XV a. J ill a A.CTKV INVERSE. 1 knt. ' a wid'.w oi y pool Wi o it ur mi all children rao"; ' ' Tlx ddcst vii tut fix jours ld,; A goc.t.e, modest lad. - ' I ' ' ' And wry hard this widow, toiled, To iced'her children lour; An honest pride the woman felt, , Though she was vtty jtot.v,. , , , To iabcr she wc uld tcave her home, Ar.d "plod V as she vrcn f iicfcould hug -A thilling'i worth of bread.'' ' ' : " ' AVI VS1.IVHV.I IHUOl IJ.v IVM) And tliis was all (he-children had.' On any day to eat; - ' - w j They drank their water, ate their braad. xui never lastea meat. . "One day, when snow was falling fast, And piercing was trie air, , I thought that I would go and see JTimr thtisa tmnr r.hillrn were u ; . re long ; I reached their " cheerless home; - 'j: "j" p 1 Tw as searched by every breeze; When, goina in. the eldest child -1 sawnpoq Rs knees.", . .1 ,1 I paused to listen the boy; ifo never r&lsed his head; 1 . But still went on and said, "Give us , "This day our daily bread." I waited till the child was done-' - 1 Still listening as he prayed And when, be rose, I asked Lim, why ' : The Lord's prayer he had said. "Why sir " sahe'this morning when My mother went awayt; r . She vppt, becouMf, b said, she had lMODreaaxorxMto-aay. y t . t t ; j" " v t'j r A . -MidwfrciMUr Our lather d) - ; And tlscnl'toM mrnot to cry. Xor,I. could get suna bread. ! Our Father, sir,' the prayer begins, Which made me think that He, , , 'As we have no father here, s Would our kind father be. :-JVndlicn youknowlhc- prayer sit, loo Ak8 God fer bread each dayj Uo in fho Icornor si r 1 w ept, . . A nd that's what made me pray. ; I iquickllcft thafwrctcfied room. And w ent with; fleeting feet, And very soon, was back, again, Withb6d erjonglrt6c!n.r' - ' -l loeught God heard me, said the loy; I answered with a nod; Of that child's faith in God- ' ; ca GOOD:3''6RyABOLlTrox, -So'nte' weeks Mnee1 an it.eoerant 1cc - tyror M: aMf?nn--isirJ tlie neighofp 'Jio'ttl.fcf lVrtrmouih, Ohio, : and put up at a t,uLlic hous5f , w ith tlie lircntioo of regard to 'the opprrssionof his dark cp --orcd br eihrenrnais'eTs, by a lecture : to bo'dgtivored tlie'hext day,' c the cruelty ana nrrsnny oi ine wnues in -o,uaIity-witlvthcmf elves in all respects. All 4h visiter and hxlgcra in, the lav c-rn vytrc, annoyed ; durpithedayby -the iiincrtihcnt conduct of the i pseud o - jjhStentlhWitjsf antl Ihcenclary doctrines 'on every ; one hh hiut iulhrlcnt 'fatte'nee t curiosity Id listen 16 Jmn.v I 1 he landlord,' whose house wss honored ;WiUi uie i tresence rinenung enjus .profciow cfj love Ur Afric aVi f Hf;e." ; In vthe evening Ih'e laiidlAftf 'cMlf d IcV.him a coloml .rrlari Tiamed BijlJ who dieted as ostler, or mairif alkwrrfc, "ilou'Mhe mn, and ordered Ih'iro to wasli fcirrclf 'w ell, and put..on..a clcp,n bitr. erd goto bed. io a pertain, r mt Hff.e rnf iu mt t dT -J Bill ncied .as lVis tracier. Vlirectedhim, acq lelt coiVirferabiy "sliiCk tipT witli the ' 'fLtddcti "tho'rgOiof 'sleeping aportmeiits', . frrimf the ltt:hcii loft to1 the best bed . i'ocm:jii-lh house,' ood attributed if all 4o niie weseiire f his white, friend, who jfiiui. taken teyerai f onuniues inrougt) 'the dayt",to iirLrtfs onvJ2ill's mind that all w ere equal and that the fact of e "1011101) of society being, tlcsscd with a fairer skin, ibaj I, ehhio Tibht lo claim a -tTmotiiyiov?r their less " fortunate , trothc acd titers ol a darker hue, and Hhat naturally, Bill and vtry other gen- llcman j of wilorwhp performed the tart cf scrvaoV to the, whites, had .the , i. i. ,.. .,, .. .i . Fame rights to reject and privileges as thrir niui:rs, C.'.l saw the justness of his friends M equality' doctrine ct once, and when called by the landlord, was decided in his own mind in what man per he. would proposo to his master a change irt his respective stations? ho Mo assume the duties of ostler, and his em ployer - tafce up the curry-comb and brush; 'turn obout'a fair clay." thought Bill. ; ; ! wished 'to retire, the landlord conducted iuiu v ui9 vuauiuvi i s IV Baivr v v , nasi the bed he -was to occupy. .After he had disrobed himself he turned down the clothes to get m bed and started (back with astonishment oh "beholding ins iricna Aim in snug possession oi one lmlf jfjt,: w bq invited Mmjwijh t fam iiliar nod to get in.; The abolitionist casta look of scorn on poor UiH, and demanded of vlhe landlord ! meant hv' giving him i4iH a bcd-fellowt. ,i Hewas answe whathe 'niggcrT-for answered with ' .enuslitv' arirument. sBill'a nerson was healthy; he had on a clean ihirt was' not addicted to any ugly habits in hia sleep, and more than alli Waa pne ; of the proscribed and intured . race for. whom tfie gentleman professed such 4trdent love: Uie last consideration ought to make Bill a welcome companion to the lodjrcr.V " ,:' ' '' ," ' ' ." , r i ana, a- a " e At ihe enraced nhilantnropiiist could not stand this practical test of liis'doc- trine, but let loose his wrath on Uie land lord: Sir. 1 tell vou I will not nut uo tfilh j this unparalleled indignity; who ever heard of such iosolcncct putting a gen tleman tc ticrp. :Ut MilHiy nfger." And lot me tell you sir," replied the la milord that with that nigger youH have to sleep, if ycu sleep at all; he as clean in person and clothes as you re yourself, and in every other res' pect, according to your own -preacli- lnsr, he ts your equal, so hop in and , em' brace your broihcr, for most certainly . ' s , . ha -n-.il lb vour comraniun uiiraurn tTh0 abolitionist thrcatcnod, mrcd, ran(i coaxeij but all would not oj the andlord was inexorable, he waa deter 1 rained to n,ako hut lodger practice H ibolhionist was compelled to take his place along side his sooty friend, where he lay tilt mornihff, enduring feclincs that cannot t.described. lie .ys. kept in a slate of resttosDess through the whole jafght, : repellins BilHa ' familiari tics, and ; kcepinir the negro's 4 woolly head out of hid face, lie rose at the dawn of day, while comrade, "all 4a black," with a mind free from all the perplexing cares of..lilo, wm anjeyinc the honey heavy dew of slumber, called for his bill and left the town. Tho lec lere was consequently indefinitely post poncd. .. , "' . . yr ',i" . . Bill related, with great . importance, 9 tibi:5pjbhtd honor ccuerrc4 on him, by being the bed-fellow 6f JUr but said the comfort is not so mudi Jo be desired, t" theigcnmian kicked most -almightily, .aod had 'gtremely bad href, dat however is i tribataUa to his white extraction. , , r , .v .' fYsnIlE subscriber lias just re ILj ceived and is now receiv- ing a supply oi - - . from New York, and intends to sell very low for cash, and lie wishes his cus tomers to receive his sincere thanks for their fast liberal support and custom and tchexes he can give satisfaction in future He invites the public to call and see J'pr themselves report hath been circulated that .1 am about to quit the merrtntilehffiiir?swhich is not my prpspect; but thq fact is 1 expect to vis it my children and, friends in. Indiana the' latter j art of this summer f and fall and si4v to cli all trfot 1 iwsnibly can before 1 g and leave few or no goods on hand while Lam from home,. there fore I will sell low for canh.' And all those who do not wish, to riv cash wil be accommodated on cood terms: a! former accounts mbsti be settled cither by cash or otc before I go; therefore' 1 hope all indebted to the store will call anil close their accounts .without delay, especially those of long standintf. ! a t .H , ; i JESSE IHN&HAW.' v New Salem, 6th month, 1 1th 183a j ob vim ting r. f. mis vrr&B. ":? iFosPi:3T't;s''',"''r ron tub ' SS'KO.SOO.OQSS. BY UASTEH LF.OMOA3 XJ" I.EUAY. ri-HE .MIGU0C03;.I is printed weck ' ly, in tho City ,of Ualeigh, on a hall hcet of medium, new tyje, and fnU white paper. Al;".ong!i i maJI, it eon- tains a "world" ol mutter. It is devot ed to the flowers of Literature, original and Bcluctcd:' to notices of important improvement n any ot the branches of ociencc, iommcrce , ana Agriculture; to general News ; and to.the particular honor and interest of North Carolina. It eschews party politics,4 and all the muddy v streams . of angry f contro rersy on every.subiect..jbM crcat ob ject of the jHibjicauon is to coi-ey in structioa to the young, in an unexcep tionable, chaste and agrecaolo manner to excite in them a thirst for knowledge and fondness for reading, to inculcate vron their minds correct principles, and incite them to the practice of virtue and morality. , Another is, to furnish as much amusing matter, interesting newtt, and valuable information, to readers of very class and age, is can possibly, be dotic, on tlio cheapest terms. And wc may venture to assert, w ithout subject ing ouneft (to use the fashionahlo ed itorial plurai-tiiigutar pronoun,) to the imputation oi egotism, that it will bh be found wanting in something both to please the taste and tickle the fancy of It is intended, provided sufficient en couragemcnt be given, to enlacge the paper without altering the terms, which will make . it decidedly , cheaper than any other published in, the bouthern ounfry." : "- (H Thouirh verv voumr. bcinir onl v mm u 7earl ' gc uie publisher has learned to set types expertly, and after much importunity has been indulged in his inclination to print a paper. The proceeds will be exclnsively his own; and as he hopes to learn the practice of economy.' as wen as inausiry, in ; iui prosecution of his undertaking, he ; ex ects V provide a fund which .will as sist Wm in his favorite pursuit of know ledge. He confidently Jooks to tlio pens .fJiterary gentleman and ladies in the State, to aid liim in hi ' labors, and to the patronage f the liberal and apprc- uiiun vi mo puvuu ivi uia jg3Posimasters and others, who re ceive this prospectus, are respectfully requested to lend their aid in procuring subscribers; Tbey may, if they choose, retain and circulate this amoag their frienuJ,- and communickto by letter. Letters to the publisher on business, cx ceM from those whoprocure subscribers, musi oe posinuu. ttnconntotii cheap for ca$h. 1 F you want good , bargains, just call and exaniino mv'ctxHls. prices ore. you cannot but-bo absolutely pleased witn my laie recruns, jusi ecervcu ItRYUOUDSin the greatest taritly HARbtt'jiHB a nd CUTLERY. not to be surpassed in quality; IldJTS, SHOES ice. fat. uncommon- ly cheapor the quality; irvtif Surar, Coffee, Molasses, and jelher groceries, selected with 1ht'--greteittare. rilXl . Lovfas my termrarenlrcady, I will make a still further deduction of 10 per cent for Ihe sake of selling dry goods dec for cash. , . - , . ALFRED IL MARSH. ATllSrO rtsumeilUiis'doj tic of his profession, ex- peels in a few days hi assortment of Medicines iresli and genuine, selec ted with care by himself." lie may htf round at; liirfouce it any time exctpt whcttl professionally enga ged. Hit charges will corres pond with the pressure of the time! viz. a visit of ten mue$ will be charged five dollars, (medicine in eluded.) , Greater and less distan ces will be charged in the aame pro portion. Ashboro'N.CFeb. 1838. TWAISmB ft '. 4 FIRST RATE TAILOR, to come to this place and put tip a shop, there is no doubt but ,it would prove a sue c5kiui uusmcas. -Orrt?' fTT 1 - - aMIESUBSCRIBER inform DSCRIBER, informs Mc rr,b I hehasrecenfly ,4 tlj . , I ' - J - he that House and Taem EatcMUllUlSIvt, ' Formerly occupied by James Elliott Esq. South west corner of the Court- houseSquare in Ashbowigh. Hisrooms ! arc largo, ptuutiaiu auu cuiiiiiivuiuun, t and well furnished with every accommo- dation for boardersl? His table too, it is v rnnfitnnttv tv,Vv.t. will nnvtantlv l , ..... - v 'V v I 1- 1 f . L - ' I proviaca in suco a manner as to give en tire satisfaction to all lie1 hopes the Court-officers and Gentlemen of the Bar will be liberal in their patronage, and in fact, all others who mly like - ' , P L B'XTr$0t 'ROOM, and good' fare ' 1 IHs Slabkro commodious and dry, will bo attended by good and care ful Hostlers, and kept plentifully supplied won au ific varieties oi gooa provenaer . .All are invited to call and make. trial He thinks hecangi ve entire satisfaction SAMPSON a GLENN. Jan. I839.-UT. - ' ' :r 'mv ' " ' ' f-A'i--.": v: '-.. NECESSITY-l REQUIRE that all tliosc who are ;n debted to the'late firm of IS. Elliott tf Co. or Elliott. lirowti-& C, should come fof ward immediately and pay the money or ci ve a new bond. Circum stances require that this should be done withont delay. -Wo much hope that this notice will bo romptiy attended to, as no other notice will be given, t un fail ure to comply with' tins reasonable re 3"uesf, none, j;an complain if their bonds ic bo put out lor collection. It will most assuredly bo done. - We therefore most earnestly hojw that Wr. debtors will bo goud enough to attend to this pressing call, w hich would not be made, but in case of the highest necessity - i no oonas xc are an ui me nanus of A. I L Marsh, who is autlRrizcd and required to make spcody rettlcmcnt of an manors nenaininff to cuncr oi tno firms above mentioned; and he will, at an and all times, promptly attend to. the calls of those who may be pleased io como in quicKiy ana , sciuo up as re quested. B. ELLIOTT etCa ELLIOTT, BROWN fit Co. Aslieboro, N. C. June 4th,' 1838. DOCTOR MIMDEXJIJILL'S Ktw,YftujLbe Tonic I nnd . JnlWDyspeptic, ;,,r, Vegetable Pills. - THESE PILLS r. c.llcd .Y, became have n( Kithrto-m offerrd to th to. .li. rl .. lll.r l. It k . .. runuc-r-ncj aiicauBu f iuni uccauac IDCi" v.tue Ita beta fully teat d by tht Invtalor, by practice and ctpericncc for acvrral yran. In a section of country pecutiarly aubject to ttia-aaea requirinf rcmady f tbia kind. - mean pills aro entirely vegetable, and mij be takeaitb safety, by peraons of all ajea and conditiona, Wben taken aecotding to la direeliona accompany inr earb boi. 4hey are kif hly beneficial in tbo prevention aat cure ottherollowin(diseaaet: Fever and Afoe, Dyapeptia or Imlireition, Flatulent. Chotie, ileartburu. furred Tons;e, liiaten I ion of tbo Stomacbi and Bovela. Incipient lliarrhea-- DyienUrr or Flux, Habitual Coal iveneav JLM n AppcUUw .Worna io CCwl- drt Or , - - - All eaaosof torpor of the "bowels, all caaea of pain, in the bead which are cauacTr (aa al modal) head-acheafarc by a disordered at ate of the Stomach, 'aid in all ca.es of rcneral weakneee after Feer or other aevere aKkneaa. Thuurb very efficient, they are escccdinelv mild in4heir operation, causing neither nauaea griping nor debility. vV . f . Fur sale at Jamesioa n Guilford eo. N. C? Alsoat Uroensboro'r Ashboro and Lesingion, N, C.-.'FriceiO.centa pir bos. S-6m . atalc1 ot Kotih QaroWna i; rRAKDOLPH COUNTY. . av- Court of Pleat i? Quarter Sessions, May 7Vrw,1838. , , Henry Craven) Attachment returned - - -- vs. "v '" icvica on lauu. , Balatn Ycartrcn S "' ? "; '" - ' it appearing to the satisfaction of this Court that Balom Yeargen the ' defen dant id tlu's case, is not an inhabitant of this State, it is ordered that publica tion be made for G weeks in the Southern tXlizon, for the defendant BaJem Year- gen, to appear, at our Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for said County on the first Monday of Au- Sust next, at the Court Hooso in Ashe iro, and jrtead, answer or demur to the said , Attachment or Judgment will be taken accordingly. , ; , i A Cony. , . ., . ' ,V '.. , ..; HUGH McCAIN, C. C. C . . fi3-r6w. . s C'-W '. a a & ixindolpii couyrw Court v ' Pleas ty-Quart rr Suio.u May Term, A , k 2 Cox. 1 Attac! ; .ji:.:;:i-n- r i i a tr . . TJ ,w v Va.cbe! r It appearuig to the salisl. Coufi that the Defendant is vs ca ic j on wn-j. ction of this" is not tin in. habitant of this State; it is ordered that pubhcation be made in the NiuUwra Cit ,zento' lnc Uclendent to appear at tlio J'ourt of jlcas and Quarter Scssions,.to - , -- - -- - Houi in Aslieboro, on the first Monday Augnst next, and plead answes ordc inUT to KS Said Attachmont or Jud , mniif merit will bo taken accordingly'. ' A Uopy. v.- tk -t.'rjr HUGH McCAIN & C. O r If jNDOLPH CO UNTl' Court of Pleas &c Quarter Sessions, . s may i erm, ' Jesse Cox"V Attachment Re . '' vs' ' . ,' 'i turned levied on David KcnworthyJ land It appcariiu! to the satisfaction of this Court that the defendant ' is not an inhabitant of this State, it is ordered that publication be made for 6 weeks in the Southern Citizen, for the defen dant to appear at our court of pleas aiid quarter sessions to be held for said county at the Court House in Asheboro on the first Monday in August next and plead, answer, . or. demur to Ihe sa id attachment or judgment will be. taken accordingly- .:..' ..vi ' IIUGHMcCAIN,aaC Stale ol JVoxVU C&xoUna Kandolpu County; ; . In Equity, March Term ', 1838. . Zebedce HinabaV : i: ' ,.'' ' i - i.:';. John Ifammondeojid his Wife Sarah, Jo- . Sf pb Mud Icy and bin wife Mary, Joshua Had. ley and hie wife Rebecca, Samoel tlihihaw, Jease llibshsw, ' George Itiushaw, Benjamin Hinsnaw, William llinahaw, Jaoob Itioshaw, Thomas Itinsbaw. ' William Hinehav, Maty llinkhr. UlMea lliniliaw. t'liaK atrU.tt. and bia wife Ilinah,. Joseph. Walker and hie - . "a A a. . i meia. . -m w - saa v-i-f vj awnoitii m org IS IV w fj Hannah, itutb llinahaw, Earn Hinshaw, John Hinahaw, Jonathan llinahaw, Aaron llinahaw, Enoch Ilinshswt all of full aget and Ihe- heirs Thomaa Hinshaw deceased, and tre heirs of Amy Nixon dece.aed, and the heija of If an- na. Underwood deceased, by Jonathan Worth their gu rdeian pettdJe file. , t Whereas at htarch Term 1838 of the Crnir of Equity for laidcounly Zebedce Hinshaw filed . his bill cfcompUiot againstihethe above defen dants praying tor the sale or a tract of land ait- ttsted in the County aforesaid, containing one I 1 I. A l i t unurcwK mij acrcai wmcn oeaccataea irons onntiiuanaw eceeaard, t? his heirs at laws, H appearinf to the, satisfaction of the court that aeveral ofjhe defendants are not inhabitarta of this State; it was therefore ordered by the court rnsi no'ice or this suit be published in thcSoutttrn Citizen for six weeks, rolifyinr the defendants to appear at tie next Term of ot ibis coun to be hem for tba county jt Haiwtolnhat the Cnnrf Itnuui In' liUk.Mn.K on the ith Monday of September next, or tho V I " win vtiaca iw mrvi fesao and heard expert 1 . ; , WUneas J, Worth Werk sod Master iaMlnui, ty for aa'ul County, , , J. WORTH C. M E . . 2361." "ADVERTISISMBKT. W HE fmpbsibility of carrying on the Watchman as it oucht to be conduc ted while absent on Collecting expedi tions, and the impossibility of longer do ing without tho largo amount due mo. for six years of labor, havo determined uw w bvu uk -,-Bia uiibiiuiciii at me ena VT 'W-1TCCIH YCBT. I TKS'" t UDFCTimiun . -I . :. f rl . i. ... .- . list is about EIGHT HUNDRED, and v thk increase:, and the Jobi Print ins and Advertising good fbratlcaW FIVE HUNpRED DOLLARS a year. A gentleman of talents' and a sound Whig shall have the pi er on the most" lib ; eratjterms. 1 w ruld not willingly let it go into any other service. An earl application' is i ttjnt stod. 1 f ll- u. JONES. 'Editvrhd'vroprietor: - Onjr. exchange papers in North Carolina will clcasc nvh this a few iu. .. , ... . ,- scrtions..-T r " --- CAMP MEETINGS. . A camp meeting" will be held at MTab crnacle," in Guilford countv. 0 miles Southeast of Grecnsboro-rc6mmenc ini on tho last Saturday, the 28th of July Also one at "Old Union,! in Randolph county, near Walker's Millscommen cing on the last Saturday, the 20th of August. Ministering brethren are rd questcd to attend. r- :v : : 6uiwV u i4 auiwvoilt A large quantity now on hand. FOR SALE - Tho article will bo constantly , kept iivuviv..ii v " '( .i . J. M. A. DRAKE. -J

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