I.I roaj ra?e tliscu.-wJ "Citizen," there v I CCrt lore last in the 'Citizen," there v s as c' ;.re-jnlcr";:J ' a'f foSpi i.i fads: TI.j first ordr 'of Court therein mentioned, did ryf (a we, sup. posed) contaju any Jif-.'oi baud?; but on ly empowered iho overseer to take all the hands convenijcntto his foad. Thus evidently means such hands as, are not listed on any other road, of afterwards placed on a ny other road '. list. '.I As we wid before, ,thri Court never intend to subject tho same hand to work on more than one road at the same time, withoa. :.i-;,t ?..; P;U:jT; jjot jCtffname, t o orders, such -uve but to apply to ..a obtain; a discharge from order as he can show ought-toot to .claim him; . . -..,. :r ,y 1 yfpjutfUtppirlfas. rdu'rntrfrom' all jhe counties in the State give the follow ling result:. For Vrejitiss 12,022, Word : 11,389, Chiibourne ll,119,pavi 10,041. r So that Messrs. Prentiss and word, the Wlug candidates, are elected by an av t crage majority of 825 votes; ' J ' North Carolina, Copper OrrAbout tight tons of Ore, from tfie Guilford Mine, arrived here bno day this week. 1 We learn that a new vein has been discov crcd, 6ffupcrioripirity"7r Melancholy fFdrning.- Tlie par cnts c thrco children near VVheeJioa Va., left the lijjle ones at home a short "time. Tkey entered a pig-pon, and fi ling tho bed of straw,' were unable to make their way out' The parents a formed by smoke,' hastened l.omc, but alas, too, late to rescue their offspring.. On the St!),' the U.JOarik cbmmenc. injWovcrai times a.d.iy, and a cure Kuj& cueclcd in.43 itoun. . One hundred and thir'cer deaths oc curred irt this city lac; of e'Uiip tioii 18; of measlo? 0; infiamatiun of i$ lungs 0; scarlet fever 4;' small pox 4; mania pain 1; suicide 1; unknown 10. Saturday Courier .f itcn.--Alexander 1 iiLclc William the Cctxi'.ieror, i-.v0 r. - ' ti'nrn v novo irom corru- on id "a wry n .h late Iciicy; lla:.llal and M.lip of Maccdo . I, , . , M- hnJ ivera trotl . oil WUiJ ine jai iiu; : ii.iii.- . , II- . fiirtK.ss.' end the northern ccro vuim, V,m ken Utile else than a s said to . 1Vi vriti;i-. j " iet . V hen oitaire compound ofaias(:s v .Du.. Water Parsnip tf?oiV(-VVe learn from the Galena Gazette that a family named Burnett were dreadfully poison ed, by having -swved tHheir dinner a quantity of the root of the -water pars nip. 'f'be father hastened for a fuysi cian, butjy3uf4mtrrwccded but a short distal when, hyell and never recov- rf-j mi' '- i it i .11 erea. i no cuuaren were an with convulsion?,, By the Jielp of. tad; neat assistance, however, mcy were au ivirig at the la It 'tjjmil. . m j . iSaturdey Covrjer, : . at, Pfitauinn was-first toducco .'nw , c09 pallaco, he was desired to c? , , el where he found Utile tent J?, ? : M'l were ins cunamaciosuu. xuvwi" opened and he saw a little withered fin cure under the clothes shivering with the ague- it was Frederic the Great, 1 ed the payment of specie for " all sums , under a dullar, nnd on Monday i0veral -othe Philadelphia Banks adopted - the same course. i 1.' Import a nl Election of a n ' & iSf. 4nflor.r On Thursday the Iccisfature 'of Connecticut elected Dewiis Kimber T lytTrntod States Senator .-4a;. Iheplace of ' Jnoc M. Niles. ,.Tbe vote stood v-'-t Kimbcrly, ' ' 07 majrity;r;:i'58iv IieilemptioiisirtSH Philadebliia Cit y Savings Institution, we learn, redecmJ their small cirtilicatcs with stiver or corporation lootes, ' VVe shall give no-, lice of such others as resume.---. Wisconsia and Iowa, territories at prcseut, are expected to be able in an other year to, ask admission into the U nion. . Thus we go, and crow. : .. . . - " . Keep your temper in-dispute orquar- reL As your onjonciit warms, "do you cool down. Tlie cool hammer fashions the red-hot iron into any shape need An act ion ha s been hrouifht- in the United Statcn Circuit Court at Neof.j leans, uy uou uicnard ua v nai iveene, oi the State of Louisiana, for false im prisonment 'The plaintiff lias laid his damages at ninety iuusaod .dollars. Col. Keene' in an. argument recently made before the bupreme Ivourt, indul ged in language towards one of its niem bcrs, which the bench ' pronounced di respectful and contemptuous, for, which they iiflicted upon him 'a fine -)f-fil1y dollars ianddmprisonmont of ton days, and Jhu is the ground of Uieaaion. - CJ'ACOMTKAST. AU nmioi from t!i remofrnt Imve hrf !il'S 1 " Columhu only found out th Wiir' to An.erita. IVtfort time of the Rrest Spuiiikh navigtor, pt-p- ! xL-frm flnlV rnnblrit lo pmlille bout (lit Miorri. Jut o with lh Life M-lictirS. in tint to lort, jrwri nince I firt etrea ypon n unJtiiown ocmn, 1 li?pr nt thi pWo" ihjer I trrh "f HEALTH. Vegeuble meilicine wr iji 1eed ttiowo when I coniirai'4 my trr-l, but llteir use w not. My U ue cf IbfMi, from the dejected in- -.11.1 i. tli hl-. hurt? imI dite lPm.f fcuMnii, but. cowninly fpcukin, 1 hv " wed f p youui. i e "r r-.- wh exntrience. w!vip with dencreu 'u5.n.; Horn Hie rir wnt my fcltnW'.. v KGKTABLK 1.IFK Mf-UI- prool bl irw . . h- m CMt J Uve on" file M liy osiice, mnHt refrcc TAYETTEVILXET V- 1:1 . Brand,-reach. Ditto appie, Bacon,' Beeswax, Couee;v'":n-r Cotton Cotton Yarn Corn,?'---;;-Candles; F.F. Flaxseed. 1 "?-Flour,- Feathers, V - Iron, : Molasso, Nails, cut, '" Sugar, brown,-1 ' Lump;- !,.tT;i,sw Uaf,-?Fn:t- Saltf,-"'"W',.ji Sack,' -;J'V ? Tobacco, leaf, i Cotton Baggtng; BaleKope, y ; Wheat, pewi' Whiskey, ' Wool,. : 10 a 23 .a J2l.a13i ' v 41 a I 23 A 30 ,P0 a 85 ' ':.'' is 35 a on file M Hy osHce, a , most rrnr'r,,b,c of )elm from om,df th (,tinXvtr t(- frred in teitimony of Ui.trtuas V VKGETAULKWKDTCINI 85 a P0 ' ined b the ...I'-luUIibl r'-new 1 1 1 1 ..t be mw ! :r" r T.ih. the ttue courws i (!'" " ' . 7. - a wry b:rt tine .will -t'ttt . i.f Suit rhrum, y.rnnprlut, mt tf ril provem.l i .''f i'l'orum oflhe tkm. m rtCo'di and hjlucuta, will lway . red bywirtlMe.' -y . vttii ; v. Hih " CHS"!!, ttlc, - m-iim dy far mi- treii!f nl obiiie m-'.ry mr . I Ale fill deterren Ni.inrt fnd eni rei-)nimeidti'. ft k '" " It ed in tti'm eitj, thst tl.e Kfntor i v . iitvuluitbte HdU, hiiDfcfll kfilictrd thin con.pliji.t fvrupwirdol lUirly five y and thM h tried iu vm'io every remedy p criUed within the. bole comptf tt t teri Medics. He however, i lenirth, tri the mHiriwe whi h new rffre to tb po! I':c, ud tic w cured t rry hwrt linn, nftrr hit reervery hud Wft pro.nurif-l s not. . onlj improbable, luit -abnoJutely 'impoHln, by any huitimn mem. P1KKC I UN8 YUA USF...-"Pe Propriet. r . of the ViiTAHiI-ini r'liudo.'.e not Mlow the beid mprctnry ptactice f the qM rie of )hd1y In ilvii!ni( prion to Hkt htt -l'ill In li-r e H'lunti'iri. ,o jrnod wrcUci, i e puiTly b Vo lequirviU.' These PiJ!re . tiji luk.it mt 'ir-A li.t) ki.nr iiiIlI a . TO 6 7 a 11 10 20 754 " ' . "' 18,'si 7Q a a 3 3 a 4 trie a 25 ! 8 a 12 H a .1 10 " ' 40 a 45 -20 a 25 i- V I' r.vKFMM l K KM AUKS RELA1 IV B Thcte medicine hire Ions; been k nown lo precited. for their -rktrordinry nd im- ur'imr uf.di-f nkarlv evtrv kind OI A-..,. la ah'irt- the human frame w liable. , miny hiiodreda of certificated tnataneea, !.. teamed ruflerera Irom 4lie ? t of i4nimely giave, after all vtc v ery: B0rruir.a tf the day Jfud ltrvly dec P-i ;, mMr tliottatnda they haw per- faitcft, r fcd 'that wiform fnjoywent of manoHri, - Tbich iita nwlt bar r pur. health, w;?ulC!v -nat, WWiid, haa their ef tial hleaaMijr. w , . Infallibly r(d, that fi'-aey ivriah. .i J-,t tban u.irat uou it haa appearad OtCel o'mtwd arith he to thoM who we." J"1 H.ciU: upon Ueaut dally philcaoph. c fr upon which which ihey are ccmpounw au. jr mtAm they conuq-iently act. If . " -nv the feat and auHfcihle action irt . P"") t;- pnnKB ana cnanneia oi ( tac, f--- tl tbe ditatf. t The uul due i from 2 to 5. ' ... tlitf rnitklitiit'iikii K t.atunt. Vrryuate peiroits ahaUl tegtn wit but two. andicreaae .'lie name oi tn cv may rtqwret laow moro rn!iuw r i very Cuvct habit, mav b-gin with 3. d Increaio to 4, oi eyen 5 INUt, and the '! eff.xt a nfiiMent hapny change to foide Itw pticnt i ih t,f ,urthr "be,f time L-rusit. tl vomitifiir, though trery t...lniii u. ,c",-,,,e eiunupen ia ij "- hfter ma7l eonaidered favorite aymp. reliwed, nd py .;' uUSfs; doaea a tea apaon iuu erery "t operateaj for' child frcm ona to ' Jer ' e "lf pl-nd from 8 t ti. Beef in market, i, ' Bacon from wago'su ! by retail, Butter, L. 'rt1 ' Gen. ki&iberly is a disiinffuished, law ' )er iitKcW Haven, a genileman-of ex cellent cttarueter and a! true Wliij;. -(r ,-. . ' , " , Three citizens of Charleston Kpck, wnosey names ' (sayi the1 Mercury) we 'ore not authorized to n6bli$h,'liave con- Iributcd' each ' One Thousand" Dollars, for the relief of the sufferers by thclale fire.-" I--:". : " . : toort , frauds in pocking, CMIn- -An other attempt of this kind has - just fcen discovered at one of the factories Jnjlhis 4orrff i "w6t ba Wav-f lfoyghlv et," ana of CdUrse "destroyed, which -lhcrawill bo no difliculiy in-tracini it 4il oncd to the tin where if wasjtacki -co. f The iicrpetrators of such frauds -Will learn, afier a while, fhat it is a o . l jig xusJiK'k, uur trruDgcmentS . i)Cing luck that detection' must follow; . : Ji'u6J&4laiJet frim1 tntemver qncer-A '. horri4 piurder fortcurred 'at VonJalia JU,' on the K8ih ult. A.jGor. osky and Nclbn, Bail were at the coun ter jof a grocery drmkintf together in Apparent friendship, when the former "A gentleman came in iho lrlita boat, going uppa tho plan that e ichanco i i no robbery, look a pnir of new. .boots ior snocKins uaa oia ones; Airica- uus, the polialier.' cHiighi a' glimpse of them 6n the feet of ilie 'exchanger,1 j at the .Franklin llous. ATbfinctulat6r had to haul ofTand hand over five dol lanfor damages for; Scipiu's Wounded fcd'.PS-'r tha(me.'gcmman,,Jshould think all's fair hi tlw boot liie. . f utldenly drew oQt a pistol and shot the inttcjr :'dead"; Jpykoslty, who is a ' fugi livo i'uJc vas jinpiediatoly arrested and "biniuUlc.4 1 rtstli, t o Lord Broucham jias Kwtie to I'aa to Pfltnrn lior Ketre"! ' 0'cr 80 persons have dieJ at AVon es fer of ihe'small pox: . , ,' , 1 he Metropolitan police the last year costJUu,uwr fX ? ;; ,,,, ?j! I The deposites in the Savins Danks of England for 187, , wero over twen'y and a hall ,muuous , sterlings JtUOOdJU) oHr'1830. ; , j --"j-;. i - :, K.r- Beeswax, V? Bala, rope,. Cotfee, Cotton, Corn ;.JJ:u., Flour Country, i; ; Featfiers from wagons Fodder. ya itiaes green Iron ! f ' ' i I11iie;c9natit)a Victwria.-ii5xt)d for June20ilv ..ir.Lt.l:- .-i' "Sir Francis Bufdett was h dine with tlie lVnes ef Liverpool ou St. Uo6rges day.J Times have changed wonderfully since Sir Francis w as imprisoned in thib f r. L!.. ! l i , ..... I lowtT, ior im rauicai aua irevoiuuon- ry pfinciplvs as the l'orivs called them. . llcHryJIIewutson, Est, 'deceased, of Weslmorcland, ias left 800,000,' the largest fortune; ever accumulated by a private fodividnalinlhat kliiro. . He was lurnicrly uold-laco .mnn to the King.. i Snain.- Gen. ''jQ'Donnc!, hasicaptur cd liQ tbrtjof yerarbut the fwou cs- capca. " . j-A . ... ;.,: Indigo . IdinQ;.. Lard . Leather sots Lead bar Logwood New Orleans Nails, cut assorted wrought -f'. Oats .x . - . ;J Oil curriers ' lamp . V rr-Jipseod rAH 'aints, white lead r : i Spanish brown ork"' 'XT',:-" '':i''j'"-li-, ax KIC3 1 ShoUbaV-.'tV ; ".avV pound J-2 Sugar, v Sal,.sacki.-4 v4,:4; salt Steel, American German :. .'.I I . ! "A 't,vas sentenced on Thursday week in the Circuit Cpmt pi CampUill county, rytoid1.ung oti Wfirst iVJay of June next, he having been collided of killing his vVifc, by4 beating ami kicking her iii ujnost shocking maiinerv It Sa s. been propoped in. tho British liouenf commons to abolish the punish iixntof lrdiiFxtrtatioiu 'i 1 . ' 11 " 1 i i i A ...I.' rnlnlute "of pomn. Doses of sweet oil Willi finely idvenxud char- t uitl, lias iwon found au. ctluctual ami lUdclor arsenic. Cure for wounds in Cattle, It Is mid that the niot aggravated 'woumht a . . . I . I . . a oi cnuio are easily cured witn a rxn ttct) - oi uie.i PtK oi cit, inixea in inrence jijirils of terpentine. -Bsjhojho paru packet ship Philadelphia ha since uirived. , . V ; ... " The prominent subject of interest was the succul ul issue of a scicutific exue- oitiontuuderfakcn ut the exp!nso of the liudson s tay Company, for tlio survey ef iho 'Nortliern coast of America, i ? 'Cn- iUMU t.Ji...i. i.,-'" n-iuiiuutc iiuu iusi uu n ruccivca . irnm Dejso -ind Simpson, the lea'dcri of the expedition, that they had surveyed the coast between the extreme 'points laid own by Captains Bocchcy and Krank .0' ' 4 1 i - 'i, r. Inn I From tiro Saturday Courier. V A PUZZLE.- A maiilought cows, sheep and, geese in all just 100 in . number, v He gave $5 for each cow. $1 fqr each sIkjcp njid 81 lor SO cveso and paid ul iiist,lon.i uv many oi ea,cn .Kinar,,rf! Answcc nutt wc6L';A ' 6 a 7 14 a' 15 12 a 20 20 a 22 10 fr 24 10 a 12i 12 a 16 7 a 10 75 a 80 650 a 750 . 40 a-45 100 a 125 r.,-,; . -ft 10 500 a 650 j 75 a 250 350 a 450 Hi a 122 23; a 25 . ;io 10 a 12 45 a 50 50 a CO i 8 at) 16 a 18 .40 a 50 75 a 100 125 110 aJ25 325 a 425 8 a 12 600 a 800 450 a 550 225 a 250 10 a 87J V 10 a 1'A '. i allow Tea, imperial - . . hyson , . ' p Tobacco, manufactured Window glass 8 x 10 300 100 J2J ':" 14 12 a 14 I 10 a 12 125 a 1371 100 a 125 - 10 a 50 325 a 333 i hem Kit rettewed ton aou ' they were imlchted lor their nam.-, which aaa heatowed wpon them' at the aponyweona request t,f aeveral individuals whoae ; Jivt they had obviously aared. -.-:. The- proprietorjoicea-in he opportanily , afforded by the uniter! d fTiikion of the dai-! ly press for plaoii.j hit VtOfcTAULK Llr FILLS within the Ariioled;e aim reath of every individual in jhe community. Unlike the hoal bf pernicioui quuckerie , hich boa' of vegetable iogredkuia, the Life Pilla are purely and aotstt taeaTAati, ajL contain neither Mercury, Antimony, Arsenic, nor any other minend, in any form whatever. They arc entirely eomnoaed of eslNCta - from rare and ncweiful nlanta. the virluet of which, thouph long; known to several Indian Tribe and recently M soma eminent parnieeeatical chcmiati. are altogether unknown to tne ig aorant pretendera to medical acieoce; tad wre n'.ver before administered to ao bAppi'r -atticacKiui a cmhinalioi. , ' Their fir operalion ia to looet-n from the coata of Hie atomach and bovela, the variout impuritifk and -cmdiliea ronatantly aetllmg around, themjr and to ren.ore the hardrncd fsooea which collect in the convolution ol the amall inteatinea. O.her meJiciura only pof- ally cleariie tbeae, and leave auch. eotltcteil mtfaaas behind, aa to produce habitual coativ neaa, with all its train of evil, or aadden di- arrhot, with. its imminent danrrra. Thiat.c ia well known to all rtrular anatomutai who esanune the humane bowel after death: bid hi ace the prrjudice ol theae well informed men against the quaek "medicine of the age. The second effect of the VEGETABLE LU K PILLS i Ivdeanae tlt kidney and the hiad- dr r, and by this meins the liver and tne lung tlie healthful action of which entirely drpmili on the regularity of the urinary organa. - The blood, which takea ita red color Irom the a, geocy of the tKe 'and the lung 'before if pal ate into the heart, being Shu furi6ed by them, and nouriahed by food coming from a clean" stomach, courte Ueely throun ht vein, renew every part of the t)ti ro, and triumfihntly mount the banner of health in the I looming cbeek. . - 1 he foUoame are imonff tne diatrcaiaing variviy of hunmn.diuaiea, to.wbich the. Ve getable Life ftll are tU known to be inial. Iible: ' '." ' L.. .. 'il .n ar'itliin 10 or It cover, j ne ui' ' ,- . , houiZ .d nevrive pain, unleaa the bowel, are Very much inewnbered. They mav be taken by the moit uenc circumatai.ce.wtt ia, hoveTer.recomnend.ed, that'thoM in latter' perils otprtgnaocy ahould take but one at a timi, nd Ihu eon tiuue to keepibebwl ojhii- d I may be taken ahere the putieut i very co- H ve. One pn tn aojmn om, " full of ry oe givt n to n infant in the - ralluw'kT doe a tea pnon lull e eery iwa houra five eea, enejjiv V1T ITTrBL are o cilted. tWnlr.ng et onatitation, aalhe.P x vigor throng the C lw ,lfe fn m tUe aii i i t a .id to-be retpr?a - . he P1(Bll, Ji.tf- - are - - -ltt'i t.mfi!iiii..M v v- . m . . -i :r....a i. "" tnat! 4l TOW ifuvvr ei.tirt : . eRuble "a - weateri cvtt'itiy, which rdl ,,'lldJy cn p4 to eradicate GUKS orjl L wa never; v, tnftn'leiy enlirrly allihe u-'cta cHltrtii, : w tlV)ij tif ioonrr than thft.ntvk vwetrui prek 'ire tbv Sartaparills, end V'H 'mmediaiei deterHiiintlon of BUKJ1I TO TIlC K never fail in .the iclf rtfci in?pent to e. '"Jf BOOT-AN D-SHOE FACTORY. CirIIE subscriber wishes , . i iq inionn ius irienus I .1 i.i: I - ri aiiu i iic nuo.ic umi uc swi continues to carry on the above business on west Fide of main street, and nearlopposite tho printing ouicu sna isprcparca wun eooa mate rials to execuie all orders in his line: ho haa on. hand and will continue to keep an assortment of coarse and fine BOOTS, SUOES, PUMPS &c executed in tho most fashionablo style. niai warraineu genuine., ne rclurnca his thanka to tbo public, for past favors, and Iwpcs to receive a continuance of tho same. Repairing done neaty at shortest nonce ue lias, on hand,- for sale, quantity of vpper leather. !, : I tV , . . . : E. p. MOFP1TT. 5 tVsPCP3t A, 1y"tfioroujrhly clean i'mg tU fir.t and tecoud tomacha, and creatine a i flow of pure healthy bile, iuttead of the aiatc and acid kiudt FUUultncy, Palpitation tf the ear, Lm of Jlvprlat. dittrt turn and tlead- fAr, lititkune, hUtmpcrt Jnxitty, Lum. "gwrt nd iltlanckolif, which are -tho geocral ymptam or Uyupvpaia, will taiuali, aa a aa tural eoDHquence oi u cure, Uvlivtwii, y cleanaing tl.e whole leng'h of the iuieim with a eulvrnt procew. and witliuut violence: all violent purge leave the bow la eoative within two days. " Viarrhaa ad I'koitra, b) removing Uiu aharp acrid fluid bv width theae. coiupl iuta are occaaiuiied, aad by pro- moiing the tuoncativa avretion ol tde mn cua tnemlriue.TVw e aia(, by rtato ring the blood lo a regular circulation, throng It ute procrt ct peripiration mumc case, and the thorough oluuun of all inteatinal ob struction mother. The LIFE PILLS hr been known to cure lihtvmutitm permanently h three wee'ka, and Uoui iu Jilt that tiihir( by removing local inltunialioii fiom th nitio- cte and ligamenta ijf the joint. Droptin o ail Mimas, ny treeing a no airtnj;Uiei.iig thi AiUrieya and bladder) thty ivrnte moat de liglitlully on: theae important organa, ami Ueuee have ever htr n lound a certain remcilj for the wot cea of Grartl. A No,1 Ifurmi by (iialiNlgmg from the turning ol the boael the atimy matter to which tlunc creatur in here Jsthma tmm Vwmmptwn, ly relieving 'the air veaat-U ol the lung Irom tue mncua, ahich even tight colli wilf occon, which it not remove' berotnr hardened, and pro duce thoae dreacful diteasea. bcwvty, Ui een. and InttMutt Utiim, by the leitcet puri ty which Iheae J.ile Pdla give to the blood. aud all tne bomorci tVutoiC i.rnfi,m and Had Uvmplcjewm, ly ibtir altenuJivr c lect upontua nuul tnat feed the tkm, lu fcmalev and will be found cr'aie rcuca. in all eaae of nervoua dtbilify - rd wki..M . hf the moat . impaired conttitation. At A remedg for Chronic and Inflammatory Bheiiv matiam, tne efficacy ol the Phanitf Diner wilt be demonairatcd by Ihe ue of a (ingle botlte. I'l-A I .1 r a I . L'.... I. 1 . - ........ IUK vi uieac Diner i nan a wnie glaa full, in water or wine, nd thi qtfhotitv njay be taken two or three time a dar. about h-tii ,m hourr before meala, or a lesi"junmUy niaype tskenatalltin.ee. To those wbore ' afflicted indigeation after meala, tlteae Bitter will p,-oe invaluable, aa they vtf greatly iocrewae action of the principal -viacerai help them Id rforni their function, and enable the stomach to dicehfirgi Info tlie bowel whatever ia .offensive Thi imJige tion iieaaily andapeedily remtNd, appetite rcatored. and the mouth of the tbsettnt vev woe.i.if cicanta,mitntion,iafMCililatbP,and atreiigthof body and energy of.nind arc liie i imv rrauiia. ror farther particular of JOt FAT'S LIFE PILI.8 and P IMF KIT bit TKUS, apply at MctTatSifafSee, No 546 Brod- wa,new xorfc, where the PilUc.nba ob. ained for 2S cent. 5'J cent,. n l k.... aud the Bitter lor ft or 2 per bottle. -(JNumerou certificatce of the wonderful etV ficacy ct both, ii.ay be there inspected. In ome obtii)teaud complicated case of cnrnic nu uinjmmiiory Kneumism, Liver Complainta, Fever and Ague, D) pepiia. Pal. ' j, r ue, injuries iron the use of Mercury ' quinine, and other4dicaae of four atandmg, it may be found ncceaanry tip; uke both tun ' " Life Pills and the Pheenij Bitten, ia the dotel KawfnPi iAmmahi1ii,l .. , , , H. U.-Theae Pills and the Bitter wHl get f'1 U"cx?y out f c Vltem idiait4y.J,aier than The beat preparation of Saiapari!l,, and are a certain remedy for the rol.j,.g cf ood ; i. iii TW4'M ntt"'tCMealtie done " '"'"'i ah persona u nu are predispo sed to apo..exy. pilsr, ttc, shodld never be without the Life Pills cr the Bitter, for one -dose ia time will save life Thev eaualiie tho circula-ion of the blood, draw all prruure Irom '; the head, reatora n-rn.i-t.nn. rl throw off evrrv u. . r' IMPOUTAN t NOTtCE. Pemona usirir the. Life ledirin: r.M ,A. rUed to frlcttie r.V.i '.at aipht, in suflieii n 4unimra xo operate two or three tirrtson' the bowels in the course rf Ue neit dny. AU ao take a tnhl spefln full of the Hitlers hsf n .hour btfore ea h iral..Por H.otr hit di -icateorenfeeh'rd cons'.i'u'Jtin, lialf thraurn- my my 6e auHicieut. 13-ly (tT Ff,r further particulars of the above medicine, see Moflats';4GotI Samaritan--a copy , of which "accom panies the medicine. A copy can also le had on application to iho Agent Mr. K. G. Moffat at Ashcboroujrh N. C. JUST It KG E IV ED and FOR SALE at my slcro in New Sttlem. JESSE II1NSIIAYV. 20 If. ' . WANTED. i FIRST RATE T.ULOK,S wmT IA thin nlnpA rrnit nut lin ii .kn. k- U. A I I'ui uu iiiuii. iiiuia morbid atate of which orctnons all HrvptM 1 w no doubt but it Would prove a i AtUmrrt V P HT oq i ow3 a 1 morom ataie m wnicn oremons all J&vptM "t. v. " (Aslicboro,May 2,J80 hin cvou aUdokra& IjtessjOi hj.

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