rx..,'.: - and rtl!culc3 if h tr.tr ro tii oTtitti riTitit. mi . a v. ":.:ti ' ' "t ! A 11 -.7 . tioa thrci-'rcnt ra k'-Vm. t. ' -..'vej t',2 rin " was t! j rTC:t !: ' 1 1' -t i r:t4;,u wor:ir.:.S c! -.1 less and cK;rv:i L- an?; hct. j r in hn era rr, i r::ty. . .1 c .I wiac," acquire: !, r ; 'ys:: ccss he has a living ttuJy cf the licrt, a rcvlvi cf ;..:!3 tl Mi tr.d ccr.::cr-i:J ncoric"f c! ?trci and s.ni.-uitcd tr t!:3 tall l.hher ajr.:cipu!;r.cc5, tilths bequeath ed t!.3 nolle ,irt c .".."e t..l ul.id to those v!:d will honor Vis ntnery when he is gCae; t!;ath3 1.13 dd:d to the virtuous, the ir.telli-cnt, and the lovely, among mankind. It is surely worth core than the ciasca of some anxieties, to be able to cay, when the "world is closing on us, that we havo not lived tegctkerjin vain." ' v ' .. ;;. Emigration to Miisouri A slip form the oQce of .the St. Louis Bullitin, of date October 25th says: ''Boats are now ariving in this city almost t very hour, filled with freight aud passengers, a Th tratcr in the river continues high, and if the fall troves favnrahl. we mav ttneet jLi .'coLidmble .ccewW t. iWT&JWSS -population and business of this city. Only e circumstance is likely to prevent this, and that is, tho deran gement in the money' market and the consequent -stagnation of busin ess throughout the country, by which enterprise is checked and success -Tendered so precarious as almost to discourage he effort. Yety not vithstanding all these dishearten ing prospects and accomnlated dif ficulties, emigrations into the, fer tile regions' of Misouri are very great and cohstanC Out r roads lead ing into the interior arc ' thronged with families and trainsof teams, with stock and hands to settle on our new land. The scene is anim ating in the extreme, notwithstand ing all the embarrass.'nents to which lhee: hardy settlers aire subjected in search of a new abode. 'H' :? "J ,Jfewspapcr$.-Si:ht Hon Judge Longstreet fays, timall is ?ie sum L required to patronize a newt paper, and 'amply remunerated is I the patron. " I care" not how hum- ' Me and unpretending U the gaxette n he' takes .It is next to impossible to fills sheet fiAy-two times a year, . - withoat putting into it simethiag V . thslis worth the subscription price. y. Every parent whose son is off from Itim at school, should be. supplied I with a newspaper. I well remem . - - be,r.,what a markc d difTei ence there )-'- was between those of myschobl- mates who had anil those who had j " not aceesrt newFpapers."' Other ! things being equal, the first was al - ways decidedly u perior to the Idst, in debate and composition at least ; The reason i plain: they had i . command of more facts. A news 4 : : .paper is a history of carrent events, as well as a copibu s an d i ntercsti a g mbcellany, and which youth will j jieruse withjdelight when they wU j -itadjiothing clsef . -r,. The world outdone. Beat this, 31r. Journal, or any body else, if . you .can: . . '?, ':'- " jlr.George tiilbert, (a gooOflO mocrst by the way.) of Jefferson township, Montgomery .county O liio, raised thi season, - from one aeeid, sir pumpkins, which weighed moectivelv 186, ilO, 120, 99, 91 in all, 63G lbs, - We say beat it who can! The largest oee meas ured in circumference seven feet and eight inches. - Hurrah Uxketk Jcncrson Ohio Herald. : rrr-r: Xi Si. Loai, on the 2th, the river -was - Jiigh, hoau were arriving al- most hourly with freight and passengers. Emigration 'mto the fertile reioas of 3fissturt is taid to be very great and contant. Tlie roads leadiii? into the in terior are iUriMftei with families and train of tcaois,' wuh stock and hands to etlJeon Ui M Jand This scene if stud to be auimaiiiigiathe estretne, not wltLstandiug all tho embarrisments to iihieh "-thoe hardy settlers arc suhjccled idV:h of i new t "r ., . i t: ; rr'.lerv. rc:;::.:ions did nctextrri bey or. 1 la, tl.it is to say, -IZ IS north L ut present they aJvinee even to t' cf EjJ;s.rS3 3 cf tha sama I : ) port tVes tha Russians have usurped z: ly tv a hur. Irci and c! !.ty leagues cferri- tnry, and now must bo at the mission cf Laa r rancisco, or wiUun sixty leagues cf llcr.teroy, capital cf Uprr Califor nia..'.'' ' 1' ,;: '.. la ISC 1, Russia had already nine for tiSed posts .upon tha coast; and kept, in tha ports cf Archarjl and of Bodega, 2 frigates, 2 brigs, and a still greater number ot smaller vessels. - benefit to l7bod:"zrtL-x is sup posed that the proceeds of the house last evening at the National Theatre being for the benefit of Samuel Woodworth, will not faU short of 3,C30i The house was numerously and fashionably atten ded, and the performances gave entire satisfaction. The Cato of Mr. Yandeii hoff was . better plaj-ed than upon the former. occasion; ana the drolleries of i Burton and Rice kept tho audience in a bevond dependence, and prove to him in his approaching decline, a solace in his manifold affictions. K Expns o mdnesday. QtdeJi iror'- On Sunday week, Bailie Clarkson. Selkirk, sat dawn to dinner in i pair of inexpressibles made af wool, which that very sane morning was jrrowintr on the back of the sheep. In the brief space of eleven hours and-a Lair, tbe fleece was shorn from the animal, scoured, dyed, cardedsnun, woven, and' made into a pair of breeches for a bailie! Glasgow psftr.X.Z iFrom HaUai.i t hv& received from our attentive correspondent it Hal-' ifax, paper of that place to the 5CthulL!aca 3 waow wuany iron ujub w The largest 6re that has ever ; rjsUedLouana-roDgni on4wooy uic igno-. Halifax occurred on Monday night, tberranccand misrule of those in'powcr. -23duhimo. It broke out at half past - - ' " v , ;T tWdfTS Kmlh'canlina -Tl beginning of Hollis street ' and Upper j per has recently been much charged, & Water ; streetV Fortunately there was j in other rcspects.considcrably improved.. scarcely any wina. Jtoss, wnjouw; in surance 9,000'. The offices of the Tel egraph and Pearl were destroyed. . 1 notion rotu.: - -4 Thegle which tlid so much damage it New Ooleans on the 6th October e.xtendcd its ravages over some of the richest agricultural dis tricts Jn Louisiana, injuring very seriously the cotton and sugar crops, which previously promtseu an a biindant t uvld."- On tome planta- tions a loss of, Que, third, has. been sustained. ':, :z'ri---r-:? -y " " T- '' i - - wPUit helFrenchin Aleiers. have discovered a new plaster, used in the public works of thateitv. com nosed of two narts oi ashes, three o relay, and one of sand It was called br the Aloors fil'bi, and being stirred again with oil, re sits the weather better that nir- Atlantic' and 'Pacific Cona1- is stated in the New Bedford Gaxcttc, ''that the survey on tlie Itrft side of the river San; Juan fr,a canal Jrnna Lake Nica ragua to the ocean has been co:npTcted. The authorities of Central ; America have taken hold of (La cntcrj)rs7, tvi'Ji a dctciminau'on to carry It through. - A wan named John Twomtly, confi ned in the Boston house of correction, for habitual intemperance, killed him self on Tucsdayjsvening, by cutting his throat with a piece of glass. 'r The Grape vine in Ohio-k gen tleman near Cincinnati, this season, on less than half an acre of ground," raised of the Isabella, Cape and Cats wba grape, snfueicnt to make .700 gallons of puo wine, valued at i,0 00 , , , ' , Gteat yield. Mr. Morrisan of Con cord, New HaiOpshire, realized this sea son, from a paten of ground eight feet square,' vegetables, &c. to tho amount of 9 Oi. lie stso, irom ninciwu uuuris ot icaf sown, wiawca a crop, wn M lit " Y ALlIBOROUnil.H.'O. :. v:' vvi'Kcv.'ii'i lean: AT,CUi; VOZT AGAIN. t; V,c I.sva returned ct length ta tho p - - - ca cf our Editorial CutLs. , A- 1 .-! tva t!.2 jlcasuro of fcclirj a L':a tzkUcJxp by a kw weeks' rcs plta frcn that irxessant application so necessary t j an Editor in tho personal discharg e tf his ofucial duties. Tho new ideas v.e have had the good fortur.a to acquire in t!.o r.can time, if on exam ination, they appear to bo worthy Com- iriunicaUng, w I bo 1 attended to, frem Urao to time, as occasion may ro- ay and point, U arres t the dullest per q'lire. (ii - ' ceptions, 'and exert a salutary inf!uencfe , Ono general remark however wc feel ; on all newspaper readers as well as Ed now constrained to make on th 5 ?- jri. icat aspect .of tho country; There seems f j expect you wiU lay thoBcportt&c to bea generahpajfact an l.nort uaer- bcfor0 the readers of the CUucn,w and sal expression of joy at the present pros- omcr Editors, no doubt, wjll early do pects of regeneration in tlo leading pbl- Uke-If, thoso exalted and correct icy -pijcomtf, parucularly sinco . vicvri there expressed of ' the legit:mate tho faHuro cf the Sub-Treasury system iibcrty 0f the Prcsiw were difluscd a propceed by-JIiiT aU BurcaTU Utoinngtt tl petjlc,and enforced by tlie Elections la diflercnt States, showing adherence cf iu Conductors, the tho charj 3f sentiment thatjia recent- liccnsciousucss and surrility jnW which ly taken place in so many hundrcdiand jt hds sometimes fallen, would be efTcci thousasij nay, II UN D RpD S.OP; tually reprehended by public sentiment. THO U 3 A N D SK of the pcople,o5Jf crates net merely as a ray of hope; t bursts 111.3 a blaze of cxtacy ca the dis- pon&ng senses of tho patriot, amidst . . .. . , , . , . . If this, othcrw iso t worthy paper, Jould only leave o.i some oi iu v an uurcn no t .: " t UUM-UU v 4CU V project as dangerous and unw iso, w 0 should ' take crcat pleasure la recom - mendin ; :t to the patronage of such as . ., " ' - -1 . -jadmira allargi sheet well filled with use- ful tastier and a pleasing varictyv - pcrs, commences the 33th volume. z'f-. though the liegisUal has been combat - ing error, and (gencrallyJ wo bcHc ve) ' r . A. . , , , advocating the eaoso of truth and sound policy, for near half a ccutury-it seems now to coma out anew, in youthful garb, brushed op, as if itwer only yet advan- cins toward thd moriJian of its useful o career. ' y ' ''""' l' - j0 VHfAn In'nn ' John 11 CIancy,Esq...has1 ; recently ..taken iho nlaco ofMr, E. S. Zcvcly. The TcI- escopa will in future bo conducted by"; Messrs. Clancy U Evani4 it is said,- UuWbig ofthS beangcdOlibcaaVttemcn, yeu have iur hearty good will-: Expose the dangerous Experiments of the dayt Vou that not enc has produced so modi ben see how fast our once deluded fellow-, tfil I? af lLc rt 1rinti Its s ,.-..i'.... ... . .. : ' , , prouiuioua viivi'i, inn uiuy on our uwii citizens are throwing off their political i- (,ut throughout the w orld, is shackles. ? Help what you can. You ;beypnd cslmiation."-Lft political theo aro able we think to do much. The next , risls argue as they niay- let llicir w ire- general election lion will set every thing drawn' speculations trace relations be ' ..i .V . . ) tween things remote, and connect them , with the enterprising spir, Ly chajM fa M hT eye 7 of right.- Then it of true American patriotism? with us you will lhave the high pleasure of Wit nessing the most rapid advances, in suc cessfully building up tlie now broken and scattered ruins of the late and pre sent "Administration r and ro-instMing our political fabric on a basis too firin to be shaken or undermined, by attacks of personal ambition. - . " - .s.,--- ::-U..rv-' Tlicre were forty five deaths by yel liichjlow fever in Natclicz during tlie week J endiog the 21st Oiitibcr. " -; r:r- ba 4; but if Hxjrreater number La tiivi ded by tlie hsssr, t!ia quotient will be 10,033, QuerretliQ numbers T Also, give us a plain, simple, uner ring and p;:r.oral rule, to solve all ques tions of l.!,3 r.;Uare. -v- W. P. I" tcro ur corrcrron :r.l aro invited to exercjsa tLeir mgenu.tyoa tho above - ( , j. k t tovrmtut riTitiv ? iMaro Tuesday nigl Nov, 7. Mr. Stcaimi . ' . - . 'Dear Sin I have just read in the Rcgstcr', of yesterday, tlio pro ceedings "of the Editorial Convention, recently bcl J in Ualeighj and t heartily congratulate you on tho effort a part of your fraternity aro making, to raisc'l (Avi!l not say to retrieve tho character of tha Press. ;T!;3 Prcamblo and Resolu tions, written in u r ost eloquent and for- cjtlo style, ara calculated by their brov- . North Carolina, at least, may come into ' the measure. "V tf J . I am. Dr. Sin&e. CONVENTION OF EDITORS. According to previous notice, a Con vection of tho Editors of North Caroli na assembled at the Court House in the City of Raleigh, cn Wednesday, the first day of NoTcmtcr, inst. for the purpose of t adopting measures lor Use mutual bcncCt of tie whole fraternity. ' Hie foffo turn Presses w ere n rcprescn- 1 ted, vir : ; Standard. Star, and fcW - ttit itai,lPhr the Rctardtr. T0Ugn.; Jj0 H'9$tern Carolinian and 1 Carotin a Watch man. Salisbury: .Sou - i . .... - . . them Citixrn, Asliborough; Spectator. Newborn; Otter pcrt Faycttcville; JTeL ectpe, urcensborougn ; it ret I'rtts. .Secretary. ::C"IEJ''h-r' Aftcra free.intercnange: of opinion, a,i ve '??. M WV1' m3t for lite cuDsuicraimn vt uto v ftnvvuuon, vu of Mr Cou,mittte,con- ,! :n.; f .-Messrs Gales, iLoring and .Hampton, were, appointed, w ish instruc- J,,jt0. embody- in , Preamble and Resolutions, the views of the Conven- lion." and rcnort to-morrow. f r l On motion of Mr. Sw aim. Ujc Con- ivcntion aourncd .until toinytrowj 1J , " ill. .. Thanday; 10 o'clock.; The Convention re-assembled, when Mr. Gales, from the Committee, yester Jday appointed, made the following Ro- Urch have re- eulurffroiirurianrofillclncTrd "covcries, it is now universally admitted common sense lot thctn . account for the dilTuttive range of wulaf principles and their necessary concomitants, pop ular institutions let them impute their stability,. Id pcculiar formsi-W-lrace these wondcrous cflects to a sin gle w.ondcrous cause Me Prettf . This conclusion results from the re flection of a moment What was . the moral condition of man, at tho epoch of tlie discovery of,, tho Art of Printing! Monkixh superstition hun? like on ineu- 1ms, of night upon hint Kings ruled by direct -permission of Heaven. Thcthun- dcrsoi tho Vetipan spread constcrna. Tarborotigli; Journal, Charlotte; and:" promoter ot Arts, cicnce iw -Spectator, Miltohl - t ' I dustry and last, though far from kit, . Oir motionof Mr: Iirink Mr. UtnrttA tle incorruptil la cl ar. pioa of our Ceo- I'e intellect, and left free tl!e hi 4 mind ; It raised man from the dust taught bim that ho w a, not born 2 slave of his fellow, mau. It stripped ? rancy cf its mask, and placed powcr.na right in happy CQUntcrpoisc." It inatcd those immutable principles teach us that the end of allGovcrnrrii must bo the happiness of man. ' Such vsat tho Press: but the rt not to be concealed, that its nrcicnt ... ditioo is for beneath w hat it should be. whilst the profits and characicr to be i7 quired by its conductors, are far ftonl beir g commensurate w ith the benefiu it has, and is still conferring upon socio, ly at large u Instead of being the lutnio. ary of truth and intelligence, it has been unfortunately converted, in too many in stances,, into a vehicle of ribaldrv personal t defamation. In the politiol contest, instead of candid and conscie tious approval or condemnation of w,flJ iwre, it has drawn forth from private lifo the venial errors of mm, anf,exa?. gcrating an hundred-fold, has held them up 10 tlie puuic contempt and ridicule, i our Committee are, however, grstiEe by the reflection that the Press of North Carolina is as littlo obnoxious to thee alricliurcs as that of any other State m the , Union. -But we have all ccrisii.it. ally gone astray; and to elevate the charactcrof the Press, its conductors roust carefully cuard acain&t thoie de partures from a correct course, which Have so great a tendency to impair its uacfulncss. By stwliousfy cuTtTvaUng i mutual spirit of kindnesa and forbear. snce, and by doing justice j to otlicrt. the conductors of d;e Press inay raise's above the influences which have deprev scdit. . 5 ' : To Laid in iWs6iumau'oiu:jiodft- voutly to be wbhed,, your Committee recomnicnd the adoption of the following itcsoiuiions: r j . v & 1. Rtiolrtd, Tliat it should be the pride, ai it is the doty, of thow to whom is confided the control of a free Preu, so to conduct it, that whilst, on the ooe hand, its whole energies shall be brouglt to tear upon public wrong, tbe great est rare should be exercised, that, in on cass, shall it violate the sanctity of pri vate life. vrToJhis end, Editors should carefully abstain in Uyif discuwkta, from all personalities and bdccorwn language 1 hey should compel tnrci ?ftW Ucuhcatcd contrpverHci, to. rei-pcct the character of.tne Itws t ,R community, or to find the meant 1 of publication clsew here; and, in a wori i .i t they should endeavor to make tie Pre, what it ou"htto be, Ukj advocate of mo rality, rational liberty and social order- ttitution and Iiws. 2. lietolved, Tliat it is the ardent desiit of the members of tliis Convention, Id advance the interest of all the Editoritl fraternity throughout the State, and that we rledirc ourselves to use our endear- ors tor that object, and to cultivate the ' good will and kind fcenngs of our brcuv rcn. WRetohed. Tliat no statement or coo munication in relation to personal d pulls or private controversies shall U admittea into the columns of the ruDuc Journals of tins State, otfrwise tfcaaat an Advertisement and thatdoubic the or dinary rates be charged for anv sucfc Advertisement And. further that in no instance, will we insert and Ad tiscmcnlof a husband against bis wuc.' 4 A. Retolved, That exjerience hss -monstrated the necessity of having R uniform rules lor our government in trniatin-lM-priccsfJthJVialfl Advertisements, and for this purf that the .following Table of chsrgts U submitted to our brethren throglit,uli State with a recommendation dial the unanimously conform 1 thereto: f UADVERTISEMENT& The first insertionof an Advertise- mcnt, not exceeding a wiuare, of emu; One dollar, and 25 Cents for 7 continuance. Jxngcr Aavcnw in like pt'portion. ,y - - ' COUL ORDF4S ' AND JUDlClAt ADVKRTISEMENTS. ., J .Tobe charged S3 per cent hig' and a deduction of 33, r ccnt-W w made from the regular prices to Aa Users by the year, ; . V:; ; 'J -Vv.;WMP,iLETS:v"; 5 Tlie printing of Pamphlet J tolc W gcd.as foOowsl licighty cents !ot wsing every lOOO ems, ana -for? the printing of -cvery'TokcrH" wnien musi 00 auueu ukj ji.v v. r folding, stiching, corvringi cutungi i i 1.; 4

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