n -a i tM wl'h, f.t iac:.:ys c. 1 with th.i States as vcJ as r'-l d:;r.cu!:::air-20ur.'.:rci cr.i has few parrel'..:! incur 13 Your attention was, tt the last session, L. rol,i:g as ti.ry cc; rra o t J c" 1 are four.i t) 13 f J ar. I L 1.5 . hvitcd to the ncccss;ty of additional i - w rislitive urovisioas in respect to tha col- cade public money. Ko law having beca then ..ed from matured, and cot understanding the pro j U.2 report of cccdings of Congress as intended to be , .rcwithprcsca- naU it becomes my duty eiiatabring ;fL2V127 CQCUiXWiiW, I L.3 SCSKCi U J ww www , it far cot one of our On that ocaasion, three nodes of per L:l How they J .jo c-itc what rrivilescs they shcs.d : rm, u.i ,t .t -"..''th'f's' ' :!..! act, as In u-hat rc::ricticr.3 t!. ;uLi fee .etr r.e- 4 sub ject, are questions oa a previous cc-trton, i Stitcs to dcei&. .Upon t 3 t.. which, J 1 1 c-bssivcd I r.r to the ! etrrcisa cf then, the Ut. j ral Govern mrnt pan have R'A TT.OtivC 3 CHCroach. Its duty toward them is wj performed, . h rrif im from le?is ' tin for their special benefit, because s.th legislation would viohta 1.3 spirit cf'the Constitu- !-j.n it taiA no steps ti impair their csd-besa, but so managers own stairs rr rights, or .rTuL ,.;jwi ,mn Kv the iNif Aft wiWic monft bv the ban)w nAMArvtfMwt I nJ the discontinuance of use of suen Not-percieving ia what manner any instituton?Jor tbd purpose referred to, ' v,m PvAiittvft n.ln'tfii cnWahiA nronstoRa for their aceoro OI ine powers ci cu vj - - " , r- , , . . ,. lone could be farther usefully employed p&hmcnt through the agency of public ui bringing this unfortunate controversy officers. Considerms tHer opinions of to a sausfactory termination, me sumeci i ootn nouses 01 ingress on uw twy wi wm by my predecessor reierrearovoo proposuiorai a cvitau w"r"6 ress, as one calling for its mterposition. lire, in wbich I entirely concur, it is un jfn accordance l wiih the dearly under- neccssary forme again torecur to theni .i.ivM f tK I vn'!atnr. another In ineeto the last, vou have had an wu vm --, i . " . ' 4r fnTmal demand lor saUSiacuon tujOPPOriUnitT Hncc your aujuurumum, uui been made upoatheMexicanGoTcrnrftcntoiavto bv the continued Draeti .....:i.a4 will tKmif. (m a care-1 ml nrwrattna ofsuchmrts of it as are Art and deliberate cxanunation of their now in force, 5 but also to; discover contents, and considering the spirit man- what should ever be sought for and re ifostod bythfiiIciicaaGovcrniacnt,it garded -with the utmost deference the lhat OMUH M"" - IUUU19VIUW w V Jf 7K-!2vrr civ be vour decision. 1 be faithfully obeyed br the public ser Ll H!y executed, cdnfident rant Since the measure ra question ..... ' . itwill is chrrittenrca oy max iwas tutKniitco: to your-consiaeranon, I r":-1 the whcls cittcr o ycur cli:T d?.-:c::ate rct-ctio;.; coidldc.:!.? ho- ir that sor.ie conclusion may by your del. 'r"":'.Ts, wmcu, on uiB ouu uhu, shall civc safety and stability to the lis c:l eperatioas of the Government, and be consist on the other, with the genius of our institutions, and with the interests and vir-hcs of the great mass w our con Ktitucnts. . .' : - It w zs nv hope that nothms would occur to r.ake necessary, on this occa- sion, any ajiusion w ui miu iuuuai Dank, ihcre are circuinstanccs, now. ever, connected with the present state of its affairs, that bear so directly on the character of the uovernmcni ana me welfare of the citizen, that I should not lie hr.!s is one of the most important trut s riidod t CoagrjThe practi cability of retaining Uw title and contr. ! COnfr.il nisucn txteusive . uomaiui in Getiera Ciovirnment, and at the same time admitting the Tinitorivi embracing them into the Fcdtrti Union as coiciuila wub the cri,, - al States, Was Mnousiy double j U uld j "many of our wi$eir9U(etmen.'' All Icared that tnty wouiu i becomt , trr: I mn witihvnf. For cce State OnlV VV -m,mjw - m WW.WWwi w.n .. w 4 Tha liljr.ee ia th-s Trcarjnr cn the has an election been held for the Fcdcr- rst'd ";cfJtsu:.rrpi:n,wasforty4iTe al Govcrnmeri; but the early day at r.;. ..-.j r -3 lzl tr.4 sixiyigii l which tttoox place, depnves mcmca. thccrnl ."..iHtni::J end twcry-lhree ere tsder consideration of much of the -t--f T re;n:r ts cur-T lie tres-1 vTri it mi ht othcrwire have derived i-:V.r frc:.; i-l sources, bclud tie fron tha rcsalVj Loed elections for zzQZ' Treasury notes niuea, are cs- cheers have, Lo".vcrer, occn new ril at twetv-threc tr.iL:ens i -j f.ufJired and cicety-ciao thoasaaJ - hutdd and chty-one doHrrs, ccr, tc Irjg g reate of tisty-r;e r ; ""i . . . jhh ir.-.ou-t, ahcut tirty-tve ri-eas, 17, o tdrcl arJ et-hty-caa thousand V..::2 tur.drci and siitycae d;!!ars wfj j.ivc be:a expended at the end cf the year on apprcpriatioas made by Co and the residue; aroocatir-! to : '-v.f.xf'-TtZkoa too hundred and c: ' 'y-rcvcD lhcrusaad one bodred and f '--jhrce doilars. will be the nominal t--.::a itjs Treasury ea the t tf J rr next But ef that sum, only c: . :a', t-.ty-hvc u;ousasa lour hi-1 ;i and ciccty-ciht dollars is coa-si'L-anxdlatdT-availalla (or. .. ti ..'...nr.: i m poruas of it which ill be for some : Titcd wiAthe States, and dua from r.rnpf ivr.rsi:e banks, lheoctaus irpca this subject will be found b the an Jz report of the Secretary tf the Trca sury. 'fha amount cf Treasury cctcs, m.s it vl iI be necessary to issue during -theyeir .cd account cf thc:3 TurJs te jr unavailable, wi3, it b reposed, not xceed four and a cau rnens. n ?ceaa;i rrcper, ia the ccniiya cf the -T-.w tn have tlie estimates ca a3 W SI .. A. ak.. . ia levcrrj cf tie f:a:es, ai wuica ine cmcdlacy tf t!.e i a r reposed by the Excc:.tive Us been mere cr less discuss- 1 tTaxgrSflcnlt.yid.l . to their remits the reject du3 to every ex- rrcssioacf . the puluc voice. Dsudagi Lwiivcr. ta emte at truth rr.i a last view cf the subject, 'ia eII ill fccarL"-s, you .wi3 at the . nnz tme remCEihcr, that c-":tiofts cf ht decrr; and mere mf?sfiLatc local interest, tr.aa ine l.rcai lans cf the National ; Treasury,' were z as 1 j'.v as prac!i::,!3l i.h- tats. 11a Depirtmca were, therefore, i.i rrcraretl.:1rci:tir.atesacccr. -L7-'r. cai 1 am !.:;; y ta Cl that they r-r aLhs to rrs.Jita thera ca to a -ncatrrical a seal- ofica uactrpctcJ Ljctuaaws to v.:.:c.i uhe revenue is rJ jected, it is rxtp;: He to corrputa the rcccis tcf;rJ.i i:hrrcatccrtaL":ty; but thc::!i they imtdltlr essentially from rrcse:.t crici rations, and shou" J f.e r-rr-rr sot much exceed t'-3 c:tir r. calty seems llcly ta I:- .:i : j t' 4r.2 the currcr.t crpcn.;j v.. . : tndeaadUelty. f4 J-S F-.V3 rcc ' -rrf. I ta fr.r.a vl fccAtI.jr involved la those ebctions. Above all, we, cannot overlook the strifes foct, thai there were ft tl9 time h those Statei more than cr.e hundred cad sixn millions of Jbanx capita!, cf wiich Jirge rertirrarwcre suhieet to, actual i.:, ;t- rra other IarMrjcjrtloriSUDhcli crJytv Fpccial and limited legislative iadu;cn- ccs-aad most of it, it not an, to a greaf tcr or less extent, dependent far a coa tintnnce of its . corporate existimcc jupon the will cf the Stale Leslaturw to be then chosen. Apprised of this circura- ri l j . :. . J . raostproballa that the peculiar eowh tion cf that fast istercst ia these res tcsx. the extccl to which it has been sp read throcgh a3 the ramiSealiottS of society, its carcct connection wim ine thfsn ridis?cicctios.ana ins iccuncrs I - - n - . . . . V . .. it w.tj r!.-LLitcd to lrdusc into tnc can- rast Lave evereifod a far creator influ ence ever tha result, than any which cctii jwssllly have been produced by rr.r...:rz oi cu mtrn in iocn u s : : . . . . ..' e-iestsoa in tac admimsmtion o: me General Government, more remote and far fos important in itt bearings upon CSCIteiacssy cut so manage p w u vaw nm in m&ke it the iatcrest a those tastitu- Uons to sircsnnea ana improve meur cenainon tor ine sccuxkji wm wu nf Aw rfttntmnnit tkrPi ThV have nn ntrht to insist on a ccemcction with MW -n- . - thA lViral Governmcnthor on the use of the oublic money for tilirownbeneCL Thftobieet of the measuri under consia eration is. to avoid for til future a com pulsory connection of tbJ kind. It pro poses to place tne ucneia I uovernmcni, in regara to. uw esscaiu pu v , i1?ftfttinn - safa.kccmns?.4na transfer of the nuUic money,ia a ituahoa wmch . .ji .. .. ... . . shaU relievo it trow an eepenaance on tho nzorimsnfinsibU individuals or corporations; lo vithdrajf wose moneys from tne use ft pnvaie sraac, sua wn fl.lft thm t.iTer.t eonstiutionally sclec ted and coctrSled by lav to abstain from improper interference with too industry of tne people, and wttnuwa wauccmciua to improndc it dealincson the part of individuals t give stabity to the con cerns cf thcjTrcasur-; lo preserve the measures of uV Gor$mcnt from the unavoidable ! reproaches that flow from such i connlcuon, and thc banks them erlra from the injurious etTcctsof a sup- nnnvt nnrti'rination in the political con flicts of the diy. frorn which they will othcwisefmdudiMt " TKma mv vnvkinon this irnpor- tent subject; formed after careful reflec tion, and with no desirt but to arrive at what is most Biely to pfemote the public interest Tbcj are rww, as they -were before, snbmitusd witli unfeigned defer- ence for the opinions of otners. it was hardly to be hoped tnat enanges so im portanti ;on a itihject so interesting, could, m nme wjtnooi pvoaucwz ? . 9' . ..Im sm ma Lamm a m foc v.ft1fltin?;virwi are kert almve ths ir.Sucnce of dividual or local in terests; so long aV their pursue only the general gooa, . ana etc iusuusjcu rui moderation ari candf , such diversity is a benefit, not an iurt. If a majority nfrnnpTcss see the Jublic welfare in a different light; and iore especially if they should be sausfi it uat the measure a It LI. .v at.. I sht'I Lclio their wisdonftb stibst;tu?e ftich as tiiy ba more condu cive to the one, and Me satisfactory to the otlier. In any cfent, they may con source of discord, and many carried their apprcher siona so far as to see -in them the feeds of a future disso lution of the Confederacy. Uut hap. nily our exneritncfi has airraid twlmysclfcxcuscdia wjglceting tono- quitt, in a great The position, at one time awumtd that the admiiir. of new sutti into the Uiioti on ttie same footing" with the original feuirs, was iiicom patihte with a rjghTrsoil'ib the Unittd hltes, aiul operated m tico menu The charter which termin ated its banking privileges on the fourth 01 Aiarcn, icwo, conunuca s-guriwiri powers two years morcr for the solo pur- pose 01 Closing US anairs. wjui uukij "to .jasQ tne cofporate name, style and capacity, for the purpose of suits for a nnai seiuemcni uquiaauon v ui ui- fairs and sets of the corporation, awl,M! surrender thireof; notwithstanding the sale and disposition of their estate, the terms of the compact by which rcaL rrsonal and mixed, but for nootli-hhe;r adm;MIOI1 w.s d,BlLfIfi ln. real personal a er WJWS been wUly abtad- soever. Just before the banking pnv- o. ...... , iteget ceased, its effects were transferred? by the bank to a new State institution old States, all now agree thit iBe then recently incorporate!, in trust, for - right of sil Ltu the publ ic lands re the discharge of its debts and the settle-1 mains in the Ftderil Government, iiiciH oi m iui wuj miuh,i vj tnu . mai inese lanus constitotM authority cf Congress, an jnt comm0ll property, tolbcdispod stockofmeinjtitution. Themanncr ia Jf tlra,old andncw. Acquiescence which a trust tiaostiectcdly created upon ; i this just priueiple by the people the act granting the charter, and in vol- 'of the new States has naturally pro ring luch great public interest, has been ' rooted a dinpoiilioi to adopt the necutcdL would, under any circumstan- Li i ; k, M l K I till BIBB IFVfBBB W .ft. Ill W U IP 1 ces, be a Ct subject of inquiry; but much ;luUic lands. A policy wkieh more docs it deserve your attention, . . . . . ii;,.,! ,v ' V s, mtM. iKa r-Wrti nf nh. , hould be limited to the mere ob ligations to which the authority and Jcct of ,ein8 lhe ,aJdf ft"' lho S1 credit of tho United Statei have given ' test possible aura of money, with- i!.u TkaiwAvmn fi!1wl am nnur I Atll tSiI.er riinctrlf rtittnnt nearly at an e U mai uw irusiuc a sui nwciuw iw ' cot.trarr. It il t?f nenllv rnnirdI B B . B . . ... iruu wniiu me tnoae oi uisposjiion b ' . . '.. n . . I lave found no reason to change' my .-.... T - - fdently fcly ra my faarty co-operation to th : fullest cxtcrt; w!cn. my views oi uws Cc:..titutioa aid tty sense cf duty will nrrrr. t It is u. i: - :mr;ir.t to C'.i branch of the public kvrt.ee, aad tha business ana quiei oi ir.e cotntry, usifw irs fkLw !iMt.f U. tWnA tt-sv til irrtlltfJ and regulated by n anil, if ootfiUc, at vmir nrcsem cession, ucsiacswo i iw ftbnve naTc'tn:ifm-iiot aware tiiat any one has been suggested, except that of keeping the pu money ia the State in iirrLil dcpoflte. This plan ii in mm ettettf. h aecordance'with tl practice of the t-overnmcnt, ana witn . . the present arranicmeni oiuw i reasry durinn: the opetaioti of tlie late l r.i m act nas al way s nng the cxistei to make a ft own ej r.wn as w me expejuency ci do t'rgtlic -stem proposed, being per f. e!v natisficd that there will be neither . i c '.....-a crt.. . ! ts t.- r ' to cr ::r atl t, .t i r:;rry r.,t:3, v.hichiavc been t tned durlr- the ir :. .tycar.wUl bur." V.ecrr.cd, tr.l tl.at Ct resources of, t!.. "Trea'-Ty, without anyjesortto loans cr r-T-ae i taxes, will prove amjl3 for de-fravL-j a3 charges bnposcd on Uuring .It -1. X-1 Report, of the fcccretary cf the Treasury will tSr J you a m;r miaate - ' ' - tti -1 r fa r Mr-'f-lff J with ft.-.! ilitywr, safety, cither ia tlie fiscal r.'"Jrs of the Government or b the re- ciliary ; transactions of - individuals and cornorations. so lor.? as a connee tina exists between them, which. like tha rtst ofTrs such stroni Inducements to make them the subjects of political agitation, Indcch, I am more than ever p.t mvinced of tho dan??crs to w hich the free and unbiassed exercise of political opinion the only suro foundation and sa!i;ia ol republicaa government would t3 exposed by any further in crease of the already overgrown influ ence of corporate a uthorities. I cann(t fncfpf re, co.i' ! :tc;.t!y with my yjewtof :y, aa visa a rar.cwai oi a conicuon f t . ' l... M wluch circumrtanccshai'e disilvcd. Thfidisfftnimfianceof the U.;2 of ttatc basks for fiscal purposes ought not to be lliL-iiica tf tC-s Z-Ti: dsirj ijful to tia" fcoSs cf Ihacuistry, cad i 1 UU allowed, eve a r National Hank, fti?e cP pUecs,! r t.3 sat; fif flirt r-vr I Owcr mr'.t L! cw A deem tTtem be a ptcd. :;ratle, banks, in panic keeping fporti inisoiscrc;iaa tchatawr fciierj So long as t?4 eTBicction is .Ijatarjr, we need pcrliap? Anticipate f. . cf Ciose difCculiics, and ICcol that c . ii Kfil-c wrlil -K must at: V.I UW MM -.! - "rf such conocctioti then cor.ruery u its f.!ffi ruf whA mo arrartsd as t make the bsaksatiiea pan oi w bki clitBcry of (j rnent i It is uadouht cdly in the wclen Congress to rega iitcuvt goaraPH cancelled tho outsUnding cotca of the oana, out nas reissuca, w uij the third of March. 1823. the note which have been received by 11 19 a vasi anwuuu tm;muM$ w us own ofTirial statement, so late as the first of October last, nineteen ttofiths after Uw bankinj privilcees nven by the cliar tcr had expired, it hadundcr its control .... A " c . . m. uncancelled notes ot the late ilant of the United States to tho amount of twenty-seven millions five hundred and sixty one thousand eight hundred and sixty- six dollar; of wmun six millions one hundred and scvcnty.five thousand eight hundred and sixty-one dopari were in actual circulation, one million four hun dred and sixty-eight thousand six hun dred and twenty-seven dollars ai oiaie knnlt ftmne.es. and three millions two thousand three hundred and ninety dot- Iars in transitu,- thus showing mat up wards of ten millions and a half of the notes of the oM bank were then still kept outstanding. The impropriety of, tins procedure is obvious? it being tho duty of the trustee to cancel and not to put forth the notes cf an: institution, r whose concerns it had tiadcrtakcn to wind up. If the trustee has a right to reissue these notes bow, 1 can sac no reason why it may not continue to do so alter me ex piration of the two -earf,!As ...bo f ooe rniiiii uani finite Diuxi m couisu kj inordinary, the prohibitary clause of me cnarror ayoyccaoica was noi.acom- t w - . ... . :.i crovision for enforcing lb nor have we any general law for the prevention of , Cut it is cot in this view of the subject thm that ycur Interposition is required. Tha United Elates, in scttlini? with the be money urn orktcnSaiU vidaals.";r;.lftis would not rf.et ;ndned i! t-i i 4,- t1n.vn" - ! I'.- cutiro coutfl ovi b owa Lz !j r-.-.: Idesiro ti seed? t? it by th? fha I have projK :4H Til, ilnurt la ad mitted, ta i rtit degree, accct; li:h one of tht olisca wluch has rctcom mended Uit planjo tny judgment tlie Fnarationu the iscal Ccr.ccrns'fcf tl.e Govcrcmrii fromlhor cf Individuals cr trustee i for t'icir stock, bavg withdrawn their funds from their forcer direct lia. bHityto thFcTc2Itors of.tSo dld"bank7 vet notes cf tha institution continue to be sent forth in lis namc,and apparently up on the authority cf tho United Statca nn , . B.Ji.L .t'. . inouransacuon connccicu wun uio cin rloyrocnt of the bills of the tld bank are cf vast cxtcut; and shou! 1 they result unfortnnatcly, tlie r interests of indi viduals inay be deeply compromised. Without undertaking to decide ho.? far, or m what form, if any, tho trust could be mada liibla for notes whicli cor.taio co obligation ca its piart; tr the old lank for such as aid put in circulation aHef tlie expiration cf its charter, and with out its nutliorify; crthc Goverr;mcr.t for indemnity, in ca.:3 of Jos?, the questioa ,Ud r :s it. c;i upc.i yotrr considerat ion, wL:her it is coasister.t. with duty -""l -i cn tta nan of tho uov- and r crnmei.f,ta wiv-csstlus proceeding with out a sin;; c: rt to arrest it ; T.a r, ort cf t;e i;ommissioncr ot tha GencrU Lnnd OlHcc, which will be lii.! before vou bv the Secretary cf tlie Treasury, will thow how tho afairsnf fSfBtr.tT. Vtvn lawn rn-!!Ctcd forL'ifi adooted bv the Government, thould always be a prudent one, yet its 4 a..t leading ooject ougnt to be the early settlement and cultivation of the lands soldi and that it should dii COunUnsnce, if it cannot pre rent, the accumulation of large tracts iu the fame bands, whicli mutt neces- anly rturd the growth of the new butes, or entail upon tacm a de pendent tenantry, and its attend evils. r - A Question embraciot each im portant interests And so well cal culated to enlist tot feeltif of the people in erery quarter of the U nion. has very naturally fiven rbc to numerous plans Tor tee improve ment of the existing system. Tke distinctive - features of the - policy, that has faith erto prevailed, are, to dispose of the public lands at mod' crate prices, thus enabling a great er number to enter into coapetitioa for their purchase, and accoapliih ing a double object of promoting their rapid settlement by the pur chasers, at tbii sime time in creasing the receipts of the Tros- crji to sU ror cash, , thereby pre- yenung tne uis.uruing wuucmvo .v a large mass of private cititeai in j-ejtcditoJhe government. vh they nave a votes in controlling; to bring then into market no faster tbtn good lands are supposed to w wtnted for f improvements, tbertoy creventicf the accumulation of bra tracts in tew nanas; suo iv vr the proceeds cf the les to the gtn era! purposes of the Govern"01, thus dloinishlng the tmount to be raised frca tht people of tfce States by taxstisa; ino giyine each Sute Its pcrticn cf the beneats to bede rived frca this comsoa, fund in tnsnaer the cost quiet-; and it fame time, perhsps, the most tm, tble.thst cift be devised fMl provisiosf, with occasional enact ment in behalf of special interests deemed entitled to the fsvor ef W Oovernment,1iaveV in their execu tion, produced results 'esMOefina wpott the whole ss coum rrvu.-x, be expected in soittter -so vasiL ccmpficated; ind so exeitmg. W wards 6( seventy i millions bsve been 8oldrthe greater psrtW wdiich is bclicved to have bnOf chased, for tstsil, sett!: stst, r 1 " ( (Conffnt'eicnitftwJJ'l i , ... -1 : - ) i ...;vr... tU " i ;

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