:s;3s?« t: THE CAUriEirS ?{!iLas Add, 'eas ■ ^i{'- I T^HP L’iN]^KV{S^GNM> has received. [ ^ and iias for ss»,t a I New Fre*^^ Hrjppfvr I l"t e>y\v4ib\^ htiVi & WiiutiV P^^SPl*i;T(.S POH I HK Ri^SIO:\'A1. 4Ei>3IE /J appkmj/x. now sinlckniy p^i'ited poweM. aed which, it }'.o>,i.-;tei in, nvyj at ti'> di.s^ t«>tt period, hrc'in t’ an iitstrumeo m iM-r '^-u To foe Fufrons of the ■*' ECETBEllN tlTiZEN, n^ir.i 1 ft>' -.crii);!! ]v,per , Isittlv n' iisfUrd i. sirnT 3' ; ' 'it-’ir , '/ Who fCouy,,. . thr hrtoti-i an.d an*bitioc.-( fl TUJ?NEIl ^5 MV:GU8, -I"! ^ ”j NG (Oil f, the ivuionituf. -Hi hav-J been ; ubiibbc-1 by j jN,,jth to h-ttcr ti'Ose ioMOOi- Ci-JH-w tin ‘^ d in the United S«aies cer-j jipiMS liiUh mafte fMiMCa^ftibie Oi j Of , „ U I n there ar,. tor any oti.i r pbb-1 j j,. p. |ti vhUom, and -.vIloS** | ih.: ^ .nr', t.nrolitlH »..>«. St.-IC .1 K,.!- osict. ■' •V" PSOKi.Bon conitmites thn j i ii;ii. riuH- w , . w '^h l.i piirci aset; :? ; * N ,r,i o-Hntv ftraitist the df-lo-Umk Wdi A’Ui !■;» iirply s^.f •>. a.« it n- Tf-.t >11 the pntceeduE.;^ ot ci ve of ualural or CO ^tF.ii • j gf u\^ JniJ M-eMV. '.*ovcm ^e) . pniceeGuib It i:i. didecd nopsisfini?, i.> pnnt, or 'lie H'jl'o'vin^ ii-ticic-s. j‘o biii, no jj tr sa ehetap v,z: Cinins, Cayanitres. Satinet^ Muiinis, cheapest ,b/;-ation ui the J, b'.it.:s-* per Mctc’?; i.hcrioOo’’ ct'Hiing tigtin, To teh you hitu L-hrEduiirf i. twre. ercassiafis, Vestings, G'oyes, Si’b & l otton llar.n'erchiefB, rloseing, itornestics i.lfacli.'’d f; !;iiidtaciic(l, Calicos, Colored Canibcics, Piussisii Shawls Is. !!:.!iillcercbifcjj, B'Torc .rine &. Sat-n Sloct-s, ^''''’biie ii Ccloied Spool i hroi.d. Skeins & Pa-.ent Do, i.clion Balls, ( Cs'p 'tV'M'e, C ooks uiK» .Byes, .U 'giisii Paten' k Worsted & I'.ips in tilt'* ,>r! ?. Our position at the sent .sive proiiijt wings oi nauirtu cr conn .-. • j gi uw in tod proiudu'e,—the well-Eid scacines oi: Hitihitiori—the hlittdet! zeal of stijvt r- stitioti—the reckio.ssneHs of i.if'ifat;' NEW OOOBS L'd veur Si'.'".-ddi V yco'd cheer Cidcndin | (iermar, pins, PIr.s'ic .Snspenat rs. Worstei. &. '» -ril ■' ' ’ El.,i!,o v. -ir t otton Nett c:o. Silk .k Ootton Velvet, tUtlj- ' Phi. d'u o. the }tar. j ^ pobmett. Otiop & Cc- ^ I,Ot li’’; * iIHi ’.li i’s U.';ni.Uii I'ltUl’IU t ti n !i«!g;iigs. i .s-rtirgs, Koisra’.aticn >liislir;s. Erilcc '-rwE- yud^.-od wiir toyouah, j Hod Faddi-I.r, Cam-.SS, PU;n tk. Figyrea Suios ^ *^1 . “ I +' r * •! - K r'ya-* MtiilliiS, AiliU vlo. .?iOOk. tiO. iJjJSEOjJ L.INV t, j!tC- :xt all ervy and strife !• .. loie rac, ^ c.oo,na.. VtnVins, Mo.ino So rts, iC d .ticj n li'.ing unpleas.i.it recp.!l. the NE Wi5: J ,-eid':? V rite -'■va 'h ot ny o'jrn, ,■ l. i.rt i olfer iny views, cioiie. i'r 'r IIK 0 li D S T.\i of Governr-nt enables 03 to print them at I ,,{,rty siilrif;—and. of COiU-so, tiu: ut.iv ! *^ , / ,, ^ * *■ ' low a rate.„ We are compelled to publish the! ‘v’, „ ui di . .Miverolr F ' " ’ Droccediif rporgress in nct..il lor our dai-jI'Hlf.datJon Ulioo V, M- h A -,0' .1 ^ fr.en.w h-. ’. t ;rm?r cu-'rrs, that nt- a ! ,• paper, j iis done, h re-pjirts, compara-1 tmnit like ours C..H long Withsii-.ml tub i ,as* receWc-.i !:ot' tic North, an assor icent • { tivel'/, h, c.r ..mall additiona.i e.'Uie'iBe to i of jntfrilChi aiivcfshv — chsoigeth. 'to be forms ofebe Coagre-ssion-1 blU One sicp hetweea Gl >be : G An > twii.N. It 5t wtr*: not tor ' ^ . *. , » » .. f , f Jtau es, we co-fd not pulfe sU .HFi ptiCJsai and H total alwUHlunisief*. ot al! jd-ittf !|dt‘, wliethei* i i iisoral.s or in poiitic*!—nay, at a cii.sis i t Unt aflaifs 'vhav ocglu ho hioni li ta! love uau goc ;•' lii* yOLt tf.‘ n‘^.rS t cl j 11 iViii'lh oi’inionip^^itKto glee; o! dc! nia.iii'liii, houiii^, go lice. i.ipr &, Green I'lmni. I, Gilt k Fancy iti.t'ons, i *- fbe:.' Chilli, Kij', and .dorrocc: /, Ssioe.4, Bon- re: , ani, far Mats, Mah' End fiw Caps ! I’li-.-es. tho.rds, Fe {'I'nerv, Hair Brushes, La- .Iks' & fiecTb'mae's CiiiaA'S, these .‘ciiCitustioi es, diem for for times the syn cha"g‘ed. rne Coirr(-!,'.sio'!a( Glooe is riirde up of the daily proeedings ot the ta o housts of Con-| ; vn.ich HCrms tu titl-rafell i (H gr. tts, av.i me s|)eec)if»: ot tne nienmers con- \ ^ ... aeE.‘-eI, i’t'e yc&i and nays on ail In per^anti f .\iStcnCt^, f*0W f^iiSV is {.ej tJ .^HSl subjects re given. It i.s nuiil shed wtcA-'v, j tif.ii feuin a Stale of CTeriey^iiltKHlcr- d you; To ihe oo ‘f ioD r.odj take aiui ro;urn a good joke: •* ■{ luug!'; ovui'iiuioccnt Hi;:; ,> don’; let go>d hiiifior t'o li c-kn \o\ vugiil Lh'jr. your liCigubor has do.nc- If to visit your friend.5 you oncline, 1 iT'iiko :-.c. objection to that. And ever; a glass ,)f g' lod wiiie May heii) iocihiven vour ( hat. r t " Eli it’s 1 teil yoa iieware’ J? V %'• arniag.s coine sehiom you kjio’.v, if; vour tiiornniorit, aiwaystake care, Eeyon i Teraperance iiei or to gti. kfeaietiiing rartiteF I a.sk yo« 1- - do—- Quite esscniiA!, and not, to be waived; Vtiur (ihristuui E:ype.rieiice re.vievv; Tliat iS, ;1 vou hof'e to be saved. fit sidos a variety of llAEEvVEA !IE &. ('Uj'LE'RY. — Al.'^t.i— /k»’ug.f. AiefJicines, Dye- ^iu^s. Sugar, .Mo- Iron. Steely Cast- hfgs. Cheese. ^ih: All of wh’.i fi !i;ive been se'ertc-d eci;'’"' ne •ii'.d ',«ate, 'nd viiit' Lc sold•rer',': )ow . •{ ■“ , - I " 3001. casn—c“!l -nci riamine—and oe your unn j'.i-.lge'j—Terms iix liiouth:.—five, per ct.Tt, dis- coont for cusi) .I'.MES W, k. J)!?AK?. .Ashhr.ro’, N, 'Oer. 1, 13-f. —-48-0 h .imr.Uype, on sis.teeii royal quarto pa-j,.,jpe nrit! tei'j/id .SCCOi'ity i r?ie Apc.nd':; cO'ivaiiiS tne speeches of the j rb'UHCiotls o! JAngt i, to it^ m iiiiieTs. u fail length, written out by them-i tni.ssitill to t.hc Jiclales elves, an! iigffinteil in the as the j ctUHeiDptiblf, pKiVidyd tw have the rm!iiiies.-i of nert a to adsniru* tied f.st U huai.} session the h‘ lit'st i ’NGR’i H E.UUMdNA Fur the bentht -of die Silisljury ddeiny- r;7ri)ii Ct.'.ss F. voK 13.T. C'.infirefs.mai Clubr. It is luf as Uic .spe Cl -s can be '.litre see r.iore umbers ; :han therr.i'lC • Ks in hj cl. of ilirsc joii .^s 1-* Bid. d, isutsirai ; it>r every siihs.- 'il-'ci' lo have; outii; im.iu.so; mere should be .uiy aiiibi- j •'».:« \S fio, p! ilCtl'iMig ii|i oi gui'.y iirth.c sy,isis cf a speech in the Con-! jicejiHlico.s of at. fllibin jlfiCl ibg grt .ssion'* Glcis, or ui y de'usi of iis Lonect- lU'Ss,'( y b ren.oved at uoce, by r*. fe-rring to t'e src' ; Ml t'.iL '. 'iieud v. ,, ml.‘ ..-.f,,.. 't ts 'sCl... L. is ; be p.'t p.O'e'h Tne I - ssio,. ot i' tr.gress being a very iniportaiU ■*, 'Ve printed abo'.it h* e tilousand selected with care, ind a-i p cd ‘o the wants ami t iste of this section of cou’dry. 'f he Goodi were bouirht cheap a ul wd! he '-i ciie-ip As the rimes .are h.ir l, a short crerlit w |l be gi ven to those who are pren i>t pav None other need a;-/f for credit, ior it ej -niq not get it. He is to iie toond at his oJil »;»> d. Wi st of the Court fioose. A. H. MARdtf. A.sheboro’ .V, C. Dec. 1st, 1817 iii.( j i^eit ict- '||g suii- G-lv^'TLE.nAA’S Fl'BI.lSMt'VG, in Moiilhly Numt .-ps, the ii ge.li nd cheapest Penodic.i) H, v,.,* ■ ofiice of Dewpot. ' GeiUlemaii's Alaf; Ji.oc, Wbilo, tliCi'tfint. wtt shatl e.tcpose to b> VV)Lii.ey K. Bvhtos, Philadeh.t ia, initv.eiT, ; ItiH. eeiE'>U}'4: ihe falti'.Uiss V'i * ' . t •3 oi t!tc7 CoiigreAstonrii. Gioijt und cxcPA cap Apptii-.iix.f-ivulaiiug upon being'ible to dis (■ose, of th'C to per.siie win) are no* r egular s:i:;sc’ibci' rjs A O Tfeiisare iniv'e.r.-iai guo P. S. There’s sometlrng forgol, And I sc.ircely kno w y\ h it, \ - rnu irtatu lo mo ibhiito you. Ahi—a Httie srnail ca, tge You cr>-iu'>t t'tiiik stoaugc li V'.'U iidve nothing larger, a :^hTlins;- \viH (;■>. '■ ^ T be dr men at Thiivs ibci - The form-rr nukes 150, and th-e latter IIpu i’ds of 200, royeai qua.'.n p'ges j A.s the m h a'lbje :x pri'jio'-'cd at ttial .sesiMon "Jk; setyaUim o‘ Bank and State—lias jeen po.-ap i: ■‘‘'mid tiicne t' session, they will b; i usefiil, wettay siy necessary, for those who j Sii.h.srribe of Che ii-Xt sc.s3iO'ij and ws shalf ! tiiereforef'-solve them for tiiose saLsevibers who desi then;, and sh.iii first subscribe for -.Iiaii Hint solely at his own agfri ai'UiZ inetit ()!' the ppuaiotion of -1 tie unbi Yv/. . Aii- : d ng Public the complete -r. n.'.s ,i tended the establpsim.eet CTfi.'—a M , : far be ond di.-.r i-’thcr i?i,t>licatii.i m ■iij K'n.vf''VitV .1 a S'V' d lilv ir.cet .’..mg .{nous CLne-nri latol_,' . - Y.St t.Ir'-J 33 allj i.'U Um! h.U I , * r. ‘ » nf -xMii’r, f- k'?jor*'.i nriL^,; .aj .* ’i’.ter iioua avptianl .o omei-. nus.-m.'jtin'' • v* j n. a rtusiiig f'T this utiitadoWti'i poi ptjSf, yb iv.^ Pr 'be ptlbhc mind—it bhal! ^ j ei.il.ins more crig.: .: pt-enie j'ibtaFtri'e lo award ihe iiicrn ‘‘d j .iiau any o-iU , inn :th!> puid'.cati. i. praise to that pifbU-; liuier uwiio, ea; i r.ie 00:1,.mt.s em race, a feniic range of a. -titeu by the people, to ue, thnwie of! “‘’*'3'^^-"''‘y Govcritinetit, e.staiili.nbe(! on tiie baseuf Jiistire, libert}-., and equal rigtife, shall Of! Ills bintv' express a Natioii’^s fnajes- ly,’’ and 'aIiu in bi.s walk refiecis a met kne.ss and. hntniiily, vt it.'cii “be,' ispeak. llie fear /l God,” and vvitieli by i; debrity lirigina! Titles of Fowei-ful intere.'-t Humorous and Graphic Ddiiiealion of i'leu atul .Alatincrs Novel Sketches of Fare gr. Lanis; P.ortry Ciiaracteristic Studies Ks-.-ays on I’opuli r Subjects, and Biogripi-'cal Nonces ot Celeiirated cr Kc- a certain tiitoite iurce, tnttsl forever • cenmc r .msnnw, with omry orignial Anecdotes The L:v..s of Pj .'It, With iikri'.eisei i've IK'V- I.iId oii your work for tois cay, ('YftrfW Couutlh riU if vo!i tlo it v.ith yrcr,ip’n;:s.s ana s.kib, You iiavi.' ta.iught btil Hie Printer to pay, 1 T'iii. CARRIER. 2bIh of Bereunber, t s 7o i)'!!i:b; i' 'i -> • THE SreSr^HERER h.T.-mg rcsol VG*.] on ciosieg liii bur'iaes.s lew ti>e pre sent, rtxpecti'uliy invH'^s those indebieti lo him to come forvvart as ?u>)it as con- veniepi atul settle their account?, lie is awa.'e of the rearciiy of tnoney, and {iesirou.5 of extending tne most a.nule in- iltilgerjce, thu.se wii.t have not the mon ey can Close tnoir acco'unis by note. •VE, B.' LANE. Ashboro’, Dec. I, 1837. 4 8-if. '^^.Jirencii V- Loftr-ry 14 di-.iv, n biilfofe.. \1i1l\3 K WUifFVev, *» ' Managers. S F L F.M> ] D S': H M Vi E. l0,fK)0 ■1,0U0 ti,000 2 500 ii,00{t j. 5 (> 1,000 500 400 of 300, 200. 100, ! O'O, yO; 6u, 50, Ac. &, cr. i Amoiiaiiiig in aii to iT.CcO. . \\ hole Tickui;! ho | Halves 5?'02 50 | C-^nartors fci i-5 | A ccrtifieate for a package 1 Enze 01 i do. ct 1 Prize of i (In of i do. of i do, of S Prizes of 10 do, of iO tin. of lie.'aides fivany Micrn. fe” iconiinand nheviu'life to tne “'Law Wiiuh 1 , xi. r e. dint's 1 v.rdiii.uv ses,.i,0113, the miportin' ... . ,, f i*uo«-i,m Mu..k‘iU. hr (v?rn;.iri ^ b . - I, . J _ .1 1 ni iiiin r^iyi.s si.mif.-rn'.’* ju utRi.dintr: Oricce Dicisciis, [Bevz,] the au'.hor uf the Tick wick Pup ri, ■* -.tu .* iikiiiiesi .D'. Jotiii Faust, the Sorcer:' T'lv Outclit-ss of .31. Aibatis, 4ni Zi 'gna, I 'le Negro Q'a.ee';, State.siriAB who dares be limw.at, and . y*’ R'W':. ■ Tae ct'i publications are '■evievu in ml;; arc rriaUt: iVom rare six! presenting a Cc-mplett *c;'uri ol atiire ot the D.-.y. 4,;i cE'.-’ lA-ceniber rie:vf, - 1 O. lawftil rage, sSiail jdes*«5 foe rt|gbv, with | i Forth,' the SKine 3:S3i an, -t '-*,0 ij.uiij rlear, wild arg-mnentHii .stt-.oig, f every Turn be V ■VnvT' 'C »'' d'-.sg 113 th.t moaey rorfi'.ej , , ^ . 'j’ [ i.i every i.umoei. suipecL t, VI ssed w ill reuder these voiunies not iesj cable t.ia'i ii'.iv wliici. iiave teen, or ni. y lid aft r be piii’ted. Kvery .s'lbscn- bt r fer th 'V et sessitn, wiio in'end.s 'o hlc the p..pers, souid p- ucurc copies ot ttic last. TFKMK. For the ftisaKiis-i. HAi. Gio«K for the scs.sion wbicii jniift'.eiiccfj on the 4th Stplembcr’ O' in iiiin reigi s supie ne,” jn iimpting him to t cw .is ds w iiert | ■dvfiri'ved, und •‘tnsaiite, with edge vin-1 dictivc, itnv, light, now iicai’ily, acenr-1. Ping to (lie stature of the crime.” | Nt.r shall we pass umi'jiii'ed ilief ! 1357. , ■ - - : H vvbi in d't; liali of legisiHlitiit, “vvaicii-j, Ik:;i::sh"; ‘ "if"'. *""■*.>ih,".' ' ,sci-0">, hic! is to comiHcuce on the ioidv ftiUkc COJlHTlun W'eai, irt v?rl(ie-.A | the Fopulur L lera I .'Tt-I . .......u... . ! 0 ! r.... I -Vr. oriK- -lal c.,p j Ccpte.3 ; ill'll' - ■ ■’■ J be cut ill,...; to a ccq y 1 ruym r.ssinay he trim.sm j .cy-f /j.'./'i.a. ouv risk- Tb v** nu jlica'ious wiiij lith ac'ioi! so sincere am! tone Xhe M a^vvc:* iodd zml tfei'p”’ ■.« Miakfs Ihe Ci i'iiriiig i ty-rtvo cxira-stz.cd octavo pr.gts. F , m'ttcd by trail, ptwG fteiBagugde Oiu'>h for stiail^e, . ■ ... -N-.”';*!! ticBiKU to retreat in cmd'u.sufII bei',otl;q j'' ;,;ii.j,e,i':- -cigMtcoi'jiiins—t:.'cfa c{4u:--.- ! C'l! p ii'atid br-nk II. the vj'v.ted States current ' . irc.i .. . t, i ii> 'he stc.ioit in c.i.-untry ■wuerc a avib'scnhcr I'. iiiics, v'i’i be r. ccrtcd. But *• it.u .si f.-scn .T'’c'i* i-ic no*cr ot B.tfik.* i-i tilt Nuriao‘c’ snti ■'ilitiii.e statc.3, They a ill please SfiiU th,,Ti. To niKt -c ail '.be ti'jdOfi'.s, c'nc s .oubl i..; '■ re bv th :■ lib of I'ccenia .■ -r\. a'.'criViou W'l! be {u ot U'li.-is -e fnom.-y accoitipaay i' .•Cfr.f re;;..ou3''bie ti'.r;'Oi!, kuo sii, .{ii; t ag'a.-f to pit it oeiorfc the s ir I'C ;. BLAMl 5; raVF.S, V.'a.sHntVton Cit'. Nov. .8,18.57. CSjKU “iii.3 H'lainaiUine git{e.s. In icg.ii-d to thr priucipics nf the! ; dre.l sil l rtveo':; -Cig'i 1 cnatatnii .more h-sv. nn ocinvii page ot ave> .;;e proji'jr iiio, and etc i it ,nt:i.y i ii.,.bcr uw- .... i Bj.j,' j-eadirp >• ■•b»u a votn 'c ot t. N'l' .. ami pti C'iehl Adm'.ii'itralloii, catt I b netiHv pun .ed o-gotu; pat ' t-tbi? O' t ."^ry g. iitle.'nan !r, l.i l.n ted S.> v . ! An Fngr.vcd 3 itft '■'■ y'-ti-'V’.'fet pr'^ j C. edcil !>y a spirit o> HHlei'tcnfluiit itj j Jj,.*.,;:., einbcacing every pofsii-ie i sr -.t j vvhicii (we heiieve) is abtmi 'n he .sift.- hi k r ~ r’y ■ ,j m », f a’’v cp; SL iiSOi?!;'FKH iuFo'.'tr Ch? Mercliant .1. i.f ti e iiCi. rKn , tba . they are still engaged ill t’.'* v/ay, and rt-ust that v/iHi the raciiitics aiuS c-V.-triei'ci tio". r'-M j'os'.'ms !'.'. the trtmsartio’,: c. this busu-c-f, m n'.ei'O l-f patronage hereto: .ire coitiei ri-d. riiej i... e iirge Ware !!oi:.='e3 a? t'uc river and in towns for the reception of forwarding GooiU. apai t f.-i,na other buHdingsf a'.'.d coniparati'vij ra-t from TtTe. WILLRI.NGS & BKI DEN. Fay Hevil'e. Rei’er to Aiess.-3. FI.LIOTT St !lOlHvEyA, Ttitty &. Dlt.cKE - \r finlf do- (|!iarier do. i PROSPECTUS I •*' 50 !']-h|7 " 32 75 ! Aft Eli, h>f25 Vv’hole T’lckcts ia ' this Loiterwii! co-t » 1 .* 1 . **• X i A. ’ V lai' Fublh-heJ in ibe h, ^ , . . . ■ , I'i ,,A>ri -A tdtet'i' To be katl m die greiUcst vanity ^ c4 j 'f rS^o rdoTO iHiiiib'.Ts, ciiiicr by ihc 1 .ickage. r snu „ \pnUur(. It^lifies, MiscelhirOj fjiii.' V snmrii.’'the peop'e, wilo alone ».a:i I >'.tur.H d splay, a. d executed m the ’.t-s. ap'dv the mdy corrective ppyinqy h-; : y'-.f t r*. i p J. A. ■Vh.hs, "f rtsw yoi.i-, .e. gainst tl.e {ibuses thaf, haye r„re{it nito ; ic v-.,* ■ • ' .•■a . p. v-u-. iO 37i( rroMsOoro’, N. C. I Uip iiractice oi die goverooK III. ■ n a i i.r--. We shali aval! oarseiv,cs of Ote best i ' ••;■..oie .ns-f I'ubliv atifio? in Litecaiuro, riUiraiitv. ; n'.irie> -te ha. Nym; ,\gi‘!Ciiit;!re (!«'■ Mt’Cna.iiu; At N ai»o ' . YtisceltaOj', —lo procure 'Wl'i' .! we j car .u.ly r m....- ic ft/ce til: C i.'-i.c'n. .s nev' siia'I spai c. no [)ai>m--l)ei''g 'iefr-rttiii!-- To-suos.'vi’,.'--a.' to she Gci.tlems;'.'- >lara- f, *11 :i p.,- pi ;; h-.r In g.*' u «i . C V'-'. . iljl.cfl.l . '.S : ■• lU'agrs of'.v. ' '.‘i pr.. i;lt,bt n glo Ticket, *>l R.J..W.EST. ^ j A,'!iui.>roi,igh In. j and D./mes- to nmder the t'-iTllU) E a-.veb'' ;.rt veakiv 'ftnithi'.r ti :;is i ts rr ub cs. lalsv iitvtH". men of it'.A.5-u (c ‘NOTICE- At.Far.:.' ft t'OW Eft-. .IFSSE MIN3U W. > lyettc'V die .April o, 18.37. Tfi 11KK F. will be S'd-I l.‘ fit- . . ?.• hensAi tr rotTic: i' ^) c/'" rSj’.-j|E late 1 eiiesf.ojie oRSce bnv .tigi i .y j.i>:>r.3. ^ undergofte a partial ciiaogp ufj TEK.hrj. uatob, ibe preseul pro|!rietors dreni it j is .aimed o., a !arg r.A|H';!efiUo jB Cseiit to the reading jBib-* — ....... lie a shuft sy iiopsis oi the principles !t the i-tkft: (‘.AV i'ri viCC. 0!i I ; . /i / I ^ ^ g^y i>ivi v. • Q— T'filitr. ai)'''tcrii;'r having qualirteo in tvsii- JL ioliJi. G'liiuty Court as ex.-cihir of t.'ie ! ist will anil !\;slaini:iv! ol isc.ie Heiu rii ■'Icceioo*', and al.sL m; .Aiimiri;,3;rui.ir of Ibis v id; re.; Ktuier-., liereby ;jrlves potice !o '41 per-, sons (no o.g ci 110.3 ag .inst tli-i es'ale V. ti-v j fsid i;-; eriy s by '?w, '. a, ol .■l.vy ;d I he 12m n>om!i 18.-./, S’lrcD, •* Wm'':'”' '''''' ■ , ,r 1..'*.?:^. av.:! many oti.e!' art ties .1 M mo’s, Fairninij iiijion which tiiey inlcud to art. a.id;^ ling w ho h iiicy expeci to be guided, iiitlio me 28 :• I jirH-njpi (ai Ic tst) to di.iciiarge ’.he rth..- Mf.r.st .3, Cavtie, ' vear, BNfi*.' Smifb to-' te;hous:o nieriiiovM Fiie sale lo continue fV,^m dav Ui d.iy, if m re iaary. 'fM •.'ve nioiUhs tv ere.! t vdl he ftvm im iK pur ,1(vm1 V th f-n:vo\-.i • ■; 'I'dy. SiVrU'T Is t iiulei.ie'l to Aser giving t.ir-lier given to ibor'e that the Ksiite i f the fii et'ascd to jiotis.oie dutir.s wiiich UlcV, to couimuh Ai’Jt aU t'Uiei'conducioi's cfnew.sjM- j;ai.s,. owe '«> iiir. conmaiisity; duties rcmicred dooiily aidtiooB by lio-.svvHii snapei'ise. whit'i: ftct'tn.s to pecv'dtlr lliv noiial and solilica! aspec c.t'(.m' imich itpim ftac] “t.!ie iii-Uiiiiiiig times, E^ra Unperia! Sio ft. ot pu,-. st, .vir.ic- \vi1htj|ipw' tnaiet iah, u’(d u-i!l bt t'li n jslM|^£ the^ 111'# rfiU* i,i’ f if 50, io a J p V'i|ip ' ill, for a si'igle cops, be le'. .rian.y 'Ciiree l)..iiai's per anuuni, payHoic in :dvaiic'* (’ j —;; jt a Five Doll 'i Hill will prodtice Tw.' Ct a- :hc s.me dirtmioa, av a clu.' of ‘i u I lj..'i, H'.'i w'lii I'..* ■-. '.ii'iij .A'l fetters, n,s.a.re pmif, :■ ''t-ss t . Utia.les .vie.X ; 1-Oer, Atll. i'.’.uic.i'g'- I ■ ki;;' ft’ar.-', ohila.. nlp.-ia, will ft-.';', wi'.i ' •■ I 31.. .;.ati',n. •» y 'i|!sFf4» or $3 if not vvij.'ftm {li*'re moiiihs after the rec'-ip*. of the first nuftslier. i’yL HinXTlAG nit7L '.V"'(!',i f'.irtriv. I-!', p biictbai m •.trr, TioiC piii- !v 'mejii.i'-d to xe JOHN ft CLANCT, C u e al! r-Hiiitn r oi Jo!) I’l ii io.-.; 'n d- C. -V, R. i. V.\N.S, i oiii c. of '.lie “Soiit'teni f .• t-'t i —sore GrffiishoroC N. C.. Norn, ft 37. I H'.tiid (l?ils, circulars’ tthmiR' • -n /(J^Editors wi;!. wl.otn woex'isange is nemly over,) raids, ! -ist will nbl gr os hy gi i-ig the -h: vt:mt!hfenks, Ar. a c. on ?!ie s!.. •■- fi'W ithS'.-’rticn'S-'the, fi'.ur v.ih fte tt j isod mo-t ceasoshblr le-r - f bo‘i’Onc. .'icj- 't !iian lit a or 0’!>'„'• oiit i- m THE I'RiNTER, STSlTlrS iM¥. creiSit, if not disi'osed ot .i:4iaife»t.; tot,it ft.at time prv.atelv, VM.-..- ^ Vrt f -.M-.i t'i‘' ■.vamiTB ov Tl-Vn'" >=. the 1;;nils ot Joei Dsvia ami j eiisi&s;?- 11 , ' • 1 2' it TftE .’.iti'/eiis o! H'Oi-iO'lih County i n,'O S'otic.-, H'V'f b. '.catter, in the sup'mi'-m Corn a-ljoinft.g ■■ v- tb- si,.te D ckit >vi!i Of 'a- urchtef"'!. l.'-v par' ..s, ' Tnct i.i'NVo''.1 Lane., on the waters .-,•0. attend ac.cotding'Y. _ I .-qpsL'wvy. - k■> "H-- ftuol H jOHN F ftOlNDKXPEh, ' and l'.'ie;.Z‘ Hnh Gtui. 1 . Dii. ■ of said CnifOi ken UP OP Voi' C’y >t wit'iesscs for .1 .t ’Is^ 1877 -- ■ C ij L .S' el 1j i'> WftSiV vwift Tld- W!je U Fall i-made a' he fectmy of q'hoir.as , S.mdn ige,, Avhtioro'. « .iS. ii'.oii at C d 'ftiUb DFFICF- hartli.-:- particulars t-iie oay prernise.s in repair, &r , B. SWAIYI 'njoyrti - M bislow _ 11. ;,;cinHi lihrciy—to (Sirect ali its en- . ON*'. ,,' ■ erg to some lertam poipt, acul liicre- the L-ak • Al so :' y 'iftpi'lt t'i if stKoe fixftdne.s.s af .Xivr' Tractor Woo.! ftand. near AshSor-o’. j '.'■'*1”^; wliich shtdl effectuaily preieiil ' vvili .e rratl.i keswu or, ft >/i(trliter teiiilipiry tirtvurds Hint tor- i'idiffci on-e i>r that pciiticai scep- fhinf as M> oN, 'j? q ijj svliit !j si eiris to sit Iskc an m } ueiess prcvioi sly ■ • .Jpofi its liKljerto dortffant, bit!; j 1, Oua7'diari. IXf.'.N, U’lh Mfetb, 18 it? P. S. At the sriinc lime ,,tnd piace, I .shall probably rent for oi;e voar, niy H(3I SE & Lo r in lYew Salem; Aiss.) niy FARM in the \ ieinitv if .he place, p-ased ol t'tiierwise. B '"WAI3I. ft .mds wvtd. AlU- WiaftR' uftu Ly - V* n?vwr\tvS, uVio i\» u^vv-uiX? i\s SSv. ^ c. Till the Sheet. Quire or lie am , POk SJLB A T fins OF.f ICil . , Vi