t Trr-fsu " y ' '.!! rcqc'rc l uch ad v; Jinl uri'y as may be consid- ...cd ivuncr.ar.il- Ji tV ami in me v. . t - . -1. r.c-?7 r.:2 L-::.,;:rr ,".rru nur ea. r'-rurits cr.t; ri..:!i f criwJf tr.aci u.o ... a u r.r "Y n r.::: ft those rrtrans (Hie diseHive) to ex i-i . i i . i ,v? recti vi.i i .j , .c crss,ihertDvpiojucniifrv':;:suis J ( M rf I I A..t atl .mil A It-felt lAtl SHE; J t.3 From tii Xatiohn l.itVdtascr.' t ixdia:; CUl'NClL; . . ' ' " v. ' r"'c. i lie meet ni r c. The -rf-te cf . ft t v. 1 1 1 . . . .. . ? I ' - f 1 . . .1 I..il... . ... . . . . 1 ,ev ibe, Uli. B -r.a suitable pajtr.t or trans' r.;J rf the Lfcd -m. in tfSsioB, --JW..., fidgeting I.s U ueir terms, shall in nil cases, at iriurttneyia they fi. w: t - . fJIaw.r- -r ; ; l.cat tl.at vMi cannot he helped; Safts and Fores cf the MisMissi, at a UarSy ad.iyMpclerttrtUr andthatifmy cne of the said ccr-j; tie cnlycl. : icn v.lu.1 paeons of U kind, milignant pas- ve of thf ictV be rq cers all ,c5bvert"to hU mn Se, t . .!c: 3 ccntJim t ccr. h- CTi,; uid u-prU ly cares, prening Ind thrc7 Lric.tieht.ttnd in,nywayWhatUrshaUu tr;.i i f l! ccunty, w i..rctra by pod the tnh , d,strb the cerebral yeZScdfflSX aamayledcemid rcaswable by way of JnwtoeBt in tnYfiind jnc rrsf -ret ci u;c t:.vr.-i uur acucn, u a crcai ai eu,ru Council tho church beffanto fill. S ' thAiliitiM'Tftiuired.- undee thel nnHmn-ir ill nnblie tnonevs in- Rncniiiy c ; -ora, nrcjuccu uy iae . M vmn laW I ...,! t-sr r.r- Lninv Hscftt deranteaent V.hich 'csrvades ; wSec.': And he it further tnart- disbursement, trnsfcr, or for any vuoie cinnn, a: .1,1 ccnre .li the Solicitor of the cf nfooertv or merchandise. orsha!l rnDCn . JJr. ADmiJiy. 3 o'clock thcornnanyWaa vervnim0. -i' . t . . . : e . eli r t l ; Atlbr-ih Mirrntindrd !v a mpu I ' f 1 imi RTn i-i;t.i.k.4 J reary, ur nc.r.crii)rwanvx ui i loan, wiui or wiinoHi inirrcsi, tnv i : - o- :r -j - . , . , 1 1 . ' I . 7 ,v " v,n1 cro The-U.B,.hin Independence K SS SS aaucu iniw viuiiuuuhc uiu ou-1 scats in thflhn.lvir Ihn rJinrK Tl ? "f : Jw:'r g5t. . Th? f mperordirccted a boat, Secretary of Wnr the Secretary of Z ' . a pc"10 1 01 x th an oficer and a boat's crew, Treasury, and Major Bush, Major Pi. I COlieratulate . r .L- It ' : .ill rKnr . M5nr at ft Rtr- lvtui t ..cte ;n I agent, and Mr Ward and several mk. . 1 . .l er gentlemen, ware first on the platform Mnevcnilluch c enjoyed iy u.e cttizenaof our btate. L,LmA- nAVZ "u lu e inflnenrp ""7 V- ' . . V . T"" rf VT "7" "TVU ".T wwru t ncy. were . 1 laf.Atta w AAfi.nni Bt iinun 1 r.r AtnAii i.m ' rf . i 1 - w 1- . 1 4 ' 1 " . 1 tuiLiiius vi sw fiiii isi u aifiiaaiaii 1 lununcu 1 aT ajfo a a iiiih-iih rrnM. m ha very tbararler lo tie Erst expressly or peraon convicted jhereof before Jo lavcra Weewons vouchsifed hirb6r; The Eoperor Kicholas 11 gether they formed a largei body of I y of that any courttor the United States of -BJ A 1 ro V 155 a Very Veil fcshayed i denjocratic d, than wo ham ever; before seen ticiuvu uucrai rcaru u we ia That he omcers, respect ether pr. ivciy faay be allowed any necessa I be deem rY additional expenses for DerVs, embeizle fire proof chesls. or vault?, Drothjsatd moneys vr necessary exneusts of safe keep- converted, hmted,tistd, or loaned. M w c,u"u.uc " oe, that no ship orwaf of any nation LJ.U; 'lr.mhrrine.Vaad disWmtr Whfrh i.Mr 1 rlJ to b a T UC citizens ofonr State! mrivi all unrh Vtnentfs of r - bVK misdiMnnr. nd iv nfiir A fruitful ioil. undcr the influence ijtnorfZrtl by the Secretary Treasury.' whose , directions nnon eomnetent lurisdkuon. shall be ten-1 J a;iioerai,rewiruuwuie ia- hu-. n. t .;, ,11 Wi . opw jnTplatfunirThew:were pres.- V..the above suhjectv by way of teaced to imprisonmint for a terra borofthe husbandman, whicli great Jfc. ; Enclish well-and laiilis Tm? k 74 V'2,34 ' . regulation and otherwise are Jbe of not less thin two, nor mthan Me ltilyatAhe levee scenes lh ft siricilyfbllowedbyalllhesaidor five yearsndUo fine equal to ibe !l0? :U.;V;' Whiteloe. , Our Government, ZSJtu ! ficer W'v mountof the money eabetiled.V t has fallen to our lot to taste he says would not do for him. pi' L' having peVnSR ifJfcS Sec- 5, And be it further enac- Seci' ltr Andbett, fciUer enaM" t,v, auUii rised to cause exatnina- resolution or 1816, authoriiihg the Penty "brought pon ui jMi; u be made of the books, ac- receiving of rotes of specie paying den revulsion and total d Conrrtisional Retort," York city, our readers wil descrifcerr on previous occasions, Mokocartho dir tinnilC?WWl rhi4r. Mnu fArw.M .-J aficr shskinir the Secretary of War irvt ' f J, .... L : L .L- I 1 " nwr i '-4i iia iicur iuui vj wo nana, iaia no led, i is represented by two mem- ihcd to say a few words. Jle said bers of ' each party,7 M r. Cambrc- .De had forgotten to mention that at lens oemr me cniei oi me Aumin-1 . Mai. . ... w. . mm mm i i Dev. ItiCv had MMMi ona nl I . .." - ' . ... I i.ff..f.M una. and "VI lltni.. nri J . - . . ..... . t .- . '.'.. . ii- ... . ..... . . a . . ..i.u.i.i ..mi ..... ..... . i aa a. a cm a. .a a a ... . . jLOddjAbnmmettt ofthe nublit mo- Government ' 7. "1" -".J.-T 1j men wnn tneiooi. ho was .tbc son .'..1 . . il . ... . .. ' ., . n v A&nmA m,m iZmi:n.it.imM is. or omerueDts may i '" i'""!" 4,MWU ui ... .. .... 'nw..,"rr'HriwriwW . . ' " . i.l: n.: i . . ... ' innnnpni I'll i t . . a l twl Tbi.1 thftMiHTf tarv- of the. tedThat frnnrnd aftei ibe thirtv- uPori wt currency, W liicn, in t!i J J ..,-..,- . . Treasury shall be, and be is here- first day of flecerabev 1B38, th m,0l I U.nigncsi state cf pros- ruy, liiia urougni upon US a SUQ erance -ouits, and money on hand, of the banks in duties to the Uovfrnraent mc"1 u moneiary -.concerns oi .vtra! rfPcencbarcred by this "actshall be ?o repealed that only three thecountr)r.:Hoiy long and to what Khbe ffare.keepiiiK, transter; fourths of m . - - i ,;.- t - a - . . ... . i .im i. a a A ii ; iHiriLiiiii iiista aiiu i?ir. a auu inau aiii r a . cs . a i . I . . i . s : n i . ... a - i nn yifa fii inf im nitrnri fii inp i aM Kmma aJ s ti l j i : . optc a agents, as occasion may re- be received in the note of specie ne uenerai yoycrnneni, oy wnose T w .o ifc. riC7 T.u ,;w rill nhctaS nsat;oa as M my a cot the Coor b reply, the members restored.- - , euh appointment; which said ex- ceived. and from and alter the tlnr- Emigrant to Liberia. k ves- nimt tl umxm a . tcrpeter.to inform Keokuck that a ruin. . " 1 1 1 . 1 . - I m r a 1 . . I . . . 1 - . f . . ' 1 1 W " 1 . I I -aa.v. w WW WV.a.a.w V.I ijini on hand usually exceeds three durthl of the amount of the fl eer's bond, . shall not be. made less frequently than once in each jeaf, and as much more frequently in those and all other cases as the Sec retary, in his discretion, hall di rect TBe agents wleeted to make these examinations be instruc ted to examine ias well the booksl accountF, and returns of the officer, as the money on handt nd the man ner of its bting kept, to the end that uniformity, and accuracy in the accounts, as well as safety to the tuiblie moneys, may be secured ihereby. X W Z " -Sec, 6. And be it further enac ted, That, in addition to the ex axniiiatiotis provided lor in thelat prccedingset tion, as a further gu-rd u.b i uiurru L i 'ii .t (! I ui Karen it iui tfce-niddirof hc:? ibcutninefv tmAnVu J nation. With t calierrs aim uocr oi tne uoose rhii'.iiirrin utt search should be made, with a view. oung man and woman rortb7PwiieoTIwTlh nf nn ri.n.ti.ll t. MMf wtt?U I nt t mrr.ffi. nil!, ahi ' w, ......... ----- j i i, t ml -ITrtnr r tl. llnntt I .t?Jr rr :r rr -1 ..-L i t 1 : : shall refuse to receive", in payment grants-sixty of then from the ts- b;"V;M C?Z . iIIuT 71 "T.ZIT mr -A jil.U- u ... !Tfj ;.j f.fr n,. 1... J.!.- c:i. r c... crouded by more than i thou-1 appeared to be well satisfied: f5.'vCJV' ; - T most breath- AfterthUtalk. theSecreta7ofWar silver, such Treasury notes, or bills. ex county, Virginia, and thirty 'v..', -rruru ilaccd around the necks of all the Indi. asessmay authonxetobere- ntn very ceiveu oy law m ine pontic uue,to oiocaucii, oi .uiauison county, i . i ,l " k .inanasomesuvermeiiais. iiusceremo. provided jurthtr, That noHank in the same State. Both these be- . 10 i...- . vi ... .. l..a.i.i sj:.sjj.i- . , InnsenU in the midst oi it, a Van K, ti,Vnrio-;t iftriu note oi a less uenomina'ion tnani"vucn luuiviuuais i;avin, oy 1 1, . - n vt,i.r , , . , ji.ii:-. .1.-11 liWftt;n-nAt t:..-. hi... Uren menJier ft-ota Virginia, with medals. On one side of it was the nor- i i ii i t ...j 1 1 i. I noMAn. r .am la... i.f, r....i. that feeling ofcocipassicn which an- trait of tho President of the United .Mates, oc piiiu c wurrc iucif, Mian ucii"-" 4t.i4;,uufc iauui . . . , - H 1.1, : i i .l . nr. J r,:..i e. iw-:. am imates his countrymen wl.cn look ailed him cffl" Mr. Adams, who had taken notes paid in gold and silvertoin only or in such notes bills, or paper issued under the authority of the United oitr the public monevs. it shall be (States as may be directed to be re- the duty of each naval officer and ceived by law and from and after Mirveyor, as a check upbh rthe "col- !?;ctor of the trustoms of their re spect i ve- d :tnf ts,-of ea h register faWlflioe, asacheck upon the! burst men tf on account of the United receiver of hn land office, .and of the States, or of the General Vest Of !i(ecttr and upetii.tetident of each fine, shall make all paymeots .iu ;nt aid hnnch mint, as a check" gold and silver coin my nr in n the. treasurers, reflectively, sufli. notes, bills or paper, issued as nf t sa id - mints ?-irttlrfr Hose nf "aforHaf dV whenf IlJthpzfedb v liwl u-h quarter of thevearand as much l and any rectiving or disbursing of hote irtqutntly as they shall be ui j ficer, or agent, who shall neglect receivable into the Treasury of the sulScient for' their removal to Afri- "f fiht" United butes, and fromnd after tfjaod flftleir maintenance There ihS rM, iw. u.:..- .i.- r B,;i thv hmm .Vni:-,....r ,i out takehiroo.n take hii 1841, all turns due for 'duties sales prepared to enter on the land to of public lands or ether debts due biih the liberal provisions of the to the Government, and all payments American voiowzamuv cocieiy en to the General Post Ufiice, shall beJtiUe all emigrants to their toluny. i :-..-' -.-' .; - . .... . the said thirtv-first day of )ecem- ber, in the year 1841, evrry r.Cker ; or, aent engaged in nakin;.d is led 'o do so tv the Seeretarv of evade, or violate the prdVi ision of ifcTVeasjry, tnexamine the bo(iks,jtiiis section, shall be dismissed the l. r ' r conn s. relri;s, and mony in !vand, of the collectors, receivers, ,- mJ Ireasuicr, and to make a full accurate, and faithful return to the jasury Ucpartment of their cort lttlcMl. " -- . "Sec. 7 And be it further enac ted, That the Secretary f. the Treasury shnll, with as much ex peditittn in the convenhnce of the lAiblic funds will permit, withdraw the balaiires remaining with" the late a lid prest ui d po.sitorits of the Mib- lic nioneyji, aii cownne. tner-saie -l.Viiiilrasfer, and duhurieweiit . . : a . t '.t utposiiones .7 h A "it he, it., fiifiher enac-, o f t U t in v ti ey s to Uie dt posit 'W'tiMi&l liy'thWactvV T'. ; u , Ti i , J r t he pay men t ( the V r : ' v dul burned,: by. t hi s ct, s .ii, '. viw ix. auUituq same is ; ) "I propfbicd lo be paid cut 'rt:WrWy in th, Treasury, not j T'; . '.UHpruied. . . ' . , i.i: .t t'iirtl.r caac- Jim- all officert -.cl'arged by this aiiaUh ibf safektrplnjjtfans. er, ud (iiiiiiMfuiwit ol Ihcpublic t matit&CaUti.'Thi farmers of Kentucky are taking the lead in the West in the improvement of the breed of neat a ti 1 e; "We lcrnfrom .i : ' . ' . .... me unio liecisier mat at aution's to. reply In Mr. :iambreleng. tore them up whilst 3Ir. JlolTman was speaking, being too' magnanimous to give another blow to a man al ready dead. When be closed, the galleries clapped, stamped and shiuted. V-v r Joseph Bonaparte, ex King of Spain and'Kow known by,the name -.i. c . -t- ij . ii; i ; w - r : T . .i iw.ii. tonne vouiii uc ..surriinena " Farm, near lxrifiglonekbth kSr BFettenham Parkr In Huflolk, uu. n " cn England fora permanent residence; mixed blooils took- plac. , Some Th .....Ju.r lhe household (a very correct likeness,) snd onder it engraved tb tb words-JUtfrfaiW Burtn.rrtUtnl9flh United Halu, A, Dm 1837.' . , . . On the other skis were engraved tho words, jae$ and ftiendtkip? witka tomahawk rcverst & crowed with a jipc Wbcn all the medals had been given to the Indians, two of them presented the Secretary with . tho pipe of peace, ob serving to him, at the same time, that it was their wish to remain at peace with their white brcathrcn forever. . The Secretary of War thctnaddresscd the Indians to lha folkcfrcct:" -My Bed : Bretktenr Yon have, all of you, received a medal of your Great rather."''-". service, and shall forfeit all comnen a . . t sation which may then be due him. bee it. And be it further en acted, That it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Treasury to prtsftibe rtgulationsTo enforce Ihfe speedy presentation of all . Govern ment drafts fur payment, at the place where payable; and to pre scribe Jhe time according to the dilTcrent distances of the deponto ries, within wlikdi they shall be presented for payment; and, iu de fault of such presentation, to tire scribe: any other, tnode : and place ' "a - . - -r wiitrc lie may cteem proper. tTht mt Trade Vit -New York Journal of Commerce states that a certain pill manufacttirer of that city has received in (he coorse of the pastfeasonftraA Mnarea tier- cnf bill Wes, and it spiears that he ha filled them; for on rM fiving recently a, freshsd of tierces, he rr marked to thecarrasn who trought them that he bad on hand sixteen luehtit of pi Hi, forwhich foe had tio boxes. sixty head, in all, were disposed of, the a.ttijre:ateJ sum received for which xs thirteen thousand tome hundred do!l..rs. Full blooded coirs judd at prices varying between tt 195 a. . at B mm .a. 4 . . and &74ja bead; full blooded bulls at from MOCO to 6I3(X) a besd.- The mixedTdoid sold variously at 850, 910U, 9150, WO, and so on, up to 9103. . Emigration to 7xaSi-The last number of the Little Jtock Advo cate says: Hardly an hour in" the . . , . ..... . are on a niost princely scale. day rum but a party of from eidi to- ten : well mounted ; horsemen are seen passing through our town, bound to Texas. -Wagon after wag on throngs our streets- all passing to Tex a a. Not a night butour tav erns are thronged with travellers and emigrants for the Red Uiver entintriesand I'exas, fit is thought that the influx; of emigrants into lVxa,s this year will amount to something like si x thousand. The majority of these are the; better clas ses of Tentiisseeans and Missouri an, &c.V and appear to be men of intelligence and wealth.", j 1 Origin of Disease. 1 tell you, honestly, what 1 think is the cause of the complicated maladies of the human frame- if is their gormandi zing and stiffing and stimulating xMnuteCdleulation The -fb! ywing is Said to be a dUplav, at one view, of the number of Tlooks, Chapters, Verses, Letters & ords, t .1.' t. :--i-; cnnraineu in we crgusn translation of the Old and AjeWT titaraentsri Old Testament. Nnmber of Books, ' ; v.. 83 Chapters, - 929 . Verses; ; 32,214 WoFJsT Letters, 2,728,100 'New Testament,- Kiimberuf Books ; r" ,.27 Chapten, : 260 ' -.Verses,! ,r '7,95S) , Words, " ' 181,258 i Letters, ' 838,380 f Temper anet ' and Abolition. "VVhcn I came Into the pulpit, and for years after, says, an eccentric minister nf the old schcoQJ'lieli- gion used to be the principal topic preacntu upon oo, iiis. au rum and nigerar7 v - Whenvou look mxn it you most cmcmbcr your obligations to the whites, nd never make them ashamed oi your cooouei. r la the treaties which you have signed this vilay 1 am pleased to find that you nave maac sutiaue provision iur iuiwm and cducatiua generally., ' . ' Teachers will be sent among yon, and 1 hope that you vt ill treat, them it& rcVncctsnd kindness. " f. . . -lou nave aiso siipuiaica ro w -w- structed in tho -art of . agriculture; m shall be doneand cvery'other stipil; tion executed on my part, in the pu of kindness and jrood faith. 1 nmlrfttsnHtlint it ftifhrtlltV halS' riscrfbetweenrthe Sacsiid-Foxisa the Winncbagncs. 4 ; . ' , . "I, am pleased to find that they this day smoked tho calumet together which is always, tho pine of peace. v "II blood has been ahed, 1 am gbi find that it is not tho act of iheaatwa but f imprudent men; and l am gW to find that the Sacs an4 Foxes wilJ cent what the WinnCbagoes hayew , fipd this day in token orlriendsfti.v, lb the litter,-- iT.V.v-r-jii Tt ..cm , whatever arrange they have niade to bry tho hatctici " be faithfully executed bymc v; -'i I now.bid all tny red brethren, js are pointr to leave ns to-morrow, . CJ " ... . . .. ll ... . - . - "Hill, dad satt ro out there and russle np tome chips puf of the snow,!' v, ; Telldad to russle op tome chips himself, I might.russ)c up a darn d biginake," thev Will hrt " .....L.f. i. mA IflOCT safe journey to their fricnds.and I o n and I exhort them when they rcturf w their lodges, not only to keep peart sita the Winiicbagoes, but with all rnimflinir iiht.nna. .i , r . ' Agaiiil bid them all farewell ' After tlw usual shaking of hands, w k. ' Council bruke up. :-.f. .i-i j, a i

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