f 1, X 3K .1 , 4 i -r, .-t put 1, . i . '; '. t ( f Hll ? " ,:it I 1 tho , i. 3 ar ! ' vl . f it), !i ..j a r-rtil The Li:; i r r:o "79, fiVcra ll.e ILtloigh Register. iiu,tlxr words the mass of the eommu- -e our bst but little has been done. miy. oitf.t to t protected r T '"-' . . k . . possibility Ol uie iniiure wi ,u;u mijh'uu- sn pr crews a pcimu, pi-jn:S - fiofa bank. Thesttnlv ot tho cir- t!.3 establishment of a Katicnal Bank, culating modimnof a country isthat fac- - - . . . I" . I I.Ir.Clay took occasion to submit tlie fol ulty of a bank, the propriety of the ex- lowin- rlan for a Bank, which will be Pcise of which may be most controvei ! ' ..- t 4 ' . ir- i" . ted. The dealings with a bank, of thoso read with peculiar interest. We have who obtain discJun,s or mkc depos- - , , t. ' . I W w I , u 7 - - a t 1 ' ' - I ' k. ... 1 .. - - I axI I u .a. - no. doubt, inai a large majoiuy y4 !cs afe voluntary and mutually auvan -people of the United Slates will coincide haircous and they are comparitivcly few tn Ws caressed bv this ehlchtcn- number, -But the reception of what j i ..& is issued and used as a part ot the cir ; ; ...J . I en atmsr medium ft the country is Whilst I am up, (said Mr. Clay,) with scarcely a voluntaryjact, and "thousands Ihcpermissionotil.e senate I Dcg icave I take it who have no-Qincr concern wmi subicct. Toere is reason to believe Ided and secured by tliccare of. the le thal much honest miiconcpticn and gislative authority; the vigilcnce of the some misrepresentation prevail hi. re- few will secure them against loss. I rird toit, which I wish to correct. It think this provision U a desideratum in V . 1 '.I.I '. 1. . ' . ! I .t . . I". I ias been supposea tnai mose wno arc i our American Danking, anu me crcun Jo3;rcu3 ofscici ng a Bank of the United J of first embody ing it inn legislative act States established are anxious that a I is duo to tho'btatc of New York; I 1.3 ex. 'cr. i.vvry iyprr , i t'tu.o Coven ;:.it l..is n'i' i ; 1 i r cra-.l it. Vorty years ofi.r- ('srr.iro ty tljC (' : wrnsity c'xery where 'in tS.e value of the eurreu- laci'.ity i nil economy in dmcsti; exchang!, and unexampled prosjienly in the rrneral b"sm'?snl W ronmrj', wiih a Bank of the United States; and. without it, wild disorder in the curren cy, ruinous irregularity in domestic.cx changc, and general prostration in tho commerce and business 01 me nauor, would seem to put the question at rest, if it is not 1o be perpetually agitated. The power has been sustained by Wash ington, the Father of his Country, by Madison, the. Father of the Constitution, .'l 1 arid bilvcr. We have a w:.ip. J cu rios :tv to Know bow it is expected that mc:: .f ts w ill now I a ail Alx e all .. ,.,t.li;!;f tn know whether Ills Vi euvuKi' inly that the "'feur feniifn dent reorcyeiitativcs v ill have to Jut up with Bhin Piasters. We do hereby enjoin it on, Mr. Diddle of Pcnnsyl vidua, 1 make the enquiry: and we hope our rep montative from this district, w ill make known our wish lo him. Salisbury IVatchmun ... i !;UV -ilcrliv.Thsl portuad i. . JasSL.f not UiC I coplc 'j .v.itni'S.t m J a !.! time ctth rolu-. ;. n to revt lion or sank dwn u. .,isg jotharg and mendicity That Yj js now in tho process ih being an luimlml cheering and consolatoiy. , .- : The steamer James Adams, Ct. . . . ntt 1 Chaw, arrived at Uhai lesion on ahuiv day,, from Clarksviilc having on board 13 Indians, men, women and cniuiien,- .- - . ' ,akcn prisoners by Capt. Bullock, of thu , The new Ten Million Treasury Note Dragoons; near Fort Taylor, at tho Bill (amended, however, so as to take hcinioftho Si. Johns rivcr.1 andbyaMarshall, thc FatherofhoJii.;away6ome o, ,,s tnn A!nlnr If rirnonilpnta nn not tct llR has uassed the House ot liVprescntativcs Aid-de-camp,Capt. l'ortcr IA. uison, and gone to the "Senate, and will of Lt. Burke and Lt. "Hill, viih two Com- , course pass the body, with no less alac- panies 1st Uegt., Artillery, also cam rity for the narrow escape it has had in passengers in the. J. A. , . t the other House. In clliircnce had been received at In all the annals of legislation, we pre- J jtcv Bfscavncr'ttd ult. that Aleck llajiv . 11-1 l" - lJ !. .11 !. :1 . V. . I L. ..n..!..l. t ....ill' diciarv blindiv followed, neither ought llicy to bo wantonly ; despised. 1 noy ,aro me ev'ulcnco of truth; and the force of tho evidence is in proportion to the intcgri- establish them. I think that on no oc mnc, no parcllcl can be found, m ail its the Seminole chief who negotiated witti casion could there bo an array of great- Circumstances, to the history ol this bill. Uion. Jesup, and surrendered io um,, er or higher authority. For one, t hor ill past its third reading by the casting had been shot, wuh all his iinincdiu o .chartersholdbe,ranledtoan. King State institution, hich has an eminent the bank at atl times,' including besides c rence lo submitting ny judgment to nAn U,. ' rtin , AJ '.. nn,.Mii,.l th Km- individual at iit head, ar.d that this was usual heads of information, tho. names IM opinions oi inose wno now ueny u,e VT "rZT. U "uc" ' . ' I t nv w, nad them now beg our trcps 10 auow uieiu theles- tn nnuin and assist in exterminating their late allies, Sam Junes and Micias- ihn nl -,bipr.t of all their exertions. of cwrv debtor lo the bank, wheikr as power, however respectable in , .',- : l t I j ' . j '.V,:a' l Lp , ' 1 'amrmiivciy oy iiu votes ion Kowl wish, for one, to say, that 1 have I drawer, endqrsct or surety, rjcriodieaMV0 . ,r , Bli, v!-ii-- Vll.r niuoti tn . .. i ..!!.. 'i . . ... j '..t:- !....;' P.,,' itr Prro int. wmrf R mv Bui tlie opeawr vole added to no sucn purpose in view, i ewer im ly exniuueo anu open w puuiw jus pvc- -...-..0 v . r.i... .. ; I :r.k. u..fj u r. '.i :.....: : ponvirtion nre. 1 have no mten ion of ...,e numutrtifo me votes, ana uiu i- t: . T -1- -Li- I ' . .t !ti i i . :.; iVumnl u nmsnnl ri' nnw nronosilio"! to allied ttld. proposition. DO the nt" i;t! m finnnrr. und irnW UM ..?m.in th hnnk . thfi mtom establish a Bank of the IWI Slates.-, lually paed, or rather escaped "'J -""T'l . . "-vi -- V i . t-.r .i .u v vnln nl ft mmontv. Aj. Inf. . neg- bill ac by., the : . . 'i : .r - - i. . i .u v... patriotic .There is but one other per- and extent ol the responsibility ol any voujcu w"o mm tou Avu. Knn: connected vitn the bankin? insinu- ol its customers, mere is no necessity me wvum -u , . w . I " " ' ' " . . I ; . - . ! : .... - l " i 1 r . .1 .t i- tions of the country in whose adminis- to throw any veil ol security around ry wane 01 iuiw w oner slcu b projj-- vorrespor.ucni 01 me oiaaisonian. traiioa of a' bank of the United States the ordinary transactions f. a hank. saL should regret to sec a Bank cs- York, May 21, 1838. I fcliould have equal confidence with Mr. Publicity will iocrease responsibility re- tablisfieO, unlets it were clearly called .frTho" attempt on'th I)art Biddle, and this is Albert Galatin. who, press favoritism, insure the negotiation for by 'public opinion. I believe U Js fif yrhi l0twaifl lawav td ia. Iam glad to learn, at an advanced aw, of good paper, and, when individual in- JJl jurious tendency of the financial inea- retains, in full gor, the faculties of his solvency unfortunately occurs, will de- of the United btatcs. But of that there f y afni;nistratiOn in hi. late extraordinary mind. There thct citizens equally com those two gentlemen, but I them, or am not acquaint particular qualification. ukiei. i - The naval detachment lately enga." V gcd in Lt. Powell' expedition, have gone to Pen'saeola to join our squadron lor Vera Cruz. This Fi-uadron, is . de- r lachedto protect our Commerce from iho consequences of the French block ade. , r Lieut. Magruder and his company came on in the Madison from Key Went to Key Biitcnyne, jnd : then be shipped - - 1 . . v II e 1 - ' - L I " QUI oB VI MIW ItO I UIIVII III ii! 9 lUiW I may boo- nrive the bank of undue advantaires does not cxisi, pernaps, a.ny conclusive petent with uuW enjoyed by bank's pracilcally in the evidence. Let u, wait until demonstra. " 7-,-luf&t. Aoguauiie. Ar nnt Vnnw Lt,tr;i.Mt;nn ftf " thn flpr.i. nf ihr. itwnL I tions of their will, shall be clearly given; " . T. . . ... " i 1 7" ii T I " hft schr. t frwwci, ...... " i ... r' t www no wuouiif remarKaoiy well under it k r.kiw8 l.. rn M'lih. tl.pir I vAnf I ana ICl US an puoiinu hiiu. ior one. a , . ... -t. .1 . . wmiiaiiiwuiiHiuiui;iiitu'w w . . , w.... - i , , . i . . . m. . .- ... ins in-iiLim-m. iv. iit.ii uiu uan v mnn. i . .1. -. l t : -.y.- nhaorhil'i. tn tliAiP 1..rlwi. t v- -- - - .-. ' i u . . .. - m: . . ..... I I 1 1 . MltA.(l. Ia .I.aIm fl..Ml.I..rt a. a iimiiauon oi me civiaenos so as wiaii.uiuw ,v.k-k.v . f . AfWrinnntn rni.tinn. .... .. -l . I " . ...... -.. : 1 . i. ..'!:...,..;..'.;::,."-..""'-" " Uut it is not lor an existing &taieiianK not to authorize more than per cent. awv u . . nll1t -rt mnv nrtifim vnlrnlsn irt.0 ,!...i..-j:.m ...T U.J i.. l fi.:- ...:n w i....i. l . ' .'in i l . : , ot uny pnmvuiar niuiTiuu.il a, n.nc-u, io iuiki. ii w m uimuc : . - , I troy his professional celebrity. In vain that 1 am contending. I believe me es- expansions in the circulating medium,! iirorame uiooc, 01. may i :. enrnn tv..,u ,r.in: ..r f nfiliQhmAnf tit n I .n nl rl ttu 1 1tiitPn I nnrl rAcfrnin lh imnrnnAr OTinnairn nf I : T. a J-.. a At malini an. - . rv . n r U iiituovufe vm ' v w . v rvi v. States is required by the common good J business in the of 4 he whole country; and although I J bank. " misbt 1-e willing it it were practicable, I .6. A proslwcti to adopt an existing bank as the basis Irate of interest, so as to restrict the bank hiftn-fot the ExDlorinflrExmdiuon. was ..a r jm.aI. v y'flitt li-.ifi .1 I" firfMlnrv. t Ia i v kav Ait . k... A. if v. a a f C .m If . t . . . . f . L . .. . stances; I think it most expedient that a J ble, to only five per cent Banks now I c;yhf The bill was ordered to bo en- tjc w bank, with power to establish bran-1 receive at the rate ol near six and two-1 crossed, and subsequently read a . third Cap- Indians on Doaru. sauea irom-inartcsion last A uvouaj niiviiivvu iv iin v'ium. 'r- LAorlylkJIcralaV i vnrisionner , tu uviiuw .v-miij .i ,v -j'- u;cir iiiiuiv Aouior niriii. imp si-1 . : r administration of Uie propriations for tlie naval service lor dan in chief, assures them hat R paragrapn '.".nf t" .... - I thn (.iirrAnt vcr. ivn nT:7n r.i-ini!rnif. ; iU A.tU :ii appears tO SCllIC . 4 ' i . . i l . . I " .-" j -w-y " . uiu uvaui luiiio 13 aiiuuvuivi iiiusurv. I I . I 1 . I VOf reduction : III the I TUn mnlinn l trllri mil lh nr.rti-nnrin. 1 I ,l.. . 1 Dim Place Ol - - - - - iiii a u . iifi . ilui. Km.a u maa m mm u sa w aa a aa a rui 1 ' 1 u ia wa - aaaaaaa ' a ama ini Wlt41 au W a HWUWI IIVU l ailja laftj III I 11 I 1 1 A. - J . X . I . - Jaai lL -J. ... a 1. J II 1 - T . dies, ue crcait'u suu uiarmreu unuc-i uurus per cequ uy ucmauuing uio in- uine And pss!tv -Tu series ot resoia IKrauthority of Congress My friends terest in ad vane, and by charging for ubns ofierfld some days ago ly Mr. fso far as I know their oi ihions) and I an additional day. The reduction may r-jav. renuirintr the reccDtion and dis- are-not particularly attached to this or be cflbcted by torbearing to exact any bursemcnt of bank paper by the Gov- lliat individual, to this or that existing bonus, or, when the profits are likely to eminent, was called up. An amend- Lsr:k,lut to principles,' toT tlie thing it- exceed the prescribed limit of the div- ment to the first clause of Mr. Clay's clf, to the institution, to a well-organi- idunds, by requirin that the rate of in- resolution, that the Secretary of the zed Bank of the United Ftate?, unde'r terest shall be w lowered as that they Treasury shall issue no 'order niakli g ahe salutary operation of which the bus shall not pass that limit. . , - discriminations as to tho money or me- tiness of tne coantry .had go 'greatly - 7. A restriction upon the premium dc-' . diam of payment of debts to the Govern- profpered, and we had every reason to I manded upon post notes ,anJ checks u-1 ment, was olTcred by Mr. Webster, and tape would again revive and prosper. sed lor remittances, so that the maxim-1 adobled. Several , other amendments .And, presuming upon the indulgence of J um should not be j)6rethan, safjyonc I vvcre projxised, but no question taken on ine senate, i wouia now iae uic noer-1 ana n nan. per com. ueiwecn any uvoMcnj. ? iv in nwruettt. for nnhlic consideration. ItliR reinntest nointu in lh tTnion. At. I "ome of ihofe -fuitable conditions and thou;h -it may nof be practicable to Yesterday Mr. Clays resolution was every ry is a device of his federal rivals. lx ua .. i 'k:. ...!.- rvi.. I...- i. - rf1 i cr exactly 'known; - While the bt- - t Z Vi . 11 WWS,I1TT rPhcrs this i,lus,"ous navigator ' The destructives assureusihat thews are J? .r. ,u, k- . 6? but so many evidences oTTOM. jj 'EfJS -f fCL I ? prosperity. I am not much given to que- L t vF h?- M 10 - tatioWt am compelled in this instance TjnZ ll! toexclaiminthelanguageofShakcspcan iZffT","!: -Can such thing, &, 1 . . And oVrcome f. like . a summcVs Z CarJ 7f,CuCT. w on; cjouj , trcaL ISow all doubts on this subject . Without' our special trondc'rW " V? TS. tI'I.a, a distinguish- ,., . ' ed Piedmontcse.archeologist. has just I hko the nervo al jvrsevcranco discovered in the archieves ofCenoa. - of Mr. Boon, of Indiana, in pressing Jul the authentic proof that Christopher Co- very proper reso utioa There must lunibus was born at Colagnclto, in tho be some innate independence of char- republic of Gcnoa.-This document is a ' acierinniscomposiiKm, wn,cn win not Metier by the government of this statc- Conmbu. The fol-' from a Paris paper tho question of the 'Columbus: ." : s ucnoa. rer.w. until now tnebirtn permit him to be muzzled a ia ilamer. dated November 7th, 1586, to their Am-; The vote, too nearly two to on in bassador Doria. At UArA uu. a ... a . ' " I V ' . " ' a a 'a I I I.. . a J ,aL a W.A.a.10 a..: la V.. MZ I I lalVlIli UlI'llIS "I Ella A 11(3 11 1171 1 II M ? fll I I A in IhA lAllf.iiM a-., a... . . Aa"L a restrictions under which it appears to regulate loreign exchange, dcpcndins as locoaicu m me Wna. wiiihwi any unai'--- "1'7 , -":'Vf. '.";. , . igLi tnnsio-. "1 I mnrt i u:i rn inni inn iriona n t r it I i. r . l . ... . .. i . v..'. nMinMi rrmimi in navnum . m in " . .m i. h .vhu. vi mu vi. i i uh uuui hi iirnnn. n nnricn union . i Io. .uverypracucaiiieprovisiona'jainsii'j"''' v -i'-v .i,-,. ii;-, . n . I r . the exercis of improper influent, on decern branches of tho public reven- f ?,2S?i,f.to cul,,a ta' ' 5e. nd that an income shall of the part of tho Executive, onon the bank, T?3S by a large mojoy of thatj V"?,:7:,!r V ,of.Ul preservation of and, on the part of the bank, upon tlie body; and posMbly, that which make, - , ouiiding,- ccc 5:c. ble, elections, of r tlie' country. -late t hnpei at.vc on the treasury Vc? art- V"" : i iZZS : i: :! " ' !r i it. . . i c t ......... j .. ..i Uflnlln riwuivn innavmnnt Ihn . n.iln. ! vvivwuuui iu wy uu iumi . I Dnnn Hl'n mcnls on the 1st January next, was yesterday passed by the Senate Miudhunianr - Tlie 'bill authorizing the issue of $10,- 000,000 Treasury notes, passed (he Bank of -the United States ha. been. 1 meat lo receive in payment tho notes believe, m 1 UHjustlycliargedvith in- ofouiid banayblc,andt)aidiida. terfcrc.:. - in the popular elections. mand' in specie, under suitable reguta. There is, among the public documents, tiohs to bo, prescribed. . - -svidence of jts having scrbpulously ab- 5 Mdditohian. stained from such interfcrcm e. Itnev- misfit'- . i- .i - a'.a ,un in.A:,A J 1 Thebdl extending tho present char- right of self defence by puUMu'ok such ,OT,r"l5?"k! for tW0 ars' 00 reports." speeches, and document, a conuuion u. i u cy tuoh: c.e pay tended, to plac? the4 institution and its administration in a frir, joint of view bcf(ir(TlepiiblicrButTli6l)Co'pirerH leriaui a junt jealously against tne dan ger of any interference of a bank with lhf rli'rtwifis nf tliA rnnnfrt? and nrti precaution ought to'bc lukcti strictly to f,ol,i'c 'Jf RcpreKniaivct on the 16th, irnnril nr'ainsi it. ; ' , ,; I by 100 to V'J. A motion was made the This is a brief outline of such a nbwM"-1 V" IO econsiuer, wnuri vai r.c- Bank of the United Suites as I think, if P?lved by the casting vote of the Sj ca cstablishc-d, would Conduce to the pros- for nere ucnS 1IU lo . ,he voting pcniy oi Uie country, rerhaps, on full ;' voaiK 'F"i ioi. diacusion, some tf the conditions which Vie of lhc North Carolina delega- 1 have suggested might not be deemed P."1 00 1,s fa-sagf was as follows Yeas exptsdieat, or might require modification ' MCMrfc ynum, Conner, 1 la wkins, l mqortant additional ones may be iUV vu'i uoni6 "ty. nays. Messrs roseil by otliers. , . - ' : Debcrry, Graham, Kcitcher, Charles tjiiyjiuio, niumy, uiia:n?. vniilC mo tion to reconsider Yeas, Messrs. Cra- hem, Kcuchcrv A. II. Khcppcrd, Chns. Micpard, Stanly, ! Williams. Nays Messrs. i)num, Conner, iiawkms, Me'' Kay, Montgomery. The bill passed mo ocnaic, on me oui, by a vote pi 27 to Ufioiein tfrfintrr. and pro 1 will only say a word or two on the cunrtitulional power. I think-that it ought, no longer to Ins regarded as an ojion question. Thert'cughl to be some bounds lo human controversy.. Stabil ity is' a ncreasa ry' want ol society. A mong tlitHie who deny the Hwcr. there are many who admit the bencfitg of n Bank of the United Stales. Four liii.es, and glider th; sway of all tlte.xilith.'il irti6s have Cjugr.:a', dciilxyatcly af' tefion, At a rnetting of the extra tho lfojiorttbiu Secretary of tho Treasu ry, gratutously informed the members : : J. J . . I' ; wmnufti io oy on ini-i nnnn itt't n inn c nnmhor ril nn, ili.nn , : I . . . in ... nn,.....MA...i.i. .L.i.:.L. i -' she nmorious Bonnet, of tha Atr; mi,Tv hvw nmiiwDiittuie iiiu uatlkH v. 111 m ' , , . . of tho country to foci safe in moderate- Xork V cekly Herald, a neutral io pol-. . a .. lift 'fhti hn .aa AMHAV al 4 ly extending their loans is, to have ' v. J a ZTim 10 P8 re s which will r u uuiun in .mo iohow- , insr hicrh etvlc: AIas! i'oor Van RniW Th Vhl victory in Baltimoro following on. the heels of the oho published this morning Irom Virginia, has, we fcari givca Mr, Van Buren the asthma. Alas, poor Vanl me that it would be desir aLIo to cstab- itdotis urn commercial cVn, not MUt-sf.on being; taken. Mr. Webster "'uw prema,.ves w.-i noi, i phcr Columbus, of Colognctte, an illus :. i : . . i . . . t'. i . - . - - . - - - ''... i . nr. j . .1 i(M ioisiirrn.nnMiiirn witrirtnr i utinrrimin i .... . . i ? . I.ih a row Imnfr. -, --:- e th n thi ronirol nf anv , teamen i amCuamciH wa amnuwi.- nH T ' . . .i.vua iua-B yuu--UiU8l Know. SlOCrt ' i 1 ..-w w.ai W V. ... w ..aw V . a " . . ftl.ak a"M;a .ai. Aa. Jl- a L .1 .1 I a- " 1. The capital not to be extravagant- I think that it U othcrw ise with regard to doubt, that part torb.dding any d.scr.m- ' " V. ''-1' . ?Tn."-w you ar? m fP8! na?.a .wo are ,nform- v lar?e. but-at the s aiftctime. amr v domes:ic exthanire, ' W mation being iiereaner made m lira mo- - v. - 4 ' N.nnureuiRiui win, mat there shall j m r -w - w ' - - . a . - . - ...... ....... . ...... . .. . m . . . . . !".. . . ii r iL rt I suuicicnt iv. enanc u. io . pcnoriu jiie nccdail hi anrial duties lor Ire Uovern- sment; to sui olv a treneral currency unilorin value throughout th e Union; .and to facilitate, as nigh as practica .the equalization of domestic exchange. I ;luppose rtiat about fifiy millions would -answer all tliose puqoscs. The stock .might be .'divided between the -General Government, 4hq States, according Jo ihcir federal population, and individual suEscril)cre. Tl:e portion assigned to the .latter to be distributed at auction or by private Eubscriplinn,'. . '.' 2. The coi )orat ion, in the spirit of a rco!ntion recently adopted by thuGen- trat Asscfmblr&f thc13tafc;T4Te-T)f ubosc Senators 1 liavo lhc honor to be, to re rcivc tuch an orgntiir.atiyn as to blend, in fair prf".rtion. public and .pri"ate rout rol, and combining public nd pri- vate iutcrcsis. Atul in order to excluilo the rxisiibility of the exercise of all for cijrn influence, non-rooident foreigners to be prohibited not only from any share in the jdniinistration ol the corporation, but from Wiling, directly or indirectly any portion of its stock. Although I do notmyMilf think this latter, restriction necessary, I wonlJ mako it, in defence of honest prejudices, irccrely entertain ed, and which no practical ftatesn.an ought entirely to disregard. . TJw bank would thus lc in its origin and continue througlwut its vthole existence inc American ins'.itul ion. , 3. An adequate portion of lhc capital to lie M.t apart in rod(jciivc stocks, and "jl.utjd in jrtianciit security, beyond tJicrt-arh tf the cuvporation, (v i:h the ex rcpiion of iho iicciuing profits on ilio-o 4.V cks.)uCii:itnt tojay priiuintl', in any Congress pass gome measure prevent luturo meddling with the cur- rencyby txcculive UfliciaJs. There mut t be something on record to i cs- train tho capricious exercise of extra- oflicial twwer. ,We must have no more C LlvLilli lAUAaUAUAiaa alUllllllVll 211.1 Jl. . M. IlILt'. a a. . . .... I X. - ..u L... tnicss I can immediate y ncirocite with certain return of rood old iim vm Qtcen Victoria for him, he will be in no the reaction has not reached . tho busi ness classes; nor have the mechanic and laborer yet lound a return ol cm ploymcnt. Tho winter wing past," the throng of mendicants which thrust thcmrelvcs on the notice of tho passers by at every corner of the streets, are somewhat less numerous ocd import u natc, but still tho wail of fcchlo child hood and helpless ago is heard m tones i)osition to assume her hand. A story is told of a monkey in a bari ber's shop, who watched with great in-' terest the movement! of a man shavint?1 himself. Ai soon as the man departed, the monkey snatched the razor and draw ing a few strokes across his neck, cut his throat So it is with Mr, Van thi ren. Ie has 'traveled in tho foot steps' , of Gen. Jackson, till like tho monkcv' of supplication, wliich sadly contrasts m,tat,nfl,'e man shaving himself, ho ... i ' '. . . ..,.. I tlfll Till Ilia thrnnt i has cut his throat. If the whigg manage their cards well,- with Iho merrv lauirh and chnprfnl f . . T ' I , II IFlA mhirra ma. whose buoyant step Winds "along the 13: pavt. indeed until the administration 'Ji ' "x T t Tn, , began tinkering the currency, tho an- i,&m7J? P,accd ,n 1,10 Whig side by. .,r '.".... i . t wwi! e aowaniA rernn inn in th JdlUIICU Ul . K! ri:t:l.M ImTII 112 in 11V u. m.v ork was extremely rare si but during ovcr"mcnt- and must have it. , the last winter our prosperous conunu'l , " .. 1 mty bad been suddenly stricken bv the Cuunlh, ThnamLin. ,.f n , I . .. . . I . .if .1 uiuwiVff VI Willi MMm hand ol power, and we behekl Iho sad Mow-, in nnr,! t. ifrmliA tllith ai .,w..iui.i vi t auuauidiiugviiuci, mci nones, were burned down ch Mondav nord ol surpnants which imiiediil ourl nicht last: tVcaionrd hv KohtmW . a .: 1 a! I a ' la a a' . . 'k I Baa - . " , - J w .. Carolina It'atchmetn steps throughout all the priu-h-lu thor-