r - I I- r li h f ir Ii- TT o- rc lie Mr- er it m the ka ipt ieo tho oU Lt It rith- f,tll rest nost utes, pour ;you tooUi yooj with bein : thai ifula; spirit fcthcr, fad to latioiv n U4 irilTac- fti! iticaly lhrt Io0 irt all,' V .11 AsmioiiQUfiH. N: Q.v-'.. fcalur At 9 Nov .;,4i 183 but ono noisy Van Burcn man whflo hero. And lie could say nothing tut aswt that the "Whigs of '70 wire very weront from tho whig of '23." How luc; J crc,.di2crent lie 4i4 not so very well know; but ih'y were different. This is a man too, in the highest stand ing in Genl. Ilawkin's district. ; - ' "All things considered, we sec most clearly that -the administra'tion U g?i"S to tht e&a,nd that too about as fast as" it oughv"-1-v;-ii--' ': :r . THE NATIONAKTOPia iWfamous Sub Treasury Pill, which underwent the long and laborious action trJ mA of the reader an atten- elegant article on the Credit System, in this paper.- ITie pros, ncrina influences of a .well regulated ....lam nf nati inal credit are there fet forth in a striking' light, and in eloquent 0f tho late session of Congress, is print language, , . . - a ';Jcd in thisweck s Citizen. ; Ibe Juill OP ;f 1 i A '"' 1 1 Dears as h iwssed the Senate. It was rme"." ' ETT dirawareand.noharmisdonc On housing ineir vwn. aw:i ' ... - 77; v , . a fL . J Kn 1st,. ..s.. ailiLmtMU MAtViinv earn -orainary iruiuK .r - - - . :. rrovcrnmenr and the country, through the .country, we lueve is two . . , . from tiie ELECTio:;n ' 1 From tho elcctic: : v.L'ch hate tc i reccnlly made in rxr-r.y cf the Stat where they turned cn the a!l-absorl! J subject of national pc!!t; discoi that flic Opposition j ;ty have been em inently successful. II".. .y Elates 0!.! j, unvi?3 moilc of procedure. , Trutli wa3 n.:vtr x i elicited hy violence of attack. -T .' ' 113, decency, propriety of lah- Ho". -J I ,l't ' r. I pent ern.m v lavt , -- - o . : o. e co;: luce to advance thts i WOUltt mure co;: luce to advance t!i3 interest c f lineal doctrincsi or other subjects than all thd most violent and personal articles that have ever yet been publish r ' 'min ia an aAmU'oCiit nAfann. ew Jersey, Maine, Georgia, &c . alitfcg jn aNewipaper,buthc, who hav, which had been thoroughgoing Van Du- in lost delicacy ot feelinj: himsell, - is rcn States, have discovered to us tho al-, reckless how he may unnecessarily drag; teration - in their political sentimects, by now giving a more decided support to whig principles than they bad here tofore given those of the adrnjnislration. As observed by the Editor of tlie Citi- o'it latest dzten, ncr had any Ibin v.arthy of notice triasj.lrtr. Therd is no delegate from K-rth Carolina, They are; with r.ne cp two except tinr..v all from Ccorgii and Southi CaroliQa. 'Z-',t , . PAl ETTEVIt LB MAKKET. - " Brandjr, pwcli, 85 PC Dito, apple, 71 Hi oi, , v 10 a 11 that of others before the public Hat tlgh Register ; ' ' 22 Hnxo itands I he account Maine, Massachusetts, Hhodc Island, Conncc-t Ei4" .. . w i . n i i lour. it, Vermont,. Jew Jersey,' fennsvi-; retlher.. Bertvas, CoflTee, Cotton, - . Cotton Yrn, ' 30 SO Corn, . 70 7 J r,.n,llf I, F, F 17 a 20 1,00 violate. , 393J M'ilt, cat, 710 brvn, 7f i 11 ' Lump,-' -'A 1$ - Lof, .' lit 20 -ij$o 0 I iJ0 ticut ten, with regard to this Sute, Mthe Ad- vania Delaware, Maryland, North Ca iron, ministration is going to the wall thro'- out tlie country ; If the present current of public sentiment should not be divert ed by some - unforeseen and. ttrong'ob staclc, the" Whigs will choose, tlie next 'resident yt-'Xy?, y'Z , ; ''-V. - rolina, Ohio, Kentucky; Indiana, Tcnn essee and Georgia are note Vyhig States. sack. Tobicto, leaf. 93 Coltvn Barf. 16 fl 8:Whet,ncy flail U 3J a 40 Whuker, 65 a 70 5ja 6Woo1, ; 20a3J G ENTLE.1IA!'3 MAGAZINE. Mississippi and Louisiana are coming ."Vow fuulishino, in Monthly Nambn;: in thfl rciK if lhev nre not already ! with us. AVe tilieve with the Cincinnati Post,"' that there will not bo more than dollars per barreL the severe investigation of this measure. Amid much of the party vilui-craiion , MAST. There is a oiccr of Mast in the wooas which ha ao extensively obtamca in our recur- brillian- 3rFa1LThose whaire iffthe habU -,1itbere5i c . . . irenco uiium yuntiuivi are more acorns tnan jne nog. wo p . - "f llMlf - ,;i fr.wmrm tt-camcr.lJ vi mmu, niw ntisiii vi ! Drn, you know. In ri- Tng, were brought to bear upon this sub- dins but, in any direction, you will bard-.j commensurate with it vast impor: sibly?idertroyJbclbrewarm in W1U vo cum, ly aee a single shote J tance to the pcoplclf :weld cer V:rZ?i and a tainly add to these admirable ; traiu a .thriving condition. If the banks don t preponderance of disinterested and pcre uAtnie-we1l -have fathogs latent ahat's one consolation 1 - v fear lor the atability of our Republic' - ' . On an tttentire perusal of this Bill, it ron,lBH . j .... rceci-e the lunnott it did in the House 4 f I have, passed throughCaswelh more gurprising it ahould pass the tai rett and cheapen Periodical in the United Staiea-Tlie GenUcmaiiS Maigine edited by Wtuua E. Bva-mir, Philadelphia, ' 'Ttie nrnprietora hate much Dlea"aure in four or five Anti-Whig States, a year j nouhemg to the reading public the. complete . , ' ' " - 4 ' I of M irS"e KCeae far beyond their . ' t " i v . - , 1 , i 1 otmoat expectation, and conaiderably exceed &r of ilittojr otlS. RJjto, torn S'l'K 'fei; Piracy The packet ship Susoue- 1 ' Promineni cwzen Ot lY. Vuuuu lift; and th n tmeroua commendatory) notieca ' i! r I'l' "tii'i Jit- l-Wiat think VOU of Air. Calhotl 't of tUe Pr-aa, attest the merits and the pop. nnah, biUnd from Philadelphia to ! . , ! . ' " '. Ji 75 T"; Urity ofthe Gentleman's Maraaine, each um- IJverri: having on board acTeralWa. ,va " V rTT her otwhicl, .eontain, mora original matter r; - c;' , r THENEW; liannah, bound from Philadelphia to Uverpool, having on board several pas- tejBgcrf-tnd uFI0,0XK);io ipecie, Cere Politician,: or so unstable Injudg-j . v aav up wa aw uvwi oviiwtivi VI "- - -- ' I . of tfio Cars of-DehWa're!c "Uu and Graphic l)U ' - tv ---- mpr nax sironirer Claims on me iauon i ana nanneri Tha eoiiteuta embrace a fertile ran re of a. miuing and intruclire tubjecta, by autuora of interet Dcliiteation of Ilea citement prevails, particularly in Phila than the latter, f Indeed, ihe.South owes ''Xjef.1' Poetfy dclphia,.in conso(jiieuce.t (veroment . Mr; Clay ' heavy debt of gratitude; as . ' on f opnir Subjects ad vessels are in pursuit of Hie pirate' .- vet,'' we' have repaid hini with 'ingrati- Biographical Notices of celebrated or Ec- ..4 , j . r ' r.' tude. Ib. V " ; ' l ' ce,,,ric f sraona, with many original Anecdotes. Tho I IVa lf PKlfaniBL tvitK liaVjaaaaeaavam PucAlcr Uiukau. the German Prince Dickena, BOZ the author of the Ptckwick Papen, with a likeaeaa . ;' j;.. Dr. John Fautf, the Soiccrtr . lite Dutches! of StAlbana, and Z'hgha, the Negro Queen, I : Tenon.' GranVille, .JrJl the Bcoate the Arguments -and o ues While in Jwel!r:riy mjence of John aCalhoun -to the con- the pcopk Wr$ gfwn bad not lrary notwjlhsunding.w-Kotwhhstan then returned (rora Congress,, and they J-: .iicifedaimDlicitv ofthe s Wnot read the newspapen enough lo M Obvj0ua complexity and ditll cet their lessons.' They' hrd-mostly L lt 5nlnatjn!. acDosit'oricsof the oub- VekVin Boren peoplef but they began rooIMi. ith aucl mufotudea of petty to luspect that all. wat not exactly office w roan whom7wmote from rightf- atkl acafcelyt word on politiCf iftVcstigaUn"g wcr "would could bt forced out of Ihem. -1 lie waigs Wv0 fcar contCqacnccg however were nusn ana spntea. wy . bf kDaTcry- fcavet Ukj fc-der- ippoared to te greauy c,lwu? lTO al government too distinct from, and too , Decision of decision is' as' distinct from stubborn Ute successes of their party, f ,-, ; I .ncadent ot: thei ncooW and ?it ..Pfrson-We saw but very, fewn.. j. , v h hnnda'nf iher'v. the people at ihi;couirtyt etee-Uie eeulirc a tr6mendoM audunprccfe troops iorf Fkrida,? lately- sailed l citizens of Roxbor: They tre'ttauncb wcr f patronagci as lie would Monroe' tot Tampa Bay.-S Wh.gsna sa naTe 9 0rTOurse have the right to niyornt Um0 r f . v. distn'tsl almost all the officers of t or this """"'T " r . V? wide spread sjstcm; the executive u, county, but the people were so much I i.iii invetgled Mtb the xftf rffji fi-a, ,gcul$ Df tSejppcared to. care vcry httle aUut Sfi v -tieitlairii.of government.-In lact Uie iC - v . , a I - Some, may say theso objections are Trr."." "T-"' becoming. talc." Tlicy are none the less fthem are, are, we think. not much to rL . --v -rx,. J -- r rand. ; Tlicyw.ercjra rlyjnUeipatedJrv . ,. . , , . - 7 , . Mr. Calhoun, and lashed by his sarcas and polite, but thev lack the one thmjr . . ... m . 1 , . . - I none - the n less nowcrful nftor' hanntr Thcybct their aioncy on racing, rather ' , , i. .l- ' r -, ; " i '-- . v , . - I whtood his scathing siieech. And as inanpariorine newsraper-wtciircnccL. i ...r..MyAX. www.-,--. V-'.. vttbe measure is cxictcd lo come up. in oi me oay. TAna id, lacx we cxieciedi, r . ' - ... ... . : . .-.'. r .i. e some form, for the conindcratB of the -w una ucn n ; pwiiio ns mis, wncawcp . . ; , ' , , . . m i i i.M' . ';V,: . ...... i-.. I next" V.ion, we shall ..be clad lo hear -first srllieir public btildings-thcir .r .u v - . i. . iC.urtJ.o; tn ,-rti.!. -,I.;..K it.la- l'" n!3"y . , , , . I objections to it. jjirvd, Ohio, Election. The elections in . ... . . . . . Ilhin tiflVA rrn1ffrl in fnvnr nf iKa Hn- r txisilion. The Whiif' fnaioritv on ioint r, MmpoTianrum,wv.i ua-wsit L 11 . i i i ; v n Kington (Va.) liazette states, mat at Uie i ta i - . . ' jaiU Willi Ul .UIV VIIVUII UIIUVIIUI majority was 6. ;t - ;:. , . . ' of Rockbridge county, JigeThompson 1 decided that the entrv of afictitious P,;Unrl In in IhtU TrAr U i Kift' ' CdU OO a daiin; for the purpose of re h'.Ve already been tien. 3 . r .. .. . - Aitmnt. it n ifhin mamilralA'i iillluniC I Tha nrm nnhlioatiOna aw iri lull. Ul jscarctl4l CapU. KOSS, arrived m lnTjonllteptoTli Hheral estmcU are made fron rare and value-' dontl0tliJWi bition willle granted in all such iases; S ?0,SS?oX tireviiMisly gone but to the polar seas on on application to a superior court The An original copy right Song, not otbenriae an citing voyige;.W libreUini wuV .f'80 'dtTided,that h is ilgal to f Hh the Muaic. 4 . . ftt nn a lirMrlntm intn cttir ur ones. ecrJ oct. -r . delayed so long that capt. Back was sent' r,,. t:i.p ririrhiiuh I The unUe,B"n., Mga'e contaim aeven- .... ' .? .t v.. lor tbe like paqiOnC.- f trgmtan. -Jty.,wo extra-a.vd ottao pagea, oftwecoU amm each, forming, ft tee close of the year, rktt,rt,r Trn lwo wrse ,una ot one mouaaod aeten nun i.naracier. 1 rue dred tnd , weBlyifht columna-each column inct lrom StUDOOrn-1 contains more tliauan octavo nrer ofaeraM upin Uie ice, in the dismal regions of the f?css aslight lrom darkness, iuecis- P'XT.a-LT,,ef.K m ,y "u?btf T j" ! . (.. J J r L ,... lvrl ro. .; 1.1 more reauinr matter than a Tolume of a Hovel. duty does not torbld, It is as yielding as Engravings be given in the course of tho the air. the slichtCsUwishes of a4nend yearndthe- proprietors pledre tbemselvea I may bend it it it w ill even anticipate a Ple an agreeable boofc-an epitome of IfriendsdeViresitMl lrSkSZ graiincaiioiu tUl wnen me OUiy IS COn- interest to command a place upon the parlor ' certied when conscience speaks 'with uhl of T7 gentleman in the United States, hcpcriou, voice, .he ccrUng hill. .-?3 are not more immovable, t no blandish- pic,or t display, and executed in the fin ments can entice, no threats can intimi- style of art, by j. a. Ants, of New York, se date. A world in arms con not change companies the Octoaer number. the inflexible purpose of the soul. It 7 tn Urtper.Tum p'7ab can no" nwre be moved by the opposition . . t0 induce lubscribers to forvard tbeff"" or the ridicule of man, than the sun in nnmes immediately, the publisher begs leave the heavens by the fogs of earth. True. ,0 fr lh M'lnK ducementa for d.-. . .,- f. -t-p - . clubomr, the advantslrefe of which Drooositioa. ecisioo is guided by reason, its eye is Can o.Vemm in fofce till CbriatmHei!! open; Us ear catches every passing sound The subscription to the Gentleman' Maga- its heart is tender; and thus it acts, ie win, for a single copy, be invariably rmldlyyetfiradynder alU4r light , v f , . f 7i . .- i , but a Five Dollar Kill will produce Two Cop and all the knowledge which can be ob- ieatothe aamr direction, or a club ef Ten taineq.- - 1 his decision IS a principle DolUrs will command Five Copies, which Diet v inculcates and ' st renjrthens. AH letters, postage paid, addressed to - . t - a ar m , . . 1 in search of him, In Uie mean'; time itoss returned. Fromi - Aug. i830tiU Aog.' 1S37. capt. Backs ship lay locked r .at : .1' ? ! ' 1 ' ' " -l North.- Four Esquimaux Indians were the only human beings seen during the . wholo lonwome year. , Mare Troops. The Norfolk Herald states that five transports, " with more from Shud der, all ye savages ; and quake,' ye big Indians r Tor the fate of another ;w of your number. U doubtless scaled 1 TJit SouiK Sea' Exploring ExpedU first seeing it) Must like Sumeb(dy's t r v e 4t ' j.- ' e , , 2 r . . . - ' hshed, having for us object, directly c . , . ' - '. collaterally, the regulation of tlo inlet never see any system cstab- or Insets ft i trirt rnmil 'itit f ttua ttm -Jlcrc wo witnessed tho examination L i . e l vv-i n . , ,;. ! , t-.m u ;iv; i t ,e,,f vi uie -ruinmunnvt.wiiinn wui noi of acac attended with some ..interest l t -i j 1 nW iruui ivvtnrua ururiaillHin or ar- It ,, seems nccesnarv that Whcre - the HnnHnnt- nnw- Riitl.f-tu aa. I saccuscd tf the murder of one ''" Hon, nch has been so long talked of and so long in preparation, has leil Nor folk for New .York, preparotory to a fi nal departure, The . flefct, consista ot four vessel tinder tlie - command oft comnHjdore'l'homasjAp Catcsby Jones. A learned and able. scientific. corps at tend tho expedition, principally from theciiieso! Boston, New York, I'hiladel phia aiid Washmgtoh. ; The nreckrtbe Newbcrn Specta tor states that theVurviving passengers of the steamboat "Home" unhesitating ly charge tlie captain with being the probable cause of the" dreadful ; loss of fe, by keeping the - boa t out at sea when howa unfit to proceed." Do was under the influence of liquor I . iWiTheQtiocnofrjains istocracy lrai!rw tta-a iriaMa iteaie i ttAiiU I.a T M..a 1,.1 I hi T fi rt tsiirtfi rwAltthtaarl I4aa I , . " A .,.., i ,!, .1 , , anccd by revolutions. hen, at prop though vry aunccMsurily for the first i: i." Yi 4,'.? : i. jv i i .l t . ? k -v er periods; Vo alternately, run towards ifeeti thtfwcd 'clear y tho'state t.f , the u r . ..-; r. :-x:' J - :.. v lbcr citrcmo, our civil liberty is safe, irsnnftrtion.' If it wei susceptible of a r ... l " . : " ? Ji i.i r . . . , . j .. I aim nuu viuivi uiiiiwhiiu uiiiiins aVjiasi- lose their ii is a case IJt'Jiffb' homucide: (Wiggins) wss strikiag 'the oubt, we s?h not take the liberty of lng preponderance, ll,o,dJ 1c - a .- ; - 6" v.v,...,. . rightiui trecdom, and numail nature its : , unqtiesuonaoiy . oi dignity,; Y a iiu v;i, mu i we vet see no substitute lor thn im. riSOuer I .v rionrtint' in uuiitr, over.u,eiicHl with a largo club Uchenw for the permanent . rerief aiMi ;T? f! J!!? Fj-ot. fhc benefit of the country, which would be H.i.Hiraics uuumi the del. nJant over w froo from evil, and would answer all ao iourt. bv lua inn. .. ..-- ,k..4 ..ri - : if t . . . vmi- .4i ji 4H.UUI niinwisKH na cincicni v as a wen rrin .i m tod rtneral bo n - but wc will re InscounseOMiMviiigi V ig:ition would more fusausJy public mind. : the H7ThU i tt itton Vn tlij T fntn but a WajoritV of tlw ci: erve'onr u munition till a more propi tious day. . " "j--.,',- "Anptltcf attempt was recently, made ciii of Uuishufg are whiji., Wosai to sci fire to M General PostUlTice. Cnaiks Aleiandrr, Athenian Buildings, Fran I khu Place, PhilaJelplua, will meet' with the earljeat attentiou... s-Tjldkii Look out for a Scoundrel, prospects, are rather gloomy. Xarlos, the aspirant to -the throne, had advano ed almost to ,tlie gates ofMadrid, tlie capital, whicli was, threatened with an attack by, his adherents. ' Martial' law " - a "" a .1 . ava was proc aimed in tne city. lno cholera is raging in many places in IGcrmany and Italy. . - Nine begrott were lately executed at Alexandria in Lduisiana, for an at tempt at msurrccti n ; three of whom were fruOblacks, J' orty ol tlie culprits, against whom there vvcro not sufficient proofs to condemn them, were kcpt'Jh confinemcnL' j ( 1 ScurrifityJr-K Northern Whig pa per, in reply to several vclicment attacks of im Administration print, siinpf)' says, tl e latter has become quite tiki scurri lous" and drtps the matter. This is right. I fJr rfbbolt. aaa ccllent rules: v Choose those animals orvegctablcs to propagato from, that possess the pro perties you ish to propagate, in the greatest perfection. Volumes may bc tvnttrn tn i Inmtrntp and rnntirm thit orl. vice, he adds, bul nothing can be added JnMSS to It SUbstantialry." has' left his mfe, snd taken with him his wife"h , "IVever quit one good breed, until aisien lie it an sccomphahed scoundrel, which you can pickout frenn a better. V By fol- h jy aminlag the Record fowing tKis plain method for a few W tJlfA JZ .nlinnt' h (t'ift uuilmd I.1M lklUA...Iu L.-i- --t: , J . . . O 'i - tmnMii ftmmjm uuiiijr"'nm'3v mriinni wim uir mtuntu la ents who have the points; vou want in remarsaoiy pieasant pma. villi iuiivixu jKtui auja, wntuici wi a- cers, cart horses, corn or strawberries," The Convention of. Southern Merchants &c,' assembled at Atrgus ta on Monday the I6ih ji st. con sistmg of about 8(1 Delegaites' Ker Boyce, Eq- of Charleston, was ap pointed President jand f Andrew. J. 5) iller. Secretary A . cumtnittee was appointed, consistitgof20 mem hers, to make a wjwii to the Con vention on the subject ,for which it was called together, Which h un ilersTool to'.be, mainlyi the cxten sioii . of the direct tmde between Charleston and Iviropc nntl thiJ di version of tRe Southern, business from New Yutkto that port. Of tuts ioiumuice uov. iMciJurue is Scurrility in' public Journals is a vcrj Chairman. It bad! not reported at shnvrthancbftede-wlMterreXanil i. Wears homeapun Quaker atyle) waUe, and will Irv ta n..a i.imsetf off as a Quaer, esneciaHy in bis lan. guare. -lit wire of the Wolf in aheept elotb This notice :s intended as said Cox's fore. runner, (if he does not outrun the notioe) that n my receive me reception he oeght to, let him go where he will. " Randolph Co. Sept.' 4,1 837. 3i45 VTiLMPERANCE NOTICE. . THE New Salem Temperance Society will meet, on the tbird Sunday in November next A 10 o'clock, A. M., in the Towa of New Sa. lenv Two addresses are expectrd to be de iiverea. a general attendance ia requested ' ue.L. inuulk, pre, a vi u uvvteuvvcea wanted at UVa ulVxcii, ot f rora 195 in aoouVJfxUW. JOB PRINTING y- - ' f .An

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