"'. 1 I' 1 1' Y , . . XS( ... J. ''J ! i I hy n o .J imvrno nm ttvk roiu but to improve gvzselves jxd be usefcl to oyEJXoriiEn ; AsunoiiouGH, ir. c. ii if uai) ay, -fNovuiinisa 4, 1837; , Or 03. Arret, montiis 1 1 .- ... r " '.- i Ns h a irt it st, i ii ri ' rir If iinl rfl" j: 80UTIlKllN CITIZEN 1 Every gatiir(!ayi Mornlnig .TBttaMft'. f : Two Dollar Three 'months ": received. fined td bo as enduring as the Union, ami we can no. more dispense with 'it than withihe navigation that takes our shins into every seat or lho use of steam arau agent for travelling aud saving of manual labor, ; Then , why attempt .an I imrsibilityt Mhy distract the party per annum in advance: or ana too country ,wnn inc vaiqCv uscurw Dollars.)! ihh puhiwuiiiuuhco ivii mv.mv from the dateof tho in Jo.i w ougm. nor 10 uiwoy u. 41 iJ ; V-;' . , , . cnteTd wonacrs ior our courory. omn -An; ' '.i- l jtL ' ....!,: 1 me witft us m our uuancv ana weanc:f!, . the first 3 months of .lho puMicfttJon.-r . . .n . . . . b.l .At,,. Ko'iiureThiont It has given its, hand and its L-arrearage be im!l:m.-.j pmitc t agriculture; c6mfnerccr mapu i cretion of the;EditnrV'" ; ' 4 ' J faCtUre and internal inmrovcinentf.'. It post paid.4- 't-v. Ltw ,wJlely8eparated.-pa'rts 'of our AdvertimeiisnuscrteJ' on the usual wrniimw countryr tndi has produced ;a v t.v;.'lr : it' 'I community, of interest that has 'as much 7 TO THE POST J! ASTERN (KfttKN (I Srf tqrtl f t ".lUt iUMin i ' - try votnpmMt'ioii for )ouf mkefc th. ' tH iitptrpeoin it aareml to W nvpenoft. h toa NH Uti t4mt to let int kw tfc imeituts r. ti onlff tUt ym m$j klwajrt k'5 Vr th ptom wUrew! U rtrir4 M Huh criHtr w io. loott In t gii of iWppr 'K-mtiWv m? ki'in.H ftiTii ' WJ U '&rrViU BV NoIm if tjjfhw, Kr or South CroIii. ' Cr Cp PP reci ihrte k. pWt f A Cti er -a janxtting f?!se;6trengthcned tho lKiid r.l our iiKin.-iinas miroauceu . n cun tiniious stream 'of population and can- tal froin .abroad, aud has gtveii a the strong, man's credit ln every foreign land; tnd, in ihc.cureer of natural prm pcrity, it has carried us immeasurably twyond all competition. Would it jau be more Uian madness to throw awaviit we eould, this great llever lcause an abuM had bccn iuauc of ome M' iu wers, or because it ' w as not prfrcl not tq the inventions of nan; and (4 the tiie tniroR . From The Madisqnian, ?T1IE CREDIT SYSTEM. It cannot be disiruiscd that there has hmufor some time past; on the part of rtrfain dwixmiwr pouticisns determine d and concerted ' warfare azainst the whole credit iyttetn of the country. I'nder the plausible pretext lf rbsbrming the current, they have endeavored to adopt a. aerie of measurea which they tnidUy h,pbd would, by an by, lead to an exclusive metallic 'currency. -This brtpo is xftill cherished by them.' Hie AVA Trrantny tchrm on the: part of smr, tte m was diKincd to arcom rlwh tliat ject.ft' And irit is ncrisi it will be for the purpose of putting an cmt to the "dvnasry of t v xs ih ereat mid 1nalL,' Ict us then not bo dehjded by the err of reform which wit) tventuate in a total4 subversitnt of the currency uiidfredit f tlc euntrv. 'As t'rir at abnset sj t1riiOibr''fMnt in Ws tern, A ihhtn be cirirciedy Hut lets :dftH w4th fone tell swi-m strile tlwm .from cxisteuce, tvirattemittcxperitnent whici will prove tutllv-ftaL T1h j ine pT m inoorniKNi una expcnmcni, Itltth many, productions of his genius! tin I honor and Llcss society, not one is- free from unperfectibhs,' and all are subject a a rency, and no two nations are at this moment so iK'nightcd, ''degraded; poor; and miserable; . and their course is still downward, j In the scale of, civilized nations, they arc so degraded and deba sed, 'that they have fallen below the reach of sympathy.' Look at Uussia wmi ncr acuasca meiauic currency, uithout commerce, witliout manufadr lures, without agriculture; no railroad's ho canals; enterprise unknown, her peo ple nlavfn end religion abjured. We .will not Bar that this lonff catalogue of evil and wij iia been Mircnnduced by .i ,. a - - e . i " J I no peculiar si aie oi mc currency m I.itropef.t!Ut wftj.Deiie.ye.tftat.it imrcon. tr b Ucd mccb, very much, towards it: aud that, Europe .would havu been at mis aay irter, iidi'iHur nciier, ona tcr, if ftlie JiaJ imitated tlio cxatyple of England by au.ptni the credit system.!, tero lias done fr ourpwnicoimtrvwe wish " no further txpertmenhMi cha and better4 her condition. Wo d not believe that all the ultraists pot together can give us a oeitcr government than ie git from our, revolutionary j ! fathers, nor a better currency than. wc have had, andwhich ve may aiin have by a void ing tle i ultraisfri ot the times. Their views of goyernroent; finance and, enr rency, we cannot respect; and we woukl iJace them w liere. Vie Xhritian WorU has disused of the, 'Ageyof Keastm,' uud where Kcdheaturs unposture;;was placed in the ! philosophy of mechanics, We had rather "be 'seen sti-cring by Jisi Very diflerent from your barren rock: tained the noble character which in all " I cmo from the land "of flood and field,' nges has distingiushed maternal affection: and the land if wheat a rid barley, where, lice infant:, was in her arms, pressi d I natore spreads her bounty in abundance close to her bosom, as if the whisperings; before us :rfIs"tliHt. siid thqi Su Kild; of ,lvpe , inspired, .the' devoted woman manyine kind oj land you come trorai min uie doiici tnatine-iecuie proiecuon Ah, thcri $qu may ' forget God,1 but of a molliers love would thietd her child JSt; Kilda man ever cm," 1 hlevated on Irom the conflict ot warring clement'-. hi.4 rock, usrended "ovef a precipicc'lJut for a moment did this dream rf tossed on llio wild oPcanAe ncicr tan thope: last; a wave wrested the!infait more regarding his religion.. V, From thd 7 Kcwbefn Spectator." f ? ; "L From thtt survivors of the passengers who i cniharked in this ill-fated vessel, i proc aimed tne aironv mother, and ere the relentless surze had hidden-her lost one forever, she sprang amongst the breakers and perished!- Who does not' almost envy the (ate of such a woman, dreadful though it seem? l w ho would , not wish t to enter the pre Herce'of Almighty God as she did, a yomniary sacrmcc io ine ursioi natu- we iiavij learned wnouowungTanicu- .Tarxnm hrc' ;'!"s " '-'1 :-'lt ' '" ' I the human breast for the wise outdosc . ... . TheIlffwrYwra ' J ; ; V clock: kifcwt SatuafrihelrliiWhbn-the sea-drenched and exhaust- to nbie.VfNo WMncr should we rerHuli-li h.rt inn wapjeft by 'our revolutionary ote a well regulated system of credit be-1 sagcii, wtban by the invention of these cause every evil -cotild not b cua ribni j id dr voyagers- in the acience of civil Dwinsr toinexcusnble carelesic8, or a want of knowledge of ibe, navigatwn,, she warf run on tlie Middle Ground, a- brcasrofjSandyJlooLv herc she rcno aitviji furtiitr, when tho rising tide floated her olH 'After' this detention she pursued hef yoyage till Monday morn ing, without any farther 'disaster.' On that-miirniog U jbeyaM-to Miijy freidj, and the, sea became rouahr or; in nautical phrase, 'heavy. Tho unusual creaking of tlie timbers, 'and straining of the frail vestM, 6ti I' Excited 44abirm among the passengers, and among the rest, two ex tericncedicu captain troni Prtsinoiitli, ' New- Hampshire! became alarmed i ----- t , , . . . agaiiisCUian we sliould alandon navM!itv; -n ot whom havcnheirinuidqthcirsatety, - fi tmraay anrancea inc cation because the oci-an' claims its tri- thwrtvfriues; or' their .experience t whtcame,more rough, the wind had r 7 . - . byte of victims, or than we slvmld re- We are reWeed tosce the indications mprcaa 10 gaic, ua couru...u. Knquish tteamboa'tiaod railroaobeCawej of public scutiment 'In theefenwaud ,MW8 J" ,n4b'.ard' f sPe- accidents: sometimes occur; ft is flw re,!,rm f.f the credit syrt' agaiiwt jhe ciaHy among the ladVs. Arequejtwas (1 VlMlnmtn iml to flu, r..l i.Ih .Km.vnr, T l n.r..l r mauu m unc w. province tical risults of every 'syttcm,' mid see how it ctperatesln . ihcreasit tlw suni of human happiness and pntfivritv.and to as ain it the goid greatly prepon derates over mc evir. it its operation is productiw of this result, ourchiLf eudj willpldce himself 611 this sure foundation. - .. : l - j . a t - - 1 ... . .- is cwnpusnca. K y ;t , , u e have a strong desire to see lumad TT Burikhari re we' pfiered ThT tin of this tystcmT ' A nu-Lillic curreiK as to insure ti it ulory and prosperity, cy which nwisdimr to hiinself honor aud Iiutip'uic.-- practice. and if it on Idi " it would vnnc W eafl? auare.that he has difficulties h tniv .jc ti,-...M....:'Muk ::c...t I yewi.neiore : minn vivwni wwc to,- :,K- .n,. i.k ;-w ii-'i the only means of escape which nope tJllklWf IU UV Wllivai VI lilt II 1(7 IIV TV VfB'l , f m j T will n-itn.M 1 Til.. frUfli f IK.llueq Pin, iic .mama, (.muiig, nc are iniorinea, uiai mr. iiiaire, uw own er, had informed him - that the "Home was not insured, that he w as determin ed, therefore, to save the vessel, that she wasnnewvwelt htribii nd rapaWeofivea1 the systerrf stand 00 ground which f;aii- pot I; shaken. W e trust the rrcsident hi 1 r ' ' .t k 1 ed survivors reached their desolate lan ding place, lictwecn .ten and eleven o' clock at night, it wasjfound that but 38 had escaped, twenty passengers and 18- of the crew-lThe nearest ' assistance was six mile distant, at the light house. whither many of them went, and were hospitably received. ;! On -their-return next -morning, to the scene of the sad disaster, manv bodies were washed on shore, among them two were recognf zca ny i-api. 11111 ana Mr. tlusscy, thos of their Jate wives. Assisted by the , residents of the Wand who had collec tedthe melancholy rites of scpulturo were-ferfi)medas nckJyas coffins could be -made. When o(ir informants left the iatal place, at 2 o'clock on Thurs day, twenty bodies had been found and we have since learned that a portion of, the cabin which was driven on shore after their departure contained the life less remains of fourteen ladies and one child! , ; - - 1 . THE SUB TREASURY. BILL, As it passed the Senate, is as follows : A' Bill imposing additional duties? thcring Capo Hattcras, w hen tlie danger would be ovor. About this time thcrak arming information was given that the itb rum the we ' of. it ?atoi-,. h-l, rontc-fid with, but kt hi.n.reiftemlwr that hadspnuig a ieaK,,,ia,n ai- M," .k. iur. L Li. nmtwl Lmor. r cratLi uWHcr, a passenger, wno was men iwiui out.tu h r bnnv ronr.trt- l. M dvn 'ers stnd th ckcut. and where dirti- ",e c,,nTm r.uFllU" ",u,y. yu,u clip the w inW " f o noxret ; it w ouU: culuei. most 01 It demag-.gu f the "Home,- set all hands to L - It .1 takefromcnfcfprise'ks.etiwvw. rap.u, hho ,,.,.vhoc . strio industry of iN re sr,h li U I when every mandate of duty and eve rv ,aJ,c? :ludcd,--ass.sted in the gton the age of fanaticism both jn rcfi and politics, "i . . . . ZrlT . i v ihkt out mnocncqin an cxtraoruirv fry fnfatuatiopv'the last ycarr two has pven rise to ome stranginitictriiies in nan: 1 1 iiutr 1 no viniMr rrM iri ini'Miirrn inn drv up the streams of avtn-e; it v,'iuU: a.t:namtion vl mund sente pant to, a. Hit- t 1 ystbeasii.aofKit woildj lorent course.Hf he wlrTlace: htmsctf rent leaef tlnj ved veH m uoh PVali4 caTh; gre;t 'moral elements "ti that geld where Jeflerson and Madi. a11 he'r .ert,,r,!4 cre u.n U.at give us "dignfe power -and iuQuM " od Rif nK.rolhan half aTcentury, vtH ir .sX1".iT.L'Xi itT.t " V .1 i;i. fhrnrt u".-;!i ,,or t;U ttu-Tn by this time tiiougM if a JyisaWe to make ranks w ith the oiler awl smaller nafion.'hel r ----- t--.i-M f r ". . . 1 1. 1 l- IO for the nearest land, and the course was Iterod accordinalv. In 'a very short I M ira ci wiui diuin ino larar anil iii-vi-1 nicivi, u v hwiw unf, oi viv 1 . . . . -1 rt . - . . r i ' 1 t . . i- iitnnA aiier. u xn vol hi teen nn es oil nus nMiie 10 an imiinow'n and unprmi-i ieeumj we nave ocars mosi KiiMiiy aiiu j, -i . - .1 ' . 7 .1 sing Or,-MCWJkv& 'Y-1!? ?X7 i miaitendin a revoIutU-d Imauaua a ptditieian.;: X : M risen so high that the fires were ex- " 4 : w v llmguistied oy it, and tne maciimcry was (cutrastUiis aysteni of credit 111 its -r- -.'. L,.onn.H.nlJ 'lJn iiiku We Imxtility fact wihmC tlie ric h a hd Jjig I t-iorTthi-y atptalto .the sordid nations 1 .... - 1 . r I ' " wvvi v.iii iiui iiiu iinin i ik:soi Wf,i j ..,.. y. .....uu,,r ,uN, ,nuir nivuni. (Mem I tjfc'wolid it ha ucy is 10 uiinmgt sorieiv: o (tcmor- ill PJ. I. .1 - - , t ,rVe' '-77-T "'S-11 hC tl first palp,,, of w produce what hd to tho revolution In .u ..4 r ' - France. T., rci.t ti....: J 1 - V.t:h iias.. given ,10 praciicai,rcuiisj1vii j,ngiuiJ and thw -vvillh l. AlAA.- 1 the only iacansby.which the sliore country, 5Witht the iwdicv1 that is .:JL f hr,nh wna Uu Mini viumniliuai rjUrOtlL'. IllXl Ktin tvhrnP( trt thA Mtnh he tmrnf nf Mun ntv !miwr n cjuin a if va Under the remaining one the boat pproached the laud,, and wts kept a wvawmivi mm mnitmsiuitf it i.a ma Mr.M 1 . . . 4.- Itl nH ..hr... "ra tst for the common ischKin the Hi ihlands nnd-Mandsof set. ; WtrablhWo am! U r.3n' ,.f i,.,r nr, rv.ri. v. t., "v "y 1 If " wr " now 01 uiasgowl related the following Hiat rovtilutkmaryandllevem rieultetlKj broken faithS-nml r'S f -lV9 Mff - iregUI. ICS Hie dosliuyol natln-lt Clia 1 ml a l:ko fWmmVh Uir on nf xahwr.t.lrnt wrcf; uicy cucitura ro jrrecowiica Nv"d hef ) o resistjXuecessfully the fornH but there is one subicct on which he w ill the after pi idable blow thalw as aiiueJ at her lia- pot joke:;! menu his religion": , Here he wardbolit tjuiy t.iitcnti I la reserved; and tiis has led some' who escape wot 1 lie war that ha 1W11 waipd unon f credit system of our country, ainioars ud A" ? M5.tV kiglit of folly. , That svs-f a .fy.strtin, is so f till v p Hruicl .nlMViit!titutioi,s,oiir fal.. Imikui J'sand niodcs of thinking ion! iu ting Uharnu.uin's io fully w ith tla'f genius utid wntrrjirwiy ot our j. ple, it has curml outan tnany perinatKHUchaiiiieN through M v oieuciivo ojioratiohs of fxctv and governmont How, and it oi.imw! 1 1 p.ht and the future hv so manv lies. at it cannot W r!MUflC . Ij.hn. l'.Higa . to;1 1 iveutv'niaT h,il..r-.i J..ni simrt "'ni gnnes who will hevwr pari with 'li the proctlre; whatever the ieiau,uvcnimcnl a ju; jt j dcs. pings, than, is Known any w here else but wiiii i and it has maile her tho won der and tho admiration of. all cliristen du.Kuch is tho result Hflhis svstom in England; and '.with us, its aclilevei liu-uts have bcon greater, when vo coVnpare our age . w ith : ttut: mother.: VN'hilst, contiiiential Eunvpo, with mfvx elusive metallic currency In some parts and $ mixed 'ctjrrency in others, can bring rtnto cotniietaion nothing with hnifland or this country: and in lhc great raco for riipriil'YMiwer and glory, she is lost in the diRtanccTlbir desixV. A 1 . a i. . I 1 ... iisin aim lit-r ourruiiry congenuu paru iinsVi'VliiiiTiiisli tvnrv rnv nt fi!url'. in terpiUc arid hiippiness." Italy and Por tugal have an ixcliuive mtlalik cur- with difficulty, by incessant labor, was now night, and the gale continu- rrevioua to striking 'the beach, Salter requested the ladies to leave purWd the boat, and go 'for "isyingjhjiiciripei escane wouki do neuer mere, snouiu sne vwt Clicm from the land of strangers to 1 run 'head on.' as -was exiieeletl. The . I . T 1 T I . . suppose mat tney hai'e no religion.-; l ol awful moment was at hand! terror pre- hjjuw oicmyou inusi no it ruguianucr. vaueo, oui jonnuaq. una nope yv friend 'of mind hflpjXMicd to be in a pored it lo resignation. it came! the loat, by w hich a poor simple-hearted St. keol grated on the sands the boakhee. Kilda loan wasTailvancmg, lor the first led seaward the breakers passtxl over unieinniir we, irom nis-nauve rocKS loincr.swceiung crowns 01 imnian ocings viu me worio, ano as ne aovanceo io- iro:n ner aeoKs mt, umucrscre sev u ard& tlui Island of Mull, a world iu it- ered by each ''.-wjieeding' wave" near self in tho tsUmation..of the por St, ly one bundrcdmls Vere hurried to lvildA man, tho l0Mtmeii commenced eternity ami' in l(ss than half an hour felling him the wohderi Ire was, soon to from me time sho struck, the,' work, o see., lhey asked him alniut rvilda, destruction was, completed! - T r they ipiestionc'd him regarding the pe- 'The scepejpf agony. and despair, as cuharaties of that wfiinlei fiil place, and depicted by iftosurvivors, defies cc'ui rallicti him not a littl on his ignorance rate description! Mothors rclihging to of all these, magiiifieentv tfiings? which to their children, qhildrcn praying pre- were to Iks jvcii in Mull. He , parried j tection from parents as helplefs as them- them oft' with great coolness and gH)d Iselvesj ; husbands ami wives, brothers Ai humor, till at lengih a person in thcloat Js'stcrs, sustaining cah other, as if they asked him il' ever he heard of Clod in j considered the social aflcctkms a bar- Sl.-. Kilda, Immediately he bo:am jricragaiiisttheenerachmonfs of Death grave and collected. 'To what laml doi--such scenes may ."bo mentally. eon you belong?' said he; 'describe it trtnie.'lceivcd," but they cannot' lie stmken or km - 1 AT ' I 1 I' S .1 . ' 1 'I, sana tno oiuer, 'come irom aptace written, uuc mouicr 111 particular sus- as depositoFjes, in, certain cases, i on puohc oracers. ; -n Be it enacted, &e., : That the L Treasurer of the United .States. the treasun rs of the Mint and its branches, all collectors of the cus toms, and e nrveyors acting in that cajiacity, all receivers of pubhV money, and postmasters, be, and they. are hereby required, to keep si fel y y w itlrotxt loan i or 11 sing ,11 1 the pobjie money collected by them, or otherwise at - an v time nfared i n2 their possession, till the same is ordered by the proper'd5prtm1nt to be transferred or peid 0'lt in which cases, the transfers and pay ments shall be faithfully made by them as directed, and all otner di Uepermrmed aa 6scal agnts which may be imposed by thii or former acU of Congress, or by any regulation of the Treasury Depart ment made in conformity thereto. . Sec 2.-And be it furthcr enact-"" ed, That all mirshals; district at torneys, and others having public ml l? P0r, anctall patent-..... ees wishing to make'paymettLlo.ihft United States, may make the same to the Treasurer in that city, or to the Mint and its branches, when near or convenient: and when not, may deposite the same with such collector, receiver, or other depos- uory, as jnay ne more conveniently situated, and' may be selected for that purpose by the Secretary of tne treasury. . .,; Htc. 3. And be it further enact ed, That whenever the public mo ney Ih the possession of any depos itory :hycoHeciion,ViranSrer, or payment, shall be inconveniently sitaated for public Use, or shall ac cumulate, so as to exceed the am ount of the existing bond of any of ficer, any part of it, or the excess (as the case may be) shall either be drawn .nut for payments, or be transferredelscwhere, to some oth. er deposibiry or. the SetrtUry of -'