mu , volume 2o.xx when n Tf .lbs S2 is ADVAitcE, ASUEBOnO,W. CTUESUA ilAT29f 1838 Or (53 AFTER 8 RIONTHg; by c&vunix svai:i. f" couth cm; CITIZEN 1 " w a t!f annum in advancer or Three Dollars, if not wud wlfhin three uwnthi Irom the date of the 1st No. i . ' , eretion of the Editor. , "Jl failure to order a discontinuance be- icre we expirauon oi tne uDsenp - " lion year, is cquivalei raecment. ear, is equivalent to a new en- -All letters, communications dec to come - (os( paid. t - - TERMS OP ADVERTISING. Advertisements will bo conspicuously and handsomely inserted in new type, at 91&0 per square of 16 lines, and . received. . ' n.. ,.. t WH,U Vih h i Jfo subscription to be discontinued till all ' without the direction of a pi arrearages be Daid. unless at the dis- 0, although he would not do this over , S cents forevery subsequent insertion BCCUe ,ar8 nP revenue, en--TU ad vertiiement, however short,wil Jy benefit of agriculture and com be chained less than for a square nwrce, and the- maoy advantages of. a . Court erdtti tiA Jucisdtr. jyell trained system of internal improve. rfjtoenj, will be charged S3 per "jV hf,fllo off the dust that cent higher; (we sometimes have M Sundf ght ascend the elevated waai w lung iur ino pay.; ahosc woo " advertise by the year will be entitled to a deduction of 33 pet cenL, pro- vitiea uicv wiv in advance. m m 40 : From the Raleigh Star. " j a tf ivvm a av Bv , rAin jiU run i sin i ritAiCi iu i . ' CAROLINA. Mr. Editor; I cannot describe the ' pleasure 1 have realized 6n 4visiting the town oi Uesulort. The objecUona I have heretofore entertained to - coming me mar ni una &iau. nave ran. t ished hke mist before' the rising sua Ono, which I deemed of a most lormida Lie character, is esteemed by mariners as real advantage. I allude to the espes. incy are regarded as the natu- raf bulwarks of the Stated cflectuaUy torevenunsr a remilar blockade in tiia ;a regular blockade in timer '-"-"w"YUBre,J,,tHJr not n Hamm, aa'thnan nf vuit toAVilmington, where may bo al. ht war, are : lTuladelpluaor the coast of Charleston, ; and can be easily avoided by an eiperi- nced navicator. Fiom additional in. Wibdelpluaor the coast of Charleston, ' formation received,'! am inclined fully - to concur in opinion with Dr. Caldwell that this place destined to riso to con- -aderabe imDortance. In a recent port made by Lieut Coloi ' hn atatedthat it drsfrvR tn Drbcibaf inlet to tlie sounds of N. Caro. Una. An aDDrooriation has accordini?. lw been remitted fi,r d?nnninr I .Aound-llia channel of commiin'icatinn between Beaufort and Newbcrn. Wash. jngton, Edeoton and other thcr towns near the sounds of Pamhco and Albemarle s FroraUie books of the Treasury Depart. i7cot it appcaralhat its revenue in 1813. it, is now directed the attention of vari-4 ' ous persons in the, adjoining States, and . of man of our 'eMeipiiaiitt.-Jrfciid , Tennessee, in his correspondence with -one of the citizens of Beaufort thinks . f . .-- . ..I Uie arrival of tbcshipNapolcon, of near- aUout 43 "y? anti, 10 more are .ly 000 tous burtiien, formerly of tho ? i!tllC w forwardness, the Umber be. 'New -.York knd Liverpool line of pack- "f drca and most of it laid down: rcts; fcjhe could not had at any o ?? Jeccwary ron it hourly expected, . - . . Ha. I - "tain; being apprcl rchcuMve that an entry M d a. - nance of two Tnilcs, and obtained not ...less inan iwriwy jvur jtti qj touter .more than sufficient for the larifcst mcr. .canlile ship in the United Stetes. I sin- eerily wish, sir, that the t oar of her can- .noil could bo heard id every portion iff tlie Stale, that she might arouse from ' the slumbers which have chained every' . faculty offier sout,.slaincd her with the liuirrrwol'll liitlM-l if lilt, Vm WinLlo . -and place her at the mercy of others raoket There are two packets, the Avlioare engaged id draining tho very Huston and the North Carolina. Thc hfo's - Wood Irooi her system. The Boston is 148 feet lotgj 38 1-4 bfcam; . , health of tho place is unquestionable; as a"d 3-4 hold; burthen 330 tons, and in evident, from the icstiiuony ol its phy. draws 7 1-3 feet water, when haded Retails, of transient residents from dif- the hs two engines with copper boil Jcrent parts of tho country,: the appear, ers, each !75 horse power, ana finished 4ince"of its inhabitants . the ahsonce of in the best stvle ol workmanship. Th .... . .! , lienoaicai aiseascs, ps oving a puco uii resort in the fall season, and from ita k caiion. not suncrmir irom uis tniaimaiwvzzTs. , crianj Irom tbe jtagnant pohij and - rm .A shea of the low lands, but iuhalin? the pure atd salubrious air of the oean. It possesses great facilities for transpor tauoa My eye is on a rock where a Rail Road coulJ terminate, and a ship , r j- ioaa; irom wnenco sne could bo plough ftng the deep in less than sixty minutes. 1 harl;oris easy of access. Capt M. Newborn, iuiormed me thai us bar lu'ntin nl-nn thnfShA mmW.tA AHA that of Ocracocke,. where he had been fS fof upwards of thirty!years, it is i -'r w.u.u-.Wjvlw Wy l1 ,c.ons!ructe, rUhcatiouIaud. locked by ridges as pcrriiineot as the A n- aes, ana wnere Hundreds, il not thou. and, or vessels may Jay perfectly shel tered from the must distinctive storm that ever howled along the shores of the Atlantic. - 'Now. air. if North Pnrntmn wnnM h"18" the-majesty of her strength; " j-. , -v uviiuviaw ronre .of Jl scaboard-then turn ! a prophetic eye to the Ohio, and behold it i r""o vm w, wvaiiu imv ioa s l bosom of the Delaware and Chesapeake: men cunsiruci we ventral Kail ltoad to intersect the coatemptatcd one from Cin cinnatir and-thus-rrfakethe'townof ucaufort a great Commercial Mart fur r .n owicaanu lneD W'6 f1? .r who is we ooutnern ana western States and 77 I.T" V y hf? nto Babylon the gtury i . A VISITER FROM FRAXKL1X From the Raleigh Standard. OURTRIP. w t "''. .; ! e mak0 n aPlogy; for giving our dcrs some observations alaiiveour J"'' wdv 1 f d rr P.f? OI Stwu W rtunJl ,CaroI,na Waly and kindness, Mw,'ai auiich lWcraUc uniie or Aew Hanover. Duj4im and 'mpson, trough which we paSed and P", w make no apology we say M'HIW vuacrvauoni relate to im- I n v00.11"1!. ? Wilmington ",?5,Sa "1 Road. There are 55 miles ;Vimington. is about 2-1 4,1 l6ia ' Wad Evaded Irom Vim "l1 cyUnuous line, Ictidci m,les detached pieces between the erminaUcn ol tho 65 miles and Wavnes. ?rough. . Nearly all tlie heavy cradinfl 5clwcn Wilmington and Waynesbo. V? " couipicica; uhs gap, '.T? . ?a rua1 15 t'r ? Lnfit!,d; 12 !2 mi,;a u11 of J cotn. w.a T d a,r iuusliod, L.m '""c nines at tne XVorth end of trim mtlil Urhuk ...ill t.- 1 - use ov inc r. r l P03. fl connaeuiiy oe. . . 1 MW? rwuu v, oeiinisnea to "J0 W u lu, t House road, before the . r v, hci, ana 1 mta Locomotive and train will cross Ulc INeU8e ?Y Uimt.nas. Of tho Steamboats owned by Hie company, wo iliall not attempt a da. eruption. ' We can give dimensions, speed, powct, 6W ' -lut it is difficult 10 euumerate the various cleganeies ind Cnn V'nfrn tf It ft .. . .1 f uirce. caotns, nesiaes state roomn and can iccommodato 000 pns ' The Worth Carolina is Ml 1-2 feet long; 24 lest beam; 0 1-T feet' hold: burthen 370 tons, and draws 5 feet wa ter, when loaded. Her engine is 100 horse power, with copper boilcrst &c oflho inosfavewnsticiL' , She has. a Iadiesvahdlvrd'gentlenie ura, ocsiaes tno saloon and state rooms, ana can accommodate 80 to 100 passcn- At Present, the hdata nfn fvpfwoan tnem) but two trips each week. Ai.oth er boat similar to the North Carolina will be completed in July, when three trips per week, to Charleston, will be made. The A'erM' Carolina has been runtjing sitico the 6th December last; and aluioush the orders to run no risk of bad weather, sho has lokt but two trips on her regular days. r.-' - . , norm varonna cost nearly sixty thousand dollar 2 dm bout forty.fivo thousand. The Botton has been out in two severe gales, and made a harbor, each irw u?tiiAi. difficulrv. ...... .v.'.' ' . The only builjingsas yet erected by the company, are a machine shop, I5Q by 40 feeVof brick, covered with klalp; a tcmporarv Wooden building for black, smiths' and carpentera'- shops, and a wood shed. Other, buildings will be e rected as the road progresses. There are. as vet. but two loriunnfiuo. An i,A road; but two others, manufactured iu lucninoud, Va., are daily expected. ' The habits of the road are -ftnciljrieavfywr:W'tliiuk' u iiu mipunaui matter; none but tcm pcrate persons should be trusted with the managemeat of locomotives, steam boats, or stages, Wero .this universal y the case, accideiita would bo much toss licquciit Buwaessisuousuanvifullonthe sea boaid at this scason.'and in Wihuing. Urn it is uncotniiionly so at this time. 1 ucrtl is notwithstanding "-tho "hard times. a markwl place, and a sober and discreet rise in no vaiue oi rmpcrty. The Baptists have lust comnltiitiJ lorpi.b!ic wunJiipi and several private dwellings are going u- . . 1 From the Madisonian. ". .. 'THE WEST. ! We' have seen a paragraph going the rounds, relating the circumstance of a "duguf of unusual sire having arri ycd at Peoria, Illinois, freighted with (umber and nrodncn fmm U "t158 abovelhal placed w announceincnt of that -arrival .Mviwu.yiJ. cjiuiici w many pieas tn ts8or4atKns in our mind, that we cannot refrain from transcribing some ofour recollccUonsofa visit to Peoria, maae lust a year since, for the edifica. tion of some of our readers. V have the impression that Peoria occupies one of the most beautiful sites in the w est. It is on tha hmV Al ih Illinois, two" hundred miles from the mouth of that river, and at the'foot of one oi the most charming sheets of. wa ter, called Peoria Lake. The eligibility oflho sites Idngsincu attracted to it the attention of uteFrcoch and Indians, by nuviu ii was once occupied. It WSI burnt, however, during mm m A,t. - r v. vv. Mil muuiwi wun moso people, by the. U S, troops, and has been improved by 'A mencan settlers, but abont five years. Thc 8itc rj.ljmmjheOyjhrce irr'i'iiiiiii. . I r i successive steppes, the second of which includes a width of half a m.-L.fmii; prairie and reaches to the foot of a grassy blufTperhapsa hundred feet high, Irom w hence back info the country ex tend fine arms of rich prairie and heav y timber. The town is distircuished bv one of the best Court Houses in the Slate and several nat and pretty cot tages and excellent stores. There were three, taverns in the cionm saw-mills and a brewery. Presbytcri- mm.t. Sfl lt!.. ; : 'r. ua, iuviutAiisiH, juiuiBrians, ana uup tists. had each a coiiorccatinn. Sionm. boats and stages were constantly . a rriv ing and e'ep'nrting, and these, with the aid of a newSoaDer. kent im an airm. ble state of social and commercial ex citement. ' ; ' t -; ,; Peoria Tike. an in1n rrfslmnnt rt ttm Illinois river, is a beautiful sheet of wa ter, about eighteen miles . long, and va- rymg from one to three miles ut breadth. High .bluffs crown the western banks, anJ On thc cartas low, timbcrdd, hut. c? ,an.d- Th Ma abounds with fish, and i said tp contain forty-six va rieties of species. Some . of them are rara. an d-curioua'rwn- WerecaughUf fish called, the Alli2aJ ior oarr.. me largest was x feet eleven inches long, three feetin circun rcrence, and was protected by a sort of scales, of a thick Of small size and quadrilateral form, giving its sides the appearance of being tcsselated. Its form was similar to that of the shark, and the creature was thought quite as dangerous. The weight was about two hunded and thir ty poundv 1 ..... Another Spoon or Shovel fish. The one we caught was wid )o be a small specimen. It was about four feet bag, and cover cd with a black and smooth skin, re-1 semwmg Uiat of an eeL The curidslty a- ooui it was, an extension of the nose, or upper mandible, some eighteen inches or two feet bevond the month .nA e,r Jaw aod f thin, flat, shovel like lonii. ine.iudi probably uses it in din gmg for food. . ; rf W ' Pc"h, Salmon, afoul vvniie hmh itnfr0i.v iu.. or Mullet, tat Fih,'&c are also found lu this Lake, The surface of its waters aoouna with wild Geese, Ducks, Gulls. Loons, a bird called Water Turkey, and sometimes Swans and Pe Uicans. We found the shoiet also alive with lcllow . Legs, Cranes, "Herons,' &c. Along the prcbbly lottoms we found several curious sjiccimens of petrifac tion, and -some beautiful carnclian, a stone which is very abundant in all the North-western Lakes. ;JThe Illinois is certainly oiie of the most beautiful ofth WMm This, instead of the Ohio "We think should be called La telle River." Its waters are perfectly transparent deep "'""e" r uip largest fieimooaU the current uniform and gentle no snags Tjv., tni vuki oonrucuons, cx ccpt a urrow bar at Bcardstown, and a smaller one at Coppers Creek, bith of which could be easily rcmmovwLV The stream narrows to about 72 yds. at Peru, and the hank, nil .un .M covered tilth fr;k e.t. i . (jiuiciui uinuer, u ttrSlnnLwl I.k 1 i . . ..M.n.u "' gpc vinearoors,whicn when m full summer foliage, adorned . Viim xne rot beautiful wild nouer. im : Ji:nktr..i u l mentw Now and then a pairie inteN vuva uu aianica eeer.may be seen, """"'B sog variety as wcl umiuibuuu to me sccno. . The most imnortanl tntvvui M t .Vr.u uu vim ii. cr are Men jIl. "oie, liennapio, and Ottawa, Many new towns have been laid our as Liverpool, Montezumw, NV esfer's Cily, Detroit. Enterprise, Ills. v vmj, hdu wverai oiners. The Illi nois . canal, commeneing at Chicaeo. mio iiuiiuii river, near 1 eru, ana tormsthe important link con- ".""'"'a " v,,,u wier communica tion between tlie Atlantic n.nn. r lit - Mex,co through the interior vi luq wiuieu oiatcs. . - A dreadful iracedv has iust been it ncssed in Hickman county Ky grow. m vi iiw hmi rccounire iasi iaii oe rwecn James and Binford.l We gather irom inc; asiYnw ian oer and Paris VV.-Temiewttan. --irr-- CoL Ferguison and Dr. Rives, of muis; romt, iriends to the parties in tho Minion anair, were authorized to draft a statement rolativu to tho aflnir. i'tw. laid before tlie public. In the discharge vi . utm oniuc, uicy couiu not agree.- Several difficulties had hrisen between them w ith lefcrcnce to the matter; but uiov wero nnniiv eof 1 1. i... i drink from !he flowing bowl In tho face of this adjuslmcnt, and aainiit the laws cf inan and hurrianily Ferguison deliberately loaded his riHe, placed him self at his window, in front of tho public street: and shot rivers dead as hepassed, (his litUo child Allowed him,) perhaps claiming "Oh Godl I am deadl-Iam dead.H Fcrguiion proceeded from his room to ths fatal spot, and seeing his anvil Tallin iiou yui njvers is ueaar-. I did h. He was arrtted and con fined in a room. A brother to Dr. Riv ers, (Mr. Jones Rivers ) hearing the $sxt day of the occurrencerushed well "arm ed through a -crowd to the rpbia in which F was, and finding he could not enter at the 6oon he brokeihrongh the window-; Ferguison: retreated i throogh another. Some of the crowdj obscrv. ing the escape of the latter, cried out to Rivers-He isotnV At which Rivers immediately returned (mm iU i I f ..wa. aw WVUI, and shot Ferguson at tlie distance , of thirty yards. He fell instantly but was not dead. Rivers approached no one intervening, and snappeed two pistols at him Ue third presented to his breast drove his spirit into eternity, whilst Fur- ;uson Preyed piteously for mercy. livers has not yet been taken. 1 ;i.,':, " rub.jtdfi. We extract the following question which were propounded in the conclu sion of an address, delivered at a Whig meeting in New York on the Cth, of April, 183a : A re you willing that the experiments of the last eight years, shall be contin ued, and the distresses of 1837 increased and perpetuated? If vour Ant tve tut nnl carry it to the polls! . " , . Are you content that the tM. ers under the general government shall be paid in a better currency than is af forded to the people, and that the gold and silver of the country shall be ciged r, fcwciuujcm vauusior uieir spe cial cnoymeni? Answer like freemen at inepolisl;. UO yon think it fair ant hotw' , , . . UWI, 10 timer of rcneraf mfia O w.Mvma ulvUl members of Congress ilvuiM hm eight dollars a day in specie (which they sell for the premium) and at tha . f m awuiv time the sokhera who fight our battlea wuoif m ujvuiii iii aepreciaicu papen and that the same ifcrence should be made between th the people in any paymenttef the gov- ernmenu L,ci tne people answer thro the ballot boxes. . ' Are yoti satisfied that the yearly ex penditure of the federal - government should exceed thirty millions pcrannum and be constantly increasing, when un der Monroe and Adams they did not average twelve millions? Is not the in increase of the last eight years most inordinate? Can there be any expose for it now, when we Ire at peace with all nations, our country impoverished, and our Treasury bahkrupt? Yur votes will embody your answer. v Are j-ou content to seo the govern ment rushini? in debt at (Ka rai r M . o - w vas millions per annum, up this prodigal waste of money? If with five millions surplus on the first of Jan. lfi37. wB;,w nine mUlions : withheld from the State t A Ilnlrktw. II' I '"wi w jrci wereooiigeo to OCT row ten millions for that year, and now want ten more for thia. ever pavi iioea anv mn L ;m - y Kaai w w mm j mmmmmmm Wtl VV - MaCB the government can coHect'30 millions , perannum in specie for expenditures and ' a surplus to meet the principal and inter est of this rapid accumulating rlkT- If there be one who believes this and hft a relish for general Wretchedness and want, let him vote the sub-treasurv tick. eU". -,w. '. -j; v-.--: ,f; Can you sanction and innM t. prcssive and murdemn tiu.. . sued toward the miserable remnantof m .uuwua. Are you willing that four millions ner annum nA j jMOyssh;UlJ)e - r i . " r miiiw-m( Uninhabited moracse rf Pi--i Oen., Jesup himself proclaims that the fceminolcs cannot be comjured, and their country is worth nothing if we had it, and when the Indiana .'ii;n. . submit to any thini? hut Ariln fnf tm. sake of ncacof Do Vina tne industrious christian, Cherokccs from their posses sions, which we have sworn to maintain to them forever? Do you now wish to see them expelled by perfidy and mil itary orce-to see them an unresisting ' prey, to ; repack v and lust? as men who have conciousncsa at the polls! . , . , ... Finally 'Would you havethn om.1 try prosperous instead'of desnlatt ;t- poople contented and thriving iu. than idle and famishing? Would vouY for yourselves. Drefer cmnUM your lndustnv scone for nnd the hope of future independence as a: stimulouii to your exertionsl Then vo wiw US wt taireat ftr t r

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