Mattamumet Ar An act 17.3 Convention tlica adjourtd Until -twwwl dttlicMt'"' vi tl't4 19 uV-foch to-tuorrow.. , U of tliis Stui,lTniO.;VJ. . ... j ' fordVaining Mattimuisikcet LaLuiu llyda n. ; . ll; y A Canal, three m cs long, and forty loct tr iLilr . . 7 m Siffitate aiFthe draiiig of 1 ? .nUio Tom- the like commenced about three weeks .aa.- In the first ten days, it w estimated ihut the whole Lake fell two inelics and of cour se, as (ho"body,f water diminish es, the rapidity of tlu fall will increase. When it m borne in mind, that from Im'n iv o lixtt.thoutawicrc of Land will, kture may esise of a judicious economy. - TIic Legislature of Geo tfi:i ajwembled a few days ago, RctartM. Echols V.B. was elected Speaker of die Saiat by 0 maioritv ever Peter laitiar f John T, 4 AniarreewS!riCla lt House of llq-reuentau'ves," Joseph Day, V, 11 vseleeted Speaker by 1 4 majori ty over J. A.'Mtnwe : Jos. Slurgut reflected CJck, , . .r; Aurora J7olVv--Wolai aljeauti ful display of Northern, Uj11 on Tues day night ihc 14 th at which lasted wv end hours. The Fuyctteyilw Obiierycr says, that some of its itietid were inclin ed to regard it aj an ornuution in honor, oftlicgtofioui yktory UiNew York, ; , "-.. -t . " -J mimintlon Mil JWFifty- dti, and forty-three are in a tate of for wardness tw enty-three ami a row miles of rails hare been laid, and thirty are in a state of forcardness, tiotneof the most important Bridijc have heca compkHoiL Amung iniMV involving lao greaieia ana r ulty, ami attended wiiti the createst orit lay, u thatacrus UieXohheiut branch of tape fear luver, ten mi lot from vtl- muiioii. i ms linage u wu icei long. , ituriai Cotnti9n.Vi6 thin week publish the proceeding of the Editorial Convention, which convened at Raleigh, on the 1st Instant We very much regret that we had it not in our power to attend; as it would have afford ed ut much satisfaction to hare taken so many of our prufc'ssi6nal brcthcrn by. the loud. : - ; - - we hirii carfully perused the proceed agand takercat pleasure in expressing wir entire apobatbii.; Wp belief that i doso adherence to the rules there aid duwu, beucficial to the whole press of the state. ; . , Linctln Transcript. The Raleigh papers contain jho pro ceodigs of , the fcditorifll ..ContcnUon, kid-the latt-wwk in that city. We shall publish them in our next paper, and we are hiippy to add, that they meet wnn our ncany concurrence. v, Tarboro Preis., "TEilPEU.lNX'E CONVENTION. . . Published by request. ; TiiUforptixh H COcU 1837. According to iiti e trevitiuslv irivcn fr lf nieeimgof a State Temierance Crorcntfou,delogate3!f from sevcralTein. fanceicicUesa.cnbled in this place, and ha .vuw bn calkl UitretlRr in nico- tinjt tlto (x)nventiun was oucned bv mi- ding a poniunf Scriotnre, singing and ito ur oy net. u V. rnxinan. i lie dokigales were - then requested to take tht4rat)i In order arid tmwvA ur tht t!winiif o.firurs. when Dr. 1L CL P. Wts iHtrnitinlod hjmI eluMen Prtiimt and J. TlKiinpii and Isaac Clegg Se The nunilter of delegates Iwing small, atrintatkn wa L'ivcu iiIl nKMnU! iciiqieraiMie Hirietiex mtiit to take port in the MitNrntRmit r, this tnctling. as moved atn! oiMliHl.lhat there "8 a Cuminitte anwHtited to reioive intrl- hgKW from tlw dologatcsof nil iciotie ippawifl in thi mcfting, mid report llinHiu... . mi '1 I " ' .v.hi t-mrrv. 5inc inwiaeni an uncixt fti T. KiCaiiioliell. llharlo. nmhoimi Jamoi McMo as that c'''Viuttw,. nd on motion, ucomuiit tea v.'M uK ajMiinted to nrrnngo Ihisi ncss Ar tlj nctmti f this rwivciitin n tHi r it Jwinftiuy.W.J. Finlay, Uev. VV. 1 'ft -C. Cn nplvlKJe.! llinshaw, I h'wnjhmn nn, I r; n. (. i, K5. 'ii iit(ii, it vf:n ngrcnlthat themb j annjiprtn.- meting thl i tlvi Mcth r i1),,j:t,, Hiigk at 7 clM:k and me Killowuig vei; apvinktl to addruxti "11 lltUCrtiniri UMtft iiiifh ,vlk- rhno-n in, nssistr.llcv. JE.Msrs. Fiw- tnan, rmuyj ni p0s?n4(Canijboll. ; "-f in llL,r in.iHMtrl I'T!" r.Z:,r.r .1 uof ardont mrfe ukdriuk.ii t Ikfl tfofli Vlfvllll I IIW 1 11 1 B K I "II a I II I I -J w i ' . . . ! Ifmt nf mnm Iltirfcir.'tl ami nwiif'il well be recommended lor Mo : . , . " , v "r""" liur was well attcniicd. Tlw following res olutioiis were submitted, discuiwcd a:;l unanimously adopted. " ;' ,. -Addresses were delivered on them by. those appointed; also by llcy. Dr. Car ter. 1 " ' . .' - " ; ' That the "manufacture an J ross in- dal civil and moral liesolvfd, That all trvt philanthro pists, patriots and christians ought to u nite their efforts and can ibino their influ ence to sustain and promote tho cause of Temperance. . . t x . , . ' f Rctolvtd, Tliat the )joctn to Tcn pcrance Socie'ties,' and theTempcraricc cause, are futild, and often' (bunded in error and prejudice, , ; '. ' ' 7, ' ! Thai the tidies are deeply interested in the success of the Temjicr ance refohndlion, and could they be in duced to give H their united support the cause would every soon triumph. : jTho coinmittee appointed ycslcrday to obtain formation from the ditlcreht societies represented in tliis meeting made the following; report; which, after florae discussion to certain points in . it, was adopted. -..".-.'; ... That they regret that so few societies arc rcprcsontcd in this convention, and thir thcy-attribtite to the irregtdar titan- ner hi which this moetmi .was caUcd, and the probability that many societies wero not aware of it And m view of thoso circumstances this cannot with propriety be called 1 fStatef Temjicr. ance Convention," but rather a conven tion of tho societies represented in. this mooun,;. 1 ne opinion is exteiwively prcvalenf.both among some of tV friend and adv'cates of - Temperance as well ... '.' . .L. as fis fipjioscrs, liiiu mo cause mux wane; liulvour''eiminit;:ai of oihu ion,' from the statements and facts before thcin, that this is false; that. whatecr may be said of the cause in other States, 11 S dk ou me uccjujb in uus 011:1; ami wo al. think it i w jually as prosperoiw in other States as in this, and perhajw mnre sn. It is tnic and we arc sorrv o say itr-r-that.tho catne has seemed to anfruixh In tomo iJaors, owing dmibt. less to the neglect of h- friends to hold regular meetings; but there is no doubt wnn your commiuoe, wncn raking general view, that tho cause is progre suig. There is not now, it is true, so much ado made about tlTai r formerly, yet it" is silently winding its wav, like trie icaven nia u mre? inrrunrc 01 mc;u; and its sacred and sef-jnr-rving prin ciples are bccoinim; more and nmre dwjty" rooted in the minds of both old and vung, male and feiiialc. e also trunk that in most places wlicre the cainc has vuiml from de- EmnRueies or inconasnccs among its prlcs!ed advocaici, stNA imro(irieries nnvc; gnicnuiy oijgiriaiea wim ihnms whi were mt iuUreal frwaxk Atxl ytmr roiivjytt also beltyvc that manv of those who have avotyod the.caiw, Join ed the society for the purpose of bring ing 11 mho uisrcpuir; uiai mr.v n:ui no idea of adhering to the pledge when they subscribed it. ; Surh romtuct de serves tins -most luinualihed censure of every friend of temperance, and of nil t hewero and camlid k4 every name and -party r t- " e are sfrry that we are" nnaMe to report accurately tlie number nnd state of the various societies 'in tle State; but we think tlw facts we aliall pnwent will fully justify us in tho remarks already made t fe i ' I The Pittslorough Temperance S. acty was formed in' IHSt Itegular meetings nave not oeen ncki lately, aim though the principles of Tehiperance are popular, the numlicr it members has not liwn inr rcasiiig. - The jtrcscnt nimiln-T is atnut .3. 4 'Chanel Hill Tompcrance Sicietv fornv-d IVC.2&.1834. Several distille ries have been stopped, and tliere is now !Hiwncnrerthanl3or 14 miles. Through thti influence. 'of the Society a law has lwen mm bv the legislature .prohibit ing tin) sale of anient spirits in tfic vil bge'or within two miles of tho college. At tlie titne tlie socriety was tomied, tlicro w6re five houses that sold 'spirits ; but there is ?nov nono liccnsHJiL ,Tlio minilKirof members at. first was 180, but a gol muny have Ixmn :xK'll!(l, 11 nd some have removed so that tlicro uro tviw Vinly 00. , antiocirrTeifpnf 0. Society, Or- ango Co. 200 memlierm meetings are licid (piarterly and new members add(;d nt almost every mer (now but few respect meetings and uwo are peotabio persons in the liaucu inm-iing was ncui last nigni,an i nciglilrhood tat do fcctjlcr Ij i?,' ' 4 Sandy Field Tc:n"r2:r,: the' W, Orange Co. oiira:.!,: iXc'; J' members. The caa Ir'r:.! " - '.nco V - : Uilcrics I. , . .. 5 New C,i ' i 1 ciety, Guilford tV,A . I'M member-?, and r liavc join.d has viil.. total abstiuancc. '"TL utrm tq'pfril, and c. two over's, - 'k main in uio umiu 01 ts socierv. ... 6 fc5hilo!i Temperance Society. Chat. ham Co. formed Aug. I S34rW members; tho cause advr.hcin2. r.- : J'T" 7 iMount Gilead f.Sociujy, Chatbam" i fonned in 1S3L- 1C3 inembcrsl It lias done mucli good, and' is still pft- perous. - .' ' 1 .8. JJount Pleasant f. Society, . Chat ham Co. Meetings have-Wit been held regidarly, and consequently there is noi so much interest manifested as formcrlf. u was lonnea m ana numbers 99 member's. "' " -' . 9 Mineral Spring T, Society Chat- sui.iJiiu nqsnai-eriiioa ot tJio state arul , . i:. :. n v liana to, organized in Nov. 1830. with jof yourrcpectivo bodies a'dclegate, for 30 jnembers, but now numbers &0", oad 5 the pitrpose of organizing a State Tern still increaaaig. 1 ", !ncraiM;e Convention, in tho ritv nf ILtl- lft Now Salem T. Society: Uandili ! C. fonned in 1831, 20 members; some ltCX- '; 't . -. ;. -distilleries liava been stopped in tho You, lirctlircn, profess to have realized neighborhood, and several retailers Kdvof ; the imnortancc 01 our fcaiwc .and how disc4itinued their business ! - TJicse aro all the facts which w'e are - enabled to collect from official sources! era) circum meat; Tenuier; lea'c to submit the following ro)lntitnc 1. Tliat those cinirts hi vie State that still grant ficca to retail ardent spirit should be rcjjarded as hiivlerinir the pro gress of Tcinpcraiire refonnation and as aiding the caae of Intemperance; anI that the ticemt tystrm should.lw regar ded as a fruitful mmrr-c of most of the evils which llw froui intcmjicrance. ; ,. 2.T1i.itthft is both immoral and debasing, and should X'TM WImai surcoss i f the Teih- w "S uiijr gvniu iua-iu 5 pcrance c.iuse tinder the. yessings ,of Heaven, is dependent upith3 continued, ' unite!, anruntiring eflorU of all the friends of Temperance. . ' ' . . llesioctfully submittedby the -i .t .. . CQJIlIlTTEE. ; 1 The ctHnmiltce appoioted to- arrange biiHuiesfi Cr Uie action of this convention mnde their report whith after some dis cusskn and several aUcrations and a mendmcnts was a4opteds C4Iows, vis' "j ll., Jicsotved, Tliat all tmcnibers of tliis convention tuny in season do liereby recommend Uie4ablisSiment of-Staia Tcmpcriuico convention td'mect annual ly. .,(,-' "ki 2. Hetnvfjf, l hat the hm mcetina of the contemplated convention be hekl in tho city of Raleigh on tho second Wednesday of March IMS. S -1 3. Reitfved: That a committee of five be appointed, whose duty it shall be toprcpore a brief circular, a.ldressed to tlie several Teinierance Societies within the Suite, rdjuesting each of them" to send at least ono delegate to Uie propo sed convention. On moUon tho follow sd a comnitteo to pre jrftre the circular,, Ilex. Messrs. Fre. man,('artr Finlev, Suijies and Dr R. c. 1W - . ...) ' On motion itwas ordered that tlie Secretary furnish a copy of the .proceed ings of this ineeting,' with tlw circular attached.. 10. thtt Eiiitortd". tlie following jsijiera, ixuiwtirtg mi ..mserttou of- thcins Temperance Ad vca te, . Southern Tem perance Star, and Biblical Recorder, and ;1k Uev. T. X CamjJbcll was ap pointed to assist hhn in preparing them for publication. 7 1 1t wan also requested ,by the conven tion, thatotlKr pajH-rs in the State friend ly to the. objects of this meeting,' pub lish their proceedings, or at least a com ietiliuiii op ilic!Ti, with'.the resolut ions calling a. State conventiou and the cuv Cularr---r- ... . On motion tlie meeting adjourned tine die. ItXll'OE.Pres. CIItCULAlt To tho various Tetnjwranf 0 Societies within tlie State of North Carolina: : -Rv ..reference to the jfrortotalinirs of a Temperance tVnvchtbu held aojtJoFiling U previous notioo in-tfitubonRigh, it will I seen tltat it was made our duty to ad dress yMi briefly iii the form of a circu lar. . ' ' TlM!rmloli(ict of thoe who have np- iiutitl us. is the combination of moral Kiremrth in onler to tin? conccntratioii of effort lorthe tHirpiise of rescuing our fel low men of the present age, and those who are to succeed them m ages to come from the delitcritus otfecui of in toxicating tumors. Audit docs appear out it does cjppeatf. Uw satisfaction of - cr exertion, we again entreat you, in the yourcominiuee, tliecaiw? is(prrcssiiig7u!a of means docmed by us, and those ultljo 8!ato generally;: In view of scv- i who aootiinted hjl htth ii!.i!b .nwt nnl ...ft ... ........ 3'JinCCS wniChrin OUT 1Ud PRW:irv 1A ttur Auimni;ti.npnl " Af thf oix;rat5 to mepreudlp.e of tho 'dtsired entL to' rnmn' im with m' In this v,VAi caw ill the-Statai,wo beer of thin f iirArhttntmA ihrf mihfir."" to U tliat a ccivcr.tic.!, such as tha or.5 WO: "0 f !1 nrCatly fcc:::?:!3 t!.3 lion, I f v:l t jx L. . j alnsut a cc:r.c:;t cf t..o..... .. Luch a ccir..."' ,:i coLln put ?:;.!;:ncr.t collect i:r.form;'.!cn fea l'..".jrcnt societies h t'.3 rrocpect F:ranco among us ha obtained, end tl:cn circulated in; the community, without lch a convention? At the . same tis such plans aiM measures could be adopt ed as would strengthen the hearts and rciw wLhe aims of all tlie frictiJU of the cacjc; and thus prejMire .tlsnt ftf the war of cxtcriTiir.ation, already Ygs." a.; gainst the fell destroyer. ... V. , i ; , Much has been accc rlisfiTd in '$ bcLalfby'thc friends of tho cause?' lat ibiects already pressed,' Ave' afiectionatety Invito and desirable it wthat it sliould twrwnnr. but as'no cmw' htrwavtr mmL in hnef. .fectcdwitlKua suitable means and oron- 1LCLPOR i; WIS. FINTJEY, , M- D. FREEMAN, WM. TARTER. . m tii Hvnui timu. . r i if . , . .There are two numbers. which'. If added toirctlicr. the sum will no, ; oui ii uio greater nutnper oe ai vided by the lexttr the quotient will be 10.383. Vuert the numbers! f Also give us a plain, simple, unerring and general rule, to sol re all questions of -like nature. - V. f. L. ; We find the following solution in the Lincolnton Republican. , ' . : "The numbers are, 8.7CS9 nearly and .2301 and a amat fraction over. 7 We cannot present the calculation tor want of the proper eharmeteri. The rule bv which all like Questions may be solved is Divide the turn of the two numbers bv the ffiven Quotient plus 1 and the qutit-nt thus obtained, will be tho aw number, subtract this number from the sum of the two numbers, and the remainder, will be the greater num ber." V Bean SwiflU rules for convtrta- , " f MW. Conversation is but carving, (Jive no 'more to every guest . Than be able to digest -1 1 Giro hira always ot the pnmc, " t And 'but' a little atT time;""" " ; Carve to all but just enough; Ixsl them neither starve nor stuff; r ?lnd,tkatyw may have your due. Let your neighbors carve for ynuM t ' "Papa,' said a little boy to his father the other day, when a ; fellow strikes another, haint lie got no ngni 10 strike Certainly he haa," replied the father, nhe laws of self defence sanction it -Well, then, I'll lell you what it is,rt said the boy, "the next time vou box my ' cart I'll hit you a devil of a poult under ""tU. Ak wiul t ..Smile." Modesty to the female lanclcriiiikesaltpcirct'iJwciUinpaj'- ting a blush while it preserves its purity Q5 Notice. TltK Suhtcnbcr hnvinj qualiSed ta Kan dulnh Coiintj Cuurt at etecutpf of the taal wilt and Teitament of laaar Reilfcm deceased, and lUu at Adminiilrmtnr of hie widow Mild red Kedfern, hereby firea notice to all BeN aun haviny cUima giNt me emtte 01 in Mid laaae or M.nlrctl Ho preM them prop erly authenticated within the time pNacribed ny law, otnerwtM inn owice wiu no ptcaa in bar of their reeoverr. JOHN RAINS, ficH. of laaae Redferu fc Adm. of Uiklred Kcdfern. Nor. 5tlt 18 3r. 45-tf BLUM'S CAROLINA y VIRGLYL3 JlmanaCjfor 1838 Just received, and for tale, whole- sale and retail, at this oCw. ' , I woi;!J be nt once both grat! i.-.t ei t:c:n c For tiitesct ttiU z. 1.1 75 c-r..:? Utit-ry U drssra baflctj 3 :;'tttij:r;.yvtts,:- ;;; t !' 'Sl'WNUloSCHfiiiJJ 4,000, do.. do; "do ,1 Prix ct EiOCX) 2,txr 2,003 1 'do;--(:xf' 1 . 'cf do; 3Prior. htiC? 10 do. of , 00 10 do. cf 00 ,io' do. a. . . Dcsides raany cf SOiJJOO, 100r ; so, eo, co, eo,c :t Amounting in all to $247,290. ,; Whole Tickets V' 05 ; ' Halves ; Y'' j Y Quarters , : -v.'; 5i t5. A certificate for a package - ' ' of 25 Whole Ticket in l'''V.. this L6ttery Will co,4 ; fiu T-Ila4f J 32 75 f , Quartei'jdpr , ;i 6 87i u v hwh ui 1110 grcatcm -ysn-j at . fcatabfrs, cither by the l'Hcke or sin gle Ticket, f ... st v - - R.J. WEST, ' - ; ; AshboroughN.iC. THE SUBSCRIBERS ard now re-L caving and opening thein i: ; Fall Wintr WMei, ti ddltion to their fonwglocir. iJt " k fSMMd to eanpriM u rrttnl sq auortmenr, if Mrt imrc , thM U neretofore bea offer-i A n this mtrket. As for QUAUTTml . CHCArNCSS, wt Ohty ms our friends snj i eaatoiwrta M est, cstaio d decide fbf'l IbaiMtlrcs. While fectinf fretcfUl for fut tmm tfcey Sattsr tBeouehet tt,v by ifn Vsr ed d penonal itteMtiM to bujioeoi, to taertr ' ' a coatinuaace of Ike Mine'. '" ;'; COFFIN & CLARK. N. B. The tubscribeohave now been ; . Im LnrnlmmM td Lm lk.MfiMI.-I.' qtieM ell thote ksvtnf ope tccouqts sUikfln; 5' on Uieir poks to eJl nd etoee tkeo ettHeir -bjreuh r not they wish to ferity the old , and traeearmf; fbst most tettteneita auk A'eur N..C ov.Ur 183747 QT0LEN from- tha 0 stable of Nathan Hunt, in Guilford, tin tlie night of the 4th Nov. a Urge rbeanvt Hiirml hoisf, 15 handf higli,9ir lOyrarsold. 1 white foot Mnod. brgc feet ted Ids miMith a kmh1 deal Mforti by the : bridle, ahod all wand about six weeks go '"' . .:' I will fire the above reward for Jhe apprrbeunion of the thief and horse; r half the amoent ftMr the. horse alone. Any infnrsnathn to be addressed to N. Hunt at IIunt Stare, or ti me at MaduHin, Rockingham County,' N. C. ; milton stamps. Ney. 8, lMr. 45-3 TURNER BUGH8 I OAVINO norckas- jJ-4 tha-remaiolai- copirs of the 'MAN OFllUSlNESSof. fers thrai for aale i at' the North Carolina Hook Store litRat- f rlglu Tliose who , wish to porcbtsf v the wor ought te apply soon, as It if growing acarcc. Sovtmbet 1 0, 1 S$f . - iJlRST RATE CRAB CIDER cin be had bv the quantity at 13 14 cti, per gallon, (casks found by tbe purcna- LMiiB., . " . m M .:- . " " ' scr,)trom . Novrl8tWl837. 47 JOB PRINTING Doit otktt, ntavncaa HUtA fcft&ttlle at - Tiusorms. ; ;V.--r '

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