!" t; : . i .. i iV iX . 1 Si Tcrritoti . led c itrtl.jp".' lie dotaai: . : -cd 1 .1" :cn IC tad 1830 f.ci..: 53t! i.: tytl. . .r.d tD upvrds cf two -nillir-! t..icc !iUircvi tv..'-. Cwi etituttng, at the Litter;-:ri rthe .length cf tir I" S I v A p'ficst" r Untied 'Stitcs: ":Tr-h cannot be. accurately Ins !enfthe err tl. "t . wU .TdVi 4 . rtrh"",5i r-. cv?n - ... a true criteria rf pretibllity t!:at p.:::.:: 5 re:- the vicinity, u tl 2 1 21 ',. J .... . r. :vr.i:n cr-itr.-wS 'j 1 . rtV. . . - ,,,1 . -- t"U.;? rcuia ror.tnoac '. Tf:rc!:.-.rr5 ' thev' . .tvhale njy now be safely t;tp.-.!- ' weald otherwise cuke, ttr tha pur- ,t.Tcr lrcs pd r, !..'. UU: . i -:s3 cf availing t! ttrasclva cf the tJ!.Tc: 3 C.z Z J.i'.z: , ;. ' -cr price, with' ether' consider rcic.livcs c-i v..u.i c;.;l'... .lo ; j cf a siailtr character, have 'lavecae third cf i 2 Gcr.it;, -r.de- I !t;:t been succr fully urged to Ycr can sixth cf t!.a IT: -ass cf H:p- defeat tha' rr-duat: -tt urca ti?. .reser.tanvescrthe ur.:::i L :..: 3. 1 Thus his been fjrr.cd a LjJy r.f -free and i" l c p vT.ucr.t lind 1. . vTSj vwith a rs; I'lty ur.: -called in the 'histcry cf mankind; ci.dthis jreat result jias been produced without leaving any thing for future f. just ment between the Government rnd ,its cUizens. v The systea . nnder which so ranch has teen accomplish red cannot be intrinsically bad, and withoccasional taodificaUons,to cor .Tect abuses and adapt it to changes 3f circupstanccs, may, I think, be isafely k trusted for the future.--K.There is, ia the management of such ;Wensjye interest raiich ririueja abifityt and although great and oh vitas iraproveaentj should not be III ccti acd, ch a nges sh'o'hl dne yef be tinaddywilhoat the fullest examina ,tto, and the clearest demonstration of treir practical utility. In. the histoty of thi past, we have an as- uranethat this safe rule of action wilVuoe departed from in rela tion ti thCpablic lands; nor is it be- KcTcd j;n any necesity exists for ; interferingWith the fundamental -principles oWhe system, or thatthte pnbUc mind, fc'en in the new atates. ;m desirous of aft radical aUefatio'ns On the contraryVthe general dispo sition appears to e, to make such xnodi&cations and viitions ;nnly as will the more effectvlly carry oat -the original policy ofOling our new States and Territories with an ia dostrious and tndcpenusnt popola tinn. ' . l The raodiOcation most prscver Ingly prefsetl npon Congrrss which has occupied so , much of iU time tor years past,"and will ' prohUly dflMW for a long time'to comif T-t fobnrr satisfactorily adjusteo j is a' reUnctiftii i'; the cost ofisuc, poriions of the public lands as are .ascertained tu be untaleahle at the Tate now established by law, and a litahon, acmruing to inirre t, :i t. . !-'( t.j t!ia r: cica-jtlt-own fcecc. p')3;;os.s no' w.ist ' :ir tr, aivlt'. i of t t desires t:;U ! e pu! !;c ! ir intent; t..j Govcr.in::.fpri l.as from ti no t tl:' thcaC considcrati.):); passed laws giving t public landa a tl ! !1 y at j n- t ... '.or 1 rc '. ViCt r ' od States, t.;ey j.i of t'scir they t ,1 under lilt e c been indaJapd wit! This c mrso of c pa:rpuuuarc.pcci Litiicr Mav nr: -!! re t: p sn this su j cct L 3 satisScd with- nutenfpuntcnr any cf .thess ob jections? All will c -.cede the ab stract principle;-th: the price of the public hnds she 'dbe propor tioned b t!:"ir relative value, so far a? that can bo acco fished without departing from the ru! i ' here:,, fare oV served, requirinj fsied r I c ia cases of private entries. Ths of tho subject seem to lie in t' : ooda of aice taimnz what that va!u: is. ould not I country. tiio safest plan be that n ?iich has beca (intrusion upon Cm adopted by many cf t!:e C:.iteas tho ba- I executed, or, if thr m ot jasauon m lands, and class fcrent rates! blc aadcTpcd! value of the publi tncts, wh:eh have teea for a certain ! tended, in a!J Inst length ftime ia market, tobe appraised, should at once bo -ami classed into'two or more rates be-! who aro L'd low the. prjsant minimtimjirice. bv tha ! mav chi v at La plficers now employed In tfiis branch of thoso wIk are nc me public service, or ja any other moJa ! Levcd to be the c deemed prcfcraLlc, end td prices permanent, of the report to Congress! and the objections which have luiherto abolish. It wouliiv' .;, r v:j. t.'.e f ive aJ Iiiional 1.1 their vichii- .ama'ely to j Sv muc! :en attached to it Congress have ia! settlers on the f pre-emption to rn; n ; r.;Hrt i.l ; War will Lrln t ) yo t! e Army, nuj all L. to th ari- 0 supermen- . 1 1.. r. bee '2 The r.erc ir. '; il part of the Army has ::c ' rated ia' Florida, with a 1 ia expectation, of bring nij the at Territory to a fncedy close. ity of ft ripping the pjsts on the maritiino and inland frontiers of their entire garrisons, for thi purpose of as sembling jn tho field an army of less than four thousand men, would seem to indi cafe t! 10 necessity of increasing our reg ular forces; and tho superior efficienev. as well as greatly diminished expense of tnai aesenpuon 01 troops, 'rccommen! this mensure as one of economy as wc!l as of expediency: I refer to the 'report for the reasons which have induced' the the tracts occupied ihem at. tho mm-1 Secretary of War to urso tho reorirani imum price. J The J-.vs have ia all in-1 zati.oo and enlargement; of the stntf of stances been retro. pvo in their ope- tho Army, '.and of tho ordinance corps, ration; but in a few .i p after their pass- in which I lully concur.,, age, cr.Mtds of m ettlers have been It is noV: however, , compatibloi with found oh the pnblic is, f.r similar rea the interest of tho people to maintain, in Hatoins, w ho have t'mo ol peace, a regular force adequate pnvxi'"es. wo ue4yacc pi cHircxicnsive iroBucrg. In periods of danger ind alarm, we tnni nn ;n ten-Is to i:n I I tii j7lawg of t!w mtistrciy pc!raIJyjjjna wel-orgw-vr to' prevent I ired' miiina; and orno general arrange. ie hth should be I m-mt that wnl re;iderthis diseription of ..i t f ! . 1 "it ! I .. ii.wi.uai vaiuauon 01 i ra(.c or mxaner.."" mniu , incation of them into dS- i iHcd-or reneatal, r th nnW; UmU I eommcn ted to W oofd it not to nractica. are to bo cons-di-r ' I Washintonlt . - . . a . .. .. l . . . . . . ' i - -v's v v-w 1 9 lent to cassa the relative i ried bv any. the Im!,!.- W h'w. l-.Iitendv brou c lands 1.1 the old dis- thrown orwa to c TJt i. ;n.lccndv its 111 ..1 r ... ... i.in .... i. . . 1 1 . rjii dj rnrraculJl"wec;iM'V4vn lonxuecnasuo- ... ... 1 . r . r ...,. " - .... moj.ipci oi a;iKui sucituac. t jit was ro the first Conxrcss by Gen. and - has been "since fr ht to your notice, and re importance strongly urged by . .1 - I I PM . i feijaL- that those sioa in the Coatitution that rCKieri it nfrm to Uic laws necessary to adopran unif nu nvstcm iial pnvilcws with f organization for the militia'thraugh- Dut it U not bo- t 1l8 -nitfft elates, presents an unsur- siiion of Con'Tess 1 moimtaMe ohstlclo to nnefucient make those 1 to open the nublii nds to occtmaoev 1 rangment by tie clas Jication Iwrctoi; , if upon the coming in without regular err s aud mvmcot of f,,rc prapmseJ, bnd I invite vour attcn- Uiey shall prove satisfactory ! tho Govt.mmcnt n - L s nrh rn tion to tho plan Kvhieh will lo ubmit:ed Cannot all tic objects of i must tend to wori iils than the credit by the Secretary cf War 'ftr the .organ-. fVStUiII. WiilCIIll v: inllri'l n)WnfiF ft I I'.aUi'il Ul H..JLT Ciilis. ami I. ia in- HyJ1"" indaftii-pn;- ttf pw ananracueai-ic, 11 not eruuv mv seem to me that such a step, with arc- remove, as far as nittif able, the causes tajoiw, satrerf?rafarrar?5nenf stnction ol tho sales to limited Quantities, which produce iinlwkn invin Mih.whole militia of ths United States. luttve value, of the prices at .which they may hei eafter be 'sold." It i vorthy of, consideration whelheT "justice mayiittt rbeoBeto-cvery interest in this matter, and a veed jqjtj -stiwri set at rest perhaps for ev? Hy a reasonahte com promise of m flictTri ig opintimi' Hitherto, af tt r being offered at public s.ile, i in is have been dis posed of at one ii ni for at i ricci wh aie ver di ffere. nee there might be in their iatrinsie val C. The leading considerations urged in favor of the measure re ferred to are, that in almost all the land 'districts tnd particularly id uose in winch the lands have been long surveyed and exposed to sale, there are still remainiag numerous and large tracts of every -gradatUa of value, from the. Government price downwards; that these lands will nor be purchased at the Govern ment price", to long as better can be conveniently obtained for the same amount; that there are ; large Tacts which even the iraprfivemehts if the adjacent Unds will never raise to that price; and that the present uniform price, combined with their irregular valuo opt rates to pre ventadesirable ecmpactocsstf sct: Ueinent in the new States, to re tan I the foil development of that wise -policy -on.. which the land system is founded, to the injury not only ef .the ieyercl States where tho lands lie, but of the United States is u IVhflfe. X.r't:r i.S'l .. .'A - i 'ZJ. . .Tfie remedy proposed ba been rtiiKtion of prices 1 according to nuaniitics. ana for actual improvement, would but free from all rust exceptions, ' -By the; full, exposition of tho value of tho lands thus lumk-.ed and extens ively promulgated, persons living at a distance would be liformed cf their trua condition, and enabled to enter into com petition with thcj residing ia the -icin-ity; the means of acmiirin aa independ cut home would be brought within tho reach of many who arc unafda to pur chase at present prices? tho popnlatioa of the new States would he made mcra compact, and largo tracts would bo so! I which would othqrwisj remain on haml; not only would the land be brought with in the means of a larger number "of bar nasers,miny persens possessed of great toans would bo content to scttb on a Itier qnantity of the poorer lands, rath gnc'mgrate further west ia pm-iiuit oi amaiicr quantity ot better IantU Such & rnenfJiire would alw seen to Ud therefore, to bsj ructK a of mij.tta officers, a more i;n- aa- oTi5w single measure be? ving all jdau5ibl( trusioas a lhagi ready pug rVtedl.- dusfryan i ccon ) country would en to accumulate th noma ai wo lowcn I jr without artulo'rv Of I lie lands, and thertetficient weps to : A nederate l increase of tho corps, prevent mem in mire. Would anvjoi mimary ani loporaareai enzmcrs. I etleetire in raiw has been more than once rerorr.merdcd roimds for :tbn in- by my wedeccsior; and mv conviction Iiiation of pfi-o at! tlio, propriety, not to say necessity, cf I short tr;o, of jf.iino imsurw,OToraerwenat)jo trtcm xo "anypartfowil."mn:-?',c various and Iu.prn:;r.t du tho poorest citizen I tics imposed Dpoa them, induces tne t3 """"'fcr.f, n tone 1 r ir'l .SUIT tl i ..irfitiKj icy v.-..s ndortonVi ;nls ca.1 vttL u- .HIV .: : r m rrovi.i-jna.anscrtcd in all the trS ?,th them, for. the application of fundi they received in exchange, to Zt purposcs as wcro best calculated to n? moto their present welfare, and adva their future cmlization.':TlicM"fil? uresrliava4)eoaattcndod thus far1 It will be ben, by referring t0 the rc rt of Uie Commissioner .'of Indiiii- Ir tr (Kit li " AI. tiAnj of tho friends and promoter liftZ -system have boon realized. The taws, (herokees, and other triku th-it 6rst emigrated beyond the 1 have, for:th(f mor part, abandoned tC hunter stute, and beeo-na eultivators of the soil - Tlie improvement in their con. diUon has been rapid, and it is believed that theyare now fitted to enjoy the id. mam qf asunpl, Umn oi'ggvera. mcnt, which has been submitted to them and reco.fcd their sanetionj and I cannot too strongly urge this subject upon the attention of Congress. , ' d, . Stiprilations have been made witaitt tie Indian tribes to remove thum tt vond tiio Miwissirpi, except wfih if bam! of the Wv-hLu .kV - r ....... i... ijiu hit . M 4 l'K, ins Meno sins to bay him al1111 loc rceommcnuanon. wM.!inii bvit-oh mi 5 nvi pimnrv Acaoernv conunues to settlurr on land.Iarwwcr a iho purposes of its cuttblish-jenre. Their, minds can be enltmH . . .1.1... " . .1 .! tt 1 ' ,mm 1 .L r JL. not ms own. i it t mas- .i.- - j u.. . . . , - .T" fli n- tlT nrwges- ia Wisconsin, ani ,M.amicsin Indiana. hhUbir tho Menomoiiees, it i expected that ir ranmcnts fbohctr Cmtgration wi completed the ! present year. The rcsi. tance which has Docnpposcd to their removal by some of the tribcn, even af. tcl xLetlti had Keen madewiih Uicw to .$Je$LjMsj s-vt operating dilTerently t on cachx of them. In most instances . they Jiave been instiga-ed to resistance by persons to whom the 'trade with them and the acquisition of their annuities were impor tant; and in some by the personal info ence of hfcreed Chiefs. Those obsti, rkl must. 1-e.pvereome; f,r the Gorcra.,, .cnt cannht rcnnquUh the eTeeutini of this policy withom jraerificing important interests, and ahandoninif the tribes re. MainrngeasTof the Mississippi to eertaia destruction,.! . , The decrease hi timber of the tribes within the limits of the States and Tcrri torits has been most rapid. If they be removeI, they can be profeetcd from those associations and evil practices which exert so perniciooe and destruc tive an influence over their destinies. Tlicy can be indueod to labor, and to acquire property, aud its acquiiitioo wiD inspire them with feclin of indepcaj. circumstances, U pithv in his favor bis readily execut 1 1 without d( in vie-Jzens individ inls jsessed of military lea ?e to public oil Ix ' Hntwle l.v, and tho scientific attain- A lar portion 'f our eit'wirn hare nwnts of ci il aad military enririeeriit. witcd the nelvcs' il tlie public hxuUA At prcscn th'j cadit is b'Hind, with tho without autliority; Ace tl passage of crnent of bis parents or guardians, to J th3la3tprc-emo;i(;.iw. and imw ask remain m service five years from the! thc.cnact:oeato aijdicr to enabls them I P S( JiiicnKstmrnV mdess sroncri torctaiatho lambf reused, up-n pay. -scnargeu; inns exaenng owy one mmt Of thy' mianum"'- Governiiieiit I Jt-a?i service hxthc Army after his d- mjre flxnsistcnt with the policy of thai tiricc. Trvry ask alt which has been ucation is completed. This docs not oxnjUngVsthatnf converting the tmbrf rcpeatcdly-grantcr tl freIf the futnrel appear to- me suHicient- tvcrnment if the past hit o harm Ioul'ih m enmmana lor a longer penoa V... ! .u ' I : J . .. i. lie domain ;nto cuhirated farm ownrvl may be iud 'cd of by their ocunants. Thatnolicv istcanbc ci nte to tl iterests of the Tr best promotoi by sending emigrantsupnn sury by violiipgi the almost im-rminablcj .streams jtjhoiAcriucal cxanui.: w est, to occim- in wonps the bcit spots the land i sold at ofkmt, leavinynmensc wastes baaindt introduction of cU them, ' and eniat-;nj jho frontier be yond tlic means of Government to af. ford it ; adequate protioiiMit in encour. ogte it ta occupy Wh . denwness, the lurDing qtwsiion in rcgani 10 1 impor tant interest. It these sugstkrui shall in aaydegrco contribntc to thcY.com- pu-ntocni ot imprtant a reviit, it will a'iord mc sincere satistactntn. In mne sections of the country rj lif ieir request. tVn a the public erpenscj and I recommend he sa cs sLico. the i" "ven years, ami uw terms ol me en oavmetit in'lMl"l''Tncnt strictlv enforced. I have prfxbiied. onla avcra?e. Hhj nett inc creationwf a national foundry for rijvenuc of only siilents an aero more cannon, to be corn'mon to the service of than tho ' " iniiiirnum poverwnent prici'. I w Anny ami .Navy of the t ojtrI btates; Thero is no rcaiJ to sutro tiiat fu- ha bam- hcrelofora.rcciimmended, and terTUofjr"ovor v1iictr"advar mi l us oesi ocieiice in il conoact front i uovernmcn uierirc, has no adequate I ur oracmnce on an cnuai-ioouns wun which it presents to th Indian 'tribes, pecuniary interest induce it tortrivci'atof other countries, and to enablo j r mi i i 4 - j uany oi you win onng n, the consider- triesc people ironi ation ol it kj subject trio airtmtages of local knowledge awl grcaar experiene, anl all will be desirous orViaktng aa enri? and final d:mon-'nn ofV'crv di hp lands they oprWy, that branch of tlic sirvico to coptrrd the for the ptuTosc of ailing thcia tootlicrs. prices of thoso ai'iclcs,, and graduate - - . 'i m ' Itl - -.IV.- .L . r.L-. i.mcnaining uiv views,, r rccom. sujnimiw uk nauui pi uk vtovrrn mcad the passazc f a oiamtioii Lw njent as well as to rczulatd their quality for thrir hrrefif, ir loanrrtinn with tho I BnJLLD?!ir?JfiCirjim of the public lands have been !oW; thy registers and recei vers have very (1 tie to do. It is a subject worthy of i quiry whether, in many cases, two or more districts may . not be consolidated, and tlie number of 'persons employed in thisdasincss considerably reduced, ln deed,thc time will come when if will be the true Kjlicy of tlw General Government, as to some of tho States, to' transfer to them, for. a reasonable oquivilenf, all the rcfusa and unsold land-, and , to with draw tlw machiuery of the foleral land ofliccs altogether. All who take a comprehensive view of our federal sys tem, snd believe that one of its greatest excellencies consists in interfering as liu flo aipossiblo withtlto internal concerns of -tlie Slates, look forward with great lutercst to this result; . " 4 nreoaratorv stepsoivard the CTadintion reasons induce mo to rccommcml the of the price ofj Uicriiblic lands, and fur- creation of a manufactory of fftinpow thcr and more, etif'tual provisions, to der, to lc .undc? tho direction of tho Or- prevent intrusions wrcaftcr.' Iwlulffcncc denanee othca : The establishment of a to mm wno nave tuea on tnese lands manuiacioryoi smau nnn.i west o mo aj- with cxpcctaliohilliat past ) legislation lgaany mountains, ojxm the planmropo- sea oy me cccrctary oi v ar, wiu con- at tho same! tinul removing tho most tribute to extend throughout that ciin- HaiiibIo jrimdwh'ich intruuons are try tlw improvements, which cxii Veif.uscd, ami; aiOT'tmg moto efficient taWishmcnts of a similar description in exist in cs- yAni to jfevcuJliein hereafter, ap- the Atlantic States, and tend to a much 1 rvatf to mc t)io m tl iudicious disposition more economical distribiitiori of tho arm- w uicfi can 0i m.KB oi uus miuctill sup-.l amem reauiruu in wio wcsicib. portion oi jecu i,)0 na)i'j9w na rcsrriciionsiiiK' vwvu. to puaw a'niiist awsea In tho Mivntinn The svs of a promiptifh iw," will necessarily west of the Mississippi, commenced by attract th careful Itentioa of Cona'ss: IMr. iferson iii ISO 1. has Urn steadi- but under 10 circulstanccs is it connid- lv persevered in by every succeeding cred expH)',!jnt t-1 authfirize floating frcfMcnd, and may bo considered the claims in liny shaf. tlipy have l:on :ttloi policy of tho country. Uncon heretoforeJaiid doia less wV'uld l here- nccted at first'with any well defined sys afurr, moi prvhfic Iurccs kf fraud and hem for their improvement, the induce oppression, ar.d ins fad of oYcralinjr to I ments field out to the. Indians were con- confer tho f ivnr of hc Government on fated to the greater abundance of game iiidu.it rio-fc cttlbr..kr4 oncn uWdnn'v tn I to bj found in the Westi but when the J minister lb a silit of cupidity lit tho ex- beneficial effects of their removal , were I . i . - wr ' " n " meat end crjovir;? its advattaiei li the r ;7?ssioa of property, Jtairiede, and a ipod Government, free to mw hat ififrrft they please to their labor, and sharers ia the legislation by which their persons and the protj of their ia dnstry are to bo protected and secured, they wilthive an ever present convic tion of the importance of nmoa, of fcaee. among tVmsel ves, ant of th . prcscrrv tion of amicable relations with us. The interests of the United Stales wouldiisF be strictly promoted byfrce'm the re ht ions between the General and Sute Goyernmentl from wli has proved mot embarrassing incumbrance, tya satisfactory adjontmeDi of conIicting ti tles to lands, caused by the occupation of the Indian, and by causing the re sources of the whole country tone devel oped by the power of the States and S!enrj Government, and unprovea oy lie entennso of a white populatwa, t Immediacy connected with thisiulv jeet is the oMirition of the Govennncat to luuu its rrraiy sripuiauon, m protect the Mans tnus assembled ineir new rrifencc' irom au tnwir tionsand distiabaacci from any e4rf. tribes or nations ofTndlans, or frortJ " otler person or persons whatsocrtt, 5 trard from Ind.an hostility it oa cr settlements, .stretching along ai 6f more than ono thousand miles, if eaablerthe Government to . redeem pledge to the Indians, and to afford ta equate proiccaion ip mown cumw require ttie continual presence w siderable regular force on tw and thj establishment of a chain F mancht posts.' 6 Examinations, oi country arc rkw making, with ft vtew w decide on the most suitable pomts for w erection of fortress amt other works defence, tho results of which will bo pw- scntcd to you by tlw Secretary of w at an early day, blether with IP: lor tho cflectual protection of fnendiy ' dians, and the permanent defence ul if frontier States. rj ' A'r:l,jt By the rcprtoflheS(5crctarv-of NavyV herewith coinmunicatcti; it . pears that unrcmittcd, exertions J teen made at the ditTcrol navy '' '.-; .

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