!; o an proper occasions, to we eoiw- ... " i t. i . uuues now pavnuic ny vessels oil rrt,;-.kA mA.M that , kitiom shall M levied and Writer beautifully says: "the foun pant as if this .ct had not been pas- dation of domestic happinesses a sea." - . v . , - . And wtierbas, saticfactory evi dence not on porta of llie laid kingdom ofl'irtu- ...A. j r ni - nr..T!I7L.!r, ml In MmHl At fl.it.a nra.M I w i.... -..i:.--: :-.t ... uni iiiafc a uiatriiuiuauun exists mi - att.mm 1. 1 i ..,;nuina Jai.;. hm r.rf nnnc . m m mm mm M. MM. Mi M - ill Ifflllllif Mm M KM MM MM MA.- U W. ViriHBViaA UVIIIWH 1IIV U mrm . is ststed in the Detroit Advertiser, frcedoiiv-frecdom ; of tlught--fl hitn rrieilf.tv m I - . . . .,r . I linn Al nthora! hi I AA aS.1 l',,wu"oau"n AH "ri' H about theso thins respect to those duties against the vessels or the United htatev Now, therefore, I, Martin Van Buren, President of the U tion of others: but he has no rights any man that will quarra things, m my opinion to quarrel about. Politician need not nuarrcL v & ever quarrels with a man for his poTiW- toother CJlfammoth rFound. -It I al otiinbns denici the first rtfuicip l.",i.kvu iii uikmuvib jiuivuiniii-- .. . . 1 ikitiff that some workmen have discovered MertiuW which tkre iioo ,i . tr -.i-.i i in politics worth a croat: it ia thercwn g upon principle. You hsw f mhject a right tb your own fj so have others; you have s np me remains oi a ,uaiouon or Jiam- M. i..n aa mAlh wliil. li(rriMf n mill wr-m I . . . mv.m, - n mii. - u.qim ii mill ... nvvi nited Sutcs of America, do brrv rV " - o 1,,! n, J? ?SM 10 r 7m au iu.it,t .-a " V' " "WF"W ""f ions, future consideration, Ss this would mply 'dis);tianyin;'ikur psrt to! by the Uio Ahajo, with orders to e-fpont the qusrnl of Texas with ' spare none of Ibtm, which was lit f'iWW south ofSt. Joseph. The ikeleton toconvince tltem if youean; theyM the duties payable by vessels of the waJ t8 fcet below the surface, The the same right. Exercise your rights. 7 J?. "ine backbone 27 feet long, in a crumb- l say don t quarrci. , twenty-fifth day of May. one thou- iuWr,t;iUn ...,t invni.. 1 Tire aruth is, tle more quietly im . ? W - m mm .I m mm m mm mm m m m mm W V r m - 1 i...n.i..t 1 .t.t.-. 1 o : - or May, eighteen hundred and thir- i.!..,.rM- !i .:.i. :e u 1- ."L.ve.(i .... iviivumiihhh,k - , ,, luvauiii; vtiiu nun, ii iiu , A ty-two, had not been passed. As Jr. Frsnklin was once trudg about to establish a state University, This cornpanyi if he slanders, you f" The young State of Michigan t wto'hve witot- wy ... lT.t.r..,:.u ncvo mm; no maucr wiw u --".- with spectacle on nose, he aeci- which there are to be-twenty-two thin J titer flidn this cool., calm,' dentally losted a norter. whn n n.fnh;- .nM ..'.a.. ! . "V" . ,.4n . 'f.L .l-l.n-3wi staggering along undtran immemejshall be adequate funds, a branch 'meet.

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