Jj 1 i.i A THE LAST TOTATOE. I is r.iv last, last potatoes Yet boldly I Mand With t!ie calmness of Cato, Zly fork jn ray hand. 4 Not one in the basket? , Must you also go? - (With sorrow I ask it,) Shall I peel ye, or not I could relish a cold one? t-'- I'm hungry I find. ; You may go to ihe Old One! I've mace up my mind. By heavens! to dash ye At ouce to the ground,' , . feero? cruel; 'I'll mash ye! -x Perhaps ye're unscund? . Ln's naie an inccssin, There'." ro need to peel ye) ' Twj!l let in the vision,' ' . T-o iudjeifve're mcalv. " . ' - Kov wholesome! how turfy . .. !Ii. smells through the misG Good bye, my sweet Murphy! - Qh, w ho could resist! ; If in that blest Eden, - - t I'd a toes had been -' - ' ' , Of Fruits tlie forbidden,,. i We still should have sin: , For who in his senses, ; Woul4 lnS b tn doubt Twixt earth with poratbes, Or Eden without., 1 ' ; From the Saturday Courier. MUS OFTEN UNSUCCESSFUL J?y E. C. Bishop, Esq. ; . - r ; I have long been persuaded that theree7Maoy of the younger portion of the is a greater amount of brilliant and ef- community may be under the impress itctive talents concealed in comparitive ion that the Mtam Ship firom .Ea obscurity, even in individual instances, gland, is the first to perform a voyage than appears upon Uie theatre of public across the Atlantic; but their elders will life. Nor can this be deemed surprii-. remember and it should not be forgot ing. llemarkable success in ' life de- ten that this honor of lle first achieve pends upon a great number of;'adventi- ment' of the voyage ; across the' ocean tiouscircuntstances, as well as upon by steam is due to Aincncaii. enterprise. . unborn genius and .personal exertion. 'ihe steam ship Sayannah, in the year And even where the latter are nofwan- 1819, made "a safe and' successful voy- 'iious may render them of no avaiL Besides merit is usually associated with img, me;ornier oy proving jmpnipiw . n dslinguiedLldcgreer cf roodesty. -itd lhw4 last quality, though it ; may g rai the pages of biography, and charm a social circle, is but liiue better than a " i rag chain to an aspirant for popular, i'aryr. It acts indeed a kind of pu iii trtia, and must be overcome by some iery strong counter attraction, result i!g from necessity, passion, or -jprinci- - ;", . - I reaicmbcr many years aco, the hisrh TUiticipations clicrished bv his friends. wi the election of a certab, distinguish- cd lawyer, Mi. of Connecticut, to ii-.c ccwic in uic t iiiuu iniaica.. ah i -wlio knew him,' believed hi Ji anjinmg inai couia oe acmevea dv a s lainea permission to look at uw editor s .giant ifitcllect, long Iraiaed in the proud- ledger. Having found that the man had - st confiiels nf-Jbe forunv-and stored paid bis bill -for every year, and 1 was with afl the treasure of wisdom. 4 Yet, ! not ir arrears, he expressed himself sat Fession after session passed a way and : isficd with the result tf the examination, be opened hot his mouth. His modes 1 and attended to ail the orders forthwith.' ly was it great that no considerations ' ' . .u- ' - - -could induce him lo put himself forward " The following is from the New York on this iicw stage, wherf he was never-! Evening Tost, a Jackson: Van iBurcn . 4heles equalled by Jew, and excelled paper; : r-.r-.--- dv none. ' A project was at length de- "Vised by l is friends to draw him out. I . The chairman of a committee on.uhich Mr. G. was second, excosed himself through indwposiiion, and J the province of making a report fell upon the New JBsgknd Senator. - This report, ai had . been concerted, was as jailed on aB , sides by, his friends, and its merer 1 of ufsSMMMnipU&t!l6 its defefider." The stratagem had the desired cCect In the course of a hog and animated .debate, the pru. :lenu chairman gave an exhibition of intellectual power, which excited universal admiration, mod placed (urn at once in Ute first rank -of his Senatorial compeers, llad not the friends of this gentleman been more rolicitnus than himself about his fau.c, it is not probie mat he would ever have taken ihe commanding -position which be or cupied before the country. A more striking illustration of the fact 1 Jave. raenUdnddfcniav be found Lti the history of, Mr. lVatt lawyer of the last century. " l liougli his fuuiily was influetiunl, (his f.itlRT hnd been (i. J.' u llie Kittg's lieiitjli,) and he bad received til the advantages which the "'tijivcrsi ties and runs ol court could aflord, he .va nille yearlt. l',c t'1 viiU4ut uty irospoct of cnaAmiC!.nit or. suiccss JL'.srkod Jv .'.Ida 'illifiirimif' l.oH pvu-hU of changing bnptimpton for i n c 1.3 I re .1 Lis f.i 1.3 f n tj , -.r llccy, es:cr.;.r.:3 L.orJ v,. ::.r. ;r who dismded l.i:i f.'c-:n it very tin ' This gentleman got l.ir.i employed on a case with himself, and being ill, Mr. Frail took "the lead, and displayed so much eloquence and legal lore that his f. ft W a a . 15 reputation was established at once- After this h;s me was jrapid. lie be came Earl of Camden and Lord" High Chancellor of England and was . the- same, who resigned his office rather than conoar in the. resolution to tax America. Thus t we observe that a most- commanding intellect, and the mqst extraordinary attainments are1 of tut indebted to accident for success. Proof of Lvve; While Lady Char lotte Bury'i new novel "Love," was in press, the following was handed about j as a uuiu nvui wiw uuuici iu ui piupri- i . t .Li -..a. .1.. -rr reior; - v.; , , 1 Dear Sir How comes it that 1 have jno proofs of love from you, since last 1 baturday r. 1 have waited with 'the ut ! most impatience. Yours, etc 1 , ' , , -I . y en. i . To the above lovely story the face ; tious editor of the Bommercial adds the ; following-A food a story is that of the piece of music Une kind jkiss be fore we part for which a lady enq6ir ed at a irusic store in Philadelphia. The ; music had not been Tcceived in Phil .delphia when the inquiry was made, nor had the clerk heard of it. The lady, too "had m ade her purchases, and, was rcti- If- ; tiring, when suddenly turning rouridJ1) hcom&. common drunkard, and she saidj Uh! 1 lorgot: u one kind kiss before we part." ' No sooner said than done. The handuome looking clerk sprang o ver the counter, and befoae the lady eould explain, he had imparted a kiss to her sweet lips,-wilh a smack tliat t3it walM - ' ago iruin Auujuua i Europe ana oac& again-going first to England, thence to Sweden, and Russia, and thence back to tlie United States. Shff visited this city after her', return, and lajr at the Navyl Yard stmie time. These facts are familiar to us and others; but, as we have already remarked, may be un known to otfiers. AW. Int. A IVtli Conceived flint to delin quent subscribe ps to newspapers, is fur nished in the following anecdote. Tite Indianopolis Journal states that a mer chant of Cincinnati having received an order for 'spine goods from a .man in a neighboring State, went lo a newspaper ouice, aiiu naviug ascenainca mai: me ob- rlt is NOT TO BE DISPUTED that our manure hair arlora iha, sciu buiiu ui iiiings anu no party can witnstand the odium of such a condi tion." ' ' ' .. '. 1 if our mastcrs do not remedy the evils that ' exist we are overwhelmed be v c rd any prcad venture. r MTfe prcscut state of things is not to be cnaured. ' ; tltmediut. A friend of ours Uf"c$ts that hereafter if toung ladies should discover l6lc in their black silk stock. ings just as they are dressing lor church and tneir moiticrs should be too cono; entious to darn them, the v had better ; j .L.m Mi ll :. " . . aaopi uic viiai iim remcay, 4, e, buck the skin wun mk opposite to the hole This is one . of grca:cst discoveries of modern umc$.aiubury rVuUhman. FronklUts ViesUr. Thatcher, author of Indian Biography now lectur ing in London, staled latcfy that he had disicovdred the identical press at which Frai.kliii worked v hen, with - WaUs on lY" Crist visit to London, his no lon ger used, iut tlio wricr lias refused jycuty guineas for as curiobiiy.- A composing slick, known: to', have been j in Londojj, and Ifouht ahigh pritf r rankiui s, was lately sold lit auction to --,"' i a Pc t!.;t crrar.;;o-r-. '.: I to rcJucc t: ..V , Cr.:'..n to uew Ycrktj a 1.1 il.crt rracc cf r;i r3. The Yzzzzrzt l:avcs Gas ton at 2 P. !.!., arrives in Pctrnl urg at 7,- resting there or b-llichmcr.J4 hours; he leaves Kichmcnd cny in tr.e morn ing bleeps the next nif.U (if he has a good conscience) in the Steamboat be tween Baltimore and VL".!idt!ph:a; at which latjer place , ks arrives early in the mefnin and is awakened onlv by the souud of the bell of the boat for New York, wberehe arrives by noon. . " Better StWl By .the 14th inst the Rail Hoad from Petersburg to Richmond will be, in peratipn when the parser jers leaving Gaston at 2 P. will have a night's rest in Itichmond, and yet ac complish the whole trip to New York in 48 hours. t - , : '- : And Setter yet If By , the close of) this month. 12 miles of the llalctgh and Gaston railroan will be in .operation, which will give still greater expedition. And when we add that the completion of 43 miles of the .Raleigh and Gaston railroad, may be confidently expected by the 4th of July, we think the speed attained will be sufficient to satisfy any man who is not running to get married. Jiaieifh Star. Drunkenness a ease of Divorce By a law passed in the State, of Maine, which will co into operation next month it is provided that a divorce may be de- crcca, in casceimer or ve paniei is or shall so continue for the space of three years. ' To 'havt Music at dinner. Tell your wife she is not so handsome as the lady who lives across the "way. . Poetical JFillAfmthsa been insti tuted in the Ecclesiastical Court of Sa lisburydisputing the validity of the following will of Henry White, who was killed in October. 1833. while re turning from Wey hid lain Mary Ann, you are my wife," . ' The joy and cumfort of my life: What providence doth give to me, vncni die, I'll give to thee" HENRY WHITE. The Globe says that the whole ad ministration party throughout the coun try must and will ' very soon have as Ut w uuucuiiy u -acuag as one man as they have in thus acting ia the new e lected fcenate of Connecticut In that body, one man constitutes the entire party horse, foot, and dragoons ' ILouisvule Jour. 7 The spirit of Democracy is creeping iuiuijr vvcr umi Wriioie umon Southern Mtrcury. The editor of me 'Mercury prob- uiy intsiBKos a sea lor -tne snirt ol the Democracy and his head for the whole Uuion-JLouisvill Journal r-'- Tlie City Council of Charleston has passed ah ordinance Abiding tke ic. tion of wood boJdings for the future in the city, under heavy penalties, .r 7V.e toy at Sceptre. The sceptre of England is made of gold, the handle tiained, tha upper part wreathed; in length about two feet nine iuchcs Anda 'luarter..' ' " - - A dandy Jack. One of our Jack tars hv Ardcnr Square, was amusing niouelf vith remarks on passers by lately, .when a dandy came tripping -long jvith his short legged unmention al le laslied rather tight at the bottom, j say friend,' said Jack, aint you got on your breeches rong end up: 'No fel- IJLdoyMaAtMideandy. V hy,'-replid Jack,A youv!e got, the gallowses W the " wrong, eiid of your I Magnificent donation. tfA ihatCapt Isaac Watts, -of Mississippi, deceastid, 1ms bequathed his entire es tale, valued at 8100,000 to the colon i.aticn society, and that bv his will he emancipated the whole of" his slaves 170 in nu.Tibor, , " : ; Increase of CArittians.k tablo has been published sho a ing the nrogrcssi ve iucrcase of Christians lrora the first cen tury to the present' The first century is. put,dovvn at 500,000, tlio tenth at 60,000,000, the 18th at 250X00,000, and the 19th at 200100,000. . , . v 'Why Tom, my dear fellow, how old you look!" .Dare mv. IW, r,. ti fact jg. I never was so old beforo in all nyuft. - . . ' r ' k " if l:av; ,: . "F:!rrV, I r. r - ii 'J my he j i!)vca urJcri.!;:: II tr! ir;;?" "r&:.:i,"c:. iia i.3 t!.:.t r i L:A yea a hand at tJ.it rsrr.c lut it's c"Jst you'll want thr wiJrr.c; sr(tt,:t ihtfur tijfxs t!;o only part cf tha tui nccs I understand. ; Absence of Mind.llr. tmlach, late tTiinistcr of the Muirhourc, near Dundee was rcmarkatb for his abscne ot mind. In his prayer one day he said, '0 Lord llcss all ranks and decrees of persons, from the kin;; on the dunrrhi'l to the bes- pr on the throne." Then recollecting himself he addedrWiTirom the beggar on the throne to tiic king akie dun-hilli" ' v I 'tv, Valuable, ToqIc ; and dnti-Dyi peptic, ; ' Vegetable Pilli " . rnilESC PILLS -sr etlled New. because JL they have not hitherto bee offered to the Poblicthty reellU Valuable because their value ha! been fully tetted by the Inventor, by practice and experience for iCTeral yean in a section of country peculiarly subject to iruinna; a wtutrvj vi l ilia Bina. These pills are entirely Vegetable, and may be taken with safety, by pertous of all agea and conditions. a Wbe taken according to lb directions accompanying each box. iney are ntgnij oeaenciai in me prevention and cure ot the; follovinr diaeasett Fever and Agut, Dyipepaia or Jndirestion, Platnlent. Cbolie, Heartburn, Furred Tonne, iaton. tion of the Stomach and Bovela, Incipient Diarrhea, DyaenUry or Flux, Habitual Cuit ivenesa, Losa ef Appetite, Worms ia Chil dren , - ','. AD eases of torpor of th bovela, all caaet of pain in the Lead which are cauted (a l moatall headaches aYe by disordered state of the Stomach, and in all caaes of genera) weakneaa after Fever or other severe aickneaa. Though very efficient, they are exceedingly mild in their operation, cauaiag neither nauaea gHping fcoT debility. : - . . " For aale at Jamestown Guilford to.- N. C, Alto at Greenaboru. Aahborv' aad Lexington N, Cv -Price 50 cents per., box. S-6m TeTiaa of iiMlsVO Regulsled according to the lies olutions of the lata Editorial Coo ventionof N. C.) . . Circulars for Candidates &e. of ordinary length, frtfta 68 to 820, tccording to the quantity of matter, and number of copies. Pamphlets. Suppose 21 du odecico pages (site of the "Man of Hesiness)--500 copies good pa der, folded. . . pressed, ' stitched, trianed &c will cost about fetO. IIobsb Bills, will cost herr. from -S3 to -S6 according to the length and style in which they nay be displayed. . Labels for Books. Bails of aim ... at . A." . ' '' Bolton yarn &c 52 a thousand, un less the quantity be snail thca the price will be 1.00 a hundred. Blanks. Warrants, and such blanks ts are usually kept on hand fur . Clerks of Courts cannot be had t this oHicc under 75 cents a Quire, or five cents a, sheet, if less than a Quire be taken. fiheriLs' Deeds, or ordinary Deeds of coowyance, 12 1-2 cents a copy, or 100 a dozen; Attacbtaeotsi bond and aQ davit, 25 cents a copy, or $2.00 a dozen;' Deeds of Trust, sod Bills of tale, 25 cents scopy, or 2.00 a dozen; all other blanks not k,epl bo hand for Clerks, but printed to or der at 2.00 a Quire. Any instru ment will be furnished.- and cor rectly .filled up for 01.00: "and if mere utaavtce or calcv tat wn want ed, the charge will never be lest tb&n $2'00, but may be more ac cording to the circumstances cf the case. Tj"!" " N. B. Nothing can be printed, either in the paper, or out of it, for less than 1,00. , ' ! ES . DR. W D.L.4NE. (" HAVING rcsuraedUie da , . - ties of his. profession, ex pects in a few days aii assortment of Medicines fresh and genuine, selec ted with care by himself. He may be found at his odce at any .time, except when professionally enga ged. His charges will cot res pod with the pressure of the times, viz a visit . of ten mUet mW be charged tea dollars. fmedirin Sn. eluded ) Greater and less distan ces mil be charged in the came pro portica. Ashboro'N. CFeL 1B?3. Sr. D. LAND. fTXii'h UC sulcrllcr has jt rc U RP..4 it row rccciv- iivj a supply cf GOOD 0 fro Lew York, and intends to sell very low for xash, and . he wishes his cus tomers to receive his sincere thanks for their past liberal support and custom, and believes he can give satisfaction in future. , He invites the public to eall and cjfor themselves .report hath been circuciv that I e.n about to quit tho the latter nart of this nnmr,vV' and w to sell all that I possibly can before I go, and leave few or i gooda on hand while I am-from home, there fore I will sell low for cash. And all those who do not wish to pay cash will be accommodated on good terms; all former accounts must be settled eishcr by cash or note before I go; therefore I hope all indebted to the store win call and close their accounts without delay, especially tboso of long standing. ? '---jesss iiinsiiaw; New Salem, 5th month, 11th lesa . WL Keep 'Moving! ; npiIE SCbscribcrs wis.? to inforJn their Customers. n.l ittii .,l.t:- .Jh that they have received from th&Torth goou.y number of new rare r, of a superior quality, and wi atta h tho same immediately to their . " yOOL CARDING Establishment, which wUl enable them to do business w style ndt to be sn-ncvt country. w ",UM fn! fiPki UMchl0 "Kch they nk wdl Prepare hatter's wool to an. iweraccod nomnM tatluuit k.: Thev will rA w take jo navmeni snch nrnAiwn n. --v.v, wn. vusunwyy priCCS. JESSE; JESSE G. HIJiSIIAW. N B. Till TtliTJ!. man m that my own personal , attention will be given to Carding, .throughout tho season. I shall spare no pains in tivinsr satisfaction both far and near. Good rolls are always insured when the wool it prepared as laid down in the Citizen' h auuitncr. JESSE CIHNSIIAW . May, 182a 18-tf. -' VILLAGE HOTEL T1IESUBSCRIBER informs the pub- Lcthat behasreccntly purchased tlio Formerly occupied by .Tames J$ot lso, South west corner cTtho Court houseSquareinAshboroug llisrooms are large, pleasant and commodious; and well furnished with every accommo dation for boarders. His table too, it is confidently believed, willconstantly bo v. hi buvii uimxi as io give en tire sausfaction to alL He hopes tlio wd be hbcral in their patronage, and in P JITTF VlJ? W n n ir - - "M. 1 1 afUav . gccA jutq .?,aAM ,ro commodious and dry, wd bo attended by good and care ful Hostlers, and kept plentifully .upplicd with all the varieties of good provender, i .ar,a llmted to call and mako trial llo ttunks lie can give entire satisfaction ft A llf PftniV Ti rr nt. Jan. 1833. Ui mcrcantuo tinccs wi.icn is not my prospect; but ttfr't is I expect to vis it mv children . and t ' ia Indiana i'i JOB PRINTING OFflCs,- " - 5

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