In "; 7 A if I IV: 7-1 f r. 4 i .1 tivcs. His Tl:. c uil the - 5 h 5 lecome disease J uut o dca;h." - f ut a way dn by experience, thd pi t by the ksson before us.. V.7 ,.. .4 'jPary ' 7nf r, At" Cine innatti, on 'fhe-SSih tilt, there was a tgw lauoi snow, and at Columbus, Ohio, it fell to the dcraoi two inches. . , TALLEYRAND. Of the jjevCT-cnJirg.sli'J berbnias an- tcdotcs cf tha old nun, sor.:a are too good to be fictitious. - V We met with the following to-dat: alleyrlnd is the onl v man alive who ha! the art of. doing witty things. - O.i ; 4he death of Charles X. he drove through Pari for a coutle f avs.'-wearini a white hat r ile carried a crania his rocket When he passed through the Fauxborocrh of the Carlists, tho crape was . ipstantly twisted 'round Ms' hat; when ho' came into the garter cf the off, and put into the packet? The foUowinjr we have seen before, hut it hat been thought sufficiently cn- - worn,' for a place d a late number ol ' Blackwood. It . it, without doubt ' an- thentic " X woman of rank wrote, to TaHey rand a lona nd lachrymose' account oi "the i loss of her husband; hoping perriaps, that the gallantry and ensibility of the minister would accord her a pension, IDs whole letter in reply was,' Helas! JladameJ!zA;icwmonths: ejvjhe widow wrote him ;w6rd . that aho had consoled her grief with a second hus band, a young officer, and requested a continuance of the minister's favor, for herself and spouse. TaneyToncrt sec ond reply was, simply;. IIo, ho! Iad ame. .v 4 .t.;- v, t., . ,The foDowina js jrood. hut; not so chaiacteristic a to insure its authentici- , f WpVn the thike of Bassano had returned with Napoleon from Moscow, Then the bulletin liessaid Talleyrand, for it states that the Emperor left aV his ,. ... , f,-!.. W hue the secretary of Foreign Affairs, a young man was recommended as a tothe to an .embassy. "Copy this, said Talleyrand, throwing him a memorial. It; was copied Bm .what are you a bout f "said ht inuuster, , Drying the ink was the repIy.Pi'Thi5ayou will not do for a French erabassy. jrBIoting pa- vpertetrayt tecretr.f - ct. MA certain lady reauested hif name . ia her album.'4; He gallantly consented, and commenced penning a rersc 'Ston,' said sho,- verses will dV from i nfbrior men,; and the . nmme abne "' ofl Talleyrand s glory enough for mv hook. lie gar her a keen glance, anf wrote the name but at the top of the page. Neit day all Paris huthed at-the dex terous evasion bv which hchad escaped ' the texatioa of finding his hamc signed to billet of iOOa francs. f All this, said the writer in Blackwood, ' it dexterous; but what is this verbal dexterity to ; the practieal skill, with . wluch this extraordinary man has con trived to baffle all the cajujuesof thirty ' 'jtrtrs, full pf the i ruin ofall power, ability, courage and fortune? Here is the sur vivor of the age of the Bastile, the age of the guillotine, the ago of the prison ship, and the age of the sword. "And : . ierhalHin repubhc, the Democra cy, he Despotism and Restoration he figures in his 80th year, as the ambas- "MorTtf Eng1and,--ihe minister of ' Prance, and retirej from both offices, tly to be the chief councillor-, almost the coadjutor of the king. That where the ferosity of Boebespierre fell, where the sagacity of Napo ceon fell, where , the experience of the Bourbons fell, this one old man, a priest in a land of daring spirits, where conspiracy first, and tof Worship after, were tng gieaUngagijpf I ower should survive all succeed in Tvecy tiling, and retain his rank, and ioriuence through all changois unquei uunablypne of the most extraordinary iiistances of conduct exhibited in the world." , i' From the Vicksburg Expositcr. LYNCHING. .JThis incarnate .demon of 'outrage, cle!ire a ad bjoi cor.tinsef to dis. rs.: cut4:chappr cof;itry;j. it!s oly ,3,.r.'?kks?ince!jir.ii:lir was shocked 1,7 t atnidoas arl rcvultlng out V inflicted by tho sanguinary spiritt n bjrSarjsm tiie Linchcrs; ou the pcrwn of (i Mrriaaund'rrs of Mid'm ccunfy r. tiiis State. 'JTicso enemies of the peie of societr, ordcTr law and ciril iziHn, dragged this rcpcctabhj planter fforh tho b.rf ;n of his fWdy and mutil a'.'ei h"im m lijemort brutal manner trea tinV him most lniiumanly, besides cutting onb uoe and ears, and scarrifrin? his ta$ j to the very rjbd We believe thc.sul-' ject pi this fctul outrage still dra-uut ofl. b t'Lvi .Vl'v..... ..... I the h sua county, a ia - - i-. ! tho bar, force U' n u J 1 dead on the r.cxttv p a t. of numerous mi-or c :rc 3 c arninst t"3 peace - ci - ", ..3 peace-c,l . y,, i- . --j :rJ haprtnccjif C.i cc ry; icr.tion t '' s nvrt t..?r it we tire rd ' for ; s-rc welfara it but wo cv mous that months. - ' , - i , . It - now ' becomes ? ou ' painful ty, as conductors of I free press, to no:lc5 la most tdi5"fvceAil ? cu;r2e comraittsd by ,tha Lyr-hcrt of Vick burg on Sunday, i:;Ji ulL ", a tiie maiestf of tha laws, ha hor.osr of Uie countrj', tho rros8rity tci ha; pincss of the people, i i;c viciua n wis cruci ana ferocious spirit in thispr. J waia Mr. Gra e, fonnil of the pjihborhood of Warrenton, VaT but ur two years a rcsubnt of this- cityi 1 !!3 was d tectoti ia! ririnn free h" s to slaves and brau-'ht ' ta trial Uore squu Maqey. Unfortunately! fur the' 'wretch cither through the want cf law ct ev idence, ho could not da Vu.;jhcd, and he was set at liberty by t! x magistrate.' ThrCityMarshall scdrg what a few in the crowd were di.ycrei ty lay voilcnt hands on the prisoner, i i tl.j event cf his escaping punj .hmcat bv.Iaw resolved to accompany lira to ' fii houscuThe Lynch mot still followd.iad the JJarshal findinar tho "vrisoner rcoJ crfv bei?ro. tected wr hurrvini him to" jej endeavored to cflbet that object TBe Lynchers however, piusued the or.ccr'of 'tholaw oraggea mm irora ms norsq, pruiseu cim and convoyed the prisoned to the most convenient point ol the city for carrying their bfood-thirsty desrns into execution. We blush while we record the attrocious deed 4n this city contuiing nearly 5,000 souls in broad light if day the aged wretch was stripped and togged, we be lieve within hearing of the lamentation and shreiks of Ins alHicted wi.'c and chil-dren:J-.r f It is not for the wretch that we would awake pblier snpnpathy, 'ti ca3 down popular indignation against tha krernal code by which he was illegally punished no, no, we believe him to hare been guil ty of numerous crimes, for which the Jaws ot the country, if they have' not already omrht to provid-S sohtary confinement if. not punishment of death. We believe turn f to' have been a bad member of society? and vre would rot others in Ue bouth on their guard if he should settle in their neighborhood. . He is said to be quite grey; having light complexion blue eyes, and is about 50 years old. ' r- - In the name of heaven to what is our country corning? When is thospirit of turbulence outrage and barbarism to have an end? Are wo to dispense with all laws except thoof the strongest arm. If tho tieople do not organize fend swear upon the ahcr of the living God, to crush tiie atrocious spirit of Lynchinwtp up hold the officers of justice to. sustain at all hazzard, the majesty of the laws the rights and priviligcs of each and every citizen, no matter bow debased so ciety must be rediKcd to the most loath som barbarism and urfree institutions will become a mockery and a bye word of reproach among the civilized nations of the earth. Why shouw any man or set of men -undertake to trample on tie la wi of the country?- Upon whit principle do these enemies to the peace ml happiness of societv, arrogate to thkmselves the right of Jiensing with'theavrs or the land at pleasure? ' Why do thty outrage tli feelin?s of tho community. W nnir. ping those sacred functions wluCt belong alne to the sovereignty of thepthple of MisjiisKipni? If a Iyncli club is rkrmit ted to make and execute laMrs,wha,has become of that( glorious right of cViy frecmam the trial by a jury of his ufViJ ',' according to the laws of bit rotmtrj!iL 1 Another 8ub-Trtanry Rohbenfr-- Thc 1'ost .Ouico at Bridnort, yerrnt, (one olTAiiKis Kendall's Sub-Trcasuios,) was robbed on the 16th ult of all Jt let ters, and, about $100 in specie, ih a motmt then on dtpontt. 'If the ft'ost Office Suh-Trea3ury had been penlitted to, deposits this cash in tlje Iiir, i wouuld have becd safe; One faq Uke this is worth a score of argument! -T 'The whole atmosphere. fromf faine ia Geortf'a.fsavt tho AlbanvhLrnal is vocal with Whig exclamationTof joy 5i.gratitue. 'Never, sinccthe Itvention and of free elections, has so mucliiecnac comtished for tiie cause of rcniblican- isnr -Bcven months hayo. rwrciight an entira and porlect revolution ui the pop. ular sentiment of. tho countf.- 7le voice of this great people Is ciw dis tinctly expressed and recorded njraiist a acorpjt ahd repudiated adminififrauoi.' ;c.'.. v. ASIiBOIUH Yd, N. C. BATiii co.TvrE:rno:;-crEaAL dALLO? THE LEGISLATURE. i De! v-ites from cstay of the Batki met ia Convenuoa at NeviYerk .last Monday wciV'for the avowed purpose of taking measures to bring abont the speedy resumption of specie payments.. We really hope" that sbmcthbg cTjciual jnay t har been dorij. ''We' have only tear! fre-a them V thstcor 1 ayef J their;.- 4clrathr.s,whc vth?y were ncrcly 0rar4:rr4 f.J rcaiy to prccec4 A tj. '' - ' ! " " " .- ...'; 10 Tit cxrcrtmcls on th. curreiicv) to lty the fount y-whS s etlunV that wq dW- far chars;. 1 We cari7rcto-be-$ure, fr- a Urr.e, ,0 cijicr piyitg or con tftctusg- larger class of dslts, iriUea, www tnaTUseawuaw terini? ix' sneeuhition; bthe faS of M1 5codiA matters ' f commercei And even th "r5uv nivt fill " at Iva xvn cannot feD. as we have ran I ' 'v?n- ?: : ana tor kit, to cnple and almost des- troy th enterprise of the country. - But i we car tnd plainly do we see it we for" th- irrtin!rvrrrrf L-uvioifw ! ' Ufa.' ' I prive the peoplo of the necesjia. BJPccn:? rics'cf or .Aeaw'pwiirjn1 tnem, i .4 ' ' 4 J V 4.. UiiVV UIIV MfVitJ IMW into th4 ravage state of nature, and sub ject tL."ntto' i'j prh'ations while tkey rctainfx!! the 1.-11:3 and" notions of civil; sccie", aggravating their wants,whcth er rcij or fan r J, and goading them in to a late of Lorid desperation. ' TAis, the Alicricarli people cannot, they 'w ill notllr.-;; ; Sire things have 'got into such a wrethed pickle a$ they are, if the Banks lontr rtluse to redeem their notes, we are lot jura anti-thiniviter as mo arc Xlli that the present' crisis wouLI jus tify k call of the Legislature of this State, mejcly for the purpose of creating a paiial supjJy of change, by the etnis sic& ef Treasury notes, on such basis, a . ... . . tin to sucn an amotm, at the good and mepressinf necessitleTof the h will snactioa ' ...'" We disagree. ' with the FayetteviHo bscn er and other papers, that continue ! i . , . . .... . grumbk? soniewhat lurthe want of, nnuahSessions. We wore, and still ire well pjeaaedjvith the alteration from nnuat 6memel sessions. We also pproved the" yiewf jof the Governor and ouncil tf State, when a few months past, Ithcy declined calUrig the Legislature to. srethcr. we tboi at that timc thought the caU unnecessary. For we then antici jijpated that,, tiie, administration of tho I nfflimal 1 fIo.nmnt - tvrMitil dm -. ttta have profited byexpcricncc; and insti tuted the proper remedy tot the exist- "ll'iqi IMHIYfH t! VWH VIV tH1, itgdworucrs pt the currency; ana con sequently that the Banks would prompt ly, ccn to the calls of the people; and order and regularity . be again restored jn a sliort time. These (ond hopes have proved abortive, and arelnot likely to be realized, t And sineo We are driveni ab- iK)lutely dnveft to the necessity of be ginning farther back,' and, by the irrcsis tHMJ of the ballot-box, hurling from office, the ignorant atul unworthy, it will rcqup a longer time to effect the refor mation so much, needed, although the peopU appear to bo gcttingin'good earn est evby where, -r A Ijrief Session of a week" or two would ie sufficient for tliis object: and would I not cost each citizen, on an cv wQfftem cents. - V .t u: : ;.: l er.t t r- cc, lieft' an ! JacL ditT.c. must? . :!J ve re 1 1Ll "flacasu. ; t t merely suggesting it for in, if, co oilier source of re- - ' t , .i . 1 c -. r. r, :r'i ion uicir arms j tl ' : :c!rcs, by saying, that :: .Vcn Erca'goita-into the y; r-1 they and their followers t U3 out i Walt for tliis, and you may v zit 0 Doom's day; which, as tilings 1 .i e heretofore gontyis not far on, - ,.,'. . - - aioEocnAcv. 4 ; ; We publish this week some account of two or three, out'of many revolting instances of summary violence, that are constantly disgracing me country in dif ferent parts.- How docs it happen" that mobs and mobish riots have became so common? Is it that the late Adminis tratioo of the General Government has tainted a largo portion of the : people withiudiaracteristic traitt of lawless violence? When the Historic pago shall tjtiin andbch-hlndedacts QEMfengeful dent down to the low, mean, off-seonT- fng, wretched irarlctj, that infest the ci ;ties, towns tnd villaget with their brutal passion. ! retcs buman shape, there " n P0Wvi1 fT"08" ttiA kktir. tha uthnranf these outrages T ' , , , . , . re Xs for fatf 1 ,hc? n pred'iraincnt on j its ruins, siiUR.-c.iin ' me will iu uto uitaLiiv vi ng. Strange that human beings ar divest themsclves of all p re- Vnee to manly sensation, and soYssimi laic themselves tothe beasts that perish, as to disregard the rules and "rational dictates of social tif inwUch consbts that personal, civihand poKUcal securi ty, which, if preserved inviolate, always stand ready to protect them b their turn. Eight jeart" more of this bullying cor.rse of Administration, this disregard of constitution, law and social order. And what absolute ritght will the com mon people have left that will be deem ed secure? We have talcn it f tr gran ted, that 3IoW are ' roiflpoe j cf Jac k son men) aiid we understand thit" with few exceptions, such is tins factf They are compwod ol tho who arc, or have been Jacksonrmcn of the lowest order. " GRANVILLE X"OUUTHOUSE. - Since the Commissioners ofGranvilie have advertised in some of the ewspa- Dcrs for rronosala to build a new Court i . . --- . house, it has been suggested to us a htm- dmf tiaics, more "'or jess)"that Vln: as much as we, n tiie Citizen of , the 4th ult had the honor of stoning up the Granville people to this laudablo piece of enterprise, we ought to have been favor cd also with the profit of advertising for the Board of (xromissioncit especial ly as our section of country is under stood to embrace more good mechanics thanMythers position to ' complaia on this ; score. Whenever . the people of any, ieclion, from any cause, (much more,; from our own suggestions) evince a disposition to cultivate public spirit, we are; happy to Scaled proposals will be received till serve them without pny. , " ; . the Z8th inst for building an elegant Courthouse in Oxford, to lie completed ty tho 1st of November 1830. The commissioners will pay 1,500 on the 1st of Angusf 183391,500 on the 1st of February 1839, (or 2,000,'if the pro gress of tho work thall justify it;) 82)00 on the 1st of August following ; and tho balance on tho 1st of August 1810. , A plan and specification to be seen at any tirrio in the Clcrk't office of Granville County . Proposals to bo directed "James M. Wigin'.Cl'k of Granville County Court, Oxturd N, C post paid, and marked on thcr back, Proposals for building a WMW.VMUV. .... L,4 ' ; . .;.-a'fr-.' 2u . ':.'.:.- t. to, a 'there try Newspapers, Periodicals Lc taken're ulariy at his office. That theyl Distillery, Ggbhop, Ball-Battery, V Race-Grdiiid, tany jwhero near, f, hts that they have a church capable of con. tauunj amousand(worfK'pcrs--Af,(4. ton factory of 50Q spindiJs now in one. cpv ration, and 500 more expected too shortly; two first rate grist-mills saw. mill: a wool-Carding machine, oil-mill, Tankard and Foundrwith many other machanica) establishments in prosperous operation. t.,They, have alo many of the best order of Farms, occupied by a intelligent, temperate, and enterprising class of farmers. ' Wish we wbro suit rounded with tuch lietghborhoodsln ev. ery dircctibnu , We" could dicn'gtt along ui Piio vi uie wurn Aumuusirauon. 1$ it not owing to the fact, that so many Newspapers are takea in that neighbor- hood, jthat'the peopb prosper so well? CANADA Great troubles1 are com. mingVfo Canada. , The authorities are beginning to arresftho rt)et"u they call nhemrTheVlcaderof thejopular lactmii oneia derstood that he, lia't yet been arrested. ' We have thought for jcart tint a Bevo- lution was brewing in Canada. Mian Hfftnes.---The Lcgisiature' of Michigan has passed a law to preserve the Indian name of III vers,' Forests, LakeSk Mountains, Towns Arc. It acts that no other names than those shall bo given, unless by the consent of tht . i t ! ) Jl vegisiaiure. - 8 " JFiicotuin Terri ory--Frora some of our Western exchange papers, we perceive that this Territory is filling up at a. marvelous rate. JThc BurUngtut' Advertiser, supposes they no bare a uflicicnt strength ol popula.ion to forx a new. State of this Union, '' .tt presses a hope that thetfWlJgwjawre' wflT take the necessary, step i&ct" UUSODjCCU c f . , Oni Kundrtit and Wen tloHtanJ that can now bo made,- it appears that the above number of 1 votes 1 10,000 ha ve becnlost to Van Burcn, and gained to the Whigs within less than a jcar. t Iron Ore The Fern Forester ,ia- forms us that Iron Ore his lately beo found, and is supposed to abound m large quantities," near that place (Peru, Muni co. Ia.) The price eirrm there jt rcs--rnt .is 13 j-? cents Ir poI?d-c -v; ,i .. -, ?;; K From the FttytttevitU 05trresv, FAYirTTEVlLLE AND .WEST- - - EUN RAIL ROAU ( -g . a , Th la-t SalLsburv Carolinian asks' for information b rcUtfoii to and tho prospect of the ultimate success of this workor wlicthcr ithas been nallv abandoned. 1 f t Vii i j We have not had an orporturuty cf consulting theprepper authorities1 sise that the Survey was long since cwripW icu, flwi lit .uw jjnginccri uis5'--- except Avro, who were necessary sv complete"' the Estimates, ,Msp, That these gentlemen nave occn aw uously engaged in that duty unuTf 1 great satisfaction, as we have fcarucaV of those who have examined ma wm, ; Itappcari to us that the inquiry aj tfr the prospochi of its ultimate accormlisfj rocnt,' would have been better ddresJ to tho friends of the work in the West, than frtrn them; to the officert of WJ Company, It it manifest to all that there can be no hope of its success without U , . . . .' . it. If mini aid ol mo west, ana u p .cq" rji. . rA. t, ikji A hn nM hflfn extenaCfU from any part of the West, with thee f ception of Salisbury. TJiattown Jaj; ifested a noWd resolution to do its ' W J f and redeem its promises; and ! . W J same spirit in other town! and counJcv wo should nave naa no ruuw q (lie result There is yet time ten. aim which thoso interested may sttiraw ih-milrai of thbhljcra it vol the uv; latiiriV The necessary ; individual ?u scriiitions must bo made tnd pno-Wr of the whole amount nciun r fore the 3d Monday of Nottmbcr nc . Y.