TRIAL AAl .tUtlTAL cr YiRUlL A.fiLV.Aitr Capture of Jt t:n Murret Jfr.. Warrf n It is with great jlcasi'w ' .t 1, as one of your pfct;xrs, cov. v.icac to yuu tlie iriai aci acvii Virgil A. Mcwart. lie v.v. o?wr-cd Vh !.o crimo of lar cnv as you no vlubt i.eard) by ilio no torious "Matthew' Clantori who cxeittd every nerve to ajlcct the everlasting dis- irUCiiOil 01 OUl C1.iUiIIWIi.mvuhviv tlmt hft fStflunrrt was'guihy ot the charge, but by. tooth er person than by those w ho were his ia;th:ut adherents ,and consequently, e Cjually base with himrclfc Butjhanks to iieavcnUhts testimony was destroy ed and eel aside by men who were os c:iii tor good character, and decla red U.a: rf-e v. onld not .believe the per son. who had given in the testimony . .:.fK in rrtirtof Justice. wh6re they were inicrwted. .Mora .feeling. remarks' I hcveV hcardlrom any Aiwrney wan thusc made by trc awnuuya w uwwu daut; they were in truth extraordinary After tho arguments had closed, the iury ware ordered to re tire, and tea very few momenta brougnt in a verdict which declared that thede- fendent was not guilty ot tr.e cnarge ai l.awt j"rrbi fin-fair Mr.biewariwa almost universally cor.graidated.-l be case was joexua. j:.,-.r. tK3 it merit a place in the history of our bclovtd country. The arbitration of this casewas consigned to . : Vraiutv.fChoctftw',) which a... in the countv which it resides in. - Thus termmated the trVal of Virgil jA. Stewart ; V ft now, raw l fut,-r niarctt beneath tne notice of a man of , honor, by hi fake -J 0,At a met 'w.: aiiup jri:gsil iifcl'Oi!J be refit to the trx: wi'.huit consultation with the i'wUtl.t Delegation.. Mr. d ale crn . V einitt;"Cu um rohev rrtiroscd. as tfmriri::n and av. cillating, and calculated to bring on an other Jndinn War. Messrs ijtmtjfkui and Cuthberf were furious. 1 ho fop mer declared, it was quite immaterial uijat Congress atid the President did. Georgia was lctermincd to rcmovo the- Indians frmnher borders. vi. !ii?c.t:h of 1 t . i- . rr; rt.;ffl?n ;to 'ce, rcfusH to :iir. ' frw m-Gb into tho house or ?;jme I'r.f f-!ir Tirnicrs. and Vl:? vviil fin J nt l''f.iihnAhlr',f .h:st them, rlnrin3! nuw?prjpcvs, no periodicals of any kind, :;ic;,;tir In'ifcnsiVe' ati-do. The and hanltya book. As w-h incn , to jojtf'viarylcd his hoie bv shooting subscnbo lor a paper, una mey m cnwindevvs, and Wr. yba they have-no time to read one! & M:i'wVe and children, yos ex-1 ISut who i w constantly employed as to -r f-m-. t:.wi loUiira for tlie iininuvemcnt ol nosea loan lnccsiia m uiu ui w hi.v ... -From tha- National JEntcltigenccr. .L' , - Frnm Nw York fASnresrondent. a,nd other rourccs, we .rcgiXit to learn tlie "Korthcm- frtmticr gi owing Jout' of tne jeaious ana irriiawo it-vim, oi m diriduais.on both Jsides of ifie dividing line between tho United States ahd'Can- ada. ;This fcclling has beenmanilcstcd, in V tart, bv burnint tundry tersoii8 in isfligy, among whom we are-aorry to ICarn that the I'losidcnl fct tne unnea States has MifTercd martTtdomi whether because of his havini exerted too much baits pacing through the house in vari ous directions.. He, however, Imd Ijs rifle at hanJ,, and ;' made good Iris defence, .killing one of the party,- altho' badly wounded by a Tnfle ll in his left arm. It is stated that his bed, in w hich 1a v ft vnunrr rhiht. was lilcrcllv shot' tO j J O - -------- - pieces, and, by a. miracle tiic thild-et caped unhurt. h;a tiiul? ' Not tho farmer, certainly. for the long winter evenings atl'ord him several hours crcry day which he might devote to reading not the mechanic, for instances arc Irequent whert tlid in dustrious artizans, have aftaincd to em inence in tho sciences, merely by giv ing their leisure to sway . r.. rlA lnat trioninl R(liftlrtr8 nf caned unliurt. . uikwiuw . t j.i ... k. i Pmf. Lce ol one ol .the ly gratifying (otsed that justice, -vthoogh (English Umycrsities; and yet aU his cd- ftAnuirrd duril) loiciiro wnicn 1 no louna w niw Mia uivuiiui iukiii v,i : themst Ives under ll ncctsiiy'bf pay.1 employed as ia journeyman, carpenter. ill doubtless ine ia 1, .v.-.w ratlier tardv. has at lcneihl)oeto neted , u . v ...... . . out ri-ho attacking paay na ve nrougnt hit . miVh . ftai'ttiitrca "as Will makethbm 4,hjo cautious hereafter in executing the'- man'datca, 6( , Judge Lynch. N. 0. Picayunr, . : i MueUan of atiction of Aniiei ii m nnvinu pinnra iiiu uiuuii i ."-" -..; to read at least a newspaper, and those who plead the wanv 01 um o n cuse for not taking one are almost . al wv. ihK Lsi industrious. '-: . . iVnitiintr AUffht to induce the father of a family to do without a newspaper and rear ins; enuorcn m ijjhui Ti.avVni hn'less intelligent and rcsnec table, and far less hktjly to succeed in Ule than those who enjoy uio uuvama of hisSh. been ener, itheyt ectic cnouch. we arc not inlonned; nor; "17 much matter, If-be m consciona C h ; of having done his duty in the premises m'"' Sf - Y.-Evan. . " , 6 r.. ..- siirti of mancv earned Dossession otlicr.r . .. : per repose,- -; - f, PtSJj ye according m. 4.1 ..nrrpii on 1 hcrsdav ana n i . i.;,.w t-tte wftm entirely consuincd by tl.e trial, of which 1 was Pennsylvania llall and attcmPtca) , jj.-tt, rx; n ta Attvliim for inmirent' calored " J.l'Air ,a .in4 i . ! notice -oi a v r i .w j 0--- - - ......iiwa uiv uviuuuvh v ovuuu ui, auu oharire while VirgU A. Stewart tsdis- cn;Wrc at the timoof the late mob.-- 'aRet"'he ;had 6Dcnlv demanded who tinguisned-and .Uuided in a -maimer i lhe-jiiyor 0f the clly tottered. ;oW marry oer with a imall aumrehe aimosiwiuiMM - r- . . w . aioftnnfiM.ilui.Mm iJAwii.'MW kiipuiuuk. w. m v. v- r j -7 f Wo,,fd beiatisfied with the feast, and-in We make the following extract fromjho , 0 the money arising from the nrnlniilaiion of the Governor. ' 'VftWoT the handsome women setved as Whereas, I have learned with.', the ; a portion to those who were either of ASITEBOHO, N.C. aha viiifftAn. . Messr&tttorr, It would no doubt bo oranfying to the people oi Carolina to be favored with the above intelligence - a m 1 . 1 M - . a Bin I would, therctorc ueinaoyoui-uuiu insert it , " ' t "; ; . y6urs,'3tc. F. S.PEEPLES. TromihoLouLiuillo Public AdverUser. . 1 1HVttCU Twite - - , j Li..a nn.t itwrn n. wnie nrint. ao- vocatiag a tr-etdy resumption. H .h i auecreaiwui tv r.- 7; . e axodence. ' TJ e ?t. LoulsBt lctm of the ... . I rll.vinrr nr. 22d UliULU COCiauitu iu wm6 tide: - . " . ' w . .ov:- Pa viwnn . it musi DC W source cf great.j Ieawre V: tlie j)uWiC . 10 Sad. geccral resumption is auoui iu - dcrice will necesaan- iv-U?reofed.!nda better state of tlnngji tiiust follow. ' llTli high premium w wen . 1 ,JL .1 krr mtnnnrlMI. 113 S IT1- . tola uya -v. t . j j r.:rt:''- rr.orrt.nnis 1o import 4IUVCU ivi kit . ihe;n toiHe United States, until we have !....., .nr.i nn n: urn oi circuiauns ;Utill. .' " "I- . . medium. As soon a$4lic banks can nake tlie proper a rrangcmentt, we can tee no g'od rcascn why they should Mmir;i!e navments. and nuiei JheagiiJcd wave of public , ftr.tirr.t'ni. Jt is time itei ccuw- anu um. AAPAtr. iiid-iliat confidence berv- nt tilings nwu ..e a brighter Uk, and we lgm that all will soon t nglrf. The cw York banks arc redeeming tl cir j .edg-...- rA nrrwct. nnd Me uncierftand . . a i c... 1 1. f f .iiioiitin l.n !! .n t or u&ke. Nicholas Uiddlc tin. raccivtfd an addition to his stock on deepest rcgrot, that the soil ofPennsvl- ' disaijreeabl loolrThat'had; any., otli- vama. has been disgraced the rights of 'Cr hnperfections. This custom prevail- her peaceful citizens outraged, and their j cd abou ivc hundred yean bciore property destroyed by lawless riohichristf i ' '. " For the.first time the orderly citizens of v -: .t ' ' '' ,' .' ' , Philadelphia has become the theatre of scenes licretoioreniy contempiatea at iJAKK ROBBERY. 1 "Ttnnlf of lt.n MntroDolis. Wash- iogton City, was entered on the night "'"-K'i z- " V . lOttnOZiSUiUlU Dy soma iwi.uvtn beenaetedlWoar a lorm me mosi aesu-ucuve oi proper-, w iWftr iheir' a distance, as -dangerous Vxcessei oo Drbpcf, v and domestic auiet.the most inimical i ... . . f . . . to individual rizhts. and tne most ruin . . - . ous to tocial harmony and- public or der that can lie conceived. - . - Tht turchof the incendiary has been applied by unmasked violators of law in tlie darkness of night, in the heart of a - orowded city, ana jor tne avawca purpose of pre venting" the exercises of le constitutional arid invaluuMe rigU of "therre nmmumcation' T) The - ' . . i. . i .m i in in id rrticra JVi'nl'C whim ""V n , i v . ..' r..4.i rTMaifJn. and those of t uUl m.i -lag J cbjud. 1 1 t'nciMi; vif ihi 15th sav., an. ii.v;ta- iicflt ircnile'man, 'nc of v. Iiokj o porlun T... ,:'L;:r." a'r'tf h.jttei-'thaii those ol rcopie, expa nd hi. MJ n""caV' or t.ixe, i ' i u -j woyd rcusr,ftpct.l p'J) nnti ';ti tbrc m t?'vJ re- ;. r r.t!v dt-islrf-d bv the vl;(;lc . ...... o,i -. n tM)ve will I'pvo a . ;.,...r,. :;l itni i-rcn the trad Kroniniei w, and prosperity cf the coun RANDOLPH' CANDIDATES. . ,c Senate. Jonathan Reding Esq. (W.) " Tidance Lane Esq. (V. B.) ' tlommons'. j Dr.Wm.B.Lanc,(W.)v Mr. Jesse Walker, (W.) Mr. Benjamin Hawkins, (V. B.) CoL Zcbcdee Rush (W.) " Sheriff. '"V.-- :.IsaacWhiteEsq:W.) Coh Robert G. Murdoch (W.) if the lrgMariirc have a tighl to instruct, the senator' w bound to obey. hat ihen becomes of that stey, onsistent unwavering, indepcwlcnt eoiirse ofpoli- . cy wnich our ancestors intrnded to so- .. aire to us in 'extending, the tcriit of a scnatur to six years! The (bjcrt was, and ought to be, to rcmovq this branch of the national councils as far is possi . ble from the influence" 'of capricious and momentary excitement, as well as. . all purtj, re? poulbiluics. bo long as this Aa4 bo done, so lonir as tho senate "aiid thescnalor are7 "pcririittcd" fo hold' an exercise Uiat salutary and necessary , ' check Ucn the irregularities of popular caprice, and momentary taction- that tho constitution, intended so tor.g vte , arc measurably sa,fe from -the- ravagea of the corruplcst and most reckless ad " ministration - Bullet it once, bo hveri up "that'tho senate of the United States 18 Fuuivci iu, anu uvjhjiiuuiji uii utv ia.- tions 4 ontfol of , the legislatures of tlie'1 states, and tho very oxistence of tho gov ernment is at onee i ndangercd. True, we can have no confidence in ' those Senators who" have becu brought . in by tlio unconstitutional, qi just and laciious means we arc here complaining of; and if any thing would Justify . a resort to retaliation, in the' conduct of towards "inoil;cr, at penso of princ pie, tho present state of parties and of public opinion affords a; ease directly in noint. 4 Notliiuff but a high sense' of propriety, a' patriotic ad herence to first principles, oca fixed de termination ,to maintain the spirit ofcon- stitulional Government, by exercising a : prudent discretion, instead of an anihf tious Si lawlesi i power, can now protect the seats ol thoso senators above auudtgl to. Many of them arc doubtless at tho mercy of u hig legislatures. Jttrra for onr Conrrcst boysf Jinother Jightt Dont be frightened reader ; they did nt shoot ; only toon it and $cujl fashion. T It is no joke: the. two HonoTablci Bell and Turney of the Houso of Rep- rescntativcs from Tennessee, the other mntoni."- Ana were y-- . - Mr , ifirbeiruettrevenrur ion may: be Joleratd while , reason 'is f XhTZZv.ZTtti iof frA in fomkit it. the nrachce of combating ; opposed errorwith the Urtbran without most be the very essence oi tyranny And uhtrtiH. it is the duty of the aia gistrate to protect all-in tne exereises?jo licit constitutional riffo oect to thenmjeslicwtartte . i . i - -. - 1 . ctive onjecis oe or 00 noi wduiu to hiimelf or otiwsre, so lohg as their J poitmcnt is ptucfful and ,the object lawful. r7 - ''; Awl whereflF. U is the duty df the Covernor.of the commonwealth,. 'ro take care U;atthe laws tte taitniuiiy ex . J !.OA. rm ilmlr'ii'il'v thfnnOM it fill IIFIIIIU' U1WU M T . k Bl 1LII IILiI ll 111 U VVH M a , . .. . jbolbra.nddoorsKsucce . J Jay snowed ibeir rwn manluiiy lor a ttoimng, aDtity f vcrtr val- . pr0VCf Uount is.that Tarneyvin discussing the uabjd'rirato And.iewelry, which had ivcttang more conclusively PCT - , been deposited . there fyrc safe-keeping! the fallacy, the unsoundness of tbii pre. j WJ for Indian appropriation-, ad vertc.1 Bat the main saje could not be entered. tcncCf than the khc-rt lived triumph to the iriconsistcucy-of Bciri course at A,n6watdof 0Q .dollari is offered by .j . j,, ,;gh handed exercise has different times j the latter recriminated thBankfor .iter .fMhStar- been so signally doomed. So little do by calling his antagonist -the willing in- 1 tV ' wo anticirote itarevivkhhat we should anient ofotlicrs-the tool of tools-. Tte'CabtntL-CUtimin the Cab- now fs it unnoticed, but for the Jocfil reI,,idd lL''fK , -.-- . .... 1 f . - ... - YOOU-1 . Aimd In Kr Kl.ntintyin lAffl' I . ., .. .. .. ...... . - V . . naiAtfluHinnufjUin' University a matter '-of right, not at a measure tf -V - ' - . i I "- a ; r a f rr.t : . 1 t 1 1 1 i...a An . i1 .ti' .vA 0KW0W Tf orKrwna iur. wionersou uw touna ana wnoiesome poucy, ,rf,.d:ifcrfromth,WlK,b.!i.v.U,.t Kenda'U'wlll g0;i(itp the Treasury ;Be- the end justifies the means. paTtmcnt, ,&fc.; &a; But no-reliance Instruction, when it means the pcacc can U placed ih any of these mere Con- aHcmbage 0f tiJ(J pe0pi0 to instruc1 ... . , . llUKll...IVUIVDVIIIItM1V.I ... . , w when the parties instantly closed for a haa receifed i'ZLZ ecuteoV especially in cases where e J,and7onwo mimor Rnd there, can be X)lR magnitude tf doubt of tU ab,lity trtocd . . "R-wJi;;,... . rir, Elorious privilege guarantied by the ve. The Vote oftheNoth Carolina dclcga- ry constitution. It cannot be too high- . - r..ltA. Vnns I . - . . ' . "A 'A .1.. .U.) La lion, on jis passage, wai o iuiio v . i y pnzed nor too vigiianuy cwrcw u try. ' A riP-':rv: frcr;: i' c rresinem, 10 von rVit)if'i'C tlKratH-naiii the "IVtatv with tiw-C1.wol.ce Ii-diaua exci Med aoo'Dc wa'fr. liehaic in ilc ?cutc. .. .'ii uii.ii.f suuv.'in. induced . ...... , . . ... . f..,,!,. . Jl winning la Lynchert-h suit has l ! n 4..-iti il iii the Y11200 Cir. cuit Court, MigsisiippH which bad its orig inTi ur mg l ihc Lyhchii.g fever in 1635, and in which Ibc pianmu,a fui icrer lioni tie mob, h obtained a tcr diet Icr .' dauiagca to th amount ol jiuni thouiUhU dollqrs, . According to the toccourtt of tlie case, aa published in iho Manchester :'hig, the- plaintiff. Justice Hhai fog, a magistrate at tho time of thc-out-brtak-!fi vat a larirc slaveholder had lived in Uwj country iore than thirty I rcarn.'and possesses an uquicuhiiwio- lAitauon; anyi vj-,-"- . a. .i ... .:i. .je .. iu not satit ueujii .o uiegum vi iiui tuhml firLui?hl before him on the charge .if i.inff o ncrdiootice in ttta'anticfpatt I i .. .:. . ..:,. o... ni,1i'!took'.tl. inlo Uicir heads he Vasalso nnplated, avid tA. vRtnnlv. Williams. On the mo- The seed repiwivealwaya willobcy lioFtSlewnsia wHTof a majority of tiiTon barn, Renchcr, A. II. Shepj crd, I has. lilucntg UBdcrstandingly formed, if ho Shejjard nly. Willia Nays. on8cicnciouslv do $Pifnot he Mestrawuynuio, winner, iiawuiu- ...... . . ij ,., . ' -. i-Ua i.:il nr.-A I tt'tll trnnktv nsiirn Ins trtiM and leave it riftv, H(ongoniury. ic, im ,'vi -o- fifight, and actually did firh! , As fust as fist could tag, y Till both lay sprawling on the floor, And scarce a fist could wag.. ' RESUMPTION. It is with no Common testacy that we this week congratulate our readers, on the projx;ct of a speedy resumption of spe cie payments by all the solvent banks. Tho ruinous measures of the Adminis tration aro beginhingjo give way, ono by one, yielding to the trrcsistablo force of the popular will. The specie circn- lar, mat closed tne nanus moro.inan.a cafago, is foftunately repealed bv r l . I .I ; . t L other obstacle lo the resumption of pay ment bv.lhc. lai l:s., We shall doubt less soon have bcitcr. times. . ditlicbll urHicriaMiig. iwwiuiu frAV". w Yi.,v v verv in-'juiticc, who naa ac;va jn ,boco h6: tscriate? on tlie 18th, by a vote of to a successor , of more compliant views. itfw?tVttmigtmMverlittr. p,ut w lien tlie legislature of a state, as. I, 1 tVi ' ..... i. ' i"ii iHintild (or mirnoKMi of internal leslsla IIITII nilRHItlllM. I ... Fnend.B.Swaim: tion, takes it tpon itself to instruct oiir - '- T finrl'ihrcR nuzzles senators what to do. or to'rcsicr. as the ; ! ... r I " in the Citizen, and have answered them alternative, its members assume unwar- tb the best of ihy know ledge, f , - d fmTti dangerous in their nature ' 1. The numUr of cows is 19, sheep I . , .' . . . . . ' An ' - anH mischievous in thehr consequences. o ' 'rill, l,!arka were fl weeks. 4 davs If vou innuirc what the legislature of I' 1 .1 . . . it'.'..aL ... 1!. : ' jinn junours in crosHing iu ucvuii. , i a siaic -iorui Aaruiiuu lur iutuw I ' ' t" t ? .1 ... ' . I - .,. ' ' t . . Ia . 3. The w hcci must uc incncs in Can or cannot do, you nave dui to iook to cifcum'crehcc; tuid it will turn in rolhug ic con8tilution. Why docs not this frpir. Pittsboro toiAskWro 40 miles IfjQOCJhhie.; i Y.E.IL instrument provide that tho Gcnewrl. As- scmblymay "recall our. senators jrom "The following- bmf fetter from Mr, Biddle will bo read. with interest. " 'Philadelphia May 81,. 1838. MMv Dear Sir: Id mv letter of tho 7th uhV I stated my belief tliat thcro ai could be no sale nor permanent resump tion bf specie payments by the banks, until the policy of the government to wards them was changed. . J The repeal of t he Specie Circular by Congress . makes tho change. I see now what until now I have not seen, tho means of restoring the ccreney.. I rejoice very sincerely at the termi nation of the unhappy controversy, and shall cordially operate with the Govern ment, by promoting ' what the banks are, 1 am. sure, anxious fo effect, an early resumption of specie payments throughout tne Union. ; " ith respect, yoors, . N. BIDDLE ItorW John Ct- Adams I). 0,