tmVINTlGlV. 1 . AL. 1M1 KOVItM i i' LOM'EN - ' ,TWX. , ' " r;.,v.M. is?s. r ".. u v.ous notice a coii- t '. :-i i; 'i:n the counties tilL-:,rt -41,4 -v-ilie -toww - -.' ' V'. !r ;'.!), Fayc tuV:i!e, ' HilKboro 'm urv. tr ijcsinir.on hctottn ol GreciftlMri' on led ibe 4th 4 Juiv Jt&3,hr tfto purpose of con Wun iccedicr.upon thr ccncral inter laU.ji.aic , "i r ev'mng "fon'c practicable plan for '-t- internal improve&ent of. sa;d Stale ;;:.itle devc'.tptinent of her vtt re- 1 J.c convention was . called to order in Ujo Hod. Jvlia M. Dick; up00 hose i&anYin his Excellency E. IJ. Dudley, vas-huiir.ioaisly. chosen' to preside o- i . . " i t ;. . Tl I'll! cr.iu aicra:wnst ana iienry jmu- ...';.. wasVl-uoIi.ied' crtfary 7777 ' art.,u;i olDrTFred7 J. -Hill, the iSwiog"; delegates "presented jheir, .is.; is to the Secretary ! and toik their, res'.siin Vi.e cmcnuoii, viz: I rcui lUt 'atnvty ' tiuVfvrd- Hon. Ju!:o M. Dick, John M. Mcrchead, llenrv-Hiimnhreva.John A.Gilmer. Dr. 1 I M I.uJuiv- Andrew Liitdsnv. Dr, ...'.'John A. TV. Wilson Hill, Charles licibWTJosei&'Gi jr., CoL Daniel ClarWDr. S. G. Coffin, Jesse IVmi Nathan Mendenhall, . J4ia A I-ulk:, Dr. David WortL"' Chai'ifi n. irenry I.audon, Ben jatniu ..7 I Lute, John ; ; A ?ii;7.--Gen. Alocaticr Grav !lesc Harper, Henrv J J. Elliott, Joua Nathan Meiidu.hall, Mn H. Ilaighton, Jos. A., Henry 11. Du?eiil;r.rv. . C'oiivt niK n then adjourned to meet cgnin to-njoirov at 0 o'clock, A. 2J. 1 July,5th, 1SC8.V , Convention met agreeable to adjoun tuerit. :a A' Nathan Mendenhall chairman 6f the general committcty otKivd .the follow v.-. . t ' .. .. i n commutce to wnom were reicr cd sundry, rcst-lutiotis m fehiTioOo'va- sous roites lor a rail ion,l trcm ray ettevillo 4o4ike-westt rinMrt-Korth nrolina, Mm the tid unlades and dtnad varittsgea of the several. routes fyr n Cen tral rai roacVKfiFuUT. - ThaMhey are iut4i posseMon-.of sutitcient lntormatiun jo lustily tem in recommending any part iculai route, and that inasinuch as suncy have been made by a competent engineer, any ac tion on the subject before bis' report Is III ' . - L ' I . given wouiu ue premature ana inexpcp The same committee to whom was Ilaudit on fx.tli sides of Dcep'tlivcr' scrr.e o whic!i a re ritensivclv worked and have produce d itzi quan!i': j m lorp i re, stnil tlii nf ihinM rnniin- t hcv have I'Ctn worked tor cohl, ne J- . w. W . other. Kithcrtowc have. I y fending mr protluro to our sister States,- been u!t''" ,tlicrQ.ui,.!Rt i,-.G,Facrificr.jt?fr nun. .Mia i ini ma 9 oi lumps ccn; n- v " " - n i . ... . . - . lio'nnv longer? Forbid it, patriotism J ling abctt fc'I cr lushcl, vlicrcas r.aa Forbid it interest! . . , rnWrth, juWslkcv Hugh Mc- ...;0.atliaileddiiig. , j ' ; 7ice.r-Gen. Janes Coolt, Col . W. Pearson, Jacob Wayues2urg, M. ilbert, John Tillet, G. A-.Miller, hl - Clcmmona. , ' . ' -HecJtijitkcrmJ-Joseph A." Twitch- referred a resolution wstructim thein to inqoire Into, and report upon ihcbest 'means of raising funds to b? expciidcd on objects ol nnernal improvctneut, and HKCwise as to . the expediency ol tne State's embarking in a general svstcin , ... o O I I- ol internal imi rovcment, report.' lliat, :jr tiom and the great importance of the snnjecis reiorreu. uier aectn u inexpe dient to make any suxscsliuns in reler tnce toiLe best mean of. raising funds to be expended on objects of internal iiri xo cincnts.w And they likewise deem it inexpedient at this time for the sailic reason to iliake any report what ever, as kiliio advantage and disad vantages, of the several 'routes for ,a Cun t a i r ail- riMid; , w Ulo-at tike - same l ell. F,an the tnon of iVi!min$tcw- Dr. Fred. J. Hill, Wm. C 1-ord. . fihtUtrtiicChnt. Ilaigh, Dias. -IVila'deW CoingtonXOrreH, Lt;doTu.lLc&rv K- jNash, John Caiiicrun. -, . &ihiln r v. Dr. Pleasant HcrJerson Claries Parteeg Col. lit bt, AleNamara, l,Ui John Beard, William Lock. . txi.ngtoju-Hubert Foster II. R. Du8CiiloiTy,Kovc!l A. King. - " ; Oa motion of i)r. Froderk! J HUl Uesotved: That a cSmmittce on the -Statistic trt die State,' belappointcd, to -consist of one delegate frun. each coun ty represented..., . , Ol. Jii!.es C oli dTcixxl the foHow jilg iVwiSulMn: Rciolted. That- -a' ' gen?r1 'committee s. bj - o o e o i - ,rT ; H -J w -s. e n--7i 1 ; "J- v- 1 ' - Is K oa - rSJ Jit ' ofthetestqualitv hat bwn discovered, ? 20 taileti East of DwiSlittlcy will " w ars r v facility lor operating In tne mmcp. j . . . . 11 I Accidcnthas lately, brought .to light in throtighoutthe camp; alUhat could 51 V fl- slct VA Stokes ecu a larec dciosite ofmo be learned tliatjlire runners; had i - r- n i. ,'r i i t ii . n it . . j i T 1 1 u ,h 2 f s 1 " "SfTg Hjji i"gg ? ' I T" fceerc vcri;'.c.i Lstcr.icrtd to I.Ir. Henry Kliott for the s&tisijctory. tr.r --r in On;net:ca cf VSprhhn t. -. J,t!.a couvctiticn odiourrid S.rl a. the ore" lccn melted for, copper- it would have iclded equal to '. 12 , per bushel, The Baird mine, 7 miles South of Grecnsloro has lately been; worked for copier and about Q tons ot .fits r . v ' i i ' ?. ruiscchthis mine has, been lately pw I t - r " cliascd by an English comiany and . "roq ilieMftnphis Oatette., will probably rRxisTwe IFm,.. Fttlitsr YAtiwHl kv TheVonfa J mine 6 miles East of Lex- J?Jt' F dit r $ ''?! ingtoiv-iias Ja successfully worked the following cjimimumcation a place for Gold and like mosHfibe GoU mines 1n youpaiier. ult w fart of A let in this rceion 'tis believed will be sue- ter received from A friend "in Ar- ccssfully worked for copper. The lead knnsas, A few days Ft nee, and it ir mines lately , discovered in Davidson, ffon, excellent tulhcrity-1 htvo give indications of grearpr have been explored to the depth ol COtl. -i-n.-i,, r,., . and the annual product is i .. . ' 1000 tons. 1 Beside, these mines,; there ' The conduct of the Indians are others situated in other counties bout here is now decidedly hostile which tend to increaselbe resouices of There ire it presmt abuut 3000 the biatc: near some ol those mines, coai Creeks and Dberokees encamnrd Stone, in addition to that allready known come from 1 amachee, the chief of 7 and which must prove immensely val-; Ddewarrt, but what was their uauie 10 xne upper sccuons 01 uh owht 'nisrioar we could not leant? I think uKJso sourcef j-j it was warlike as they held a counc J cotnmittre would-, mention , Uie many Cotton Factories already ui operation, of all the older chleCc and warri making ho less a pumher than 13 wor- r m me lent 01 L.ooiaciue, ineir king i 3,000 Vpindlcs and several now great Chief. Their conduct hat occii uucosivcanu msuiiing iq ino. whites since. We lcun that in a bout thrice weeks they expect ruu iter from the tribe of Kickapotw & one from the Pawnees, further erectina I In presenting these ; hasty views the committee trust that they have done e- nougn 10 snow uie importance in ran- roaa irora mis sccuon ni o the sea Jboard and in fact ft absolutely necessary for iti prosperity, awl the than this we could learn nothing.-- . -.L- Lt:f II.. ik.t ik.. 1 i l h Carina rcauiif her.Legislaluro the iJ0nh&caro a Z wvaAmeat ofcapiial m such a rai'road - wir w,m the whites is the opinion .r.s j . s . wopnvarouna are somuca mi iavorc4lm- fll .,& nms '..r. ' .r. . ,-rtraff their , H . ; ,-ni.urnnn niiuntmni iuipaivii imm - , he acpoiiatd to Cbiiiisi of one delegate frt:m euchs col D'V 1 pVvjcntcd in this (-onvcifUon, to v. bom shall le referre.1 ii proposhions in relation k Iu'ernal liiipiovenftt's wl.ich loay be submuted and retort tlicrcon to this convention as may be rracucauic. . - r.. -.; A:, 7.Ad(ptod. -On mofmn fXirrIenrfcnrra 11 r: ,VKelved, That it be referred to die general comUiii tee, to iciwrt to th con- -. vtotknion tile ai vm.'aires and disad- vhoues vf :he lud route from Fy : ' u:tcv:I!e to the VV'Ciicrn pari of K. Car- Ori J i..o ion.ef Jitn Ih Hauglit. on;Eyq., ' . .'. : J1M 'lvnd, Tip -I '.f advai.tncea and dihao .-'.i.ii t-l tU sseral iuies for .a Ctuiral rail r ad, bo referred to the gcuend coouiuUct, to report Uicreoo to .'ibis ccwivcnttotv 1' Ou motion of Geiv Ja'Ccuk 1lteaolvcdi-rhat lherrcrxral -wrntnit All which is respectfully submitted. - . K MlENItLfCK'ni Wiiich report was adopted. William C Lord chairman pf Uie commiitce'on the Statistics of the State, ofi'crod die lollowing reporttoniur T sue coinuuiiee 10 wimch was assign ed tlie duty ''of' furnishiiig this t con ven tiou whh such statistical information as Uie titiie ami circumstances of the oc casion will udr.iit, beg I'ivo to submit die foUowihy UEPUUT:" 7 !t7 . 1 From the haste in which the duty has i' 1 -.1. . l- eci. . . 1 b ueeu cxccuieu, uie warn 01 o;aio uvU- menis on the subject of statistics, and the impracticability of access to private sources of infurmuUon, the com. mittce arc well aware, and it must be apparent lo lite couvenMoii, tliar lite statement now presented, iadelective and onsaiis- factor vvKIitviiigrTiuuever, thai It km 1 1 1 mm r nnn settlement on the rivtr Patebu. in sCOTortfrontiwJictjMth wu the westernpart of Arkansas, about Ifo?. 1 , 50 milee from fort Smith, They efirprlseihi..eonv Pri!Se A. Gilmer 1 oflerod the fol of Virgtma-j Tlic port:ofVViimi owns 3, 700 tons more than Petersburg, and 2,000 more Uialv Richmond. Tlie Haolvtd. . Tbatthis convention do id. me lui wportsof North Carolina arc reported 10 Yadkin )h lnri-k-l ' ...... . . 1 j. luvcr as betn! well caicuiaieu irom us as jar below Virginia and South Caro- 1 L - . . I .1 imm anu mucnmore uiao me real a-in,:.. .krtv. :,k tki P.t mouo:; for instance, the whulo amount I l- fur.t n.:- Sf,i for lyirth Carolina stated to be ,nnl nr ht.r nWn "Lr iir , -himneni: 795r while a orrect accent of the ca- c0M,uci greatly to the interest of the porufrom he port of Vdmington on- Wegtern thc SliUsn Ado t. n.ay be the ir.caiia of exciting public at tention to the siioject, and prove, to some extent, a source of inroriiiation lb inanly of our ciuzertsraliey - artf unwilling' la !.tl..U .1- ! ... , jf. ! uiinuoiueven uie iimuea iniurmarion wh ly; shows .Tthe amount Uicre,lo be $l-,wi r iuvi iriA jt.. a I . .. - .a . - a - -- 1 vll. ' UIW"UJ'. niw, uie numoer 01 vcs-i n. rm 1 Till th C, U nn OttTt territories. J be Dclawares, a large-rand poworful - Cribe, ? only: want a small provocation as a stira- 7 ulous wr them to turn their arras a- gainst the whites.' Two ' men tbi morning came , from Dean's salt works,- saying" that Uwo laborers were Lntchered by the Indians without the slightest provocation. A few months will decide it. and if they do rise U will .be the most bloody war that the annals of his tory can produce,U will be Hike a tornado, sweeping every thing in ich they have been enabled to ac u :":ww-mpioyeo coasi crale.aa wire. ... ; -...j , ;,, 1 17 v . ."". -juvf"1 i ducer.of Few-mcmbcrs of tr cordcdcracy .upws wknouienier.ngTai ine Uncreaff tec be uiMn;c;ed to inqure into, wd re. rtcultural productions; the extent of her ? r ,.,wu eu us ,ua" t1" - therefore, TerritcryogeiiieritlMlujritror-au-l j m!m at the Custom:! louse. iKtwit Lni of her soffit tier to enter the "rciore very prooewc.mai couw QurciUzens remiire 1 1 in la ff liA i'Vis i At A m f.ii'oi'lw Jkf lit. , tetiud Jinprveuet,-and IurtJer that said com fni' tee be insUuctcd tinquire ImZ, repi t , ' uin m, tle cxueditncy j f the State er.bur! irg m general ! e.4l o; JMernui improvements. V..sf;:;.7:.K.5.v:'v-A'7" v.; liesolvCd, : That the -cbnnriiltec ajp- Ki'nAvd on the Statistics of the State of onli t aruliiia be instructed 10 tale '.7..;iii('f i(f ratiorp'iid '-'rejort. thereon, ,;$a ai irm&s ttnd.t!advarttagcsoftlic 7 W'Vii inr.)kZ9 ctr;iectcd vath ,v';a "direct' trpqe'-e-tweci Al South 'end ."'f,,rein varifw, Kh': i""f "..- ,.7..',. '''"- " '07 fftrn lifct' cri Hi Uftrthtki of the -hialc lfij.v-fAVi'.fiasii' (7 Ird,--C harles 7 T.-lfairtu Jch'rt Tilrfryhead, Giles 7; . 7-tfV 'J es; A;, InHci t!t. Hcuv B. ' -'. b'7;'V' iVciPAr ivi!,, j M i.ry A, Sit- : i. 7-7-, r;-7v ; u'rirtuM'o'r wcfj Dr.vFrod. J. In!!, 3 hh lkit, Ji tailjii Voitl , Jji. sefs reported as entering t ports of prelmbIe ,4 rewluUon, which was a Nrtharohna, is stated at 205, while dot)lei Vir - inereturo oi theiiarbor Master at one VVhcrca all restrictions imon trade 01 ojar.poris 01 entrr, reports 438. lhuu?iM,ltuk.(i.A. rM,.;r.i :rn,wi-. ih mnir H.cnl..: t. .r... di.Tcrance is rcaddy accounted, for, by mon,t M 'P,.,n, ..Jh.J -!. A Is... - I 1 I ' - -. ' 1.1. " " " .MWIf. I V. lUtl UUID fir nnin itio itniunr r nrik. I ' .r,M . b.-v. " I 1 wm soon cuiae, we snoaia oe nre llie article exported and1 1 t i i , , : ; 1 - 1 1 l'ivl w IIUVI IU(UI 1 1 f IUUIIVVI fcllVUIMI ...v..w.. 1 . - t ... possess greater resource; tbe eleiociits TT' - "V " r" Which our toreign commerce now pass- , Vour lfiwn Jnrt.i ofwealthtuacreaierexteou than our 0 tsecretary of uSe Treasury isde-L$di niiny)( , tL of lbe :Lu SLlin n-Nurto.-CirobWThc the price of the ar-! '"i wui.wi-wwwi on-- liTr cli;i.ate "and consequently of her agtlhf fince b the amount of exports tichjg con fUm.d jn tur 'home markets- .lrfl?' 1 bc,,eve I tve no jail- ma 111 ygur iown, suppose you filtlli ft .Vnmn.M v nf kmioi. A inusler anddriILthera:regolariy initiate them into all (the uts of war, for Gcd knows how soon their, country may want there. ' P ' But what can we expect. Trace front; the discovery of , America: fho drove the read , men from the homes of their ancestor?, level- cu mcir mrc&m.anu mu 41 criOLiaci men, women and children, but the white tnanf Who rendered industry lists ot a of her sister Slates: and lists of onerowcompctiTion ith anyi tnoiount ot . rports a lroin other VCt minv of IrV,',1' w v cimineu, v . 1 ik. ..,,.i. n.n. ...... 1 r.n 1 lliem, inlants of yesterday, have passed tne.wiwie amouni wouia tan out us by in number in wealth,- and polil- n 3,O00Or-From this cal importance.;- This mortifying view "VhinSs, "y? committee confi. little state c I ,1.. mportanccr Thw mortifying icw rr,"9l waumn, wiiiwenuv of our situation, is attributable fo the pp".6 inai w c,iuCns 01 iNortn oiraiion cf a variety of causes, one of Carolina would fend' their produce to be which pcrhatis, oi3y couv.-s: uiihiirthe: rtLbctMVtnBlAio, i.nvi,.,.A nf A,f- ,.Am.r.,MJ'-i;r instead 01 those of neichbonni! States, mM frf kff m irim 1 imrsrirna an(f of 1 1tie.ttot fal CIP0rt, won.IJ fi VflCf mmmwrfifMir uui ir.ifinu , ii not tooouui Laroa- !nnti r ik iTii.ul f I DU - r 1 our committee: cannoi close tins report,: Without adverting to the mineral '1. 1 ' a .a . a - t " each oUicr. ; fetate, are unlcnown to most of bur ci tiz:i.s; uitu 7m; whtu of this knowledge, ritiei t.tet us An ir.f-iit.u4 nnnri thfir ilf. vclot). n-enS oor is ihe j-unark less ab- vih Vt lh s,'e abounds and plk-bie ki relerelice toW commercial Jhey arelnippV''to: state;; that in this attvzm:rri:MrT;. -r, rklteiKu branch of Use report, they- have been source cf ofitwraP vnjlti,, as7will apr Wef bX a conference : with an intelligent par ij-orn the -.fubjviavid stalemeitt oh Setntwtnan . anowieugo 01 uie tanicd princailr f'n.rn an authentic u,!n'!,S operations, is , inferior .to 11000 docuineiii emu,atiiig lroin the 'awureia'ry yith,1 ',ur, an1 who has kindly dicuinCut, reiyoried-to Coiiirrcss 19 May I inz information: fast, it v lil bvT app.ireiit '1u inany'resn I "( ial the counties of Guilford and Da eels that iho cemmerHal advantages of I vidson are found: The lldrlin mines tbe pons u( Noth i aroiina are siqrior I o'voed by the Deep Uiver,inini U) Hlioni of Virginia, and that it 'only re-l papy, which has shipped itk Ni the best interests of tho establishment of , a dircpt foreign trade to' some port of entry within Uie limits otour own state, and that the zealous cooperation of our mercantile community be invited to the accomplishment of so desirable an oDjccy : - - . 7; f...7.; : On motion or C. r. Mallet, lsq.. - Bcsbl vedr That this convention do recommend totlic citizens of this State, taappoict-dclegates fronxe veryicouuty mining corn ew York VVilniinctonA with- in nif.le Nt'j-ih farolina ' ;af, if not m iMe mbntlis M.jv;ri'fr"u Viripiiii commerejal im- .tbmt of-eppper f;or4ce.;I,e! ''i-a t!.c r reduce of N: will raise and u rulirii ; if,; p:pnrtc4 I forn ! her Svn- 4h;s' is a sulfiii ct known 1 in England by. rt, and Uio will t?t once take her Uie iiumc of-.-yellow Copper and con md in iSie cotiimctcMi- uorld as supc Uins(83 1-3 per ct. of Copper- 1 )i w vuiriiua un uie one nana anai aiiu vuiiiuiu iroiu inmiiiir comnnnv. t'4;CU.'l!.'Juidkn;"Juhi ..Canxton, .not inferior lo South Carolina on uVcJ arc ii 'possession of a nuaiber ofinincs in the State to meet in convention on the second Monday of December next in me yny 01 naieign to taac into con sidaralion all matters : and things that ma tend to tlio internal nnnrovement ol the Mate to the development of her resources -end to advance her com mercial intcjest and im'pbriance.'l' ,.-.';; Un motion of Col id bcrt Alcama ra: . Resolved unanimouslv, Tlint the thanks of the ronvetilion are due, and are hereby tendered 10 the citizen ol Greensboro and of Guilford county, for mcir iiospuaiiiy ana politeness 10 mo members of our body. . Un motion of ucorgo A. Miller hsqa Resol ved : unanimously, Tha tUie thanks 6f this convention are due, and are hereby tendered, to his excellency Edward B. Dudley, (Piisident of thc convention; ior 1110 auio ana aigmticd manner, in which he has presided over - On motion of J. S. Clemonc Esn, Rcsolrcd, That the thanks of this cod their hearts desolate, made them drunk and cheated them, but the white man? - The white man done all this, and more.? What littlo the government pays them for their lands, the white men cheat' there out of. Here they are on the verge atf lit tiitalirri t iti1 Y!tfAM mm m a. aa a. a a. m a. a a n ua aaa aaa a rii a rm 1 ww " " - ivu4 the hunting grounds of their ances tors, and soon the memory of the poor Indian will be lost in obli vion, and the page of history tell' no more of their brave deeds. 0, ray countrymen! I blush for you! : Should any thing occur worth mentioning you shall hear it, V , Yours, fcc. ' -"r v.-' k V 7 : Appjciis. 1 v rort Dmun, juneu,