Ftnm tha Ch. Watchman. ,:. ?4 . k 1 ANOTHER'S ADDUESSLTO .THE SPIRIT OP HEU DEPARTED BOY Spirit! sweet sprit! bfitetl; me rty love ilast thou found J in the mam Ions of "v'i leaven above,.' . -4 Ofio that lo ves thee arishrwho oil has- . 'And bobiied ff'rih hcrrprajters-thy pil ;-i - - lowlier breast? w M a l)o the boghteraph8' tvings now'shadow . ? . jmy boytH'? fcr-iit A : , Ashe strikes in their., presence hosan ! PocS ho ihinVwhUe hishimd' the golden .: "harp sweeps, V -'4; :tV -That the mother -who loves him, all .. lonely now wf?ps7. .,;. Hast thou seen us, my joved one, as day after day, .' y We've watched over thy silent yot'bcau- tiousclay Hast thou ever the strings of thy harp " softly hush'4 : m , . As tho tear front theye,it thy father Tost thbtAhuiVol the one) who calls .. -l 1 'Ifiee his own.: : Now thy itpirit fn rrVus'to the bright t WnrL both W p ' ' ' ! "Do the angels in bliss lever peak of lha ' '-vS name, ':fri '',4' ''?,"'V: - - And point to thy brptherye'ii brother the samel " ay, dost thou iww sing inihe choirs hove. " , r, ' ' t . -The tune which w thinking - of 4hce, we now lore, . .As thou flcdst from us .hereon.tha , t hrieht sabbath day, . , , d r SafeJv througlL1.,. as ' , tbou spread thy t , ongni wngs wai. 1 iium say, Does the Savjoof, we love, , his arms tfc round thee flintr. 4 When low at hjlfcct! his falscByou Docs the bright 'crown f glorjryour . meek brow now shade. f Has he shown you the mansioris his-' fa . L ; incr fcatb maaetfsH',n 4 ".'."' ! ' !t:;f' f -: ' .- " Sweet Daniel, my dcar, Oh! wlicn may And bo Aith the Saviouf ; fore vfrat ' hoire. Of vrelrotoic thy mother, on the iugs r f Cf thy loW,-;T- t J 7 3Vhen she hastens to meet thee in gtory above " - - VlLLAGE-HOTEIi jfl HE SrESRlRER Informs the pb ' 4 lie that hchasrvccntly j ua hascd the J louse and-.'r'ii"-'?' v' ' ?:f--:--f' Tavern Xt'AUmeni,t' Formerly occupied by James Elliott ' Esq. South wtstUorticr of the '-4 !q rt IM usCJjqiiareinAWJDorougn. jiisrooms : arc iarjre, pleasant " a nd 'commodious:' - at.d well tin njsMdwhh ? very acj5J9tmn(d dation tor loai tiers. His table too, it is confidently believed, 'will constantly be -jrovioeo p wic a manner as wgi vtf en tire satisfaction to' all. Hp hottcs ilie 11 II """H'ourT-ofliccnrund Gentlemen of the Daf w ill be liberal in their patronage, and in ' fact, all others who may like His Slut-re are mtnmnHiovn and 7ry, will bp attended by gord and carc- ful 41irtlcrsiand kept plentifully supplied ,w Uh all lhc varieties i f gxxi provender All arc invited it call and make trial lie thinks liccangivc entire satisfaction SAMPSON D. GLEAN. Jan.1838. 1-tf. 4 : ' ; ' CAMP MEETING. i Y divine "fermlfsiori tlitre will! be a P -camp nKef'u'l! l:eld at JVlount ISlicp--rrd .n'eting Jtouse; c'nl Randolph cir ctit, N. V( rrfri'rvcc, ;;Tti!.cutl0 miles "".v et M A ulcluroif mri) 'ncing on the 17th of A ut 1JJ8;'- Aid' from' our brethren is nxMMlf f)lteited: '!" ' ' , TJlOflAKBARNUM. ; JOIMUUNTING ' tHrA;' C ft V Mt J Ut " i -' ..'r' i. roorCTCd. . rcu THIi PARMER 0 ADVOCATE, AND MISCELLANEOUS KKPOiUCR. , Agriculture, Literature Science, and the Mechanical Arts, the country t ' ttay andnattorfstccatlhi.' rflNotwitstandins the - eitcnsivB .variety of news-papers and rtodicais. pupusn ed throiugboutthe country,, ana tho di versity of. subjects therein embraced, it is obvious to every rational and reflect iBZ.mma, uiai me conauciori 01 uiusp powerfutt ztid if rightly "gufdcdr those salutary venicics 01 iniormauon, nave been top generally actuated By party motives; ind that political contests have been Carried to. such an -alarming ex tent, at to .threaten ' dcsolution to our noble institutions;- while subjects rcla ting to1 Agriculture, literature, Science and. the Mechanical Arts; those subject; immediately connected with bur best in terests, and " which would' eventually place us in an independent situation have' measurably remained unnotic ' Actuated, therefore by these views, the subscriber intends publishing in Jamestown, N. 0. a periodical under, and comportini with tlie above', title ; iu the execution of which, he designs in the first place, to use ail laudab)e exertions in procuring and disseminating practic al information, essential to the interests, and calculated to increase the dignity 0: tbe J? armer. Secondly Education, and the Lilt' raw tyttlutUmi p tho country, will find in his columns, a warm and friend ly, support.' x'V i , Thirdly -Science, and the Mechan ical Jir it, vf also bo. subjects of dis vussion, ana loviriauiy receive a uocnu share ol attenuonV V - ; . .Founhltt"Due attention will he paid to subjects calculated to promotOLthe cause of Virt ue and Itclicion. , r ' Fifthly: A brief notice will also be tat'en of nassind events, of an hniwrtanl and interesting nature, both Foreign and Domestic; excluding-all Political contcstl, at.d subjects calculated to cre- aie parry animosity.. vr.u - In short, no ams will be 'spared, to rndeiithe;AUV(X:ATE' 1. valuable and pntereHing-" visiter: in every family, an J. to every virtuous: and intelligent class of the community. V, Jnfjler-tbercfore; the more cflccti. ally . to prosecute our purpose, we re spectfully solicit the friendly aid of cv- f- . . rrory -anu ociemrjic gcmiemcn, s wno may have talent nd inclination, to com municato to us such discoveries . and practical hints, on subjects .within our Cotton yarn &c 2 a thousand, uo provinoo, as may enrich o?r columns, rca the quantity be 4lball then tr tw0!! '"JW ilhe'price will be 1,00 a hundrcd.-l ihotchts bccomo.a valuable, Source of iV Lvi..I.n;.: ....t, :r : f.:M..:A. -i v JiLAKsts. V arrsnts, and such suhjectsTfcither;)tirrMro will U'tlaankfully received. -.j .The ADVOCATE, will be puLli,cd in monthly numbers, consutiiig -of thir. ty-two octavo pages, wo sheets) niat-t ly.prinicd on good paper., folded. and; stitched, and promptly: mailed to' sub-, scribers; making in a year, a neat vol ume pf 384 pages and furnished with title page and wdex, at J? 15 icr year in advance. . ,'' J ' ; Anypcrson by forwarding $10, - free fronieliarger-ill-be entitled -to-ten copies.1 ".' ' j ' - - In consMuence of the difficulties and lossesnvuriably attending the Co lection of sMiall -sume, a a distance; no ord ertoTthe paper will be attended to, until the subscription prioe bo forwarded, or tlte payment -secured by some known rcponsibld person. V b rir- ,ic u s-.t-t ? the publisher, must come free Irofti pos tage, or they cannot be trtt ended to. -v As we intend-commencing the publi cation sonie time in the inonthrf Au gust next, all persons tioldtng subscrip t:ons, arorcqiiesitd to forward tlicin as early as possible. ti ( :i. , ; Ail editors lavomble to our cslirns, and those who may fuel disposed to ex- 'a ?.t Ml a r "a -I cnange wuu us, win ao us a lavor . oy giving our prospectus an insertion. . t . . JUHW iJIIIiliUXIUl Jamestown, N. C? Jdne, 38. : A camp meeting v ill bo bcld at "Tab- ffrimrln." Ir fluilliiril fnmili (I miln. Southeast of Grecit; boro' commcne tag on the last Sattirdu the 88th of July Also one at"Old Uuicm'l in Uandoluh. county, near Walker's Mills common- cirttr iho lastaluiduy, Uiu 2Ulh of auwku: ' Atio'sienng bibtnren are re- qtiCatcd w attend "VV'i-',;, 1 lUfiJjni -I'PEYunt A": ' HAYING reeanctl the du - ties cf his r.rcfcssion, ex- "ects in a few days an assortment of lUfcucincsircsu anucenume, sfiec led Avith ca'rfthy himself. He, ma be found at'Jui ouce it ny timr, except whin professionally enga ged." Hi'i L chargei will i corres pood with the pressure of the times, vhra visit &l ten milet i will ; be charged five dollars, ' (medicine in-' ciuacu.; ureaicraim less msian ccs will be charged in the same pro portion. Ashboro'M.G.iTeb; teas. ..wj.irYi-UlAriKM' DOCTOR M&VDEXJIMT, : and dnti-Dy8pepticf . .. 1 1 Vegetable Pills. THESE PILLS r called Aew, because her have not hitherto tee oflctcdto the Public they ateenllad Valuable because their value has beea fully t fated by tit Inteotor, by practice and experiem for several yean in a section of country peeujmrty auhjrct to Uiacatr a requiring; a remedy oft liia kind. These pills are entirety Vegetable, and may bo taken with safety, -by persons of all ages and conditions. Wbca taken accord'iig to tho directions aeeonipanyingeach'bwx' they sre highly beneficial in tho 'prevention and euro of tho following disease!! Fever and Ague,' Dyspepsia or Indigestion, J'Utulent Coolie; Ilesrtbuntj Purred Tonjcue, litsteif tion oftbo Stomach ,tn4 Bowels, Incipient Diarrhea,' Dyseatsry or Flut, tlabitusl Cooi Weness, Loss of Appetite, Worms in Chil dren.' ,;'":.'- ' . ' ' All cases of torpor of the bowels, sll cases of psln in the Lead which arc caurcd 1 mmtall head-aches are) by a disordered state of the Stomach, and in'all'eates of gen'erj weakness after Fever or other severe ait knew. Though ery. efficienV they sre aceedir.! mild in their operation, causiag neither Muses griping nor debility. . , ' for salt at Jamestown Guilford eo. N.' C. Alsoat Greenaboro'. Ashboro' and I-esmgton, N, C-.-Priee 50 eents per bo. 5-(5m r Tttma otlOBIVHoXT UV U r Hcguhtcd according to thelitis lutions or the late Editorial Con vention.of NrC.) . t -t iuculass for Candidat I Ac. of ordinary length, from 68 to 820, according to the quantity of matter, and .number of copies. t-: V ;.'V..- . pAUPHLLTs.iiuppole 21 du- Ar1frimA nnerre fair nf thft 'Min nl llusioces'')500 copies good pa per, folded, ; pressed. stitched, trimmed fcc will cost about B50, I House ;13lli will cost i herrj from B3- to 86 according to the Itncrth and twl in ulnrh thv mav - """o - ..J:Z ""v he displayed. " i ' Labels for Books, Bails of - W fur Clerk 'of .Courts canwot he liad atYhia office under 75 cents s uirei otlTve cenfTi sheet, if fess ihao a ; Quire be taken. Slurifls' Deeds, or ordinary "Deeds of conr snce, ceuU a cony, orVlUO.a. dozen; Attachments, bondauu aCi davit, 25 cents a copy,, cr 2.C0 a dozeo; t)eeds of 'Xrtist, and . Bills of sale, 25 cents a copy, or 2.00 a dozen; ill other blanks not kept on hand-forCHerksrotitpTintedToiir der St f2.0Q a Uuire. Any instru mentvWilMie futniahed, and cor rectly 4llrip"for .bOTTnd i there Ucadvin or calculation wantl ed, the charje i will never be less tban-92 00, but may be more, ac cording to the circumstaiices of (he cue: ' - f . 4 Xh; j.iNptriinff can be printed either in the paper, or out of t. lor lessipau i.wj. ; y rlillEhnposibility of carfyingron the , Watcliman as it ought to boconduc tcd while absent on collecting expedi tions,'and tho impossibility of longer do ing without the largo amount duo mo for six years i of labor, have deterininnil mlo to sen me csiaousnniciit at the. end lisotlie prcscut yean, . The .subscription at; is about luui ItUUUKD, and on the iucrpftet and i tho , Job Printing i . iv.-.'. ..... ana a a vert g goou ior at least n vis HUNDttEi) 1X)LLAHS a vear. A gentlcmans of talents and a sound Whig snail nave ine pupvrun (Hc inatt : lib etal termsv l uould not willingly' let it go- into, any other service An early application is requested.? ;t . 0 Editor, Mti4 proprietor . ' TIITI CO CD PA7JAR1TAN''' ' I ' CrA COM UAa fzAil iiutiom. from. tie remotest agra. have had snip, I ut Columbiii only fgund out the way to America. Ik fore the time of the great Spankh navintor, peo ple were only enabled to paddle about the ahorea. Just so with tho Life Medicints. ' It is but two short years a'rhe.e; I firat ventured upon an unknown ocean, and I have tl'mcover ed th precious object I aaln srsrch of HEAL 111.' Vegetable medicines were, in deed Anown when I commenced my search, but (heir use waa not. Wy the ate of. them, t have not only passed'from the dejected in. valid, to tho hale, hearty' and active man' of buafnas, but. compaiativeiy speaKing. I hsve renewed mi youth. I csn thns,, with confi denceein my own experience, sdviss with mv fellow citisens. Does! the-render- want Drool that the VEGr.TAIlLEI.il fc alEDf. ClNESro awitablo to his own easeful have on file? at my office, 544 Hroadway, hundreds of letters, from some oLtho. most rereable citisens of this my nattvo land, voluntarily of. tercd in testimony of tho virtues of A G(KJI) VKGETABLR MEDICINE. : Persons . whoso eonstitntiont . bsve been nearly ruined by tho alUinfuliible", mineral prcparationa of the day, will bear me witmas mat uto IJIS stcoicinea, ano auca my, nro tho true course to permanent rood health. Cf NETtAL ItKMAVKS RELATIVE TO 1 bcao meJiCiiioo have long bee known and appreciated, for their extraordinary and im mediate powers oi reatonns! pcrreci neaitn, to persons huHcnng under nearly every kind of dicae to Lc the human ram is lisbl. ' In many hnndreda of certificated innsnces, they tiavo ru ieacticd lotlertrs Iron the very veigr ot an untimely grave, after all tho deceptive. 'nostrums of tho lsy bd utterly fWtL and to ni icrtbouaanda they have Per mar.etly 'scoured, that uniform' enjoyment oil health, without W6.cn bio itstir out a par. .iaif hteasing. o great, iude d, has their U Icacy invariably and infallibly praved, that it baa apptarad scarcely Was tuan miracuou to tio who 'were uiMcqumteJ witu the beautifully philospbicl 1 principles upon which they are compounded, and upon wnicti they consequently act. It was loibtir mani feai nnd-acnaiblo action in parifytng . the springs and chanuela of life, and enduing bens with renewed tone nod vigor, ' that they were indebted tor their name, which a as hoatowed upon- them at tho spontaneous request ol scvtrsl individuals whose lives they had obvtooaiy saved. t he proprietor rejoices in the opportunity sffyrded by tho unhcrssl diffusion of the dai ly press, for placing his Vr.CETA.BLK LIFE flLLb within tlio anowleUge and jeath of every individual in tho communityr Vnlik tho hoot of pernicious quackeries, which boast of vegetable tngrcdienls, tho 1 jle fiUa ore purely and solslt vsaaTion, and contain neither Mercury, Antimony, Arsenic, nor any other mineral, in any form whatever. They are entirely composed of extracts from rare and powerful plants, tha virtues uf which, though long known Jo several Indian Tribes snd recently to somt eminent plisrmeceuticsl chemists, ore nltg .her unknot n to the ig norant pretenders to medical scicncri and were never before sdminutered in so happily emcaciout a cambination. . Their firat operation is to loosen from the coats of tut stomach sad bowels, the various impurities and crudities constantly settling around them end to remove tho hardened Iwcet which collect in the convolutions of the smstl intestines. Other medicines only par tially cleanae these, and leave auch" collected nusaes behind, as to produce habitual coativ neaa, with all its trairofxodsor sudden di arthawuh ita imminent dangers. I Tbis'facl ia well known to all regular anatomikta, who cumin the humane bowels after death! and Ktnc7 the prejudice of tliea well informed men against the quack medicints of the age. The aecond e fleet uf the V LGBTABLK LU U PILLS la to cleanse the kidneys and the blad der, and bjr tui meaua, the liver and the lungs the bealtbtul action ot which entirely depends on the regularity f Uio nrinatywgnnaf The blood, wbicb takes ita rtd color Irom tho n gcucy ol tho liver snd tho lunga before it pat ee iuto the heart, beinr thus purified bv t htm, and nouriahedhy lood coming trom a clean stomach, course treehr. tsrvugn tbe veins, renews every part oftbo sjiUm, snd trtuuiphsntly mounts the bnnntr ot health in the nloontine: check. - ' ' . J he following are among tho distrestaing Variety oi nuiuan uiaeascs, o wnicu me ve getable Life Pills sre well known to beinlal liblri ' " : ' fjtflStEMslthwMjIily cleanain f the nrat and second stomaclia, and cresting-a flow of Dure healthy bile, instead of the atalo and acid kind; Venmry, i'atptttttln of tht Heart, Loss oj Jtppmrr, iitmrt-burn una iJtad ache,' UkMUmhu, tll4tmptriJlMxitty;Lan. guar, ona JJtoncAoty, wtuvlt sro the gonoral nymploms ot U) apcpaia, will vaniih( aa a na tural consequence ol ita cure, tWirrnrs hv cleanaint; the whole length of the iiitcsunes with n solvent process, and withuut violence) all violent purges lav tho bowels coative withtrrtwo tlaja- itiBrxhen anil VhotiTattj removing tho sharp acnu fluida by winch these compl ihts sre occasioned, and by pro moting tho lubncative secretion ol tue mu cut membrane. .ewrt of tit kiudi, by reklo ring tbe blood to regular circulation, through Ilia process of perspiration in atme easea, and tho thorough solution of all iutealinal bb alructiona in outers. Tho LIKE PILLS hsve been known to curs liktumatum permanently n three weeks snd Goof iu halt that time, iy removing local intUmation from the mua- bles snd ligaments of tho joints. ' 1 Drvj titt of uu kuw ny ireemg nno; atrsngtnenuig tb, mdiieya and bladderi theyoperate most de lightlnlty ion these important organ, and iience lure ever been louud a certain renieuy for the jrorst seoo of (travel. iAlao, Worms, by dislodging from the turnings ol the bowels tne slimy matter to which theae creatures ad here Atthma tnd Voiuumption, by relieving the air vessels ol the lungs Irom tne mucus, ohich even alight colds will occasion, which it not removed becomes hardened, and pro duces those, dreadful diaenaea. Xcurtu. L'L ten, and Jnvuttule Sort, by the perfect puri ly which theao Lite Pills rive to the blood. and all she buiuorej Hcuriulin ; JUrnpUonf, and Had Vompftxiont, by their,, altterostivo ci feci upon the -fluids iit feed Ui akin, the morbid state of which occ.fions sll Emtitt tomptaintt. Hallo tW, snd odr gr. Oil fompltxtont. The uae of these Pills fui a very ihort time, will effect an satire curs "t't ti proi n-t I i-t (! ( ...?f ' mi fo..'j fi:.J l.f.l.eni- v , . I re oy one r!ose, crtt ' : t- :; est ;s. ' as i t. , . . . s r. ; .t r.t trr saint and whstinsts r.!ry ttvr . I.'fo fills deserve C, '.t sftJ. c . ilrcAmmendation. tt 11 W .1 I tt ineds in this city, t!..t t!. lr , . tti i revaluiblo TiU. was L'si'7 t " ' t this complaint fompwar! of ti. ty . a ana tl at no two m vk. nr; r ' i - - scribed witbi the whvlo eoa ; s wf U WJ teri Medics, lit however, at I. ; . vti thonedicin wlkb he now cLn t tM f.ia I.e. and be wro cured in a very Utai i.mrv after his recovery had been prototnerd t only improbsWov Sut aasuuu uifBiow by any human means. , ,, uncr.u I tuns turn bt rrt-r.fT-jS' of tic VtsiTiiy Lut Pitudoft notfr tho bsse and mercenary practice of lie evacit of Jh,dyO"-P'Mf feesscs t?Ukt kis Pill is largo qnsntitica. r.'o f ci rrcU ein possibly bo so reqnired. hte I tra tobttskeh St bed tins every t ,;!., Cora week or fortnight, neeordinf to tho bst nsf of tho discss Tho usual Joss it frets 3 so $' occonting tw tb conatitorion of tL moMaj Very delicate persons shoutj begin .lb in two. and increase ss thf Mtnrsj of fhtctsw ray rtquirej fhoae more robust, or of s vrrv costive habit, mav begin with 3, and Isfreasw to 4, ot even J Pilla, and thry win tt m snfficient hsppy chsngwta ruu!e the patient in their further we. These FiT someilmts occasion trtsness and vomiting, tbool very seldom, unless tbe stomach is Very tWj this, however, may bw considered S favoeitt syms trim, is the patient wit) find himself ti onc believed, nd hy perseverance will soon f eovef. I hey hsually operate within 19 or f J boors, and never giro pain, unless tho Uvcls sre .very much incsmbered. They msv h taken by tht most delicate females) under any eircunutanceav- It i hoever,moaiended. that those in-latter periods ot pregnancy should take bat one at n tim-. ,nl thus con tinue to keep the bowels Of t J iven two may be take n here Iho pat. t is very cow five. One pill ia eolutMMi of too talo spoons full of wster maybe given to an infant in th following doaea-ja ten opoon fuB eery hwira till it perwteai tor a child frcm naco Sv yert of age, half a pitl and from Ire te ten, one pill. . :',,, , , THE PUtCXlX C1TTCBS, art m calted, beeauao they poaseM tb power of restoring tho expiring embtn of health, to n gtowing stgor throngb tho constitution, ss tho Phevtix si said to bo restored to life from tho uhM of vs own dissolution. 1 he rbenia Bitters tew mtirely vegetable, composed of wots Ibur4 only it certain pans of tht western countrv. I L II . .... ... . . . which win ininiiuiiy enroll B.VCK9 ATilt A UUES Of it! kind will never fail tn eradicata entirely all tht effect a cf Mercury, infinitely sooner than tho moat powerful preparations of Sarsaparilla, and will immediately cure tht determination of BLOOD TO THE HEAD never, ful ia tbe sickness incident ttyotrif fcmalci; and will bo found n certain remedy in all eases of nervous debility tnd weakness of tho .'moat impaired constitutions, Asa remedy for Chronic and Msmmstory Sheo matiam, tnt efficacy ot tht Phatnii Bitter will -bt demonstrated by the use of a single bottle. Tht usual dote of ithese bitters is half a wina glass full, in water or wine, and this quantity may bt taken two or three times 1 8ly, about half tn boor before meals, or t lets quantity may be taken at til timet, v To those who art afflicted with indireslion after meats, then .Bitters will prove invaluable, as ther vrrv .. tl Ik. S. 1 t L ' L t " viaccrai help ihcm to perform their functiona1 r snd cnsble the stomach to discharge Into the, bowels nbatevcr is otTc naive. Ibia. indigea--7 ' tion easily and speedily removed, appctitt -restored, and the months if tht abscebenrves. acta being cleanMd,autrition it fcihtacd,and , strength of body and energy of AinoTart tht happy relulta. -For farther psrticulsrt of MOfTAT'S LIFE PILLS and P!tENIX BIT IT. US,' apply at WifT.Oa officeyifo. 54S Broad- rc , wsj, New York, whert tht Tills csn bt ob- Uined for 2S Centi, Jo ctnti, or $1 per holt sad the Bitters for $1 or 2 per bottle. , QGTNumerous certificates of tbe wonderful cf-' ashcy of both, n.ay be there impecled." : gjln some obstinate tnd complicated cases of v ronic snd ii JUmmatory Mhcomatiam, Liter Complaints, Fever and Ague, Dyapepaia, Pal ay, Pilca, injuries from tht uae of Mercury quinine, and other dtacaees of long standing, it may be found neeesaary to take both tho -Lift Pilla and tht Phetnix Bitters, in tht doeo before recommended. U; U Theae Pilttatf-li1i BMm'inir" all Mercury out of the system inftnitely laatt than the beat preparations of Sarsaparilla, and art t certain remedy for the rushing of blood to t be head, or all violent headaehca, tiq ijon -leureus, kc All persons who art preiQisn.o sed to spoplcty. psliy, kc, should never bt without the Life Pilla or tht Bitters for ont one dose in time will svt life. They iqusl- ise the circulation of the blood, draw til pres urt-fromtherhesd, restore penyirstion and throw cfTrvcry impuritj by tht porca,of tha siHn. ' '' ;' .; ' 1 M POUT A N 1' y OTIC E. Persons using tht Lift Medicines, art a d , vised tttskt the Pills tt night, itf safficient .. quantities to operate i wo or threw times o tht bowels in the cour te of tbe next day. Alt so take t table fpocn full of the Bitten ha an hour befo re etch sretl. V For those of a dif icatt or enfeebled Tonstitution, half "the quan tity may It sufficient.--13-ly . ' fjj For. further particulars of th a bovo, medicine, see Moflats' "Good Samaritan" a copy of which acconC. panies the medicine. T A copy can also be had on applicalion to the Agent Mr K C Moflittvat Ashcborough N. p. . aUItV01itBV8UIaV0LE8 A largiquantiti now on hand :F01TSAE . Tho lirticitj Cwill bo constantly kept on hand. ' Vt AahebWN.a ' " 1 ' J.flt A. DftAKJi Yi t tr 'ii f -A )i : i I . i i, T 11

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