' tame tevu - too, at firstj eons.J3 it jill t! while n very foolish tricVf X5-;!? 1 cxjicrimcnU T I'tlicn went oil", rather pleasantly than not, into a kind of gwoon, and thought and felt ho more; but my t greatest pain was Uie mflatingjmy, lung in order to recover. " -t- Jail .BrnfTh6 J5toke county at Oerma tASHBOJtOUiiHiNC;w I ,!t-':" . feature ,:Btt ar iHa"U "POUKi AND TbaXltora of that s f hn to htU a Convention at Richrlnd onkhe 17th January next. , fin rod ri'T)i;NT. UtrPorfsMlh Tin t yfondoy, DecVl rcgro w siaie ijiai an Jail of! accicij;nt prfcurrod yesteri l'on;tmutn budlloanote JUuron i .a ssi i I .If ?rt1tf rWtt (StHt'Xen. 1 on cdncsday nifftt of idstweek, 1 to thi plwk by which froaiSftecnl- tb Vchief was killed k:TTTTlTT 7T . IVW r I T ' 1 Ft. I I , I . . I ' 1 ' ft w- - - -r - - .. j by the prisoners, wno m nfortuiate iv bn Lord (Trtjford hrf MiiTrdaJ and the dMurbed djatnets under manru .v. IThrs Canada nows of cope excites e greatest interest lathis City.. I We havo dates from Havre and Liv- n the, frpool to the 4th of November. "All the id fotH ictails of takinT Constanlina arc given. ittblic tun, VlaSMJtOni aJ r f .,nluLi,ailjikH.,l1 lu tWnfMnnnt. Vmmnndcr The city-wfls ta llelhcir cscancleicheca iktsoKs werw niorolrJe.s jtiiiLfi.cn. without much slan-ihtcr by assault, 14 fimMkiimoin run. i t v. I 1 1 1 Hie newt Das ciectriuoujne rrt-pen. I bccm loobtsc. and nrowetwJ ovef tliii Tbn (MaservAtke Tjml ih rarxrri eotn buiiaines, w tt wai vxm ji, wm. anu in ttjr l0 ich Uie ,. fca(j vu, (t0CB1.J thetnidst of a' heary falof snow. Wro 1 thwjh tmifly precantions lere take are in poiwcssion of no further particu- f" V lars, except urno oipn. of rf coiifcetencf of human foresiiAt toenail HIEAT. InK daigcr,apart of Uiefroadne & . t, ii ' r . hni ,h;t a lot of otcu MB0Ul; w"r,ow. CoiiTx-Tis bodv it seems. ( i, doing tKtyn to the purpose. : A,;; tween una a.jaunr a J: tr of Morna, disoovired.wl nvoid dancer, to lave orWof loo and " clcvatea Labove Ond UMipapcra, coimta of pnrate ttesolu- ; be quoted at f 50. f onJ "I . f 2" I tl track wii oot at iti level They tiiMit andannlicatiot of imlividuaUfor ince ora"quotatloinW nKacjrltvmith.t,ttmTrcaaury har iSoow bo longbecaacccsMblflto the Jinfert of i t L im'kL 1." I. 'I . IW f-.aa "aA!Aa : -r---r - . . i - . - a . the aatisfactionltanooais Tlfc enmnc wna firowntreni icaef. what perhaps ean I the tnipk, its hhoola aad lofar ; frame a w-,-xtir ;u'-- tMntviifl tail oflahv oilier State in litork broker! Thofureinort j csr-waji i .. . ' . m. tihrt llnW r'aikA tut the lift ian lcrushi. the thd car liftc and hurl- inorrmn i.r lFkiir rocrrtvA nrkrni tin " v r 1 I ' I . w foot to .mfction It by Uwthat it has ;4efcc proua of harlff i at length started up hundreds and tlou-: to "iar of New Jicse j, what perhaps can I the tnirk, its of the pasagef f ?viu 6tcli iOr. r GODDD. .ply of Tltn t'NJT.HS!tiSM nd has for wlc .New aitoFi t '! J ,Vrc';, V'V. li'ovfv -8Vk'li' C'toii H.iAereluj:fs tr.wfi:, Htw j.rc.eiieu T5ngljh ri!i rtfthn vvlnV fifivnrninent that ncr-; it uiibL'atfi.nJ '..Cnf.ci. Ch'me.l. Cmftri, mita the French to maU th 6 itX ' ttiank them for roothtg out this dea of cv w.rr, itf). rt y,yi-Knf" ,t'", k pirate. 'M " " I Ort' pm, tifci-io ijiiia, t4 MeneV m Undon was vcrv ptcnt? Cttuji . d b.u c.r. Vi'r t, v with haAkers ' and biffhrU' " : .SI' Jhero Is a rednndency in' the-market,, ui f Juun, cvr, ?;.' . r(;Mtd 8i and it ia offered fre;l? at 2 and 3 per i Miu'iwi, Muti tut lwk d . Hi j j, cent. Mlw) Cotton urarket was rcry li"B,fr ciric -h '?. inero was a rf ng teadenev to specula- eu, s.ik n4 ir M.ts, HJr.af r.r .jUpt, tvna. At Vtverpool there has been an advance in price off !of for onlmary to aidiiRg. n tin was MroM in ; aA4 19? I W thc 1 ack fiftt-en f:t bv the withakrmiii all quarter and hurried -7t "?a "" 7" " V? 1 . . ... ! i f r i- Uniorf-.an4. yet lh oot fact the Jn cVeryidfcsycopriantUiuieMetnlis-, aiaw still reUurs rorcnfiri by tl.eir each to bc3 for a sltare, whiU it is go- u-aditwns.--riruWton Wing. ; J'rom Ppnin thore is nothini of iiu- rTtcra.'''--l.e''ne-sTrorhLl)on is to the 2 tth October: ; The vfohm been ff raiitcd by tho ( fortes to tho Crown, as a fellas the right of proroguing or-dis- solving the thambcri. ; ; X - , s U; IDC liiajrot iianovor.savs i has determined to aholish tho Cnnstmv. t HARDWAURfl; CUTLER V '. Also ! x " , i , hisses, Iron; Qtnel; Cast- IMlt . Wc had thought the demands of tTic J , 4f W 17a1 lfA--4t a.--country could not fail to rouso ouff Ue-1 The -Journal of alBaginan (not Mlis prentaHves to a too of Lhcir i mperi- s "TOJ W "1B ' . . t, 1 . I tWestoTOtoutaliho uehtsatereniig ous dutyt a duty ton, wh.ch is nut to be mecli8g Uscd by the nt K'ec'e I, ondcr tho (awful) penalty of i istcr. Oiiihe"Iliizian,,exi!roiost aur WHS!Cof ..WtW C0D!W 5 tessioa V iWStlte. norari tre' Aird rir runking undent, s hicllin its qucntly the emUVraiscd eindition of tkdrJand pwmter&eebtJjr 'ngbfa tun irolea by the colli; iunj t&lll., thoTreasurv itaha to have struck iurckite 'WoUdithat the same could p Theri wcrfe 'iit those cars t twenty six or e cat were laaics nv ng o-j tne line of to roaa. who wre induced to take an 4xcutvia with tho vi 1 w of entN- inthe n-iuroiig train. J Ut ill thci la. ditS BotVne, e hear, cscaj cd without injury.. I I , - Tfte enodlr.ar, bring lilcd hy the third oVr the Wrward car . Wan hrrrl- edaviayiasiitlted, a cousiijcrabls 4dtV I tuncc, bet no irjurr was received by any hosing their present sta'iom. . r prise at Urt circuniatWT wasinforV f(Wt y Cited .Rtajci Senate, . Thataikwhich tatpoopb uiV bve ta;er Wfixmcd is no ftWftan to brtitute a I T l,24. "I'1' ' VCJ 'i, V Tlanr kompkaiom in thb first and pcrmcd no le ttian to iDrtrtute f ft 4 Kj dl rwercWt so frtaTate. ' , souiKi curranny.iur me vniw, maica . but prevented the ctlemea gaxin .WehaTa.nod yet neeh HieloUtain An.1 if votf. (tl t-irnt tfLomKfr nf 1 IndicA. anil the Miua on thtl crcn le I. 1 .u J 1 u... Conrest' tune "iriflcw? Tbo peopJ ar in1a'!rpecti awl well tnct'mnt ?v.fnscrtJ to do nothiag htt the coun' xj under its present prewwire, toc gr:vous tot be borne, be so good a to ive place to those wiki WUL lut vou are coins on - as usual; putting o.T ev crylrn measure till the 4&s; Uft'iitOme home mud pursuade vour, t iiituents that you had not time iculicouany gcxLi'f r? prwiitto j4 hrKsHhatjl do takd Again Ve sUUly.at. iU ye idls aU tto na, W , ' J i . 'groom rcivatingth-same i-ords.f bu it: -to iu nvit,vi snaij iiuar irum 1 w , . m . irtn. Thta will mute ft lrrrnnndiiuiit . .... . . .. . . - - lmv ii.n uitr. no I. Ilrt.. i'"t. ' -i ... I : . - .. - - bijin all GefiBanj".s - K I ci ..u tog great attontion. ' II r. 1 Javid, t! le '1 le mli?.frv1 U fuf and ' .'rtwrninf.-aVd b VotJf iv jculptofHf. IM Tocmievills, De Ifau tiont, Lafitte and Tliiors,- arid o-hora tnowa to our countrymen, aro caadid- t' Trivial ww Drnf rtrp at d tftaAitrmf rf (per cent, Treasury $nttirl dcount U par. Nocks are very dull, and sales rrnall.--;n lixttlhenttr i count for ch. r f I ' - . JAMKS M. A. DHAia. It. C. Jltc. 1 '18T- ) mtend to perform St, why nol CBnd 00 Mh dretscsii his kav tkat lUcVH-fle afid Miss Rt il it once; and not aufler Vour I "V I, T TLTTl t'01 SoBharnpUoo, T he dec area that taho naa uiecnec.oi tr t be so shamefully bt ruded on by CliDJ. an eycs on rha ,prson as he fas ! , ,V,J v;iu I VlKMVrL 1 In this county, on Thunday Eeig Mthinst.(3nowey tunejby IL Julian Bsfj. Ur. Darius , Hinshaw, tu Mlsb Nancy VIA . . ' "i T , 4 y , ! . VOB.UUsNTa pROM tlio 10th of January 188S, A convenWnt IIOC8E AND LOT i h-mtr indiTiduardiitiaCllV i;b!l in ercciyethat thelasthew tnarridir-tnet recent Iy come inth ODeration ia, wnr- land. JTliefyllowmi tlw wh6Idtrr- nv. which ii slid to he borh shoithnd lHt Tllrt lvirfli fltp klCruf f K othcer called a Jleiriatrar, when tlo i ..it.-'.' orkte says: -l cin upen thew' prions Rnchcllo. Kcl-otf ILidircs. Mr. IfsII.Mr. Ovieiis, Ut. Blodk-r, and Mr. Blow, the train asretiv were aoion-r f iota. Two kcr ants of Cot Preston, an Kalfttr TOO Ma rk A large re. vrard was once oflered for a man who h"i Hiade ias Kcapc, and fld, under a " . - 1 . -. . . . . 1 cistrar tlten sakM declare these iopl a a . ii 1 . a aV. I to bo kgally harried Ihc p-ftiel signed vne regwpr, ana att wu litijaie in jes than thrcj nunutes. , I- . L . J . Jl .!.. rhnrre o( fiim' .hactW HutfrSM o"cssou navi jiiors on our mawa rtn, 7.'. r ; , -CTVjr: the winter, re4 jrfea-iLrcnt- wivcs-all living ht j b f ilia sam time. . lit happcuad to dropin 1 at a huMwhercbir person was recog-1 -Tst'd, as; one; u- whom wrrKr woney 4r might ho tnad Tliii project vas no ;soncf conccivedllMui commenced. TIks (man of Ute honse aiepped off wcrctly in irtcfl of aB'pffiocfP On bis hasty return, datad with the highest pi ospecw) of suc- cess In his pfaise worthy, and above all, -profitable enterprise '- lio! and be Is 'U! Tfic man of many wives had made 'off with Jit wifel 1 - The State House of Missouri was Inirut abuat thclmiddlo of last inoiitl I upjxwcdby accident.' i ,. , " y Connecticut, late Van Durcn State, 'is changing likcjaltlia 'rest. Tho late it .... . T.. it . .. j . ' . ; fjiecuniim iiuniuru, iur iuwh uiucuib, gave 40 Va'iiJllureii votes and 00 .Whigs. ; ;' '- 1 , ! , . Itsecms that, 'the Charlotte, Journal 1 has lost a subscriber, because tho Editors Jf tliistatejmie hailjthd jwWumptiou j'j hold a tonvenUoiK the result ol which it miy receive r I . .1 ... .1 tK.jt .. If ne Diiv tor me reici i ved its final ruadindanl nale to-day. T We ru-i ic spceuy actioa uim House, inc an to remit tne ouun a It a . coods tctrovn dunns m creat n Iew Yorkj w-J ordered to be ecc ed for a third tading. It is, in all pccts,tho s'amias Uie bill which pa In the rVnate ditiuj the ipecial scsjil but whidi rcniuuxi among the unp cdinatacsiTaiidTll0Ti3cO7o Pestilence i 'Europeih stroymg cpidctiea, at tlid last were raragein; ropej the plagi yellow fever in aly, France an ped that tho a; rff put an end to triif prevalence.' A letter" Inh lteMirf says,Cropso JCorn are very w with us," and Cjtton very good-Ah this rctHon hai Vet to cultivat as other part had health thd to the Virgini .lied. Whet r TuomkS J. Skrnl V4apl a large portion n in Lonstantinofc; pain, and ckolcr b CcrmanV.' 'It vhs reaching wintcrjwoid d; i u; utficichcv of Jct! iiaioniciuasexrn: of tlic State, 1 a.4 season, aim Mountains." ,"; p. i i.t- tat ftoubtd 1 A.kk... i . m . . i.t. -a i i .tghf p t . APanyinoss advantagious to the nd kt 1 1 - v than In' tlirt Prm 7 ;i ''.'. I th servant t4 C4 of) CoL iWaink of Fldrida; wem wonndwHi Four br five linils were bro ken, and sereral licerationsUstaiaed, The sceM as df-cribed I v. a ireutle- maa in una ii the bars, wai ditressinc. Greitdifficu ties wtertfespexeiiced in ex tricating the I sufferers froii tlio ruins, compressod Is they werejwithia frag- menrs oi me wcaieios, ami igoauting un der,, uteir rd-lcncs, bo toq as .they could bo dravn outj they m Ire conveyed to Rochellc's.Wero every Httontioil was rendered then jthat w as witi n the pow er otthua.-opnttor of the riasiou. 4 nose wiK) ottcMpea nnitn iesiacs Col IVeston aid lady wcrd OoL Bowh- irig, Mrr PojilimV of Florila, Mrs. 4nd Miss'l'eaV MriSuiwart, fiir children, V U m m - w Bar ana servant, aril Air, tsanfcsiof Augusta, Georvia, ym yus ridiaj ok tk and jumped oi at the. mt neoi ot tho concussion." ! 1 ; . 11V S.The 4m ha ve c mi - in,: ahd announce the death of Mrs. lockello and MlfS 1510W. ill Croker alone oj danger. :mtm fit " 3i 'y eorntkojrii to-day the that 3hn W. York now occurica as a tailor W - ' y It J. WEST. N 0 It I H CARlJJLlRl. i t State aottrra- Fr tie benefit or tfe fMiirtmrjr A. idetsy. ., fcvruA Ci.i F. ro 1837- " Ti be itrarvn itt Xervbern. Craven Omatfjrp m v ra- 75 aunthf r Lottri-y )4 drawn ballo!.. i V ! Managers. SrLlNDID 'SCMEMK. Priie f 10,000 w Uol!n. riiiiA 5 RimrrHtw isndJHr. the survivor are in i i : .l.t v;r UlESPqXDENCE. 1 aai 'PRK DECie. s aboundbg m news, fororto, i thel Capitol, oi Uner Canala. is taken hfc the Peonle in arms agauict tio uoveinmenti Kir r ningev. jicu mo vrorcm) ', rcjynea to be almost pr aoner b tfie markct hourtj. Rchetlionxiasban na like: Wild fire on every tide,'' 1 Several hvesre lost' in tho ajtack Jon Tutonto. IThe termanmutisnd in Sir PVanMa 1Tt ' . - v . , (ovyi. i si, loaisstuveuif Prcynti'arham4nt.i 2nd.' Ciramlan d uotmcil- , 4 :Uvo ' Lrgislathre k Shl ' - . ft V " 1 " T 1 ,.- 1 . ' . f 3d. 4 iat UicuovAorleavQ tlio Prey. jo in two Wocs. 1 4; i 1 'i !"h n ! All Wjtiewi corny to three wajk aid i see norcasol to doubt itasp vMe,w(cyeYdottlt there inav be if utnii uiu. iiarucu anL in tmo hr k tic Putlalo papdrs; net Vv' thcMvav d (Jswevn; nad the Mai V A t.o. t .. . T ' . iivii iwoniMsura tocrtv 4 S. CKOWJSO In- forms his frieadsand ' the public 'hat ho still cob- to carry on the ; ; v TuWotins. Business his old statrd.opjite theClerk'lOf- one door North of the jftriating Of whero ho is rcadv to makoi any aar- zutfit desired at the shortest notice. ILL work done in this shop,---wJ ted to bo as good as can bo done any wliJre in this sectiori "of countrv both as n FASHIONABLE CUTaod DU- R ABILITY OF MAKE.: Latort fash- lorwiust received. :A .'.. , A. S." CROW SON. .sliboro N. Dec 1837.51-3in B. Ono or two apprentices will be talu here, provided 4ication louwule At fic fic SOOl A-&C. Taken uv. ! . - . ' ' ' HI! Joshua Albortson, IS mflca North "..'Vest, from Ahhboro, vu the head of Ujarrie, in Rand lph Couoty N. C on the Witl iOtb inst.raTraLsed and eutcrcil ta.k S. t. n i . . tout vin my oiray ikw one : a whito snot on each- RhonMrn- . . m - (sunji sod collar marks) . 14 14 hands high, lupposcd to be 10 or 17 years old, appn scd to $25. a : JOHN C RAVEN. Kanier, kBy JONATHAN M. DAVIS 51-2t , Dtp, Manger, do. do. 1 1 do. of .4,000 1 Prize of 8,000 1 do of 2.500 1 do. of 2,000 1 do, f ,l,5LiO : do. 3 Prizes of 1)609 do 10 do. of 500 , d.r 10 do.- of 480 do. Uestdes; many of 30, 200, J jQ, 90,80, 60, 50, de. 4.4. r Amounting ia all to 9247,296. Whole TickeU '85 , HhIvim 82 00 , Quarter -, 8t r A certificate for a package ftf StS .Whole Tickau ia - - A this Lotterywill cost-1 8ft5 50 Half de. 82 T5 Quarter do. 16 871 QTo be had in the greatrst varkty of DHrubcis, either by the fackageor sin gle Tic Ut, of . v. IlJ. WEST, As4boroughN. C NOTICE- cne il "flics as ha Up tide CilfcAlt JOH PRINTING; (Vl l'1 l"f'" the pnhlic that Vt nuw iiiii .irrmrcu io rxe I msnurr of Job lVimiag in the fine Southern Citizen auca I dills, circulars (thongh circa, e h nearly -over.! cards, hoiw. bills, flsnks, & 4 c. oa the shortest nt1icIand mit rrasonabfe ferms. lt f Wili be done, near, cheaper cker than at any other oUlcein I. CO 11 1 am) 71 our kuiw TttVKBwillVe sotd at Ike late dwelling hosae. ot Vhinett Hiv die cn Ur 28th Sheep, WrKX0n -d cr, B.t Srei'li toels Funning tool, atxt nny ot er tnielcf too tedious lo meteor.: rtie ate to coatlnas from dT t dy, if aeeeiMr7..Tvcrf awit!is credit wilt bt fivtaby the purebaaet lng B4 with appravtd eurity. NOTICE I tanhv giTea ta tho tbat aroiitdebtH to tta EiHtrtf tht doraaei to cIom tht wme, either hy h or Bamlt aad all Ihtae tht bar cU'ias agidasi it art ra qnvated ! preatatlbeai property autkeatfca ta ia aue time tor aef timct. aaus- Oa tin 4th day of the Pint Month, (Ji Ts, T) 1858 fnowijf S v Tracia orLan.1 wuibe jf-Tfc credit, if not diapoaed biure ilut time privately, rtt: 1 TWO Traeta on the w,ten T,tW. Creek, adjo'iaiBf tli UmU of Joel Dawx ! otlieta. -".,'l-.-r' . . . .ONE Tract of Wood Und, oa tho waters of ;Nwy, adjoi.aog tha Unda of Robert .Walker ad Kleaar Winataw. ' OXR TT4CI on Uagea's Crttl, known as tbt leak Place.;., ;.-., .--, ' ' r,'t;- v.-) ;?ALS( 'i' j' OX E Tract of Wood Laad near Aihbora. Further particulars will b ssads kouwa on tbe day of Ste. f : " till MaiK5;i8.jc3t -: -1 rM,.Ai , H rT.m,:;rifi'fr 1 ,- '"v r? ': ' '.-; l 1 w ' . - ' . . . 1 : ., ..... ,,r 7.,.... -. nTT- Tt .- , 3T ; 3 : w'( .C : t-:.r.---l r