v ANOTHER AVL CALAMITY. . 1 be mail frciu AVihumton yctter da v,b ought us the following letter, and t.i.p uom the otaee ol ti e Advertiser, . containing the particulars of the logs of another p!cndid : steam packet, witti nearly two hundred human being! It is possible fwou'd that we could say it ; w-probablejhHtsonjc! f them mby have ucen .rescuea iy sum? passing vessel; 1 but the chances are ag-ait st such a hope. A morig thoue whose 4e yet hangs by this lender hope, is " Judge J Jin A. Cameron, formcilyof. this place, and - WfvFWfWdii-!.. A'iery Numerous tifi clo of '''relatives and friends, not on-' y in North Carolina, .but at the Northj and the outh, are deeply interested in ilia fate. If each one of the 200 .have as many anxious hearts praying for his" eatery, how wide spread must Jbc.thctlis trcss produced by this calamity 4 LETTER TO TllE . EDITOR, -dated Jf'iimmeitn, Juae 18. Our town has just been much . excited J ( by the arrival ot the mate or second captain of the steam packet Pulaski; which; left Charleston for Batimore on the morning of Thursday last, with rising 100 passengers and crew. I He reports, snaLon inureaaynigm apouxu ocjoc tt inuea iiuiuvapts rcarttuu unii 4icr boilers. .That out: of f her .whole number of passengers' apd crew,".; but ' SIXTEEN were sa vedt Tow ladies only were saved and one of them with an infant lashed to its viewers bosom! Among the . passengers , were Judge John A. Cameron. We are sending OuLcarnasea to brmg the Htvors tor- toxrh- Juoge C, not amm(At nUm - itr. I have just sen the 2d ;caotabx hosaystbtto Idl the wreck about day-hght on Fn- V. . r1 1 Tr were lost in landing. When he kft the boat there were many ahvt onboard, m nose erica were cara umu ui-o p rev incir n.ycnance ii i ... 1 .... A on Friday the ; wreck n u-.ay nave been ; J alien in wit& br some vesbei or otner. SwaLindso some more lives be saved. The gate of Saturday night andycater-t day must have torn the steamer to pie ces. 1 -' ''.,v-.-' ThcU.&SteatneT Enltrvrtzt tu unk yesterday during the gale. Two j rfo,mdest tympathy lren negroes a re supposed tovbe lost.. She c ve countenance,: and was lying ncarjiiejeHjcs oeiow xown : " i 1 yjum yj .... ... . ""i ar ir ia ir iaj ii iftHinwjnfl ' jrmriiirr. wicie io, 4ooo.-r.i; HEART-RENDING CATASTRO- PI IE. LOSS of the STEAM PACKET Ptf LA SKI, With a -crew cf37,ftnd 150 or 160 pas sengers. '"- ..OnThnriHnv tlw lillt iifat . lhi St ft mer. Pulaski, Capt Dubois, left Omrlcs-rasc and child, Mra. Wilkins and tcr.fr Bahitnori, wiih about 150 pas-! child, Mrs.Mackay, child nd ervant, fgcrs.ofwhom tlottt fill v were jJTjJ 1 "At aWt 11 o'clock on the same night i- i i .l x . and night aik-tlMi starboard boiler Mummmgana nwm. ,w. exploded and tlie. vessel was tt, whh'frt and servant, M'rs.AVort, Mrs -.i-liV Mi " Wa!wnr, child and BCrvanL kiM iiiiicb null J hiiiu, wiiK.TTiiiwroT nu - tnc passengers ana crew exceiiiif -tr -siflJ iliorc whose names arc enumerated a- mong the aaved iq the Ut to be foundi We have pthcred the fofewiog'M f::t, fram the 1st male, Mr. Ilibberf, I Mrs H. S. Ball, nurse child Mho lnd rrr f ll boalMllielmianiwVMtt M irA A ii.nf in jbI iright jbe wascallcd jo the Jtmand xf the ''irit)d"tbat' lie'iis pacmg the promenade deck in fr(jpt of ihe fetccr ge-house.--That he found , himsiJl Jiortly afcr upn the main deck, lying between the mast and side of the boat, That upVjtnfce let urn oric-'c"Bnes e tad iT?onfusedWc n explosion, scrnething like that of gunpowder, immediately before he din covered himself in his, then sitcation. He was induced, therefore to rise and walk aft, where he discovered .that the oat midship Vas bWwn Entirely to ricccsjlhat tlie head 'of the siarboafd Jailer was blown out, and tlie top torn TenT,nat ,'e limberaand plank on the staftoard tide wre frced asunder, and the brat look in water whenever sic rol ?.id in tliat dircctkm. He became im mediately rware of the horrors ol Uveir iiituaiionratid tfio danger of HUing the jsterfr8 Vtn.w that the boat .was sin irg leit.i e lv crii g ti c rrrall boats. He procedod thcrcfue to do this. Upon drop;ing the boat he was asked his ob ject and he irplif d that it Was to paw a round Hie steamer to asocrtain liercon 4litkn. . Before dting .(liis, however, he took in a ctu I i f men. t He ordered the oilier boats tu Ik? lowered and two were vhortk put into the "v atcr, but v i v V:.eo. m. L'"i:Ji. h'.C'A'dmT'i'. t.''-H?, Vx'-.i'v till.. rtr iMt fae ot them sunk uuer a truiiwas alienist d coil her. . . icn rsvrtall Vibcf n.ado! frc;.". the water until thajQun , ten. In. U.e hcr boat alloat thera wprp eleven. Wliilq they wcrefnakif' fruitless attempt to bail tjhe email boati the l'ulasli wait dowu with t .drcoAi erasJi to bot3t"45r'miftutoi aflcf the explosion. Both boats . .now insisted upon Mr.Hibtcrd's directing their course to the shore tut he resisted their remon strance replying that he would not bandoh the spot until daylight, r At a-, bout 3 o'clock in tbe uiorning,4hey star ted in the midst oftbe wailingof the hope . less beings, w ho Were floating1, around laxvervv dircctionJOpoii- foieces of the rcck, to sotk land' which was about thirty miles distant. Alter -pullmff about 15 hour. the persons in both boats tie-. came tired and insisted lhat. MrJ.Iib-J berd should land; thts he opposed, think ing ttsaiest to proceed alone thecoast, and t6 enter sume. one of its . nurnctxis udets, but ho was . at length .Jbrced..io jiciuio .iiio cuerai aesire nttt0 at the" other bout & a couple, of ladies withj iw ci'iiarcu unuer nis cnarge, tio .wan u foil his' boat had first landed 4s Jbe ktv .Drehpqded much'dangcr.in the attempt boouiu tney succecoy iney , migm,. assist hini There were 11 person in the mates oaT (having taken two black . women from - Mr. Coopers.) Of . these, , Jwo passengers end one of tho 'crew nd the two neiiro women were drowned, and six-Rained 'the shore. After,, wait ing for a. signal, which he received from the fnate, .Wr. woper ana nis compan jfaM in abut three hourrflincr m tkkt They;en a 8hprt distance Across tump lo Mn Reed'a of Opsfow day cund ' mornw and tleD Started for Vihningtoa Hie mate and , MLsenl?ers ncre 5. ro0rn- . !m m) about a fal. l.K, -,r. . ... t,a. hirrt tr kHr hl thn mfistnJlinrui catastroohft that has ever .; .i, 'mact: ih lHi ih C o intctira talcn tempi ? anaing upon ine oeacn , a.,iiuie Easfoj. Htunm Iet, He:- ad yiscdlr. (lo&pe'r. 5f G-i who had commatd of lesbei or oincr;v. ,.f,vll... !lMn eut v. - i 1. J V . k, . . eath5uode?th same biUow. . Wc have never seen a deeper sensa. lion pervade ' our community than the "Lf,u:n,Jti U a wftar t those sofqwiog ' foViHclt 'deA Wdjeer. assured ; that'Btt wti" anxious- soucuuuo ro aitevi- . ! .. i . . . . ir - ... ,1,- J.-i iKfti.nnrnrtunate nir. ivors who may couie among u Vo have already been-sent out to jjbring tnem info our towriy.and provi sions made for their reception fdstengers who left Charleston. , A!rs. Nicrhtincale and servant, Mrs la-'r'' 1 V u : Miss T.Parkman, Mrs,-Hutchison, Wo ! children and servant, Mrs. UmMs K. Lamar. Mis JU. Lamar, Miss it o. Lamar. Miss E. Lamar. Mrs Dumianu - r - j-- f- fc. . . SW wrf;rnnBw:?.nuHV mw ru,g,e nurse, wrs. juurruj Wws Murrayi wrs. ritv MWJm) Mrs ltutledire, Miss Rullcdges, JMu hvorth, Mrs Ldding. aneduM, Mist Mil.. IL Mrs. Cov and cluld. Miss Clarke Mrs; aT:mtth,"Mrfc. SmithMrs. Grecory. Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Hubbard, Mrs. Mcrritt, Miss Greenwood, Gen, Heath,"CoL Dunham, Mai. Twiggs, Judce Camerofi, Rev. E. Crotts, Rev. Mr. Mnfrav. Dr. Stewart. Dr Cummins Drw ilkin Messrs IL Lamar: Cr Lamar. W. Iatnar, IL Ilutchiiison, R. Browcr, L: Livermore, a VV. Fowiick, 11. Eldridgc. C. Wad. G. Huntingtorv J. IL Cooper.; IL I NicUJs; U Bird. A. Lovejoy. W. W, Foster, J. Ii Wort, C. Hodwn, W,Av! Steuart.D. Aslk AHainilton, S. Mil- h r.lL W. Pooler. IL W. Pooler; jr. W. C. NV Su iff. A: BurnW H. N Carter Priiigb, Uutled-c, II. P. Ball, Lon wprdi, F. McRac, T. B Rowand, Jj'd- diriff. R.SeabriKik. fJ. Ketih. G.' W. Coy, T. Whaley, W. Whaley, 0 Gre- Davis, 1L D. Walter. E. V.-lk, Hubbard, J Auzc, Eennett, ' Olftoh, Merritt, Greenwood, Evans, Frtoman, Judge Rochester, and T. Lamar. " uuetigcrs mud in the tieo yowh.'1 Mrs. Nightingale, Servant aiid and child, of Cumberland Uand, . , Mrs. V. Frakerand child, Sl Shn- on, Ga. ' . ' , J. II. Cooper, Glynn, Geo. y.lVw.ler,liavanr.ah,.pca. (jr. Pooler, Sen. " '" V'm. R lesyn, Savannah, Geo. 'EKai N. Barn); N.' Csroliifa " Tclomon. " i i; IIillrt, 1st mate TvlaA'v , AV. tV.N. tiwiO, Kcw Udford. a a. eur.iHccDcr, i.iumcn. ' Charles. B Tnrran. N. York. Gideon West, N. Erdlbrd, Boatswain B. Brown, of Norfolk, Steward." ; Piis'stngen drowned in tdiidii g. Mr. Eird. of Brvan Co Ceo, An old rmtlcnian from Bufl'alo, N. Y. ana recently iron rensacoia. , ! ; A- young mhn name unknown. , Jcnney, a'colored woman. ;f PriscUla,a 4 collorcd woman, Stew araen. (Vom the Rochester Democrat of June 4 , ANOTHER STEAMBOAT OUT, j . . , : i . i .j ! 7A i : j T 7 P i nTi t"J?TWeJ,?rK iV,! C"WT proaching whicfr wil throw our fro. tier mtoewhirfpool of strife, for a is impojsibte Oat ou.tragcsjo gling aa Jf J!if Iakcs, can long be tamely borne by et- oIine,:alone,wfiul5cientto have en-j dangerod the tranquility of the two coun tries; arw nothing but mutual lorocar ahec could have subdued the fearful storm which gathered beneath the smoke of tlie Ruben Peel, but we know not whether any thing but the interposition Divine providence, can. keep the sword sheathed, now. that another out ragfl has been perpetrated by indiscreet brrjf not. wilfully, malicious men. - vnAJPc tacts of this last act, as we gath- pthcm.from the captain of the 1 clo esstk. are substantially as follows. . V UiTbe Telegraph left Oswego at ft o. clock on baturday eveningtouched at Ptescot as usual and reached Brock- viliar about 9v-Here she landed at the lower dock took On board and landed a number of passengers received the Tiatt and rusults ot an unarmed mob, who ransacked the cabins, and other wwo , evinced a turbulent disposition and was moving past the upper wharf, when she was hailed and commanded to i come to. Hie captain supposing there were passengers in waiting stop ped jhe engine, and droped down t withui3 feet of the dock, but, - appro hensive that all was ; not. right, be told the passenger to come on board in the small boat. But this would not satisfy the crowd who insisted upon the boat a earning up to -the dock. i After a few words had passed, the tiaptiin pcremplbril refused to land, set die nginerin motion, and moved off Immediately-upon this and while the boar was within' a few leet of the wharf about twenty muskets were fired, and FOUR OF FHE sB A LLS ENTERED TllE LADIES CABIN I One passed within ar few inches of the chamber maid, and two struck very near the cap. tain - - If is said tliat die men who fired the gumrwere the guard called out bv the pontic auinoriucs! ii so, me outrage is lentoia mo'P aggravaieu, ana may lead to tenfold re serious consequent ices'! IF the perpetrators are demanded by.our goverhment, they will not, of course, ut acuverca vp. in mmi ense our -government connot, consistently jvith its dignity, give un 'the' wretches wliy destroyed the Sir Robert Peel,' and thus a collision may be made inev itably. . : C J ve hope that they were not In the service of the government, or if they were, that they 3id- wjJLacLia accords ance. with the command of an oflicer. Indeed, we will not, for a moment, har bor the though!, Ihat it was aught less than anjuoautherteeda ct.thcColomal Gov ernmcnt wiU be as prompt to repudiate destruction of the Sir Robert. PecL rahose on board of the Telegraph sup posed that the object In commanding JcrMifii W to. destroy heir rand at- tmh her escape from such a ca(as. trtiodjr toher laridlhg at tlie" louver" wliarfebere tlni body . of men were cot lsombeld.r Bot ;we bereve' such to oljoct lo bo erroneous. ' , Tta fact however, that the was fi red into, the lives of those on board endan geredr and an insult offered to the A mericanflag,is enough to alarm every One for the. consequnces, Something efhcicnf mast be done to proven t a rerx ctitiowof theso odtrages, or (it is folly to dieguisu it) war Avill ensue.' Jlher fifejtmbbit Burnt.--The Cincinnati Whigof Juno Oth, says, wc lcra ' that 1 il - steamboat' Conqueror, whicfr-Iedr' Cincinnati on Monday last Kyaijur Ac" waters edg) at Mays Villeton Mtmday night,' whilst lying at thcwbarr' No lire? lost No, further particulars) ; . . ! AWFUL STEAIIEOAT EXrtO- ' 140 Lives Lost I! The heart rending account whicn wc publish in this paper, of the destruction lhe itca,W ot Tutelt; :inv.lvmgihp loss of allmost 100 sohls, will enlist the sympathies of the Union; but alas! such a catastrophe as this delies even the alle viation ot friendship, - Tint is-the third or lourth accident of the kind which has occurrcdtho present year, and nearly 500 lives have been sacrificed to the carelessness 0. lucompitancv of Engin eers. If these accidents arc liable to oc cur notwilhstanding the jftost seduliguj caution and care, why then, sicain boats raj a medium, for the transjKiTtatiort .of passengers, outrr4 to be abandoned. uut, it tne steam engines are entirely un ,der the control of humane agents, and Intention to secure them from accidentj Uieidividuals, who have control f thHcm(Shoal4 they furvivc an ex . . h XowffQthQ mUj of dcath. t;,Wo.'VK.t;'rccognite irong the ;a 'ftia ,mf..ri.,otA .nJ!L . '1 more recently of Florida- a brother of the hon. Duncan Cameron, of this city The Faycttevillc Observer, in speak ing of Uio probability that some of the passengers may be rescued by. a chance Vessel, sayst'Among those whose late yet hangs by this slender hope, is Judge Cameron. A very numerous; circlo Of relatives and friends, nof onfy, in North Carolina, bnt at the North and JSouth, are deeply interested in his fate. ' If each one of the 00 has as many anxious haerts-prayinst for his safety, how wide ' spread must be the distress produced by tne; calamity. t ,r POSTSCRIPT, Since the foregoing was in type, we have been fawrediiih k flip from the Office of the Fayelfeyille Observer, by Express Mail, which Communicates the following additional particulars: X. Beg. Tayetteti ft June 21 . By the Wilmington mail, jnst arrived, we have the great gratification of learn ing. from our attentive correspondent and by a slip from ibo Wilmington Ad vertiser Oliice,that 43 more of 'U passengers and crew of the unfortunate I. i. iTi .. . I I I liiiaski nave ocen savca, making vv in ilk 4 'v-- - A part of tlie wrccki fo whicli 28 per sons clung after the boat went to peaces was fallen jn with on -Tucsdsy tmorn ing, at about 8 o'clock, by the schr. Henry Camcrdon, and the exhausted suiTerors taken ofti after, haying been in tl at situation four days and five nights, without food or water, and exposed to the' bjoiUng sun with no other cover inir than their nicht clotlies. - These persons having inlormcd the Cppl of toe IL C. that they had seen another part of the wreck earlythat morning, he bore down in the direction designa ted, and in about an liour fell in with and rescued se ven persons, ainohg them two ladies. Tlie H. C, then bore a way for Wilmiugton where slic arrived the same afternoon. The unfortunate beings thus rescued from the jaws of death,' were so reduced that they had lo be carfed fn shore, idjhc arms of the citizecns whose dwellings, with no ble and characteristic hospitality.wcre thrown open for their, reception. The following are their names:, A. Lovejoy i Camden O., Geo. Mnj. Heath, Baltimore AfajtTtoig nno) ton. Hichmond- Co.Ga. Mr. Greenwood, , Jiugutte, Ga.Mr Grejfory, do, Mr. Noah Smith,-do. Mist Rebecca; Lamar, do; Chart t Lamer, Savannah, Boht, . Sea brook, Adiuto-Jtland, S. C. MaiUrtzT W1Vhiiley ) do Jor Mrr B Hut chtnson; Savannah, Mr. Ji Hamit. tonl ftugntla Ga. . CapK iPearton, Baltimore, Mr. Edingt, Edislo & C. Mr, C. IVjtxd Savanah, CMcke Ut Engineer, E. Joseph N. York U ; ir. Uifion, Ctfnoit, Mist. D, I Fa tier, and niphnw Thos. Down. Ing, Charleston. Warren Freeman, Mueon, Ga. Mr. Burne, New lorkj John Cape, fireman Baltimore,-- fireman, Patrick and Bill, deck hands, Rhyna, a neg o toomarh a negro woman belonging to Dr. Stew art. In addition to these 13' others, a mong them Mr. Lamer of Savinnah, havf floated eshore ner pew Inlet Of these the names' have not been" an ccrtaiiicd, except Mr. Liuwr nd the following: Samuel BrylcyITrlbot Coun ty, Mt Owen Gallagher.' All are said tobf hkdy to live. . W recret not to find the name of Judge Cameron in the above list, though he may be among those not wrrimj ut Wilmjngton from the new Inlet for whom carriages were ysterdy desp ch d. Seven rcrrrrs dird r.n r r if ih pieces of tbo wreck -tl o day bcloie they were fallen in with, anion;; J.l.cm the Rev. Mr. Urt, 'of ibe Episcopal Church,. and,i?dy. T.u H'cxtn mitics haditlie; iu.lei beuil rcilueed, that the day of thcjrr deliverance had been fix ed on nsllie'Jatal .day itf kWv by lot a victim to upinjaso the cravings of huu- gCf, i . , . The hinder part of the stem, after the boat parted contained 50 or 60 , per rons, mostly women and children. The persons saved saw this go down. Of enurse all wcjg lost. 1 ' ' , Some of the penoris rescued cliarge tl.e acrirtent fc M the Ttiittlt of gross ncgligrnce the blow -cock had teen It ft opcn.ind the boilers emptied and.hot: thcfrighlehedeu ginctr suddenly filled theni with water; and the. txpUkn, uas the I omcdiaie rcsulL " V , " Miseries of Indolencer None so Itf tle enjoy life, and are such burthens, as those v ho have nothing to do. TIm: ac tive only have the true relish of life He w ho knows not what it is to labor, knows not n hat it is to cnjy. Recre ation is enly valuable as it uubcndji ns. The idle know nothing of it. It h? exer tion that renders rest delightful ; and sleep sweet and undisturbed. That the happiness of life depends on .the regular prosecufif.n of some laudable purpose or law ful callir g, 'which engages, helps, enlivens all powers, those bear witness w ho, after trending years fn active use fulness, mire to wtiojT themselv -Tl.ey arc a burthen to themselves. . ' ' Heh IV. Jay'. Thtotify reasonable argument ever advanced against a National Bank w e find in the Richmond Wliig: We cannot forget (says the Whig) that if the late United States Bank had leagued with Andrew Jackson, which it might have done, if it had been cor rupt, the liberties of the country would have been (laced in in mincot criU and remembering this, wo cannot but fear that a new Bank-w ill take - warn ing from the fate of the old one, and will never permit any scruples of virtue, or any regard for the public welfare to endanger its existence, w hen it can save itself ly leaguing with a corrupt Exec utiye. True, It may be said that it is not within the range of probability that the country will ever again - be cened witn ruicrs so profligate and abandoned, as those who now atd latcjy bore awayi but there is a possibility of it and a- patriotism, by all means to provide,' A little argument holds good, howev er, against all institutions, religious or political, Christianity -vide the Inquisit or, the fires t( burn martyrs, the wars' innumerable on its account) has' been horiblv perverted at timet.-, hut nf tht great gt od it has done, of its absolute necessity for the propjf r government of man, it is only tlie infidel Lbcofocoa uumvi. w vyvi iJiiiwH la vi i en, perverted to the worst of pOTposcs, but the worst form of government -is better than none at all. As a federal grnxm ment is necessary ft.r the salutary gov ernment of 20 Confederated States, in Tombinc the whole in one grand Union, so a Federal Bank cccomcs necessary for the ,salutarv government of thnrnr. rency of the b'.atcsi to produce Unity N. Y. Express, More Indians In Georgia. The Geo. Journal sayr. , ' WA portion of tho Indians that havV J been running at large in tho upper "part seem to have tanc n possession of the Akcfinoke sw:amp. On the 127th and . I . . 28th of Mav: last, a : company . of the Florida militia nuitibcrinir between 30 . rim iu, encoumcrea me Indians. no particulars of the battles which enemwt wo have not learned. Tho few whites engaged were overpowered by si supe rior, force, arid compelled fp retreat, with three of them wounded, oiw supposed mortally. The number of In-, dian warriors is supposed to, bo upwards of one hundred.- The last battlo was fought on the Suwannee, in Ware coun ty. Maj. Hopkins of Camden has cono in pursuit of them, with a force which no nas coiiectca at a snort nottco." , SUPREME COUIIT. William 1J Hodman, of Beau fort connty, John F. A- Milien. of jrcucn; ueniamin J. nouze, of Chathtm, and John U. Lcrdof Salisbury, have been adraitted tu county court practice:

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