r iMUiriL i:nuoYi:;ii: I cm tl.er Ralt'-h Star. - We invite special attention to the fl-u,f buing communication.: AVe rrjoico tojjfat ermperiy epect 'on a branch tb see that the m.j erk-r:1cfSTtunJin(l "tlie j K a !e i rf- 1 1i tswill rive a speedy and ijdniiralio &dvatapcs qf Beaufort aro(jrrct communication between the cap. eliciting that just arrreciatiun t which they ore so -eminently entitled, ' Our wish las long been (aud exrericuf;c has ttrertgilM-lued it) to tet a Central lload w..tf h. ..WIW lllllll.iJVUUi.U4l 1U. WW. ' v y turn part of tlie State, a the most cflcc - tual plan for concentrating the cnercy ;and Health of North Carolina in build- ing up a port inferior to none upon the A'lantic coast. Let us naisi.ai.d con - template the wreck produced by the in- activity and selfishness ofha IT a ccntu - ry-recollecting what we might have been, and what we arp ? not. Stimulat-j follow the brilliant example of Tcnnsyl cd by disaste. and profited by expert-' vanin and boldly contend for her encc, let. us ihen bury deep and forever bur insignificant and sectional cotrover- sues. Let trie wealth and- patriotism I fhr entire ZMntA I n trivpn In tnia vrcat . work, and its accomplishment is cer - tain. Need we sav that the commerce ofthe State-, thus placed upon an indes- tructible bask will then How utUliver sity and re-invigorate every sccuon 01 . oiaic- a ins iiu it as ivtiaiji a jlmt causes produce effects. ' :i ;;r ' "7 We are gratified to say that our es teemed correspondent will continue his communications oh this interesting sub ject!! ! And we s would, further remark, , that the State is under great obligations to the house of Messrs. Jno. Burgw in & '-Son, v forCdemcnstratiig conclutivcly "that shehaf ofiTt)f "the finest sci-porls lit U1U XJIU WU Ol IVS. ( ." -Cleared," en Tuesday- morning, 19th Jnnc,' 163S, the ship Napoleon, Copt E. . W. Sherry; ft Liveq ool, with a cargo of Cotioa and Terpentine , , ' 1207 bales of cotton, valued at $00,000 -698 ba rrcU of terpentine, , 2,000 . This ship is per , register 638 tons. 5 he went to sea in fine style, early tin's n.jrninir..' ujiHT ft.. I!tht wind frum tln 'oith-r-tidc ahtadv. &hc waa oveF the bar, from lir mccrfrgs in about one hour, k This fchip when she went out -drew 17 feet water-and, although the Fude was urvery fulCthere ' was 4 1-2 water n our bar. will any gentleman after this, dare to get up in our Legisla ture, and with a sorrowful countenance, proclaim lo his1 aud torst) nhat North Carolina has an iron bound coast, with- - -1 nit one gtod ha r bor, Ct" Tor foreign conv merre--aiid that cf muskioktoijpur jter8taHs Virginia end South Caroli na , vr a n out let for our produce? " e ' have iiiw a demorst ration, iucofiirover tible jBts any one ofEuchdV-thatNorth Carolina ha a sea-port superior Lfo any ore looih of Norfolk--and even rrore ccsy of ingress and ercs thanNorfolh l'amine the map ot North" Carolina. nd )ou will perceive that the port of Beaufort is situated very warly- in the cen'reT our sea-coasWVV'on will per- r ; c ei v e a !so t h at by Col e, Pamlico, A I be- VrriarleT end Croatan" IStundv Beaufort is vcnrcctcd with all htf interior ports, to the Virginia" line. Tha United Slates nv. ijI in a few day commence deepening Cre Soiindft els as notv -iredc; from Elizabeth City, Ncvibcrn, canvcn etQ the port of Beau f rt w ithout theJ ex pcuse of lightcra gc. -Tie route of a canal ras b en purveyed by the Litcd Scales Engineers from 1 he Northeast bram b of Caf e Rivcr. It is a t art of the inland communicution Vcj.Ic to ll atSeston.; Ai ian Undoubt ed fact that besivy "articles, 'such as lon.bcr n'avat Xoies canbetr.or'e ad vai.tngciulv conveyed on a canal than a rail i oad. ,! Kow,' if the State of North Carolina w ilUfxpt'od small portion 6t suimus revcuuer m miprovimr-r ui -Clubibntand f f grkrwr c reek' ca na !. "It would forua continuation ofthe United States canal above mentioned, arid af nd facjliticf fti" c-iiccntiatipg an im 1 Vr.crse ainount : r,f iuintcr ,.aud naval " -storei at the 'oort of Beaufort, Individ ual would cheerfully Rive their stock to iieciaie. nwcua uxn ie me sole " I rri city of Ute State, and wculd, with out doubt, tjrtng a comlderable and an i ually iilsreasii g reveritc inq the Trca- il is canal ocght to be doubled in ' vidth- dceiwned t.;havo six jett water . .d ba ve a tide-Jock ,ofjfbe i n stone, laid in hydraulic -cement, put down At , the mouth of Harlow's creek. ; A, Ccn- t tral roud shoiJd bo conimenced: by, the State, at the mn?t eligible point, in the lirbf.r of f'U?;rff this fc!;ou!d inteffcCot with the Wilmiiiglon and Halifax:" rail road, .by Uic itonrcKt rul best routes thence by tbe'ltert roulo to FaycttevilW . to UnitA with ihe rr nlml mil rnnrl uliili is to be conxi ukted from Fay etteville .to tic Ye'kin ihrrcc cnc branch to I . i i t i . i ' ui.. c with liic uiariesion sua utx.innau mil rond, rt:d another brarch to rvn to lAViiUUW, in tlie north western j art the State. .The Wilmington and Hal. itnl'-flf the State and the rTt of Beau fort. The central rail road from Beau fort to Fayetteville can be constructed at as sn.ali expense as any rail road in the State; and hips of the largest ibss can bring the rail 'roadiron into the port of Beaufort without lightening any 01 u outsiae 01 ino oar. - i The -peg le op the line of the Central rai road have not the funds to subscribe sufficient amount of stock to enable thcm to avail themselves ofthe twnfilths offered bv the State. This State should share of the trade of the rich Taller of the Mississippi. Pennsylvania ha? bor- rowed the enorrnoua.sum ef twenty lour millions, to construct her great lines hf canals and rail roadu and the cotton, tobacco, and other produce of Kcntno ky, iconcsse anaotner vestern otaics is now In great quantities, carried in steamboat to Pittsburg, and conveyed thence by the canals and railroads, .to Philadelphia, on better "terms than i can bo carried to New Orleans an4 shipped t) New York. If. the Imprpyei merits in North Carolina, aforemention ed, were made, would not her own Beaufort come in for a decent share of tliu Western ' producer The shortest route from the great valley ot tlie Misr sissippi to a good seaport, on Tthe .Atlan tic, is to lieaujort. Have our lanneri ever calculated what .they would cave in their pockets by haying -importations from the West' Indies and Europe into the port of Beaufort? Let us' lake t onei view oi inecasc; , s , . j A imports an aril ic Ie from Li vcrpooL costing there we will say one dpllarhe sells it to B, o, merchant in North Caro lina for one dollar and 5 fifty cents i B sells this srUcle 'to farmer for two dollars and twenty .five . cenfs. ' Now, has not farmer L sagacity enouch to perceive that it would bo greatly to hist?rt th- firW in ih hW nr mi.. advantage io purcnasc mis arucie oi me purchase this article of the' importer at Beaufort for one dollar, and t fifty centsLl snould Le clad Jo, know ! what amount of tax is paid by the cood . . i j . 'flv U f I t I VUiimT rw Vr-,j r the merchants of New York, Philadel-i phia, Baltimore and oOier towns out of i DQ JUcn 1 b mad0 b isi;tion Xo thi.&ae,;fr their luiidiwr our. ing Drv - goods. Groceries, Crowery, i fy8tc of Govcrnmeni: The grcat body andhardWare let themV I beW U: Uve tonlraclc muh ions of dollar?. I should be glad to cjofl of hw and 8uch dispositit)n ,0 sub. tnow whafamcuul of tax is paid by tfe 8tUute be mere influence of rublic sen mercbantsoforthCarohnato thecom. tinient for, , enaclmcnW m tho g0T. mission merchanni of New Aork and crornenl 0f ty, that jhe tendency other cities, foMhc; great kindness h. nardl u :Con'8tanily f increasing, as dipping to Ejirote . tho cotton, n? val u r,ain, ivinccd (t0 dtM M 0thw jtorcs&c. which they w, to. WJ by the increased frcquenny themselves from the por of UauforUo ,of ,hc impunity with Lurore,and .get the return, in .goods. hich reck,eM . aro JiIowL for wnicn arenecoea lor ine consuirpiion;.,: Zm" r:.,nM v.:- 4 - . c, i lT - i ki purposes ot mere gain, to nazard and ..?,ai Pluur l't T 'T er Carolina. Aow k-t us ask vou. farmers mer- - . .person ana propeny we arc inueuiea io chants, mechanics, and protcisional t ...I -r i. menlls it wonderful we LavEhifrd limes fXLS in North Carolina. a tax of about three millions - . .... T. to the people of other States todd tth business for us' which 'we Ought- to do ouircl vest. "This blind and" mistaken policy" ha driven, and is iicnually J d r ving thousands of our most talented and entcrprizingmcn to the ? western states,' ande yen to Texas. Mr. Editor, if Vou a re a'fophet, or tlie son of a : propnei? do tell us when uncle Rip' Van" Winkle will wake cjv and change his policy f H If , the old man don t wake up in a. year or two, e are off for Texas, or some otlicr place where there are fertile lands eftterprreing people and a good govern- J menr. - ' - i. i . -il "" I can f rove tonhcSatisfantioTrofTinyl maa w bo know s A from ' Z that thisf Centrr.1 rail road can bo built by tlw Sfat, and' not hy ' tax, or otherwine cost the7fcoolo- one dollar but by; 'aji institution which fwut confer gfeat'anU lasting bcrcfits,' not c nly upon .the Tri ple of this State, hot the whole United States and Terri'orics. Ina few das I will redeem this pledge. ,'' '"' ' " ' . ; CLINTON. J : Beaufurt, June lOth; WIS. : -f :.;Tiic.cANAait;i;Roxtiwl The following important massage, of , president Van Buren in relation f 2 ". to theiate outrages on the , Canada ,; frontier was communicated tdfjC v house oi representatives on thczOth To the house nj 'representative of the p tfhitta Siatet: ;rA ;if "':'? tf :i I transmit, in compliance with a jrcso- lu." n ofthe Hour, f rrrrcscntativcsof the llt!i instaut, n rtslami the Kecre tnr' f Sate, Tn ' n rv, nnd Wzr t!. j (.'..cunicnts rcl.rrtd to bytLcinns fectivtly.' It will be keen that the out rages committed en the Steam boat Sir Robert Vccl, under the British flag with in the waters ol the United States, and on the steamboat Telegraph, under the American flasr at Brocksville. in Upi er Canada, have, not been followed by any I demand, by either Government on the J other for redres?, VTheso acts have been so far, treated on each side as criminal offences committed within the. jurisdic tion of tribunals competent to inquire m to the facts andjp punislr the persons concerned in them. Investigations nave beea made, some of the. individuals to c ulpatcd naWbeciTaWsTeiwf prose-, cuiions are in progress, me rcsuii, oi which cannot be doubted. - The excited 'state of public (peling on the borders of. Canada, on both sides of the line, has occasioned the most painful. anxiety to this covernment. .'. Every effort has been and will be made to prevent the success of the design apparently formed, and ina' the ccurse of execution, by Canadians who have found a refuge within our ter- ritory, aided by a few reckless persons of our uwu couiuryf yj mvoivwino uuiiuu in a war with a neighboring and friend ly power, buch design cannot sue ceed while the two government appre ciate and confident)' rely upon the good faith of each other in the performance of their respective dufies. With affixed determination - to use all the means in my power to put a speedy and satisfac tory termination to the border troubles. I have the most confident assurances of tho cordial co-operation of the Brit ish authorities, at home and in the north American possessions, in tlie accom- Ipjhtncnt of a put poso so sincerely and earnesny uesireu uy uw govcrninems and people both of tho UuitcU btatcs and Great Britait. i M. VAN BUREN. Washington, Jjunc 20, 1838. From tho Cbcraw ! Gazette. J That tho frequent steamboat- cxplor n.mm hi tU Mmn w,art.m. h th - ,rovcd beyond" doubt by the v t. V.,k i..n r ... j-... nPf,.; Tk r.t'tt..i Wlui uiwimi' inniHi. ;i u, .v Hl hundreds nrwn Kriiwl re An tf riitman livsi ... -,i I.-.s : .t:. ,k:u destroy the lives ofso many' persons.- . 1 . ,. i . v.iiir ihw I tJKIIUIIllS. IlltriU II ij version to resort to them. TEXAS. - This is destined to" become r a great country, and we always peruse tlie pa pcrs we jreceive from that quarter with peculiar interest. A file ot tho IIous ton - Ttlcgraph" to the 26th May has been received; from which we gather the following kerns! Congress adjourn ed on the 24th. 'Mr. lice has resigned the office of Secretary of nVar. Ah ex cellent threatro is about , to bo erected at Houston. CoL P." W. Grayson has consented :.at the - earncstirequcst of a number ef bis loljow di(izeii9f toteconw a candidate lor tho presidency. - So there are two Richards in the field. Gen. Lamar is the other, w ho has been nominated by several . public -meetings, and will probably be elected. ,We are gratified to perceive however, that none of That bitter party spirit which prevails in the United States is manifested by the friends, of tlw respective candidates Both are spoken of in flattering terms by v their opponents, No charge is brought against either; they aro treated wiih the utmost respect and courtesy and mutual kihdi ess and good' fccljng appear to prevail ..The rashness of Col It. Poller (Query are you there True penrtyT) will, wc regret to learn, "prob ably plunge the country into all the hor ror's of a murderous Indian , war." ? It appears that in April last, he lost some of nis horsey and suspecting 'they bad been stolen by the Caddo Indians, he ra is ed'a ' party of armed men, and arrested several Indians, who madp their escape, , Ilcrur; -:cI them lAo tl.eir viliaf-, was clout to carry T sonsc f in rr l childiTn; v.l.rn a f arn;cd Indians arrived, and a tki....; a tKi . a -r, were! ensued in which thrco Indians i t nn-, i W lillCS WCrU fcUtVU. l-v: i 3 "cio f.A in Ihn fm.cn nrnr Ms rntllcmcnt. on his return home, whifkr they had t v wv iw -'i - ..... w stravcdl Tho Telccrauh says: "The In- dians are bacomintj very troublesome in the northern part onioustoncouuty Many of the settlers are forsaking their farms and removing' down the Trinity. We trust the government will no longer withhold from them the protection they require." flaeigh Ser. i .'; , ,, We are frequently asked il he Whigs iaN. Carolina mean to ! go for the Na- fUonal Cohvchtiont We icanftor: speak Ibrthe whole party,; but 'as far, as we have learned, we. should say they will not. So far as they are concerned, there is no earthly use for hv Mr. Clay is their candidatc,iknd inf bite of 11 the plcdces thai could bo made for them by delcaates thev would vote for him: , they could not . be prevented from doing so. Therefore it would be unfair as -well as unnecessary, for: the Whigs, of North Carolina to send delegates . to the por- poseu ooay. : - Anouter: luing ioo via mum in the way of our moving in this opera tion. It w that most of our oartv were so heartily disgusted! at the Kuckcr Van Buren Coiivcntion ; of 1835 that they never can be caught in a measure in a by degree similar to it. . Wo shall prob . ably manifest our sentiments through tho county District meetings, which, with deference, we . think is a much more efficient and satisfactory mode of getting oxu Salisbury IValchman. , : . 1- . .. . .' A we wcsternronnian.j . - The Arkansas papers intorm us, tnat ihe Creek Indians who havo been lately j l t.. r..'i; - removed csi, are nirtuoy uegmoing to manifest a hostilo fcclinjr; they say as soon as the green corn is fit to pull, , the white people must look "ouu"! J r 'J It behooves the Government to make ' melJ preparations, and tako efficient . These Indians have all been forced to " emiffrate. many of them Urired to des- reratioo and resistanee . by injustice, i hunted down like wild beasts, and ' car- bunted down like wild beasts, and ' car ricd in chains from their paternal inher itances on this side of the Mississippi, havo borne away a bitter, and undying halted for tho whole race of the white man; aud if they, should be able to unito amongst; themselves, - and induce tho. wild tribe around them into an alliance, "we may chance to have" awar'' upon our hands that will cost a little more, both of blood and treasure, than tlie un fortunate and disgraceful Florida affair, in which the Government has already expended nearly $20,000,000, in attemp ting to subdue the miserable remnant of a single nation, and it is yet unconqucr ed. . '-.-::r-f . RETRENCHMENT ANDREFORM. -It may perhaps excite the surprise of some of tho Democrats' to learn the manner in which tlie public money is squandered by this Ketrenchmg and fore select the following items: For a ict d'eau (ornamental water ',. ;spout,) -.r $4000 For paper ing tlie East Roam,'1' S90 For painting tlie Hall and passage at Xtho PrcsidentYbxHwc Six chairs for a room ofthe capital for i flio V.ce 1 resident, at $30 a piece ' 7 r t, Two sofas for the same room,;, T 200 Two marble slalw , - ' 200 Besides two splendid mahogany book cases splendid curtains, chande- '. )icr, looking glass, carpet, &c ; c (probably $400.) r - n t For tho "American Turf R?gis terw- ;' - for die Secratary-of State per year, SO Ihrcc portraits of Mr. Van Buren al $6 each, Tr f-"- .-' 18 Ice for the Treasury department,.'.: 1 0-1 For the newspapers for the various' ' x': offices; per year,,';i.i:i;'',.- ;V,741 "These are small - items. 'but many a mirklo makes a mucklc and they show besides, the character of tho public' ex penditunesv R. Register. t n J, , BRIMSTONE FOR CATTLE. , i It is probably not known to many of our larmcrr, tnat brimstone m valuable foi "cattle, n keeping them from'ticks. ,Thcse vermin, are , not only filthy in their appearance, but an injury to cat tic. Apiece of brimstone as largo as a grain or corn, well pulverized, given in salt, will cause . them to'droo off. and prevent others from getting on for eight or ten days. I consider brimstone as necessary for a cow in summer at salt. . " Ohio Fariner. Vi"iLiiiNGTo:: k n. hail f-l i t. AVili::-ttu .j j is now orni tu a1 AfV 11 "? f':i)0t . v " I tits r.oriH .-. ...l-I,, r of tllW, 6UJ t,.-C.i fUll regularly . hence to that poinU ;AV itft.'a iurcu weeks ten miles more will ae thrown pneii to travellers, up to the Lljz aueth road. r Tbe distance remain ing to be completed, and now iir a rapid rtate of progress is 1 1 1 1 52 miles; ! The bridge across iHeuse river i? ready for laying down the irons, and cvtry bour is diminish" ing the distance to be. travelled o ver bv staecs. Thewhole roatl from this to iXr: river, (ISO milea -and il south of Enfield,) has been placed under contract; , and some time in August passengers will oc carricu iroui juutiu m Halifax in - cars. : The; componyN , he w boat The Governor 1 Dudley,' was launched in New York some time wnccXand may be expected in pur waters by the mwltlle of Ju ly. We. presume the 'Governor Dtidltj1!, will be immediately plac ed upon the line to run in con junction with the.Norlli.Caroliua and me nnmuer oi trips per wees, between this port and Charleston, r will be thereby increased. t ' ; ' Wilmington Advertiser. ' .! tju:r 7 v ' Attachment of a Ware io hit Matter.--rAfter the boiler of the Puliski exploded, and when near-' ly all on board -ofthe shattered wreck were engrossed mentally or actively in preparing the means of escape from the threatening dan ger, one lnhe passengers observ ed a negro in an bust lye m ploy ed l n : collectiugc6rdage and other mate rials for constructing a raft. Un being questioned by I Jeut. Thorn tco, respecting his intentions, the faithful negro replied, "I am de termined to rave my master, if it be possible, and this seems to" be til nnli ' linn YV Mt that we do not know the name of this , self-denying and devoted depen dant. AVtrifrn -fyrcaor ? , ThePresidenUfjheJJS.iit if. said, intends tins summer to . Visit the White Hulpher Springs and otxer watenog puces or good re pute in the Ailcganics ,t In Alabama, there is an act of the legislature, making it a quslifi. cation for admittance to the bar. lo take an oath against duelling. This . law has been declared by the Su preme court of that State, uncon stitutional. Judee Collier, dissent-' j r . ing from the opinion ' of the ma jority. . - : We, perceive through a para graph in the Hichmond Enquirer, that a Van Huren-correspondent of that: papers has rstiKKcsted : the possioie necessity or starting some other nartV eaudidate for the Pres-A idencyrin lieu of Mtv-Van: Uuren himself. b'uch a course will pre sent a curious problem for the par- tv mrtanhvairimit. th finliitlnn nf which will determine whether the patty abandons Mr. Van Uuren because he is not strong enough to sustain his principles, or because i ll" : irz? zItt r-n n - notigli tc sustain him. The .sug- irettn tit cnrli an allprnativi.. tin w. ever. Is a insignificant one, and re mihda,tis of a shrewd saying of our. late esteemed and sincerely lameu- icu lrienu vhm urocaetr, (woo Ottered' more original common sense remarks than almost any oth er man we ever knew.) that the Deonle of Tennessee hnd nuitCnn I - -J-..WWW... Jackson because he. had ceased to he a Jackson man. Nat, Int. The twov splcadM Giraffes ' or Camcieorris, arrived here some days since, and are now safely lan- dedat Nos. 507,500 & 5 1 Broad way, where they will; be ready fnl tlll!l!' f.K!tiiltAn nn VvlAmT Mm ifiwuv waiiiuiiiuii um aiiuai ur HillllPilaV Arlhl. w..lr A rafter. ''

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