PItOaiMiCTUS FOR TK - 7T t T.CMDAS 13 T-EM At . frUE .MICROCOSM is printed week- v" . r. ! r in 1 in I lTV ft! K:ihMr!i. Imi a lltitJ i beet of medium, tew tytHW ami niw. w hHc "paper.""- Alibmijirh f. sail, it coii tatns a world" oi n t r. , In vot ed to the flowers cf i.lia at . ridselectrd improvement "TgenerarNeTvs ;a ud u tTe partrcu.ar I, honor and interest of -North Carolina. , t (t eschews , party, politic,.' and rail thc nwddy srreams ,of angry -contror , versy on every subject. One great oh-. jeet of the publication to convey in " , struf.t;on, to voting, iir an unexcep tionable, ciwsU and agreeable manner? fa excite in them a.lhirst for knowledge .and fondness for reading,! Jo inculcate "". upon tlieir minds correct principles, and - incite them to the practice of virtue and morality., Awdher $s, to fornish as tnuch amusfng matter, interesting news, and valuable intormaiion, to recders of very classand age, as can possibly- bo done, en Ihe cheapest terms; And we may venture to assert without subject- ihg ouriett (to'iisc jfie fashionable cd- V:.-. itonal pluroHingulurvrovmQQo the imputation of egotism, that it will not I found wanting idsometr.ing both to tcafdtheiasieund tickle the fancy-of till. It is intended, provided sufficient en: Vnurairpment e tnxat. to - enlacee the . paper without altering the terms, which i w in. make it doculctlly cheaper than iny other published in ..tne doutnern oontry. . - " (3 Though very, young, "being only vine years of i age, the.putlisher has ' learned to set types expertly, and after i tnuch importunity lias been indulged in . . Ids inclination to print a paper. -The wocefids will bo exclusively bis own; nda s he hopes i Jd 4dara 'Xhe practice of -economy, as welt as inaus.try, in me prosecution of his, undertaking, he ex . j ects to provida a fund t w bich Mill a's ; -ist him m his favorite pursuit of know , ledge, lle confidently looks to the pens of literary gentleman and ladies in the "State, to aid lihn in Tiis Tabors, and 1o the patrt-nsgef f the liberal and appro-. . . tation of the ptMc for bis reward. ! f (QPostir.asters and otherf, wbo ie te ve:' "' ihnl rrospectos. are respectfully TTeqn&ted to lend theimxd m-yiocuring subscribers. A. Tr-war, If they choose, leiain ard -circulate tlt'w-amoag their friends, nd commiaucate bjr Vttee.--Tetters t'Uie publisher.-rn business, cx--ept from those w hoprocure subscribers, -must be postpaid. . ' .. , , ; - .' i- iincu fit manly u c h t ttp Jot cask. JF you want otff bargains," just call a nd examine iny ,ppiceT&c7 rypu cannot but be absolutely pleased whb'mv 'late recruits, jtlst oeived JitiYdOOlJS Inltiigttaifil varfefr ; noi lo he lurpa& rd in quality JlA T& SHOES &f. &r. yntommon- 'Jeon Sugar; Ctjfee, AfofatxetS and othcr, groceries, fleeted u ua , ; low as myjlcrms are already, I will rhake a stilUurther dtduction of 10 per renL lor ihe saLe i f selling dry, goods . A e. for cash. - t ' ALFRED1L I.1ARSII. -. 23-4t V'A ' II AVIJC G reso mtd tliedn ties of kin profession, ex perts in a few dav an assortment of ledirines frel i nd genuine, selec ted w ith care by himself. 5 He may U found at JasC(f; st pny tim, except' .wht-D vprofcPiinally tnga ged,: His ; clurgts will coi res pond with iht presiiiire of the times, z. a sl of ten miles will be chtirgtdre rfoi,4niediiine iu duded.) llr eater, snd IcwdUtau ies will be charged in the same pro rortion: . Ahboro'N.C. Ftb. If38. i'-I'IRST-RA'VT lAILOR.to crime 2 to this place r.int put up a shop, there ! jr ihtd'Hiot irtir it nvuuiu prove a sue- CMllii JJlllW y Mi. BCOt-AND-BIIOS-FACTORY. nHE sulrcribcr wtslics to inform hi friends and tle ptrblic that he still continues to tarry on if.e aijove 'business on west stde.pl main street, ami rKJariv cDDOte ino rrinunsr . . , .. . : : .;.. . ... ' ;; ,r mils to execate all orders jn !us line; be has on Land and will, continue, to warranted nerlle retaroes Ms J thanks to the public for past fa vors, arid ouantit v of vpper 'leather, Ashebo, N. C. May 28, 1838. 2Q ( VILLAGE HOTEL iriniESUilSCUUJbK informs the pub t : He that hehasrocenUy purcliased Uks: House ana ? ? r TaVfctn rftAmftVTUett, Formerly- occupied by James Elliott Esq. South, west corner of the Court- house SquarelnAshborugh. His rooms are large, pleasant and commodious; and well furnished with every accoramo - daUon for boarders. . HU table too, it is confidently believed, wiU-constantly be provided in such a manner as to give en Court)fficcrs and Gentlemen of the bar J L E Jv T i OF U 0 0 M r and trnod fare . ' ; His Stables are commodious and , dry, will be attended by good and care- . oopes io receive a connnuantjo- ; ura . . rinlntMl tlmt-I im nUittdmni tlu samo. .Kerairiag done waty at shortest , mercantile business which is' not my notice. He "has on uand, for- sale, a nrnmAt. hut Hi frt I tirrt tn ful Hostlers, and kept picntiJuJlywprniea 0r ordinary length, from 88 to 820, wttliallihe-varictes ofgood provender r i ninm it,. r,o All are invited to call and make trial acc? rdln? ff BU V of matter, Ho thinks hccanrivecnlire satisfacUon SAJMrSOA7 li. ULKAA. Jan. 18S8. 1-ti: NECESSITY!. REQUIRES that all those wha are in debted to the late firm of B Elliott 4 Co. or Elliot tt Hrown 4" C". should comb forward immediately and pay the money or give a txrvr bond. Circum stances require tliat duiTshould oe done withont dein y. j V c much hope that this notice will be promptly attended to, as no other: notice will be given, i On fail ure to comply with this reasonable re quest, none can complain if their bonds &c. be put out for cbllectioa; It will most assuredly be done. We therefore most earnestly Kojw that our "debtors will be good enough to attend to this pressing call, which 'would not be made, but in case of the highest necessity. . The bonds &c.' are all in the hands of. A. IL Marsh, who is authorized andx2 i-2 cents'a copy, or 9 100 a, required to make specdjr settlement otenlAttaehmVDtsbond aad afji- k t.LiiM3. r, .;ti .,iMvit, 25 cents copy, or4.00 am and all times promptly attend to! the calls of tlioso Who may be pleased to come in quickly and settle upas re' B. ELLIOTT & Co." v: f ELLIOTT,BROWN&Co. Alhcboro, N. C. Jwie"4th71 838777 bOGTOKMEXJ)EWlMll8 ami Jlnti-Vyspeplic, i " 'Vegetable Ms. :- 111 EE PILLS af tailed AYv, btcawM . they hive x bithrrio I rra ofl"trrd ( the by practice and riperieBce fur tcfi-ral year in ascOon ,f country pcmliarrjr ant jixt to dirata rrquini f a rranedy ofthu kiiul, . " - Ttivatf pilla ara cutset Vfjfttablt, anil may te tarcn wilii aafetjr, by pr,oi Of all agra au4 Mi4itioif.; V ben .taken according to the ilirrc'toi a accompany iijf each tci, Ihcr ar hiK'u ' fkul . in the prevention ami cure 01 lle Icllowina; diacaaen fever and Ague, Dyapepau or nhireatiia, llaMilent. tliolic. Heartburn, Furred 1 nnirue, lliaten. Uun p tlie Slomack au4 StoweU, Incipient llu'rhea, DytenUr) or Flux, labiil Coat iveueaa, Lcia of Appetite, Wornia in Chil dren. ... - vv'V All caaca of torpor of the bovele, all caaee of pain in the Lead which are. cawed (aa al mo.tall hcad-athca are by a diaordered state of the Stomach, and an all at a of general weaknea arier evtrortiiervete ankneae. Th"ij;b very efficient, .they are exceedingly rrtil in their operation, eauaing neither nauaea jfijuf itvr debility.' , "'. ' lor let J.uiatom C.u'lf.rd cn, N. C A'acnt Gi'eenaboni'. Aahboru' and Lexington, H, U.-.-Prlce 50, cent! per, lox 5-6m , JOli WUNT ING? Hunt .1 iieaVs ..ViUU neutness and itftfftc at' ' :f ,V THIS orjFJCE. fjrT"rP HE subscriber has just re Usj?- . ceived and is now receiv ing a supply of v -'-W . from New York, and intends to sell very low for. cash, and holwishes his Cus tomers to receive his sincere thanks for their tast liberal suDDort and custom. . . .. . . . . . . foturci ut in VJtC8 u public to call and 4C0 fof ttemsclves-report hath been jbelicyet lie, can give nalusfactiAaw-ot prospect; but Uie fact is 1 expect " I'll td-.l VI ivmy.coiiarcn na lrienas in jnaiana the latter part of this summer and fall and wish to. sell ajLihat I possibly can before 1 go, and leave lew or no goods on hand while I am from home, there fore I will sell low for cash. And. all those who do not wish to pay cash will bo accommodated on rood terms: all former accounts must to xctilcd either bycashoritotebdbre I go; therefore I nope aH indebted to the store will call andeKise thnr accounts without delays ' especially those of long standing. - - : -V v JESsE IIIXbilA V.- L -New Salem, oth montli. llth 1838L ' . ,; v c t ' . :'' i. - . ,:.:;' .x,-. .: A large quantum . ot Iron JUS T R EC ElVED andFOR M SALE at my store in New Salem. JESSE H1NSHAVV. tlaled nc rcrding to Ihe R- olutions of the late Editorial Con- mention of N. O. ) ' Cieculars for Candidate &e. inu oi copies. : i'AMPHLETs. SuDDOSC 24 Iu odectmo paecs (size of the "Man of rusine8sS-500 copies good ua dpr, 4 folded, i pressed, stitched, trimmed iccc-will cost about ft 50. 4loBSE Hills, will cost here, from C3 to c6 according to the length and style in which theymay Labels -for JBooks,TT BaiUs o Cotton yarn &c $2 a thousand, unf less tne quantity be small the- the price wilt be 1.00 a hundred. n Blanks, Warrants, and such blanks as tie usually kept en hand for Uerks of Courts cannot le had at Uiis ofBce under 75 cents a Quire, or five cents a sheet, if less than a Quire be taken. 8utriuY Deeds or ordinary Deeds of conveyance, ni Ded of frust, and Hills i-aie, crnia acopjr ur va.va ji dozCn; til other blanks not kept on hand for Clerks, butprinted to or- oer a i a viuire. Aiiy lustru jmtflsilLJbeiiridsJif rectly filled up : for $1.00: and it thew htaduie or calculation want' e,lhe charge will never be less than 9l 00, but may be more ac cording to the circumstances of the case N. IV K thing can be printed, for less than 1.00, i RANDOLPH COUNTY. Court of Pleas 4' Quarter Sessions, v " " u Matt Term, 1838. . Henry Craven ) Attachment returned , vs. , levied on land. . Ealattt Ycargcn y i It eppearinjr to the satisfaction of tbii Court that Balcm Yearccn the dofen dant in this case, is , not an. inhabitant of thia-btate, it js ordered that publica lion be mado (or tl weeks in the Southern Citizen, for the defendant Balem Year- gcrf, to appear at.iur Court of Picas and Quarter Session's,1- to bo held for aid County on the first Monday of Au gust next, at the Court IIouso in Ashe boro; snd plead answer or demur, to the said 'Attachment or Judgment wjll be .IH.IIUIUIIUMIUIT., ., ( j iicchmcxalc.cjc, s :y . ' - 3--Cw. fit Xot V C cvt tAlntt , MJNhoLrii coiXTv, Court'qf Plrat Quarter. Sevion, Mai 7frm. 1838. V Jesse Cox ") Attachment Return- .... r-. I JyyJJ wVhllld. " aeW Hancock J - - ' It appearing to the satisfaction of this Court tliaf the Defendant is not on in habitant of this State; it is ordered that publication be made in the Southern Cit izen for the Dcfendent to appear at the Court of Picas nnd Quarter JSessiorts, to be held for said County at tlw Court IIoiiAi in AsTiebofoTon the first Monday Augnt Mxu and plead answes oroe- . . mur to me said Attacnmotit or Judg ment will he taken accordingly, " , . A Copy. - - : ,'--.r HUGH McCAIN C C C. .. m a . a ' . . r a v otatfi tit iSQtU CnroWnn JUS DO LP 11 COUSTY- Court of Pleas & Quarter Setsionh - Muv 7'(frwr1838. Jesse Co."l Attachment Re ; vs V turned levied on David Kenworthy J land It appearing to the satisfaction of this Court that the defendant is not an inhabitant of this State, it is ordered that publication be mado for 0 weeks in the oouthcrn Citizen, tor the delcn dani to appear, at our court of pleas and quarter sessions to be field for said county at the Court House in Asheboro on the first Monday in August next and plead, answer, or demur, to the said attachment or judnnent will be taken accoraingiy A Lopy. . .HUGH McCAIN, C. C. C. SVtkU of Vortt UatoMua Hakdolpii Gouktt. In Equity March Term, 1838. , ' Zcbedee llinahaw John Ilammanda and hit wife Sarah, Jo. aeph fladlry art J h ife Mrv, Joahua Had. ley Sud kia wife llebeeca, Samuel ltin-hw. J-aae Ilinshaw, Grorpa fliuahaw. I(ijmin Hiniha'',"Winiam tlmahaw; J.oob llinahaw. Tboitua . HiPilu. William tlmahatr, rtrv Hinahaw, Hebi cca iiin.haw, fcii.h. McMaattr, j aiid hia wifeDnah, Joseph Walker and ln i wife Sarah, twia HcMiafera and hia wife lUnu-ih, Ruth Hwihaw, f.ira U'tnahav, John' llinahaw, Jonathan llinahaw, Aaron Uinahav, Enoch UinaUav, oil of full agej and Ike heirs Thoma HinitwiW deceaaed, and tf heir of mj Nuon decejsed, and the heu of Hat nah Underwood deeeaaed. bv Jonathan Worth their irderair pinffji luce. Whereat at ktarch Term 1838 of the rmirt of Iq-ii'v fur axidcounty Zcbedee llinahaw ft'el hia bill of cumpl .int aifiohhe above d fen .f-'-dantf uraviuP for the aile of a tract if IsmI Wit. ! usli utled in th county forcnid, containinf out hunire i& Lfty acra; Ucli dtac4ied from Johnllinabaw ticeeaeed. to hi heira at lawk it ,i . .-.tiu"z. r.T .1 I 1 1 v H ".t.vHvii vi i u, mn ma, arral of the drfundnta irw mil inhi.Kii.vfa of thia State, it waa therefore ordered by ihe rmirt thai no ce of Ihia auit be. puMiaheH in theSouMt rn Citizen for ais weeka, rotiftinr the fletrndnta to appear at the next Term of of tKialCoiirtj ta be held for the county of, Kantlolpiiat I lie Court House in Asneborough on the 4n Monday tt Heptemher nest, or the; prayer of the petitioner will be.taktn pro con ir) ann uraru rxpurir. , T. T WitiieHi J. Worth clerk and Maater in ' Kdii- ly lor a-iu county. J. WORTH ? M R- jj-Jj Alt I Xfll A? S Cll I Xfll v C on M vuuMi uui,iuunoi AjJPTS V!ntity jtoto on hand FOR SALE .The article Will be constantly kept oihand Asheboro' N.C , , ., JUUwUDRAKBr- T . . - 23 tf. Matrimonial Stalhtics.h curi. ous compilation has just tnade its an pcarance in Paris, bearing the title of 1'aris Morals' contaitiing the following maTnmcniarTtatisticFXwharTajilann I8;r7: .. . Wives who have deserted their hus bands - -.1,132 : Ilu .'iands wlio have deserted their wives 2.348.1 Couples legally sepcrated " ' - 4 ,175 living in open variance i ,- 345 u .. w living inscxret variance 13,- mutuallv indifferent reputed happy nearly happy : ; truly happy fii,1 40 3,175 107 13 00,831 Caution, to Jluthors and Publish ers' We undcrsland that several suits have been instituted in the District Court of the United States, against au thors and publishers, for inserting, on workl recently published, u no'tico that they had beep entered for Copy Rifrht, without having so entered "them." --.The penalty is iioo.-. t'. S. Quz BEHOLD YE TOBACCO CHEW We never iist d tobacco and never ex- . a m aa poet to, but we commend ihc kotowing Jo thosc '-who do Wo reco.iuivond to the ytung gctitlcmcn wha arc abcull jn- uiaung meinseives in ui ii uuu uiy tery of cigar, smukiug, the "dofiuitiotr- of the delicate uadul occupation in tne lwl- lowing catechism. ' "; From the Kentucky Sentinel ... Question.7 ,Waf is tobacco? Answer. An ill-savored, slinking, poisonous weed. , -' l04 Do animals Iced n this weedr A. An ill naturnd reptile called a to- blceo worm; a frcciesof slinking goafT" and the noblest of Cod's rent ures, man are the only l.eiiigs under iLe canopy, of heaven that will touch or have any thing to do' with it, . k' 'a - aa v. What is chewing tobacco! A. It is to stud the mouth of man with that, which would i)ake a hog squeal or make a dog vomit. It is to make man an associate and boon com-, panion of fhc.tobacco worm. Q.' What benefits are to l derived from tobacco? 7 A. It ' discolors Snd' destroys the teeth, causes an unnatural and deleteri ous flow oTsaliv a, produces dyspepsia and all the evils attendant upon indiges tion. - - " ; , . ' " - ty. Do gentlemen chew tobacco? A. 1 Mum. : . , , Q. What i a cigar? ; A. A cylindrical roll of pollution formed to protuVlo from I he frontal ori-; fice of the heads of fools and dandies. Q. What is smoking cigars? A. It is that rt'il of poliution ignited at one end, and a calf tugging at the other. j j -1 ' Q. Do gentlemen BRioke cigars? " A. Mum. Q What is snuiT?: - --. A. It is the stems and refuse and most : nauous portions ; of tobacco ground to powder, bnt not io jile trod den underfoot by men. : . Q. 'Wero 1 ladies' noses made for snufl ? ..- v J .. y A. If we reason-fro!nanal6gjT we conclude not: for in all the works of the Creator we observe a wonderful adan- . , . tation of parts to the o for which their" were "designed." We therefore' conclude, had tliey been designed for snufT, they woujd have keen turned the othe r end up. Wouldn't this look i nice? : - ; ' Q. Do ladies take muff? - -A. Mum y . , -Q. Who knows the folly and evil of using tobacco frotn many years expert---- cncc? A. The writer of this.' 'n , . . , W l notexnerionco a eood teach ; Cfl A.'-Tlie proverb says she is, and that fools will learn of no other. -Q. Will experience teach fools to- I1" OSing tobacco? " , ' ' A. We fear they Will reject her fcs- .. r.. I . v FUGITIVE SLAVES. ; Tle New Haven Herald publishes aa .abstract of lire law passed at the. recent li session of the Conn. Legislature- in-n " i r..:.: i" i. lu isiuvej.iavs, or pciwns ciair per cd as $uch. ji provides . -- 1. That when any person held to la bor or service in any State or territory vi uiu iiHtu oiuics tsijuu escape in iui ,. -State, (ComU tlie" person entitled to his ' service may have s I habeas corpus to brinhim before a Judges Jjcfoxe the county or suiicrior court, if in session. The proof to obtain this writ shall be' t!ie affidavit of the applicant stating, the facts. 3. On bringing in the person the : J udgc or jcourt may hca r the case a nd ifccccssary adjntirn Uie hearing com- J mittinc him to the .rusted v of the sher- pj)earanc&- 4. Ifretjucstcd by t ishcr party, the trial snail lie by Jury men. 5. It on trial the court or jury find that the clai. 1. loant is not entitled to his services, they -may discharge him from custody and award damages. If they rind the ap.' plicant entitled to his service, the court shall grant a certificate to that effect and allow him to take hun back to tho State where he belongs. 0 This certi ficate shall bo sufficient authority tr re- , move him through and out of tho State. ' 7. No justice, or officer of this Stato shall grnt any warrant unless author-, jzed to issue the writ of habeas corpus, . on penalty oiSSOO.J 8. Ro person shall r embvc any such person from this state except as aforesaid, on -penalty of $300 ( ! ." Whyaro doctor called physicians, matnmaf said a little inquisitive girl to her mother, who , had just been visited by one of( them. "Physicinns! replied mama who was seldom at a loss for an answer comes from ferteek, as the' doctors ride about all day Mp seek fees. .

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